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Week 3 [16.03-22.03.2020] Urbex - visiting abandoned places

Have you ever wondered how many abandoned buildings and places we have around the world? It seems that a lot of. So many, that there are hundreds of youtube channels about exploring such places, where people go around their country or even around the world to see abandoned places and make videos about them.

A couple of years ago I became interested in watching this type of content on youtube. It all started from a one video of polish youtubers “Tube Raiders” where they visited Chernobyl’s exclusion zone. It was many years before the hype and before the HBO series. Since then, from time to time, I like to watch some explorations on youtube made by both polish and foreign people.

That kind of trips are called Urban Exploration or Urbex in short. Formally the term urbex, according to Wikipedia, is the exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment. Till now I’ve seen explorations of multiple different abandoned places like normal buildings, factories, whole villages, cities, underground tunnels and catacombs or even a gigantic abandoned yacht. And there are many more, there is something for everyone like e.g. night explorations of “haunted” places, tall buildings, illegal places, tight tunnels and so on.
The main rule of urbex is: take only memories, leave nothing but footprints. Which just tell you to leave the place in an untouched condition, as it is not about devastating these places, stealing things or even taking any souvenirs from there. It’s only about experiencing the spirit of the place. If everyone sticks to the rules, such a places will be available for a long time to be explored by next generations of urban explorators.

It is definitely a good way to learn certain place’s history and try to feel how it was functioning in its heyday. Visiting such places often brings some kind of nostalgia and is somehow a way to get away from the surrounding reality for a moment. The other part of the story is that it is often really dangerous and sometimes illegal to go to such places. There is always a risk of some part of a building/structure you visit to collapse or a risk of being arrested or given a ticket for visiting a private property. The place might also be a shelter for homeless people or some drug addicts who could be potentially dangerous when you spot them in their place.

As a side note, another similar content I could recommend as a worth seeing is a BNT channel, where a polish guy climbs tall buildings without any protection. In one of his videos he even climbed a Marriot Hotel in Warsaw.

1.  Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
2.  Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
3.  Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?



1. Sure! I used to follow the "Urbex History" channel very carefully. From expeditions to old military bases or abandoned hospitals. Quite an interesting activity, but you have to watch out for the constructions of these buildings. They can collapse at any time, also the security staff reacts very aggressively. Urban Exploring is very dangerous.

2. I think I'd love to try it one day. I like walking around mysterious places and learning their history. I am rather an active person. The video on youtube is cool, but it's better to experience such things yourself.

3. As I mentioned, I once followed the Polish "Urbex History" channel. I recommend to you, the author visits interesting places in Eastern Europe.
1. Yes, I have. I’ve watched a couple of such videos from Chernobyl and an abandoned Russian building which is right next to my previous flat in Warsaw. Its address is Sobieskiego 100. It contains a block of flats, a cinema, a couple of saunas, a gym and a famous “Club 100”. There are a few episodes of that series during which a guy who decided to enter that place tries to check if the legends about that place are real or not. The rumours about alleged soviet secrets stored there arose because the building is still protected by the security guards. Even though those films are pretty long, it was extremely attractive to me, because I used to look at this block every day. I highly recommend watching this series. Some of the episodes are even suspenseful because of those security guards.

2. I enjoy watching this kind of content, but I’d rather not try it myself. It’s pretty dangerous, and I am not brave enough. It requires to have certain abilities to move through hard to reach places, which I don’t have. If I had to call for a help, I’d only embarrass myself. Moreover, if entrance to some object is prohibited, I would never enter it.

3. The one who created the series about Sobieskiego 100 is “Urbex Polska”.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I have heard about it a lot. I actually have a friend from highschool who does that and posts amazing photos from various places on one of the social media. I really must have a trip with him some day.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I would definitely like to try it myself as everything is better when you really experience it.
It just seems fun to me and it looks preety dangerous/forbidden in some situations which makes it even more exciting!

