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Week 8 [11.05 - 17.05] The Wonders of The Molecular World

Our body consists of the smallest elements - molecules, that we couldn’t ever see even using the most powerful light microscope. So how can we deal with it? How can we analyze the way our immunity or DNA works and how can we understand and improve it? In the video below is described the process of molecules animation and how it helps to understand and change these processes.

1. Are you interested in genetics?
2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?


1. Unfortunately, I don't know much about genetics, I have never studied this knowledge myself and I only learned basic information at school. Nevertheless, it is interesting to me how we inherit traits from ancestors. Sometimes I also read about diseases resulting from gene mutations.

2. Yes, I liked this video. I really liked the visualizations, thanks to which we are able to better understand (or try to understand) the complex processes that take place in our bodies.
3. I think it will be partly possible, however it will probably depend on kind of mutation.
Ela said…
1. I'm not strictly interested in genetics but chemistry is close to me, and the world of genetics is similar to it. The particles are just as small as in genetics and seeing them is problematic. Getting to know the world from this side is fascinating.

2. I liked the video very much, thanks to the animation every layman could understand it. I even started to wonder if I could do something similar in the future.

3. I hope it won't be universal, because playing with genes can be dangerous. There isn’t enough research on this topic yet, there are mainly hypotheses. It could turn out that such actions will harm humanity.
Genetics is certainly a very interesting topic, although I don't care much. Many genes are inherited, so many of our behaviors and traits can be derived from our ancestors. The video was OK, but the topic of the film did not interest me. As far as I know, now everything is genetically modified. Maybe he doesn't reach the number of people with a cold, although I wouldn't be so sure. Additional playing with genetics can be so so dangerous. We have not so such informations.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Maybe a little bit, I've liked to read about how can we inherit some genes from our parents but that's all.
2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Yes, it was short and filled with information. Not all of it made much sense to me, but it is still a valuable source material to work with. Steady voice and nice graphics are really catchy and helps focus fully on the matter.
3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
In some distant future yes, I am not sure which will be faster, modifing genomes or using cybernetic implants, but it is matter of years not centuries from now on.
Answering your questions:

1. Unfortunately no, I have never been interested in genetics. All I know is the basics of primary school - DNA and such stuff.

2. To be honest, if it wasn't for animations and visualizations, it would be really difficult to understand what's going on. WHAT I think about the video itself - I think it's interesting, we'll see what the future brings.

3. Do I think that changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold? I think it might be, but it certainly won't happen soon. We have to wait for at least several dozen years - I think so.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Not so much. It is very interesting topic indeed but I never investigate it. I prefer learning about space.
2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
It was interesting but hard to understand sometimes. Visualizations helps a lot in this case. I can't wait to see how technology changes the way we understand those things.
3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
If so, we could do a lot better than just treating a cold. It could be dangerous. I think the problem is that in some moment we should leave the topic as it is and don't play a god.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?
I think, it is a very interesting topic to know about. Recently I began to watch Stanford lectures about the biology of human behavior by Robert Sapolsky. I have watched just two of them but they impressed me and I'm going to continue following.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Yes, it was a nice video, I liked it. The speaker explained everything quite clearly, followed her speech with interesting animation. I am not good at biology, so I have heard about some facts for the first time.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I can`t answer exactly, as I haven`t studied biology so deeply. But changing the genome will become a great discovery and will help to prevent some humans disease.
Unknown said…
I used to read about genetics in the past, but it is big field of science and it tooks a lot of time to understand how the things are working in tiny world. It is quite interesting theme.
2. Yes I like this video it is short and she gives material in clear way without using scientific words. She showed visual representation of what she said and it helped to understand it more clearly.
3. Yes I want to believe, I think everytime we should push harder and harder to reach it. I think it is our future, it won't happen soon and it will take a lot of years.
1. Not that much to be honest, at least not professionally. I like to watch popular science movies and I think it is extremely interesting to everyone who is interested in how the world around us works. That branch of science doesn’t seem to be the easiest, so big respect for those who are dealing with it.

2. Yes, I watched it with interest. Those simulations, or “assumptions” of how the molecules might look like are extraordinary and some of them are even funny.

