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Week 4 [05-11.11.18] Is death inevitable?

Is death inevitable? Most of us will say “yes”. But is it?

There are actual creatures that can live forever. Some species of jellyfish, lobsters or flatworms, as an example. They have different mechanisms to cheat death: impressive regeneration, backward aging or no aging at all. But all of it leads to one result – immortality. Of course, they are not truly immortal, since they can be killed by predators, environment or humans. But in ideal conditions, with no enemy threatening their existence, these creatures can keep on living eternally. Nature proves that immortality is not a fiction but reality.

But we, humans, since the very begging of our history have witnessed how the circle of life works. We know that death is imminent, so most of us don’t even question the natural order we must obey. Moreover, since living forever is so unnatural for our kind, people usually deny even the idea of obtaining it. This can be easily noticed in our culture. The majority of fictional characters from myths, books and movies who possess immortality treat it as a curse. Being “blessed” by it they are usually portrayed as deeply depressed and nihilistic people.

It looks like we, ourselves, created an artificial boundary for us which now we are afraid to cross.

So the questions are:
1.      How long would you like to live?
2.      Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?


I once thought immortality would be such a wonderful idea. Now I'm not really so sure.
There was once a great "Doctor Who" episode - or actually, a story arc, spun over many episodes, with a girl from middle ages who by an accident is made an immortal. There are but few drawbacks. For one - everyone around her dies. So yea, that would be so very sad - at some point, you would not be able to attach to humans for long before they die, and you have to keep on living. Of course, if everyone would be "immortal" or at least "a-mortal", that wouldn't be a case. But a lot also depends on the way we achieve this. Are we just copies of someone's brain? So are we the same person? Or maybe we can actually die due to some catastrophes?
Another drawback was a limited memory. She had an unlimited lifespan, but she could only remember so much. At some point, everything just faded in the past and was no longer accessible. She even tried to write it all down, but with time there was more and more of her memories in the books and it took a lot of time to read it. And you basically were reading stories about some other person, because you were no longer the person who wrote them.
So once we achieve immortality, will we be affected by those problems as well? And do we really want to face them? I'm not so sure anymore.
1. How long would you like to live?
As long as I will enjoy life and I won't be huge problem for the other family members.
2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
It is a hard question. I don't know what life will look like in few hundred years. I would love to live as long as I want to and by that I mean choosing by myself moment of death.
Unknown said…
I don't think I can precisely answer this question, because it depends on many factors, such as quality of life and who I would lead this life with. If you have a sense of life, the desire to live is always great. An important aspect of these reflections is the "age of the body". If I was 200 years old, but I have body of 20 year old, give it to me.
Some deep philosophy going on here. Basically immortality will make humans a gods. But, lets put aside the moral aspect of this, like going insane due to the years passing by, and think about our planet. We have only like 148 939 063,133 km² of Earth's surface, and less than 30% of it is habitable (not the Everest summit or arctic deserts). Soo... If everybody is to live forever, how are you going to deal with overpopulation (which is an issue already)? I am not talking about the fact that we would have to rethink and redesign religion, education, jobs and culture. The main concern would be building exploration starships and training everyone into an astronaut asap. Ah, how could I forget -- Earth's resources are limited too. See, if you grant immortality to everyone without removing requirements for food and disabling reproduction, you are dooming humanity.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
I would like to live as long as necessary. I think no more than 100 years.

It depends. I have not lived a long life yet, to be sure whether I want this forever or better to start from scratch. In any case, it would be nice to be able to control the duration of life.
Unknown said…
I hope I live to be a hundred years old, but I would like to achieve this age in full physical and mental health. If, however, I would get seriously ill, begin to lose memory or not be able to do basic physiological needs, I would like to die earlier.

