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Week 10 (8-14.12.14) An Artistic Group: panGenerator

I would like to show you an interesting group and their projects that I've found. PanGenerator is a new media art group that was founded in Warsaw in 2010 by four guys - Krzysztof Goliński, Jakub Koźniewski, Piotr Barszczewski, Krzysztof Cybulski.
Their projects can be seen in galleries, museums and art festivals. They create both very large, impressive installations and small yet innovative gadgets. Regardless of their size, they both always stand out by being highly interactive and expressive. They almost always try to engage their audience and make them become an active part of creating art and use new technologies to find new ways of looking at art world.


This installation was made in 2013 for the Copernicus Science Center. It's an interactive project that contains 400 blocks. Every one reacts to light (and lack thereof) by lighting up for a short time and making a sound. If there is another block nearby it catches this light and passes it further creating a "light wave". The overall shape of the project was changing depending on creativity of the whole audience.


Tacticlu is an interesting project that explores a new possibility of remote communication. The group has built a prototype for a bracelet that is able to  transmit touch via Bluetooth from one person to another.


This was an exhibition that took place in Warsaw's gallery Kordegarda in 2012 containing three big projects. The first one was a robot that was painting an expressive picture. The group wanted to show a picture being created without a human contribution. So essentially they developed "A picture that is painting itself".

The second part was an interactive audivisual installation where a video was projected on a moving robot.

The third one which I find the most interesting was a fish swimming in a tank and two cameras constantly measuring its movements. The living organism is a source of data which is sent to a computer and a 3d printer creates a sculpture of the fish's moves. At first glance it looks chaotic but it's a static way of showing movement. The fish is an unaware creator that takes part in the art project.


This one is definitely my favorite one. As the title says it's a non-video game. This project is an interactive non-linear story that a person playing controls. It changes depending on choices which the viewer makes and every choice alters the narrative, it's length and ending.


I highly recommend you check out their website and other projects. They make really amazing music installations and other interactive projects. 


Do you like to be an active part of a show or an exhibition?
What do you think about presented projects?
Would you like to see the next project of PanGenerator?
What's the last exhibition you have seen? Did you like it?
Do you think that thanks to easy access to technology, creating art has become more interesting or that more people are able to create artistic projects? 


Unknown said…
panGenerator works are very impressive! My favorite one is Constellation, I like when the light is involved in an artwork. I cannot wait to see more of their works and I hope I will be able to visit their next exhibition.
The last exhibtion I have seen was not an exhibition but a performance. It took place in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. It was MONadOLOGY performance and it was strange. I have to admit I do not understand the art and the depth in most of the modern performances. If you would like to see how it looked like here is the gallery:
Unknown said…
Thank you for the link. It looks really cool and I wish I could have seen it live. I'm not the biggest fan of performance art myself because same as you I often feel that I don't understand it completely. Anyway I still enjoy it and I always like to see new exhibitions. By the way today panGenerator posted on their facebook a new video (installation made of speakers that react to the voice of a singer):
Unknown said…
This ECHOOOOOOOOO is a bit strange for me. I do not like the sound of her voice. But don’t you think that these speakers look like Wall-E :D?
Unknown said…
Maybe her voice isn't the best but I think the projects is interesting. Speakers look cool and you are right they even move a bit like Wall-e :)
Unknown said…
This is great. They connect art and technology.
I think that often to be an active part of a show or an exhibition can be amazing experience.
My favourite projects are „Constellaction”. In my opinion this one is the most interesting from presented projects.
I want to see the next pojects of Pan Generator. I liked it on the Facebook, so I will observe their next projects.
I’m not sure that easy access to technology help more people to create artistic project. I still think that the art is one and the science is the second. They can be exist together but never science will be addicted to art and art won’t be addicted to science.
Unknown said…
I feel like everybody's favorite is "Constellaction" ;) I regret that I didn't get a chance to see it live. I'm glad you like them on fb, they post excessive documentations of their work and you can follow the whole process (which I find really great).

I agree that science and art are separate domains but more people have access to technology and thanks to it are able to create different things both in science and in art. Everybody can buy a 3d printer and I've heard about people that printed their own prosthesis (it's much cheaper) or use it for different art projects.
Unknown said…
PanGenerator's projects looks very impresive to me. I would really like to see
the one with the fish. It looks like a really original way to describe movement
and it shows us, that art can be in everything, even small fish.
The constellation however did't make a huge impression to me. It looks really
similar to some of Daan Roosegaarde's project ( and I don't think it brings something original idea.
Unknown said…
I wasn't aware of this before, thank you for bringing the topic up. I think the areas where cutting edge technology and good art combines is where the most interesting products come up. I think this is one of those examples.
Unknown said…
Oh yes. Certainly, 3d print will use in many way. It's very good idea. I think it's technique of the future. I have heard about it. Amazing, that people use it to printed their own prothesis, but it's a witness that it will have a long future.
Rafał Banach said…
An excellent example of how Polish designers started standing out in global area. I also wasn't aware about they creation but it seems for me very intresting specially "CONSTELLACTION". I would love to see them in real exhibition.