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Sorry, I really don't. I am yet a begginner in this field.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

Yes, I've heard about it. I've actually watched a lot of videos on this topic on youtube. I really like this concept, because thanks to it I saw abandoned palaces, villages and other buildings. I like most when explorers find old photos, documents and everyday objects. It reminds me of how fleeting life is.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

Actually I've tried it without even knowing I was doing it. I live near a village with old abandoned houses, often quite destroyed. Although I didn't find anything personal, discovering the place where people lived many years ago was very exciting.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Yes, my favorite is UrbexHistory - a group of Polish explorers who visited, among others, one of Soviet bunkers, several castles, Chernobyl, and even shipwrecks.
Ela said…
1. Yes, I’ve heard about it. I often find YouTube videos of this type, I like watching them. Visiting abandoned places without tourists must be fascinating. Unfortunately, I don't belong to brave people and I prefer watching such places behind the screen.

2. I really enjoy watching these types of movies and I'm happy that there are people who record them. I often learn from them interesting information about the history of a given place. Unfortunately, I’m not brave enough to explore this type of places with them.

3. I mostly watch Urbex History channel.
Answering your questions:

1. No, I've never heard of Urbex. As for their concept, I think it is a great initiative with recording abandoned and unknown places and sharing videos on websites. A lot of people can't see these places personally and thanks to Urbex they can at least see them on the screen of the monitor or smartphone.

2. Here I have a mixed opinion. By nature I am an inquisitive person and I like traveling. On the other hand, I care about my safety and I do not always have the opportunity to go to different parts of the world. That's why seeing these places online is a very good idea.

3. Sorry, I don't know other Urbex-like channels.
1. Yes i heard about that. I think that is exciting hobby for everyone, beacuse we all have
abandoned places around and there are many articles where we can find them with descriptions and tips.

2. Yes i would lik to try urbex, but for now I only watch this type of trips on the internet.
I think that i need to get some knowledge on how to do it safely, I saw few videos showing people bitten by dogs or crushed by debris.

3. Yes i know good urbex channel, my friend leads it on you tube. You can check it out its called TripHunter.

Link :
Viktor Ryś said…
Yes, from reddit. I think it's interesting, but also a dangerous thing to do. The buildings are very often in a bad condition and e.g. the floor could collapse anytime while exploring. Also I really like that urbex teaches to not steal anything from those places and leave them as they were. I respect that very much.

I did it a couple of times, but didn't enjoy it that much. I was stressed that guards or the police would come for us. The videos are interesting, but I don't watch them often.

A russian channel ontheroofs is simililar to BNT
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Yes, I've heard of it. The idea itself sounds great and really exciting.

2. I'd love to try urban exploration in person, but I don't think I'm courageous enough to do so. You never know in what condition is the building/area you're exploring and you can also face there some other people, who may turn out to be dangerous, so I'd rather stick to watching someone else do it.

3. Watching this kind of videos is one of my favourite ways of wasting time on Youtube. If any of you is also into it, I'd recommend checking out The Proper People channel, especially the series of abandoned theme parks and their recent Asia Urbex Trip.
1. Yes, I have heard about it and I also made few urban explorations in my life. The concept seemed amazing for me just from the beginning, when my friend told me about "visiting some old buildings".

2. As I already mentioned, I already tried this "activity" and when I have a chance, I always take it. I like the feeling of seeing something which is not accessible easily. For example, seeing a regular church means basically nothing, but seeing a building that is almost completely closed, abandoned and could still have some equipment left is absolutely amazing. But, as you said, there are always cons that are connected with law and security. You never know who will you meet on your way.

