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Week 1 [ 07.10-13.10] Are we on the verge of the recession?

Every recession in the US have been “predicted” by the yield curve. What is it, and how it works?
Watch the video below to find out!

1.       Do you think that we are on the verge on another recession?
2.       Do you think that the yield curve actually predicts anything or is it a pure coincidence?
3.       Have you ever bought any type of bond?


1. Yes, it might be possible taking into account the recent rise of socialism in Europe. We have a very good example here – in Poland. It is said that there are plans to increase the minimum wage, there are more and more social benefits and the work of entrepreneurs is being deprecated and disrespected. The catastrophe is inevitable, and we can only wait for the eventual fall of the democracy amongst economically demoralised people. We’ll see, let’s hope that we’ll be able to recover somehow.

2. I think that factors which make the yield curve inverted have impact on the arrival of recession. So, it is not a coincidence, but the line is rather an illustration of the condition of the economy. If it doesn’t work 100% times, that’s because there are a lot of different factors which might not necessarily influence the shape of the line but change a lot in economy.

3. No, I haven’t. I’ve been always afraid of investing in the stock market, because it is risky. On the other hand, maybe it is a good moment to get interested in the stock market, since money are going to lose its value anyway…
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Considering an actual situation in the world it is possible that we are one step from another recession. And it's not the only problem we have - there's also a huge depreciation in traditional cultural values and in social relations.

2. There are so many factors that it would be strange if one chart could predict a recession. But if it worked in the past then for sure it is something that we could take into consideration and pay attention to it as some kind of a roadsign.

3. No I haven't, but considering low percentages on deposits and saving accounts I'm thinking of a possibility to put some of my savings into some bond. Maybe I will try it someday.
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1.I think it is quite possible that in near future like 3-4 years we can expect another recession.

2.It it to complex to be defined just by the curve. It can speculate some things but we will never be sure if it means another recession.

3.No i haven't and I hope i never will. Every time I try to take money from some others sources.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Yes I think it is possible that we are close to another recession mostly because of all the weird things that are happening all over the world. Migrations, culture and tradition difficulties in many countries and many many more things. When it comes to a chart I think it is not 100% predicting something but it can tell us something about things that are happening. I have never bought any type of bond. Maybe I will do it in the future but for now I think I don't have to do it.
I don’t know if we are on and verge of another recession, I don’t really know much about this subject so I prefer not to take sides in that matter. I also don’t know if the yield curve actually predicts anything significant. The only think I can say about it is that probably it was made by people who know things in this subject so I prefer to listen to them than take blind guesses. No, I have never bought any bond. As I said earlier I am completely green in this topic so investing anything on the market while I have zero knowledge about it would be stupid think to do.
Kacper Gąsior said…
I'm not really into economics so my answers will be more based on what I "feel" not what I know about it.

1. As I know there haven't been any serious recesion in last few years and as it "appears" every couple of years, probably we are on the verge of another one.

2. It seems like there is some connection between yield curve and recession and it can be used to predict economical changes. As we can see in the video this trend was present for many years in the past, so probably it's not just a coincided but high correlation.

3. No, I haven't. As I said before I'm not really into economics and stock market, so I will probably only lose my money.
1. Recession is a normal thing in economy. In my opinion it works like sine wave. To be better it must be worse for some time. The only thing we as nation or a country or other group of interest can do is to prepare for recession. To be simple, during prosperity we should save money and during recession spend them.

2. This is one of many indicators describing reality. Certainly it is somehow related to the recession but this should not be a reason to panic.

3. I think buying bonds makes sense with more resources available to invest. In my case it would not make sense because the profit would be low and i have to wait long.
1. I think that we are really close to the next recession. In the past years standard of living constantly grows. Last crisis has ended in 2009 and after 10 years of prosperity it’s huge possibility that it’s near us. It’s just a matter of time when it will take place.

2. There are no coincidences. As we can learn from the past these predictions were right almost every time. I think that yield curve is just warning us that something may happen. We can never be 100% sure, but we should absolutely take it into consideration.

