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Week 3 [16.03-22.03.2020] WiFi Myths

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом wifi
Wi-Fi is a wireless standard. It provides data transmission using a radio frequency signal in the ranges from 2.4 to 5 GHz. Today, Wi-Fi is used in almost all public places - parks, restaurants, shopping and entertainment complexes, and a Wi-Fi router that distributes Internet at home or in the office makes online work and communication comfortable and convenient. Nevertheless, despite all the obvious advantages, wireless Internet is shrouded in hundreds of myths and speculation. Some argue that the radio waves emitted by the router provoke dangerous diseases, while others believe that this achievement of civilization is absolutely harmless.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом radio waves

Myth # 1: Wi-Fi is a radio signal, and the radio waves that a router emits are dangerous.

In fact: most of the already familiar wireless devices work in about the same microwave range. For example, 4G LTE mobile phones, like microwaves, operate at frequencies of 2.5-2.7 GHz. Thus, there is no reason to isolate the radio waves emitted by a Wi-Fi router into a separate class of electromagnetic radiation. By the way, the wavelength of the Wi-Fi signal is almost the same as cosmic relic radiation, so if you are afraid of your router, then in no case go outside without a cloak of foil.

Radio waves can affect the body only if you are in the immediate vicinity of a powerful industrial source for a long time (for example, by some miracle, you were near an aircraft radar and spent the night near it). The radiation power of household routers is incomparably lower, and they simply cannot have a destructive effect on body cells. In addition, Wi-Fi radio waves are not directional in nature and disperse uniformly in space, weakening exponentially with distance (the distance doubled - the frequency of radio frequency radiation decreased fourfold).

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом electromagnetic field from the phone

Myth No. 2: any electronic device (including a Wi-Fi router) is capable of creating an electromagnetic field, but it is harmful

In fact: at different times, scientists conducted hundreds of studies to prove the harm of electromagnetic radiation from household devices (including mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers). However, all the results suggest the opposite - there is no proven harm to health. And mobile radio devices have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that even if an increased risk of the development of certain diseases were established (and he, I recall, has not been established), modern society is no longer able to refuse them. We breathe the air of megalopolises saturated with exhaust gases, drink water that has undergone chemical treatment, and eat vegetables treated with pesticides and fertilizers. But despite this, life expectancy in developed countries over the past hundred years has increased significantly, which, in turn, indirectly proves that civilization with its inventions is not so dangerous to health.

An electromagnetic field is harmful to humans only at ultrahigh powers - when they are long-term near a powerful industrial source, such as a power line or a radar station. Thus, if there is prolonged exposure (eight hours a day for several years) with an intensity of over 0.2 microtesla, then the risk of hematological and oncological diseases increases (at home, to achieve such a “result” you need every night for several years to fall asleep and wake up in an embrace with a router).

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом wifi router signal

Myth # 3: Wi-Fi router emits dangerous radiation

In fact: the intensity of the radio emission of the router is a hundred thousand times lower than that of the same microwave oven in your kitchen (and, I recall, they work in the same range), and it can in no way be considered dangerous to humans. If we talk about the background radiation associated with the operation of the device’s microcircuits, then it is no more dangerous than the background from the charging or power supply unit of a home radiotelephone.

By the way, a mobile phone does not have a radiation background (unless we, of course, drop it into a tank with radioactive waste). It has electromagnetic radiation, the harmful effect of which on the human body is not proven. Some studies indicate a change in the bioelectric activity of the brain when exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone, however, these changes are reversible and their negative cumulative (cumulative) effect has not been proven. In general, when talking on the phone, a person is more likely to risk harming himself due to loss.

  1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
  2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
  3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?



I think that wifi, which is an achievement of civilization is absolutely harmless. I don't just say it because I think so. There is a lot of scientifically confirmed evidence that in no way does the wi-fi network affect our health. At least physically Another topic is internet addiction but you can write a lot about it.
Personally, I think there are no grounds for fear and that is why I use these devices normally and I do not worry that something will happen to me. Faster the car will kill me on the street than I will die or get sick from the wifi network, haha :D
1. No, I have never felt threatened by the signals sent by the wifi router. In addition, I would like to mention that I spend more than half a day sitting half a meter from the router and it never felt that it could be harmful to me.

