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Week 11 [05.06-11.06.2017] Meat the future

The number of people on our planet is constantly increasing. More people means more food required to feed us all. The problem is the Earth is not expanding. In this article I will present the newest alternative to traditional farming and the reason why people were searching for it.
Meat has been a part of our culture.  Unfortunately now it is mass production.  Small farms have been replaced with huge “factories” that have nothing to do with healthy food or ethical treatment. Intensive animal farming is keeping  livestock at high stocking densities (as shown in the photo) and the reason for it is just money.

Its purpose is to produce the highest output at the lowest cost, which means receiving as much meat as possible while at the same time decreasing costs to the minimum by e.g. decreasing the space required to keep  animals. This method of farming together with increasing number of people creates issues that have to be resolved as quickly as possible. 

One of the biggest problems is its impact on the environment. Such a number of animals kept in one place produce unbelievable amount of manure. In 2012 in the USA alone factory-farmed animals produced 369 million tons of it. To compare, it is 13 times more than all of their citizens combined. You could feel the Dallas Cowboys stadium 133 times. This amount highly exceeds soil’s ability to incorporate it, so instead of fertilizing crops it contaminates  air and water.
What is more, due to being kept in such high density, farmers add antibiotics to animals’ food whenever it is possible. This will eventually lead to creation of super bacteria resistant to all antibiotics. And this vision is closer than we think.

Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year (that’s 8 times human population).  Due to such high impact on the environment humans started searching for new ways of producing meat. And recently scientists have come up with an idea of lab grown meat. I encourage you to watch 3-minutes about it.

  1. Do you think lab-grown meat is a good alternative to traditional farming?
  2. Can you think of any hazard it may cause?
  3. Lab grown meat prices have dropped 30,000 times in less than four years. If this trend continues do you think it will gain popularity all around the world or people will rather stay with traditional farming?



Unknown said…
It isn't true, that farmers are adding anibiotics, or rather - if they are doing so they are braking law, because in EU it is forbidden, so I'm not sure if farmers are cheating, especially that they have got quite often controls - if money is well spend and if other requirements are fulfilled.
I don't want my food to grow in a lab - this is beautiful in food that you can tell the difference, for example you know when a starwberry is "chemical" and when it had grown in the sun.
Anonymous said…
I have never heard about lab grown meat and I think it's a very bad idea. Nowadays we have a lot of chemistry in food we buy in markets and there is no reason to eat it more by consuming lab grown food.
Although people are freaks and they love everything what is new and different. So I think it may become more and more popular in the future.
On the other hand I'm sure that now or later someone will prove that it's very bad for our health and may cause a cancer or some other diseases and it won't be so popular finally.
I hope people won't lose their minds and will continue traditional farming.
Unknown said…
It's some alternative. I have heard about it before. At first glance this is good idea because animals will stop suffering and farmers will not have to have so many animals. The big disadvantage is that this type of food will be more modified and there will be new illnesses. One thing is interesting. If meat will be produced from stem cells, what will vegetarians say? Will they eat it? in fact one animal will suffer.
Magdalena Popek said…
Unfortunately it is true. Vets give permissions for antibiotics "just in case". If one animal is sick, all the animals on a farm are given antibiotics preventively.

Use of antibiotics in the US

Antibiotics resistance spread:

And antibiotics resistance spread prevention.
Magdalena Popek said…
I understand your point about lab-grown food but the strawberries are not lab-grown but greenhouse-grown. They are grown with excessive use of enhancers so they grow fast and big at the same time. Lab-grown food is something a bit different. L-g burgers have been given to people so they can taste the meat. And they couldn't state the difference. Because it's the same meat we get from farmed animals. But healthier, with no antibiotics, no stress hormones inside and cruelty-free.
Magdalena Popek said…
There are many research about regular meat increasing the risk of cancer and being bad for our health. I believe you can find such research about most of food we consume, unfortunately...
Many of my friends have the same point of view as you do. But this will not be the next chemical "invention". This is the same meat people are buying at the butchers. But with no antibiotics, hormones, steroids (and bunch of other things meat producers or farmers give to animals). Or at least this is the plan. The result of course may be completely different, but I hope they won't be.
And if we continue traditional farming (I think we will) I hope farmers will try to look beyond the money and see that they are destroying our planet with factory farming.
Magdalena Popek said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magdalena Popek said…
Many vegetarians won't eat it because "it is meat and I won't eat it just because". Many of them won't because they no longer like the taste of meat (I loved salami, but now it tastes horrible for me). But if taking cells will not result in even one animal suffering (I don't know how it's done) I think some of them may want to try it and this is, as you said, because there is no suffering in such meat. And many people decide to go vegetarian due to excessive and unneccessary suffering connected with traditional farming.
In my opinion this invention is perfect for people who would like to give up on meat but can't actually imagine the life without it or those who haven't been even thinking about it. People could contribute to decreasing human's negative impact on the environment without changing the eating habits!
I hope it won't end up as you said - just another more modified type of food.
Unknown said…
Ok, but on one of the icons you pasted here it is said that antibiotics are used also in plant breeding - then what can we eat?

