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Week 6 (10-16 November): Calisthenics - It's all about your body

Calisthenics are a form of exercise consisting of a variety of exercises, often rhythmical movements, generally without using equipment or apparatus. They are intended to increase body strength and flexibility with movements such as bending, jumping, swinging, twisting or kicking, using only one's body weight for resistance. They are usually conducted in concert with stretches. When performed vigorously and with variety, Calisthenics can benefit both muscular and cardiovascular fitness, in addition to improving psychomotor skills such as balance, agility and coordination. The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words kállos (κάλλος), which means "beauty", and sthénos (σθένος), meaning "strength".


For years sports magazines and newspapers have presented  gyms and workouts using the gym’s equipment as a guarantee of health and strength. From all sides we're attacked by powerfully built men with abnormally exaggerated muscles, slender women with perfectly sculpted arms and legs. Most people give up after a few unsatisfactory visits at the nearest gym. And even more, they  never start their "path" due to a permanent lack of motivation.

So how did people train before the invention of protein supplements, barbells with a variable load and the modern bodybuilding magazines?


The Greeks were famous for their passion for sport. Look at the sculptures and images of the ancient heroes - beautiful, muscular and proportionally built. One of the toughest warriors in history - the Spartans trained without adjustable weights ( invented around the nineteenth century). Instead of it , they practiced using the weight of another person. They did all those "uncomfortable" exercises,  which most of us would grumble about after five minutes.

After the fall of ancient civilizations, this type of training used in military camps in the Middle East. It was brought to Europe by the returning Crusaders "and became a significant part of their training.

In the nineteenth century, the Prussian military commander and teacher Friedrich Ludwig Jahn developed equipment, such as a bar or parallel handrails/handbars.

In the second half of the 19th century and in the early 20th century, there were many athletes and  strongmen such as Arthur Saxon, Eugen Sandow, Doug Hepburn and John Grimek.

With time, however Calisthenics has been forgotten, mainly due to the increased popularity of the gym in the second half of the 20th century.


Every single day more and more people start training with their own body weight. They use different names - Calisthenics, Street workout, Ghetto Workout or just bodyweight training. More and more people are organized in small groups, training in parks, playgrounds, at home or even in the streets. You do NOT need a gym membership or expensive equipment to build the muscle definition that you’ve always dreamed about.

Most people associate push-ups with one type of exercise - rhythmic raising and lowering the body in a horizontal position. Therefore, people tend to focus only on increasing the number of repetitions. This is a big mistake. There are countless variations of push-ups. Each type activates different muscles. Perhaps some of you will be able to do more than one, even highly repetitive, series of  classic push-ups. But how many will do a series of push-ups with narrow spacing between hands  (diamond push-ups)? How many will do push-ups on one hand? How many will be able to do a full push-up standing on your hands?  What about seemingly easy sit-ups on one leg - an exercise that requires not only strength, but also an amazing sense of balance.  Like the pumps very much depends on the hands, but also on the applied grip. Excellent mastery of your own body allows you to perform advanced exercises such as planche (The body is held parallel to the ground on hands) or front lever (the body is hanging on a bar and it's parallel to the ground ). All of them require extreme power and control over the body.


Most popular groups of exercises, techniques:
·         push-ups
·         pull-ups
·         crunches
·         squats
·         dips
·         plank
·         lunges
·         sit-ups
·         jumps

Different variations of pushups and pull-ups are beyond imagination, impossible to be done by most of amateur bodybuilding. It's not a matter of strength but training methods . The average workout at the gym includes workout with the so called free weights ( barbells , dumbbells ) and/or machines. Some of the exercises artificially isolate certain parts of muscles. Muscles designed and prepared for harmonious stimulation . Gaining muscle mass should not be confused with the development of functional strength . Training using your own body weight activates all the major muscles. No external loads equal less chances of injury and allow you to get to know better your own body and master more difficult versions of practiced exercises . Of course your body will not reach the size "typical" for a person who lifts weights. Probably you will never defeat a bodybuilder in the dead lift. But he probably will not be able to compete with you in pull ups or dips. Different training brings different results . Most people don't want to look like professional bodybuilders . They want to be healthy , fit and strong. Calisthenics gives all of that and even more.

