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Week 3 [16.03-22.03.2020] Macaroni hair and floral motives - Alphonse Mucha and his art

Alphonse Mucha was a Czech Art Nouveau painter, designer, poster creator and decorative artist mostly known for his colourful and subtle illustrations and prints of women surrounded by flowers. Variety of his prints (especially fine art) can be found on plates, mugs, cutlery and t-shirts. Nevertheless, there is so much more to his art and career (in the context of eye-catching projects) than few commonly known drawings. This unbelievably prolific artist from an early age was fascinated with drawing and illustration, and due to fortunate coincidence of events he had a chance to develop his skill in Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and Paris.
Of course, he started working as a designer and theatrical printer, but it was year 1894 that made him one of the most popular artists of secession. One can say that he got really lucky. Few days before the end of the year an order was placed for the printing house in which he worked - a poster for theatrical art. And boy, it was big. The actress who commissioned the project was Sarah Bernhardt herself - eccentric but sought-after star of those years. Mucha decided to create something completely out of the trends. The colours were washy, the poster itself was extremely elongated and the whole composition was out of fashion. Shockingly, Sarah Bernhard was delighted with his work, and from that day forward, she became one of his main sources of income and commissions. When she has opened her Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt,  Mucha was responsible not only for all the posters, but also for the design of the interiors and decorations. 
Another interesting project created by Alphonse Mucha was jewellery and the interior for popular jeweller – George’s Fouquet. Illustrative aspect and richness of the designed objects as well as the interior of the shop were highly criticized as being too theatrical and vulgar, thus the cooperation of these two didn’t last. Nevertheless, there was one huge fan of their projects that bought everything that Mucha has created. Yep, you guessed it right. Sarah Bernhard not only bought existing projects, but also requested creating jewellery seen on the posters designed by Mucha.
Though he spent most of his life abroad, Alphonse Mucha is also known for his patriotic, national projects. In 1910 he started his 18-year project “The Slav Epic” in which he portrayed the mythology and history of Czechs and other Slavic lineage on 20 6x8m canvas.

He died in 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, distraught and sick at heart, leaving his new triptych unfinished. To this day his subtle and delicate works can be seen not only on t-shirts, mugs, postcards or pens but also in places, where the variety of his talents can be seen - in Mucha Museum (, St Vithus Cathedral or National Gallery in Prague. Mucha, in my opinion, was one of the most many-sided artists from the Art Noveau period, considered even to be the creator of it. As a fertile artist, he considered himself to be a painter and a creator of patriotic arts, rather than pioneer of his times and hated people calling him that. Undeniably, he will forever be remembered for his specific color schemes, delicacy in portraying his imagination and hair, which he drew in specific, macaroni-like style.

Alfons Mucha i jego świat - R. Ormiston
Alfons Mucha - Victor Arwas, Anna Dvořák, Jan Mlčoch, Petr Wittlich


1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?


Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Unfortunately, I do not know other artists from this era.
2. I do not know the work of this artist. I'm not interested in art. However, in my opinion these paintings are too worn out, without vivid colors.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

Unfortunately none of them. I do not have an artistic spirtit at all and I am simply not interested in this field of civilizations. One may call me an ignorant but frankly speaking I just do not take pleasure in it.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

As i mentioned above, I am not really an art person and I do not know the answer to this question either.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

Another artist from the Art Nouveau era that I remember is Stanisław Wyspiański. He is best known as the author of the drama "The Wedding" - obligatory reading in high school. His main directions of creativity were portraits and landscapes.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

I do not know any of the paintings created by this author. Nevertheless, I've seen paintings inspired by his women portraits in my friend's apartment.
1. I know artists such as Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, who was a writer/poet, or Stanisław Wyspiański, who dealt with all aspects of art. To be honest, I don't like this period in art - I don't associate "decadence" with anything good and the very assumptions of this trend/era are incompatible with my approach to life.

2. Unfortunately, I do not know, maybe I have some pictures coded in my head, but now I can't remember their titles. I'm not very much an art person. However, I like to watch different art works.
Ela said…
1. There are many of them. I love the work of Gustav Klimt, I think everyone knows his painting The kiss. Toulouse-Lautrec drew a posters in the style of Art Nouveau. In Poland during the Art Nouveau Stanisław Wyspiański was creating paitings and poems.

