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Week 3 (19.10 - 25.10) Surprising contemporary rituals

The twenty first century is not only about superfast jets, flights to Mars and video calls. This is also the age when old traditions and religious rituals are supported and nurtured  . Unfortunately, the purpose of some of these rituals is  hard to understand.

Female genital mutilation

The practice, traditional in some cultures, of partially or totally removing the external genitalia of girls and young women for nonmedical reasons. Formerly procedure was carried out using traditional and dangerous tools, like a sharpened shell, a stone or a buffalo horn. Today, thanks to “modern technology”, the person performing the procedure has access to modern tools such as a razor, a  knife or  wallpaper. It is illegal in many countries.


Bloodletting – Ashura

One of the few Shiite festivities celebrated around the world. The ritual commemorates the death of the grandson of Muhammad - Hussein at the Battle of Karbala in the 7th century AD. Shiites mourn the fact that they were not present at the fight and did not help to save Hussein and his family. Participation in Ashura is the forgiveness of sins. A popular Shi'a saying has it that, "a single tear shed for Hussein washes away a hundred sins.” – 
source: ""


Eskimo Death

One of the oldest traditional Eskimo practices is leaving the elderly to a better world using the traditional method.  When the grandfather or grandmother are already at an age when they cannot take care of themselves - their children  put them on a boat and sail all together into a drifting iceberg. There follows farewell, after which the children return home, leaving the old man to meet  with the Creator.
Although prohibited by the authorities - the practice is still common among modern Eskimos.



In northern India, there is a branch of Hinduism practicing cannibalism. As food they use corpses found in the Ganges and the bodies of deceased loved ones. Followers drink  Agori with human skulls and eat human flesh. They feel that it gives them spiritual and physical benefits.


Animal sacrifice

The ritual slaughter of animals is found in many cultures.
For example, in Hinduism the animal is strangled and then stabbed. According to beliefs, very bad omen is when the animal makes noise - such an animal can be transformed into a demon and the demon after death does different things to the people that killed the animal.



All of those rituals are disgusting and absolutely crazy. Still, living in 21st century, we can observe such crazy situations. I was raised with tradition that we as younger generation should take care about our older generations especially in the family. I can’t imagine sending for death my own parents just because they need help.

From the other hand the rest of rituals seems to be terribly cruel and painful. I don’t like meat in general and even among animals I can find plenty of them that I would never try eat. There was so many scandals about dog’s meat and here some people are eating other people. Interfering with cutting a piece of flesh, even in the case of male circumcision for religious reasons is for me absolutely stupid.
Unknown said…
I don't know what to say on this topic. I think it's terrible and I'm really surprised that these rituals are still practiced. It reminds me about the exorcism, which we discussed here last week. Although we have 21st century this kind of thing to be practiced in every culture, even Christian. In my opinion people who do such things behave like animals. "Eskimo Death" is really sad and the other rituals are disgusting so it's hard for me to even look at these photos.
All of these, with no exception are absolutely, completely disgusting.
I honestly, don't know what else to say, it makes me sick.
Even the least repulsive one, the Eskimo Death, is unthinkable to me. I would never leave a member of my family to just die somewhere far away. And the rest?
Genital mutiliation is something utterly pointless plus in girls' case it's very dangerous. Bloodletting is just plain stupid. Cannibalism - ugh, gross. Plus eating corpses found in Ganges... that could probably mess up one's stomach pretty bad.
And animal sacrifice... I'm a meat eater but no, just NO. It's not right.
Unknown said…
I was pretty shocked when I read it... About some of those weird rituals I have already known, but there were ones I had no idea they exist. All of them are totally sick and I wonder how it is possible nowadays to practise them... It's been a first time for me to hear about Ashura and I really can't believe that people do it! And those pictures with children and produd mothers, that's just sick... As you mentioned, this is a way they can wash away their sins, so in our religion/culture we do it by baptism, isn't it?
Unknown said…
Yeah, same mixed feelings...
Unknown said…
If I remember correctly there was a whole article here about female genital mutilation last year. I don't really get why such harmful traditions are still practiced and not declared illegal. I can "understand" consenting adult that cultivate their however harmful rituals nevertheless it should be established a crime to do things like that to children and people without their consent. I don't get why parents get to scar their children for life and go unpunished - like you shown in your article with fgm or bloodletting.

