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Week 6 [15-28.04.2019] Millenials in the Workplace

I have always been detached from people who provide coaching services. However, when a few years ago I came across a case of content that Simon Sinek offers, my perception has changed a bit.

The material I present below is one of my favorite. He addresses one of the frequently heard problems - Generation Y, or colloquially called Millennials.


  1. What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?
  2. Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millenials constant need to have an „impact” on world?
  3. Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?
  4. Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?


1. It’s hard to disagree with that man. Social media and mobile devices have changed the world and relationships for sure. He also said that so called “millennials” strive to have an impact on what’s going on at the job and to change the world. I would say that some of them – yes, but actually the people don’t change that much through just one generation. I could definitely agree that there are more ambitious people than before, but those who just want to live and not to bother themselves with ambitions and excessive work are still in the majority.

2. Like I just said – yes, but only some of them and definitely more than among previous generations, because we are free, and we don’t know what it means to fight for our lives, which gives us the tremendous amount of possibilities to develop without concerns that our parents and grandparents had. However, it is hard to resist the overall feeling that anyway most of the people always want to live by the lowest amount of work with everything given for free.

3. Yes, it is visible and I unfortunately I don’t know any solutions yet. There is also a possibility that we are looking for a problem where it is not there. Looking at the smartphone during a meeting is disrespectful, but if someone prefers to dive into Facebook instead of talking in real life then it is his decision with all consequences of it.

4. No, I am not.
ExoKuzo said…
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ExoKuzo said…
>"Millenials need to have an „impact” on world."
That quote is very very important, because that's how most of us feel, what else is there to achieve ? We wont fix our economy with all old guard still alive and wealthy, we dont have wars to win and our life quality is "good". Whats left of us to do is to make an impact in a world when its harder to do so with each passing day.

I saw a great quote about us, "we are playing a game of monopoly with no money and the board is on fire." Thats how i feel, thats how many of us feel and we want to leave a mark - have an impact.

When it comes to instant gratification, its addictive, thats why social media are so popular as they are right now. Many of us have a need to be mass "accepted" and social media is our tool do achieve that, instant gratification is a part of that process.
Its so addictive Great Britain wants to regulate it, you can read about that here
I agree with the author in part. At this point, we live in facebook and instagram times. As for me, unfortunately, people use social media. People on the web are different than in their real life :(

I don't think that all thirsts want to influence the world. Many people just want to live and enjoy life (theirs!). I still don't understand why people are celebrating random people from the internet.

Yes, this problem is very visible to me. As you can deduce from my statements, I don't like social media. I have no idea how to stop it.

I don't know such recordings or books. Sorry, but i cant do that
Maciej Sadoś said…
I can't disagree with Simon. Social media have indeed made a huge impact on the modern world and our generation. I'm myself not so connected with social media but it impacts the whole civilization not just individuals.
I think that many people could have a need for having an impact on our world and the Internet with it's whole bunch of social platforms gives a chance to shine. There are many young people who are for example YouTube stars, famous bloggers, etc. They are sometimes called influencers because of their impact in some aspects of people's life. By the way this word is more and more abused and misused.
Yes, it is visible but I don't know any solution. Maybe it is an inevitable effect of the world's development.
I am not familiar with any similar content
>What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion >about Simon and his thoughts?

I think that there might be something in it. I'm actually kind of "hard to manage" person. Also it's really easy to see in IT field that most employees will not consider working in some company if there is no Xbox, free food and drinks, room to meditation or chill out. I'm that kind of person and when I think about it it's quite shitty, but on the other side this is how programmers jobs looks like, so why would I feel bad about it?

>Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millenials constant need to have an „impact” on >world?

Maybe. Most o millenials think about themselfs, that they are really unique and made for some special pourposes.

>Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on >our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?

Hard to tell. I have not seen it very clearly, but that does not mean it does not exist.

>Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like >to share with us?

I'm affraid I do not :(
The problem with Millenials was that they have entered the world that develops in a way faster pace, than it used to for... well, basically for all its history. Same order was maintained for centuries, with countless kingdoms rising and falling one after another. And now, the CD-rom, a groundbreaking technology, lasted for less than ten years, before it became obsolete. It is super clear that we are approaching singularity, and human is simply not able do develop itself in ever changing conditions. That leads to frustration, lack of motivation, huge depression as one simply does not, what to do. And nobody can tell, because nobody knows.
First of all i want to say thank you for such as interesting article to read. I watched a lot of videos with Simon Sinek and this person is definitely a good psychologist and motivator for me. I totally agree with the opinion that millenials need to have an impact on the world, but is it possible today to be an expert in everything? No, it's not. You can't and you should not be an expert in everything, but otherwise you can't provide a huge impact on the world. I'm not a fan of discussing topics like that, i like to listen more, than speak, because it's hard to change somebody's opinion today if person is stubborn.
1. What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?

