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Week 7 [7.12 – 13.12] Why is the CD Projekt releasing Cyberpunk 2077 instead of The Witcher 4?


„Cyberpunk 2077” is one of the most expected games, which will be released this year. But have you ever thought about why the biggest polish video game studio is releasing it instead of „The Witcher 4”?

Despite the global success of the "The Witcher" series, it did not sell well on the Asian Market, because the income generated from it was only 9% which was a little disappointing number. CD Projekt’s products did not really exist in Asia, because of several reasons:

·         games, produced by CD Project are based on Slav mythology, which is not a popular topic in Asia,

·         high competition from local developers,

·         high popularity of esports games.

Given the value of the Asian market (which in 2019 was estimated at 72.2 billion of dollars) and how it is growing, CD Project had to react to this result. A kind of remedy for the weak popularity of „The Witcher” in Asia is meant to be „Cyberpunk 2077” – an adaptation of „Cyberpunk 2020”, set 57 years later in the open world of retro-futurism megalopolis Night City.

Cyberpunk is a concept of negative consequences of people functioning in an advanced computer environment. This expression shows a world ruled by global corporations, society demoralized by technology, where such things like hacking, drugs, artificial muscles, strengthened internal organs are kind of daily bread. Even though there is a such high technology, people are living in poverty. This topic for the first time shows up in the USA, but it is popular in Asia, especially in Japan or in China. Which is quite understandable, because these countries life is centered in big urban agglomerations. So, it is possible to say that Cyberpunk is a clash of two cultures – Japanese and American. In Japan topics like modifying a human body with mechanical dentures or artificial internal organs are quite popular and in the United States culture there is a talk about very low standard of living and a huge power of corporations over people’s lives. CD Projekt choosing the “Cyberpunk” for their main product has a chance of conquering these two the largest computer game markets in the world – Asia and the United States. The lower interest is expected in Europe, but if this game meets the expectations of fans from Far East and the USA, CD Project will become one of the most profitable development studios in the world.

Of course there could be several reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of for example “The Witcher 4” but I think that the problem that I describe above was the main issue why they decided so.

1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

Sources:, 2019.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0zmFtMSsKhZzd7OS5GQZPqPsNW_8zUxFTvVJbS_8xmd5h4gW18e-Xm6Nc


Olga Przytula said…
My boyfriend has actually forced me to play “Witcher 3” when we met and now it’s one of my favorite series. I was never a gamer, nor I was interested in spending my time playing video games, but now I find it quite pleasing. I was especially enchanted with the expansions created for the “Witcher”. “Blood and wine” was really funny and hit my sense of humor spot-on. “Hearts of Stone” on the other hand had an intriguing story and characters. Especially the ones that looked like right out of “Ogniem I mieczem” movie which I loved as a kid. I was actually a bit bitter, that they had only created two additional stories for these series, but I’m hoping for more of them in “Witcher 4”.

I don’t think I have any strong opinion considering Cyberpunk, but that may be caused by the theme of the game in general. I’m not into sci-fi and apocalyptic themes myself, so if I had to choose, I would rather buy another part of the “Witcher”. I think Cyberpunk may be a bit overhyped, however considering other projects created by CD Project I think the game will be well-developed and pleasing to play. I’m really rooting for this company, they make really unique and aesthetic games and deserve to be known worldwide.

I think that what you wrote about conquering Asia and United States may be the main reason behind this decision. I think that additionally they may have thought that it would be good for the company and the “Witcher” itself to stir things up a little and change the atmosphere a little, especially considering the fact that Witcher fandom is strong and very much alive, to it does not matter whether they publish something new about Geralt adventures after two or ten years from the previous part. Maybe by conquering different continents they would gather more money to create games on an advanced level in shorter period of time and that’s why they made this decision?
Piotr Góralski said…
1. I played all the Witcher games and I think it is a very good game series. I will certainly play Cyberpunk 2077 as well, I have placed an order for a preorder and I hope the courier will deliver the game to me on the day of the premiere.
2. I hope the game will be very good, although I think it will be difficult to make such a good product as in the witcher series. I also heard that the game has some bugs that I hope will be fixed as soon as possible. A lot of funds have definitely been spent on advertising, but I hope the game will be successful and will bring the company a lot of profit so that we can play the next games of this studio.
3. Gaining new fans from the Asian market will certainly bring a lot of profit and the chosen theme should not alienate the current fans. I think another reason for releasing the game in a different universe could be the desire to change the game's climate and the ability to tell a story that will not be similar to the previous ones. The world presented in Cyberpunk is more suitable for creating a multiplayer game than in the witcher. Multiplayer games are more popular these days than single player games.
Viktor Ryś said…
Nope, haven't since I wasn't interested in the Witcher's universe, but I plan to play Cyberpunk because it represents more the aesthetic I like in games.

The first reviews from this week seem to indicate that this game will have bugs overall. So I wouldn't call the experience on the release day to be very smooth, nevertheless I believe in the hype and I think it will be an amazing game.

I don't know it.

