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Week 8 [11.05 - 17.05] A Terrible Roommate

Today I want to introduce to you James Veitch. He is an English comedian who is best known for his video series “Scamalot’, in which he answers spam emails that come to him, making their authors spam and joke victims themselves. I really enjoy watching these videos, but today I want to show you another video with his participation - a humorous performance where he talks about himself as a roommate. I hope the humor of this video will cheer someone up and distract from serious topics of other presentations and life in general.

James Veitch Is A Terrible Roommate

  1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
  2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank? 
  3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates? 


1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

I had many roommates in my life. Most of them had some annoying habits such as not taking garbage or not cleaning up and not following other mutually agreed rules. The main advantage of living together with such people is that thanks to this I have become an ideal roommate who tries to be the least annoying to others.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

I can't remember, so I don't think so. I was the one who pranked my siblings, but I think they caused laughter, not anger or irritation.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

I think that at first it would be fun for me but later I would be irritated. I would probably behave similarly to his roommate, ask him to stop. Thus, I think that buying so many nonsensical products does not have a good impact on either his budget or our planet.
Ela said…
1. I've never had a terrible roommate, but I had a terrible neighbor. Unfortunately, there are people who only see their own tip of the nose and think that everyone should obey them, because they’re right. It’s unbelievable that you may want to make life difficult for others for your own pleasure. Unfortunately, my neighbor tries to force me to move out because she thinks that she can manage other people's things.

2. I don't remember the exact situation. I love to laugh and I have definitely been a victim and an organizer of a prank more than once.

3. Given that conversations with him don't help, I would use another weapon. If I were one of his roommates I would buy a giant duck so big that he couldn't enter his room.
Viktor Ryś said…
I think I always had alright roomates, the biggest problem was with coming up with a apartment cleaning schedule, but that was just a matter of discipline and not pranks.

Most likely, however I cannot recall anything with detail. I've been on both sides of pranks and I did most of them in primary school but also in some happend at work, where with my workmates we once wrapped in tinfoil and cardboard the monitors, chair and the desk of a person that went on holidays.

Probably ask him kindly to stop the pranks. Enough is enough.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
Yes, I had a terrbile flatmate that even when left for the whole weekend couldn't wash his dishes so they only pilled up like a freaking eiffel tower from the sink. He also smoked and he smoked in the basement so everytime he did this, the whole stairs where simply dirty. With others we tried to teach him something. But it was hard.
2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
Yes, more of a revange. On my flatmate we left a trap few times. All his dirty dishes where placed just beneath his doors so when he woke up and with sleepy eyes tried to get to the bathroom he simply step into the few days old pot with mushroom sauce. The only sad thing is that noone recorded that. But it was nice.
3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
I would laugh as hell from this ducks and maybe think of some pranks myself.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
Yes, I have had a terrible roommate once. The most annoying thing was the loud rap listening. I don`t like rap music at all. In addition to this, there were constantly unwashed dishes, leaving the lights on in all rooms, and not observing the cleaning schedule. He was the most sloppy and stupid person whom I met in my life.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
Yes, I have been a victim of a prank. The organisers were my father and sister. Once my dad took me away from a workout in a car, as always, I sat in front of him. I drove all the way thinking that there were only two of us in the car. And when we were already near the house, my sister jumped out of the back seat and scared me.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
To be honest, if compare James to my terrible neighbour, he is a perfect and funny roommate :D I would laugh from these ducks and maybe I would organize some prank for him.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

I was lucky to have always lived alone. My girlfriend, on the other hand, often lived with her roommates. She always had a problem because the roommates did not clean. They used a lot of water and did not turn off the heating. She lived with her roommates (a couple), they didn't clean up after themselves, they left a mess. There was some water spilled on the counter in the kitchen. Additionally, the roommate was mentally unstable because she could scream all day, cry once, and laugh after 5 seconds. It is very hard to find a good roommate.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

I'm a boring man and I wasn't involved in anything like that. But I don't think I like it.
3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

I don't like such annoying people. I would try to find myself a new apartment as soon as possible. I have no idea how to deal with such people. My friend took his roommate's bed to a dumpster for such behavior.
Roman Burlaka said…
Yeah, I think it's a common problem with garbage and cleaning up. I don't understand such people and I think that if someone wants to live in a dirty place, he or she should live separately.

