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Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Mental illness myth

Mental illness myth

Have you ever heard the claim that mental illnesses aren't real diseases? It was said by Thomas Szasz in 1960 when he began to question psychiatry. Thus, the patients of psychiatric hospitals were acknowledged to be the victims of society which was spreading the repression against non-conformist individuals. These beliefs are currently associated with the term of anty-psychiatric. It was firstly used 7 years after the 'Myth of Mental Illness' of Thomas Szasz being released, in 1967 by David Cooper, who, ironically, was a psychiatrist. The anty-psychiatry consists of a few basic claims, as following:

• Mind isn't an physical organ so it cannot be ill.
• Scientific methods cannot explain subjective deviation from the norms, because the direct observation (of thought processes) cannot be carried out.
• Mental disorders might be underwriten as an effect of social/ethical/political factors.
• The label given for the patients is a fake tool used by society in order to keep the stability.
• Medical treatment, as well as hospitalization, is harmful for a patients.

Anti-psychiatry theorem supporters stand for the possibility to gain the one's own experiences, independently from the social norms and judgements. They also perceive different aspects of psychiatric treatment, especially hospitalization and compulsory pharmacotherapy, as a violence. Szasz demanded the separation of psychiatry and law, which means, among others, the removal of the mental incompetence state as a factor leading up to the legal irresponsibility of the commited crimes. Moreover, it woudn't be possible to take away one's entitlement due to the mental illeness.
As you could have already noticed, all of the sources mentioned in this presentation come from 60s. It was the time, when many of opponents standed for their rights and tried to prove psychiatrists wrong. Once, eight 'normal' metal healthy researchers tried to get access to a few mental hospitals. Seven of them were diagnosed as schizophrenics, as they claimed that they were hearing empty and hollow voices. After some time, they admitted that there were no more symptoms, but the doctors stated the diagnose of 'schizophrenia in remission' just after 3 weeks.
The same researchers stated the question what could happen in reverse situation. They spread the misinformation about the patients pretending to be schizophrenics in a mental hospital. In effect, 19 of genuine patients were suspected to be frauds. In conclusion, anti-psychiatry gained the stong evidence of how are the sane and insane people distinguised in mental hospitals according to the well-known symptomes.

1. Do you think that mental illness is a disease, just like cold, cancer etc.?
2. Do you consider medical treatments as an effective way of treating mental disorders?
3. Do you stand for the law saying that someone could have been unconscious while commiting a crime and therefore one cannot be sentenced?
4. Is, in your opinion, taking away basic entitlements from the mental disabled individual inhumane?
5. Last, famous study (experiment) was critisized as unethical, what do you think about that?


Every organ in body has it’s own structure and own possible diseases. Brain is so complicated structure that can not be compared to liver, kidney or anything else. I think that the comparison of possible diseases is the same. Medical treatment can be effective way of treating mental disorders but it depends on disorder level. If it is not so serious maybe it is not necessary to take any medicines and consulting psychiatrists is enough. In average cases pills can help, but I think that there are stages of very advances disorders that cannot be healed, like some stages of cancer, when it is just too late.

Speaking of law for unconscious people, I think that there should be even easier sentences, because in their’s mental state they are very dangerous for society and should be kept far away from everyone. No matter what is person disorder they should be sentenced and kept either in jail or in mental hospital.

People is such state don’t really think about their entitlements. If they are not capable of rational thinking they need supervisor who will take care of them and for instance decide about medical treatment.
Unknown said…
Mental illness isn’t like a cold, cancer. It can’t be cured for really. In my opinion medical treatments aren’t good way of treating mental disorder. Therapy with psychiatrist can solve the problem. these kind of people should be encompassed good care to prevent commiting a crime. Otherwise they can be dangerous for people.
mental illness causes often misbehavior . They don’t think clear, they can’t so healthy people should help them and don’t leave them. mental ilness people can hurt our and themself.
Unknown said…
Even though I agree that the mental illness label was often overused and I'm glad we don't consider being gay a mental illness anymore I would still call mental illness a disease. The mind isn't physical but the brain definitely is and it can have various disorders. If a part of your body doesn't function correctly we call it a disease. Some diseases allow people to live in a society and others don't. People with mental illnesses can often be dangerous for themselves or others and in my opinion we should seek treatments to make them feel better or if there is no other way they should be somehow confined. It depends if they are able to think rationally, consider the consequences of their actions, have someone to take care of them. I know people with a family member who has schizophrenia and the meds have made a significant difference and this person is able to pretty much lead a normal life right now.