There is a famous model that is a victim of female genital mutilation. She made a movie "Desert Flower". I recommend it to all that what to learn more about this subject.

Here are some statistics about fgm.

I'm against any forced mutilation of the body both female and male. So I'm also against circumcision and I don't understand why it is still so widely acceptable in western culture to cut off a part of a person's (child's) body without their consent. Regardless if it's a religious reason or not (I was very surprised to learn that circumcision is so popular in United States among not religious people as a cosmetic procedure) it's not acceptable to make a decision like that for anybody.

Here is a funny and informative video about circumcision:

In my opinion humanity should also rise above the animal sacrifice. I don't understand we people have to be so violent towards humans and other creatures.
I think it's a matter of upbringing. In our culture, we're used to helping the elder. But if we were raised in Eskimo culture, it would probably be 'normal' to us that we send them away. (that being said, of course I don't approve it or defend it, I'm just trying to understand.)
I share people's feelings about this one. If someone wants to practice religious rituals, it's their right - but if they are cruel to other beings, it's just plainly wrong. I strongly agree with Paulina about circumcision and hurting a child without their consent. This should not take place and I'm really disappointed it's such a wide phenomenon in the enlightened 21st century.
Patrycja is right - it's the matter of upbringing. But nowadays we have resources and methods to help the elderly thus there is no need to let them go as if they were useless and standing in the way of younger people's happiness and comfortable life. And this is a matter of education.
Thanks for the article. It is good to stress that in the times of technological and scientifical development there still exist places where such rituals are performed. I think that the big organisations like Greenpeace for example should dedicate some of their money and human resources to put an end to these procedures by teaching and informing. Especially those that people are being forced to undergo - like genital mutilation. I haven't heard about bloodletting nor Eskimo death. I agree with the others - it's your decision if you want to perform these rituals on yourself but it should be illegal to be cruel to other people or animals for any reason.
Many cultures exist in the world today which are very unusual for modern societies to understand. To practise them is sometimes illegal in our culture never the less we have to be also aware , tolerat and respectful.
Even if it includes harming other people without their consent?
Unknown said…
All of these rituals represent the part of religious practices I hate and fear. Well, I didn't know about this Eskimo tradition of sending your elders away, and even tough it doesn't sound as horrible as other examples, I still believe it's awful. I can't imagine leaving my parent somewhere in the cold to die. I think I understand why it is being done, but it still doesn't change my opinion. As for the rest, it is just plain cruelty combined with stupidity. I agree - practicing religious rituals is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't include harming other people.
Michal Kulesza said…
I remember when I realized that Eskimo tradition is real after watching one of TV ads of some bar of chocolate. That was astonishing for me - how such crucial thing can be real...
I was also aware of genital mutilation but other rituals are really new to me.
Bloodletting reminds me one of methods of curing illneses in ancient systems of medicine - suprisingly, it worked but had some limitations.

And when it comes to cannibalism… don’t you think that all christians are cannibals? We do believe that communition wafer transforms into corpse. Also, somewhere I’ve heard that human flesh tastes like chicken, so…. :)
Unknown said…
This article presents a very brutal truth about situations that take place in the twenty-first century. It is difficult and disgusting topic to talk about.

All of these situations should not take place, they should be severely punished.

Mutilation of girls and women is unacceptable and dangerous. Not only procedure itself, but because of this what happened, their lives are going to be destroyed.

Advanced old age doesn't a sufficient grounds for sentence of death by own family. Described ritual is very sad and shows that older people are actually killed.