3. No I haven’t. I don’t know much about investing but I’m sure that I don’t entrust my money to goverment.
Yubin said…
1. I am not into economics, I guess another recession is coming soon in few years, since recessions always happen around the turn of a decade.

2. I think it is a pure coincidence, we can never predict the economy, and a recession is not something caused by such random yield curve, recessions were caused by different reasons.

3. No, for me, there is no difference between buying bonds and gambling.
s18716 said…
1. If you believe the statistics, then we are just on the same edge of the recession. As stated in the video, this was evident from the predictions that were built on the basis of statistical data. But it seems to me that over the past 10 years the markets have undergone significant changes. There are new global corporations that affect these indicators. And what was previously forecasted is now not entirely relevant.

2. Definitely yes. Since this curve is successfully predicted. Another question is when it was foreseen, and you should trust the latest data, which are based on the current situation. Since changes can be taken aback at any time. This is the 21st century.

3. No. So far this experience has not happened in my life. But I talked with people who did it. Here you need to be either lucky or very competent to predict what changes will happen in the stock market.
s15487 said…
1. It might be true that we are on the verge of coming recession. There are a lot of symptoms of a bad economic situation and the inverted yield curve might be a sign of prove. Another symptom is the recent situation on the Polish Stock Exchange Market which seems to come into stagnation or even depression because all indexes fall down.
2. It is definitely not a coincidence. The yield curve is correlated with the bond market, which reflects the situation on market in general. We should also take into consideration that the curve line was visualized based on the USA market which generally is more stable and liquid than middle Europe markets (like GPW). Considering that imbalance in western markets might affect our economic, maybe we should invest in growing markets?
3. No, I haven’t yet, mainly because the average return rate is not high enough comparing to the potential risk. The situation on the Polish market is not stable these days, and therefore a lot of not financially liquid companies are emitting bonds. On the other hand, the treasury bonds are not so trustworthy as well, considering insane activities of the current government and very high state debt. There were at least a few situations in Europe when countries stayed on the edge of bankruptcy and governments have decided to amortize their liabilities related with treasury bonds.
Olha Romaniuk said…
1. Do you think that we are on the verge on another recession?
Before watching the video, I did not even think about it, but now this analysis of the "yield curve" looks logical enough for me. But economists around the world have had a lot of time to analyse this situation and I hope that they worked out measures to prevent it. Although, remembering the video with the ants...

2. Do you think that the yield curve actually predicts anything or is it a pure coincidence?
My opinion about this I expressed above. However, I would be extremely interested to know what artificial intelligence "thinks" about it. I've seen a lot of examples, when AI has found really incredible solutions noticing very non-obvious for humans details.

3. Have you ever bought any type of bond?
No. In my opinion, there are more stable investment options.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
As I saw in this short video yield curve may informs us of coming recession and it is normal that crisis comes every 10-12 years. Yield curve was invented for sure by someone who can estimate what will happen in the market and in my opinion it should be taken as a component which estimate when a crisis may occure. We cannot predict it precisely when it will happen but as history has shown, the crisis will always come. Maybe it will not affect us but other countries may can fell this. Personally I am not into economics but once I heard a maxim that everything that flies up also falls down.
No, I do not own any bonds. However, I am aware of what is happening in the world (for example in Venezuela) and I try to divide my savings into different currencies.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Do you think that we are on the verge on another recession?
I believe it will happen propably later then sooner but we should prepare in advance or do something to slow this process. Recession will come and go as it's inevitable.

2. Do you think that the yield curve actually predicts anything or is it a pure coincidence?
The yield curve is base on real facts and data alone it's predicts nothing it is only a sign what economic moods are out in the country and if people are not feeling safe they are becoming a real sign to be aware of.

