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Week 7 [7.12-13.12] Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?

Nowadays, we pay more attention to our hygiene. The pandemic has changed our habits. We wash our hands more thoroughly and more often, and we also use a hand sanitizer. Our hands have many folds and depressions where the virus can hide. If we do not want to get sick, we must make sure that our hands are free of pathogenic microbes. However, which is better, soap and water or alcohol.

Before you watch the video below, which do you think is better, a soap or a hand sanitizer?


  1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
  2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
  3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?


Karol Michalak said…
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
The soap is better and I was thinking about it before watchin. Soap is with us for many years, centuries even so it was my instant thought.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
I prefer both depending on the environment. On the go sanitizer is far easier to apply.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?
Yes, especially at the begininng as there was little knowledge on it. Right now when I almost not walk out of home I don't mind it so that much as before.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1.What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
Before and after watching the video, I consider that soap is better. In the video, it also wins with the score 2:1. It has been used by people for a long period of time. And before the pandemic, it was easier to buy a simple soap.

2.What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
In everyday life, I always use soap and wash hands after coming from outside and after toilet. Also, you can use soap which will not dry your skin so much as a sanitizer.
But when I am going to eat outside or while some trip I use sanitizer, cause it is easy and you don`t need water.

3.Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?
No, I have always washed my hands when I come home and before eating. My habits did not change here.
And honestly, I was extremely surprised by the fact that a lot of people did not wash their hands after coming from outside. Cause there are a lot of dirty and viruses except coronavirus and which are also serious.
I wouldn't say either option is strictly speaking better, and this is an opinion I've held before watching the video as well as after. While the video does make a good point that it's mechanically easier to cover your whole hands with soap and water, proper coverage of your palms with either still virtually guarantees the eradication of coronavirus particles on the skin. Soap and ethanol/isopropanol are similarly effective, the former is just easier to use properly.

What's more, alcohol-based sanitizer and soap simply have different use cases. It's impossible to use soap on the go, and it's unfeasible to be constantly going to the nearest restroom to wash your hands after touching any public surface. This isn't to say that we shouldn't do it whenever possible, but rather that we should all supplement our daily hygiene with the use of hand sanitizer instead of treating this as an either-or situation. Personally, I've not left the home without an isopropanol spray in more than half a year, and I've developed a habit of spraying my palms with it frequently.

I've definitely started paying attention to safety procedure ever since the pandemic came to Poland. I've always been a bit pedantic and frequent about washing hands, but now I've added hand sanitizer to my repertoire, and of course multiple masks and even goggles to ensure full coverage of any semi-permeable surface on my face which includes the eyes and eyelids. I wear masks even home. This may seem a little paranoid, but it's served me well so far - I'm the only person in my immediate family to test negative for the virus.
FilipJatelnicki said…
What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
It seemed to me that you've got to use both and that hand sanitizer is a quick fix of some sort rather than ultimate solution.

What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
I have sanitizers because they often smell tragic. I like soap and my use of it hasn't changed throughout the pandemic.

Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

Well, the mask thing is the most obvious one. I also try not to touch anything that I don't have to and sanitise my hands whenever I feel the need.

The biggest problem is social distancing which I consider as hygiene as well. It has the biggest impact on my life and I absolutely hate it.
Saloni Nayi said…
Before watching this video, what I feel is, nowadays, we got used to with both of the things it's important to use both. How to predict which one is better to use. But I am sure your video make sense and it will clear for me.

I think I take precautions nowadays and I use both things.This is not to suggest that we should not use it if possible, but rather that instead of approaching this as an either-or case, we should all complement our everyday hygiene with the use of hand sanitizer. Personally, without sanitizer I don't leave home.

After the pandemic arrived in Poland, I have certainly begun to pay attention to safety procedures. Also I look forward to herbal life because nature has lots of medicines itself and of course I frequently change my mask and if it is cotton (Washable) mask than I soak it in to the antiseptic water and wash it.

Maciej Antonik said…
1. I think that everyday soap is more pleasant and less harmful to the skin. However, such hand washing requires appropriate conditions, such as tap, water, soap, etc. Even the entire bathroom. The disinfectant is a quick solution to disinfect your hands when there are no conditions for washing them. The exception is the preparation for surgery by surgeons - they use both and wash their hands thoroughly.