It's certainly true that Asia tends to feature heavily in cyberpunk, and that Japan tends to be represented the most from that entire continent in the genre. There is a cultural and historical reason for this, as the birth of the genre coincided with American society's fears of Japan as a growing technological powerhouse from which seemingly all the newest tech novelties were coming from, from CDs to game consoles. It's an enduring artifact of that time that persists to this day, and is partially responsible for why cyberpunk tends to be popular in Japan. However, it's important to remember that Japan is not the biggest market in Asia - that honor belongs to China. And it doesn't need to be stated that these two countries are culturally very distinct, owing to the island nation's relative political and cultural isolation. Appealing to what is popular in Japan is unlikely to have great results in terms of breaching Asia as a market. I'd wager that the choice of cyberpunk as a genre is mostly incidental to any desire for market expansion. Executives and developers are on record saying that they were simply exhausted after making three witcher games back to back, and that the third game brought the trilogy to a neat conclusion that would be difficult to follow up on. Also as a side note, before Witcher 3 Slavic culture and folklore weren't terribly known or popular in the West either, so I would hesitate to put Slavic qualities as a reason for why the games didn't do very well in Asia. From what I know, Chinese and Japanese and Korean gaming cultures are all incredibly distinct not just from one another, but also from the West. Perhaps action cRPGs just aren't that popular there? Even Dark Souls, a well-known action cRPG from a Japanese studio, is to my knowledge more popular in the West than its own homeland.

By the way, cyberpunk was actually originally not about transhumanism and technology at all. If memory serves, William Gibson, one of the fathers of the genre and the author of Neuromancer, the book which codified most of cyberpunk's identity, has stated that to him the neon lights and body modification were just aesthetics and vehicles which he used to make a political and cultural statement. The use of the term 'punk' is not accidental and signifies an opposition to and rebellion against the status quo and capitalist realism, which the genre was originally meant to explore. This evolved into an analysis of how late-stage, corporatist capitalism would interact with technology, how modern society would distribute access to it depending one's social strata and simultaneously use it to enforce social stratification, how large-scale automation of labor would make the lives of most humans meaningless to the system and lead to their instrumentalization as objects, as property owned by giant corporations. This theme is only tangentially related to ethical, moral and practical concerns for the technology itself. Perhaps through the commercialization of the genre making the anti-capitalist narrative hard to publish and somewhat hypocritical, or through natural expansion of the breadth of the genre's themes and subjects, the critique of capitalist modern society slowly gave way to stories about the tech itself, usually focused on exploring themes of its relation to humanism and human nature, of essentialism and existentialism and their opposition to one another, of science and how we view it, how it relates to engineering, and the consequences of both controlling and refusing to control progress. At its best, this transformation makes the genre more philosophical than it used to be, a deeply cerebral discussion of complex topics, if at times a bit removed from any form of current reality. At its worst and sadly all too common, it makes the genre just another vacuous product to be mindlessly consumed, using the aesthetics of cyberpunk not as a vehicle, but an end unto itself.

I have played all three Witcher games, as well as a bit of the standalone release of Gwent. They're fine games, I've enjoyed my time with them, although I must say I preferred the books. Admittedly, this is likely just the result of my general preference for the written word over visual media. Many claim Witcher 3 to be the best cRPG of all time, and while I can appreciate the game design of it and the staggering amount of effort that the developers have put into it, sadly I must maintain that Gothic 1 and 2 are still the best RPGs in history.

Personally, I don't see much of a reason why cyberpunk shouldn't be popular in Europe. We share many of the same wealth inequality issues as the US, and the western part of the continent is starting to see the same degradation of quality of life, the same pauperization and shrinking of the middle class, the same automation-caused unemployment. For example, the manufacturing output of the UK is the highest it's ever been, and yet the number of manufacturing jobs is dwindling. I think cyberpunk is a fantastic vehicle for exploring the issues of automation and how it interacts with the capitalist order of things that we live in, and one which many in the West including Europe would find relatable and topical. The more philosophical ponderings on what measure makes a human and discussions of the morality of unimpeded technological progress might fly a bit over the head of most consumers, but even that's a function of delivery and presentation more so than any inherent complexity of these topics, and there is precedent for deeply philosophical works of the cyberpunk genre such as the Matrix finding universal acclaim everywhere.

I'm going to wait for reviews to come out before I make any judgements on Cyberpunk 2077 and whether or not it is overhyped. If the reviews are positive, I'll probably give the game a try and forge my own opinion. I've been listening to comments made by various developers at CD Projekt RED, I've watched the recent interviews with its CEO as well as with Mike Pondsmith, who is the creator of the intellectual property the game is based on. I've even skimmed over excerpts from Mr. Pondsmith's newest edition of the tabletop version of the game. In all honesty, it all seems pretty... eclectic. Scattershot, unfocused, trying to be all the varieties and versions of the cyberpunk genre at once, even self-contradictory and thematically in-congruent. But maybe that's just what an open-world game like this needs, a multifaceted exploration of all that hides behind the term 'cyberpunk'.
I have played all the games under which CD Projekt bears the name of the creator, not the publisher. I know all three parts of the "The Witcher" and "Gwent" series by heart. I am not sure about Gwent, because personally I just don't like card games. I got through Witcher 3 as fast as possible in the week after the premiere and it was incredible. I rate the previous parts of the series equally high. Recently, my mother asked me to set up her a computer so she could play Witcher 3. She has never spent so much time with any game before, and although she hasn't finished the main story yet, she is already asking me to find her next game she would like.