2. I know Mucha from The Season panel. I like it very much but I prefer Klimt paintings. Mucha images are painted in too pastel shades for me.
1. I have heard about Wyspiański and Mehoffer. Unfortunately, my knowledge about art is very limited, it’s just never been really interesting to me. Maybe because of school which does everything to make us hate any kind of art, especially reading, but admiring paintings as well.

2. I really wish I could answer this question, but it’s beyond my reach. I must say that I respect that you’ve chosen this topic, even though it was probably predictable that the feedback won’t be very rich. It is great that you have such interests, it is very mature and admirable which cannot be said about most of us.
1. Unfortunately, I can't answer this question because I don't know any other artists from this era, and I have never been interested in art.

2. As I mentioned above, art has never interested me, so I don't know any other works of this artist. If I were to judge him now, I think his paintings are okay, although the colors are faded. I prefer brighter and more vivid, contrasting colors and backgrounds.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. I'm not very keen on with art, so the only Art Nouveau artist that comes to my mind is Gustav Klimt, which is known as one of the most pominent members of secession movement.

2. When I look at these paintings you've posted I feel as if I've alreadys een them somewhere, but I definitely wouldn't be able to associate them with the author and its other pieces. However, I really like them as well as floral motives and I think I could hang one of them on my wall.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
I am not intrested so much in a history of paintings and there dates so I cannot recall anyone. I recognize the artists and works but from which nouveau it was created I do not know. Personally I am more intrested in music history and I am better and recalling music arts from certains epoques.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
First time I heard about this author and I never saw his drawings which is a shame as they are really good. Well that's the point of this conversation course to explore and expand your horizons of knowledge :)
Adam Tokarczyk said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I have never enjoyed art too much so my knowledge is rather small. I'm not even sure what date span for Art Nouveau. Only name that I can recall is Otto Wagner, but he's an architect.

2. Only creations of this author that I know about, are the ones I just read about. To be honest, after reading title I was a bit sceptical, especially since I don't enjoy art, but it was actually interesting. Out of those posted, first 4 and last 4 look really good. I won't be a fan of his jewellery and posters though.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
After reading your presentation I have searched the Internet and refreshed my knowledge in this area. I read about some artists that I had heard about before, but I didn’t know in which style they were creating. For example, the famous Antoni Gaudí in Spanish architecture and the Russian artist Alexandre Benois.

2. What other paintings or designs created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
I first read about Alphonse Mucha in this presentation so I have seen just his paintings which are above. I like these elegant and graceful lines, flower stalks and brightly colored.
Viktor Ryś said…
I don't really know any painters/illustrators from that time period, but I enjoy art noveau architecture. It's quite quirky and sometimes out of place, but it's something different, and that's intersting.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
I haven't heard about mr. Mucha, his artworks are not exactly my style, I prefer abstract art, but they're nevertheless enjoyable, kind of whimsical.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
Unfortunately, I don't know any artists from the Art Nouveau era. The topic concerns a very narrow specialty. When it will be after the epidemic, I will have to complete my knowledge of art history.
I'm sure all the paintings are pretty and beautiful.I'm sure all the paintings are pretty and beautiful. I really don't know what to write about it. I don't want to confuse it.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with the works of Alphonse Mucha, however they are indeed very subtle and delicate. I do know some famouse painters of that art epoch such as: Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali and others.
Personally speaking I do not like modern art paintings and do not find it attractive, i would say it is inetresting and creative, however not to my taste, excuse me if I hurt anyone`s feelings by writing that, however this is my subjective opinion and I do not try to impose it.