3. I’d rather not. It just doesn’t feel normal to me and it can be disastrous. I’d prefer to live in a world where artificial organs and limbs are common. This is a future in my opinion, to overcome our greatest weakness, which is our body, instead of trying to genetically modify it to make it only a little bit less weak.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
I am indeed quite interested in genetics. There was period in my life when I have been following a lot of blogs related to this topic. Nowadays I am more interested in computer science since it is my area of expertise.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
I really like the video. The presenter seems knowledgeable about the subject she is talking about and I think a lot of people could be inspired by her talk.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I think it is possible that this will be the case. Most of the new technologies are at the beginning expensive and unavailable for general public. When time pass scientists and engineers find more efficient ways to produce them, so they become cheaper and better. I hope it will apply to the genome therapy as well.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?

In my opinion, genetics is the most important field of biology. It describes the laws of inheritance and variability. When I was in high school, genetics was my favorite subject in biology lessons. I loved solving different types of genetic crossbreeding. Unfortunately, I forgot a lot. I'm currently working in bioinformatics. My main topic is simulating the work of a nerve center. Computer scientists are especially needed for the Genome-wide association study.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

A very interesting movie. I didn't realize it was possible to build such a Robot. It's great that it's already possible to build such a molecular robot that grabs the designated particles and then moves them to the right place. It's amazing how this field of science has developed.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

I think changing the genome is very difficult. Although, sometimes it's possible that people after a bone marrow transplant have a different blood type from the beginning. This is because after a bone marrow transplant, the recipient "takes over" their donor's blood type. An even more interesting case happened to a girl after a liver transplant. After a liver transplant, the stem cells from the transplanted liver are placed in the girl's bone marrow and produce blood (including immune system cells) compatible with the transplanted liver so that she does not have to take immunosuppressants. Nature itself suggests solutions.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Unfortunately it is not interesting so much for me. I have only basic knowledge about this topic and that's it.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Yes, it was nice to watch this video. I think examples and animations was quite good presented.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
Probably in future it is really possible but i don't think so it will come soon. Anyway everything is improving so maybe in some day changing genome will be nothing special.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?

Not really. The topic seemed quite interesting when I was in junior high school, but I've lost the interest to the topic a bit after. Right now I am not fascinated in the genetics at all.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Well, I enjoyed the animations to the fullest but I am no scientist nor hothead about the topic to drain the knowledge from the aforementioned video.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

Changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold. We must strive for full genome sequencing and editing for the cure of diseases. Over the last few years, huge progress has been made in this area and in particular, in the last few years, genome editing is producing changes that could be useful for treating disease.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Not really. It's usually interesting to listen or watch some materials about it but I rarely do it on my own. But I wanted to buy the book about the genetics written by the author of the youtube channel "Uwaga! Naukowy Bełkot". Maybe it will convert me.
2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Yes, I liked the video. I especially liked the visual representations, they were very helpful for understanding the topic.
3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I think in the far future it would be. Maybe we are even closer to that than we think.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Yes, I am. In school I loved lessons about genetic. There is much to discover in order to understand the processes taking place in our body.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
This video is very interesting and I like it. The animations are great because they presenting us processes taking place in our bodies. This video helps better understand molecules world.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I don’t think so. We don't know everything about genome. There is a lot to discover. We need to be careful doing change in DNA.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. Unfortunately my education on genetics ended in high school. However it's very interesting to me so I when I see an article or book I find interesting I read it.
2. I liked the video. The lady has a talent for understandable translating things that seems very complicated. I also liked the animations — they were great at visualizing the actions of molecules.
3. I really can't tell whether it will happen any time soon but if it did it would be great especially in times like these — when a dangerous virus is spreading around the world.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
Not really, no. But its an interestic topic worth listening.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
I do like the video. Its short to explain enought to understand whats going on but enought to generate curiosity about the subject.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
Maybe one day. Who knows.
Aleksander said…
1. Not especially. I’m not really into genetics but from time to time I like to check some things out. For example, by knowing the fact that our diet can influence our DNA I know that it’s always good to pay attention to what I eat.
2. Yes. I like short, concrete videos full of information. Good images also helped me to understand this topic better.
3. I imagine that in the nearest future that could be as easy as treating a cold. That’s one of the last hidden nature’s secrets that we didn’t conquer. The last bastion we would like to get. For the goodness of people of course.
Aleksander said…
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1. I find this topic to be quite amusing, however, I wouldn't say that I'm interested in genetics.

