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Week 9 [21.12-10.01.21] Which bag should I use?

 Which bag should I use?

Almost every time we go shopping, we are forced to take a bag with us. The question is, what bag should we use: the plastic one that you can use only once, or twice and throw it away, or a paper one because it's a bit more ecological? Please, watch the video below and answer a few questions.


  1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

  2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

  3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?


Palina H said…
That's a great video. I actually wanted to read more about it recently so your presentation arrived right on time😅
1. Personally, I've always used reusable tote bags or a backpack when I went shopping. I'm not particularly into ecology(even so I do try to read more about it and follow every tip I can find that suits my lifestyle). And I knew a bit about how plastic is bad for the environment so one small thing I could do was to stop using plastic bags. Also I just really hate having those plastic bags lying in the apartment because they typically don't get used that often. And I would feel super guilty to throw them away. And luckily thanks to this video I found out that the reusable bag I have turns out to be the best option because it's super durable but made from polyester. I think that's a win-win situation😅

2. I do. I usually plan when I'm going to buy groceries so I will either take a bag with me or just use my backpack. And if something doesn't fit I will just carry it in my arms because that's how much I hate carrying plastic bags😅

3. From the video I understood that the best option right now is super durable reusable plastic bags, that'll supposedly last us a lifetime. So I think that that's the best option we have for now.
Bringing a bag with me to do the shopping is the thing I always forget. If I go shopping from my house I always try to take my cloth bags with me. The advantage of those bags is not only ecology but also the fact that they can have whatever you want printed on them, which for me, as a person who loves to provoke, is awesome. I always take my rainbow cloth bag, or bag with some other signs on it and just do my shopping like nothing is happening. I always wait for some anti-rainbow guys to say something so we can argue but I think that where I live there are no such people. Luckily. However, whenever I do the shopping going back from school I never have my cloth bag with me so I usually buy one. If the shopping is not that big I sometimes try to put everything in my pockets. Even my mom bought some special, little bags for fruits and vegetables so we would not put them in those little plastic bags in the shop, but of course she always forgets it. However, it taught me that actually not all the fruits or vegetables need to be packed separately in plastic bags. If you wash them and peel the skin off, then what is the point? I used to pack even a pineapple in a plastic bag which was just irrational. And writing this, one thing came to my mind. I remember when I was in the USA and I was just shocked how much plastic they used. When we had breakfast in a hotel, we got plastic cutlery in plastic bags and plastic cups in another plastic bags and everything was of course disposable. One time we took a picture of how much plastic we left in the bin after one breakfast, it was really shocking… After all we learned to bring our own cutlery. I feel like in american hotels they are not really aware of the fact that they can actually give people glasses and steel cutlery and wash them everyday. Or maybe it is the thing that for them saving water is more important than plastic, as we were in very hot states like California or Utah. I don’t know. But the amount of useless plastic there was just terrifying.
1. I use cloth bags and probably one which is from mixed materials - maybe similar to the one shown at the end of the video? I have no idea and that is because I didn't care to buy such a bag. I simply got them from somewhere. When this eco-trend somehow started it was possible to get such a bag for free at various conferences, for example. I think the action was successful because I am still using them ;)

2. Yes, I always do it. I used to take only my backpack, but now I fill them with additional cloth bags because I try to make big shopping to avoid visiting the shop every day.

3. I am not an expert to debate about the carbon footprint but teaching people to reuse the bags will definitely help it. Some of my friends already showed me something more interesting - bags for fruits and vegetables. When you buy vegetables in a market, you usually have to put them inside a plastic bag and sometimes put them on weight and put a price on it. Usually, such a bag will be soon thrown away in a trash bin, because it is either damaged or too small to hold anything. Here comes the "rocket science" - reusable bags made for vegetables and fruits. You can use it as many times as you want. One thing you will have to change is keeping a sticker with a price - my friend told me that he always puts everything on one piece of paper and it is enough to show it for a cashier who usually finds it even more comfortable because she scans everything at once.
I always take my cloth bags or those multiple-use big bags sold in markets, like those from Biedronka or Auchan. I never leave to a shop without them. Even when I’m for ex. on the road in my car and have to do some shopping and forget to get a bag, I usually just take everything by hand and get it to the car. I hate those plastic bags that are so thin and small, and now, when many markets use those as “gloves” for the clients due to COVID restrictions, I’m furious to see it. When I enter a supermarket right now, they’re everywhere (of course, used already) – on the floor, on shelves. I hate to see it and if I can, I’m trying to encourage other people to abandon plastic bags.