2. The article shows that there would be no one to argue with because only the explanations of myths were presented there. However, if someone would tell me that it could be harmful I would ask about his degree education what should end the discussion.

3. To be honest I have never met anyone who thought that the wifi signal is very harmful. As you mentioned in the text, we are currently facing worse problems. The problem is not radio signals, but what we eat, what we drink and so on.
1. I don't feel any danger due to WiFi routers that are in some range, but I believe it could have some effects if it would be relatively close to my body. That is kind of connected with the fact why people don't build houses next to radio stations. Also, there is some uncomfortable feeling of noise in my head when I am near some electrical device. They usually make this pitch which is annoying for me. But I could be special, I mean, I also hear my light bulb when it is turned off with a pilot, but not with a switch :D
2. I think the biggest argument here is science. There are many pieces of research on how radio-signal affects us and what is the "limit" of a human body. On the other hand, there is no enough evidence to make it 100% sure that it is safe - simply because of the lack of time for testing. The tests should last for a longer time, like 20 years.
By the way, I don't want to offend you, but having written all of these, it would be kind of you to include sources. Without them, you stay on the same level as people who make these myths.
There is for example an interesting reading from the Polish Government about 5G:
3. I think that when it comes to science, we cannot say that somebody is overthinking something. There are things that some people did not notice before. Also, the researches are conducted in various environments with many different conditions. For example, see conclusions in this research:
Scientists still find it difficult to give a simple opinion about the topic because it gets more and more complicated from one research to another.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. To be honest, I've never thought anyone could ever consider wifi harmful. As far as I know there is no evidence that it could be potentially threatening and people who think otherwise should do their homework.

2. The fact that I think it's harmless doesn't allow me to impose my opinion on anyone, as I'm no expert. But if somebody provoked me to join discussion regarding potential threats I would ask them for some reliable source of these baloneys.

3. I've never met such person, however I had a pleasure to meet a strong opponent of 5G technology.
1.Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No, I never felt in danger. Never thought about it. Still even after reading this article I don't think I will move my router somewhere else.
2.Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
I'm not an expert but I always though it's harmless. Why I should bother with wifi waves when there are more other waves that sourround us everyday like phone.
3.Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
First time I am hearing about this and no one ever talked to me or asked me about it. If you ask about my opinion, I am not an enemy of 5g network.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Eee... no? First time hearing that some people consider it dangerous. In my case it never crossed my mind.
2. I'd ask for scientific proofs, but as we already see from your article, there aren't any to support their thesis.
3. It's first time I hear about such thing, so I think people don't overthink it. It's not like we meet people with such opinion on daily basis. Maybe in other places around the world people do overthink it, because those myths rose into existence somewhere, but in my environment there's no such problem.
MichalB said…
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

Yes, some 20 years ago, when Wi-Fi was invented and used, it was said to be harmful. The same harmfulness was talked about in the case of mobile phones or other devices emitting electromagnetic waves. Today, everything that surrounds us are waves and Wi-fi is just a bunch of problems. Everything else is worse.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

Sure, not only would I argue, but I argue. Not only with people but also with my loved ones. It is impossible and impossible to eliminate this phenomenon from today's world and our lives, whether we want it or not. Personally, I think that nowadays Wi-Fi is a trifle :-D

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes, for sure ! They don't have time to think about anything other than Wi-Fi ;-)
1. Yes I felt in danger by the announcement in my elevator. Someone posted the information about bad influence of wifi router waves on our brains and that we must
get rid of all these types of devices as soon as possible otherwise we can get Alzheimer's disease. Of course than I checked it on the internet and turned out that is a tall story.

2. Yes I would. I would tell that new devices must be tested before they get to the store shelves and certainly scientists would not allow one that is very bad for people.