I think we should change the consciousness of the people who carry out these terrible things. They can’t do things in the name of religion or traditions. This has to be stopped!
Unknown said…
Please change topic to "Sick people and modern technology". What's wrong with them. It's 21 century and situations like this are still happening. Why? Because civilized people don't stop the one with "broken mind". I understand that some cultures are isolated from rest of the world but why their young have no option to change their faith. People should do something with this and save new generations of this sick people.
Unknown said…
Well, it’s a bit disgusting for me, but It’s a part of their culture. The only thing we can do is to accept it and have a hope that they will give up their cruel practices in a future. Personally I have the same point view as Katarzyna Buczyłko has. I don’t mind practicing rituals as long as they don’t violate other people’s freedom.
Unknown said…
One more proof that the world is crazy place with crazy people doing crazy things just for the sake of 'that's how we rolling'. Personally I am against some of the up-mentioned rituals, while others seem pretty fun, especially when you are not part of that stuff. But lets accept it - things those guys are doing at least have some logic behind, probably primitive and outdated (well, not all of them could read wikipeadia or even read at all), however, let's look what developed and semi-developed worlds can afford us. How about a bunch of crazy people who are doing crazy things that have no logical explanation? For example beheading to give a proof in conversation that my God is way better than your God or that my cocaine is much more better than your cocaine, show all the magnificence and power of democracy with the help of water, mop, ropes and board or just getting answers on a questions with a help of good old fashioned punches in the kidneys. Half of those things we can test on our own skin in case we will find ourselves in the wrong time and place. And now back to the rituals, so are they bad? Who knows, it is part of the culture and it is damn hard to fix it. If you cannot change crazy people without an electric chair in your comfortable and developed world, how can you expect that bunch of folks who wears animal skins instead of pants will agree to give up their ideas?
Unknown said…
I'll never understand giving up on reason and logic in order to follow tradition and religion. And that's what all of these rituals are based on - on lack of education and mindless following the rules of ancestors. Where is the maternal instinct when mothers let others harm their own children?! How is it possible that such ridiculous and totally horrendous customs still exist?

Of course, it should be strictly forbidden and I can't see any other solution. I'm affraid that it wouldn't be enough. It is obvious that awarness of the harm caused by such traditions should be increased in the countries that it mostly applies to. Also, education has a great impact on giving up on such rituals, so that are the issues that should be supported by human rights organisations all over the world. We can't let the innocents suffer.
Unknown said…
For me this is disgusting. As I read about such habits of people it's hard for me to believe that this happens in the 21st century. Of course, the only thing I can do is accept that such things happen in the world and believe that soon it will end.

In my opinion rituals that harm the life or health of humans and animals should be banned by law.
Michal Kulesza said…
We also have some kind of such ritual harming people without their consent - usually mums take their little girls to put earrings in their ears - that's painful from what I've heard and if not performed with all the rules it can lead to infection. Don't you think that it's also crucial but accepted in our society? Maybe other rituals are like this one in our culture?
Aleksander M said…
This article is absolutely disgusting and I didn't want to see some of those pictures. Bloodletting is completely gross and animal sacrifices should be forbidden by some kind of international law - and that includes corrida in my opinion.

Thanks for letting me know about Eskimo rituals though, while hard to imagine it is really interesting and I had no idea about such practices. This one is definitely going to stick with me.
Julia Osiak said…
I've heard about all of these rituals before (and even wrote an article about FGM last semester) but they still shock me. I do not understand how people can continue to follow those practices with today's access to education. What shocks me even more is the ignorance for the pain caused to others or to animals. For me there is no idea important enough to make me hurt another living creature or risk my own life.
Another example of such rituals that comes to my mind is the annual crucifixion performed in Philippines. Martyna Wojciechowicz made a documentary about the only woman that takes part in this. You can watch it here:,7/odcinek-2,54121,o.html
Unknown said…
For me it is terrifying as disgusting. I have heard of those rituals and im totally against them, how human being is capable of doing such a things? It has nothing to do with cultural differences, the worst is the female genital mulitation. There are a lot of organisations to fight with that precedent (such as UN), but the the effectiveness of their campaigns is low (ex in Somalia there are 98% of neutered womens)

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