Definitely easy access to the technology is supporting artist creativity. This one is great example.
PrzemekM said…
Great post Pulina!
Interesting group, very intriguing projects.
For sure I will observe them and see next exhibitions. They are simply out of the box.
In my opinion new technologies are new possibilities for artists. What they can we see on your examples. Technology and art can be very creative, this is great
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Do you like to be an active part of a show or an exhibition?
I haven't have a chance to be

What do you think about presented projects?
I think that the authors have great imagination.

What's the last exhibition you have seen? Did you like it?
I've been to Picasso exhibition in Malaga(Museo Picasso Málaga). Yes I did like it and I found out few things about Picaso, mostly that he was a nut like most artists.

Do you think that thanks to easy access to technology, creating art has become more interesting or that more people are able to create artistic projects?

I have no idea what "art" is, especially modern art. It has no purpose to me(I heard that that means it is an art if it has no purpose : P).
Unknown said…
I've also heard about the project that someone brought a 3d printer to somewhere in Africa and taught people to print prosthesis and tools and now they are just doing it themselves.
Unknown said…
Thank you for the link. I think that light installations are getting really popular right now.

I've found a really funny project (not by panGenerator) that shows a fish tank that was put on wheels and it's controlled by movements of the fish so practically it's deciding where to go by itself.

And there was another fish that "played" Pokemon and it moved from side to side and the character in the game moved accordingly. I know that they are doing a live stream that shows how the fish is playing and people loved it. Up to the point where 20000 people were watching it.

I don't know if it's "playing" right now so here is a photo:

Those projects maybe aren't very artsy but people are building some very interesting stuff all over the Internet and I love stumbling on things like that.
Unknown said…
You are most welcome :) I really like that thanks to the Internet I'm able to see some great inventions and installations and I love that people are able to use technology in so many innovative and artsy ways.
Unknown said…
Do you know any other examples?
Unknown said…
Thank you very much :) I recommend that you follow them on facebook because that's where they post updates on their work more often. Their website is beautifully done but there is not much new information up there (at least right now).
Unknown said…
And would you like to be a part of a show? I've heard about some improvised performances where people were able to choose how the story should go or what the actor should do. I think that's a fun way to include the audience into the show.

I would love to hear more about what you learned about Picasso (if you would like share) :)

What purpose should art have in your opinion? Maybe it just should make people think or feel. I don't believe that art itself - even paintings from centuries ago - have an extensive "practical" purpose, they were made to look at/decorate homes/make people feel different emotions/share an idea of an artist, modern art in many ways is the same, isn't it?
Unknown said…
It seems that Constellaction is popular here. It's my favorite too, but I also like .Float because it's simple and ingenious at the same time. Creating 3D prints from the way the fish moves is a suprising idea for me, and it's even more suprising how fascinating this sculptures are in the end. Well, at least for me. :D

Yes, I'd really like to see more of their projects. I've just followed their Facebook

page and can't wait for some news. The last exhibition I have seen was "Ustawienia Prywatności. Sztuka po Internecie" which I hardly understood so I can't really say anything more. I believe you know what I mean.
WOW, Art with technology gives great results. Personally I like to be passive of a show and exhibition. I prefer to see what others have to show me. I love this projects. I think that I'll be a fan of PanGenerator. I happen to visit Zachęta National Gallery of Art. Last time I was at "Splendor Tkaniny" and "Spojrzenia" exhibition. I really like exhibition and performance, especially modern art, but I never have time to go to see something. I like art which is weird and confusing.
Unknown said…
Maybe I should have made a vote which projects people like the most :) Constellaction is totally winning right now.