And about antibiotics animals are taking - I probably wasn't precise -,antybiotyki-w-miesie-wywiad-z-lekarzem-weterynarii,10421911,artykul.html
This is an interview with a vet, who describes how it looks and what are regulations in Poland and UE.

And about cruelty - I know that ot exists and I'm absolutely against bullying animals, so I support among other Viva!, who follow such situations and are taking some action to stop it and prevent in the future. But I believe that eating meat isn't wrong and animals can be killed "humanely" (I know how it sounds) - fast, with no additional pain etc.
Magdalena Popek said…
The heading says "[...] It doesn't mean we eat them [in meat]". We don't have to eat them for superbacteria to be created. And not all information in this article is true. Of course there are vets who prescribe antibiotics only when needed and farmers who give animals antibiotics only as medical treatment when neccessary. But antibiotics mean faster growth of animals and more profit for farmer. Many vets get payed for prescribing antibiotics so farmers can almost feed animals with them.
I want to recall a situation from few months ago:

It happened in Poland. So if there is permitted "dose" of antibiotics people can eat with meat it means they ARE eating them.

And about cruelty - I agree we should minimize animals' suffering in the process of meat production. Unfortunately they are treated as products, not living organisms...
Unknown said…
I hope that those antibiotisc thing will be more monitored, so people won't have any doubts about quality and safety of their food.
s14335 said…
Laboratory grown meat is as good as it can get. Same taste, same nutrition, likely more sanitary, but without potential animal abuse and without raising animals just to slaughter them.
You wouldn't have to feel guilty about a living animal being grown and slaughtered for human consumption.
Imagine if instead of factory-farms producing massive quantities of beef from cows you could have beef from happy cows on good farms or alternatively get your factory-grade beef from a clean, cruelty-free lab.

Sure, it sounds odd, so do most new ideas or technologies, but just because something seems culturally out of place doesn't mean it should be neglected. In fact, in this case, I think the idea should be actuated and embraced.
It is hard for me to think about lab meat and say that it is really good. On the other hand if that meat could be 100 % healthy and be the same taste and caloric values as the original one - why not to give it a try. As everything it takes time to be said if the project was good or bad - so just wait and see how it will work out.
Unknown said…
I've heard about lab grown meat before, some time ago I think it originated in China(?).
I think it is a great alternative to traditional farming (or more "meat factories"). No animal has to suffer, it saves space, resources -> the TREMENDOUS impact on enviroment caused by meat factories is so huge that I think and hope lab grown meat can be the answer to enviromental-abuse issues. Lately I've become more aware of the processes going on in food industry (and thanks for that) and it terrifies me. In my opinion most people are not aware enough of where does the food they consume really come from, how it got produced and if we start answering these questions the truth will hurt, scare and disgust.
The only issue I can think of is about genetic variety of such meat and how it can affect humans. One cell feeding entire global population sounds great in a marketing sense but more research has to be done.
I truly hope it will gain popularity, imo it has to. The benefits are very appealing. Turning all people into vegans is impossible and the rate at which the actual transition is going on is too slow compared to the speed of population growth. Eventually we will run out of space or out of resources to sustain meat factories trying to feed everyone. Not to mention the damage and suffering already done and constantly occuring.
Another aspect I can think of, given humans won't give up on meat ever, is using lab grown meat in space travel. Imagine, small facility to grow vegtables and meat using few resources can give us much more sustainability and solves quite a few issues in that matter. But that's too far in the future for now ;)
KamilG said…