2. It was a bit vague, barely scratch the surface of the genetics, although I liked it. Especially the spirit of the speaker, she talked with passion and made me listen closely.

3. I don't suppose it will be as common. The process seems challenging and time consuming. Nevertheless, it is hard to predict what the future will bring.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I used to be interested in genetics and every science that showed us evolution or similar topics.
2. This was very well-prepared presentation of a molecular world, and the animations phenomenally showed how hypothetically our bodies work
3. I think that changing the genome will be something common in the future but I don’t know how I feel about it
1. Are you interested in genetics?

No, I was watching only a few movies about it but it's not the field of studies that I can handle.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Yes, the video is great. It's great to hear this much of interesting things in normal language

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

Yes, we are on our ways to change the way we cure people
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I rather don't like biologic and this part of science. But some time ago I bought the book "Recipe for Human". It has been written by Phd from Lublin. It describes how people have discovered their genetic features. In my opinion It is interesting and I definitely would recommend it.

2. I find It rather boring and I don't like TED conference.

3. I think It is still distant future and I could imagine we could change our genotype. It would be extremely dangerous to predict what effects it can bring. If ever it will happen I rather see this as long term research and development.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. No, I'm not interested in genetics, biology, chemistry. At school I learned the basics and I think that's enough.

2. Yes, the video was very interesting, I would say one of the most interesting posted by people on this blog. My feelings are that after watching a movie on a topic that does not fit me at all, I do not feel tired, and even a little bit of interest in this topic.

3. I think it is possible but probably not in the near future. It seems unreal at the moment.
MichalB said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?

No, I don't think genes should be touched. Changing them is already an exaggeration.
I'm kidding, I'm not really interested in genetics but it's fascinating science. If we ever get to know her thoroughly, we can save many lives and many people.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Cool, thought-provoking. In my opinion, visualization is the basis for translating many things and many ideas. I often use this technique myself.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

I hope not. Today it's a very risky matter. Maybe in a few decades, it will be normal but at the moment it's a risk.
s18716 said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?
In general, I think this is a very interesting science. It is very good and useful to know the basics of genetics and everything related to this industry. This science really has a future and it seems to me that it can develop endlessly. It seems to me in general the level of development of the genetic industry is an indicator of how advanced the country is, because not all countries can afford it today.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Very interesting video. The speaker is truly a professional, I am impressed with the visualization of such processes. In her case, you need to be a specialist in at least two areas: in creating graphics and in the field of bioengineering. I think everyone would be interested to know what is happening with their body at such a level. Thanks!

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I do not think so. Because this process is actually not so simple, that is, I would even say that it is even more complicated than it seems at first glance. Especially when it comes to human genetic codes, you can’t joke with them, so you need to approach these issues in more detail. Well, in this regard, it seems to me that these processes will not be such a commonplace thing.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?

No, I am not. Although it would be nice if I had more knowledge of this topic.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Yes, I liked the video. The topic was described in a pleasant way and I enjoyed watching it although I know almost nothing about it.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

I seems very abstract to me and I cannot imagine that. On the other hand, after all of those discoveries I should not be suprised by any possible improvements and inventions that we, humans could introduce.
Hello here are my replies to your questions!

1. A little bit, yes, but it's not my biggest hobby. However, I like to listen to some news from that field from time to time. I really like to see how we progress in genetics.

2. I find the video to be very interesting. It's presented in a very easy to understand language so it's not hard to understand the topic. I really like how the presenter connects genetics with art. I am a hobbyist artist and animator myself so it's actually pretty fascinating to see how artistic skill can help with advanced technologies. I enjoyed watching this video!