I think I could use my life for several hundred years, but not for eternity. Certainly, the downside of life is that the relatives are leaving and at some point they are looking at the world differently. People are motivated by the fact that they do not have so much time in the world and try to see something, achieve something. If you know that you have an infinite amount of time, you stop trying.
I think everyone has been puzzled by this question. I bet that most of us had this thought that it would be cool to live forever. But when I got older I realized that this's probably not the best idea.
How many years I would like to live ? I guess another hundred years it would be fun just because looking at technology revolution we're having the last 50 years. However, I'm having this thought that probably there is a reason why we live up to 100 years. In addition 70-90 years as like as few thousands years it is nothing comparing to the age of our universe. I mean if it would be possible to live five thousand years that generation would still be complaining that it's to little to be alive. In addition as the author mentions that there is no such thing as immortality because of outside threat.
Unknown said…
It’s really philosophical question. If everyone could live forever than balance would be broken. The people who were born earlier would have a significant advantage. In every single point of time they would live longer than those which were born later. Taking in consideration the fact that no one will ever die it would be unfair and the balance would be broken. I don’t even want to say anything about overpopulation and lots of problem connected with it.

I can’t say the precise amount of time I would like to live. But wait a minute, I can, it’s 3,216,672,000 seconds. I would say that there is no sense to live (at least for me) if you are struggling all the time and just disturb others. As was mentioned above losing of memory is not the best sign as well.
Unknown said…
For me question won't be "How long would you like to live?" but "Does your life come dreams true?" Why? It doesn't matter how long you can live but how your life looks. Live should give us satisfaction and it's weak when our lifes doesn't give something special. There are so many things to learn about our world and this is look like race with time. What you will see you can take and nobody won't take back. Summarizing we can live as long as we wish but it's important how happy we will in our lifes.

Neither live forever nor few hundred years. I consider that our body can't be
prepare to live long. We will be weak ,exhausting and bored. Life is the best when we young and we have energy to make incredible or to learn what is interesting.
Unknown said…
I will explain my both answers here as the questions are kind of similar.

As long as I stay in good physical and mental health. There is so much things to see, to do, to explore and taste. Cultures and technologies change every year, each year I meet new people, each year I try, see, taste new things, movies, art, music, food. As long as I can do that, as long as I can find those small portions of happiness, passion and surprise in my life I could live forever. I am curious what is after death even thou I don't believe in anything but before that there are still so many questions, opportunities and people in our living world that it would take thousands of years to feel bored.
Unknown said…
1. How long would you like to live?
2. Have you decided to live forever or a few hundred years?

I would like to live up to 100 years, it would probably be unusual for me to cross the 100 year limit. But in other matters it’s enough to live as long as it’s allotted, maybe by 80 I will get tired of monotonous life and torment my loved ones.
My opinion about the "eternal life": if it were possible to live forever, then it would be necessary to stop the birth rate and time (so as not to grow old and mature). The only option for me to stay alive is to transfer all my knowledge to a computer, but even this should be done only for those who have really valuable knowledge.
How long would I like to live?
A serious question, I would like to live as long as possible, unless I am in bed for the rest of my life.
If I'm healthy, it does not cause problems for the family and I will be happy, why not?

Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
It depends on how the world will look for these hundreds of years, but probably I would choose immortal life

Unknown said…
The subject of which the article is about is particularly acute for our generations. Why? Well, I think that we are one of the last people who will die of natural causes. Immortality is not yet possible but in 100-200 years we will probably achieve such technology that will allow us only to replace defective parts. Only is humman created for immortality? Will he be able to mentally so many contradictions? This is well illustrated by the film "Race against time" in which people have achieved what I mentioned above but because of the lack of space on earth they have to control the populations themselves. There appears a hero who belongs to the elite, is what they call simply immortal and he commits suicide because he has lived so much time that he can not do more. How much would I like to live? I do not know, but certainly more than I can. I do not know the answer to the second question either. Today, I would choose immortality, but what will happen in 200 years?
Patryk Górski said…
1. How long would you like to live?