I think lab-grown meat is a good alternative to traditional farming, which is more like "producing meat" now. In my opinion if we need to kill an animal to gain its meat, we need to do it in an ethic way, and now this is almost impossible (unfortunately). If we decide to prefer 'lab-made' meat, it needs to be sterile and safe, without bacteria and so on. This is main threat I think. In some regions traditional farming will be more popular even if price of lab-grown meat will drop a lot, but it's possible that majority of people will choose this new method of "production".
Michał Pycek said…
I agree that is may be an alternative in the future, and it could be actually a healthier alternative at some point. I have read a couple of articles about it before. Personally, I do not buy often meat in supermarkets because of such reasons, instead, I prefer to buy it at small butchery stores. However, one day it could be accessable and just another way to get healthier meat. Regarding the third question, I think people would prefer the traditional farming since it is closer to nature, but I mean small farming, not the mass farming. Otherwise the lab grown meat could be the future if it would become cheaper than the regulary meat.
Unknown said…
When I think about in-vitro meat, I can see a lots of advantages, for example:
1. Potentially cheaper to produce than regular meat
2. Requires less food input (instead of growing a whole animal with bones and brains, you only need enough calories and nutrients to grow the muscle)
3. Requires less real estate
4. Requires less water
5. Produces less waste
6. Cleaner (a lab can be kept sterile, a farm cannot)
7. More ethical in terms of animal welfare
8. Healthier
9. Prevents climate change/global warming
Unknown said…
For me the meat produced from the laboratory is very controversial. On the one hand, it seems very unnatural and on the other hand you don't have to kill animals which is a very positive aspect of such production. Apart from eating fish from time to time I don't eat another meat and I can live without it. If meat production in laboratories would have a good impact on the environment then I think it is worth going this way but But I wonder that big meat farms will allow for such a thing? For large food producing corporations, our health or planetary good is seldom important.
Magdalena Popek said…
I totally agree with you. But I'm afraid people will treat it as another chemical product you should avoid. Society believes traditionally produced meat is "good and heatlhy", while it's not, and "neutral for the environment", while, again, it's not. The key is to educate people. The more they know, the better choices they will be able to make.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, exactly. It will take some time before we know the benefits and/or hazards of eating such meat.
Unknown said…
I don't think so it is good replacement for traditional farming.
We can't be sure how exactly this is produced and if this impact on our health in the future. The other aspect is taste. Even now there is huge difference in meat bought in big market and the other one bought in small butcher or in the countryside.
Magdalena Popek said…
Unfortunately I don't know where this idea came from. The very important thing about it is big meat companies paying for the research. They are aware of the issues you described - we will run out of space or out of resources to sustain meat factories. They are looking for good and profitable alternatives. For the time being there are several startups trying to develop the best method of culturing meat. If you wanted to know more about them visit this page:

