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Week 8 [11.05 - 17.05] What Is the Spotify Sound?

What Is the Spotify Sound?

The music we listen to is constantly evolving, one factor in this evolution is the medium through which we consume it. 
The modern pop artists trying to reach a bigger audience need to adapt to the invisible rules that Spotify and other 
streaming services impose on them. Minor sound changes might make a big difference in how much the artists makes 
money from the streaming or even if their song lands in a popular Spotify playlist at all. The hosts
of the sound field show on Youtube take a closer look of that phenomenon. 

1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s? 
2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end? 
3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?


1. Yes, I often use Spotify. It depends on my mood, if I want to discover some new songs I use this application, but when I want to listen to the classics I like listening to vinyls the most.

2. It also depends on my mood. I have a few favorite albums that I listen to from beginning to end, but sometimes I listen to playlists of a selected genre not focusing on the performers.

3. It seems fair to me if the song is listened to more often, the performer receives more money. Rule 30 is also sensible, similar is applied on YouTube when counting views.
I know the Spotify application and sometimes use it, although I usually listen to music from the YouTube application. In my opinion, thanks to constant access to the Internet, this is a much better option than buying discs and downloading .mp3 files. However, there are people who prefer to have music on the phone and those who collect CDs. In my opinion everyone should do as they like. I have no tendency to listen to lists or albums. I usually listen to what I feel like, and when I don't feel like anything specific, I listen to what youtube will offer me. I think that Spotify, YouTube and many other platforms are well understood by artists. Otherwise, people would not record on youtube or spotify, but on another application or website.
1. Of course I use spotify. The alternative is youtube, but there is worse sound quality. As I'm a "modern" person and interested in technological innovations, I will always choose online music. Old CDs, turntables or vinyls - it's not for me.

2. Rather, I listen to what I like, I can listen to the same for several days. I usually never listen to the album to the end - I jump from music to music mixing genres at the same time.

3. Of course, yes - the greater the popularity, the greater the income, and therefore the artists need more money.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
Yes I use spotify and it is a different level of listening music for me. No one is using cd or vinyls anymore, only people who are interested in collecting them but as there is so many type of music and artist right now, faster and cheaper option is to have all of this stuff in one application.
2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
Depends. Sometimes I like to listen the whole album to discover every piece of music that artist compose and sometimes I just like to listen playlist made by me.
3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I think yes, it is. Spotify is so popular right now that it's a fair deal for artist as their music hits bigger stage. Spotify can also promote new albums or artists which is great for their expand in this area.
1. I started using Spotify quite recently - I think it's a great application. It allows me to listen to the latest songs, even right after the premiere. In addition - by using the phone, I save internal memory. Of course, the downside of the application is the need for a continuous internet connection.

2. Definitely the first option. I usually create my own playlists, for example for morning exercises or running. There are different types of music - from techno, through rock, dance, to pop. I like diversity.

3. I think the artist's payment method is fair. The more views, the more money you earn - pure capitalism. Of course, there are certain music trends that are more popular and there are those that are less popular - you can't blame Spotify for that.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
Yes, I use some streaming services to listen to music. For example, I use Deezer. Also, I can download some songs from Telegram music channels.
I have never used CDs or Vinyl, to be honest. I prefer downloadable mp3s.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I rather a person who tends to listen to playlists I have created. I don`t like to listen to albums from beginning to end. Firstly, because I quickly get tired of one artist and secondly, often not all the songs from the same album are pleasant to me.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
Yes, I think such a payment system is fairly honest for the artist. This is like a progressive business tax. The more popular you are, the more income it brings to you, and you are ready to pay for posting your songs on the platform.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Initially I was very sceptic towards it. But I used to pack my phone with biggest possible card and use almost all of it for music. If I recall correctly, then the last of such cards I had, had easily over 100GB of music... so Spotify is something you could say I really needed in my life. Its only drawback is that it don't have lots of older songs, so I had to resign from lots of them. Overall I think nothing will ever beat downloadable mp3 in terms of quality and choice, but it's too much hassle in times when we have Spotify, Tidal or Deezer. Moreover it's also much cheaper to pay for subscription, which is rather cheap, than to buy tons of new CDs.

