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Week 11 [05.06-11.06.2017] The Brain

Everybody knows that our brain has two hemispheres. The right one is thought to be responsible for artistic and creative thinking, and also controlling the left side of the body. The left one controls the right side, and is thought to be responsible for logical and analytical thinking. The hemispheres exchange information between themselves through corpus callosum, but what happens when they can’t communicate with each other?
I really recommend you watch this video about people with no communication between their cerebral hemispheres.


Magdalena Popek said…
Wow, this is really interesting. I have heard about the two hemispheres doing completely different things but I've never thought something like this will happen if you split them apart not allowing them to communicate. This war really one of the most interesting videos I have watched here.
I've heard about two hemispheres in our brain, but I bever though about them as a separate brains. I mean, after watching this movie, I just started to think who is in my head? :P
Unknown said…
I really like to watch some scientific programs and several times this topic was discussed, not this presentation and I can't believe how extensive this topic is! Actually, with every documentary, every article you can get to know something new, something more. This is unbelievable and a little bit frustrating, that when you get to know more, you realize how much you still don't know.
I really like your topic!
As we have right now Neural Computing on our blocks, it is very easy for me to say that both half of brain are completely separate. Two half communicate with each other all the time that is how our mind and body is working fine. There are many problems when the connection is broken - illness or accidents. People with that problems have problems controlling their whole body as one hand sometimes wants to do something completely different than other one and they cannot coordinate. Some few examples were shown during course available widely on the internet just type corpus callosum problem - further more if you are interested in the subject just choose Neural Computing as your block exercise.
Unknown said…
Ah on one hand this is very interesting and exciting on the other hand not at all (rolling my eyes?), oh wait... I've seen this clip before. It really gives food for thought. Because most of the population is right handed does that mean overall, humans have left hemisphere as more developed as right one? Left one speaks, right one is mute, so yeah. Right one is also more creative so people who are left handed might be better in that field. Interesting.
Michał Pycek said…
I have never heard of people having split the two brains to be honest. It is quite interesting how such people have to function in relation to two brains making different decisions, thinking different things and sometimes even contradicting each other. It really must be irritating sometimes.
KamilG said…

That's very interesting! It totally shocked me because I didn't think about in that way - that we have two separate brains or two separate parts of mind which are totally different from themselves. It only shows us that human body is still some kind of a mystery for us, and we as a people are very complicated living organisms
Unknown said…
Wow, nice video. I didn't know that right part recognizes faces. To be honest, I started to think if right part in my brain works correctly, because sometimes I have some troubles with recognizing people :p

I heard some interesting facts about brains:
1. Our brains are getting smaller. Over the past 10-20,000 years, the size of the average human brain has shrunk by the size of a tennis ball.

2. Multitasking makes you less productive. When you multitask, your brain simply rapidly toggles back and forth between tasks. This results in decreases in attention span, learning, performance, and short-term memory.

3. Brain cells cannibalize themselves as a last ditch source of energy to ward off starvation. So in very real ways dieting can force your brain to eat itself. ;)

4. In spite of what you’ve been told, alcohol doesn’t kill brain cells. It “only” damages the connective tissue at the end of neurons.