3. Yes, I follow few polish urban explorers, for example, Żądny Przygód (this is actually funny because I commented on another post about cannibalism with his video), sietra and Urbex History.
Maciej Sadoś said…
As you said - it's quite dangerous activity. In fact that could be it's main 'selling point' for people who like adrenaline.
Thank you for the recommendation. I also follow the channel and watch their explorations from time to time :-)
Maciej Sadoś said…
Wow, that sounds brilliant. I'm definitely going to check this in a next few days. Thank you very much for sharing this! You also have to tell me something more about it after the apocalypse :-)
As for beeing brave to enter some places which are prone to collapse, I feel the same. I prefer to watch it rather than do it myself. But when something does not cause a danger for my health or life I would do it.
Maciej Sadoś said…
Ooo. I wish comments had an image sharing function, so you could share some photos of him and his trips!
Hah that's what I thought. The more dangerous, the more fun and exciting for some people who like adrenaline! :D
Maciej Sadoś said…
I also like that nostalgic, wistful feeling. You've truly captured the essence of that.
So you are already quite experienced, lucky you!
I also follow Urbex History channel and could recommend it for everyone.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I also prefer to watch that content online rather than doing it myself and I really like watching it. Nevertheless, I also did it in person a couple of times.
It seems that Urbex History is a really popular channel here in Poland.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
It is amazing! It's like a big playground, like something unreal. I never visited such urbex but if I had a chance I would.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
As I said, yes I would like to try it. Simply because It must so much fun exploring such places, going anywhere you want and doing anything you would like to do.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
No, I never watched and special channels with this topics, I just watched some videos.
1. I haven’t heard that name but I’ve heard about this idea of visiting abandoned places. The concept for me sounds fun, it gives an opportunity to walk through whole object and depending from how it is preserved take o closer look on all kinds of items in there.
2. Last summer when I was in Georgia with my friends, we had an opportunity to visit abandoned school. We walked through broken window and walked around for over an hour. Some staircases were broken, some of the classrooms were burned, actually whole place was kinda devastated. It was fun to be in headmaster office and search his desk and cabinets. It was also a little spooky to open some doors, we where afraid that someone can be inside.
3. I didn’t get in to It that much to watch other people doing it, but when I’m going to be somewhere where there is such place to visit I’m going do this definitely.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about the concept of urbex?
Yes, I have heard about urban exploration before from some documentaries and articles. I know there are different types of urbex such as stalking, digging, roofing and so on. In my opinion, it is interesting to discover abandoned structures with its mystic atmosphere.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in videos? Why or why not?
I prefer to watch such content in videos. It can be often illegal and even dangerous to visit abandoned places. For example, in Pripyat can be radioactive fallout till now. And I'm absolutely not a brave person.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
To be honest, I don`t know other channels connected with an urbex. But a few weeks ago I have found one account on Instagram with photos of American vintage abandoned houses. It was a good way to feel the atmosphere of the early 20th century.
Maciej Sadoś said…
As for the radiation in Pripyat - there is almost no radiation at all. It's only in some certain places like the hospital's basement or the grasper for example. But normally there is no radiation in the air. Or to be more precise - there is a similar level of radiation as it is in Warsaw for example :)
American vintage sights indeed have their unique, intriguing climate. I also like it very much.
Maciej Sadoś said…
That's it, the more forbidden, closed and misterious the place is, the more fun and the more adrenaline it brings :-)
I follow these channels too, it seems that they are quite popular ones.
Maciej Sadoś said…
The safety aspect of this is also a 'problem' of mine as I really care about my health. So it always a matter of choosing the lesser evil.
Maciej Sadoś said…
Yea, safety should always be on the first place. If you ever going to do this just remember of that one crucial rule which I mentioned in my presentation - take only memories/photos, leave nothing but footprints!
Maciej Sadoś said…
Oh and of course thank you for the channel recommendation, I appreciate it!
Maciej Sadoś said…
That rule of not stealing and devastating things is a true brilliancy (if there is even such a word). I'm a big fan of that - not only during urbex but also during every activity we do.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. urbex is the fashion for exploring abandoned properties and very quickly gains in polarity. I started my adventure with urbex five years ago, when urban exploration was much less popular than it is now. I am generally a companion, my friends take a lot of pictures. So far I have visited many places in the Lublin region. Contrary to appearances, there are many abandoned places in Poland. The most interesting are the old manors, unfortunately, they are getting worse and worse every year. However, due to the fact that the villages are being depopulated, new such places are constantly being created. (e.g. abandoned camping sites, hotels, production plants)

2. Like I said, I've been on these trips a few times. Twice even abroad. The most interesting places for such exploration are in the east, in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Nowadays there is a big fashion for urbex to and there are many channels on youtube. It's impossible to list them all
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Yes i did, i believe that i must have watched some videos about the topic, but it was a long time ago. I believe it is interesting, to visit an abandoned place. But you have to keep in mind that those places can be hazardous, especially the older ones.