3. No I like that people think about health and they check everything around, we can prevent undesirable effects of products which are considered unhealthy and upgrade them for next generations.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

In our proffesion we are condemned to be close to the routers and this kind of devices. I didnt feel in threatened because of it but i had thoughts before is it completly safe. I think no one can know that and our generation will check this out after next 20 years.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

I dont think i could argue in this kind of topic because my knowledge is not enough. Its a topic for scientists but as i said in first point - our generation will check is it safe or not and i dont think there is someone who can be sure before someone will feel consequences.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

I am sure some of them think about this. A lot of people probably exaggerating the problem and most of them are just dont care at all.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

I've never felt any danger of being close to a WiFi router but I think that all these devices around us might be harming us very slowly for us to notice.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

I don't think I would argue too much about this but science keeps evolving maybe 50 years from now we might discover the damage caused by phone or WiFi and have WiFi areas in restaurants just like we have smoking areas nowadays.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes, some people overthink this. But I understand it's human life at stake.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
Maybe not because of a single router, but vicinity of hundreds of routers in a building is something I worry sometimes.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
I would ask them about the source of their information, if it is Zięba-based then they will just make fool of themselves. However if it would come from some research then it could start a nice and wise discussion and many sanity checks in other sources.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Some of them for sure, but most of them just don't care like in many cases.
Kyrylo said…

Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

The danger of your time being devoured in the Internet is far more pressing. But I agree -- the waves router emits are unnatural, and thus, human is unaccustomed to them.
Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
Actually I am not into arguing with people. Mostly due to its ineffectiveness and time/energy consumption. And I still get little reward for proving my point.
Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Not that they overthink this particular problem, it's just that we are facing much, much more dire probpems now.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
I've never felt threatened by being near a router. I don't understand why people are afraid of the electromagnetic field. I sometimes work with an MRI. And not so ordinary, because the resonance used by me uses high energy of the magnetic field. People don't know that during normal life they have a few million times more electromagnetic field than WiFi. Like when driving a trolley bus. Or when they pass a transformer. Wifi action is microvolts.

The best argument would be that even though the electromagnetic ward on them is always and everywhere they are fine. But why should I argue with someone and convince them. It's the same conversation with someone who believes in flat ground.

That shouldn't be a problem. Already in primary school children are informed how different types of radiation act on the living organism. The electromagnetic field has no effect at all (Maybe a hall effect when working directly at the resenoresonance, but it is intentionally induced).
1. No...

2. The best way to stay mentally healthy is to avoid arguing with those kinds of people :)

3. In general, people tend to overthink things. Have you heard that some believe that the recent tests of 5G network have caused the Covid-19? Well, correlation is not causation! But they will still assume so and treat it as proof. They will also try to prove that NASA is lying and the earth is flat. When the times are good people are just bored in my opinion. They don't have real issues so they create some themselves.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. No, I have never felt bad in the presence of low-frequency waves. Although in my childhood we had this family physician who brought up a topic of cellphones bing dangerous because you keep them close to the brain while talking. I kind of had bad thoughts while using a phone when I was 8 years old. But I didn't stick to his opinion for too long of course.

2. The only kind of people who can feel bad about radio-waves are usually old ones. I mean you don't usually argue with grumpy elderly because it's pointless ;).

3. Of course. That's why we will never transmit electricity wirelessly, even if we could. But in the meanwhile I was a bit suspicious about this 5g testing in Holland that presumably killed birds in the area. Turned out it was also not connected to 5g.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. No i have not. I have never thought if that could be dangerous, and thanks to you article, i know it can't be.

2. No, not really, i just don't like to argue with people. But if i had to, i would say what you said in the article, that it can be only dangerous if you are close to a powerful source of radio waves or strong electromagnetic field, and that it it still only harmful when you are exposed to it for a very long time.

3. Even though i don't believe that exposure to a router can be dangerous, i don't think that people overthink about this problem.. It's good that the problem was researched, so that we can be certain that it's not dangerous.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. No, I have never felt threatened because of closely located router. WIFI connection is so common in our times that it nearly feels unusual not to be able to connect to wifi anywhere we go.

2. I am not a scientist so I do not feel privileged to state my opinion on this subject loud and clear. However sometimes I do get a headache when I talk too long on the phone so when it comes to mobile phones I am not so sure it does not effect us in longer term.

