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Week 6 (10-16 November): Fashion for herbs

Herbs and other medical plants have been very useful for human beings since the earliest times. Men have always chosen plants that were both food and cure. Nowadays fashion for herbs has returned. More and more people heal themselves with herbs, they use natural cosmetics or even grow plants on their windowsills.  I would like to present some interesting facts about herbs.

Herbs in medicine

Phytotherapy is the study of the use of extracts of natural origin as medicines or health-promoting agents. On the Earth there are several hundred species of plants, which are
scientifically confirmed to be curative. The healing properties of herbs have been known for centuries. They were the first painkillers or bandage. People have studied different influence of herbs on the human body and from generation to generation they passed the knowledge, expanding it constantly. Almost every year we hear some new information about using herbs to restore health. Specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy are well aware of the healing power of nature. Almost everywhere there are thousands of experiments in which scientists use curative herbs and plants. According to the World Health Organization,7000 chemicals used in medicine derive from plants. More so, 80% of people declare they have been treated with herbs or would like to be treated with them in the future.

However, we have to remember that mistakenly selected herbs can seriously harm or even poison. So you should choose ready herbal mixtures or learn more about them.

Herbs in cosmetics

Herbs help cure various skin problems and at the same time they revitalize beauty. They can smooth wrinkles, lighten our complexion, strengthen hair and nails. It is no suprising that in good cosmetics there are herbs. Because of the natural origin they are better and easlier absorbed by skin, hair and nails. Often when we choose cosmetics in a drugstore we even do not realize that they are based on herbs. However, we can wisely use nature to care for our body and well-being. For example, if you add infusion of chamomile to your bath it will sooth the skin or if you take a bath with valerian it will relax you. Whereas lotion prepared from hops strengthens the hair.

Almost everyone uses perfume, but not everyone is aware of what they are made of. The pleasant smell, which is characteristic for these cosmetics, often owes it to natural substances obtained from herbs. In perfumeries a lot of different kinds of volatile herbal oils are used.

Herbs in the kitchen 

Another interesting fact is that 16-20% world production of herbs comes from Poland, of which approximetly 80% of these herbs are derived from crops (about 60 species), and 20% from nature. 

What are your favorite herbs? 
Do you believe in the healing power of nature?



Unknown said…
I believe in healing power of nature. I often drink peppermint or melissa (lemon balm?) infusions, they help me with a stomach ache or sleep problems. When I am sick I drink this healing mixture of raspberry tea, honey, ginger and lemon. I think that everything that is natural is really good for our health. I enjoy eating basil, thyme, rosemary, melissa and sage and I use herbs a lot for cooking. They are essential for the flavor!

Recently I've read two interesting things on natural/herbal diet: one of them is an article about a mother who stopped her children's allergies by eliminating chemicals from their diets (,zamien-chemie-na-jedzenie-julita-bator-najpierw-wyleczyla-dzieci-teraz-napisala-ksiazke-o-tym-czym-sie-trujemy). She's even published a book on this subject advising others how to eat food, not chemistry.
The other interesting thing is a blog I found a couple of days ago: It is a story of a man who decided to stop buying food and tried to survive one year on eating hand grown plants and hand bred animals and their products. He had 400 sq meters of ground, some sheep and hens. He even eliminated all the medicine he was taking and changed it for herbal treatment. He treated the wounds with honey and some other health issues with acorn infusion. He is now healthy and really bonded with the nature. There was one blog entry where he writes that he had expected the plants to ripen sooner and he had to spend two weeks eating nothing but herbs + sheep cheese salad and he lost 12 kgs. This experience shows that herbs are not very nutrient, but they are very healthy as a supplement.
Unknown said…
I also believe in the healing power of nature. I think using herbs in our daily diet can have only positive influence on our health. It is good to use specific herbs during some light sickness, instead of relying on chemical solutions (like antibiotics).
Herbs can be a great addition to our diet, however I don't think that total relying on them is a good idea. It is important to learn how to use things in moderation.
Herbs certainly have healing properties. I don't know much about this topic so it's hard for me to give any sample specifics. Personally, I frequently drink herbal tea, mint and melissa. Yeah I believe in the healing power of nature. Natural products or herbs are usually better and healthier than unnatural products. Of course, in addition to tobacco and poisonous mushrooms.
Unknown said…
That's a very interesting subject!
I actually don't really pay attention to creme or cosmetics ingredients (in my opinion all of this "herb" stuff is mostly marketing ;) ) I must like the way it works - how easily it's absorbs and things like that :) But I kinda believe in "home-made" cosmetics made out natural ingredients, when you know what exactly you put in. Actually I don't mean herbs, because I rather use food that we have in our fridges - eggs, milk, jogurt etc. :D I don't really have time to do this, but when I do :D I never have thought of putting herbs into it.