Well, this is a very hard one. From one point of view I would like to live forever, mostly because my life is great and I wouldn't change it, but from a different point of view - living forever could mean being lonely. Imagine that you can live forever, but no one from your life could. It could be a nightmare.

2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?

I think few hundred years is okay for me. I would like to know what will happen when we will die, I'm very curious about it.
Unknown said…
I want to live as long as I am not affected by any physical or mental disease connected to the aging. I am more concerned not about physical problems of the life prolongation, but about social ones. Such operations will be too expensive to be available for everybody and it would make another gap between different parts of the society. What about money, will the one be able to have an income forever? What about bureaucracy, how should you change the existing system to support such people? The problem is much deeper than just a medical question.
1. How long would you like to live?
Hard to say - now I would say that about 90 years, but who knows, maybe when I will get old live will be too exhausting ?
2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
It these are the only possible options, I choose living few hundred years. I think that after 50-80 years, everything will change so much, that it will be hard to understand the world around You
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. How long would you like to live?
If I look like in 64 as Christie Brinkley, I would like to live to 100)

2. Have you decided to live forever or a few hundred years?
It is a hard question. I wish but.... live forever with the memories of the death of all your loved ones. No one would want to live forever in the conditions of overpopulation of the planet, no one wanted.
To my mind all has its own start and end. Even our sun not immortal. With time sun turns into white dwarf and it will the end for our Earth. I'm sure that with time we will find way how to extend life, but also, I'm sure that this privilege will be given only for very rich people. In another case we will have problem with overpopulation and the level of poverty will be increase. I see only one way how people can extend life, it will be when scientists find some way how to transfer our consciousness from one body to another. This sounds very weird, but I think it's real to do. I can't answer on your questions because the answer depends on the details. If only me will live forever or a few hundred years, I will answer No, because with this long life you will see the death of your family and not only.
Szymon Gibalski said…
1. How long would you like to live?
- I would like to live as long as I am happy with my life. I think that as long as I can think, enjoy small things and take care of myself I would like to live. Of course, I cannot say "I would like to live for 200 years" because after I reach this age I would ask for "one more year".
2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
- Probably forever, maybe after hundreds of years the science would find a way to improve my body so I would be young once again.
Unknown said…
1. I'd like to live as long as there is something that I'd want to achieve or experience. To put it simply, I'd like to feel fulfilled before I die. And how long would it be exactly? It depends on how fast the world would change or how fast I can achieve my goals. The world is ever-changing and in the future there may be many things, that I'd like to experience, that I could have only dreamed of in the past.

2. I definitely would not choose to live forever. There is a limit to everything, even to life itself.
Unknown said…
1. I would like to live as long as I am happy - Till that point that I can think clearly, I am conscious of what I am doing, that I can take care about myself, live independently, and I’m not a burden for my family. Additionally I would like to see how many grandchildren grow up.
2. This question is hard to answer. I needed to find a deep purpose to live forever. Always imaging that there is not enough space for all people, and how do we decide who shall live forever and who’s not? If I would to live a few hundred years? I can not say how to future will look like, so it depends on the life circumstances.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
1. How long would you like to live?

I don't know how long I would like to live, I'm just taking around in planet and I'm trying to do benefits and wrongs, I'm just waiting at my around way until my "GOD" calling me.
2. Have you decided to live forever or a few hundred years?

My "GOD" already decided to me how many years I'll spend at living, but I don't know how many years and I don't need to know it, I prefer to die in a good situation in general.

I would like to live forever , I don't care about people saying that "immortality is a curse". Of course, the best deal, "vampire immortality" - you become immortal in your prime (mid 20), your brain and body can always experience something new. But without sucking human blood and other things. The only problem, your close circle is not immortal. Of course, this is all a fantasy, but, personally, I want to see our planet in 100 - 200 years, it's hard for me to imagine what will happen in the year 3000, maybe there will be no more planet of the Earth. That's why I want to be immortal in order to catch this moment in all its glory.
1. Honestly it's hard to answer this question. Right now I feel that 80 would be a lot. Maybe in future that will change? I think it all depends what I could do if I lived longer.