Asking me if I will play Cyberpunk is pointless. I have been waiting for this premiere for 8 years and all my friends know it perfectly well. I remember the first teaser, the first interviews with the creators, the first trailer, successively released press materials and Keanu Reeves' appearance at E3. Over the years, I have followed every step of the development process.

I will admit right away that I invested some of my savings in CDPR stock. I am firmly convinced that the game will be a worldwide success. I agree with Adrian that this is a theme that will fit into most countries and cultures in the more developed parts of the world. This does not mean, however, that there will be no overhype. You can already see that people expect a product that will change the entire industry. They expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be the revelation of this year and it will redefine how games should be produced. The publishing cycle of large companies, which of course CDPR is, is radically different from the cycles popular in the industry. Full concentration on one project for 8 YEARS is an unimaginable risk. However, knowing the skills and experience of CDPR, I put my life at stake that there is no better game developer to do such a difficult task.

CD Projekt RED already at the premiere of Witcher 3 admitted that there will be no next Witcher gmes of the series focusing on the story of Geralt. This is a closed trilogy that exhausts the topic. I agree with this decision. However, it must not be forgotten that the world presented by Andrzej Sapkowski allows to make other games in this universe. CDPR revealed a few years ago that it have plans to release the next Witcher games, but they will touch on completely different plots of other characters. After such a huge success of the Witcher brand, it would be a very bad financial decision to give up this path.

23h and 20 min untill premiere :D
Of course I played them, all “The Witchers”, also Gwent for a while. And of course the third Witcher is my favorite. It’s the most consistent, the most “AAA” title of them all, with the best story and best graphics. I’ve played over 130h through all the game with both DLCs included. And I also preordered Cyberpunk, I already have preloaded it on GOG (I’ve decided to purchase it on CDP’s platform to support them + you know, the game from GOG is going to be DRM-free) and I’m going to play it tomorrow morning.

I think I’m just going to play it and find out. I’m avoiding any reviews, streams etc. I’ve only watched the Night City Wire events, all 5 of them, just to make the waiting for the game more interesting and, as I’m not a tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 player, I’ve decided to learn a bit about the universe. And as I’m interested in gamedev, I was curious of the production process. I think Cyberpunk is a bit overhyped, but I just think it’ll be a good game. CD Projekt is producing good games after all. I don’t think it’s going to be that game-changing, but I think we’ll enjoy it.

I think the reason is obvious and was talked about hundreds of times already. The original Witcher story, the one including Geralt as the main character of the tale, is completely and utterly exploited. The third game closed the chapter for Geralt, and the fan-produced mod to The Witcher 2, called “Farewell of the White Wolf” closed it even tighter. I really hope there’ll be a spinoff of the series with Ciri as the witcheress, but I don’t think it’s going be a standalone, huge game as the last Witcher. The thing is, CDProjekt doesn’t want to produce another game that’s going to take 5-7 years to release. It’s a very exhausting and not very good process, business-wise. So I don’t think there’ll be The Witcher 4, maybe just a spinoff like “Thronebreaker”.
FilipJatelnicki said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yea, I have played all games from Witcher series. Obviously, the third one is my favourite, but the others evoke nostalgia.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I keep my fingers crossed for cd project, patriotic thing :)).
They did a great job with Witcher and set the bar high. I hope they will do even better with this game! I wouldn't say it is overhyped, I'd say that they did a fantastic job with a marketing campaign.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

As many colleagues have already said, there will be no Geralt stories because the original plot from Sapkowki is already exploited. It might be even better for them to look for something new and fresh to develop the company even more and create excellent products.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Olga Przytula

I'm really glad that your BF encourage you to play "The Wither 3" and you have joined to CD Projekt family :)
Cyberpunk is a completely different project so I understand that is not your cup of tea.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Piotr Góralski
I think that the current fans are not alienate because there is a lot of street promotion for example in Warsaw.
I also think that the world presented in Cyberpunk is a really good for creating a multiplayer game.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Viktor Ryś
Thank you for your comment I will also wait for updates and first reviews before I will by this game.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Tadeusz Pawlonka
Thank you for your long comment. I totally agree with you that the Chinese market is the biggest one in Asia but also it's the most censored one (besides North Korea) and because of that some content could be unavailable here. Of course I agree with you that cRPGs are not that popular in this region as I mentioned in the beginning, the most popular games in the Far East are e-sports games.