3. Have you ever bought any type of bond?
No, I once played on stock exchange but lack intrestest in bonds with government.
1. Economics is a difficult topic, I don't quite understand some concepts or issues, so it's difficult for me to speak on this subject. Although, it seems to me that the recession may be approaching, from the chart and all similar cases in the past, the inverted line correctly predicted upcoming problems. Here, in Poland for example, the possibility of a recession is quite high, because all the time we hear about future privileges, salary increases, cash bonuses for people, but it doesn't come out of nowhere, right?

2. I think that the yield curve may be able to predict the upcoming crisis to some extent, although it should be taken with a pinch of salt. After all, it's not just the yield curve that needs to be analyzed, but all other facts and measures that may indicate a recession. Let's leave it to professionals and experts in the subject, let's not jump to conclusions ourselves.

3. As I have already mentioned, I find myself bad in economics and bonds are taboo for me. I have never invested in any bonds, and I'll probably never do it. I don't mind getting acquainted with the topic though. And then, who knows...?
1. It is possible, but nothing really is certain. We may have predictions and all we can do is to prepare to a potential recession and take appropriate measures.

2. It's Definitely not a coincidence, there is a certain relation between the yield curve and recession, but the question is how big of a factor is this relation? It may take some part in the process, but maybe there are other things that we don't see and have way bigger role in the recession.

3. I haven't, although I find stock market very interesting and tempting. It's a game at high risk. However I lack proper education in the subject and I've heard many stories of people losing huge money on the stock market, so I think I'd rather not participate in this game.
1. Well, it is quite possible. Recession is iterative thing and it seems that next "wave" is around the corner.
2. According to statistics presented in the video, yield curve does not always predict recession but it surely is a sign you should not neglect.
3. No, I haven't and I can't see myself doing it in any possible future.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. More are more experts talk about impending recession. In addition, looking at the trade war between the US and PRC, I think that the recession will be soon.

2. It is obvious that the income curve is an important factor. This is not the only factor to consider, but it cannot be ignored.

3. No, I haven't. I don't plan to buy any bonds. It is more likely that I will invest in shares.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. Many economists believe that a possibility of the recession is on the horizont but in my opinion the another recession may arrive about 2021. I am not afraid od the situation of our motherland because during the current global economic slow-down, for instance on Germany, Poland stands out as a European growth champion. Take in account of current unemployment rate, business growth and standard of living I think that our country develop quite well.

2. Historically an yield curve has been perceived as an indicator of recession. Currently the yield curve is not enough to predict futhure becuase there is a lot of indocator that influence on economy.

3. No, I have never bought in the stock market becuase on my opinion it is not only risky but also unpaid. I'm addition I don't appreciate this way of making money, because it is easy to lost money Personally I think that IT od better to invest in property and gold ore.
Alex said…

1. Through recent history there were good times and bad times. so i think a recesion it is posibble in near future.

2. I think yield curve is a useful tool in establishing when a recession might happen, but it shouldn't be taken too literally. I am no expert in economics but i think what really should be analysed are the factors that may influence the way economics behave. However it is difficult for me to have a say in the matter as i know very little about.

3. As of today I haven't bought any bond, but i don't reject the possibility.

The finance thingy is completely foreign subject for me so it is hard for me to have any decent opinion on this. Looking on data shown in the short movie it's pretty obvious they want you to think that there is another recession coming but the data could be flattened and it could have bigger picture that people with little knowledge don't know about. I haven't bought any bond myself and didn't have any interests in investing. Looking on history though, recession seems like normal activity for the market so it seems unavoidable.
Hmm, interesting insights...
So, answering your questions:

1. If you believe scientists and statistics, it seems to me that a recession in our country in the coming years (maybe 4-7) may occur. And this does not bode well for our country, we can fall into debts and financial deficiencies.

2. It is very hard question to answet. I think that the yield curve can actually predicts anything or can't. Something it could me just a pure coincidence. The situation changes dramatically from year to year, month to month, and even day by day. I think that we shouldn't believe in statistics and curves, but in the real situation in the country.