I think every case should be examined individually. Some disorders could enchase or decrease some brain abilities and being different shouldn't be stigmatized when a person isn't a safety threat.
Unknown said…
Brain is still hiding a lot of secrets. It's the most complicated organ in our whole body. Until we figure out how it really work we don't have a chance to jump ona higher level of evolution. Same goes to gene modification. We - humanity can't do whatever we want wit our bodies. I hope in the future medicine will be on such a high level that we could even reconstruct single body element from DNA in couple of hours. I step aside from main topic. Brain illness in my opinion is possible but it's not like the organ is broken (not talking about accident when it is) but our will, our mind existence.
Unknown said…
You asked whether mental illness is a disease LIKE cold, cancer etc. In my opinion it is really hard to compare any of those to each other. In my opinion it is an illness and I think that people can suffer from mental diseases, and they cannot do anything about it. There are different ways to actually cure them, there are a lot of pills that help patients, there could be a theraphy that is also some kind of treatment – in my opinion quite similar to psychotherapy, you are using your ill organ by somehow using it, cleaning it out of bad things to make it work better.
It is very hard to say how to understand crimes done by 'psychos'. This is something I really can't judge. In my opinion it is extremely hard subject that I really can't say anything about, I really don't know how to adjudicate it.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Mental ilnesses ARE disabilities, but they're also totally different than physical ones. Wether I consider medical treatment an effective way of treating them? I'm not sure. But sometimes they're a neccessary support on the way to finding the solution. Some people need those happy pills just to get up and... exist. But pills themselves arent't the solution, the problem is way deeper usually.
Since my subject for oral matura exam was something like insanity in literature and pop-culture I did some reading, seen some movies... Ans if you're interested I would really recommend a book by Polish author, Jerzy Krzysztoń, called "Obłęd". He wrote it while being treated for schizophrenia in a mental hospital. A really interesting book, gives you some insight it what's going on in metally ill person's head.
Unknown said…
Our brain is so complex that we can't actually simplify and put mental illnesses among popular diseases. Some basic mental disorders probably can be treated with use of medicines, in case when people aren't able to control their organizm reactions such means are probably the only solution. Talking about the state of mind while committing crime, I believe it should always be analysed but as a additive factor, not main cause, unless it's obvious.

For me taking away basic entitlements isn't inhuman in such cases, it's rather attempt to integrate mentally disable people into society.
Unknown said…
In my opinion mental ill is a disease but not like a cold or cancer. I think when the disease isn't very advanced It doesn't require medical treatment. Sometimes we should talk to someone about our problems and don't accumulate them in ourselves. As to whether the mentally ill should be punished, I think that everyone should be responsible for their actions. In the case of such persons punishment may be less. Deprivation of basic rights should depend on the severity of the disease. Deprivation of basic rights should depend on the severity of the disease. I think mentally handicapped person isn't the same as those with mental illness.
Unknown said…
I believe that mental illness is not the same disease as cancer but it is also a disease which must be treated in an appropriate manner. In my opinion, I define mental illness as a lack of adaptation to life according to generally imposed standards and procedures to such an extent that ill people enter into conflict with the law or threaten other people or have unhealthy influenced on them. Diseases of this type should not be treated with pills but through various treatments unless there is no possibility contact with these people, because they live in their own world, then to mitigate the perception pills may be helpful.