I think that Cyberpunk will be popular in Europe due to CD Projekt marketing which is quite unique, I hope that the game will be just as good as it is described in the very first reviews.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Karol Sołtysiak
Oh so you are a big fan of this studio! I'm happy to read that because I've played in every single part of "The Wither" just like you :).
I hope that money that you have invested in CDPR stock will pay off after the premiere of Cyberpunk.
I can agree with you that making another game with Geralt as the antagonist could be quite boring but what about the others Witchers? The universe is really big so I think that there is still a lot of unsolved stories.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Katarzyna Stefanowska
I'm happy to hear that you have played in all games from "The Witcher" series, even in CDP card game - Gwent.
I think that we all will enjoy long hours spend in the Night City.
Adrian Zygo said…
My fingers are crossed for them as well even though the premiere was changed many times.
I am happy to hear that someone have noticed their marketing campaign, it was the main topic of mine Bachelor thesis which I defended on 5 :)
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yes, I have played "Witcher" and "Witcher 2", but I didn't finish these games. If it comes to "Witcher" I think that this game aged very badly and for me it was unpleasant to play it years after release. On the other hand "Witcher 2" is playable, but I there was a lot of things that I didn't like so I played it only for less than 20 hours. These experiences led me to not buying "Witcher 3" which I heard was amazing, but I haven't tried it. Despite of that I'm definitely going to play "Cyberpunk", because it's brand new world and CD Projekt is now leading world game developer, so I think it'll be the game of the year.
2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I guess that the hype over this game is tremendous, but I think that it'll meet the expectiations and first reviews are confirming my thoughts.
3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I think that the reason they didn't make another Witcher is because they worn-out the Sapkowski's universe in these 3 games, so they had to do another storyline without Geralt who is the main character in the book. Maybe another reason is that they didn't wanted to be tagged as one-game-wonder studio with only one series of games.
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1. Yes, I played all the parts of the witcher. My favorite is the second part, followed by the first part. Contrary to popular belief, I consider the third part the worst.
2. It's hard to say anything about it without playing this game, but I think it's overhyped after all and won't live up to expectations.
3. I think the reason was the preliminary assumption that the witcher would be a trilogy. CD project red is not ubisoft which will be releasing one series for 15 years.
1. No, I have never played any of CD Projekt's productions, but who knows, maybe I will play a game of them one day. So far, I am of the opinion that there are many more interesting games on the market to play so Cyberpunk is waiting in pretty long queue.

2. I believe that Cyberpunk gained its fame only by postponing the premiere of the game few times. I think this is how they gained publicity.

3. The only reason why game release times are manipulated its because of money and nothing else. Apparently the management noticed that it could earn more in this way and it was decided to implement it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
1. Yes, I have played the Whitcher 3 with all DLCs. And I have already bought the Cyberpunk. At the current moment, I prefer Witcher 3, because I completed it. I have spent around 10 hours in Cyberpunk and the storyline is very good. Now I will take a break from gaming and I'll focus on finishing my thesis. I hope that in the meantime CDPR will fix the bugs and later on I will be able to enjoy the polished game.
2. In my opinion, it's a bit overhyped. As I said before storyline is fantastic. However, there are things that simply suck. Like non-existent AI for cars and traffics. NPCs are not scared if you hold a gun around them. Police can spawn from nowhere. And there are plenty of small visual glitches and performance issues.
3. The Cyberpunk brand was introduced in 2012, three years before Witcher 3. After finishing W3 they wanted to probably try something completely different.
Jan Bryński said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I have played every game of the Witcher trilogy. Actually, The Witcher 3 was the game I decided to build a new PC for. In 2015 it was one of the most graphically advanced games. Apart from the gorgeous graphics The Witcher 3 depicts rich story, infused with endless slavic flavors what makes it an incredible game. I have to admit that I loved one quest much more that the other - the one in which Geralt, the main character has to protect villagers from unearthly creatures, during celebrating "Dziady" ceremony. I found this follow up to polish literature very exciting and beautiful. After playing this game I am definetly looking forward to play Cyberpunk 2077, as soon as I upgrade my PC to match it's requirements.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

In my opinion, the hype that arised around this game is very interesting phenomenon. I think it may have negative influence on the way people perceive it, since propably a lot of gamers had a lot of very subjective expectations. But still, I believe that Cyber punk 2077 will succed and will be the best game of this decade. The topic of dystopian future is relevant in our reality and this interpretation will match tastes of countless people around the world.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

I see CD Project Red as a very ambitious game dev studio. I believe they want be recognized, not only as developers of the Witcher, but as group of people, that is not afraid to show their story telling skills in other universums.
1. Yes, I played CD Projekt Red productions - it was The Witcher.