3. No I have never bought any type of bond?. Why? Because for me it's a little risky, and I don't have the knowledge or experience. For now, I prefer safer investment options, e.g. deposits or real estate. But in the future who knows? Maybe I am tempted to buy bonds?
Ivan Mazuryk said…
1. To say something more specific I would need a little bit more information and researches. But according to a 4-minute video - yes, there is a chance.

2. Anything? :) "Yield curve" has predicted every US recession over the last 50 years. So it might be predicting another one, but nothing more.

3. No, I haven't yet. Business economics and the stock market are out of my knowledge, so I will only lose on it for now.
1. I must fully agree that Poland is on the verge of collapse. Just look closely at our neighbors to understand how big a mistake our government is making right now. It is a pity I was in countries where the situation is much worse than in our country, why should we destroy what we have built so far?

2. I don't think that based on one thing, we are able to predict the rherence. Yes, there are many things unchanging in our country. However, this consists of too many, often even completely unpredictable components to be able to make such a judgment.

3. No , never and I don't want.
1. Yes, it is an issue that we have to take in the consideration.
2. Yes, I think that this yeld curve can predict future situation based on a historical factor.
3. I haven't bought any bond and I hope i never will.
What do we mean? As far as Poland is concerned, so far the recession has not threatened us, but looking at what is happening in Germany, the recession is very likely, what about the USA I have no idea.

Yield Curve was probably developed by someone wise, so it certainly means something there. If such a pattern was repeated in the past and heralded the recession, it certainly can not be ignored.

I never bought a bond, I used to think about it, but due to lack of economic knowledge I gave up the idea.
1 Considering what is currently happening in the world, I think that the next recession is quite possible. Economics is not my hobby, but taking into account the information presented in the material, recession occurs every few years, although in the last decade it has appeared more often. I think it is because of the unstable international situation of immigrants, conflicts and much more.

2 I think there is a connection between the yield curve and the recession. However, I am not convinced that the recession depends only on mathematical calculations. Economics is complicated and difficult to predict.

3 I have never bought any type of bond. As I mentioned, economics is not my strong point, that's why I never thought about investing money in this Way.
Damian Drozd said…
Guess I'm not appropriate person to predict possibility of the recession, but due to analysis experts there are reasons to worry. Almost 40% of surveyed economists expect a recession in 2020.

Frankly, I think that the yield curve is just one of many signals that something bad is about to happen in the world economy.

I have never bought any type of bond and I bet I never will. Investing in bonds is less risky than investing in stocks, although it's possible to earn more than 10 % in stocks while bond’s interest rate is fixed.
Iryna Lehusha said…
1) I'm very bad at Economics because it's not interesting to me. To answer this question accurately, I need more information and time to study it. But I think there may be a recession in the near future.

2) I can't say for sure, I've never heard about yield curve before. I never knew there was a yield curve. For me it is very difficult to answer this question, but based on what is told in the video - I think that the yield curve can predict recessions based on specific data.

3) I never bought bonds. Firstly, I think I don't need it. And there are other things I can invest in. Secondly, I do not understand the economy, I do not know the concepts and terminology, so I think that I should not do this. Maybe someday, the economy will be interesting to me and I will even try to buy bonds. But not now.
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s15385 said…
1. According to the video, another recession is incoming. It's hard to give an opinion without specific knowlodge about it which lacks me.

2. Yield curve is based on real data and has predicted a few economic downturns. We might keep an eye on it, but we shouldn't relay on such predictions.

3. No, I've never bought any type of bond
1. Do you think that we are on the verge on another recession?
I am not an expert so I can't say. I think we might be, for a long time economy was doing good so I think it is a natural thing that soon we will have another recession.
2. Do you think that the yield curve actually predicts anything or is it a pure coincidence?
From what I understood from the video this curve shows what investors think. However, I don't understand economy well enough to say whether it means that the recession is already happening or that because investors are scared of recession they invest less and that causes a recession. Both of these options might not be true because as I said I am quite clueless when it comes to this topic.
3. Have you ever bought any type of bond?
No I haven't bought any type of bond yet. Maybe in the future I will.
Dawid Piotrak said…
1. Do you think that we are on the verge on another recession?
I think it's very possible.