And if to talk about nonsensical products, I agree, but, from the other side, he had invested some money in duck companies, so they will pay to their workers, the economy is growing. Although, in a strange way.
Roman Burlaka said…
Duck producers will be excited with this kind of prank war. However, I'm interested in things that your neighour did to force you to move out. What was the exact plan?
Roman Burlaka said…
What was the reaction of that person after his/her holidays and how much time did he/she spend on unwrapping that all?
Roman Burlaka said…
I thought we had the same person as a flatmate until words about smoking. Good idea about dishes, unfortunately, my flatmate has already moved. But, once I took the same dishes tower from the sink, put on the table and make a card, something like it is a part of exhibition of modern art (cause it really looked like one). He just tore the paper, perhaps, he was angry, but I can't understand why yet.
Roman Burlaka said…
Maybe someone should make an app, where you can find rommates and there definetely must be a rating and an option with opinion about a garbage. Cause a lot of people have or had problems with rommates, who doesn't clean and so on, so there are a lot of such people too. Someone should just match them.
Roman Burlaka said…
Hmm, I even can guess about whom you talk. Almost portrait resemblance.
1. Unfortunately, I've never had a terrible neighbor in my life. Not to mention the tenant, because I do not rent an apartment. Brother and sister? I don't have, I'm an only child :)

2. No, unfortunately I didn't make any pranks or "victim" :) But to be honest, some pranks are fine and some are really rude.

3. I would move out. I prefer live in peace.
MichalB said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

Each of us had to deal with a stubborn neighbor. It's hard to beat him because you have to get worse than him. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to. According to the poem ... Tomek's freedom in his house.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

Of course, probably like everyone else. However, I have always tried to make this joke not harmful. That no other person would feel hurt. Everything with limit.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

As I wrote above. One would have to look for a method. You can always find something that will open his way of seeing in a cultural way.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
Lucikly, I did not share a room with my sibilings at any point of my life and I'm really grateful for it. However, I used to live with two of my friends from high school during first two years of studies and it was one of the worst residential-related ideas and experiences I've ever had. Doing laundry at 2 am, parties on weekdays and not cleaning after them, being noisy in general and treating ouf flat as some kind of flophouse for random people they've met at the club are only a few reasons why I've decided to find a new flat and live on my own. During that period of time I got to know people whom I considered friends, how pissy and disrespectful they are - can't tell if it was worth it though.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
Not really, or at least I don't recall any such situation. I don't have time nor energy for figuring out how to make someone's life "harder". Though maybe I should've prepared some kind of trap for my former flatmates and make them feel how I've felt almost everyday. However, I think I'm better than this and letting go of these experiences is the best I can do.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
Given my prior experiences - probably just give up and move out.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I do have a terrible neighbor, it is an older lady in probably mid 60’s and she’s sort of terrorizing us to the level that I can’t play music or watch a movie as loud as I would like to because either there will be police in my doors or she will be screaming at me through the balcony until I will lower the sound threating to call the police…
2. No, I have never been a victim or organized a prank like this
3. I would probably think of every possible way how to get rid of him :) and also have a little laugh especially after the last duck
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. Fortunately, I have never had to share a room with anyone. However, 2 houses away from me lives a loudly speaking neighbor. When she opens her mouth, half of the district hears her and sometimes I wonder whether to call the police because I have a feeling that something is happening to her. Sometimes it is really annoying.

2. No, I have never done a prank or been a prank victim.

3. I would probably run away. I have never had or plan to have roomates. I am not suitable for living with strangers under one roof or behind a wall.
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
I don’t remember, but probably not. I remember that my parents had problem with neighbour. She was a problematic person. When my parents wanted replace old fence for new she didn’t allow it. My parents wanted to cover the costs but she didn't agree. She was stubborn.

2.Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
I have never been a victim or an organiser of a prank.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
I think that at first moment It would be fun for me but then I would be tired and angry. I would try to talk with James about ducks and beg him to stop collect them. If that didn’t help then I would start looking for new apartment and move out.
Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
When I was living in Lisbon I had the worst two roommates, they were from Italy. They were stealing taxi drivers, didn't pay rent, were unimaginably dirty and loud. When I moved out, the other locator was telling me they became even worse. She told me that she asked them if they could be a little quieter when they are coming back at 4 am and they started to put used condoms in the apartment. They were the worst.
Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
Yeah. Many times, on both ends.
What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
Move out. Problem solved. Even if it would cost me something for breaking the contract.

1. Oooo yes I had this problem unfortunately. He was not a brother or sister but a roommate who annoyed me very much.
She was not good because she did not clean, she was conceited and there was nothing to be done in the apartment (everything bothered her)

2.haha, I always do "prank" at work. When a work colleague doesn't lock his computer, I always set the script for him
he displays a window every hour and doesn't know why;)

3. I don't know, I moved out
Kgajewska said…
1. To be honest I'm lucky and I didn't have this kind of unpleasant situations.