2. I think Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game. I have been reading a lot of reviews and articles about this game since its premiere a few days ago and the feedback is usually very positive. Of course, the game has a lot of bugs and glitches. I don't have this game but plan to buy it soon. Maybe for Christmas :)

3. I have no idea why they chose Cyberpunk instead of a new witcher. Maybe they felt the need to change the subject? But I think they will be working on The Witcher 4 in a few years.
Karol Gałązka said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I've played a few games produced by CD Projekt's. My favorite game is The Witcher 3 and all the extras. On December 10th, when Cyberpunk 2077 was released, I bought it and started playing it. So far I have played around 10h. I think we can trust this company because it produces brilliant games.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

I've played a dozen or so hours in Cyberpunk 2077, and the game is really great. The story is good and as far as I know it isn’t short. Side missions are also interesting. But if we want to focus on the open world, we may be disappointed. There are many things that go wrong. Although glitches often occur, they do not interfere with the game's progress. Now we just have to wait for the patches until CD Projekt’s turns this game into what all Cyberpunk fans are waiting for. A fully open world and creating it your own way.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

You can definitely say that Cyberpunk 2077 came out faster than The Witcher 4 in order to conquer the whole world, especially Asia, and earn more money. A company with a lot of money can afford to produce a completely different project, which will bring much more profit than the production of the Witcher 4. The continuation of the Witcher would probably not bring so much profit or such great interest, which always accompanies a new project appearing on the market. The reason could also be the considerable ambitions of Cd Projekt, which, as we can see after the premiere of Cyberpunk 2077, were slightly too high.
Artur Król said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
I haven't played any of the CD Project productions. But not because i didn't want to. It's just my laptop can't handle that. Their productions awaits for me! I'm also willing to try Cyberpunk but not yet. I heard it came out buggy also i wasn't hyped for it or anything. Peoples expectations are just too big as its just a game
2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
Oh yea, it's totally overrated. I mean i get it that's something from the creators or wticher 3 and expectations are great but we must understand that it is always hard to make every other new product better and better. There must be a line that separates it
3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
The first trailer of cyberpunk was like 7 years ago. I think the CD project wanted to have few ways of growing. To not be limited only to witcher and i think they suceeded. Wither itself is a great game in awsome universum. Now they can prove that they can create something from a scratch
Roman Burlaka said…
1. I have played only a Witcher Wild Hunt with its DLCs and I still need to finish Blood and Wine. In fact, I bought the original game right after it was released and DLCs only this year, as I remember - there were good discounts. Well, it's a great game, so I think CD Project have done their best for Cyberpunk too and I will try it too this winter.
2. I hope it will and I also hope that I will be able to answer you exactly how good it is soon. However, it already has good marks from different magazines, sites etc.
3. Well, "Slavic mythology" from The Witcher isn't popular at all, even in non-Asian countries. Even in Slavic countries, cause firstly there are a lot of differences between the mythology of several Slavic countries creating a list of mythologies from Slavic one. Secondly, it is not so popular as Greek on Norse, for example. Thirdly, people played the game and watched the series because of the plot, not because of the big interest in folklore. CD Project finished the last Witcher game perfectly and there is no need to use its title for their entire life as some others do.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

No, I have never played in any production since the CD project. Unfortunately, I have too weak a computer to play Cyberpunk 2077. I hope I will be able to buy ps5 consoles and cyberpunk soon. Currently the ps5 consoles are not available for sale due to the huge interest and small number of produced pieces.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

It's hard for me to judge because I haven't played this game yet. However, I think the game will be very good, the problem may be that many players have too high expectations. From what I've seen on youtube in movies where other people play, the game has a lot of bugs, hopefully they'll fix it as soon as possible. I certainly consider this game to be one of the most awaited games of recent years.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

It's hard for me to say anything about it because I don't follow CD Projekt's actions.
I am glad that the Polish company has achieved such success. I played The Witcher 3, but I did not pass the whole game. It is a beautifully executed game - both graphically and musically. I had the pleasure to play music from this game with a symphony orchestra. I played the tubular bells. If someone doesn't like computer games, I recommend listening to the soundtrack for this game.

I am afraid that people expect too much from this game. It is probably one of the best games released this year, but the hype that accompanies the premiere may cause even an incredibly good game to fail to meet expectations.

Cyberpunk was announced before The Wind 3. I believe that CD Project Red did not create the 4 parts, because it could be misunderstood by the players that the company announces another game without creating the first one. In addition, the story of the 3 part does not need to be continued and it could have ended badly.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yes, i have The Witcher and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt with all DLC's. I also played in their free game Gwent. I am huge fan of their games. They do high quality games. Right now my favourite game is The Witcher 3 but in new year probably i will buy Cyberpunk and maybe it will change my mind.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
Actually you can confront expectations because premiere was at 10th of december. I think most of the bad opinions about this game is from PS4 players. In my opinion it is huge success that this game is working on 7 years old console. Obviously there is a lot of bugs and glitches but you can see this in every game and they will fix this as soon as possible. I think it is a good game and over all it will be big success for CD Projekt - as you could read on the internet they sold 8 millions copies just in preorder.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I think it is all about money and growing their company. Right now they have two big productions which is Cyberpunk and The Witcher. On the first option they have their own universe and they can do a lot money on this. Probably in 2021 you will find some informations about DLC's, multiplayer with micropayments and about Netflix anime series.
I am long time Witcher fun. I have started with Sapkowski’s books about Geralt’s adventures. Later when CD Projekt released Witcher games I played all of them. I especially liked the first one. It had the most dark atmosphere out of three of those games, similar to books.
I would try Cyberpunk 2077 even if the topic of the game is not really interesting for me, but nowadays I do not have much time to play it. I will try to play after I finish my studies here at PJATK.
Well, we know the answer to the second question, that indeed the game was overhyped to the oblivion, but since I have not jumped on the hype train I do not care that much, that the game does not meet all the expectations that were promised by the CD Project’s marketing team.
Adrian Zygo said…
@Mateusz Ćwikliński

I think that the game is really great, I have watched several streams and game plays and I enjoy this time. I hope that the bugs and exploits will be fixed as soon as possible.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favourite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I have never played in any game of CD Project Red production but I used to observe someone playing “ The Witcher” games. I would definitely try “Cyberpunk 2077”. I enjoy the vibe and mood that creators managed to make. I was super excited about the trailers especially the one with Keanu Reeves.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meet the expectations?

