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Week 11 [05.06-11.06.2017] Why not start riding a horse?

‘A sound mind in a sound body’ as an old proverb says. Sport has always been a part of humans’ lives. In this article, I want to focus on one particular sport – horse riding and its benefits to not only your body but also your mind.

First of all,  riding a horse demands focus and patience. When you mount a horse you have to be focused all lesson long, so that you perform exercises properly and give a horse clear signals of what you want to do. If a horse cannot understand the signal we gave it, it just won’t do what you want it to do. A key to success is being focused and patient.

What is more, it teaches self-control and control over emotions. The very first thing you need to learn when you want to ride a horse is to control your emotions. Horses can perfectly sense our mood. If we fear something they will fear it too, even if *it* is not defined. If you want to add courage to your horse you have to feel this courage yourself.

The next very important thing is to control your reactions when something unexpected happens, e.g. a horse startles. You have to keep calm and try to calm your horse down as well. The faster you calm down the faster you will be able to control your horse again.

Balance and coordination are just two more things you get when you decide to learn to ride. Horse riding improves your core strength and beck strength. What is more, because you have to keep straight posture while riding a horse you’ll start keeping it while being out of the saddle. Most of our work is done sitting, which may cause hunchback. Riding a horse is a great way of prevention.
Last but not least, horse riding makes you more aware of your body language and reactions. If you own a horse, you do not force it to perform some actions. It’s so called horsemanship – a bond between a person and a horse. Gaining horse’s trust requires patience, control of emotions, gentleness and time. You can’t just talk to your horse like you do with your colleagues. You talk to it with your body language, tone of the voice, therefore improving your soft skills. With hard work and your horse’s trust you’ll be able to achieve much more than just riding around the riding arena.

  1. Do you have any experience with horses?
  2. Have you ever considered trying any equestrian (connected with horses) sport?
  3. One of my friends said it helps her overcome fears. Can you think of other benefits of horse riding?



Unknown said…
I was riding a horse when I was on a trip with my parents, but horse was held by some man and we just walked around.
Of course! It looks great, when people are riding horses, but I like the most when they are "walking". And this is my little dream, to go for a horse-tour: in some park or a forrest.
To be honest, when I'm near a horse I'm a little bit afraid, because they are really big.
Anonymous said…
I do not have any experience with horses. I don't think that touching a horse may by called an experience. It's hard to understand especially that I live in a small village where everybody have horses.
Once I have considered trying to ride a horse. I thought it would be great to ride a horse across a huge field where the only thing I can see are trees and grass. But then someone told me 'Don't try it. Horses smell really bad.' And I didn't :P I regret now, but it's too late to try for me now because I don't really have time for such sports.
One of the benefits is for sure touching a nature and having a lot of time to calm down and relax away from computers, phones and Internet.
Unknown said…
I have never tried horse riding and doing any sport with horse. Maybe I rode a horse once when I was 3 years old. I have never been interested in horses. I think it's because of fear and stories about people who fall down from horse and they break backbone. I think that for sure horse riding helps you overcome fears. I have always wondered why about 90% of people who ride a horse are women.
Magdalena Popek said…
There are many horse-tours organized in stables and it's not hard to rich the level allowing you to go on one! I really recommand it. It's way better than just riding around the arena.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, I agree horse riding is time-consuming. Even if you go to a stable for just one hour ride you need at least 2 hours to get to the stable, prepare your horse for a ride, take a lesson and then groom it after a ride. But trust me, it's really worth it! If you have time (maybe during holidays) I realy recommand trying! When riding a horse you cannot hurry so it's really relaxing.
Magdalena Popek said…
It's interesting, because most of the time you can see girls or women riding in stables but when you watch some Grand Prix most of e.g. showjumpers are men. I think many girls start riding a horse because "look mommy, this pony is so cute" and this is how it starts. And if boys start riding a horse it may be because it's a family tradition and parents want them to continue it. And then they are training with professional trainers and so on. But these are only my thoughts based on my experience, they have no official proof.
Unknown said…
I do not doubt :D How long I should practice to go for such a trip pn a horse? Is it possible to "master" in few weekends?
I was riding a horse a few years ago. Those were two, maybe three lessons, but I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I never repeated them because of lack of time. So I am not an expert, but maybe someday, I will try it again and do something more ambitious than riding around :P
1) Do you have any experience with horses?

Yes, many times while being in Mragowo - it is quite fun especially in the forest, but the day after it is a living hell for me as for most of the guys because our man organs hurts like hell :) But I have many female friends that just love it.

2) Have you ever considered trying any equestrian (connected with horses) sport?

Sorry no - it is completely not for me.

3) One of my friends said it helps her overcome fears. Can you think of other benefits of horse riding?