Yes of course, as I said before. I never leave the house for shopping without a bag, and when I know I’m going shopping after school or work, I’m taking bigger backpack to pack everything into it.

I think we can, but even if it’s not that easy as it sounds, we can always produce single-use bags that are easier to recycle. Paper bags are still good, and they’re not that easy to damage either. McDonald’s is a good example here – they’ve been using paper bags for take-away food for years now and I’ve never had any problems with them, even when I had to get into the subway or tramway with the food to get home. I think we should start to change plastic to other things, even single-use ones, but I think it’d make a huge difference.
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

I'm trying to use bags that I already have at home, which are usually strong, plastic bags. When I'm going on bigger, grocery shopping, I use a shopping trolley that I own. I really love this item, because it allows me to buy a lot of stuff in the same time, without carrying it in heavy bags.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

When I'm going out only to go shopping, I always remember to take it with me, but it gets more difficult when I want to buy something, without making any plans for it. Usually, I have some bag with me, but sometimes it's too small and I end up carrying a lot of stuff in my hands.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

Some time ago I've heard about some plastic-like material made from seaweed, or something similar. I think that it could be a really cool replacement, but unfortunately, I haven't heard anything about it for a long time. So I guess that it wasn't as good as they thought, or some companies didn't like it haha.
Piotr Góralski said…
1. I use plastic bags when shopping in the store because I don't do them often and they are usually spontaneous purchases. Plastic bags are also the cheapest so I will not buy an ecological bag every time to pack 3 things in it. I know this is not an eco-friendly solution, but in my opinion we should focus on better recycling plastic bags or making eco-bags equally cheap.
2. When I go shopping, I don't take the bags that I have at home with me. If I shopped frequently and regularly, I would consider having such a reusable eco-bag.
3. I think we should recycle plastic waste better or make ecological solutions cheaper or similar in price to other solutions. If greener solutions could be obtained for a similar price, people would have no problem accepting new and better solutions. People don't use non-ecological solutions deliberately, they are simply the best solutions for them at any given time.
Saloni Nayi said…
I use plastic bags while I go to grocery shop. I don't use cotton bags because, I feel that It can be overfull and could be break and I will be in trouble and I can not tolerant it. It's nothing bad to use cotton bag only if you have less things to buy,but in my case I really don't like to visit supermarket again and again. I go once in month and I buy whatever needy stuffs for bad so that's why I use big plastic bags, which is super handy, deep and convenient for me.

If it's all about supermarket than yes I carry bag which I already have at home but if I go to the mall to buy some clothes or electronic gadgets, etc... than ofcourse I won't carry bag from home. Many people forget to bring their reusable bags on their weekly supermarket trip, and end up having to buy more bags.

Unlike plastic bags, paper allows trees to be cut down to manufacture the bags (which the study states are made from the waste products of oil refining). Compared with producing single-use plastic containers, the processing process often produces a greater concentration of toxic chemicals.Paper bags often weigh more than plastic; this suggests that more energy is used for shipping, contributing to their carbon footprint.Cotton bags are the most durable and can have a much longer life, despite being the most carbon intensive to produce. The best solution is, we should bring reusable bags in our daily life while go out .
1.Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?
Honestly, I do not choose any bag, I always take a backpack with me when I go shopping. Thanks to this, I not only save money, but also do not use plastic or pollute the planet. I wish so many people were paying attention to the problem of the amount of garbage on the planet. Recently, when I was walking in the woods, I found a few places where people just dump rubbish, I was so sorry, I don't understand why people do this.

2.Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?
Of course, as I wrote above, I always take a backpack or a bag when I go to the store. I pack all his groceries or new clothes to it. If I do not have a backpack with me, I try to choose reusable bags or bags made of biodegradable materials.

3.What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?
I am not an expert when it comes to ecology. However, it seems to me that the best solution is to use biodegradable materials or paper bags, as do Zara or McDonald stores. Additionally, you have to constantly train people to try to use a reusable bag. Only by acting reasonably are we able to save ourselves and our planet.
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

Usually cloth bags, I think it is the best option. Sometimes I use plastic bags, when I have no other options and I forgot cloth bags from home, but even when I didn't bring them with me I try to get everything with my hands without buying plastic bags. When I am in the bigger shop, some kind of market I am using trolley to bring my shopping from the store to my car.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

As I said, not every time. Sometimes I am in a rush, and I forget to bring bags with me. My mom is telling me the same words after each time, "get few bags and put them into your car, so you will never forget about them", but of course I forget about this too.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

I have no opinion about that, because I don't know anything about this topic, but considering the possibilities of today's world I think we will be able to produce some sort of bags that will be reusable multiple times.
1. I usually buy normal plastic and paper bags. I always reuse them later for waste. Plastic for general and metal/plastic waste. And paper of course for paper waste. Everything is nicely segregated and I can throw a whole bag into the bin.

