I would
like to show you an interesting group and their projects that I've found. PanGenerator
is a new media art group that was founded in Warsaw in 2010 by four guys -
Krzysztof Goliński, Jakub Koźniewski, Piotr Barszczewski, Krzysztof Cybulski.
projects can be seen in galleries, museums and art festivals. They create both
very large, impressive installations and small yet innovative gadgets. Regardless
of their size, they both always stand out by being highly interactive and
expressive. They almost always try to engage their audience and make them
become an active part of creating art and use new technologies to find new ways
of looking at art world.
Video: http://vimeo.com/76479685
installation was made in 2013 for the Copernicus Science Center. It's an
interactive project that contains 400 blocks. Every one reacts to light (and
lack thereof) by lighting up for a short time and making a sound. If there is
another block nearby it catches this light and passes it further creating a
"light wave". The overall shape of the project was changing depending
on creativity of the whole audience.
Video: http://vimeo.com/68027494
Tacticlu is
an interesting project that explores a new possibility of remote communication.
The group has built a prototype for a bracelet that is able to transmit touch via Bluetooth from one person
to another.
Video: http://vimeo.com/44720014
This was an
exhibition that took place in Warsaw's gallery Kordegarda in 2012 containing
three big projects. The first one was a robot that was painting an expressive
picture. The group wanted to show a picture being created without a human
contribution. So essentially they developed "A picture that is painting
The second
part was an interactive audivisual installation where a video was projected on
a moving robot.
The third
one which I find the most interesting was a fish swimming in a tank and two
cameras constantly measuring its movements. The living organism is a source of
data which is sent to a computer and a 3d printer creates a sculpture of the fish's
moves. At first glance it looks chaotic but it's a static way of showing
movement. The fish is an unaware creator that takes part in the art project.
Video: http://vimeo.com/59892423
This one is
definitely my favorite one. As the title says it's a non-video game. This
project is an interactive non-linear story that a person playing controls. It
changes depending on choices which the viewer makes and every choice alters the
narrative, it's length and ending.
I highly
recommend you check out their website and other projects. They make really amazing
music installations and other interactive projects.
Do you like
to be an active part of a show or an exhibition?
What do you think about presented projects?
What do you think about presented projects?
Would you
like to see the next project of PanGenerator?
What's the
last exhibition you have seen? Did you like it?
Do you
think that thanks to easy access to technology, creating art has become more
interesting or that more people are able to create artistic projects?
The last exhibtion I have seen was not an exhibition but a performance. It took place in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. It was MONadOLOGY performance and it was strange. I have to admit I do not understand the art and the depth in most of the modern performances. If you would like to see how it looked like here is the gallery: http://artmuseum.pl/en/doc/monadologia-traktat-o-relacyjnosci
I think that often to be an active part of a show or an exhibition can be amazing experience.
My favourite projects are „Constellaction”. In my opinion this one is the most interesting from presented projects.
I want to see the next pojects of Pan Generator. I liked it on the Facebook, so I will observe their next projects.
I’m not sure that easy access to technology help more people to create artistic project. I still think that the art is one and the science is the second. They can be exist together but never science will be addicted to art and art won’t be addicted to science.
I agree that science and art are separate domains but more people have access to technology and thanks to it are able to create different things both in science and in art. Everybody can buy a 3d printer and I've heard about people that printed their own prosthesis (it's much cheaper) or use it for different art projects.
the one with the fish. It looks like a really original way to describe movement
and it shows us, that art can be in everything, even small fish.
The constellation however did't make a huge impression to me. It looks really
similar to some of Daan Roosegaarde's project (https://www.studioroosegaarde.net/projects/) and I don't think it brings something original idea.
Definitely easy access to the technology is supporting artist creativity. This one is great example.
Interesting group, very intriguing projects.
For sure I will observe them and see next exhibitions. They are simply out of the box.
In my opinion new technologies are new possibilities for artists. What they can we see on your examples. Technology and art can be very creative, this is great
I haven't have a chance to be
What do you think about presented projects?
I think that the authors have great imagination.
What's the last exhibition you have seen? Did you like it?
I've been to Picasso exhibition in Malaga(Museo Picasso Málaga). Yes I did like it and I found out few things about Picaso, mostly that he was a nut like most artists.
Do you think that thanks to easy access to technology, creating art has become more interesting or that more people are able to create artistic projects?
I have no idea what "art" is, especially modern art. It has no purpose to me(I heard that that means it is an art if it has no purpose : P).
I've found a really funny project (not by panGenerator) that shows a fish tank that was put on wheels and it's controlled by movements of the fish so practically it's deciding where to go by itself.
And there was another fish that "played" Pokemon and it moved from side to side and the character in the game moved accordingly. I know that they are doing a live stream that shows how the fish is playing and people loved it. Up to the point where 20000 people were watching it.
I don't know if it's "playing" right now so here is a photo: http://www.independent.co.uk/incoming/article9653892.ece/alternates/w620/twitch%20fish%20pokemon.jpg
Those projects maybe aren't very artsy but people are building some very interesting stuff all over the Internet and I love stumbling on things like that.
I would love to hear more about what you learned about Picasso (if you would like share) :)
What purpose should art have in your opinion? Maybe it just should make people think or feel. I don't believe that art itself - even paintings from centuries ago - have an extensive "practical" purpose, they were made to look at/decorate homes/make people feel different emotions/share an idea of an artist, modern art in many ways is the same, isn't it?
Yes, I'd really like to see more of their projects. I've just followed their Facebook
page and can't wait for some news. The last exhibition I have seen was "Ustawienia Prywatności. Sztuka po Internecie" which I hardly understood so I can't really say anything more. I believe you know what I mean.
Thanks to the topic I got more into 3D printing and people are making some really amazing stuff all over the Internet. I also love sculptures made by the fish :) Check out the links I posted in reply to Filip, it's not art but some interesting projects that fishes take place in :)
I feel like the exhibition "Ustawienia Prywatności. Sztuka po Internecie" was confusing for many people ;)
Unfortunately I wasn't in Zacheta in a really long time but I loved their exhibitions most of the time and I still like going there (when I get the chance). Can you write something more about those exhibitions?
Here as interesting example of an online story that acts the same way, check it out: http://popioldiament.pl (It's not that easy to win)
- A new project by panGenerator posted a few days ago that shows an installation made of speakers that react to the voice of a singer:
- Article about using a 3D printer to make prosthesis:
- A project that shows a fish tank that was put on wheels and it's controlled by movements of the fish so practically it's deciding where to go by itself.
- Another one with a fish. This one "plays" Pokemon and it moves from side to side and the character in the game moves accordingly. People on the Internet love it up to the point where 20000 people were watching it.
I don't know if it's "playing" right now so here is a photo:
- An idea similar to the non-video game but put online. The story is developing in different directions because of players choices. It's not that easy to win.
They made a few more videos of this kind and I remember their ideas were really fun :)
They made a few more videos of this kind and I remember their ideas were really fun.
Do you know http://www.drawball.com/ ? :)
I also like modern art which includes technology and innovative design instead other example of modern art and performance. I had some idea myself and maybe one day i will make such installation.