2. I used to listen to whole album, rip it on pc and add to big (later enormous) playlist, where there was literally anything. Then just run it on 'random' and from time to time trimming playlist from songs I keep skipping. Now with Spotify I sometimes do playlists, sometimes listen to Daily Mixes (there was huge progress during those 4 years, but they're still very far from ideal), sometimes listen to single artists, and sometimes listen to single albums. So right now I guess I moved towards a bit of everything.

3. I wish to believe they're paid fair. We don't know its details though, but artists probably wouldn't use it if it wasn't worth it, so those payments are probably fair. Moreover there are a lot of artists and songs which people normally would never listen to or even briefly check, but with Spotify we can play them and actually make its artist earn some money. So it's probably even better to those unpopular artists than let's say average ones (but not popular ones of course :)).
I listen to music on Spotify and rarely use any other medium. But I totally can appreciate listening to old school Vinyl’s. I think that this video has a very good point. It is a fact that as gramophone changed way of making music then, it is understandable that in age of streaming, Spotify will change it as well. I actually never thought about it and I didn’t really realize that because I mostly listen to older tracks of Rock and Metal I don’t listen to modern music that much. I don’t really listen to playlists, I rather choose my own music. If I listen to any playlist it is my own or my friends. Answering Your last question, I don’t really know economics that much and it is hard for me to determine whether it is fair to the artists but I think it wouldn’t be so popular if it wasn’t air enough.
I use Spotify. It is much more convenient than other ways of listening to music. Most people don’t hear the difference between mp3 and lossless audio formats, including me. I don’t even hear the difference between mp3 320 and mp3 256. For those who do, Spotify is probably not an option, and they should consider tidal hi-fi instead.

It depends. Most of the time, for example during work, I listen to the playlists which I created myself, but I like to listen to whole albums too. Sometimes an album is design in a way that there are smooth transitions between albums and listening to them in wrong order is not right. Take “Dark Side of The Moon” as an example. I like listening to whole albums, because I care about what I listen to. I have a couple of favourite bands and I never listen to some random songs on the radio, or YouTube. For the record – I hate pop music. The songs which were presented in the video, including that most popular one give me the feeling of cringe and discomfort. I am sorry, I just had to say that even though no one was asking.

I don’t think so, because that creates those commercial trends which musicians try to follow to make more money. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything better in my mind, but it’s clear for me that songs which are the most popular are definitely not the best, not even close to the work of real artists which remain the best, even though their age is long gone.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I use Spotyfity while driving because I don't like to listen to the radio because there are too many commercials. Additionally, if you can't find a song for spotyfita, you can upload it yourself. Generally you can listen to more and more performers, but of course it is still not perfect. The biggest advantage is the possibility to listen to the whole discography and listen to the new album on the day of its premiere.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I prefer to listen to playlsity. I only listen to music while driving. I like catchy songs. I don't care about the genre. It's important that the song is melodious.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I don't know exactly how much artists get from corporations. As far as I know, that's not much. But also in the normal world the sale of records is a small part of the artists' earnings. Artists earn the most from giving concerts and promoting products.
Unknown said…
Zhypargul Maraeva
1. I used Spotify in the past, but I don't use it now, because I am not listening music a lot. I would say using Spotify is more comfortable and has more advantages then downloading mp3. It takes less space you can easily create your own playlist.