3. I think that as in any other subject people should have some common sense. It is important to be aware of things when it comes to health issues but not let yourself go crazy about it.
Maciej Górczak said…
I have never felt endangered because of my WiFi router. And I would not even consider arguing with people on this topic, because it is stupid.
I never knew people thinking about these first world problems and hopefully I will not meet one of them on my way through life.
1 / Perhaps, when the era of the Internet and the spread of roaming began ... That all the worries were due to the fact that there was little information about everything and people were in a panic.
2 / I think that I would not argue, as each person has his own opinions and I do not really like to create disputes. But it seems to me that this topic is already outdated and has become meaningless.
3 / People who rarely come across this topic or information about it may think about it.
Aleksander said…
1. Never. In fact, my router is within 1 meter from my head. Another issue is a fact, that such technologies like Wi-Fi etc. , are quite new, and there are no long-term studies about its impact on our lives.
2. We are all into science, so taking that fact- no, I would not argue. The thing is, I would just ask about long-term and well-documented case-studies, that are hard to find.
3. People overthink everything that they don’t understand and I totally understand that. One of the best examples is probably nuclear power station- very, very few people understand the atom, that’s why it’s hard to convince people for such a source of energy. Till they don’t know what’s Wi-Fi, they are going to be frightened.
Roman Burlaka said…
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Roman Burlaka said…
1. No, but in fact, I may start to feel it soon because of the next generation of this technology. Cause we have just developed 5G and it will be everywhere faster than really checked on all side-effects. Especially of a large number of devices in one place, like it can be in a megapolis. Now it is everything okay and I almost sure about it, but it doesn't mean that it will be fine further.

2. You know, I (and anyone else) should argue with some of this article's arguments. For example, the author mentioned that life expectancy has increased so everything is okay, but in fact, some factors can raise it, others can low, and in sum, we have a positive result, but it doesn't mean that all factors are positive.

3. Maybe yes. But how the situation in the world right now teaches us - to overthink is better than to underthink. Maybe it's worth to read an article or more about the topic than to ignore it at all.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located Wi-Fi router?
No never, there is no point in worrying about every little thing, every day we eat, drink, inhale or touch things that can accelerate our death or make us sick. What I’m afraid is that my Wi-Fi will not work properly.
2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
I would not argue about this, why would I. It is harmful so what tell me what is not.
3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
I didn't really know that there was such a problem or maybe I didn't want to know that, I'm tired of listening to what can kill me, damage me or cause me to get sick. Do they overthink who know what I know is that technology develop so fast that when they will think about doing something about this there will be 5 other new thinks to worry about.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No I have not, What is more I do not believe in such a huge bad impact of Wifi on our health, or just not so big to avoid it. A lot of things around us are producing the waves like this.
2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
To be honest if someone wants to discuss with me about this topic , I would stop the discuss before it starts. I do not see any reason to argue about obvious things.
3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Yes, I’m sure that we overthink things like this. These days probably we are not focusing about such a simple problems, because we have to struggle with real one.
Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No i havent ever felt in danger because of closely located WiFi router. I have always felt safe and havent see any problems related with my health and wifi router related.

Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
I dont like arguing about controversial things. If someone thinks that it is harmfoul it's he's right to think so.

Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
People overthink a lot of things these days. If we would take everything in consideration we should live in sheds without anything civilization gave us.
Angelika Dutt said…
I never felt threatened by the fact that there was a wifi router near me, I think my generation grew up in a world where the presence of wifi is as natural to us as the air.
I don't know if it's worth entering into a discussion about this at all, because I think that anyone who considers wifi to be dangerous doesn't think rationally and logically. This is a common and globally used technology, so I don't think there's any reason to think about danger in this case.
I think a lot of people who are bored or overwhelmed with time will come up with stupid theories that are not true.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No, I have never felt in danger because of wifi nor cellular signal. I don’t feel threatened by it because I have never heard about any reliable research which would tell me that it’s dangerous.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
I love to argue with people, but to be honest if someone would tell me that wifi is dangerous, I wouldn’t agree with him/her because that’s a lost case.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Yes, I think that some people has to have some imaginary enemy who is trying to harm them.
1. I'm so afraid of the router, that's why I always wrap myself in foil and avoid these terrible devices. I'm really kidding, I've never been scared of wifi, I think
that people are exaggerating. Funny fact are amulets protecting against 5G, comedy! :)
2. I don't usually argue with people about this. Because they won't listen to my argument anyway
3. I think people are exaggerating, wifi doesn't do anything wrong.
1. I never thought about looking at a Wi-Fi router as a threat. It is a civilizational achievement of our time that greatly facilitates access to the Internet and allows its use on many devices. I think there are many more harmful things in the world and we shouldn't worry about that.