3. I don't think that changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold any time soon but who knows? Maybe in the far future? But for now I don't think we can expect to see many genome-changing technique used on a daily basis. But maybe they'll surprise us.
Dear Ela, thank you for your opinion. I understand why you're worried about a lack of information in this area, but I'm sure, we'll know much more in future.
I am happy to hear, that this video motivated you to think about your place in genetics area in future. Good luck! :)
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Are you interested in genetics?

Just a bit, but I hope to dive into it deeper in upcoming years. Firstly, it's fascinating itself, just out of curiosity. Secondly, it sounds like safe and reasonable career path for software engineer. That's actually one of the reason why I'm studying now on data science department on PJATK.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

I'm really amazed about the animation quality and how well explained it is. It could be understood ever for a person who has no background in biology whatsoever

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
opefully (see answer 1., software engineering jobs :D). It can be beneficial, it might make society more healthier, I don't have any issue with that. Let's have cyberpunk as soon as possible
1. Are you interested in genetics?

In some sort of it. I like to read news about discoveries in this sphere as well as read some interviews with scientists or think about how discoveries could change our world. At the same time, I don't like genetics by myself, I mean studying it, etc.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Yes, I like this video. It is very interesting and brings something new for me. I find the animations were a little bit strange, but I have learned thought this video and I like the concept of how this graphic was done. This video shows, that there is a lot of unknown in genetics and a lot of secrets for now.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

I think yes. In the future, it will be a very common thing and it will be widely used. I find this idea very exciting and would like to see how humans will use this power to change the genome so freely and will it bring to us.
I have studied genome inheritance at school too, also there were topics about DNA structure, its generation, and modification. For me, it was fascinating. I agree with you that visualization of the problem helps to understand it better as well as find out something new and use it in different areas. I'm pretty sure that the usage of cybernetic implants will be in the nearer future than genome modifications, as it is already using. I have read that a few days ago blind people could see a letter on the screen because of an implant in their brain.
Could you tell me more about those lectures, please? It sounds very interesting. I agree with you that in the video everything was described clearly and in an interesting way, which is great as I am also not very good at genetics. Moreover, I want to know more. In my opinion, the ability to describe difficult things in a simple way is a trait that is present in people who understand their subject very well. I looking forward to seeing the practical results of those researches, I hope that you too.
I am happy to see that so many people share my interests. I am impressed almost after every video in the genetics area too. As well as you I haven't ever thought that there is so much of hard work on the visualization of molecules and that it is doing important. As I know, there was detected only one gene which could be fixed, tell me if I'm wrong :)
What is the last interesting discover you have read about? I agree with you that the animations look a bit strange, but behind this simple view lays months or even years of calculations and modelings. What, in your opinion, the ability to freely change the genome will bring to us?
1. Are you interested in genetics?
No and to be honest I hate it because I had problems with it during biology classes in high school. It was very hard for me and level of detail of very high
2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
It is quite interesting despite the fact that I don't like biology and chemistry. Video itself is full of interesting facts though so if someone likes this topic or is not negatively set to it, it can be very fun.
3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
I don't think so. We don't know about complications that it may cause for human. We don't know many things that are going to happen to our bodies in certain situations so we need to be very careful with those things. Probably, if it is even possible, it will take years.
1. Are you interested in genetics?
No, not really, but sometimes I read some interesting articles.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?
Yes, I like this video. It is really interesting and as an animation student from SNM department I think it could be fascinating and challenging work.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?
Maybe in far future but not now. As a women from video said it's only a beginnig of their journey and there are still so much to learn about genomes and molecules.
1. Are you interested in genetics?

Yes, I am interested in genetics. I like to read papers about genetically modified organisms, and I also subscribe to some youtube in this topic, for example in this live stream this youtube creator was designing a plasmid to enable expression of capsaicin producing gene in tomatoes, so they could be spicy just like chilli. Also recently I have had made my genetic profile for cancer.

2. Do you like the video? What are your impressions?

Yes, I liked the video. It easily presented the basic complex of genetics, that almost everyone could understand.

3. Do you think changing the genome will be as commonplace as treating a cold?

I think that during our lives it will become much more common but I don't think that it will be as common as treating a cold.

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