2. No definitely no. Usually I choose one or two songs from album that I like most. I have an old playlist on laptop that I listen to everytime. Usually it is old music, in my opinion the bits of current music are annoying
3. I am not sure about their earnings, but since Spotify is most popular music app and it is one of the most common way to share your art, probably artists are satisfied with that.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
I can't imagine day without music. Mostly i am using spotify and sometimes youtube when i am in front of the computer. In my opinion this is the most comfortable possibility to listen music. I have some CD's but i bought it just to collect them and support my favourite artist. I didn't listen music from vinyls but i heard the sound is really great.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I think more often i listen playlists but from time to time it is nice to listen whole album from begining to end. There are some artists which create tracks connected with each other. One of example is Taco and i think album called "Marmur" was like a story but i am not sure right now.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I think this is fair because if you have more views you will get more money. Probably the most famous artists can also negotiate their terms of contract but i am not sure about that.
I use Spotify, but sill I prefer music files on in my device memory, because I don’t have enough mobile data for Spotify.
2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I tend to listen albums from beginning to the end. I prefer it that way, because I don’t have time to establish decent playlist for myself.
3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I think artists should be paid more, but it is free market if they think the pay is fair to them they should roll with it.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
I love using Spotify. Millions of songs at your disposal available at, in my opinion, low cost. Physical mediums like CDs or vinyls are too limiting. They require a careful selection process so that you don’t waste money on the music you don’t like. I think streaming is also more environmentally friendly.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I usually let Spotify choose the songs to listen for me. There are so many artists I wouldn’t discover if it wasn’t for Spotify’s tailored playlists. Still, I also maintain my own library of songs which I revisit regularly. I tend to avoid listening to full albums because the songs that lured me to them are the only good ones from the whole list.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
The 30s threshold seems a bit arbitrary but, overall, paying artists for each individual stream of their song is pretty fair. The question remains whether Spotify is exposing all music content equally. With such a huge library of music, it’s hard to tell if some artists get better treatment.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I am using Spotify and sometimes youtube for music, but most of the time is Spotify. I even have a Spotify Premium account which has a huge music catalogue. I think that's my preferred method for consuming music, but I usually listen to my MP3s or even my car radio because I don't have a USB port there.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I tend to use my own playlists and my "liked songs". I don't have a favourite artist so I listen to a lot of their albums. But I also like songs that are interesting to me and are out there on YouTube and can't be found anywhere else.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

Of course they are! It's the same thing as, when you publish a song and give it to us, then you don't see any money from the digital sales, but you know that we're telling the world that you produced that song and are putting your heart and soul into it. So we feel like we're helping you with your royalties.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I use Spotify all the time. I prefer Spotify by its convenience but CDs and other mediums have their other charms.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I think it depends. When my favorite artist drops a new album I try to listen to it from the beginning to the end. At everyday listening, I tend to have a playlist and listen to them.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I know that the main money source for artists is touring not albums, the album has more of a promotion value for them. However that it's a little uneven with a bias towards a Spotify.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I do both to listen to music. Spotify provides easy access to music whenever you're walking to subway or driving your car. But I have an irreplaceable pleasure listening to music on vinyls.
2. If the playlist is interesting I do play it to find some new music and inspiration. However I have some albums that are my favorite and I play it from beginning to end over and over again.
3. I think that artists should be paid more. Currently Spotify is such a big platform that artists have no choice but to place their songs on the platform so that can still exist in the world of music. It follows that Spotify dictates their own rules and conditions and is able to easily manipulate this world. This just doesn't seem fair to me.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
Im a user of spotify for a long time now. I dont even remember when i started to use it premium. Its become so natural to listen to music on spotify. Of course i remember good old days of mp3's but nowadays i like that its in my memories not in reality. I like using spotify.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
It depends whats my mood is like. Sometimes i like to listen some albums from start to finish sometimes i like to play some playlists.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I have never thought about it. I think its fair.
Kgajewska said…
1. I do both, it depend's on situation and my mood mostly. I like using streaming services but Vinyls' sound is more deeply.

2. Paylists mostly. Sometimes i even listen to the same song over and over again.

3. I hope so.
Aleksander said…
1. I started using it a week ago. This app has it’s pros and cons. One big benefit is automatic suggestions that are predicted from songs you’ve listened to. However, without a premium package I can not use Spotify during my traveling as not always there is an internet connection.
2. I prefer to add my fav songs into playlists as I usually don’t like every song from the entire album.
3. Yes, if it would be fair, then Spotify will not grow that much fast.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I use Apple Music so it’s kind of similar to Spotify. It is really convenient way of listening to music all you need to do is to add a song to a playlist or just use one made by someone else, you don’t need to worry about buying another CD album and allows you to have more variety with low monthly costs. I do prefer it over CD’s but as it comes to vinyl’s there is whole different filing in listening them and its nice from time to time.
2. It depends, mostly I listen to playlists but sometimes I like to play the whole album of my favorite artists.
3. I’s hard to say without making specific analysis, it seems to be very low but as I don’t have knowledge in this particular topic I may be wrong
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
I prefer to download music on my phone to have an offline access to it at any time. Old habits from the past with bad internet connection, what I can do with them.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I tend to listen to my own playlist that changes very slowly during a long period of time by adding a song or two from a new (or an old) film, and that cool game, and a series episode, from my friend's playlist and so on.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
If the artists choose such platform - they think it's okay for them at least. And who I am to teach artists how to sell their music.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