Regarding to law, I allow something like a crime in affection but I think that it is often abused in order to mitigate the punishment. People who are unable to function in society to such a degree that to make simple decisions need a second person should be deprived of their powers as far as their potential decisions threaten society.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your recommendation, currently I'm looking for some good books/movies concerning mental ilnesses as I'm about to finish reading 'Psychoanalysis' of Freud :) Personally I recommend 'Girl, interrupted', it's really great not only when it comes to the plot, but also to the Angelina Jolie starring in it :)
Unknown said…
When it comes to your opinion of sentencing unconscious people, don't you think that change in law would be overused in our country? As the example in my presentation shows, it is likely to misdiagnose someone
Unknown said…
Don't you think that there are some mental illnesses that are serious that much that can't be treated without any help of medicines? Maybe medicines AND therapy is the solution?
Unknown said…
Paulina, I can fully agree with your comment. Mental illness is a too general term to consider it as a whole, every of these has too be treated independently.
Unknown said…
It would be great to modify DNA code in order to prevent some diseases instead of healing them, but knowing the world how it actaully is, still there will be a lot of opponents of DNA modifications. I can totally agree that understanding of our own body is an valid part of the development and progress.
Unknown said…
You claimed that it is hard to compare it, but the rest of your comment shows that it actually is easyly comparable: we have no impact on any disease, whether it is a cold or a shizophrenia. The way of treating it is quite similar, as you've showed it :)
Unknown said…
Ideological it's not, but what if the influential individual has a reason to separate someone from the society? One can be judged then as a mentally ill and deprived of one's own entitlements.
Unknown said…
How can we judge the person for one's behaviour when one is not concious of what one is doing? How can we say then that EVERYONE should be responsible for one actions?
Unknown said…
Don't you think that making the regulation of law of depriving people of their own powers easier would lead to the overusage of it?
Unknown said…
Yes, I've seen 'Girl, interrupted'. Good movie, one of those that convinced me to take up the subject of insanity :) Another great movie is "One flew over the cuckoo's nest". Fairly obvious recommendation, but it's a must see :)
Unknown said…
Mental illness is definitely a disease. At least if society doesn't want to say, that crazy man who wants to eat himself or feels orgasm after shooting people in the face is 100% sane and adequate person.
At the same time I am not sure that there is a way to cure people with such diseases with medical treatment, and even more I am sure that such people should be without control from the side of the government.
Depends on the situation, if it is really sick person - through procedure he or she will be moved to the hospital for the people with mental disorders and it is hard to call much better than prison.
In case they are representing danger to the society and themselves then there is no other way. It could be inhumane, but I don't want to be killed by some looney just because some one decided that it is inhumane to deprive him from his rights. If the person cannot fulfill its basic social obligations its rights should be limited.
Maybe yes or maybe no, who knows? ISIS does much more terrible and unethical things.
Unknown said…
Yeah that's true :) I think it's somehow similar and that's what i think, but it's rather hard to compare it to physical disease :D It's like comparing cat to dog only because they are both animals :D
Michal Kulesza said…
I think that mental diseases are real - we just don't understand exactly how brain works and can't diagnose it. What if mental disease is created by too long or too short impulses in our brains? As long as we are not able to extract and count time of one, specified impulse, we won't be able to confirm or deny this one.
Every disease that does harm to someone is real for me.

I agree that study was unethical and rather not meaningful. People tend to act like other people when they are spending time with them. It might be not the 'placebo effect' but people wanted to be close with their environment.
Tomasz Wojda said…
I just belive in different way of thinking. Every person and every culture made their own set of values with which they evaluate thing they do. As every person has it own point of view due its own experience, knowlage, IQ. The question if the mental disorder could be a disease just not make sanse. Ask any psychitist.
Unknown said…
In my opinion mental illnesses are indeed diseases, yet they're quite different form a simple cold etc. While drugs can help a person withstand certain symptoms of mental illness, this won't cure the source of the problem. I believe that in some situations the only thing that can help a mentally ill person is the ill person themselves, with a support of an adequate doctor of course. Brain is a complex organ and we still have a lot to learn about how it works.

As for you 4th question, I agree with Svitlana. I wouldn't want to be harmed by someone seriously mentally ill just because it's not okay to take away their rights. Maybe it's inhumane, but so is, for example, killing other person.
Unknown said…
I think that mental illness is much worst than a cold or even cancer, maybe u cant die from it but it made u a different person. Of course it should be treated but its not that simple that u take a pill and everything will be normal.
Unknown said…
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I can't agree with Agata. Sometimes medicaments can be the only way to cure someone from an illness, or bring a person to the point where he/she can start a theraphy. I think that without any experiences or knowledge in that field it's hard to discuss those matters, but from my own experience and from what I've read, it's most effective to combine the two.

Besides, there are many illnesses and they cannot be treated the same way. For example, I can't imagine dealing with schizophrenia only by theraphy (if I'm wrong though, please correct me).
Unknown said…
I think mental illness is a disease but not like cold or cancer. Cold or cancer can be cured successfully and we have tools to prove that disease was defeated. But to cure mental illness you have to change structure of a brain. Of course psychiatrists can write a prescriptions for medicines which cures symptoms, but I don’t believe it can remove the source of the problem.
I don't think that the problems you mentioned, Nina - the ones we can solve by talking to our friends - are mental illnesses. People often use mental illnesses' names in everyday life - like, instead of "I'm sad" they say "I'm depressed" or instead of "I'm shy" they say "I have social anxiety". We have to remember, though, that being sad for a few days or being shy isn't the same as having a mental illness. I think that every "true" mental illness should be consulted with a specialist, no matter if it's advanced or not. Unsolved problems can worsen over time and none of our friends can help us cure an illness.
I wonder, why are people so sceptical about using medicine in the field of psychiatry? You take meds when you have a cold or flu or any other illness, why do you think it's inapropriate to take meds for mental illnesses as well?