2. As I've mentioned before, I've already seen some videos about it. As for visiting such a place in person, I believe I would like to try it. After watchin the "Chernobyl" i would like to see Pripyat in person, the idea of a whole city being abandoned is terrifying, and interesting at the same time.

3. No, i don't.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. I've never heard about urbex before. I find the concept interesting however it might be a bit dangerous. It's not a thing for me since some of the older buildings can be hazardous to enter and I'm not a fan of extreme experiences. I understand though that it might be a great adventure for thrill loving folks.

2. I would not like to try it but I don't mind watching others do it! As I mentioned earlier - I am not a big fan of extreme experiences and I prefer to stay at my safe home. But watching others do it might be fun! Especially if I get to see my favourite YouTubers going to places like that. I just wish for them to remain safe while exploring.

3. Sadly, I do not know anything like that so there's not much I can say in this topic. But maybe I'll try to look something up. :)

Yubin said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
Yes, there is urbex in my home city, but it is so expensive for one person, it is 200zl...anyway the concept is good, it is just like playing Role-playing game offline (in real life), there were even many actors acting as NPC in urbex, they even did professional make up to make customer feel more real, I will like it more if it will be cheaper.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
Of course I would like to try it someday with my friends, because it wouldn’t be so fun just only watching videos, as I don't like to watch gaming videos too, I prefer to enjoy it by my own. Anyway, if it was cheaper to try, I would had already tried many times.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
Unfortunately, I didn't follow these kinds of channels on purpose, so I don't know any other similar channels connected with an urbex.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I knew there is something like this but i didnt know its called urbex exploration. In my opinion its quite interesting to explore abadoned places. We can find a lot of interesting things and imagine how it was looking before when someone was using it.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I would prefere to do it by myself but it's good idea for YouTube channel (probably some of them are already exist just like you showed one above). Its also nice to see reaction of the other people and their thoughts about some abadoned places.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Unfortunately i didnt watch too much videos about urbex exploration so its hard for me to recommend you something. :)
MichalB said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

Nice concept, in my opinion. I like to watch old places in today's state. Just like Chernobyl, mentioned earlier. But not only. It's nice to watch sunken ships or cities, e.g. on the Zegrze Reservoir.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I watch because you can learn many interesting things. Personally, I don't explore such places due to lack of time, resources and equipment. You would need some equipment to guarantee your safety. Vacancy rates can be dangerous.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I don't know other channels, I watch what I can catch globally. On youtube channels or just on TV.
1. Yes, I heard about Urbex before, I was even interested and visited many abandoned buildings. In retrospect, I think it was a bit dangerous and I believe that it should be banned and treated as burglary. But as they say, the forbidden fruit tastes the best.

2. As I mentioned in the previous answer, I have already tried Urbex. After a few of my adventures, I switched to watching this type of activity on YouTube. It is a bit dangerous and not legal at all. Also it's easy to hurt yourself by exploring abandoned buildings.