"Must see" videos:



Definitely I agree with you. Bodybuilders look very unnatural.They often have a lot of strengh but poor condition. They have powerful muscles and body and small head, like this : - :D
Healthy and natural body is the most beautiful. Person from your videos are amazing, they have a well-trained probably every muscle, they look very healthy. The person who association me with natural sculptures is a legend Bruce Lee.
Unknown said…
Maybe it's wrong approach but this simply looks... hard. I mean you need to be super strong to start. If you're unable to do one full pull-up it's just a barrier that's hard to overcome. Going to the gym is like the "fast-food" in comparison to this. You can take 1kg and do 10 repeats. Next week you can take 2kg and make 10 repeats etc etc. You see fast progress, you can recount it into units, it's easy, fast, and pleasant. You have your place you always can go to - no matter if it's raining, if it's -20, there are always people there, make you more motivated. This is simply tough to make it a routine to exercise alone, in home, that's my impression.
But besides this it looks reeaaally good, I can't imagine how long you should work to be as good as these guys "from youtube" :D On my gym there are some equipment that is made to train with a body weight, for example this one:

but there are only few people that are good enough to use them (and when they train on it - it looks simply amazing) :D The only thing that is cool and I think it can be helpful for beginners is TRX, because you can modulate the level of difficulty.

To base on the youtube movies it is also about strong arms. Most of these exercises engage mostly arms (and additionally core, like abs, backs and plenty other muscles, what is veery good :) ) but - I don't know if I am correct - there are not so much exercises for legs itself. When gym is a way to be fit during the time you are unable to train your "main" sport, this possibility of choosing which part you want to strengthen is crucial. I simply cannot imagine myself to prepare with those exercise to the snowboard season :d But I might be completely wrong! You have written about lunges and squats but really, how can you make it harder without putting some additional weight? I know you can do a very intensive training, with high pulse, but it is your heart and endurance you are working on, not particularly strength.. I know that it is based on my approach to training, my habits and I am sure there is some kind of way to answer my questions and find training like this to work this out. And it will make me super happy if you can recommend something, completely new training might be exciting :D so don't hesitate to share your opinion!

I think that there is some kind of similar trend that represents such a theory is pole dance ;) I have never tried it, but it is also needed to be super fit and super strong to do all those positions.
Unknown said…
Finally, some definitions.

Being in this shape requires more than it seems. They represent not only good physical but also mental condition. I am different kind of person and I try to represent me in different way but I like what they are doing.

In my plans are going back to the gym and working out as soon as I have determination to do it. At the moment my situation is kind of unstable so I am still delaying my return... :)

When thinking about exercising and physical activities, the hardest part of any goal is determination.
PrzemekM said…
Calisthenics is gymnastic exercises to achieve body fitness and grace of movement. This is not only being strong but also finesse of movement and extremely cardio.

I love Muscle Ups. For me this is one of the most beautiful movement which can fit your body.

@Natalia For legs the best are always squats! :D

well-trained muscle are in my opinion reflection of the power of the mind. Everybody can, but not everybody has so much determination.

Check this guy, and his impressive motivation to lose weight
I have the same opinion about this like you Natalia. I think that Calisthenics is better for someone who is reasonably fit and just want to improve his/her strength and agility or simply want to do something different than weight lifting. I would not recommend this to someone who barely can lift any weight or cannot do at least few pull-ups.

As you said gym is the better option for weaker person because it is easier there to notice the improvement. Moreover, I think that at the gym you have better variety of exercises and better control of intensity which in general is better for the novices.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I see your point of view, but as a person who started straining calisthenics without doing any other form of activity before, I can agree with you. Let me write few things in points (it's easier for me to do it like this;))

1) the videos I've posted are examples of people who are some kind world famous. This is the movement from "the top shelf", same with excersises.
2) I think i didn't write that U can't use additional weights. I just said that you don't need to. U can variations of each move - pull-up, push-up that are harder then the privious one.
3) I go to the gym when it's too cold to do a proper workout outside. But still a i use mainly my own body, or sometimes some additional weight. I do not use machines.
4) when I started I could do even one proper pull-up. A friend of mine was lifting me up an down so I could make more than one rep. And that's the method.
5) I do agree with both of You that it's EASIER to go to the gym and to normal workout. And maybe You will notice the improvement faster. But doing calisthenics and other programs based on gymnastics, working with your body is healthier. Why? cause it's JUST your own body.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Yeap. That's the thing.
@Natalia, Przemek And when we are talking about leg day I usually do squats,lunges and jumps in different variations using boxes, other people (sound a bit weird....:) for ex. when I'm outdoor and I want to do some hard squats I do it with my friend sitting on my back (round 90kg)).
I also use TRX very often for all kind of excercises.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Motivation is the key. I make notes every week. I write down what I was doing, what I was eating, reps, infos about my mood. And photos. It a big motivation when after few month you see that You not only lost X kg, but U look better and whats important you feel better.
I understand most of points in the answer, but I cannot agree with the last sentence. What do you mean that it is healthier because it is just your own body? I don't see the point of this. Could you elaborate on that? I think that all that matters is adjusting weight properly to your capabilities. It does not matter where it comes from.
I defiantely don't agree with you girls. You don't have to be really strong to start. As Mateusz said - people in the videos are simply the best at it. And you don't have to have strong arms at the begging - you strive to strong arms and the whole bogy.
For me it is great that you don't have to use gym equipement to do this, because I don't like going to the gym:P
Training with your body weight protects and strenghtens ponds.