2. Do you think that the yield curve actually predicts anything or is it a pure coincidence?
I believe there is some science behind that curve. Someone who definitely have bigger knowledge in economy created it for some purpose.
It there was a couple of documented examples before it's highly probable that the first sign of yield curve might mean upcoming recession .

3. Have you ever bought any type of bond?
I never consider it due to significantly lacking knowledge in the subject.
Szymon Kluczek said…
1. It’s not easy to make the statement on this topic, especially if you are not into economics matters, but considering that the yield curve is currently starting to pointing slightly down, we can predict that in the near future decline will deepen and unfortunatelly this decline stage will lead to the recession. To sum up in my opinion the level of the ‘line’ is a warining for us that another recession is coming soon..

2. I think that the yield curve actually predicts everything. All of the recessions which had taken place in the past showed us the yield curve was right and there are no coincidences.

3. No, I haven’t had an opportunity yet. Maybe one day I will buy some kind of bond, who knows..
1. I do not have much knowledge about economics, but if we check the trends at which the recession was leading, it can be predicted that there is a very good chance of it occurring.

2. Considering that this is a phenomenon encountered almost before every recession, it can be assumed that this is the first sign before it begins.

3. I've never bought any type of bond.
Marta Matysik said…
1. If we suggest what is presented in video, we can consider that the recession is very likely
2. It seems to me that every field is based on noticed repetitions, schemes. Thanks to this, you can draw conclusions and respond appropriately. So that why I think that the yield curve actually predicts something.
3. No, I haven’t and I’m not planning in the near future.
Current ruling party in Poland, just few months ago, declared ridiculous rise of minimal wage in upcoming years. Im not an economist but i am pretty sure that you do not establish country's wealth by law. It can bring catastrophic effects especially that they already got few social pograms active. About yield curves, for sure they give some overall insight about economic situation but i don't have enough knowledge to disclaim their worth. I have never bought any bond and i do not think i will ever buy one.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. Recessions are a normal thing in the economy and happen repetitively as time goes. But I'm not into the economy and can't say anything about future situations in the country or the whole world.

2. In stock charts analysis it's just a normal thing. Market traders found repeatable patterns in every part of a stock chart. But it's not all about plots and numbers, it's more about human psychology.

3. No, I haven't. I more involved into the cryptocurrency market (it's in some way similar). But I won't recommend it to anyone. It's a risky investment, and you will need strict control of emotions to not lose your mind.
Cem Ates said…
1-2) Wow, the video was too short for this topic so i had to watch it twice to understand whats going on, okay so back to the topic, many global companies like Ford, GM, and several other major world-famous companies has announced thousands of layoffs in year 2019, and the main reason might be anticipation of another recession. why giving an example of the big companies because these companies have private access to some of the best economists in the world and determined that this was their best course of action. since the yield curve has inverted every time there has been a recession but there hasn’t been a recession every time the yield curve inverted. The morale of the story is. These indicators go up and down all the time and can flip at any moment. Think of it as a % chance something would happen and it's more like casino odds than a sure thing. Like all the other indicators have said: "what if" or "maybe".
3) no, I haven't. Although , I have got good shot with penny stocks.
1. If I think about it, I think it's possible. The current situation in Poland is not good in my opinion.
2. I definitely think it is related. It looks a bit like a butterfly effect.
3. Once I was only interested in currency trading.
1. I'm not interested in economics, but based on statistics we probably are. Well it had to come someday
2. I think there is no coincidence, but everything can change in a matter of days. This shouldn't be underestimated for sure
3. I haven't. I'm not into ecenomics so it's not for me. For now. Maybe someday I will understand how it works and make money of it
After watching this video I think that recession is something possible to happen but a lot has changed in technology since last recession so hopefully we’re possible to avoid that.
I don’t think it’s a pure coincidence I think that using the yield curve might be helpful in prevention of another recession but I would say it’s just one of the tools that are necessary to predict something like that.
No, I have never bought any type of bond.
1. It looks like it. I read once an article that said that a crisis accure every 10 years and last one was in 2008 so it may bo something with it.
2. Yield curve is, i think, based on economy and the economy is very mathematical. So i think that we can with more or less precision predict what will happen based on the yield curve. It shows some trend and in the past it warns us before the recesions have accured.
3. No i have never bought any type of bond.
Mateusz Hefner said…
1. After watching the video i'm almost sure that we are beacuase i dont belive in coincidence.
2. As i said above i dont believe in coincidences and on the other hand it's really unlikly that Yield made big mistake in their mathematics.
3. No i haven't and I hope i never will.
To my mind all recessions are planned ahead by those people who earn good money on them. All the rest of the world are fools who believe in trends and try to make predictions. But although the video is very close to what really happened in the world economy, there is no guarantee such trend or model will work next time. I think to some point it is a coincidence. Nonetheless, this does not mean people should not buy bonds. I myself sometimes use portfolio type of accounts and get some money on them. I think if you do not get too much inside, you can still earn.
Kuba Berliński said…
1. As the author of the video said - not neccessairly. As all of us know some kind of crisis occurs quite regulairly. Although I'm not aware of current situation and I don't know if the trend remained that way since August, however as bad as it sounds, It's about time.