3. Yes I know - "Urbex History".
Karol Michalak said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
Yes, I've heard about it and I am a big fan of it. The concept is great it let you embrace other times, different times through seeing what has left of it. You can only imagine what people propably did in this building or section. How many tears have dropped there, how many loves started there. It's magnificent experience.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I've tried it many times, especially in middle school when me and my close friends where a big fans of yamakasi and whe combined both of those into one. From a nowaday perspective it was a dangerous hobby but definitely a joyful one.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
I like to watch fan films from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro 2033 universe, mostly because this franchises made me so interested in urbex. And because of they post-apocalyptic theme they usually find some great places I can watch.
Kyrylo said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
That is the first time I hear about it.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I have crazy friends that constantly go into such adventures. I am not one of them.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
Nope. Not my type of adventuring.
Maciej Górczak said…
1. Of course I have heard. It is not for everyone, but If you are the type of person that, at last, likes watching extreme and unusual stuff, you should be amazed with what urbex brings with itself.
2. I would love to try it in person. I love climbing and visiting places that are new to me and aren't easily accessible. That is how I imagine urban exploring - climbing fences and overcome obstacles on your way to the closed areas. Sounds wizard!
3. I knew Facebook site back in the days, but as I deleted imy account some time ago I have lost it's name. I remember it consisted many beautiful shots of abandoned places.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
I have never heard about the term itsef, however I did heard about this type of trend: especially when people started taking photo sessions in the Chornobyl zone, I do not really know surely if it is still a very dangerous radioactive zone, however I could see it became a tourist spot. I just googled and figured out that there are even private photo tours to Chernobyl. I will try to stick to the subject and on my opinion the general concept of urbex is very interesting, I would not try that myself, however would like to watch how somebody explores these abondoned places.

Frankly speaking, I do not know channels related to this type of content, however I will be very happy to watch the channels and videos suggested by you in this blog.

1. I haven't heard about this exact term, however, I have visited some abandoned buildings. The first time I've done it, I had to make a renovation project for my studies and needed to explore the building to know the layout and have some photo documentation. Later I became hooked up with it and started to make more trips outside Warsaw or when I was on vacation I would always look up abandoned places in the neighbourhood. I think it is a wonderful hobby but also dangerous. As a graduate of architecture studies, I am very careful when entering the building but you can never know what to expect, so if you are thinking of it, please, be careful.

2. To be honest, I have rarely seen any Urbex footage and, as I mentioned before, I already tried it ;)

3. I'm not watching much YouTube...
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Of course I heard, there is even more extreme kind of people who call themselves "diggers", they mainly explore abandoned strategical objects, like nuclear bunkers, sewers, factories. It's also fun to watch how these people try to explain everything to police of they get noticed lol.

2. In the childhood we had this unfinished 9 story building. It didn't even have frontal walls on some levels. It was dangerous but also fun to get on the roof. As they say, kids don't know fear, heh.

3. The channel with diggers mentioned above. They have subtitles in the vids. Although they are vulgar so vids are not safe for kids. Called "super sus":
Also there is a channel called "Bald and Bankrupt". This dude travels to places that are not abandoned but they feel like that. Places where not much people stayed to live in. Usually he travels to southern Europe and some russia. After his videos you start to thank God that you wasn't born in russia :). People also freak out when they see englishman in their godforsaken villages/cities.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I have heard about it before and I have to admit that it is very impresive in my opinion. People tend to adore places which are new and fancy or old and popular. Those places are very often overcrowded and that makes them a little bit less special. Finding and exploring a place which has been abandoned for years has something to it. There is nobody to tell you what exactly happened there. It is only you and puzzles of a story that you need to stitch together yourself.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I would love to try such thing myself. I am one of those people who tend to get a liitle bit stressed out because of possibility of getting caught but I am sure that if I managed to start such adventure I would love every minute of it.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Yes. Some time ago my friend showed me a channel on YouTube called Żądny Przygód and I have been watching him from time to time since then. Guy seems to know his work and has a lot of respect for the places that he visits.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I haven't heard about urbex before, however I've seen some TV shows similar to this! I think exploring is always a fun adventure and I like the fact that they try to leave the place as intact.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I would definitely like this adventure if the place is not too dangerous because this is the only way to kinda go back in time and visualise how everything was before the place was abandoned.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Unfortunately I don't but I remember one TV show were they try to visit some haunted places. the TV shows is called ghostbusters.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I've heard about it before, I just did not know the proper name for it. I think it is very interesting and must be a bit weird but also a bit shocking to see a 'deadlocked' life. I think it can feel as if you time - travel.
2. I would like to experience it myself. Watching this videos can be an enjoyable thing to do, but I would really like to feel it on my skin and be able to discover it by myself.
3. Unfortunately I do not know any different channels but I think I'll give it a try and look for content like that. Maybe be it will give me some courage to try this some time in the future.
1. I have not heard about it before, but I was aware of the fact that some people really liked to visit abandoned places like the one in Pryperti. When I was younger, I would be stocked to try something like this, but nowadays I think this is waste of time and it seems to be a bit of dangerous.
2. No, as I said before it is a waste of time for me. There are too many more important thinks for me to do.
3. I don’t watch no channels so how do I even know about any related to this thing?
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