Maybe it is pretty embarassing but when I started to do such training I was not able to do even one woman pump but now I do them without effort and I preapre myself to do the normal pump.
Gym trains your muscles whereas calisthentic builts your muscles, tendons, fascias and nervous system. And you have to have those thing strong in order to have a real strenght and health. Calisthentisc is good for us because it trains our body in a way it works naturally - not by launching single parts of muscles (or even fragments of one muscle) but as a integrated whole.
I tried to do the same but I failed:P So now I know I have to to training almost every day. Every training has diffenert intensity.

I agree that seeing photos of myslef was a big motivation.
When I don't have I strenght to do wourkout I start to watch fat people on the Internet. It helps:P
Anonymous said…
You must have incredible motivation to achieve such results. I don't think that I would maintain such motivation for a long time unless I liked the sport.

PrzemekM said that: "well-trained muscle are in my opinion reflection of the power of the mind" and the first thing that came to my mind was: :D
MartaSB said…
I agree that professional bodybuilders look unnatural and I really like the idea of Calisthenics - people from your videos look very healthy and fit!

I just found a nice poster with easy but effective set of calisthenics exercises and I'll definitely give it a try! :D
Unknown said…
I agree with Iza. In my opinion you need only a good motivation to start. I also work out at home so I do all exercises that Mateusz mentioned in his presentation. I agree that this kind of training is sometimes really hard. Firsts times I was doing push-ups I could not do a 5 reps cause my arms hurt me so much. My first pull-ups I was doing with chair. After few months I am able to do about 20 push-ups (in 1 series), although they are not perfect it was worth to wait for the results.
However, when you do calisthenics’ exercises you need to remember to do it proper because it is easier to get an injury than on gym machines.
Unknown said…
Yes, squats and lunges are the best! And you can make them in so many different ways!

@Przemek I totally agree that well-trained body is also a reflection of a strong person who does not give up easily.
Unknown said…

I think that lack of motivation is the conequence that People who go to the gym don't see results of workouts they do immediately which might be the consequence of having lack of motivation.

In my opinion this kind of training can give us much satisfaction. This might be a big challenge for our bodies and min, because we struggle with huge physical effort.
It sounds good that in calisthenics we use for exercises only mass of our bodies. this is a big advantage of calisthenics that we don't have to buy gym stuff.
rf. said…
For me, the secret always lies in the balance of things. Gym is great, working without equipment is awesome too, and team sports are the best ('cause they're fun, ofc!). If you combine some regular strength-building with an overall fitness (running, training at home, stretching) and then add a sport you like (tennis, soccer, volleyball, even table-tennis), well, that's a body-mastering and there's nothing to add up I'd say.
Rafał Banach said…
I think that people don't see results in their workout simply not because motivation but because of bad habits, bad diet and bad workout plan. It is very easy to achieve good athletic look and condition by treating your body in well smart way.
Unknown said…
I like the idea that you don't need special equipment to excercise. That's like the opposite to observable trends created by marketers.

I agree that lack of short time effects is often cause of demotivation. For me, the best way to find motivation is to get satisfaction from keeping trainings systematic.
Julia Osiak said…
I think that the hardest part of exercising, no matter if its calisthenics, swimming or playing tennis, is starting. I tend to think about taking up working out again but I keep on pushing it away for 'tomorrow'. Once I finally get off the couch, I remember how much pleasure sports can give and the feeling afterwards sometimes can be the most motivation. Currently I'm working out at home and I'm doing all sorts of exercises that you have mentioned and it's amazing how much you can achieve using only your own body. As for tracking my progress, similarly to Iza, I know that in order to keep going I have to move everyday (with the exception of one rest day - very important!). Otherwise I'll just start making up excuses and quit. I have some goals that I would like to reach, like number of pushups or pull-ups and I'm happily seeing some progress :)
Mateusz Frycie said…
@Rafał like in every sport it's very important what and when You eat.
We often say "you are what You eat" or sth like that. I agree with it in 100%. There was a time when I couldn't eat proper meals. Instead I ate like 2x a day what ever I could reach (not even junk food). I felt horrible.