Yes I am using Apple Music and I am really satisfied about it but it won't replace vinyls for sure. They have its magic.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I like to listen one song that I am really fan in a loop. Playlists are great places to find duch songs.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

They have pretty fair rules however in terms of being more artist-centered Apple has better policies.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. I don't use any paid streaming services to listen to music. If I listen to it, I useYouTube or just download MP3 files. Due to the fact that I have a vinyl player at home, I use it very often and the sound quality is incomparable to other sources(CD players, music from YouTube and so on).

2. Personally, I prefer to listen to individual songs. All in all, I don't know why, but it seems to me that I've never listened to the entire album of an artist.

3. I think that's fair. The more song is played, the more artist earns. Very simple and fair division.
MichalB said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

Unfortunately, I am an advocate of old CDs (black LPs) or CDs. I hate selling music online. I listen to the radio and start being interested in something or someone. I buy discs and listen to them. As it used to be said from cover to cover.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

As I wrote above, from cover to cover.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I have no idea how it pays, so it's hard for me to comment on this topic.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I use Spotify. I used to think it is annoying in use. But after my girlfriend proposed me a free premium for 3 months in some a bargain for family, I find It as primary way to listening music for now. I still buy original discs from my favorite artist to support them.

2. I have a few playlist which I subscribe. I like suggested artist radio it is cool. It is usually lose coupled to them and contains music from others in this style.

3. I have watched few interviews with artists and I think that they find it rather as fair. In classic distribution they could earn ten percent where on spotify they can make much more money. It also provide the possibility to conquer greater public. There is rather more pros then cons.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I do use Spotify on a daily basis. I used to prefer downloadable mp3s few years ago, but using Spotify for some time changed my mind about it. Having this many songs in one app is just too comfortable to return to any of the old medium.

2. I tend to listen to playlists more often than listen to albums. I think that by listening to playlists you are able to expand your horizons, by discovering new artists, or by trying out new music genres.

3. Yes, i think it is fair, it seems the artists are getting paid only when the listener likes the song enough to listen to it.
Viktor Ryś said…
That's true that Spotify is the more convinient option when compared to downloadable mp3s because everything is in the cloud and I agree that some of the obscure or older releases don't show up there. From what I can remember Spotifys quality is about 320kb/s for Premium so it's considerably worse then FLAC unfortunatelly.
Viktor Ryś said…
The premium version actually supports offline downloads, it's quite handy and the premium account in my opinion is a good deal
Viktor Ryś said…
I also tend to listen to different music that was presented there, but wanted to discuss the general phenomenon of media influencing the music. Vinyls are great, but they can be a quite pricey hobby over time.
Viktor Ryś said…
Yes, I completely agree that some albums (so called concept albums) should be
listened to from beginning to the end if we don't do that, we loose on a lot of what the artist wanted to convey to us.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I use Spotify on a daily basis and I love it. On the other hand, while driving car I tend to listen to CDs that I have in my glovebox. I don’t have any Vinyls but my friend has. He collects them and listens from time to time but usually he listens to music from Spotify as well as it’s much more comfortable.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I am a little bit of both. I listen to albums from beginning to the end and then I choose songs that I enjoyed the most and add them to my playlists.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I think that all streaming services pay similar amount to the artists. Artists have always made the biggest money on tours and gigs, it always has been this way, it’s a no-brainer. I know that it might be unfair for artists who did not receive such huge global acclaim as others but on the other hand music records did not pay artists much money as well, sometimes even nothing. So artists had to make money from gigs. Streaming services like Spotify help them become more popular. They may not receive much money from listening itself but once the artist announces a world tour, a bigger chance there is that people buy tickets for one of the concerts.
Viktor Ryś said…
Agree about the main source of income for musicians and that it's mainly a promotion value for them, but in current times, this trend should change to making the majority of money online.
1. Do you use Spotify or analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I do use Spotify and I prefer streaming better than the old ways because it gives me access to more songs for less money.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