I don`t know any other paintings of this artist except for those presented by you here. I find these drawings colorful, expressive, his works are unique and distinctive from those known art works we all know.
Olga Przytula said…
Works presented here, as I wrote in my essay, are not paintings – they are prints. That’s why they are worn out and not too vivid in colors. Paper tends to age very fast and ink fades quickly if not handled with care and proper artistic supervision. Additionally, during the greatest popularity period of Mucha illegal copies were created, which led to many low-quality reprints.
Olga Przytula said…
We are all different thus we have various interests. I wouldn’t call you ignorant. Nevertheless, I do hope that since you have decided to comment on my work you found it at least a bit interesting ;)
Olga Przytula said…
Quite frankly, I have completely forgotten about the paintings of Stanislaw Wyspiański. Thank you for refreshing my memory! Few of his paintings can be found in National Museum in Warsaw, I do like his pastels, highly recommend them!
Olga Przytula said…
What do you mean by that? Is it possible for you to tell me more what your approach to life is? If you like to watch different art works, what do you think about this artist and his works? Did you find them enjoyable?
Olga Przytula said…
Gustav Klimt paintings are my mom’s favorite. She’s a huge fan of him. I did have a chance to see the original “The Kiss” in Vienna and I must say, it’s much more impressive in the reprints or fanart paintings. As I said in my reply to Jakub, (first one) these posters had this light-shaded colors due to the bad conservation of his works :/
Olga Przytula said…
I do remember the moment when I first found out about Alphonse Mucha art. We were staying with my parents in a small cottage in Bieszczady. I found his biography in the owner’s library. After two days I knew it by heart and was able to tell every single tiny detail about him :D I had the same kind of fascination with Monet’s life. I guess I’m just a weirdo that loves art ;)
Olga Przytula said…
If you are unable to answer my questions – which, I must admit, was a bit predictable as not everyone is interested in art in general – what you think about Alphonse Mucha and the prints presented in this essay? Do you think it’s good to be so versatile, or is it better to focus on one genre and that’s all?
Olga Przytula said…
As I wrote in my presentation, these are not paintings – they are prints. It is essential to know, because paper ages differently than oil paintings and it is very difficult to let them stay as vivid as at the beginning (paintings fade out as well, but they are easier to restore to their original state). Nevertheless, I do agree that Alphonse Mucha are quite pastel-like.
Olga Przytula said…
I think it’s possible you’ve seen them in your friends’ apartments or in shop windows as these works - as well as Gustav Klimt’s - are very popular. Even IKEA sells these posters printed on the wood that you can hang in your living room ;)
Olga Przytula said…
Oh, I would love to hear something more about music history. Are you planning to write something about it in your presentation? I’m really glad you find them interesting, as you said – we are here to broaden our horizons and now you can impress some girls with the knowledge about Alphonse Mucha, LOL.
Olga Przytula said…
Architecture has never been thrilling for me, in terms of education, but I do have to check out Otto Wagner, because now I’m interested :D Yes, his jewelry was a bit … hm… dramatic, but on the other hand these were mainly pieces designed for Sarah Bernhard shows. I’m truly happy that I was able to show you something new and make you enjoy it!
Olga Przytula said…
Oh, Gaudi was an extraordinary artist, definitely worth remembering! I have never heard about Alexandre Benois, but I do like his illustration-like pieces. They have some magical vibe in them! Considering Mucha I also like this elegance and subtlety that are hidden in his works.
Olga Przytula said…
I do like the fact that you did enjoy them. It’s always nice to know that your work was appreciated ;) We are at opposing poles as I don’t find abstract art enjoyable, or maybe – it’s really hard for me to find something that is really eye-catching.
Olga Przytula said…
I am aware of the fact that his topic is very narrow, but I was still able to learn something new about different artists and their works. Nevertheless, I’m glad you did enjoy the works of Alphonse Mucha presented here.
Olga Przytula said…
Probably a bit out of topic, but when you wrote about Picasso, Dali and Van Gogh I thought immediately about Midnight in Paris directed by Woody Allen. It’s a really good movie about past times and the artists. I do think that works of Alphonse Mucha were really characteristic and unique, probably that’s why people are still willing to buy mugs or reprints with his works.
Hello, these are my replies to your questions!

1. Other artist from this epoque which I know is Gustav Klimt and I love his work. I've seen his painting "The Kiss" in real life and it blew my mind. Another artist I know from that epoque is Stanisław Wyspiański, which is one of the most famous Polish artists. These are the two biggest names that come to my mind when talking about Art Nouveau.