Besides, I can't agree with your definiton of a mental illness - I am diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I don't feel I'm threatening the safety of other people or doing something illegal. :P
I must say, I am quite surprised with the comments (mainly in the positive way).

A few days ago I saw a promoted video on youtube - Living with depression (made by Polish people, by the way) and I was really shocked, because most of the people in the comments stated that mental illnesses aren't illnesses at all, but some combo of laziness and making up problems that don't exist.

As a person diagnosed a few years ago with depression, I was really infuriated with those comments. Mental illnesses are illnesses, and they can be as severe as psychical ones. It's not the lack of will, it's unbalanced chemistry in your brain, causing your emotions and behaviour to change. I must say I'm relieved no one here said a thing like that. :)

However, I disagree with people who say here that only theraphy is a 'valid' method of curing a mental illness. There are two types of mental illnesses: the ones caused by some events in your life and the ones caused by the chemistry in your brain alone (sometimes these types are called 'minor' and 'major', which has nothing to do with how serious they are). If you have the first one, it's of course the best to start a theraphy and solve the problems that caused an illness. However, if you have the second type, a theraphy can't do much alone. In both cases, meds can help - from my on experience, if your state is really bad, there's no way you'll seek theraphy, because you're too weak to do anything. Only after you take meds for a while, you're in a state that allows you to take a theraphy.
Unknown said…
I do not think I will be discussing the issues about which I have no idea, it's better to leave it to people who know at this.
From what I know to be a psychiatrist you take about 12 years in various fields.
So I will not answer any of your questions, because even after reading your article I do not think I can speak on a topic related to mental health.
1. I think that we create our mind illnesses and we are in charge of changing it. We are powerful as human beings and we are all entitled to fix ourselves by ourselves because we are perfect as we are (of course I'm not talking about those who are in some way genetically imperfect for whom I keep my fingers crossed to find a way to accept that and not to skip pursuing their life goals too).
2. For me medical treatments are some kind of easy way of solving a problem and to be honest some kind of strong weakness. All the humans are undergoing the same processes and we are able to fix ourselves. The only problem is that we need to be in constant pursue of solutions and happiness. As long as we step out of our journey, bad things happen.
3. There might be a way that a person could have been unconscious during committing a crime and that might be because of strong emotions running in one's body. However, it doesn't exclude a fact that such a person knew what he/she was going to do and such a thing must have had appeared in one's head.
4. In my opinion mentally disabled people should have some entitlements and this is for their serious weakness of mind, however, before getting any money because of their illness there should be an organized treatment session to help those people find a way to get out of a state in which they are.
5. I will not give a comment on that cause I don't have any opinion on this. Everybody got one's own opinion and let's leave it like that.
We may read on Wikipedia that „A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. (…)The term disease broadly refers to any condition that impairs the normal functioning of the body.” Illness is defined as a synonym of disease or sickness. I understand the reasoning that stands behind the statement that mental diseases are not real. Medicine in general does not accept anything that is subjective and rejects it because it is not “scientific”. However, knowledge about human brain is becoming more and more advanced and I am sure that in a couple of years scientists will be able to tell a lot more about scientific side of depression and other mental illnesses.

I have never been in need of such therapy so I can’t tell for sure it is effective or not, but I know some people that were taking medicine to help them fight depression. One thing that people don’t know about depression meds is that they don’t make you feel better – they make you indifferent. You stop caring about anything, you are numb. I think that the best results are obtained if pharmacological treatment is combined with psychological therapy. Help from friends and family is very important too. I recommend watching this short film about depression made by a Polish artist. It helps understand what depression is.