I’m worried that “Cyberpunk 2077” will become one of the most overhyped games in history. First of all, it’s 2020 and we have bad karma already and second of all, it is just a game. However, I heard some good reviews from people who played the demo version so maybe we have some hope.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

I think they wanted to just change aesthetic. Another Witcher game would be easy and maybe boring for some players. I think that choosing a completely different plot and the environment is challenging for the company. They are taking a huge risk. Nowadays the power of reviews is more impactful than during times when Witcher was launched.
Jakub Parteka said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yes, I did play Wither III and Gwent and I enjoyed them very much. Although Gwent in my opinion is too ‘static’ to be a standalone game, not just part of the Wither III. Currently I am watching Cyberpunk streams on twitch and as I was sceptical on beginning (when I heard it is very bugged) but one hour into some stream and I knew that I would definitely play it.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I think it was very overhyped and that is why some people are not happy with what games has to offer. Today we are 3 days after Cyberpunk premiere and many people are saying that this game is not meeting their expectations. Reasons for that are firstly bugs (I even heard it being called Cyberbug) and secondly weak performance (even on PC!). I am not surprised that the game looks very bad on consoles (even on the new generation). Despite such reviews I think most of the players are enjoying Cyberpunk. Those who do not were overhyped or just want to hate for whatever reason (in my opinion). It is not a big thing in video game world that a game is bugged on a premiere day, but people thought that Cyberpunk is going to be just perfect from beginning. I will gladly play it but for now I am waiting for the game to be “more finished” because I am not in a rush and prefer to play finished product then do it right away with some bugs.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
As addition I can say that I think they did not want to release new Wither that fast because many people are still enjoying the last game and still are not bored by it. I do not think that in 2020 new Wither would sell as good as Cyberpunk.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

Yes, I did in all of their productions, I think – including Cyberpunk 2077. It’s hard to compare Wither with Cyberpunk but if I have to I would rather choose Cyberpunk – and it’s not because of the gameplay (this was much more better in Witcher) but I’m so much big fan of sci-fi and worlds/universe like this, and the story (not even the main one) is really engaging.

Because now I’m writing that a few days after premier – I can easily say that this game was really overhyped and mostly because of the players – they expecting some incredible and sometimes even impossible to implement features in game like this.

For sure they have to be and probably none will never know them. One which you haven’t mentioned is that they wanted to try something else than Witcher – I mean they wanted to try something else than fantasy.
Paweł Misiejko said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yes, I played The Witcher III and Gwent and I mentioned them very well. I guess, i can say that im fan of The Witcher III, i spent a lot of hours playing this game. Excellent plot, gameplay, soundtrack. i would say, one of the best games.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
A few days after release, i can say that this game needs some time to be fixed. I think it will be very good game, CDP has very high standards and i guess they do everything to make Cyberpunk one of the best games. Hype was really huge, and i think people forgot that almost evry game at the beginning needs some patches.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I think they wanted to achieve new end users, there are some people who don't like The Witcher Universe, and CDP tries to convince them to buy and play CDPs game. I guess they know what they do.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
I’ve played The Witcher series. That was one of my favorite games ever. It’s first game of the series was actually the first “serious” game I’ve played. :) I really enjoy those games, of course my favorite one of them is the newest part. I really like the theme, polish folklore, old villages in the woods and the like. It’s magical and very addictive.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I was very hyped for the Cyberpunk 2077, but unfortunately I have a lot of things going on in my life, so I don’t have time to play. :( It is overhyped a little but I think that is because the game release was moved in time a few times, so people are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Now the game is released, but as far as I know it’s bugged badly, so lots of people are complaining. Even though, the game score on “Meta Critic” platform is high so I guess the game is really good. :)

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I think that they have their reasons which we will never know. Despite those that you have mentioned, I believe that they just wanted to try something new. :) The Witcher series is very popular, and it’s a great game, but my guess is that they wanted to be known for various different games, not just “this one game”. Like every company in game development they want to have a few treasures that they are known for, and the change in theme is in my opinion very good choice!
Marek Parr said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I've played Witcher 2 and 3 and I started playing Cyberpunk 2077. I've also tried playing Gwent, but I didn't like it. My favourite CD Projekt's game is Witcher 3.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

Unfortunately, after playing Cyberpunk 2077 for about 15 hours I have to say that it is really overhyped. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy playing this game, but it is not what I expected. I was sure that after 8 years of development and huge marketing campaign the game will be overhyped so my expectations were lower than most of the people's, but still I feel disappointed. Despite postponing the release date twice, the game is still buggy as hell and AI is completely stupid. For example, if you stop in the middle of the road nobody will try to overtake you, so if you won't move, they will stay behind you forever. Police is appearing out of thin air the moment you commit a crime and they will know you are guilty even if there wasn't any witness. Not to mention that despite playing for only 15 hours I've managed to encounter a lot of bugs, including being teleported into the void under the Night City while driving, being teleported about 20 meters behind while looting some container and being unable to progress the main story (this bug was game breaking and I had to load my previous save).