2. Definitely not. I do not like to argue and certainly not for such things.

3. I have never met a person who would pay attention to this issue. I think that most people in the world enjoy the possibility of using Wi-Fi and also increase the range of the Internet. There will probably be a few people looking for the shortcomings of this device, but there are certainly fewer than their advantages.
Maciek Olko said…
I do not feel endangered in near location of Wi-Fi router. I think if I would be about to argue about "bad influence" of Wi-Fi signal, I would try to refer to research that stated about no harmful influence.I've learned that there is a group of people that claim it is physically hurt with Wi-Fi waves. Werner Herzog in his "Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World" from 2016 devotes on part of the documentary to US citizens that believe they can't stand waves of various frequencies and they move to neighbourhoods of cosmic-ray observatories, where emitting of radio signals is legally limited.
Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

I have heard some theories about such danger but I have never in my life felt bad because of the wifi router in my surrounding. I wouldn't keep my head near such device but I would also throw it out of my room to prevent some kind of potenial harm.

Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

I don't consider myself to be a person competent on the subject enough to argue with others but that's part of the point. To be honest not many people actually know what they are talking about when it comes to topics like this. Few of them know anything about the physics and even less people know anything about electromagnetic waves.

Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

I think that there many problems which are overthought. Many became problems because they were overthought and this might be the case. Once again I can repeat that I am not qualified to matter in the discussion but not many people are and very often there is one person who would raise panic and others follow.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. No, I rather think people which are thinking like this are ridiculous.
2. There is no confirmed science researches about danger affecting WI-FI on humans. There is many other negative frequency which they even notice. Human organs have natural frequency about 8Hz. In rusty car, with serious damaged shock absorbers, body of a car oscillate in this frequency. Most common injury coused by this phenomenon is eyeballs damages. And obvious people who work as a driver can suffer more frequently. It's their occupational disease.
3. Yes, they do.
1. No, my bed is next to WIFI router I never thought about it. Maybe it can give some kind of waves, but at the moment everything is so developed that no one thinks about the dangers of any technology.
2. No I don't like arguing at all but I don't agree that WIFI router could be dangerous. The best argument is not to use Wi-Fi and get other people out about it.
3. I think yes, especially the older generation, because in their time, technology was not as well developed as it is now. Therefore, they are worried about the radio waves emitted by all the equipment.
s18716 said…
Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
In fact, such a question a long time before people. I could think about how harmful and dangerous this was before, even when I was not particularly informed about the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Now I don’t feel any discomfort because of this, as I understand the effect of the electromagnetic field of the frequencies that we use in our life. Moreover, there is an international organization for the standardization of this kind of equipment. That is, I want to say that if it were really dangerous, such an organization would prohibit such systems by all norms and standards. But since it is assigned to international regulations, it gives hope that this does not have such a strong effect on the labels of our organism.

Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
Yes, of course, probably many young people had discussions about this with adults, especially those who believe in all sorts of conspiracy theories. So, the argument in my cases was the research of scientists around the world, and of course I always mention these international regulations.

Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Yes, of course. I think research in this area is still ongoing. Since every time scientists find new effects of electronic devices on the human body. But I witnessed a dispute when a telecommunications company installed a base station for a mobile network on the roof of a building. Residents are often against this, since they adhere to the theory that such a base station is very harmful to them. If you pay attention to them a lot in the city. Just look at the roofs of buildings more often.
1. I have not felt in danger because of the closely located Wifi router quite the opposite I fear of being far away on the edge of wifi range.
2. Yes I would argue on that, and the most crucial argument would be about being close to router skin to skin for several years.
3. Thinking about consequences of being that close to wifi signal is not bad, because you have to be aware of things that can harm you in your daily/close environment.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

No, never. But another topic concerning routers is how are they unstable. I think that most of people suffered from lost connection to the network. I personally do not recommend that feeling.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

I dont't think so. I do not really care that much about the topic to go into argument with someone.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes I think that some of the people are influenced by fake news, which leads to depression. Which is really unnecessary because depression leads to many other inlesses.
Aneta Artych said…

1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

Nooo, there are no research paper that prove that I should fell in the danger. So my answer is no.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

The fact that I think it's not harmless doesn't allow me to impose my opinion on anyone. Everyone can have their opinion and the ideal situation is while we are exchanging our arguments and opinions.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes, People overthink everything that they don’t understand. The electromagnetic field has no effect at all.

A lot of people probably exaggerating the problem and most of them are just don't care at all.
1. I have never and probably never will feel in danger because of WiFi router or any other device that emits some radio waves.

2. Everyone can have an opinion but when things are explained and proven by scientists and logic you can't argue about them. This is the point of this article - to present knowledge of the topic to people so they are aware of those facts and won't think that idea of harmful routers is real.

3. I have never met person which thought that radio waves can be harmful but you can hear many stupid theories and there are always some people that will believe them. Although people tend to overthink things and create stupid theories like dangerous routers, 5G, aliens etc.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No, I haven't. In the secondary school I was in the math-physics curriculum so I have essential knowledge about waves and their feasible harmfulness.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
No, I wouldn't. I completely agree with people on this topic.

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Yes, I do. Usually people overthink phenomena they don't comprehend, e.g. GMO or vaccine. It could not be dangerous but if people don't know how it works they will create a lot of conspiracy theories.
I have never felt threatened by WiFi, but I know that excessive waves caused by routers and other transmitters are harmful to our well-being and brain. I do not like to argue on topics that I have no influence on, so I would rather not argue with anyone whether wifi is harmful or not. It won't change anything anyway;)
I have noticed that most people underestimate most problems and threats, which is why coronavirus is currently prevailing. People will notice the problem with the signals only when it is bad or too late.
Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

No, never. But when I don't have access to WiFi or mobile network - that's when I feel uncomfortable. I think, that people overthink the problem and WiFi routers aren't dangerous.

Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

I have never seen people who think, that WiFi routers are dangerous. To be honest, I thought that such kind of people is simply a myth :) I am not sure, that I would argue with someone on this topic.

Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes, I think people tend to overthink this problem in general. Maybe it is because they don't know enough and cannot believe that such a great thing isn't dangerous. I think if they would know more there wouldn't be any problems.
Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?
No, I have never felt in the danger because of that. We have studied it in physics at school.
Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?
No, I wouldn't. I have tried to explain this to my grandmother, but she stands for her point of view, so I decided not argue with such kind of people.
Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?
Of course, it is impossible to make such a world-wide technology which is in every house, but hurts health.
Rafał Halama said…
1. No, I do not associate the feeling of being scared with WiFi routers at all. I think they are perfectly safe and it is confirmed their signal is really weak and not harmful to human body.

2. Sure, it never hurts to have a discussion. I would just tell someone that radio waves produced by WiFi router are completely harmless, and they should focus more on microwaves that produce them much stronger.

3. People tend to overthink all of things, that is their nature. We cannot do anything about it, so only thing we can do is discuss it with them and hope to change their opinion.
1. Have you ever felt in the danger because of the closely located WiFi router?

No, I am nearly sure that the level of damage it could possibly made is so negligible that I can use the benefits of it surely. I am also familliar with data provided by European Health Agency which also confirm the safe of this solution.

2. Would you argue with people on this topic? What would be the most crucial argument you could use?

Literally, I don't like this kind of people, which usually have only arguments like one MD from one country said in his lecture something and all the rest MDs are laying becouse they gian money form pharma concerns

3. Do you think that people overthink this problem in general?

Yes, definitly, it's the subject testet by restricted procedures all around the world. What knowledge about this could even have someone who read a few articles in the internet?
someone has stuck a printed advertisement, yes now it's very funny :D

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