2. That question is similiar to the first one but I think it is even harder to answer. Again, I think it all depends on certain circumstances. If I could live longer maybe I could achieve more. However, that also might not be the case. After years I could lose motivation to get better at certain things, there would be no pressure after all, I'd never run out time. What I am sure of is that I'd prefer to live 70 years and be quite healthy during that time than live 90 and spend 30 years being sick and unable to get up from bed.
Unknown said…
A hard question, certainly for as long as possible. But also immortality is bad because then people wouldn't die, and after a dozen or so years there were too many people ... But if only for me - yes. I would like to live forever or at least a few hundred years

I think I've already answered ... this is a hard choice. I think that several hundred years would be OK
Marcin Krupa said…
I wouldn't want to posses immortality. That would be boring. Instead of this, I would like to live couple centuries as a middle age person or as a immortal being, with free will to kill myself. Immortality can be a trap. It may have ended as an eternal agony.

Marcin Zając said…
I would like to live as long as I enjoy life and I healthy. It's very difficult to say if I want to live forever. I see two big issues connected with living forever: world population and motivation. Why I should do something today when I can do it tomorrow.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. How long would you like to live?
It's a hard question, because if I could be young for another 100 years it's cool, but if I would be old man with millions of deceases, just alive, it don't make any sense to me.

2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
I think 100 hundred years is more than enough, to experience the world, and make it better, because the Earth is too small for immortal people. Plus along with our bodies, we have our psychics, that not as durable as immortal body.
Unknown said…
1. I’m pretty sure, that I’d love to live as long as possible. I like the way I live and I love people surrounding me. I have healthy family, lovely girlfriend, good job - I find living pretty satisfying :).

2. That’s quite interesting!
You know - if it’ll be something like I’m gonna be extremely old man, barely handling anything - I don’t think that’s worth living that long.
On the other hand, it’ll be awesome to live for few hundred years and be in a great condition. There is toooo many things to achieve in life!
JRR Tolkien had Elves who lived neigh-immortal lives, and they became a passive race, preferring to sit back in their lairs and watch the forest grow and rivers change around them. All of Tolkien's races had long lives... except humans. Humans had short lives; matured quickly, died quickly. And this imminent mortality is what made Humans so special. They didn't have the luxury of being able to watch the world turn; They had to do what they could with the time they had. The nature of Tolkien's humans forced them to be an active force for change in the world, and it was the defining trait that separated them from all the other species.
...I just really like that sentiment...
Unknown said…
1. How long would you like to live?
It's simple: I would like to be immortal, to live 200000000 years, till the end of the world (cause the world ends with me :v) . But seriously, I'd like to live as long as I can HEALTHY. it's most important thing to me. Beeing healthy and live long.
2. Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
I'd like to live forever of course. It's connected to my previous answer. Why?
More knowledge, more chill, rent for hundrets of years :D I won't even work and have fun of live. There so many games to play, there are so many spiders to collect, there are many things that I'd like to try! Really I would like to live forever just to develop myself to the fullest.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
Yes, I know. I’ve seen that episode and really liked it. I totally agree with you that immortality will cause a lot of questions which are absolutely needed to be answered before implementing such a mind-blowing technology as abnormal life extension. There are so many of them, that there is no point of listing them all. But finite memory capacity is definitely one that should be prioritized. Otherwise, as you said, we might one day read the stories written by us , while having no clue ,that hero of these stories was actually you.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I think that it will be actually the hardest part. People who you love and who you care about will have to go through a lot, just to keep caring about you for so many years, unless you will be in perfect health. And that’s the point. Immortality or just a very long life has no sense if you are constantly sick and in a need of care. That’s why, we should clearly define, for ourself first of all, what kind of life we want to have and if we are ready for that.
How long would I like to live? Hmm. Don’t want to bring a lot of Christianity here, but what if I answer - “As much as God will give me”. But If I could decide I will probably choose time until I could easily walking(‘living’) without significant problems with my health.
Have you decided to live forever or a few hundred years?
I believe in eternal life with God, so is it a question to me?
Mykhailo Reznyk said…

