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Week 9 (07.12 - 13.12) Are you sure you drink enough water?

        As you can see from the title this topic will be based on the question whether you drink enough water or you only think so?

There is no doubt that water is crucial for our existence, however, not all people try to understand how much water they need to feel themselves good. Due to the numerous scientific researches, scientists were able to prove that water affects our physical and mental state and oversupply of water is as dangerous as dehydration. Scientists proved that the average norm for a healthy person is 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. So in the case your weight is 60 kg, your daily norm of water equals 1,8l. The numbers that I wrote are approximate as there are a lot of different variables that can change the calculating formula.

If you want to find out if you are already dehydrated, check this funny video:

At the same time not all people know that the quality of water also has importance. The quality of water can severely influence your health. For example, due to poor quality your teeth are more vulnerable to damage, your skin can lose its tightness and you can face some problems with digestion and constant headaches. Scientists also proved that you don’t have to drink all 1,8 l. to meet your daily norm. Instead, your body is able to accumulate water out of the food you eat.

So here are the questions:

Do you drink enough water?
Have you ever noticed how the quality of water influence your health?


I heard so many times that everyone should drink at least 2 liters of
water everyday. But it seems reasonable that it is dependent on our
weight. However I can’t image what should happen in case of terribly
overweight people for instance those who weight 300 kg, they should
drink 9 liters of water?! It is hardly possible…

I try to drink aroud 2-2,5 liters of water everyday. In case of hard
workout at gym I drink even more. But I never notices that quantity of
water incluenced my health or anything. But personally I have to drink
some water before going sleep and somtimes when air is dry I am waking
up in purpose of drinking water.
Unknown said…
Very often we hear that the water is very important and you need to drink lots of it. We can download applications for smartphones that remind us to drink water. I heard about different numbers - 2-3l. daily. Your calculation that we need 30ml per kilogram of body weight seems to be true and fair enough.
Unfortunately, most of us do not drink enough water. I know this is wrong but we just forget to drink it.
I have never noticed any impact of poor water quality on my health. Currently, in Warsaw, tap water is safe to drink so the water quality improves.
I hope that after reading this article I'll drink more water
Unknown said…
Water is very important for me. I feel better when I drink it. I try to drink water enough. Water helps my skin to be in good condition, look better, I have good mood, I don’t feel tired. Because of the water I remove the toxins from the body, removes excess water. I don’t feel puffy. Moreover water gives us some minerals that is good for our health
Unknown said…
I often don't drink enough water but I drink a lot of tea and I'm trying to stay hydrated. I'm sure that Paulina Z. will mention it but there is a funny app (there is an application for everything) where you add glasses of water which you drink and they water your "phone plant". If you don't drink enough your plant won't grow/or will die - I'm not sure. If you drink too much wouldn't it also die? Anyway it might be a good way to keep track of the amount of water you drink.

As a child I hated drinking water even though everybody in my family drank a lot of water. I would only drink my grandmother's homemade (dissolvable) raspberry juice. And I really mean - only. My parents had to take it everywhere with us, for every trip - and we traveled a lot - and for every day. The advantage is that I also didn't like sugary drinks like cola or sprite when I was a child. Later on I drank store bought dissolvable raspberry juice and learned to like other things to drink but my whole family called me by the name of Raspberry.