Yes, I have. I don’t think that it is suited for everybody but I’d try it by myself.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

Yeah, I think I would try something like that to some extent. I wouldn’t climb any building by myself without any safety but I would try strolling through any abandon place. I remember that when Chernobyl mini series was released I really wanted to visit that place. It's not a typical urbex anymore as there are guided trips but I know that you can go there by yourself if you omit any security points but the place is still considered as dangerous because of radiation.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I am not familiar with any urbex channels unfortunately.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. I've heard about urbex, but in a not structured way. You know, somehow chaotically. I mean, I have seen a couple of TV shows, some videos on Youtube, have heard about a few bloggers from shows that haven't got any common with urbex. So my knowledge about it is knowledge about its existence. I don't mind it, it can be a great hobby for someone, maybe a lifestyle. But not mine.

2. I have watched such type of content, don't mind it. And maybe I would like to try it on my own, but it should be a specific place and I must know that there aren't any drug clubs or something like that. For example, I have seen photos from a place with an old spaceship. Really cool and mind-breaking.

3. No, cause I'm not a fan, and it isn't in my current plans, so, unfortunately, no.
1 / I have seen many similar things, but I have never heard of this concept, a rather interesting topic ...
2 / I think I would not dare to do this now, but earlier I’m sure that I would only be for it! Since I do not think that my health will allow me to walk in such a place ...
3 / I don’t know exactly the channels, but I saw a lot of video shootings and photo sessions on this topic.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I'm quite familiar with Polish youtube 'scene' so I did notice ubrex was trending few years ago. I watched just couple of episodes, form various creators, mostly about places that really interested me in the first place - like Chernobyl or places in Warsaw. Nevertheless it is not something I watch on daily basis

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

Once you've watched a place getting explored by someone else it loses its purpose to visit it yourself. Maybe that's a reason I usually don't watch urbex videos, hoping that I'll have opportunity to discover the place on my own.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I can't recall any. If I stumble upon any video it's always the place I look for first, then it's a specific video creator
Aleksander said…
1. I haven’t heard but I’m really fascinated by the idea. It’s easy to explore tourist places, but it’s hard and fun to try with more unavailable ones.
2. Yes, I would! I love adventures and adrenaline. Also during my travels, I always try to feel a real country and its culture and people, not only from the average tourist perspective.
3. Unfortunately not, be let’s come back to this question after a few months then I will answer briefly and with pleasure ;)
Kgajewska said…
1. No I haven't, but the idea is quite intresting - as long as it's safe, some abandoned places are very dangerous

2. Yes, I would love to try it by myself. All idea is about feeling the spirit of the place and I believe it's not possible to fully feel it through video.

3. Unfortunately not
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I have heard that and I am even a viewer of many YouTube channels. I think it is very interesting and even contains historical elements. I think
Urbex should look like this. Sometimes you can hear about vandalism, but luckily they are not associated with real urbex.
2.Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
Hmm interesting question. I think I would like to visit abandoned buildings. The fact is, I like watching exploration videos too.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
I know several, one of them is urbex history. It is a channel dedicated to exploration and historical inserts. As for BNT, he only climbs
instead of exploring abandoned buildings. But the fact is that what he does is very spectacular.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I have heard of urbex before and even a follow tube raiders :) Thats a shame that they dont publish new videos for a while. I like the idea behind the urbex. I also close to try it myself.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I like watching that type of content but also wouldnt mind someone to show me how it works and show me some interesting places.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
For quite some time i watch videos from BNT. Hes climbing chimneys in poland and in europe. I think hes closest to urbex from my subscriptions list on yt. Also he's the guy that climbed mariott hotel last summer.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I have heard about this what is more I was doing urbex with my friends. We did it in Warsaw. There are a lot of abandoned places which are so interesting to visit.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
As i said I did try it and I would like to try again if I have more time. There are a lot of web pages with this content and tips for location how to get in etc. I also like to watch it, I would recommend Exploring with Josh. It is really cool.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
Again, as i said I would recommend a channel which I have written in the question before. There are also polish channels like urbextv or something like that.
Angelika Dutt said…
I've heard of urbex before. It seems to me that this topic became popular when the series "Chernobyl" appeared. Because the series refers to a huge abandoned area, youtube videos of people who visit this area have become very popular.