First of all, he is funny. But I disagree on some points with him. I fssume that generation Y are people, who were born close to 2000, that's why they are called the millennials. But not from 1984. I know for a fact that there is also generation X ( ˜1980-1995).
2. Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millenials constant need to have an „impact” on world?

I think that they like to talk about it. But until you need to do more than post it on twitter, it won’t suite millennials.

3. Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?

There is only one way to change the situation: influence the understanding . Understanding the fact, that you ar only a tiny tiny bolt in a huge mechanism that actually makes a difference. Everybody makes a difference, but only few of us get credit for it.

4. Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?

Unfortunately I am barely familiar with the topic.
1. What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?

Honestly, Simon thoughts were controversial for me. With some of them I agree, but with others no. I mean, it's not only the millennials problem. It is a problem in our world. When you go to the job, there will be like a small introduction and then you have to work hard. There is no introduction, learning step-by-step, no you have to do your job, do it quickly and good enough or you will be fired. In such an environment, it is really hard to feel the joy of life or not to be stressed. On the other hand, I agree, that we need to lower the impact of the smartphones on our lives.

2. Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millennials constant need to have an „impact” on the world?

I think, they want to feel like they are doing something, which won't be useless. I mean, that having an "impact" on the world is not so easy. For this, you have to work hard and not all of them understand this.

3. Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?

For me, it is not so clearly visible, so I can't tell that I see this situation like Simon does.

4. Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with this topic.
Thank you for opinion!
You see, the borderlines of generations are dependent on many factors and there is no specific time frame. These are the mental frames dependent on society, culture, etc. Management, for example, recognizes that the X generation was in the years 1965-1980. Generation Y in the years 1981-1994, and the current generation Z from 1995 until now ;)
Thanks! Unfortunately, we live in terrible times, where people show themselves on the Internet in the way they want and despite all these "likes" they are unhappy.
It seems to me that we can not do anything about it any more than to protect our relatives and make friends aware of the threat
Yup, I also think like you that this is a problem not only for the Y generation, but for our whole world. Generation Y, however, is a pattern on the basis of which the changes that have occurred in society are most visible. Sadly, unfortunately, the majority of the population does not see any threats or problems resulting from it.
Wow, thank you for this comment! Impressive is what you write and what are your observations! I am also pleased that the government, however, is not indifferent to the dangers that come with social media.
What do you think? Why have people changed so much that acceptance by others is more important than themselves?
Yes, your observations are very apt, that there are some exceptions, and the change in society is a long-term process. Do not you think, however, that deliberately cutting off from reality using social media is a kind of addiction?
Yes, influencers are a word that is increasingly used, and which is the result of long-term actions. Over 10 years ago, I started my adventure with the environment of people recording videos on YouTube. I have promoted a few people, I helped a few, but in most cases it was my mistake.
Some do not realize a very important aspect. At the moment when their audience reaches over hundreds of thousands of viewers, they have a huge impact on the perception of the world, especially of young people. It was only a few of my friends after some time, when they began to see the changes of the personalities in their viewers with whom they met. As soon as they saw it, they began to take care of the content they record, the vocabulary and the views presented.
Thanks! It is a pity that you do not have to read any interesting reading about it.
Indeed, the work of programmers looks completely different in our case. And if you were to determine, then looking at your character are you from generation Y or not?
Thank you! However, I have a slightly different opinion, because indeed the development of the world is very fast, but it is not so much bigger than in the 18th century industrial revolution. What do you think?
I am glad to hear that you liked this article so much! :D
I understand you very well, I also like Simon Sinek very much and I prefer to listen and reflect on various issues within myself. Do you have any inspirational video even on other topics that have stuck in your mind?
Answering your questions:

1. What do I think about Simon's thoughts... I'd say I agree with him half and disagree in half. Generally, he speaks about our generation - millenials - but the problems that he mentioned concern all of us. By nature, we want a lot for less, we do not like work.

2. I have mixed feelings about his opinion. Millenials live in world of peace (in most), we do not have world wars and civil wars. So we really do not have to "impact" the world, because it's good as it is.