Thanks to the topic I got more into 3D printing and people are making some really amazing stuff all over the Internet. I also love sculptures made by the fish :) Check out the links I posted in reply to Filip, it's not art but some interesting projects that fishes take place in :)

I feel like the exhibition "Ustawienia Prywatności. Sztuka po Internecie" was confusing for many people ;)
Unknown said…
I'm glad you like the group. Thanks to the feedback in the comments I feel like it was a good choice to share it with you all :)

Unfortunately I wasn't in Zacheta in a really long time but I loved their exhibitions most of the time and I still like going there (when I get the chance). Can you write something more about those exhibitions?
Unknown said…
I wasn't aware about that group, but their stuff looks pretty interesting, I would like to be part of their exhibition.
I never hard of this group before, so thanks for bringing them up. They're ideas and projects seem very interesting and I hope to see more from them in the future. I am not quite sure that any of the current projects really amazed me, but they surely intrigued me into fallowing them to see what will they come up with next.
Michal Kulesza said…
"I have to admit I do not understand the art and the depth in most of the modern performances" - well, when I see some rubbish in museum I always think that some just forgot to clean it. Later I find the label saying it's some kind of artistic installation. Then I explain to everyone that there are no dirty clothes on the floor. It's just an artistic installation!
Michal Kulesza said…
I'm not an art sensitive person so I can't really find anything what would interest me that much to have own opinion on this topic, however I've read your article with pleasure. That non-video game seems interesting and worth seeing.
Unknown said…
I'm glad you like them. Do you know any other interesting art projects?
Unknown said…
I'm happy you like the article and I'm glad you like the non-video game project because that's one of my favorite onces and you are the first person here to mention/choose it :) I like the idea of a story developing in different directions because of players choices.

Here as interesting example of an online story that acts the same way, check it out: (It's not that easy to win)
Unknown said…
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Julia Osiak said…
This is so interesting! From all the projects that you presented I'm most curious about the non-video game and Constellaction and I would love to see them someday. I usually enjoy any form of art that uses technology and is more interactive so this is definitely a must see for me.
Unknown said…
I shared some interesting links through some of the comments. Check them out if you are interested.

- A new project by panGenerator posted a few days ago that shows an installation made of speakers that react to the voice of a singer:

- Article about using a 3D printer to make prosthesis:

- A project that shows a fish tank that was put on wheels and it's controlled by movements of the fish so practically it's deciding where to go by itself.

- Another one with a fish. This one "plays" Pokemon and it moves from side to side and the character in the game moves accordingly. People on the Internet love it up to the point where 20000 people were watching it.

I don't know if it's "playing" right now so here is a photo:

- An idea similar to the non-video game but put online. The story is developing in different directions because of players choices. It's not that easy to win.
Unknown said…
I quiet enjoy that they design everything so nicely and they make really great videos of their work. If you liked non-video game I recommend an online version (it's not made by panGenerator) of a story that changes based on what you choose:
Unknown said…
Sorry but I cannot make links work in the comments on this blog :( They work in the second blog but here it won't accept links with http in posts and without it the link won't work.
Unknown said…
Constellaction is also my favourite. For me their other projects are interesting as an idea, but nothing more. And this modern-day domino not only is interesting as an idea, but also looks cool. And I would like to play with it by myself, because unlike in classic domino you can make loops :)
Unknown said…
I'm glad you like it :). I don't know why I thought about that now (something about domino and a game) but i remembered this project where people made piano keys on the stairs:

They made a few more videos of this kind and I remember their ideas were really fun :)
Unknown said…
Project where people made piano keys on the stairs:

They made a few more videos of this kind and I remember their ideas were really fun.
rf. said…
Creating new, amazing things using technology is sure a great way of spending your time. I really like the mentioned projects and I totally dig the idea of interactive art.
Do you know ? :)
MartaSB said…
This is nice! I especially liked Constellaction movie but Beats, Bits, Atoms was also very good. In my opinion the impression this art creates is inseparably connected with both image and sound. It takes you to the 'other side' and supports some kind of meditation while you watch the exhibition.
Unknown said…
I'm happy you like it :) I didn't know drawball but I'm on there right now and I'm kind of getting into the thing ;)
Unknown said…
I feel like guys form panGenerator really like sound projects, they make a lot of them :)
Mateusz Frycie said…
I never hard of this group before...Their projects seem very interesting though it's not my type of stuff.
Unknown said…
I saw the non-video game before on reddit and wanted to include it on my bachelor essay. But, i haven't checked all of their works until now. All of em are nice, i think my favourite is 1.4615E+48. I would totally have one in my room.
I also like modern art which includes technology and innovative design instead other example of modern art and performance. I had some idea myself and maybe one day i will make such installation.
Unknown said…
Yes, I've also seen it on reddit before I even found out about the group ;)
Unknown said…
Haha, you made my evening with this video. Someone had a great idea, to convince people to use stairs :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for the comment
rf. said…
There are a few drawballs, you can also google it's history when it was a polandball for a while etc. Internet is full of amazing things :)
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I just saw a name, red an article but didn't bother to check for more. What a waste. But now i know more and knowledge is power!
Unknown said…
also liked on Facebook.
Unknown said…
I never thought about taking part in show or an exhibition but maybe I will . Projects are great but I must say I am not great fun of such art – it is just to modern for me.

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