The videos I mentioned were interesting for me at the beginning because of my fascination with the series. But urbex itself does not interest me and I would not want to try it, because I'm a little scared of such places.

It's possible that I watched a few channels about urbex, unfortunately I don't remember their names anymore.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

Yes, I have. I think it sounds super exciting and I have always wanted to try it myself. I think it might be a great experience to visit abandoned places and to see how people used to live/work in them.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

Yes, as I have mentioned above, I have always wanted to try urbex myself. I think it might be a great way to unconventionally spend your free time.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I have read some blogs about it but unfortunately I don’t know any youtube channels.
1. Yes of course I heard about it. Some time ago I was very interested. I followed trips to various abandoned places such as military bases and abandoned buildings, e.g. where the hospital used to be. This is interesting but for people who do it probably dangerous because you have to be careful during such expeditions e.g. on building structures or unexploded shells.

2. I would love to take part in such an expedition. I love travels. I am an open and curious person. Such an experience would probably be fantastic.

3. I only heard and followed the pages of "Urbex Polska" and "Urbex History". I haven't looked for other similar websites on the internet, so I don't know if they are.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. It's cool way of traveling thru some places.
2. I rather prefer to do stuff like this at my own. Watching on YT how someone do this instead of me, is annoying.
3. No, i'm not intrested in this kind of context on YT.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I heard about this phenomenon but I didn't know it has it's own official name. I think it's a creative idea and alternative option of sightseeing for adventurers.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I wouldn't like to try Urbex in person but I like looking at some photos in SNS sometimes. They look really fastinating and mysterious and usually are just beautiful. But Urbex is not my brand of recreation. Once I had to explore abandoned flats in Katowice to make a photoshoot for my brother's work.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
No, I don't know any similar channels on Youtube connected with an urbex because as I said I'm not so into this.
Aneta Artych said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

I haven’t and I’m gladly thanks for that video. It was worth seeing!!

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

It's interesting and fascinating at the same time to watch it, so yes, I would like to try urban exploration by watching video.
It's also cool to do it by your own, but maybe not for everyone.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I am not familiar with any urbex channels unfortunately, but I am more than eager to serach for them.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I didn't this name for this phenomenon, but I am familiar with the idea and I watched some YouTube videos with similar exploration. The concept is very attractive to me but one have to remember about safety in such a places, because some part of them had been abandoned because of them being not safe.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I'd like to try this, but would like to explore places that are legal to be in, especially in foreign countries. Also I'd rather double check if place that I am about to go to is safe, or explore it with the due caution.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
I know BNT. I've seen some, but now I am not able to recall their names.
Bartosz Warda said…
1 & 2. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex? Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

Yes I,ve heard about the topic. What is more I even tried that myself a couple of times. I think that it is cool. Sometimes the thrill is real but you can learn so much about the place that you are exploring.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

There are a lot of them on the youtube nowadays. There is that Urbex Histry channel that tells a story of the place while exploring. That is the content that I would recommend.
1. Yes, I have heard about this concept and that is very interesting. In my opinion if it is fun for someone and the person doesn't destroy anything in abandoned place it is completely fine. The bad thing is that sometimes it includes getting to forbidden or guarded location which is against the law.

2. I would like to try it but I believe it may be very dangerous. If you want to see for example an abandoned building, the floor may fell apart under your feet and you can injure yourself. Despite it urbex exploration seems like a cool hobby.