2. Soap definitely. Alcohol damages the skin terribly.

3. I have always attached great importance to personal hygiene. Maybe I'm a little too OCD on hygiene, but I definitely care about it. He always washes his hands after situations where they may have "become contaminated". For example, after contact with animals. I love animals, but I know they can carry all kinds of bad things. I take care of hygiene for my own safety, but also for the safety of my relatives. A lot of microorganisms live everywhere where they cannot be seen with the naked eye. I find it strange that no one has ever installed a hand sanitizer in clinics. There are all sorts of bad things in places like this ...
Mateusz Wietrak said…
1. Before watching the movie, I thought a hand sanitizer was better and still say that during a pandemic it is the best solution.
2. I prefer hand sanitizer. It is simpler and faster to use.
3. I think I have always paid a lot of attention to personal hygiene, but during a pandemic I have increased my frequency of washing my hands.
1. Soap is obviously better for skin safety. I think in this case there is no need to explain anything, it is like saying that white is white and black is black. Nothing new.

2. Personally, I prefer soap and it is conditioned by years of observation of people close to me working in the health service. When you have an opportunity, take a look at how the hands are damaged by the hand sanitizer of people working in medical professions.

3. Yes of course! I don't think I know a person who hasn't paid much attention to hygiene since the pandemic began. I wonder if after its completion such care for cleanliness will take root in our habits for good.
s16427 said…
I think both soap and hand sanitizer should be used (not at once though). Hand sanitizer kills bacteries although soap also clears all biological matter, which enhances bactery growth. On the other hand, hand sanitizer can be used anywhere and doesnt require space and water.

I think I kind of answered second question while answering the first one. I prefer soap when I'm at home, and hand sanitizer when I'm out. One more advantage of soap is usually nice smell, while sanitizer smells like i spilled liquor on myself.

I bet everyone (myself included) is paying more attention to the hygene during the pandemic. It has become matter of health or even life to stay clean and sanitized. It's also easier to stay clean now as most of us stay at home for better part of the day.
olga jaroń said…
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
At the beginning of pandemic I've learned that excessive usage of hand sanitizer can cause virus to develop resistance to it, which could potentially cause it to evolve into a stronger version of itself. This knowledge made me limit the usage of hand sanitizer. Now I try to only use it when it's impossible to find a sink and soap.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
I prefer soap. It is less convenient to use than hand sanitizer, but whenever I use it, I can be sure that there are no bacterias left on my hands.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?
Definitely yes. Before pandemic I didn't wash my hands as often as I do now. Moreover, because of pandemic I've noticed that I used to unconsciously touch my face quite often- now whenever I feel the urge to touch my face I stop myself from doing it.
1. I think soap is better. I have very dry skin and hand sanitizers in shops (that are probably the cheapest possible) made things even worse. Now I have to apply hand cream a few times a day. Even though hand sanitizer might be better in destroying some viruses, after washing hands with soap there's a feeling of cleanliness that I don't experience after using hand sanitizer.

2. I prefer soap at home. I have a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my car that I use after shopping.

3. I wash my hands for a little longer. I haven't changed any other things.
What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
I prefer the more traditional disinfectant - soap. I think my hands feel cleaner after using the soap than using a sanitizer.
Moreover when the pandemic just started, I saw a video about the benefits of using soap. BTW the video was popular in the media.

What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
The almost similar question. I prefer soap but when I go shopping or just walking outside for sure sanitizer is more useful.

Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?
Yes I did when pandemic has started and when I was really scared but now everything is the same like it was before. I am washing my hands regularly like I did before
Illia Kalinin said…
The best it to combine them both and to do it regularly. Before the watching I expected sanitizer to win.

I prefer hand sanitizer because it available on the go and the whole process takes less time.

I used to wash hands even before it became mainstream. but since the pandemic began I started to pay more attention to things I touch.

Anna Żak said…
The material presented in the video comparing soap and hand sanitizer confirmed my opinion on this subject. Maintaining the hygiene rules that everyone should follow in everyday life is enough. Soap has been popular for so many years for a reason. Alcohol has also been used in hospitals and other health facilities, but it has never replaced soap.