Sometimes when an artist that I like releases a new album, I listen to it from beginning to end and I add the songs that I like to my playlist but usually I listen to playlists.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I think artists to respond to that question I will have to know more financially on both artists and Spotify but I think if it wasn’t fair artists will have moved to other music streaming platform.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
I use Spotify every day, it is probably my most useful app in my smartphone. I cannot imagine my life without it. I mean listening to music of course. It is just so easy and simple to use it. Also I use Vinyls at home, but I prefer to use spotify if I had to choose between those two.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I think I prefer to listen my own playlists, but often I have all songs from albums there, so it doesn’t disclaims the second option.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I think it is fair, I find it is still an extra money for them, the money depends on plays, so it looks really great and fair for all.
Filip Bartuzi said…

1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I've switched to stream as soon as I found out about it - probably 6 years ago, and since then I haven't bought a single CD nor downloaded mp3. Streaming in too convenient to switch back. I'm not really into that "audiophile vibe" talk which dismantle songs into bit per second, sound spectrum, etc. Maybe my ear is not good enough, but I just don't realize any difference

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

There is rarely a reason for me to listen to the album in order. Firstly, that would require to actually enjoy each of the song from the album, which is almost never the case, and there must be some semantic reasoning to do so (like storytelling, for instance). That said, I just pick favourite songs from many albums and mangle them in one huge playlist of everything I love :) The only exception might be "Trójkąt Warszawski" by Taco Hemingway - this one I actually do listen in order :)

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I think the case is similar to democracy - it's not perfect, but can we do any better? Probably not. From third person perspective, as I'm just music consumer, it sounds fair and reasonable for both parties.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
Yes and I love it. It is the most popular music streaming service and I use it everyday. The amount of artists, albums, all kinds of playlists, functions etc is amazing. I don't know how I would work, study, basically live without music and spotify helps with that a lot.
2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I think that you get the most out of one artists music when you listen to the full album from the beginning to the end but I also listen to playlists where I can add songs I like most. In my opinion it is quite rare nowadays to listen to full albums and I think that people lose a lot just listening to playlists.
3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
To tell you if it is fair I would need more specific details about contract, probably exact amount of money.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I use Spotify but I used to be an user of Tidal. I was a little bit sceptical when I first heard about Spotify because I thought that paying for music which can be heard on Youtube or downloaded on mp3 is dumb but I later learned that this is somekind of next level experience. It is easy, fast and cheap. Nothing more to want. Vinyl might be used for a special ocassions and CDs or casettes can be used in a older cars to add some atmosphere to it.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

It depends. If I wait for a specific album to come out I usually listen to an whole album but usually I prefer playlists. Different authors and different songs in one place.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

This has been a topic for a long time now. I have heard that Tidal is much more "artist-oriented" service when it comes to paying their shares but Spotify has been a bigger player for a long time now and their position and popularity makes them able to pay such low share to artists.
1. I have a Spotify account, however, I'm not using it on a daily basis. Mostly I listen to mp3s that I transferred from my CD collection a while back.

2. I'm used to listening to whole CDs, not playlists. While listening to a song I'm already getting excited for the one that's next. It is strange to break this pattern. Besides the order on an album is also a part of the creation and should be listened to as such. However, playlists are great for parties and smaller gatherings as everybody can find what they like and they never end.

3. It seems to be quite fair. The number of views indicates the popularity of the song, so paying accordingly is probably the best option. The rule of 30 is also logical, besides the obvious fact that people would skip what they don't like it also prevents from some automatic popularity busters (such as those that produce likes on Facebook pages.)
lukaszK said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s? 