According to the eating, I use them mostly for a flavour :) Never thought, that they are some kind of healthy. Does it work for "dried" herbs as well? Or only those just-from-the-bush? :D
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Herbs may help us with our health. My favorite herb is a green tea. I can drink 3/5 cups of this tea every day. Regular and frequent consumption of green tea prevents from atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, tooth decay, cancer, except that lowers blood pressure, reduces blood clotting and improves digestion.
During being ill i like to drink hot water with ginger, honey and lemon. In my opition it has bigger positive impact on my body than pharmacy's medicines
Unknown said…
I know one really great cosmetics company, which uses mainly natural ingredients. They products are very good and the prices are reasonable. And in they case it is not a marketing ;) Check it here:
I also do not have my own garden with herbs so I use dried herbs. And I believe they work ;)
Unknown said…
Oo I have heard about these cosmetics! Maybe I will finally try them :)
Unknown said…
This is a very general topic. According to the definition,, herbs are any plants used for food, flavoring, medicine, or perfume. Culinary use typically distinguishes herbs as referring to the leafy green parts of a plant (either fresh or dried), from a "spice", a product from another part of the plant (usually dried), including seeds, berries, bark, roots and fruits.

Speaking of herbs I would also like to mention marijuana ( Drugs are very dangerous and should be used very carefully although I am against banning them.
PrzemekM said…
this is definitely not my topic :D
I agree that the is such a trend. Is is really true fhat it heals our diseases, I do not know.

The only thing I can add is that I like to drink yerba as an alternative to coffee at work. it tastes awful but it puts on my legs.
I agree that yerba or green tea is a good change from coffee but in the end nothing can compares to the tasty bitterness.
I also drink green tea from time to time but rather for its taste than health improvement attributes. I agree that in order to benefit from drinking green tea or any herbs it is needed to do it regularly. Basically, I think that most of these herbs work more like booster and they should not be treated like medicine.
Unknown said…
There are different types or yerba mate. Personally for me the taste isn't bad, my favorite kind is the one with forget-me-not flowers. Maybe I don't mind the flavor because I don't like sugar in a regular tea as well but anyway you can add sugar to yerba mate if you need to. I've tried it, you just add sugar to the water in a separate cup and then brew tea with it and it's a good way for people who really like sweet things.
Another great topic of yours:)
Herbs play an important role in my life. I always depend on them and I treat myself with them. Both when I am sick and as a prevention. They are more natural that normal medicines and cheaper I think.
I agree that sometimes people don't treat them seriously and don't believ that they can cause problems if you don't use them properly.
I haven't heard that Poland plays such an important role in production of herbs. Nice to know:)
My favourites herbs are : horsteail, thyme, lime, briar...And yes I definately believe in the healing power of herbs. Do you?
I also like green tea but I am pretty sure that it is not a herb.But I can be wrong..Isn't tea just a tea and herb - herb?
Ok I've just read the Piotr Chabros' comment below, so never mind:P
Anonymous said…
This is the best topic this week!
I drink only herbs for 4 years now. I NEVER buy them(besides green tea), but harvest them by myself. I drink on regular basis: nettle, linden, mint, sow-thistle.

The linden is my favourite one it has sweet taste and great smell, sometimes I mix it with green tea.

When I cook I mostly use marjoram, I love to add it to the shrimps alongside with wine and garlic.

I do believe in healing power of raw/unprocessed nature and I love herbs. It is the best thing you can get.
MartaSB said…
Personally I like herbs in every form - from cosmetics to drinks and other forms in which they are used in the kitchen. I woudn't say that they have generally 'healing' powers, but rather (as all elements of our diet) they have some specific influence on our organism. We should be careful using them - some can be even dangerous (for example risky for people with heart deseases of pregnant women).
Unknown said…
My favourite herb? Little difficult to me to take part in discussion about herbs, to be honest I don't know a lot about it, even if I propably use herbs everyday (as you said in cosmetics, perfumes). I pay attention which herbs I use to spice food. My favourite one is basilia, oregano, marjoram...
these ones are propably the most popular as well.
Hmm if I could say something about tea... I drink it about two times per year;)

Do you believe in the healing power of nature?
Sure:) I believe that using, eating, smoking herbs give better psychics and physical comfort.
rf. said…
Healing power of nature? Sure, I'm a druid, level over 9k, I can heal up single target up to 3.2k/sec and a party for 2.4k/sec (each). 1000k gold pls.
AS for my favorite herbs, I'd stick with tea :)
Julia Osiak said…
I usually use herbs in the kitchen. There one whole cabinet where I keep my spices and many among them are dried herbs. On top of being a great addition to cooking, I do believe that they can have positive influence on our bodies. Like Paulina, I drink mint or melissa for stomachaches or sleeplessness. If I had to chose one favorite herb it would be Moroccan mint. It has a slightly different taste and more intensive smell. It's perfect for making infusions and mixing it with a bit of green tea.
Unknown said…
What are your favorite herbs?
I like tea :)