2. Almost never. As I said before I use all of my bags to store waste.

3. I think the best option is the one mentioned at the end of the video. I have a few of them, but I rarely use them. I will try to change my habits + it will be a bit cheaper for me not to buy a new bag every time I'm shopping.
Piotr Marchewka said…
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

When I go shopping, I choose a backpack that I use for college, for example. It is sufficient for my needs, so it does not need anything extra. A backpack is a very comfortable form because we put it on the back and we can forget about it. Our hands are free. In relation to the subject, it seems to me that it is a very good form of saving the environment, because I do not have to buy any other bags in the store, for example plastic or paper ones. I always have a backpack with me. Additional spaces in the backpack help to segregate things and I can fit there, for example, a wallet or other additional things.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

However, if it turns out that my backpack is insufficient, I sometimes buy a plastic bag. It doesn't happen very often, but in such situations I buy such a bag.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

To be honest, I wasn't particularly interested in it so it's hard for me to say something about it. I think there are definitely some ways to create reusable bags in some greener way ... Maybe hand-made from some parts of plants?
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Personally, when I go shopping, I use canvas bags. I don't remember when I last replaced them, but the newest one is maybe 7 years old. They do not get damaged, they are easy to wash, they are roomy, they are perfect.

2. Yes, I usually take my bags with me when I go shopping. Sometimes I forget, but then I drive the shopping cart directly to the trunk of the car and pour over my purchases. I am an opponent of plastic solutions.

3. The best option for our planet would be to impose sanctions on all continents other than Europe. I encourage you to search on the Internet for some statistics on who, what, how and where pollutes the environment - in particular with plastic bags.
Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

I always take and use my favourite cotton bag which never disappointed me. It's really durable, so I've never had got a necessity to buy another from a couple of years. I recommend trying to change habits to take to the shop own bag than buying every time another plastic bag which will be thrown away after leaving the shop. 

Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

How I said in my answer above I always do that. It's just a little habit, but it makes our environment healthier and cleaner! It's really simple to put that small bag to the pocket of the jacket and provide a better world.

What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

The best option for our planet would be the situation when people understand how close we are to the destruction and irreversible changes of the climate. But it's the same possible and feasible as the question of how to make a super, reused multiple time bags. It's not possible. Not now. But I hope it'll be possible in the future when technology let us to do super bags without plastic or without high carbon footprint emission. Because without development and understanding how environment is significant we will be still killing ourselves without even this awareness. 
Leya Chechyk said…
1. I usually use my textile tote bag for groceries, I take with me usually two or one but with extra old plastic bag. I hate buying new plastic bags and I also dislike carrying something in my hands, while tote bags I can carry on my shoulder.

2. Yes, I always remember that as I hate to buy new bags. I already can’t stand the amount of bags at home. I live in a small apartment, which was designed for one person. I physically feel the presence of every useless thing at home and that irritates me.

3. I believe the price for any bag at shops should be shockingly high, so that decision to buy it will not sound like “eehh… it’s only 1/2/3 zł, I can survive that”. This will definitely help to reduce the amount of plastic bags in general.
@Palina H
I’m really glad you liked my presentation.
I also have the same problem with plastic bags. I have a lot of them in my house but can’t just throw them out. And also I try to use reusable bad which I started to remember to take with me when I go shopping.

@Magdalena Pierzchała
The amount of plastic we use every day is terrible. Not only in the USA, but also in Poland there are few shops where for example cucumbers are packed separately in plastic. What a nonsense, and also it's frustrating, because you need to take this plastic off, and sometimes there is a plastic smell after that.

@Marcin Węgłowski
Thanks for sharing your opinion. You mentioned reusable bags for vegetables and fruits and Magdalena, and I think it’s a good idea if you have to have a bag for your fruits. But, do you need it? You will always wash it anyway, and in many cases peel the skin off, so I agree with Magdalena, that you don't really need bags for fruits and vegetables.

@Katarzyna Stefanowska
It’s good to hear that you always take bags with you. I’m also furious about those plastic gloves, and small bags laying around, because now, due to pandemic you have no other choice than to use them in shops to take anything.