In my opinion it is possible to commit a crime while being unconscious. I have been told many times that I was talking with somebody while sleeping and I don’t remember anything. My mom often wakes my brother up in the morning and tells him what to do today – he wakes up after a couple of minutes and he is completely unaware that he was told to do something. My friend jokes that he makes his girlfriend agree to some things (like vacation plans etc.) while she is asleep (but responsive). There are so many cases of sleepwalkers doing bad things while asleep or mentally challenged people hurting others (just because they don’t know any better). However, I think that not sentencing mentally ill people for the crimes they committed is not good – real criminals may take advantage of this defence strategy therefore making all the truly ill people seem fraudulent.
Julia Osiak said…
Mental diseases are a serious problem for many, and I think that we shouldn't compare them so generally to colds or cancer. Since they are the illnesses of the mind, they're not palpable, not visible like bruises or rashes. It's easier to identify physical pain than with feelings, that's why psychological problems are so complex and still partially a taboo - they still feel slightly 'unknown'. Many of them can be treated with the help of medicine, and it's effective. I really wish that people would try to understand this subject more and stop dismissing it as weak character.
Unknown said…
I think that mental illnes should be a more common toppic in our country, and that people should seek help from psychologists and psychiatrists more often. Depression or anxiety are often ignored problems and a lot of people live unhappy lives because they don't even know they should find help. The stereotype is that in states half of the population has a therapist, and while we laugh at such exagerations, I think those who do live a happier life.
I feel that our mental helth is just as important as our physical condition.
Some mental disorders are caused by changes within our brain or chemical reactions in our body (not that I'm an expert on the subject), so it's not unreasonable to treat them with medications. I also think that if experts prove that someone can't be held fully responsible for their actions it can be used as a attenuating circumstance. I also think that's exactly why mental illness should be more of a toppic - treating them can in a way prevent many tragedies.
I think the anti-psychiatry is an idea that should stay where it belongs, in the sixties. Just like corporal punishment in schools or wide use of asbestos in construction.
Unknown said…
I think that people reacted so aggressively to the depression video because nowadays everyone has became "depressed". Because most people overuse the term and everybody claim that it just means that you are "sad" and you can simply "get over it" in a few days like a cold. Most people haven't faced real depression and don't understand it when they stumble upon someone who has it.
Unknown said…
I think that mental illnesses are as terrible as cancer. Very hard to cure this Kind of illness, moreover some are incurable. We do not realize how many people in our environment are sick. It's hard to regulate and limit the law, but people with mental illnesses should not be able to drive a car etc, also people who commit crimes should not be treated equally as normal healthy people. Often they are not aware of the crime. We must prevent such crimes and treat these people. People who are during the medical treatment process should be closed in hospitals.
I do not really know much about it but I know it is a really big problem.
Society have developed with society’s values and priorities. The role of the family and gender value has increasingly changed and undergone the transformation. This article is more for people who study psychological. This article’s provides no enough evidence to convince me of the this mental illness myth.
Unknown said…
It's hard to define mental ilness, because we cannot see what cause it. As we look on the brain cells, neurons or whatever else under the microscope we can observe each cell does not function properly. But what if every cell works fine, there are no any issues and despite this the person does not behave like it should?
I do not know the answer, but i think that because of the lack of reference point we shouldnt evaluate someone's mental health.
Aleksander M said…
Well, the biggest problem is that there's actually no way all to prove or make sure that somebody really has a problem and right now it is way too easy to use this as an excuse... That, in addition to the obvious fact that mental illnesses are way overdiagnosed nowdays makes me feel like we should reconsider our priorities.

I'm sorry, but paying too much attention to "mentally ill" people does not feel like an evolution at all - in fact it seems like a civilizational regress. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying we shouldn't try to help them at all, I'm just trying to say that we shouldn't really judge their actions through the prism of the illness, at least until there's a way to really examine the brain and identify disabilities in a scientific way.
Kit said…
All sorts of feelings we experience are influenced by chemical imbalance in our brains. Therefore some of the mental diseases are mainly caused by persistent lack or overdosage of certain substances.
Some may think that depression is 'made up', but same people often assume either brain being a magic thing of limitless possibilities and no boundaries, or think that what make people themselves is not their central nervous system but some spiritual mumbo jumbo.
Kit said…
Most of medicine you're taking for cold do not cure the cold itself. It's mostly drugs for lowering temperature or painkillers or something to help with cough or runny nose.

But despite this, I absolutely agree with you (and Svitlana).
Unknown said…
I think you don't understand me. I mean, that our daily problems when we gather in itself, they can be transformed into something more serious. Mental illness are often ground in everyday life.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for always being the source that explains things instead of just putting an unjustified answer out there. I loved this post.
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I agree, but it should be a reason to teach people they should not use medical terms unless they are diagnosed, not a reason to diminish the whole problem. :)
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