Unknown said…
I know i should drink the water whole day in small amounts but i don't have time for that. So when the time come like 10 p.m i take a 1.5 liter soda water and i drink it. For me it's like an inside shower for body. You replace part of you with new material. Water is living. Without it there will be no blue platen earth, planty of animals and other creatures. All i want to say is that water is crucial for our existence. I know this article is not about ecology but healthcare either way i want to put some "green" words into my comment. People of the earth save planet and water or your children will have to find other planet to live. Peace and love
Unknown said…
I think that I drink enough water ;) I drink circa 1 - 1,5l of water + additional water in fruits, vegetable - in general in meals. I think it's also not too good to force ourselves to drink more that we feel we need. Of course there are some people who forget about drinking at all, but pushing yourself to drink 2 more glasses of water when you don't need it and neither your organism is completely pointless :) I think we should listen to our need
Unknown said…
Wow, I didn't know that there's only 5% of radish in radish...
We all know facts about the need of drinking water, the rules are quite simple and I guess we can count on our organism's signals. I don't recommend forcing yourself to drink too much water, I did it once in attempt to prevent hangover after drinking too much beer, in a result I wasn't able to fall asleep for like 2 hours.
Unknown said…
And my flatmate makes fun of the amount of water I imbibe ;) We often order heavy stuff online to be delivered right to our door and it's usually like 10 2l bottles for me, 4 bottles for her :) Obviously staying hydrated is one of the factors that keep us healthy, but like with every thing there are limits. It is possible to drink too much water which leads to the situation where kidneys have too much fluids to filter. It's dangerous, can even be lethal, so let's just keep our water drinking reasonable :)
Unknown said…
I try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day but in winter I prefer hot tea, and unfortunately I don't always are successful drink enough water per day in this period. We should also pay attention to what kind of water we drink, the best are those with lots of minerals, for example water such as Kropla Beskidu or Żywiec (about 300mg/l) are much less minerals than Cisowianka or Nałęczowianka (about 700mg/l). Did you know about it? It's very important. This table shows the mineralization of the waters of popular producers:

I think that's how much water we should drink depends also on the time of year and our diet. In summer we ought to drink more water than winter because we we are more exposed to dehydration. It same applies to diet when we drink a lot of coffee we should also drink more water because coffee heavily deodorized body.
Unknown said…
Once I tried to drink a day no less than one bottle 1.5 liters of water. Recently, often I don't remember about one bottle of water and if I don't buy it before work I will try to complete the liquids through frequent drinking tea. I believe that water has an impact on our quality of life, both physical and mental health. I noticed on myself that when I'm dehydrated my body gets tired faster and I must to concentrate harder. During the exercises when we lost a lot of water I feel grater bid and when I complete it I feel more vitally and I have more energy.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I also order something heavy online, especially because of water. I like to control the amount of water I drink and it is much easier to do it by buying like you said 10 2l bottles.
Unknown said…
I hear about such applications that helps you to control the amount of water you drink. I even had several of them on my phone, but I didn't like any of them. Notifications don't work good for me :)
Unknown said…
I agree with you, I also notice the impact of water on my skin, it looks much better.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your childhood story :)

I had a similar app on my phone, but as up-mentioned I didn't like such apps. Maybe I am to lazy to always add glasses and glasses...I often forgot about it.
Unknown said…
I heard that if you don't drink the whole day in small amounts but drink a lot of water late in the evening then your body holds on to more fluid then usual and it leads to swelling. It happens to me every time I drink to much water at night.
Haven't you mentioned such things?
Unknown said…
I know the fact that if you feel thirsty it means that your body is already dehydrated.
Sometimes person doesn't even defer the feeling of hunger or thirstiness and he/she often eat instead of drink a glass of water.
So I think it is better to drink enough to avoid dehydration.
Unknown said…
Yeah, It is very important to drink water especially during exercises, when our body is losing a lot of it.
Unknown said…
Thank for the interesting information about minerals in water.
As for me Ciasowianka even tastes differently, it easy to understand if this water has such useful minerals or not.

I agree with you that amount of water we drink also depends on the time of the year and diet. It is true that in winter we have to drink less water then in summer.
Unknown said…
I am not sure if people with 300 kg weigh should drink 9 liters of water. But I heard that some overweight people had to drink like 4-5 liters of water. It is really necessary because of swelling with such overweight.