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

I think that they have the ambition to become a bigger developer, with more than one big franchise.
Jakub Łukowski said…
I have played all three Witcher games, I do not think that CD Project created any other games, so I probably played all of their games. Witcher 3 is my favorite as it is the most sophisticated of all three, it is also only one that has an open world.

Seeing all the reviews it is easy to state that the game was a little bit overhyped and didn’t meet the expectations of many players. Cyberpunk was mainly promoted as console game on many console events and it supposed to be game that can be played on last gen consoles. Seeing couple of ps4 reviews and gameplays the game is barely playable on the platform. On the other hand from what I’ve seen the game runs pretty good on pc and cloud platforms apart from some minor bugs.

Being the studio that created only games in Witcher universe, I think that CD Project wanted to differentiate themself from the series and show everyone that they can also do other things.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
Yes, I've played The Witcher trilogy, and i loved those games. The Witcher 3 is definitely my favorite CD Projekt's game. At the moment I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077, and although it sometimes shows that the game is not finished, I'm having a lot of fun with it.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I'm writing this comment after the release of Cyberpunk, and I can definitely say that the game was overhyped. Don't get me wrong, the game is great, but the expectations were just impossible to achieve. I personally wasn't really hyped for the game, I didn't even knew what the game will be about. At the moment I'm having a lot of fun with it thanks to not hyping it too much.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I have no idea, maybe CD Projekt is exhausted with all The Witcher games, and they wanted to make something different.
Filip Bartuzi said…

1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

There is not much to choose from, hah. As far as I know, there are only 5 titles and 1 of them was not initially developed by CDR but took over from the other game development studio instead.

Oh, and cyberpunk will count as their 6th game but I see at the time you've written the post it's not released yet.

I've played Witcher 3, initially a bit skeptical (but in a meaning neither excited nor suspicious!) but few hours into the game it sunk me in completely, finishing the game in less than 2 weeks (I think it's a crazy time for around 150h of content!).

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meet the expectations?

I think it's completely overhyped, and I thought even before the premiere happened 3 days ago, so 5 days after your post got released. Now it's easy to judge, we all see what's an outcome, but I truly believe the hype could negatively influence the development process. Too much pressure, trying to fit constantly increasing expectations... it must be stressful for everyone involved, including chairmen and executives of CDPR.

I seldom buy at the premiere, I give myself time and wait for a discount price or until major bugs are fixed, which in the current situation in the industry, you can expect every game to be bugged at the release date (or unbalanced in case of competitive games).

This time I couldn't resist and waited for too long. After witcher 3 it just felt empty with rich-story single-player experience on the market.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

I think "Witcher 4" might be the thing. I want to point that cyberpunk development started before witcher 3 was released, so it might be that they had no resources after witcher release to start working on a new game. Cyberpunk was already in progress and all the focus went there.

Witcher is now rooted in pop-culture after Netflix tv-series and I have high hopes CDPR will bring us a new game in that universe in upcoming years
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I have played all 3 Witchers realised by the cdpred. I love those games and especially the witcher 3 which probably isnt a suprise. Its one of the best games ever made.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

For sure it was overhyped taking in consideration how the game looks after realise. Its not fully finished yet, still has a lot of bugs and glitches and on older consoles its very unfinished. But even tho that i had huge expectations i really like and enjoy watching it (gameplays, dont have my own copy yet) but also understand people that fall in trap of the hype that has been created for past couple of years.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

I think that they wanted to leave insufficiency in this universe. Its better for people to feel insufficiency than glut with something. And maybe it has just become boring for them to work on the same thing over and over again and they wanted to try something different.
Tkach Dmytro said…
1. I spend some time playing “The Whitcher”, I really liked it, but then I understood that I don’t like single role games, I prefer cooperating games or just online games with a competitive system like CS, etc. I don’t think that I would buy “Cyberpunk 2077” because of 2 things - price and low pc😊
2. I was watching few trailers since my friends start talking about this game, graphics are really nice, a different view of the night city was really awesome, but right now this game has a lot of bugs, which developers should fix quickly. I think in a few months nobody will talk about this game.
3. I don’t really know about this studio a lot of information and it’s hard to say something for these questions, I think your guesses sound pretty confident to became true.
Leya Chechyk said…
1. I played the first Witcher but I wasn’t able to stand the quality of graphics, so I gave up that idea…. But I watched a lot of streams on Witcher 3 while I was really interested in a plot and the universe of this game. I really enjoyed the official soundtrack.