The use of soap and water has always been and will be my first choice. This allows you to thoroughly clean the surface of the hand and paying attention to it, you can reach all nooks and crannies. For me, it is much more pleasant than using alcohol-based gel, which dries the skin a lot. I use hand sanitizer just like they said, only when I'm away from home and access to the bathroom is difficult.

The pandemic and the general stir on the hygiene topic didn’t affect my behavior. I always tried to wash my hands when entering home or school. I was taking hand sanitizer with me when I planned to eat out. I cannot imagine not washing my hands and touching all surfaces with them.
Karol Gałązka said…
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

When water is available it is better to use soap. It not only kills viruses, but also other microbes and rinses dirt from your hands. Another reason is that frequent hand washing with soap is healthier for our skin than strong alcohol, which dries it out. However, when we are in a public place, we don’t have how to use soap effectively. In this case, an alcohol-based disinfectant is better.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?

As I wrote in the first question before watching the movie, I still think that soap with water is better. I only use hand disinfection in situations where there is no access to water and soap. The film confirmed this belief for me, especially in the current epidemic situation in the world.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

I have always attached great importance to hygiene, since I was a child I have been learning to wash my hands and not drink any drinks from the bottle after someone. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have never used hand sanitizers, but just tried to wash my hands often. Especially after coming home and before eating. Now that there is an epidemic, I often have hand sanitizer with me.
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

I think a hand sanitizer is better in times of a pandemic, but to be honest, hand sanitizers damages hands. For this reason, my hands are very dry and have little wounds. For this reason, I wash my hands with moisturizing soap. More and more often. Have I started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started? No. Before the pandemic, I also washed my hands often and thoroughly, and therefore nothing has changed. My habits have not changed.
Polina Rybachuk said…
My parents always told me to wash my hands before eating. But before a pandemic, it was impossible to wash your hands on a food court in the mall if you haven't any hand sanitizer. The fact that I have to eat with dirty hands irritated me. Thanks to the pandemic hand sanitizers are in every store and restaurant. It’s unbelievable, that only the tragedy reminded people basic principles of hygiene.
I think there is not much difference. For me the best cleanser the one that is available right now. In places like a shop, mall or public transport hand sanitizer is a good solution, but if possible, I prefer to wash my hands with soap. Hand sanitizer kills bacteria and viruses but does not remove any dirt from your hands. So washing hands with soap is really important for me.
After the pandemic started I’m definitely paying more attention to hygiene. Before I sometimes forget to wash my hands after returning home. Now it is for me a sacred principle. Also, I use hand sanitizer in public transport and shops. I also sometimes clean up at home using fluid disinfection.
Before watching the video, I didn't have an opinion on which of this more effective as a weapon in the battle against the Covid virus, as I didn't have any 'technical' knowledge on how both of them work. As presented in the clip, soap and water have more advantages, as they also wash out any dirt that resides on your hands, and it seems easier to properly lather your hands with soap than with a hand sanitiser.

As a germaphobe, with the beginning of the pandemic, I used any accessible form of sanitising my hands when possible, but I would also avoid any unnecessary types of contact with other people. Before the Coronavirus outbreak, I would carry with me hand sanitizer to clean my hands if I were to eat outside. However, I have always felt that the alcohol in the sanitisers only kills bacteria and not washes out the dirt, and so I switched to use sanitising wipes, as they wipe the dirt and bacteria from hands. Since the pandemic, whenever I receive packages, as my only interactions are with workers from delivery companies, I sanitise my hands first with the sanitizer and then I wash them with soap and water.

I definitely have started to pay more attention to hygiene since the pandemic and as I mentioned while answering your previous question, I try to use any form accessible to sanitise my hands thoroughly. But let us not forget that the most common way of catching the virus is though particles that are transmitted with coughing, so please remember to wear a mask and keep safe!
I think hand sanitizer is better. Liquid soap can get into more areas on my hands and kill more bacteria. When several people use the same traditional soap, I have the impression that bacteria from one person's hands can easily get into the other.
I think that, like everyone else, I began to pay more attention to hand hygiene during a pandemic. Of course, I used to wash my hands often up to now, but now I am doing it longer and more thoroughly. I have also made sure that I do not rub my eyes without first washing my hands. I also forget how many bacteria are on my smartphone. They are said to be the same amount as on the toilet seat. That is why, during a pandemic, I also try to disinfect my phone.
Karolina Rolska said…
Before watching the video I thought that soap is better, but not in every situation we have a possibility to use it, and then hand sanitizer is perfectly fine. The video kind of supports my opinion on that.