2. Sadly, I never heard about this artist before reading your article. But I really dig his style and I will research him more for sure. I really like the way he draws women. There is just always something mysterious about them...
MichalB said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

Gaudi, Antonio Gaudi, thanks to Dan Brown's book "Beginning" we all had contact with representatives of "secession". In my opinion, he is the best representative of this era. Others are Chełmoński, Mączyński or Horta. If someone thinks that they do not know the representatives of this era, cheat.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

You presented his greatest works, so it's hard if you don't study his life to find others. The creations are cool, so it's hard to criticize the master. I really like his signature!
1. Unfortunately I don't know any artist from the Art Nouveau, but I will definitely read get to know about this topic after reading your article.

2. I don't know his paintings or drawings but I like the posters for interior design mentioned in your post. They are colorful and I like characters drawn like that.

Yubin said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

If I have to mention any Art Nouveau representatuves I would simply say Antonio Gaudi - famous Spanish architect. If you visit Barcelona you can admire his outstanding projects. Another would be Gustav Klimt, Austrian painter. I think everyone saw 'The Kiss' by Klimt, which is used as a graphic design on many products. Another outstanding art nouveau painter was Stanislaw Wyspianski, a Polish artist.

2. 'Madonna of the Lilies'is worth checking up, it is very different from Mucha's most famous works. There are also many other drawings such as 'Zodiac' for example. I think Mucha's works were ahead of his time and they are still mesmerizing. I think his drawings and design is still impressive and aesthetically pleasing even for people who are not interested in art.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

Honestly i dont know any artists from this epoque. I tried to find something more in google but i didnt heard about that artists before.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

Unfortunately i am not interesting about art so much and i dont know other paintings created by this author. In my opinion this which you presented are quite interesting but this is all what i can say in this topic.
1. When it comes to Art Nouveau artists, I also know Gustav Klimt. When I was in the Museum of Applied Arts, his paintings caught my attention, which later made me familiar with this character. Personally I'm not very interested in Art Nouveau (and art overall), I only know Gustav Klimt from this era.

2. I would describe the images presented in the presentation with two words: "light" and "spring". Unfortunately, I do not know any other paintings by Alphonse Mucha about which I could comment.
Kyrylo said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
Sadly, I am not into history of arts. I am more of an admirer.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
This is the first time I have heard of this author, so I cannot name more of his works.

Also, I cannot help this new trend for pastel colours. It just feels like a painting was left under high noon sun rays, for a couple of weeks. Personally I enjoy vivid colours a lot more.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Well I feel sorry for everyone who said that they know none. Because I guessed and was right, that Gustav Klimt also painted in this style. I think that everyone knows his most famous painting "The Kiss".

2. I have a feeling that during all this time I probably met his work on internet, because his style felt very familiar. But with all due respect to the author of this presentation, his works lack expression. Yes they are beautiful, but I can't see in them neither any negligent strokes neither high precision and tender elements.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Sorry, even though I'm slightly interested in art, i can't recall any artist from that epoque.

2. This is the first time I have seen his art, so i don't know any other paintings made by him. Although seeing paintings in the article i can say that i don't like the way the colors are washy.
Maciej Górczak said…
1. Gustav Klimt. I am in love with his paintings, especially the most know one - 'Kiss'. If I would ever get incredibly rich, then it would be only for getting the original painting and hanging it above my bed.

2. Well, I do not know their names, but I think I have seen most of them. Few in Mucha's museum in Prague and few in Paris. Extraordinary artist.
1. I can only think about Stanisław Wyspiański. I love his extraordinary paintings as well as his novels.

2. Wisła pod Krakowem. It is simplistic but very soul touching if you spend enough of time looking on it.
1 / I remember a few of them ... (Edward Munch, Mikhail Vrubel, Alexandre Benois, Emil Grasse)
2 / For example, works performed on the theme of Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”, which in the background behind the central figure of Hamlet is visible to the ghost of his murdered father, wandering along the wall of Elsinore. The drowned Ophelia lies in flowers at the feet of Hamlet.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I adore all of Stanislaw Wyspiański's work. But I also enjoy Klimt's paintings or many of Antonio Gaudi's buildings and interior designs.