2. I guess it’s hard to say now as it seems that the main goal was not to create SUCH a hype. I am not sure that it was made on purpose, but there were a lot of outside impacts which helped to create this image of the game. I cannot give a review as I simply don’t plan to actually play but it has definitely causes a resonance.

3. I guess there are could be lots of reasons starting from the basic need to get rest from the Witcher. It could sound silly, but the truth is everyone need to start missing Gerald to rise a huge hype about the new game in the future. It would be boring to consume the same story all the time. People need to switch to the different universes to truly appreciate every feature of them.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
I played most of their games, since 2007. The favorite is and will always be is Witcher 1. I value all their games, because of easter eggs and plot based on Polish popular things. Some places, quests, characters refer to popculture, memes or history. I am already playing Cyberpunk in my free time.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
I don't know yet, I think that Cyberpunk may had been a victim of people overhyping game. The game was incredibly hyped so it could be hard to match expectations, there will be always unsatisfied customer.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I don't care. Good game is good game, it may be based on already created universe or create some new. You can create new universes based only on games (Mass Effect). I think I'll give Cyberpunk time to defend itself.
Jakub Dzień said…
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?

I played all the parts of the witcher and my favorite is the second. The third was also very nice, but the combat system and history was better in the second one.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?

Personally, I haven't played yet, but based on the various reviews I've read, it seems to me that the game lived up to expectations. Developers just have to fix a lot of bugs and no one will be able to complain anymore.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?

It seems to me that the project is trying to create another strong brand in order to be able to create new games in a different universe than the witcher.
1. Have you ever played in CD Projekt’s productions, which one is your favorite? If not, would you try “Cyberpunk 2077”?
I have played one of CD projekt production which was The Witcher 3. It is my favorite game. I think it is the best game I have ever played. There are a beautiful world which we can explore, the medieval times are really great presented. Sometimes I am going back to this game and still I have some quests to complete. I have tried Cyberpunk 2077, I was waiting for this game for a while, but I know that I will still prefer to play Wiedzmin because I don't like games where main story is in the future.

2. What do you think about Cyberpunk 2077? Is it overhyped or will it meets the expectations?
It is hard to say, I have played for only 5 hours and I really enjoy playing this title. On the other hand I come across some bugs, where I had to restart the game from the save point. Moreover according to the informations from stock exchange they got decrease of value of their company. However I support this game and in the result I think it will meet the espectations.

3. Do you think that there were other reasons why did they choose to release “Cyberpunk 2077” instead of some game from The Witcher universe?
I think that we should make a line between those two games. CD Project is not a one game producer, they should to many titles and not only stick to the one. On the other hand I would like to play in the universe of Witcher, but still I think they should develop games like Cyberpunk 2077.
Yes, I played all of CD Project RED productions. For last year the best game for me was Witcher 3 but from few days the best is Cyberpunk 2077. It hits better in my taste, I like world in this game, I think it is more interesting than Witcher universe because we don't have a lot of game having this type of topics.
In my opinion a lot of people think that this game will be something difference than is. So hype in this case can cause something wrong for this games because a lot of people who shouldn't play in this game will try and give its bad score. A lot of people expect that this game will be next GTA but will never be - it's much difference.
In my opinion other reasons that they won't realise next Witcher part is:
First - history about Geralt in Witcher 3 was closed, of course they can try to tell a story before Witcher 1 but it won't be a full-fledged continuation.
Second - they want to be a big game developer like Rockstar/Ubisoft so they must to realise something new to prove that can be fight with others big company. They can't make games about one character.
1. No, I haven't played any production yet, but I bought new graphics card and I'm going to. Unfortunately, due to the situation caused by coronavirus, I have to wait longer, so I will play cyberpunk in January. After I finish cyberpunk, I'm going to play witcher.
2. Based on opinions of other people, I believe game is not overhyped. Fact that there are many mistakes in my opinion was predictable, premiere was postponed three times and producer was afraid to postpone it next time. However, opinions of various editors give this game 9/10, so I believe that it is an objective and correct opinion
3. I think sticking to one streak of game can cause burnout in long run for employees who are constantly working on same series. In addition, the audience (players) could quickly get bored if the studio worked only on witcher
1. Yes, one of the CD project games I had the pleasure to play is The Witcher 3 for PC. This is one of my favorite games. I don't think this game is considered one of the best solely by me as we can see in internet that it has an excellent rating of 9.4.
2. I think my opinion will not differ from many others on this issue. I believe that the game meets expectations, although not what we imagined. There was a lot of feedback on graphics, many players are not satisfied, although I did not notice a problem with it. However, due to the fact that the game had a lot of publicity, I would expect a lot more, because in my opinion it is a 'mixture' of many other games into one, which makes it largely unfinished.
3. I think that one of the most important reasons for departing from the witcher's universe was to create a different, unique game, one that no one had created before and that will surely arouse interest. Of course, apart from payroll issues. However, as I mentioned earlier this is just a game for me based on a few other games.

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