@Kinga Kwiatkowska
Oh, that’s nice! Owning a shopping trolley would be nice! Unfortunately I think I would not always have options to take it with me, or just forget. I think it would just lead me to buy another bag in the shop, because I wouldn’t have anything to put my groceries in. But I really love the idea!

@Piotr Góralski
It’s a common problem, because eco-friendly products are generally not cheap because of the way they are made. I think better recycling of plastic bags is also important, but not every material can be recycled. You should consider getting a small, material bag which you can put even in your pocket, or jacket and then always would have it with you. Then you won’t need to but anything you don’t need.

@Saloni Nayi
Good point. There are a lot of people who take their own bags for groceries actually don’t even think to take any bag for other shoppings, like clothes. I think it’s also important, because when you're gonna buy a few things, maybe each one from a different shop, then you end with few, new bags, which you don't need.
@Daniel Trzaskoma
I totally agree with you, that the current amount of trash is awful. Everywhere you can see left bags, papers, or used cups. What do you think would be a good idea to encourage people to use reusable and biodegradable materials, bags, etc?

@Przemysław Baka
Thank you for your opinion. I think most of us are not experts but we should be doing as much as possible to help each other and in my opinion a good first step is to stop using plastic that can’t be recycled or reused again. What do you think about it, maybe you have other thoughts?

@Piotr Marchewka
I did this a lot of time, thinking my backpack would be enough and ended up buying another plastic bag, because they didn’t have any other. My solution is to put a small bag into my backpack to always have it with me. It won’t take much space, almost you can forget that you have it here, but if you’ll remember, that you won’t need to buy another bag. It’s a money save, and also much more eco-friendly.

@Pawel Bluszcz
That’s amazing, I would love to have that much knowledge to start doing it earlier like you. Where do you get yours from? Can you recommend any shop, or other place where you can get your own canvas bag?

@Milena Dziełakowska
Unfortunately I have to agree with you, that we are very close to climate catastrophe and as you said, our technology can’t make the perfect product, but there are a lot of great recyclable bags, etc. which can help survive and hold a bit of climate change. What do you think, how long it will take until terrible climate changes come that won’t let us live on earth any longer?

@Leya Chechyk
That’s some idea, but don’t you think that it won’t stop people from buying bags even if they will cost 10 or 20zł? What if you go to the shop and make huge groceries that you can’t take without a bag? I think they will buy a bag, feel furious but won’t think about it like he paid 20zł for bag because it was from unrecyclable material, rather that shop is irresponsible and set that insane price for stupid bag. What do you think?
Usually, when we go shopping with our roommates, we try to use the same bag. My friend, who makes sure all of us to be eco-friendly, counted that over a year of using one and the same very durable bag is the most ecological solution, and it is also very convenient. With such a long time of use, what it is made of no longer matters that much.

In this solution, the most important thing is to remember to take it with you when shopping. In addition to the one that is used by everyone, I have a spare in the trunk of the car. If I somehow forget both of these bags, in large supermarkets I rather try to put everything loose from the shopping cart to the trunk than take plastic disposable bags from the store.

I've seen a few ideas for eco-bags, but they've never been as durable as their classic plastic alternatives. In addition, the topic of using a large amount of water for their production was often mentioned with ecological bags. The carbon footprint was correspondingly smaller, but the consumption of water and energy for production was in several cases more than ten times higher.
Maciej Antonik said…
1. Most often I take a fabric shopping bag. I don't have to buy more bags then, so I save money and in addition I am ecological in my approach and I know that in this way I care about the good of our planet. Unfortunately, there are sometimes situations when I have to buy something unplanned and then I have to buy a plastic bag in the store.

2. Always! I don't go shopping without fabric bags. Unless, as I mentioned, I have to do unplanned shopping when I'm out in the city. It is very good that you can buy such bags more and more at the checkout. Maybe in this way it will be possible to "accidentally" convince some people to use more practical solutions.