Magdalena Popek said…
I know many people are concerned about the bacteria in such meat. Producers will have to pay additional attention to it. I hope "artificial" meat's price will drop to the level of traditional meat.
Magdalena Popek said…
I agree with you. There is and argument called "appeal to nature". Due to it people will always consider natural things good and unnatural things bad. In such controvensial topic even more people will stick to this argument.
Magdalena Popek said…
And I believe there may be even more adventages than these. Hope it won't turn out scientists are putting even worse chemicals to it that we can find in regular meat.
Magdalena Popek said…
But the thing that matter the most for big companies is money. And such meat is really profitable because with little cost you can produce significant amount of meat. Of course they won't resign from traditional farming at once but I think they will produce lab-grown meat simultaneously with traditional meat. And if part of traditional meat will be replaced with "new" meat it means less animals killed for food and less farms!
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I think that it's a great idea, rising a living creature just for it's material seems like a bad solution, why not growing the material itself? Personally, I wouldn't consume lab-grown meat until it's fully tested and has at least similar taste/texture as a real meat, I'm sure that many others wouldn't either - taste, texture, safety are pretty basic factors for any food.
Magdalena Popek said…
But we know how traditional meat is produced and still people are eating it.
I believe they won't release meat with no taste of meat, because it will not be competitive. Bacause when people have a choice of meat with taste of meat and meat with no taste of meat the choice is obvious. I would actually not worry about the taste. I would be rather concerned about animal cruelty and environment.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, exactly. They plan to start selling it in 5 years. I hope by that time it will be fully tested and proven safe for people to eat.
I think farming is one of the oldest professions and its history is very long, because I think people will not be able to abandon it, even quite a long time , even if the alternative gives much more useful and reduces the cost of production , for example like Smoking cigarettes , we all know this reduces the life expectancy but many people still smoke consciously going for it.
Unknown said…
I think some inovation on lab-grown meat is good idea because in that case we can resolve some problem in food in whole world and more people wont be hungry. Of course it will take a lot of time but after this time our life will be better and much cheaper then now. For me we should think about animal but we also have to survive and meat is include in our diet and without it we cant get some important vitamins to our organism
Unknown said…
I don't know what to think about it. This case has a lot of pros and cons. In one hand you can think about the animals, we don't have to kill them to eat their meat, which is good! We are saving them. But on the other hand, I'm really sceptic about food from the laboratory. Isn't that true that the more natural food we are eating, the more healthy we are? What is natural in the meat from the probe ? Maybe I have to less knowledge about it, but for now I wouldn't like to eat something like this.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Wow, I din't thought about the impact of antibiotics that are given to the animals... Superbacteria sounds like the virus from "Plague Inc" game. The solution in this video seems to be very futuristic, but it's hard to support new technology, that, first, looks dangerous, and second, is unclear for me. I think that a lot of people think in same way.
Magdalena Popek said…
We are running out of space on this planet. People will have to diminish farming (I mean animal farms) and seek for alternatives or we will continue destroying the Earth. We won't be able to produce enough meat to feed the whole population (9 billion by 2050). Something will have to be done about it.
Magdalena Popek said…
Actually meat contain no vitamins, but I know what you mean. All noutrients found in meat can be found in plants. B12 is the only vitamin we can't get from plant-based diet. But people won't give up on meat and that's why we have to look for solutions that will help us decrease our impact on planet without convincing people to go vegan. And another thing - "meat" companies will have no money from vegans, so they need to find a way of still being able to earn moeny.
Magdalena Popek said…
I understand your doubts. For the moment this is competely new thing, we know barely anything about it. I hope it will be significantly healthier and will less harm to animals.
Magdalena Popek said…
There would be nothing wrong with farming if farmers took care of animals, didn't treat them as a product and didn't pollute the environment (mainly factory farming). We need time and many research to be sure it's safe in a long term.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, you're right. But if we educate the society of dangers connected with factory farming, definitely money-oriented, they will be able to understand the need of looking for alternatives for traditional meat. I don't mean only lab-grown meat. We don't know with what ideas people will come up in the future.
If the lab-grown meat taste and smell like normal, and is healthy, I would give it a try. There always are supporters and opponents of the ideas, hard to tell which side would be more popular.
Obviously yes. It is a good alternative, because animals won't be killed and they would be growing only the parts that are edable. At first, people wouldn't understand that lab-grown meat is the same quality as from a living animal. In my opinion, this soulution can gain more and more popularity in the future. One of the advantages of lab grown meat is that it would take less space and would be more efficient.
Unknown said…
I would buy lab grown meat if it's 100% tested and not harmful.
Nowadays, in view of health matters I would buy a good quality meat from butcher, there is few good places in Warsaw where you can find perfect beef.
In the future, I think I could consider buying a "lab meat".
Personally I can't see a problem - I'm rather happy that humanity is working towards solving issues that will arise in near future. I'd definitely buy such lab-meat if it was proven that it doesn't cause any side-effects in long-run, and wouldn't taste much worse than typical meat I eat every day.
I agree that we have to do something about our society expanding so fast. I think that lab-grown meals are the future. If it grows faster and there is nothing wrong with it I don't see why we shouldn't eat it. And I don't think we are in position to disagree. Those types of things are our fault. Like you said in the article, amount of people is increasing and the Earth is not expanding. We have only ourselfs to blame for that. And we have to do something to help Mother Earth survive so many people on her surface. I think lab-grown meals will disown regular farming.
Unknown said…
Of course, if it will become available for everyone, if it won't harm people health, if it will taste like real meat, it makes sense to give it a try. I would definitely change my habits. Now I am not sure if I trust this technology, because it is still not common, we don't have enough information. But the idea is great, it will help a lot. Now I am always afraid to buy meat at the stores - I don't want to take the antibiotics, but sometimes we can't be sure about the product's quality. I think, that the producers of lab meat could guarantee the quality, so this is it's advantage too.
Unknown said…
I'm not entirely convinced by lab-grown meat. I doubt wheather such unnatural products may be healthy and have neautral impact on our organisms, let alone be full of nutritions. Honestly, I have no idea if that trend is going to gain popularity, I'm afraid of it.
Adam Paśniczek said…
I think it is a good alternative for mass production. It could be works if this meat will taste like this normal. Then people will accept this even if they will not see the difference. For sure it helped our planet and billions of animals. On the other hand I would give people a choice to buy this “ in vitro “ meat which will be cheaper or invest more money to buy natural meat from local farmer. I hope that researches on this issue will be positive and we will see this kind of meat in our grosser stores soon.
Unknown said…
I'm glad you touched on such an important topic, even tho I hope everyone know and are aware about the problem of how meat is produced and why we should think about giving up on eating it, or at least reduce it's consumption. If everyone watched a documentary on condition of our environment, mass animal breeding and other subjects like those, people would look differently on their plate. We need to educate ourselves, learn new things and stop being so uninterested and indifferent towards such important things.
As for the lab made meat - it could be a viable alternative, but I'm sure people would need to know it was well researched and that it's a safe option.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Hmm I'm not sure what should I feel reading this article. Maybe I am stereotypical but for me it's better to produce meat in usual way. I know that today's meat doesn't have anything common with natural meat but I don't think so it's good idea to "produce" lab grown meat. If there is possibility to do not harm people health it will by right in my opinion.
Vyvyan said…
As long as producing meat in laboratories isn't harmful i'm okay with it. I can't really imagine what haard except from diseases can be brought (created?) through such actions. Still i don't think that natural ways of producing meat will stop. For some people it's their whole life so...

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