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Week 3 (19.10 - 25.10) Should bike helmets be compulsory?

Cycling became really popular in the last couple of years. There are many advantages of  bike riding, both ecological, physical, and also transport-related because the fewer cars we have on the roads, the less traffic there is.

In Seattle, helmets have been mandatory for 12 years. But some cycling advocates fear that such strict laws might discourage others from getting on a bike. Do you think every cyclist should be required to wear a helmet and fined if they don't wear it?

The fine in Seattle is set at 102$ (380 zlotys). Even though the safety of cyclists on the road  is increasing , people oppose the notion because it intrudes on their freedom (I think it's similar to smoking in public). In Amsterdam, people don't even consider wearing helmets because in the Netherlands the number of cyclists killed per mile is the lowest in the world.

So, should we focus on making roads safer for the cyclist (building more bike lanes) or make the cyclist safer on the road? Studies show that helmets help only if people fall from their bikes but do virtually nothing if the cyclist hits a car driving faster than 30 kilometers per hour. I know that many of you ride to school on a bike. Do you wear a helmet? Do you think there should be a law that requires you to wear a helmet?

Many cycling advocates say that making helmets mandatory would not only reduce the number of cyclists but also that "The governments leave the responsibility for safety in the hands of  the cyclists. They are blaming the victim". Furthermore, car drivers supposedly drive more carefully around people with no helmets.

Honestly I didn't expect to find so many negative articles and arguments against wearing helmets. What is your opinion?


Unknown said…
Personally, I don't wear a helmet so I think it shouldn't be obligatory. It's probably safer to some extent but when hit you the car (of course it depens on the speed), in my opinion helmet won't help much, so this should be a matter of choice each of us. It will be better when we focus on the driver saw us well. When I was in Amsterdam, I didn't see a single person in helmet and there's more cyclists than in Poland. but they are also much more bike lanes. Sometimes there is no pavement but there is a bike path! I hope in Poland there will be so much of bicycle paths too.
Unknown said…
Just like said Nina, helmet dont help a lot if you have accident with car. Helmet can help you in some way but this is not something most important. I think much more important is to have a reflective vest. This is most important if you ride on a bike at night. Secound thing what should be rememberted is that you should be aware of situation on road. You look twice, hear and see what is going on and be cautious and wary of thing that can happend. This will help a lot.
Unknown said…
Here is a study about wearing helmets during accidents:

As I mentioned in my article the number of cyclist accidents in Netherlands is the lowest in the world ( but it's so safe to ride a bike there mostly because of many bike lanes. In Poland there is no such infrastructure so maybe money from the fines could help to pay for the development of more bike lanes? Just an idea. I don't own a helmet (they are really expensive!) but I know people that had serious face injuries that could've been easily prevented by a helmet and now I'm really considering getting one.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. You wrote about reflective vests (which I agree are important) but also about relying on your senses and hearing on the road. Do you think people shouldn't wear headphones while riding a bike? It's very common to do so.
Unknown said…
Oh yes, it became very popular. Today morning I've told about types of bikes with my friend.
City bike, mountain bike, trecking bike, cross bike, road bike, BMX, recumbent bicycle, tandem and many many other. Majority of us distinguish city and mountain bikes- sparingly.
As for helmet I think that is good idea. Thanks to helmet our head is safe. As for fine- I don't know.
I didn't know that if the cyclist hits a car driving faster than 30 kilometers per hour, helmet doesn't help. Uhm, then wearing a helmet looses sense.
I don't wear a helmet, but I ride a bike on green, rural area, where the traffic is really small.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. Here is a study about wearing helmets during accidents from where the info came. I can't know for sure how accurate it is but it's interesting nevertheless:
I love riding a bike and I do it since I was 6 years old. When we see small children trying their first lessons we can observe how many times they fail until they finally succeed. So many times they fall down and hurt themselves. I can not imagine small children without helmets. When they finally can ride a bike they can also run away and go to the road with many cars. In my opinion when it comes to children helmets should be compulsory until they will be 13 years old.