3. Plastic bags are definitely not good for the planet. I have heard that linen or hemp bags can be a good solution for our planet and the environment. Perhaps it would also be possible to somehow recycle materials from old clothes in such a way that they can be used for e.g. shopping bags.
Kacper N said…
Usually I use the same material bag every time when I go shopping. And that's not only for some ecological reasons, but it's more convinient, especially when there are a lot of people in the shop and there is no free shopping cart/basket to put my products in. But sometimes I also buy ordinary plastic bags when I'm in hurry or just forgot to get my bag with me. In most cases I remember to take the bag that I already have at home.
According to your last question - in my opinion it is possible to produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, at the same time not creating too much carbon footprint emmision during the production process. For example handmade ones, but for sure that bags would be much more expensive and some people would stil choose ordinary plastic ones, nevertheless that they can be used one time.
Jakub Parteka said…
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

When shopping I usually use clothe bags but sometimes I forget to take the ones from home I am forced to take a new reusable plastic bag from shop. If possible, I am not using any shopping bags when doing small groceries. I am using cloth bags because I thought that they are most environment friendly but your forces me to think a little bit and maybe change my habits.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

If my groceries are planned then I do remember but there are times that I shop on the fly and that is why I have a spare one in the trunk of my car.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

I think that the best option would be to use bags mentioned in the end of video as they seem most environment friendly. To be honest I think that what is most important is mind set of people all around the world. I have a feeling that currently mostly Europe tries to be eco-friendly.
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

I always use my backpack it is very convenient for me and carrying backpack on your back is much easier then using any bag. Especially if grocery is a bit far from my place.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

Of course I always remember to take backpack because I am always with it even if I don't need it. I am taking just in case.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

I think now there is a movement to use eco-products. Here in Poland I noticed that it is quite easy to find any eco-products, even clothes. So I think it is possible to produce bags for using it multiple times.
Paweł Misiejko said…
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?
It depends, i try to use material bag, which is in my opinion the best choice, you can use material bag many times, moreover this type of bag is eco friendly. When i forget to take material bag i always buy paper bag.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?
Generally speaking, yes, i have at home some material bags and i try to use these bags many times.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?
Of course, in my opinion, it is possible to produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but im not sure, if it is profitable for producer. I think it is a matter of time when eco bags will be as popular as plastic bags.

Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?
Usually I go shopping with just a backpack, but I also carry a cloth bag with me in case I buy too much and it won't fit in my backpack. I use my backpack and cloth bag because they are much better for the environment than a plastic or even a paper bag.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?
I do, but as I mentioned earlier, I usually use cloth bags. However, if I do have an plastic bag laying around, I usually use it as a trash bag.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?
I don't really know, in my mind, just reusing bags you already own is the best option for our planet.
Anna Żak said…
I know the content presented in the video very well and that’s why cloth bags have been my first choice of shopping bags for many years. I like them for the fact that I can use them many times and I don't have to worry if they break. When the bag gets dirty, I can simply wash it. In addition, many of them look very nice, which is why they are an accessory not only when shopping, but also when traveling around the city.

Yes, I usually take a cloth bag with me. It is so small that I can have it with me without any problems. When for some reason I don’t have it with me, unfortunately I have to buy a plastic bag. Then I still try to use it as many times as possible.

As mentioned at the end of the video, there is a possibility of producing a bag that is much more environmentally friendly than fabric, plastic or paper. A biodegradable bag, made of plastic with special properties and behaving like cotton, sounds like the best choice.
Artur Król said…
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?
Honestly I'm not using any bags. I'm always using backpack. I do shopping when I'm on my way home from work. My backpack is not full - laptop and some minor stuff inside. There is a lot of room for groceries. And i didn't have any situation where for example milk was spilled. None at all. The last time I used a bag was when it was handed to me in shop while buying coat. Well.. Can't fit it inside the backpack tho.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?
I don't but my parents do when they are going shopping. They have same good old bag for years. Very durable eco-friendly bag

3.What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?
Possibly. There are always options but the also must be profitable. We're living in a world of consumers where money are on first place. What is eco-friendly and can generate money is the future.
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?
I mostly choose the cheapest plastic bags. If I do large shopping, I buy a durable bag (probably made of mixed materials) in the store - this kind of bag has nice designs and can be taken with you for your next shopping. I once used a paper shopping bag - it broke in the parking lot and everything fell out onto the street. I will never buy a paper bag again.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?
I try to remember to take the bags that I already have at home, but unfortunately, I often forget about it. I plan to put the bags in my car, so I can take them out of the car when I go shopping. Thanks to this article - I will do it today.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?
I am not an expert on this topic, but as the video said, I think the best option is to buy durable plastic bags. People have to learn to use the same bags several times. I believe that there should be campaigns that would address a given topic. I am one of those people who forget they have bags at home.
Karolina Rolska said…
When I go to the store for groceries I always take a cloth bag with me. It’s convenient for me to just have one bag on my arm and put everything inside. When I go to the store with one of my parents to buy a lot of things we use big, reusable bags where we pack all of the groceries.