Do you believe in the healing power of nature?
I believe that some herbs may be considered as a medicine, but I dont consider myself as a person competent enough to tell which of them are good for my health. I would rather stick with doctor's opinion than trust some information about healing herbs provided by websites.
Rafał Banach said…
What are my favorite herbs? I think basil is one of them.

Do I believe in the healing power of nature? Definitely yes. Someone once said that we are what we eat and for my this is true. Our diet have very big influence on our well-being it is important for us to provide appropriate amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber for the proper functioning of our body.
Unknown said…
Like most of you I also love tea. I am a bit tea freak and I find a great pleasure in tasting and drinking new and strange kinds of tea :)
And like some of you wonder if green tea is an herb. So green tea is made from the leaves from plant called Camellia sinensis, so I guess it is an herb.
Unknown said…
I absolutely agree, what we eat have a big influence on how we feel.
Unknown said…
Krzysiek, that is a very wise approach! One should never mix herbs without adequate knowledge.
Unknown said…
That is impressive. You must have a big garden! I have never drink sow thistle and linden tea, but I will try it if it is so good :)
Unknown said…
I also think that herbs are cheaper than medicine.
Yes, I do believe in the healing power of nature. This year I decide I try to use natural cosmetics and I can see that my skin and hair look better. I also cannot imagine cooking without herbs. I buy read herbal mixtures and I add it to almost everything. Fresh basil added to some pasta just make the meal taste better :) I use herbs as a medicine, especially mint for stomach problems and chamomile for eyes.
Unknown said…
I really like many of herbs. I like: mint, basil, plantain, linden, wild rose, nettle. Part of them I use as brew, another of them I use as ointment. Part of them I use in the kitchen and other I use to treatment.
When my grandmother was younger she was colecting and drying her own herbs. Then when was the cold winter we was drinking brew of linden with honey. Illnesses of wnter weren’t terrible for us.
I think that I believe in the healing power of nature, but I don’t believe in the old women from the forest, who was a herbalist. I believe in power of nature not power of people's prayers by herbs. I don’t believe that people can make special energy and give a breathe to plant, whitch will become the medicine.
Exactly! Can you imagine pasta without herbs? Hahahah, no way. If you are interested in natuarl cosmetics I can recommend tee trea oil....
Michal Kulesza said…
I'm not fan of tea. I'm also not fan of herbs. I believe in their healing power but many herbs can make you feel worse off.
Recently there was really big discussion about "healers": one of them forced family to feed boy with only water and herbs, as far as I remember. As someone already mentioned: herbs can't replace balanced nutrition and that boy died.
Also there are some species of herbs that can damage our organs, here for example are described herbs that can damage liver:
Mateusz Frycie said…
Herbs certainly have healing properties. I don't know much about herbs but I now one thing. Herbs have healing powers. Natural products will always be better than chemical/artificial onces. I just love the tast of green tea, mint, and other herbs I've got at home. Though I don't know much about them.
Unknown said…
My favorite herb is mint, well it speaks for it self, there is no reason to go in to deep discussions, you just should try it for yourself and see if it works for you or not. I believe in that type of herb as it really prooved its usefulness and effectiveness, however I am not a big fan of nature-medcine as I prefer before using some of those to have a conversation with my attending doctor as self-healing could be dangerous and useless.
Unknown said…
Interesting article. I never payed much attention to advantages of herbs since it's easier to buy medicine in pharmacy. But now I would probably give it a try, and investigate more on this topic on internet :)
Marcin Lyzwa said…
What are your favorite herbs?
One of my favourite herbs are basil, rosemary and mint. I can use them all the time.

Do you believe in the healing power of nature?
Generally yes, i believe in the healing power of nature. As Mateusz said natural products always would always be better than chemical. But nowadays disease are so complex and only natural products wouldn't be enough to fight with them. In cold you can treat yourself with natural products, but in more complex cases it would be hard.
Unknown said…
I find this interesting. I can say that I started growing my own mint and it's the most rewarding type of plant to me. I water it, and in exchange get the freshest mint possible for lemonade, tea, chewing or just nice smell. It grows very fast so I never run out. I bought an auto-waterer to make sure it's always fine and all I have to really do is add water once in a few weeks.. and enjoy free, fresh mint!

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