2. As the graph in the end of the video did show its prediction is quite accurate. However, if it would be the coincidence then maybe this could be another way around, as the line may suddenly dissappear and everythings goes well.

3. No, I've never bought any kind of bonds. We are students and most likely most of us couldn't even afford them.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I think we are already in recession or it will begin really soon. Rise of leftist parties (Polish PiS included) with their socialistic programs around the world are slowly ruining their economies. Bad times will always come, because nothing lasts forever and lavish government, which don't care about keeping proper balance don't help it. Yield curve works kind of as 'magic ball' which predicts recession, because it's one of signs that those bad times are approaching us. People which are aware of situation, will obviously react to such signs. Even if those long term bonds may seem less attractive at the moment, it's obvious that soon they will yield higher return chance, which will further bring us to recession. Theoretically yield curve could be ignored, but investors job is to earn income. It's not like recession won't come if they don't speed it up, so they naturally do what's best for them. To sum up, like I said in the beginning I'm almost certain that we're already during recession and even if we're not yet, sooner or later it has to come.

2. Yield curve doesn't predict anything, it's just a bad omen which heralds recession. It isn't always right that it will come soon through, as sometimes there is still some time till it will come (probably in few years and maybe there is slight chance to fight it), but because people are aware of above they simply bring it to us with their reaction. There is probably little to no sense in fighting it through.

3. No and I probably won't. Bonds can bring a lot of profit, but if you know how they work and I don't.
Anna Moskalenko said…
1. Maybe, but this curve in the video looks like it can bounce up in the next year, because it grows very slowly
2. I think yield curve can predict part of the market. In my opinion, there is a division on the market. Mentioned earlier yield curve applies only to the larger part ~80% and the other can be different.
3. No I don't buy any type of bond, because I'm not interested in this topic. I just don't want to be on pins and needles every day and all the time watching market when something decreases or grows back.
It's hard to say if we're on the verge of economic recession. But the current exchange of goods is a failure. I think that we are also holding back our economic growth

It seems to me that the income curve actually predicts different fluctuations in the economy. But we also know that there is no tool or method that could predict everything effectively.
But to answer your question I think that the income curve (engla curve) actually predicts

Unfortunately not, but I would like to go deeper into this because it is quite an interesting topic of investment

1. I am not sure where we are in the moment. But I can say it will be a recession soon, because the socialism in Poland these days is gaining popularity. We are giving a lot of money to people who really do not needs it that much.

2. It can actually predicts something but not all. The economy is mentioned with politics. These times we cannot predict everything. One day it is a peace and another U.S. uses their drones in Iraq.

3. No I havent, I am not feeling sure about my knowledge about it. It is really poor, maybe one day this will change. Moreover I do not have a lot of money to invest it.

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