I have a cloth bag with me almost always so even if I buy something that I didn’t plan to buy or just stop at the store on the way somewhere I’m sure I won’t have to buy a plastic bag there. Both of my parents and my sister always have some bags in their cars, so there is no chance they forget them.

I think that cloth bags are very good to use and reuse infinite times.

1.Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

When I do groceries I intent to use material bags most of the time. They are not only more ecological but also easier to carry heavy shopping. Not to mention that they can actually look good and even be part of daily outfit.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

Unfortunately sometimes I forgot to take them with me but even then I try not to take millions of plastic bags, but for example just one for all fruits and vegetables. Sometimes in smaller local shops I buy paper bags at the end of shopping to carry my groceries. I’m trying to take an example from my Mum and reuse plastic bags.

3.What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

I am pretty sure that some manufacturer will produce fully organic, biodegradable plant based type of bag with a low carbon footprint emission one day. Sector of food science is massively expanding and growing. Nowadays there is plenty of research made on fermentation process and it’s different possible purposes. There are already some projects like for example product packages made out of kombucha (asian mushroom). I hope that in the future some discovery in this area will revolutionize ecological dillema of using plastic bags.
1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

For several years, I have been trying to take cloth bags with me when shopping. The bag is roomy and reusable. I save money on this and partly relieve our environment.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

As of today, yes. When I was younger and when my parents asked me to do the shopping, I didn't care whether I would take a bag with me or buy one or two plastic ones. Now I know that the planet needs our care as it is becoming increasingly cluttered with single-use plastic items.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

Cloth bags would be the best option for our planet. They are reusable and the emission cost is less (I suppose). In fact, the best choice of bag type is us. How do we feel when using a given type.
Usually, I do groceries just with my backpack (as mentioned in the video: made from the mix of materials, for a lifetime – but I don’t know anything about its carbon footprint or degradability). When I need to carry a lot I choose a paper bag, because it seems to be the most ecological option.
There was a time when I was aware to take some bags from home, but it ended and I even don’t know why…
For now, I would stay with my backpack (it’s already here, so it’s not causing any additional effects to ecology). I hope that soon the greatest companies will introduce some better solutions for our planet.
Adrian Zygo said…
1. I usually go for a grocery shopping with my own backpack so I don't need to buy any bags from the store. But if I have to I always pick the paper bag, it's reusable and it doesn't pollute the environment.
2. Yes I remember about it but sometimes you go to the store for example when you are coming back from work and usually don't take any bags with you to work. So in this case I have to buy a bag from the store and as I mentioned before I always choose the paper bag instead of the plastic one.
3. I think that the best for our planet and environment is to produce the multi use bags so we can get rid of the plastic ones. I think that we have to produce more biodegradable bags which production for sure doesn't increase the carbon emission.

1. Which bag do you choose when you do groceries or any other shopping, and why?

Most of the time I choose either a reusable plastic or cotton bag. That's because they are ecological, because you don't waste that much plastic. The other pro is that they are more durable and you can carry heavier things inside them. Regular plastic bags tend to get destroyed really fast.

2. Do you remember to take bags you already have at home with you when you go shopping?

Unfortunately, not always what is a shame. Therefore I have to buy the plastic bag at the market which is not good. On the other hand I think it is much better in these days because plastic bags are more endurable than they were few years back.

3. What do you think would be the best option for our planet? Can we produce bags, which can be reused multiple times, but without a high carbon footprint emission?

I am not specialist in this topic so I can't reeally say. All I know is that awarness of the problem is growing which is good. On the other hand people are bragging about not using plastic straw, but use plastic lids at mcdonald's or do not care about most of their clothes being produced by people that are underpaid and abused in poor countries. The other tragic thing, that is kind of ironic, is that many eco-called products you can buy in most popular markets, are always wrapped in plastic foil for example avocado.
1. I currently live with my parents, so I don't shop if I do it small enough to pick it up, or use a backpack instead of bags. But if I move out, I will definitely use reusable bags, I think they will be just plastic bags that I will buy once.
2. I think that when I go shopping, I will not forget about them. It's worse with spontaneous shopping, but I always carry a backpack with me, so if the shopping is small, I can handle it.
3. the best option is to produce durable plastic bags that will be reused over and over again. The problem is that plastic bags are not durable, so you have to throw them away or people don't use them over and over again

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