I prefer using soap in every situation it is possible, I really don’t like the feeling that my hands are not clean. When I don’t have access to a bathroom, like when I’m in a store, on the bus, or on the street I use hand sanitizer, but I wash my hands when I have a chance anyway.

Before the pandemic, I have always washed my hand when I got back home or when I got to school. I also used hand sanitizer every time I got out of a bus or metro. This obviously didn’t change but additionally, I use sanitizer after being in a store or someplace I could touch something.
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

I actually thought they work quite the same. I do not why, but I have always washed my hands very often with soap, for about 15-20 seconds. It is just normal for me to wash my hands when I come back home, or I do something in the garden, or I touch my dogs. So, if I had to choose which one is better, I would probably choose soap, just because I am more used to it.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?

I definitely prefer soap over hand sanitizer. Like I said in my previous comment I just enjoy having clean hands and I have always used soap to wash my hands. Moreover, I really do not like hand sanitizer, because not only they make my hands very dry, but sometimes when I have to used them my hands are just itching me very much. It is to the point I have to wash them with soap, because I cannot stand it.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

I believe that every human being has started to pay more attention to their hygiene since the pandemic started. I really do think that it is a necessary to wash your hands every time you come back home and sanitize them when you are outside. Furthermore, what really change for me is the frequency of washing the gloves, scarfs and hats. Right now, I washed them every other day, not because they are dirty, but because I used them when I leave the home.
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

Both solutions are effective. Wow, a very interesting video, I didn't know the virus had a protective layer and I didn't know that soap and alcohol would destroy this layer. I will definitely share the movie with my friends, because nowadays, it is really worth taking care of such simple activities.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?

I definitely prefer soap. I like the smell of soap - various scents, flowers - the smell of summer. Additionally, I like to wash my hands in warm water. The hand sanitizer is of course an effective tool, but I prefer to wash my hands with soap.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

I have always been careful about such simple hygiene. However, when it comes to the pandemic, I am very happy that Poles have started to pay attention to hygiene and frequent washing of hands. Currently, I pay a lot of attention to proper hand washing. As mentioned above, I prefer to wash my hands with soap as I like it to smell good. But the liquid used in the hand sanitizer smells a lot of alcohol, I don't like it.

1. As a person who is in these conditions, I still adhere to the method, the choice of two means. I saw this topic of the presentation, and this video seemed to me interesting to watch, I thought that it would show facts and statistics.
2. As I wrote above, I use and prefer both.
3. Yes, it is definitely true. I started paying more attention to my surroundings and my personal hand hygiene.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Both of these are good. But they are different and should be used in different situations. I already knew at the beginning of a pandemic that soap is technically better, because it dissolves the lipid (fat) shell of the virus. However you won't be using soap in the go, because there is no water to wash your hands, right? In that case sanitizer is better, because it evaporates by itself.

2. I prefer soap. It's better for the skin.

3. Well I always washed my hands, because I don't like that dirty feeling. But at the beginning of the pandemic I even rubbed products from the supermarket with 90% alcohol lol. Nowadays I don't pay so much attention to it, but the first thing I do is washing my hands, even before I take my coat off.
I knew that viruses had a lipidic layer and why soap and sanitizers work. The stickiness of my hands after using sanitizers made me feel that I have still dirty hands that's why I usually was eager to wash my hands after. I guess I was kinda right ;) While working in a restaurant I got addicted to sanitizers as I couldn't wash my hands every time between one customer giving me money and the other needing something from the fridge, so sanitizer was the only way. I heard that soap is better, sanitizer surely does a trick.

Soap, especially my fancy cherry-scented soap that makes me happy every time I wash my hands :D

Surely, however mostly not my own. I started to see how people are picking their vegetables and now, when I get home, I sometimes wash my veggies with natural soap... Have you noticed? Everybody is in masks and try to keep a distance from one another, but some people feel the need to touch every tomato there is, without a glove or a bag, before choosing the perfect one. Once I saw a guy take his mask off to smell the parsley putting it right in his face, and then he put it back on the self... Also, there are people that wear gloves and then touch their face with it. I'm not sure, do they not understand the purpose of those things and just blindly obey? My faith towards people has faded.
What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?

Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

Before watching this movie I would rather say that sanitizer should be better – mostly because we don’t need water and we can literally use it in any moment.

Sanitizer – from the same reason as above.

Sure I do – like everyone (I wish that could be 100% true) else I don’t want to try it at my own how our polish hospitals are handling with the covid.
Jakub Parteka said…
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?
The video said that soap is actually better than hand sanitizer. Before watching the video, I thought that hand sanitizer is better, I thought that alcohol is basically killing molecules of virus. Turns out that it is working differently but the result is still the same.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
I prefer soap because I have a skin condition and in my opinion hand sanitizer is less safe for your skin. Meaning that after using I feel like it is drying my hands much more than soap. Disadvantage of soap as mentioned in the video is being less convenient, you can take hand sanitizer everywhere and it is easier to use on e.g. trips.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?
Yes, of course! I think everyone is paying more attention to hygiene. Currently the first thing that I do after entering my house is washing my hands and I pay attention to wash them thoroughly.

Filip Bartuzi said…
Firstly, what a great animation and easy to follow information stream. Thank you for sharing this :)

1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

I don't have any kind of medical expertise, but my gut said it's soap and water, and apparently, I was right. I like how it's ironic we are using hand sanitizer called "anti-bacteria" for a virus outbreak.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?

I hate the smell of hand sanitizer. At my home, I have both but use hand sanitizer rarely. It's placed in my kitchen and I usually do it while cooking. I have some kind of paranoia, that cleaning my hands with soap and water will give the food I'm cooking a "soapy" taste. It feels hand sanitizer is easier to rinse

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

Yes, I did. I think wearing a mask is a healthy thing and I admired eastern countries for embracing it years before the corona outbreak. It's a pity wearing a mask after an illness is not rooted in our social behavior.
Apart from that, I've started washing my hands more often, keep a social distance, and avoided touching doorknobs or rails with a bare hand. It kept me safe and healthy for the past months but I'm a bit afraid we will need to keep those rituals for a very long time before we could feel safe again.
Jakub Łukowski said…
My view on this topic did not changed after watching the video. I agree that it is better to wash your hands with soap. The argument used in video that during washing you rinse the virus from your hands is fairly logical. The best solution is probably to use both.

I think I prefer soap and water more that hand sanitizers, most of hand sanitizers are sticky or leave the smell of alcohol, also they make your hands dry if you use them a lot.

The one thing that changed for me is that I started to carry own hand sanitizer and using it after touching some surfaces. I think that I wash my hands the same amount I did before the pandemic, maybe just a little bit more.
To be honest, I had no idea what’s better, soap or hand sanitizer. After watching the video I think the safest option is to wash hands with soap when you can, and use hand sanitizer during any trips, or when you can’t find a bathroom where you could wash your hands.
Personally, I prefer washing my hands with soap, because I can be sure I clean it all up. Also, after hand sanitizer my hands are sticky sometimes, and it feels really awful. But sometimes it’s necessary, for example when I’m driving, I try to have hand sanitizer in my car, so I can clean my hand after touching anything outside. Especially during covid pandemic.
Yes. After the pandemic started, I started paying way more attention to hygiene, social distance, personal health. I understood how important it is and how much depends on us and also how much depends on everybody else. It’s a bit terrifying I think.
1. What is better soap or hand sanitizer in the present pandemic? What did you think before watching this movie?

After watching the movie and in the present pandemic. I’m thinking soap is better. Because you get rid of the virus and you wash away the rest of the germs. You only need to wash your hands properly and for a minimum of 20 seconds.

2. What do you prefer, soap or hand sanitizer?
Prefers soap. First of all, soap & water does not dry hands as much as hand sanitizer. Second, when I only use the hand sanitizer, I feel like my hands are still dirty. That's why I always use soap and water. In my opinion, my hands are clean after that. Sometimes after washing my hands with soap I use the hand sanitizer but never only the hand sanitizer.