3. This problem is visible, but not as much as it seems. In my opinion it's good because there is a balance.

4. Unfortunately I do not know any recordings or books similar to this topic.
s18716 said…
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ExoKuzo said…
I think that acquiring "acceptance" directly replaced acquiring glory, there is little to no glory to get nowadays, what we can get is acceptance and "likes" of others.
Marta Kowalczyk said…
1. What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?
Simon surely analysed the subject a lot. It seems that he might be right. I see a lot of what he described around me and in my behaviour.

2. Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millenials constant need to have an „impact” on world?
We are bombarded with the idea that we need to have passion. That we need to have impact. We demand from ourselves so much and we are often convinced that we cannot be happy without it. I agree with Simon 100%. I don’t understand why we cannot find joy in simple living.
3. Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?
Yes, I see the problem around me. I believe we can educate ourselves to see that true happiness can be found in simple living, simple human connections and social media are actually antisocial.

4. Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?
I don’t really remember anything specifically about the millenials subject.
Thank you for the opinion! It's wonderful that so many people see the behavior around us. What do you think? How can we learn to see happiness in a simple life?
To be honest I hate millenials and theirs attitude as Simon said in the video they need to have constant impact on the world, they are trying to come up with new "amazing" ideas and even if the idea is crap they belive in it and trying theirs best to achieve the goals like unfamous case of Elizabeth Holmes and hers start up, she tried to come up with worldbreaking way of detect disease just from small drop of blood, after years of unsuccesfull reserach she still belive and lost 4.5 billions dolars (watch documentary on HBO go called "The Inventor: Out for blood in silicon valley").
Peter Clemenza said…
What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?
I wish mr Simon would find a better job than he has currently ( whining on tv about some stupid problems). (just stop playing this simon says game, and get your own life)

Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millenials constant need to have an „impact” on world?
Its more like big companies are convincing them to have this impact

Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?
Why we should change this? Its helpfull

Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?
Im generally tired of such topics and problems. Currently i care only about myself nor some soy-boys from united states
1. The first thing that strikes me is a generalization. I would love to live in the world without stereotypes, without putting me in any bag like "millenial".

2. I agree, it's something that even I constantly feel, but is it so typical only of people born between 80s and year 2000? Scientists, great leaders and politics all over the world and time haven't felt that?

3. It's so sad that for many of us such small, irrelevant things like attention at social medias are so gratifying. Being seen as cool and successful and gratification associated with it is more desired than real success.

4. I keep myself far away from couching communities. I just find them as a waste of time in my case, to clarify - certainly they may help somebody to achieve something, but I'm good with my self-confidence and motivation.
He really is right. I really watched myself addicted to social networks. I have limited myself to the use of social networks. So did the phone. I hide the phone away when I doing anything else. The phone lying on the table distract me. I constantly look at it for pending notice. This really is such the problem. I was helped to overcome this, books on self-development.
Illia Lukisha said…
What are your thoughts about the video you have just watched? What is your opinion about Simon and his thoughts?

I think that he is absolutely right. But as millennial I don't think that we can treat all people as similar. And I recognise a lot of people that are similar to person described in the speech but not all.

Do you agree with Simon’s opinion about millennials constant need to have an „impact” on world?

I think so. And I think this is what moving our world so fast to future.

Is the problem of instant gratification and technology, which has an increasing impact on our world, is visible to you? Is there any way to change this situation?

It is. I think that social networks have a huge impact on what do we do. And a lot of people including me are addicted to them.

Are you familiar with recordings or books similar to the video’s topic, that you would like to share with us?

I don't know much about books on millennials generation topic. But I could advise a few books that helped me. For example Rework by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson. It describes how to make your business in realistic way. And describe a lot of mistakes that young entrepreneurs do.
Also "The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future" by Chris Guillebeau is pretty good. It's about doing what you love.
1. I think he's right. I usually don't agree with at least one thing when I listen to people's opinions but here, I must admit- I think he's absolutely right.
2. I think that it's true, I think that because of the fact that we were raised like we can all be special and that we are amazing and that anything we dream of can be achieved- that's why we feel the need to be just that, to move mountains. Unfortunately nobody has tought us to embrace the process.
3. To me it is very visible, I believe we're all to blame and there is nothing we could do to prevent that but life itself will verify every single one of us and how much effort we're willing to put in- our success will always be the true measure of the work we've put in.
4. I've read multiple articles about millenials, although this video seemed more understanding than others. Unfortunately it's been a while since I read one and I don't know how to find them.

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