I also drink some water before going to sleep and trying to keep high humidity in my apartment just to avoid dry air there.
Unknown said…
Yeah, true! I have a habit to drink regularly, when I sit in front of my computer I always have my glass on the desk and I think I drink it rather unconsciously :D
Unknown said…
Do I drink enough water daily? I believe that yes, but I don't check the exact quantity so I might be wrong. I'm not going to force myself to drink more than I feel I need though. ;) In general I prefer to drink tea or diluted juice and complement this with vegetables and fruits like oranges or apples.
Tomasz Wojda said…
Those numbers totally change when you are training any sport or doing exercises. Then its crusial to hydrate yourself right. But its important to drink water which contains many minerals and microelemets. Did you know what's the reason of many older peaple faiting or stroke? When we are getting older we are less feeling thirsty! They just dont feel a need of drinking with very dangerous results. You know what i'am just going to do? Take a glass of water ;)
Unknown said…
Yup, I drink enough water. And most of a time I’m rather overhydrated than dehydrated. My 750ml mug helps me with supplying a huge amount of liquid. When it comes to the second question I’ve never noticed any influences to my health by drinking water from a different sources.
Michal Kulesza said…
One night, 3 or 4 years ago I drinked like 6 liters of water. I didn't know what's happening I was extremely thirsty. After that, I went to school. After 1 hour of classes, I decided that I will go home because I was feeling really bad.

On my way to home (30km, by car) I... fainted. Seconds before this happened I realized that something bad is happening and I was able to turn on emergency lights in my car.
Luckily, some short time after that I woke up, car was stopped on the verge, and despite of having automatic transmission my car didn't start because of some 'breaks problem error' - it happens when breaking pedal is pressed too long with too much strength.

When I went to doctor, I told him everything about that water I drinked and that situation that just happened. They made me all kind of tests, especially looking for diabetics problem etc. Finally doctor said that I don't have enough minerals in my blood and probably that water intake washed it out from my blood. Doctor did bring some salt and I had to eat 3 spoons of kitchen salt. He told me to eat spoon of salt every morning for one week.

Just wanted to show you that water is healthy, but you can't drink too much of it :)
Unknown said…
Every dietician says its important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every single day, i don't feel difference in quality of water but i definitly feel worst and more asleep when i drink less than i should.
I've heard about that topic some time ago - it seems to be popular right now.

Some time ago I switched most of the drinks like juice or coffee for water. I used to drink a lot of coffee and that wasn't healthy, especially since I had troubles with magnesium level, and most juices today contain a lot of sugar. I didn't really observe any spectacular change in my health, but probably if I had some blood tests done before and after there would be a positive change.
Unknown said…
Irrigation body is very important, but as You wrote, we must remember that our body is also taking water from food. Water quality certainly is important because with water we can supply or flush out minerals from the body.

I try to drink at least 1.5 liters daily beverages (water, coffee, tea, juices).

I would like to present a very interesting video about the history of bottled water, which I hope will force you to momentary reflection on the topics discussed in it. Have a nice watch!
Unknown said…
Thank you for your story!
It sounds quite strange, but drinking too much water can even kill. So that's why everyone should know the amount of water they have to drink daily.
Unknown said…
Thank you for the interesting video!
Unknown said…
Such a good idea :)