3. Have you started paying more attention to hygiene since the pandemic started?

I have always attached a lot of importance to hygiene. When I was doing something or coming back from town, the first thing I did was wash my hands. Therefore, the pandemic has changed nothing in my life when it comes to hygiene.
Mateusz Szych said…
Karol Michalak, I already knew that soap copes well with coronavirus, but you have to remember that not all microbes are susceptible to it. Many sanitizers leave a weird feeling in the hands, which makes me think soap is definitely better. I definitely wash my hands more often, but I haven't noticed any major changes.
Mateusz Szych said…
Anastasiia Bida, I hate the hand sanitizer, I try to use soap, but when I go to the store I have no choice. I am not surprised, I myself did not always wash my hands right after I went home.
Mateusz Szych said…
Tadeusz Pawlonka, remember that you cannot abuse disinfectants, we have our own ecosystem on our skin that protects us, and excessive decontamination can permanently damage it.
Mateusz Szych said…
Filip Jatelnicki, agree, sanitizers usually smell terrible, recently after visiting a Biedronka, I was wondering what was wrong with my hands, until I realized it was because of the sanitizer.
Mateusz Szych said…
Saloni Nayi, I have carried a hand sanitizer with me for a long time, but I have not used it yet. I simply wash my masks together with other clothes.
Mateusz Szych said…
Maciej Antonik, we are lucky that the coronavirus is susceptible to soap, otherwise we would have a much bigger problem. In my opinion, alcohol is not that bad for the skin, and there are also preparations without the addition of alcohol.
Mateusz Szych said…
Olga Jaroń, interesting, I have never heard of a virus becoming resistant to disinfectants. Are you sure you haven't mistaken this for antibiotic resistance in bacteria? No hanitizer removes all bacteria, so you can't be sure.
Mateusz Szych said…
Anna Żak, you're right, soap has been a proven form of disinfection for years. I also prefer to use soap and water, and I only use the sanitizer when I can't use soap. It seems to me that people have developed a greater awareness of hygiene after all, you may not notice it, but you probably wash your hands more often and more thoroughly than before.
Mateusz Szych said…
Karol Gałązka, soap does not kill all viruses, only some but most of them washes away.
Mateusz Szych said…
Daniel Trzaskoma, remember that not all viruses have a soap-resistant layer. Let us hope that people's awareness of hygiene will remain after the pandemic.
Mateusz Szych said…
Roman Dubovyi, You're right, you can't always use soap. I also don't like the feeling of dirty hands, I sometimes wash my hands from time to time even when I am not doing anything.
Mateusz Szych said…
Adrianna Wróbel, I hate the weird feeling the sanitizer leaves behind, in addition, they often have a terribly strange smell. I cannot imagine washing vegetables with soap, this thought makes me uncomfortable.
I don't know that I understand right but video says that soap is better for present pandemic. Before watching this move I think the best is hand sanitizer with alkohol because we can use them everywhere - in bus, metro, car and it kill viruses and bacteria. I think I still will be using both of them.
I prefer hand sanitizer but with good composition. A lot of cheaper hand sanitizers smells bad and there are sticky. I don't have problems with skin so none of them irritate me. And I think hand sanitizer is better solution - you can use it everywhere, to clean hands with soap you need water and for example in public transport you can't use it.
Before pandemic I never use hand sanitizer and wash hands less often. Nowadays when I go out from home I take my hand sanitizer and I use it very often. When I have access to water and soap I wash my hands every time and clean for sure with hand sanitizer.

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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Is Scientific Community Accepting of New Ideas?

We all want to believe that science is about pushing the boundaries of knowledge, breaking the status quo and persuading curious ideas, even if the majority of people find them unbelievable. But is it so? There are many cases of scientists who were disgraced and persecuted by the scientific community simply because their findings challenged the already existing beliefs. Humberto Maturana and Lynn Margulis Humberto Maturana is a prominent biologist who studied the examples of symbiosis between organisms: fungi that control the ants (there are farming ants that grow fungi for food) or the parasites that hijack the brains of snails. Maturana wondered how is it possible that a symbiosis so complex as the one between a worm and a snail could ever take place? I t occurred it is actually a more general argument about the evolution. What comes first: the design or the applic...