I have many sports that give me enough of adrenaline rush (climbing, skydiving, motorcycle) and by that release me of my fears. Everyone has their way to deal with the problems - if it works, it is good.
Unknown said…
Not sure if seeing and touching a horse in real can be called an experience with horses but, my grandpa had a horse. I was a kid under 10 at that time and I was scared of it becuase grandpa said "don't be scared it can sense your fear" and it was so huge animal for me then. All in all I consider horses as a long time human friends or more of a companions. Humans have a long history with horses so that's why.
Never considered tryin equestrian sport, I wouldn't even know how to start or where to look. Although learning to control balance, coordiantion, emotions just by riding a horse sounds nice.
Magdalena Popek said…
It's a great feeling, I hope you will enjoy it :)
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, that's true. Everyone should find something that works for him. That's great you have so many sports that you like!
Magdalena Popek said…
Starting horse riding is easy. You just need to find a stable and go there :) Instructor will tell you what to do step by step.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I sat on horse only once in life and that was about 10 years ago, so I could say I don't have any experience with horses. Now I have started to think what sport can I do during summer holidays, so maybe I have just found a solution.
Magdalena Popek said…
I hope you'll enjoy it!
Unknown said…
I have never ride on horse but i think i will try in future because is very smart animals and it could be very interesting experience in my life. Now i dont have time for that but maybe in summer when school will finish and i will get some free days from my work. About benefits i think is nice experience in life and maybe if i get some interaction with animal i probably could get rest and forgot about some problem in custom day.
Unknown said…
I was learning riding a horse couple of times, and it was great, I really enjoyed it. Horses are really intelligent indeed. It is a great experience to sit on horse's back, feel it's muscles during the ride and balancing on it, trying to find the same rythm. Horses are very strong, beautiful and smart. I would love to find some more time to ride a horse again.
Unfortunately I never rode horses , but it is a very beautiful sport , but my friend's sister used to do horse riding , and for that she bought the horse , and as they are or in the apartment that they rented a special stable , and a friend said that it is quite expensive. But I think if not professionally engaged in this sport then we can afford a couple times a month to try.
Unknown said…
I used to do horse riding many years ago but after serious accident I had to stop but still I recall it as a good experience.
Nowadays I prefer more extreme sports, in my case ATV.
I had participated in many competitions.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Magdalena Popek said…
It would be great if you found some time to learn it!
Magdalena Popek said…
You're right, horses are indeed beautiful and smart. I hope you'll find some time during summer holidays.
Unknown said…
I don't have any experience with horses(I prefer more "lightweight" sports like basketball, football, etc.), so I can't really argue on this topic. But definitely I wan't to learn to ride! When I'll have more time for that purpose, of course.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, riding a horse professionally is expensive. The equipment, trainer, monthly payment for stall costs a lot. But riding for a pleasure is really affordable.
Magdalena Popek said…
In what kind of competitions have you participated?
Magdalena Popek said…
Quite gloomy scene - disaster. But yes, in such situation a horse may be quite reliable mean of transport.
Magdalena Popek said…
I think holidays is a perfect time to learn!
Unknown said…
Last year I had participated in competition called "Nocne Łapanie Duchów w Nałęczowie", actually it was for off-road cars but there was also a ATV group.
I have ridden a horse when I was a child once. I'm not a fan of those animals. My sister, on the other hand, can ride horses and she loves it. She even has her own one. To be honest, I'm not into such sports so I don't want to try it. I think there are many better ways to overcome fears than horse riding.
Adam Paśniczek said…
Very interesting text I didn’t know that there is so many benefits from horse ridding. Unfortunately I have never have a passion to ride a horse. I had some lessons when I was younger but in that time it seemed to me to be boring. If I could overcome this feeling who knows what would be my today’s passion. Now horses are not popular like it was 100 years ago. They was replaced by machine’s and maybe it is better for them. I personally like very much to ride on my cross bike. In my opinion the technique is very similar. You also have to have balance and coordination . On the other hand it will not replace the animal with whom you can create a relationship.
I don’t know what could be others benefit of horse riding. Like I said before I don’t have enough experience. But I like very much when you said that this discipline requires to learn how to control emotions, I think this is the most important advantage of this sport.
Unknown said…
I've never been acknowledged with horse topic, yet I find you article every interesting. I wouldn't have thought that there is such close connection between man and horse that it even feels your emotions. Fascinating.
Unfortunately I'm allergic to horses so I won't try horse riding. I experienced it only once, when I was a child -it was some kind of pony.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
When I was a ... 6-7, I've tried to ride a horse and I've fallen down :D. I do not like horses because of this incident but I have nothing to horses as an animal not a sport. I don't like people who use horses to make money and when animal is useless, they are sold to "remake" them to meat if I can say it in that way.
Vyvyan said…
I have some experience with horses. Painful Experience. As such i have never even thought of equestrian sports. Simply not my fairytale. And as i don't ride on horses i have nothing to say in that matter.

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