2. I really like Slav Epic by Mucha. For me, this cycle is lighting with some magical, mysterious energy and it is also a performance of the artist's excellent technique made on large canvases.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

I think that Gustav Klimt was also very famous for his work. His painting called Kiss is very famous and was sold in 2006 for stunning 135 million dollars.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

I don’t really know much of his work apart from the most ones that you mentioned in your text. What I can say though is what was the model of the ideal woman presented by Mucha at that time and how has it changed throughout all these years. It can be alarming when young women compare themselves with other that are presented globally and that can lead to huge problems.

Filip Bartuzi said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
You caught me off guard with this question :) Probably none even if I let myself to think for a while. I don't have a great memory for names and remembering even significant ones is a big effort for me. So with all respect, but as art is not my main field of interest, I just can't recall anyone :( Maybe I do know artists and their art but I'm unaware it's Art Nouveau

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
I've googled it, crawled through images section of search result but nothing seemed familiar to me. I never had much artistic eduction in my school and I realise now it's something I need to catch up on
Aleksander said…
1. Well, as far as I recall, Gustav Klimt also shaped the Art Nouveau movement, but as we now, in different ways.
2. Unfortunately, I barely do recognize Alfonso Mucha, but (after checking out) I’m not really into his concept of beauty expression.
Olga Przytula said…
Really? I was a bit disappointed by Klimt’s work. I really thought it is shinier in real life. Additionally, my experience was ruined by stupid Japanese ladies that thought that TOUCHING Klimt’s paintings is acceptable. Idiots. Anyways, I’m glad you liked Alphonse Mucha’s prints. If you want to learn something more about him just let me know ;)
Olga Przytula said…
I’ve never read Dan Brown’s book though I have seen the movie. Maybe it’s time to read them? :)
Olga Przytula said…
I’m glad! My favorite prints from the ones presented in my text are the stones prints (4 prints next to the questions) and the Medea poster. Emotions on the last one are breathtaking, there is just something unsettling in her eyes.
Olga Przytula said…
I agree, Madonna is far from his typical, most known artworks. He also created artworks and projects for companies such as Moet - He created concepts for menu and other accessories for their restaurants. He also made a poster for casino called “Monaco. Monte Carlo” which I highly recommend.
Olga Przytula said…
I’m glad that you enjoyed this topic even though you are not interested in it!:)
Olga Przytula said…
That’s okay. I hope that the ones that you were able to see there were sufficiently interesting for you
Olga Przytula said…
It’s not a new trend. These posters were badly maintained thus they are faded and have pastel-like colors. I have no idea if they were very bright and vivid when Mucha created them, but I know for sure they were destroyed due to long exposure to UV light and bad maintenance throughout the years.
Olga Przytula said…
That’s okay. You don’t have to like or enjoy them. Nevertheless, I’m glad you read my article
Olga Przytula said…
I understand that. I have explained above quite a few times why the colors seem to be so washy. You can read about that if you want
Olga Przytula said…
Yes. I do agree that he had something unique and undoubtedly unmistakable style.
Olga Przytula said…
My mum is a huge fan of Stanislaw Wyspiański also. We have quite a few books and albums about him at home
Olga Przytula said…
I’m impressed you’ve noticed these little details in his prints! In my opinion these are the things that make his works unique!
Olga Przytula said…
Yes, the whole cycle is breathtaking. Especially when you notice how big were the canvasses, he created this cycle on. He wanted the mayor of his town to build special building to exhibit his works, but it never came to life.
Olga Przytula said…
What’s interesting is that Mucha based his posters on references that often portrayed his wife or daughter. After photographing them in the correct pose he created sketches and prints changing only the faces of presented women.
Olga Przytula said…
Yeah, it’s a shame that we don’t have proper art education in primary schools, art can be so freeing and help us grow, but someone must show us the way to search for it.
Olga Przytula said…
That’s a shame. Anyways, I’m glad you gave him a chance and looked up his works
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
I'm not good at art history, but I remember a polish artist called Stanisław Wyspiański. He usually is famous for his dry pastel paintings.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
I really like Mucha's painting style, so I know a lot, e.g. Four Seasons series or The Moon. They are breathtakingly tender and have something magical inside. I wish I could paint like him.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

Unfortunately I’m not really interested in art nor art history, that’s why I don’t recall any other artists from the Art Noveau epoque.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

As I have mentioned above, I’m not really an artist fan. I don’t know any other paintings by this artist. I really like this paining style though.