Yes, I agree. If I could live 200 or 300 hundred years being in perfect shape and feeling like I am twenty, I would take it with no doubts. Of course, as you mentioned, the most important part of it is quality of life and if I have any goal in it at all. Because, I think, living few hundred years in poverty or being imprisoned, will be a hell on earth. What is the point of eternal life if you have no reason to live or no purpose to fulfill?
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
This is very important question. If everybody is granted immortality, it will be a disaster. Space is finite. How will we fit all on surface of our planet? Even if till that point, we will become interplanetary species, number of planets in out or any other galaxy is limited. In that case, most likely, having kids will be prohibited and will be allowed only after receiving appropriate permission. Even though right now such assumptions sound ridiculous, who knows, if one day they become true.
I don't want to live forever or be immortal, because before of all I wouldn’t like to see how members of my family will be dying.
I want to use the rest of my life as best as is only possible, I am not going into the future or looking at the past.

In some way I think that we all live forever in memories. If I had to choose, I would prefer choose to live just another few hundred years.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…

Yes, I think it is really hard to predict exactly how many years you want to live, since your decision can change multiple times during your life. It might depend on various things: quality of life, your physical and mental health, your relationships with friends and loved ones and so on. As was said in the video above: “Maybe one day you will want to die”. So being able to say exact number of years you want to spend is rather difficult task.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I totally agree with you. I think being able to live a good, enjoyable but finite life is more important than living forever and aimlessly wandering around. Plus, knowing that you do not have infinite amount of time, motivates you to do something, try to achieve some goal. In a way, it’s your deadline. Literally. You know, that one day you will not wake up, so you must live something behind you.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
That is a big problem. You can not really tell how many years you want to live. Your answer may differ time to time. Even if right now you are absolutely sure that you would like to live forever, you may be surprised by yourself in 20 or 30 years. You can never be sure. The best option, in my opinion, would be ability to decide for yourself, when exactly you want to stop your journey and finally go and have some rest.
Unknown said…
For now I would say about 90 years but I know that when you reach this age you usually want to live longer. Answering to the second question it depends how long my family would live. If I have a chance to live longer with all my family members I will definetly say yes. I am pretty much sure that living forever isn’t a good option. Right now we have more or less specific amout of time to live and we want to make the most of it. Living enternally would propably make us lazy.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
Yes, you are right. In case of sudden obtaining of immortality there will be a real chaos. As you said, balance will be broken. List of things that can go wrong and cause a disaster is just too long even for trying to describe it. That’s why, I believe, before implementing such an advance technology, we, as a society, as humankind, should define clear rules and regulations that will keep things together.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I agree with you. I think, if you have no goal to reach, nothing to do in life, what is a purpose in living hundreds of years. We all have dreams, something that we wish for. If you see no point in life than immortality will be a real curse for you. As you said, it is important to live as long as we wish to have a truly happy life.
> How long would you like to live?
I would choose to live less, but brighter, than live longer and duller. In my opinion, 80 years old it's good time for gone :)

> Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years?
The second option, live forever - a huge mistake.
This question is very philosophical for a big open answer or a separate post :)
Unknown said…
When I was younger I used to think that the best age to die is 27. Curt Kobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix were die at 27. And these are the finest examples of human race. At least they are better than most of us. Now I think that there is no answer how much time is better. 30, 40 or 120 years. I don't know and I think that it isn't important. The more important thing is who you are and what did you do. But these questions are more suitable for another topic in the week 4. So I decided to choose 80 years. Not too much and not too little. Perfect.

Would you choose to live forever or just another few hundred years? Hm... Hard question. I think that I will choose reach for my goals and dreams.

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