5. Babies have big heads to hold rapidly growing brains. A 2-year-old’s brain is 80% of adult size.

6. Your brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity. This is enough to power a low wattage LED light.

7. Brain information moves anywhere between 1,61 km/h and an impressive 431 km/h. This is faster than Formula 1 race cars which top out at 386 km/h.
Unknown said…
I knew we had two brain hemispheres but the surprising thing is that they can be separated and we still function! It's really interesting case. I will search more on this topic :)
Unknown said…
I wonder why is the human brain split into two hemispheres. The brain is split to compensate for each side. Different parts compensate for different senses. If someone is blind, the touch and hear senses in the brain work harder compensating for loss of vision. The brain is mapped. The brain is also connected to two carotid arteries and two vertebrate arteries. The ears balance us and each side of brain holds fluid. Again, if one side of the brain is damaged, the other can compensate.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for an interesting video, it brings up an important question "Who is the "you" if your brain is split up", and I think that this is the main issue of consciousness, the same question is brought up in the theoretical experiment when your brain is loaded into a computer, where is the "you" in this situation? It seems that each copy of "you" will consider itself unique and a true "you", which unfortunately means that we are not unique and consciousness is just a protection mechanism.
Unknown said…
Brain is the most important thing in our body and in this organ we can control other organs in our body. Of course we still cant discover some more things from this organ and create some mechanic brain to replace it in our head. We should still develop our brain to be still better and get some new option from brain
Very interesting video , I heard that 1 part of the brain is responsible for creative processes , and the other for a more precise science of mathematics and so on. but what if their share would be 2 completely separate parts , which are quite different to work I didn't try to find information on this topic in more detail.
Unknown said…
Now, that's really creepy! :D Very interesting, and surprising, I knew that our two halves of brain works differently, that one controls one side of the body and the other one second one and that it is responsible for totally different tasks in our body, but...I never imagined that after separating those two halves we can get that results ! One hand disagreeing with the other one ? Wow, that's really creepy and disturbing. Like seriously there is many you inside you. Who are you then? Very interesting and topic good to think over...
Unknown said…
Very interesting video, so much new information.
I totally agree that brain is the most important organ and we should practice it a lot.
I have to share it to my bro who's a med student.
Unknown said…
"... and the other mentally rolling his eye at the obviousness of it all" :)). There wasn't so much useful information for me, but rather fun. I prefer to live with a non-separated brain, because separated hemispheres sounds... creepy.
Unknown said…
O wow! It's really mind blowing information. I've never thought before about separated brain, I didn't even know it's possible. While watching this video, I was trying to imagine how could it be to live with separated brain and honestly I can't. But this video made me interested in the topic! Why someone's brain got separated? How people handle living with this? Is it possible to return the brain to it's original state? I think, I'll go and google all those questions :)
I'm really glad you liked it :)
When i first heard about it I was really shocked and kind of creeped out, but it really makes you think about who or what are we.
I know right, it really makes you think about our conciousnes. Which hemisphere is making me write this, for example
I'm glad you like it :)
This video was the first one I saw on this topic, and it made me read more about it. I find it really fascinating
I was also really creeped out when I was first introduced to this topic. I'm glad that my hemispheres are connected because I think at some point I would literally lose my mind :P
Wow, I have never thought about moving brain to a machine, but I think that you might be right, and it really creeps me out
Wow, that's really fascinating facts. Thanks for sharing :)
It's really hard to imagine living with separated hemispheres. I think that I would go crazy
Yeah, I heard about that, it's really creepy itself, but you couldn't expect less from ruining entire synchronization between both parts of the brain - they try to do whatever seems best for them, which is logically different than what the other part thinks, due to lack of communication and synchronization.

This is like listening to a group of people in comparison with listening to everybody personally.
I have heard about this before but never really give it much thought. Now, that you brought it up I became very interested in the matter. I even watched more videos connected to the subject of two brains. I find it amazing what our brain can do. It is incredible that our brain has evolved in this way. It is probably a defense mechanism in case of a brain injury.
This is really a great video. I knew most of it but it is amazing anyway. You can really be confused about two you in one brain. I think it shows how important communication between two sides of the brain. I think you can really go nuts if your two hemispheres disagree. I wonder how it looks like in the situation when they are connected. Does it mean that one of them wins? Like, when somebody asks you about your favourite color you say one which your stringer half choose? Amazing. I wonder what my other favourite color is. I wish I could experience what is like to have two separate hemispheres. This would be a great way to know myself better. Human body is amazing. Really.
Unknown said…
It is creepy and interesting at the same time, I would like to read more about it, because I have never heard about it before. I just know that different people are leaded by different brain parts - one is logical, second is creative. But it seems like it is very hard to live with that separeted brain. I am even terrified when I imagine, how strange it is. Now I want to know why it happens and maybe to find the interview with someone who suffers of such disease. Is it even a disease?
Unknown said…
The quotation was quite amusing, however I also haven't found much facts in the film. I wasn't aware that our brain may be separated, indeed creepy thing.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
What a great video! Human's brain is amazing organ and I've read few books about. I can't imagine that I have separated brain and it seems creepy. Our brain is resposible for every move, everything we have in our minds, every stimulus fromm eyes, ears, nose.
Vyvyan said…
I have known about our brain being 2 hemispheres and i have heard stories about people who live with only halves of their brains so i kinda expected that. Still it's amazing what we can do and what our body can do.

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