@Krzysiek It's pure marketing.
But again it's hard to keep motivation and do your workouts systematically when You spend several hours at work, then traveling back home, etc...
Nicely put:) Balance is always the best soultion...
Michal Kulesza said…
Yeah, about motivation Mateusz I'm currently lack of time so this is my anti-motivation.
I can't work out in the evening because I've got problems with sleeping. In the morning? Just look outside how dark is it. Try to motivate me then!

About calisthenics - I've seen your results and I'm really impressed. I'm not fan of working out without TV mounted to treadmill with cold wind making my hands freeze so I will just stay in my warm gym.

BTW: Why the URL of this post looks so weird: normal-0-21-false-false-false-pl-x-none.html
You've tried to tell us something more?
Unknown said…
It’s great method for absence of special equipment. We use only our own body. Thanks to absence using of equipment sport is very cheap. Thanks to this Calisthenics is accessible for everybody. I don’t like culturists, but I think that this method may be good for everybody. I think that not always people who do athletics are culturists, I think that part of them look fit nd healthily.
This sport becomes as popular as Zumba or CrossFit.
All of this disciplines can move every muscule of our body and it also great in this,
Unknown said…
It is nonsense to compete with bodybuilder as we are speaking about professional sportsman (lets be honest - if you lift in the gym for your own pleasure - you are practising fitness) who put his life in to heavy training, using anabolical steroids, special diets and different methods of training, they have certain goal which could be reached through what they are doing. The same situation could be seen with professional MMA fighters, athlets, football players and etc. I believe that first of all you should be honest with yourself and deside what you want to build out of yourself, lack of motivation is the main weakness that stops us from reaching the goal. I think there is no difference in how you are reaching your goal - by lifting weights in the gym or by doing pull-ups and push-up with your own body weight, the one thing that matters - your personal motivation and desire to reach the goal. If you are not a professional sportsman you should not try to overcome any of them, you should try to overcome yourself, your personal weaknesses. And the article is the one of the ways to reach the goal - perfect, athletic body.
Unknown said…
You imply that that calisthenics are better, because nobody wants to look like bodybuilders.
People don't be afraid to go to the gym, it's not that easy to look like bodybuilders. Before looking like them you wuold have to go through phase of having good looking and fit body, and you can always stop ;)
Calisthenics is great to watch, but you didn't convinced me about the benefits. I'm going regulary to the gym for 2 years, and I'm happy about my progress, but i would like more, and since bodybuilding it's the fastest way, I don't want to give it up.
I can also argue about the less possibilty of injuries. For example i think doing pull ups slowly with weight is safer, than doing dynamic pull ups without weight. But it's all about technique when doing both.
But maybe when i'm tired of going to gym I would take up calisthenics, because it's impressive to watch ;)
Marcin Lyzwa said…
IMO Calisthenics are better then bodybuilders. For me this man looks disgusting, I don't like so big bodybuilders, they looks unnatural. Healthy and well trained body looks better then this one. But I tolerate people who want to be a bodybuilder, it is their choose and I can't say anything wrong about it. of course that the exercise does not need special equipment. In many case push-ups, crunches, running and swimming and good diet can give really good results. It is hard to start workout, but after few you'll start enjoying it and it becomes a part of a day.
Unknown said…
Mateusz, don't feel offended! To make it clear! :) I only think about good and bad points, because I think it might be great way to get fit, but I am not so into that, and I cannot say myself what to do to achieve a goal that I have. I only say that gym is kind of fast-food and this really needs lots of effort (but gym as well, but as I said previously - it is simply easier because of habit and motivation - gym pass, people) I also never use machines at the gym :) And with pull-ups I am doing it with a rubber gum, more and more elastic :) I think that it's really cool to connect those 2 things :D Because I do only these exercises you have mention, but with some additional weight when needed :) + cardio/ stretching
Unknown said…
Yeah of course lunges and squats are awesome :D Favourite ones! But I cannot imagine getting tired without any additional weight :D
Unknown said…
I know this as "Ghetto Workout" and I consider this to be the most natural form of exercise. Although carrying heavy objects dates back to the times when humans learned to use tools, our bodies are optimized to carry the weight of our own bodies under varying conditions, and pushing these limits seems the most natural.

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