3. Yes, I know and sometimes watch 2 polish urbex channels. One of the is Żądny Przygód and the other one is Urbex History. The guy that makes videos for the first one usually goes to places like factories, houses etc. On urbex history channel you can find many videos about bunkers and other facilities used during the war.
s18716 said…
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
Yes, I knew about this way of spending time. A very popular hobby lately among people from different corners of our planet. This is especially interesting when such an abandoned place has a very rich history. Well, people experience their own feelings in the fight against fear. By the way, this is why Chernobyl, which you mentioned in your post, is very popular among tourists of this direction.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I have met a lot of similar content on the Internet. Sometimes it was interesting and I took the time to get acquainted with what they do in such places. We can say that I had a similar experience. It was unplanned, but it was also interesting and exciting. And indeed, if it comes to adrenaline, most often I am not against such undertakings.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
Unfortunately, I don’t know the names of such channels, as I’m not subscribed to such videos, but I have met quite a lot of them on the Internet. By the way, I did not know before that this business is called urbex.
I have known the concept of urbex for a long time; all in all I admire all those people who devote their lives to recording on YouTube videos of various fancy places that are abandoned/closed or inaccessible to people. I guess I'm not the type of person who would be suitable for urban exploration + unfortunately my knee doesn't allow me :(
I don't watch urbex in movies anymore, because I got bored with this subject. There are many Polish and foreign urbex exploration channels. I don't remember the names because, as I wrote above, I stopped being interested in it ^_^
1. I have never heard about "urbex" but I heard about exploaring abandoned places and buildings. I have read "Roadside Picnic" about man who was illegal in ghost cities.
2. Yes, I would like to try. Such trips are very unpredictable and intrigued, I think you never know what you can see there.
3. No I've never heard about channel like "urbex", because I am not interested
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I only heard about this on tv. It’s for the brave and bored if this is done properly then it could be fun, but one mistake and you are creating problems for many people, but I think that there are many places that are worth the risk.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a video? Why or why not?
I sound great but only if this is previously checked by some group that will examine how safe it is, I don’t want to be buried under some rubble or meet someone dangerous while sightseeing.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
No, I don’t know any similar channels.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?
I have heard about uberx before. This way of spending free time is very interesting, abandoned buildings are more atmospheric and breathtaking, there is an interesting feeling of a rich history.
2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?
I tried it about 6-7 years before. Than I didn't know that it is called uberx. Now I prefer to watch videos sometimes.
3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?
I don't remember the names. Youtube sometimes proposes me such videos, but I'm not subscribed to concrete channels with such content.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about the concept of urbex?

Yes, I have heard about it, but I didn't know it is called that way. I think it is an interesting concept and sometimes I like watching such videos on YouTube. Such videos could be sometimes disturbing but very interesting.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a video? Why or why not?

I don't think I want to try such urban exploration. I don't like to go to abandoned buildings, but watching videos with it something different :) Sometimes I likes watching such kinds of videos.

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

I know there is some Russian YouTube blogger who does it, he travels through all the CIS countries and goes to different abandoned places, but unfortunately, I don't remember his name and I am not subscribed to him, so I cannot share it with you.
Rafał Halama said…
1. Yes, I have heard about it before. My close friends did it a few times and I have watched few videos on this topic. Personally, I think it is a really cool concept as long as you do not vandalize the buildings you explore. As stated in your article, it can be very nostalgic visiting places where time has stopped forever.

2. Of course, urban exploration sounds really exciting. I would prefer to do it with few of my friends as entering an empty building alone is going to make me feel like in a horror movie.

3. I do not know any channels particularly focused on urban exploration. Although it is an interesting topic, I do not watch it religiously.
1. Have you ever heard about urbex before? What do you think about a concept of urbex?

Yes I've heard about urbex, especially urbex in Poland. It's really interesting conecpt hovever there is a few problems with law aspects of this whole entertaiment.

2. Would you like to try urban exploration in person or watch that type of content in a videos? Why or why not?

I am little bit too comfortable person for that but it's great experience to just watch it. It could be dangerous

3. Do you know any other similar channels connected with an urbex?

Yes for example "Urbex Polska” or "Urbex History" or some other niche channels

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