2. No, I don't find'em funny

3.I'd simply get rid of this problem and move out as soon as possible
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

There are a lot of asspects to dicuss but I will focus on the main thing - Terrible roomate (My brother) is someone who thinks that what he/she do is the most important thing in the place, so you can't stay focused when you need to.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

One time I pranked my friend and manipulate him to go around his flat becouse I was pretending by SMS that I am his other friend and I am nearby

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

For some days it would be cool but after two weaks I would do everything to change my room
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother
or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

No, I have never had a terrible roommate or neighbor. I have always had good relations with them, either it’s me who needs help or the other way around, we were always there to help each other. Of course, there were situations when I threw a party or them and it was loud but one request and everything was much quieter. So, all in all I enjoy living with my neighbors in the same building.

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

I used to tell my friends that one of our mutual friend is being beaten by his girlfriend. I kept that prank for two years I think until the point when one person spilled the beans accidentally.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

I can’t really say that James is a terrible roommate. I think that there are much worse things that people can do. I am aware that sometime the amount of ducks might be annoying and overwhelming but I’d rather have them than having a mess of an apartment.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. Happily, I have never had a terrible roommate or neighbour. I don't have any siblings and I live in a house with a huge garden. Also one of the neighbourhood houses next to us is abandoned. And the rest of our neighbours are mostly older people who love peace and silence. I guess I should consider myself lucky!

2. I've never done pranks myself since I consider them stupid. I was probably a victim of some pranks but I cannot recall any of those situations now. Guess I just wanted to forget about them.

3. I think I could bare with his doings for some time but I'd probably get tired quickly and would want to get away from him as far as possible. Or I'd just report him to our landlord.
1. Everybody who ever had roommates know that they are all terrible! But there were better and worse once. The worst experience I had was living with 2 guys that refused to wash the dishes after eating. A bit of a classic, I guess, but you cannot imagine the level of their untidiness. It quickly got to the point that the only way to use some cutlery was to wash some. EVERY piece of kitchen equipment was dirty, the pots didn't fit the sink so they would leave them on the oven. One time they finally decided to do a big cleanup, I was impressed by the state of the kitchen, but imagine my surprise when I walked to the bathroom and the bath was filled with dishes soaking in the water... I managed 3 months with them and moved out. You can never expect how your friends really are before sharing a flat.

2. I did leave my phone in the fridge a few times with the camera on. I would remotely snap photos with flash to the surprised roomies. Some of the best photos I got in my collection.

3. I'd challenge him with my plushies collection! There'd be a war! :D I loved this prank, I wouldn't mind the ducks. It's rather harmless.
Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
I have personally haven't experienced a terrible roommate.
Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
I haven't had terrible roommates and I have been part of a prank and I think I wouldn't do anything extra as much as James did in the video.
What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
I would confront him politely and make it understand that am not against jokes but would be able to entertain such intense pranks
Filip Bartuzi said…

James Veitch agian! I love it

1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

I never ever had a roommate. On the one side I highly appreciate it, it's just more comfortable to just have space on your own, on the other side I probably haven't learned some basics skills which are relevant in coexisting with roommate. As older I become less likely it is I'll ever have a roommate, so I'm fine with it

2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?

James Veitch brings the prank to the masterpiece level, so comparing to him I probably never put even 1% of the effort. When I was younger I did like to prank my sister or parents, but I grew out of it quickly.

3. What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

I would enjoy every second of it. Being a roommate to such creative and intelligent person, even if it's only in pranks, sounds like the best time ever
1. No, I never had terrible roommate, I still live with my parents, but when I was younger I had room with my brother. I got along well with my brother so I had no problems.
2. Yes I think many times. People that surround me are entertaining and they are not offended, so there were many such situations.
3. Its hard to say either I would find common language with him or move out
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbour? Maybe your own brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?
I was living for 3 years in millitary dormitory and pranks were normal on a daily basis. Took a while, but I got used to this. The worst I think was when my roomates taped me to the bed.
2. Have you ever been a victim or an organiser of a prank?
50/50 we did not keep score.
What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?
I would do something to prank him back, like a competition. And instead of complaining for 100 ducks in the bathtub I would bathe with them if I was in hurry.
Have you ever had a terrible roommate or neighbor? Maybe your brother or sister? If yes, what was it like? What was the most annoying thing?

No. I never had such problems. Maybe, that because, when I have lived with my parents I had my room and there weren't any problems with my little brother, because he was too young. And now I am living in my flat, alone so there isn't any roommate neither :)

Have you ever been a victim of an organizer of a prank?

Yes, my friends like to organize some pranks and some silly stuff, of course, I also have started to do such things and it is very funny I would say, I like it.

What would you do if you were one of James' roommates?

I think we would start a prank war :) I don't think I would last long, so eventually, I would change the flat, but for this period it would be a very fun time.

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