Thank you for the interesting fact!
Yes I take a serious care of amount of water I consume everyday. It's very important to keep appropriate level of water in your body for it's proper functioning. I've distinguish bad quality water from a good quality water and mind you, you can't really satisfy your thirst with seriously shit quality water so always try to find as nutrient water as possible :)
Unknown said…
I felt better when I started paying attention to how much water I was drinking - the biggest improvement can be seen on my skin. When I was a child nobody taught me that drinking water is so important for our health. Instead of water I drank juices and tea (black and fruit tea) and for a long time I didn't like water, because, for me, it was tasteless. Now I try to drink one bottle of water a day (I think 1.5 L of water is enough for me, because I weigh around 45 kg) and I stopped buying juices almost entirely, because I feel juices you can buy from markets are too sweet. At the beginning I used 'Hydro' app for my phone, which reminded me to drink water hourly (Paulina S. had already mentioned it) and while it may seem ridiculous (it is almost like a reminder for breathing), this app really helps when you start caring about drinking water. Of course, during the winter I feel a smaller need to drink water, so I drink more green or black tea during this season.
In the morning I drink hot water with lemon and honey, because I heard that it's healthy. All in all, I don't know if it's true, but it's very tasty and I think it's always worth to add more lemons to your diet.
Michal Kulesza said…
That's right - everything is for people, but as we are homo sapiens where sapiens is for 'thinking' we should think and consider what is good for us.
Unknown said…
I also drink a water with lemon juice in the morning, I like how does it taste and often add some lemon juice in my bottle of water.
It also good if you want to boost your metabolism before eating something.
Julia Osiak said…
I try to drink enough, but very often I simply forget. It depends on my surroundings. If I'm at work I always have a glass with water or tea by my side, and I know that on working days I easily drink the needed amount. On other days it's a bit harder because I don't always carry a water bottle with me and I just forget to drink. When it comes to quality of water, I noticed how much it affects me when I moved to a new flat. Right away, my skin changed, my food tastes different, but unfortunately it was a negative change. Now I'm thinking about buying a water filter.
Unknown said…
I drink a lot of water, but not always. Wow, I have read about drinking water many times, but I have never read about its bad aspect. I’m in shock. I have never heard about overhydration. I have read that we should drink water in specific method.
Video is funny, but it contain a lot of truth. If I don’t drink one bottle of water before 12:00 I have headache and I am generally tired.
In my opinion the intake of water is proportional to weather conditions of course there is minimum requirement but one should not get carried away with advertising media campaigns. I drink water after training because of dehydration. This is not enough I also supplement with minerals and vitamins which are also essential to people’s health.
Unknown said…
According to article I drink enough water each day. The drinking adequate amounts of water I've read a lot of articles so I know how important water is in our lives. However, keep in mind that drinking too much clean water can lead to leaching of body minerals.
Drinking enough water is very important for your health and wellbeing. It is good for your body and mind. I started drinking much more water a month ago and I must say that I feel much better – I have a more clear mind, better mood and the condition of my skin has improved a lot (I haven’t had any “unpleasant surprises” for some time now and it doesn’t dry out). I used to drink very little – maybe one or two cups of tea a day – and I couldn’t make myself drink more. I will tell you about my methods in a moment.

I have read that when you get the feeling of being thirsty, you are already seriously dehydrated. I think that this is not the smartest mechanism in our body and it is quite different than hunger (you don’t overeat if you eat a little bit only when you feel hungry). But this means that you have to remember about drinking enough water and it is not that easy when you have a million other things to do!

Remember that drinking too much water may be not good for you. Here’s an interesting article about overhydration. Also, filtered or distilled water is bad for your health – it washes the minerals out of your body. I have been told that drinking eight glasses of distilled water at once may even kill you.

I don’t like carrying around a big bottle and drinking from it. I bought a couple of large glasses (approximately 400 ml) and I pour water into them. It is easier to drink a whole glass of water than drink the same amount from a bottle.

I would like to tell you something about the application that helped me the most when I tried to make myself drink more water. It is called Plant Nanny. Here’s a review of this app. Basically you take care of a plant by watering it. And watering it means drinking water. I am a caretaker type of person and it is easier for me to take care of a plant than of myself. I drink 1,7 L a day, my plant levels up, I collect seeds to “afford” more expensive plants. It may not be the best designed app I have ever used but it is definitely one of my favourites.
Unknown said…
I drink a lot of water each day, over a 1.5 liter. Very often i have a small bottle of water "just in case" with me.
Answering second question: i didnt notice that quality of water might have any influence on my health, but i'm aware that its true (i studied biology and i know what can live in a water) :-)
Unknown said…
I drink a lot of water each day, over a 1.5 liter. Very often i have a small bottle of water "just in case" with me.
Answering second question: i didnt notice that quality of water might have any influence on my health, but i'm aware that its true (i studied biology and i know what can live in a water) :-)
Aleksander M said…
I only recently learned to drink a lot of water and I have to admit I feel a bit happier because of that. I sleep better, I am more productive and I can stay awake for a longer time without feeling tired - I didn't expect such a difference and it really did surprise me. I like the taste of clean water though so it wasn't that hard to get used to for me.

I remember reading somewhere that there are example color charts in every US Marines toilet with a cheat sheet similar to this:

Fun fact I guess!

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