1. Unfortunately, but I don't know much about art. It is also hard for me to say from what era this painting comes from.
2. I'm sorry I don't know any. My knowledge about art is based only on lessons in high school and the National Museum.
Kgajewska said…
1. Sadly, I cannot recall any
2. I wasn't intrested in this kind of art, even though I find these painting really nice. This style feels so femine and mesmerazing. Maybe some day I will educate myself about this artist more.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
Unfortunately I am not able to recall any other from this epoque. I am not interested in art that much. On the other hand I like a lot to watch the paintings.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
To be honest again I do not know any others, what is more I dont like his art. I think it is great but just not for me. I prefer rather some modern stuff.
1. Painting is not a field I am interested in. I remember from school that Art Nouveau painters were very characteristic. I only remind myself of Gustav Klimt, a Viennese symbolist painter, no one else.

2. As I mentioned, painting is not my strong point. I don't know the work of this artist. I only know that he painted women's graphics in the style of belle époque - such idealized.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
I'm not into art and propably i cant recall any artist. But this short article was very interesting and maybe i will read more about it in the future :)

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
As i said i'm not into art and i didn't even heard about Alphonso Mucha before i guess. But i can said that i like those paintings from the article.
Maciek Olko said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
Stanisław Wyspiański is a lead Polish artist from this epoque.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
Unfortunately I don't know other paintings of Mucha. They just remind me of artworks of Klimt, which are more recognizable for me.

I've heard that Mucha's atelier was very characteristic and extraordinary.
s18716 said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
I am not an art student, unfortunately, but I have some ideas about art. Now, if you categorize artists by the genre in which they represent themselves, it would be more difficult for me to navigate. But here I see in the comments, Yubin mentioned Gustav Klimt, I am very familiar with his work. Therefore, I can emphasize it. I can also mention Edward Munch. I can’t say that I’m his fan, but he is very popular. Also in the comments I saw Antonio Gaudi. In general, the whole of Barcelona in this case is continuous Art Nouveau. Perhaps this makes this city so attractive.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
I know this artist, or rather his work. I can recognize them among thousands of other paintings and recognize his style. But unfortunately I do not know the names of the paintings or his individual works. At least I did not know until your post.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

I had to check teh list of artists because I am not an art person to be honest. I know at least 1 person - Josef Hoffmann. I remembered that he designed the Austrian pavilions for the 1914 Deutscher Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

Like I said before, I am not into the art and it is kind of rare that I am recognising any of them. In this case it is simillar, I knew him only from the pavilons that I mentioned before.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau Epoque can you recall?

Honestly, I can't even know which period exactly you are referring to because as much as I adore artists' work. I don’t have any knowledge of the history of arts or artists.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

Before reading this article, I couldn’t tell who Alphonse Mucha was, but his work looks familiar to me and I believe he was a great artist.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?
Before reading this topic I wasn't interested in Art Nouveau epoque, all works that I have seen didn't make any affect to me. But those are incredible! I need to read more about this period.

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?
As I said before I wasn't interested in this epoch, so, unfortunately, I cannot tell other paintings of Alphonse Mucha.
Rafał Halama said…
1. I had to check this epoque on the Internet as I forgot nearly all of them since school times. The one artist me and probably most of the people remember is Stanisław Wyspiański. He was truly an outstanding artist, creating many theatrical plays but also writing poems and drawing paintings. I looked through other names of artists in this epoque, but none of them sounded familiar.

2. Sadly, the only things I know about this artist are the ones that you provided in your article. I am really glad that I got to learn them though.
1. What other artists from the Art Nouveau epoque can you recall?

One of my favourites artist at all is the one from the Art Nouveau era that is Stanisław Wyspiański. He wrote a great book "Wesele".

2. What other paintings or drawings created by this author do you know, and what is your opinion on them?

For example "Bóg Ojciec - Stań się" which is available to see in National Museam in Kraków. It's kind of interesting, it's really expressive and dynamic way of interpreting Catholic legacy

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