I am currently using spotify because it is the easiest and fastest way to listen to music. Although there are songs that are not in Spotify. I also used google play music when they released the trial period for free. Today I do not use this service, but several playlists made a big impression on me and I created my own in spotify.
Long ago I listened to music from an MP3 player - Creative MUVO FM with a stunning 512 MB memory. Excellent equipment, works so far and I sometimes take it to the gym.
Until now, I remember the sound quality of the in-ear headphones included in the set, because they were much better than ordinary cheap headphones. As for those times, the radio built into the player was also novelty. Thanks to it I learned what rock is. Does anyone still remember Romuald Jakubowski’s „Rock Lista” audition? As I remember, the broadcast was on Friday night on Radio 1 in 2011.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end? 

I used to listen to whole albums, today I am more inclined to playlists.
I used to have more time to listen to whole albums, today I listen to music available for running and exercising in the gym - then I prefer playlists made from my favorite music tracks.
However, sometimes I still occasionally listen to my favorite albums in full.
I recently listened to Ategnatos recorded by Eluveitie band.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

Spotify's payment method seems fair to me. Musicians whose songs are played, earn money.
1. I use spotify because it is cheap and i get all music i want. I also buy vinyls but only on discounts because other way it is too expensive
2. On spotify i listen to my own playlist with “song that i like” i don’t check out public playlists. I only listen albums from beginning to end on vinyls because it’s hard to do another way on this medium.
3. I don’t know because i don’t listen to pop artist who make track to be a better fit for spotify with shortening the length or adding more short tracks.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?

I used to use Spotify, but now I am using Apple Music. I find this streaming services a great invention, but they help me to have my music everywhere and to listen to it whenever I want.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?

I prefer to listen to playlists, I like searching for new songs and the playlist is the best place to do it. I am listening to my friend's playlists as well as public ones and some top-ranked playlists.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?

I don't know, as far as I know, the artists are paid per listening, so how much you earn depends on your popularity. I think it is fair, because why you should be paid just for one, boring song. On the other hand, well-known singers are easily paid a lot of money, while new local brands could struggle with it.
1. Yes I use spotify. I think this is great platform because of the weekly music chosen for me, a lot of podcasts and the opportunity to use for a low price.
2. I listen albums from beginning to end only when I listen my favorite artists, if I find a single cool song I don't listen whole album.
3. I think so. Artists make albums available on spotify on the same day they release album, I think that if spotify paid badly artists would add it later, like on youtube
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
For me it's not so simple. I like using CD's while driving by car. But in other situation at first I use youtube to searching new jams and then I stream them with Spotify (of course only if they are there).

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
I'm neither of them. I tends to listen one song for long time. I play playlists when I want to find something new and I listen to albums when one of my favourite bands release them.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
I'm not sure, but I think it is fair. It's not so distinct way from selling every song separately and usually artists get most of their money from concerts and events.
Rafał Halama said…
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s?
I only listen to music online, as it is the cheapest method available now. It's also very comfortable to change songs in instant and make my own playlists.
2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end?
At first, when I find some new artist, I listen all songs from the album and then choose which ones go onto my playlist, because it's actually impossible to like all songs from single album.
3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?
Yes, I think it's a fair deal. If your song is popular you get more money, sounds about right.
1. Do you use Spotify or an analogous streaming service for consuming music? Do you prefer it to the old medium of CD or Vinyls or even downloadable mp3s? 

I use Spotify pretty much every day since it became available in Poland. I really like using it because I don't have to buy any CDs which only take up space.I prefer using streaming services because I don't have to download and organize music on my phone, and I usually listen to music on phone.

2. Are you a person that tends to listen to playlists or do you listen to albums from beginning to end? 

I tend to listen to one song on repeat till I can't stand it, and then get back to it a couple of months later. I rarely listen to whole albums, I usually listen to it until I find a song that I like, and then stop to listen to it on repeat.

3. Do you think that the way Spotify pays the artists is fair to them?  

I'm not really sure if it is fair, everyone wants to make the most money, so it's obvious that artists want more and Spotify wants to pay them less. I don't know if it's fair because I don't know this industry,

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