Speaking of adults I personally hate using helmets especially during summer when it is hot. I would not like to have regulation saying that it is compulsory. Only in some cases it makes sense. When we are using special bicycle paths we can feel safe. But when we are using road or we are bicycling when it is dark it becomes dangerous.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the comment. I think the problem is that there are so few bike lanes in Warsaw :( Honestly I hate riding on the street next to cars because I never feel safe so I always try to ride on bike lanes.
I have some insight in road usage as a cyclist, driver and pedestrian and I think helmets shouldn't be mandatory.
What we need is definitely more bike lanes and the cyclists to use those lanes. When I walk down the pavement it's really annoying when bikes pass you by by mere millimeters. When I drive a car it drives me crazy when there's a cyclist I need to take over but I can't. And when I ride a bike I don't want to get hit by a car or have some pedestrians under my wheels.
On the other hand sometimes when there are bike lanes pedestrians tend to use it as a pavement and the other way round.
Additionaly if every road user follows their lane there's little to none risk of serious head injury that could be prevented by wearing a helmet. If people cycle among cars the risk is much higher and helmets definitely may come in handy.
So in the end if we have proper lanes or zones for everyone it all comes down to obeying some simple rules to make us safer and more comfortable
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I also drive both a car and a bike. I really hate it when people walk on bike lanes and I try not to do it myself. There is one in front of my house and people constantly walk on/through it without even looking. I developed a custom of ringing my bell but people seem to ignore it anyway.
Unknown said…
I am totally for helmets. I personally don't ride bike when I don't wear one. I have bought it this spring and I feel so much safer when wearing it.
The problem with helmets is that they really look LAME, they are awful. After long time of browsing net I ordered really cool one online, but in shops in our country there are not so many options what is not encouraging people to wear them.

You asked whether we think it should be obligatory to wear them. I think it shouldn't be, because it's our free choice. It should be obligatory for children in my opinion. It would be very problematic for veturilo users and casual bikers ;)

But if we had this regulation than it would be more common to see people in helmets and maybe it wouldn't be so lame anymore haha :D (Sometimes I have this feeling that everybody is staring at me just because there are not many bikers with helmets :P )

I think that Warsaw should be more bike-friendly. There are not so many bike paths, and if we have them they are made of paving stone, what is horrible and expensive (more expensive than concrete...). We really don't have opportunity to commute smoothly by bike in our city. Very often I give up to go by bike because I know there are few segments that I have to go through that are very dangerous and it's really not nice to ride this road (lot's of fast cars, or traffic jam - not easy to overtake cars, especially when drivers are not paying much attention, just silently scrolling facebook XD). What do you think? Do we have good possibilities to use bike to commute in our city?
Unknown said…
I don't agree with you. I think that helmet can safe life. Of course it only protect part of our body but at least this one is protected :P I think this is stuck somewhere in our head - for example I would never go snowboarding without helmet (and I rather ride kind of fast - 50-80km/h), and almost EVERYONE is wearing it on slopes. But it is not pleasant to me to wear bike helmet because it is not common at all. So welcome, social pressure :D I guess if everyone were wearing them, there would be no hesitation at all to wear it or not - you would just wear it :D
Unknown said…
Yeah, in other disciplines helmets are obligatory! I mean - whether you are a road biker, or you ride cross bike, downhill bike, MTB, you just wear helmet :) Only when people commute they don't care anymore.
Unknown said…
It's the study that talks about helmets and that they supposedly don't help at certain speed. I can't know for sure how accurate it is but it's interesting nevertheless.
Unknown said…
I think you are the first person here in favor of helmets ;) In places where helmets are obligatory you can rent a helmet with a city bike (which is kind of disgusting but it's free).

I hate riding on the street because I never feel safe and if I ride on a bike lane people always wonder all over it and don't care.
To be honest, I have ambivalent feelings on this subject.

I don't wear a helmet when I'm riding a bike, but I usually use bike lanes, so I don't expect any particular dangers. Besides, as Natalia says, helmets don't look very good - I don't even have one.

On the other hand, I think I would wear a helmet if I was going for a long ride, using public roads, or something like that. However, I've never heard that helmet's don't work if the cyclist hits a car driving faster than 30 kilometers per hour. Now I think that my tactics is kind of useless :)

There's one photo that instantly came to my mind when I read your presentation's topic. It's a photo of a motorcycle helmet after an accident. I may have ambivalent feelings about bike helmets, but I think not to wear motorbike helmet is pure stupidity.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment and a link. I don't think anyone would ride a motorcycle without a helmet ;) As I mentioned I can't be sure how accurate the studies are but I think a cyclist stands a small chance of survival against a driving car mostly because all his body isn't really protected. I once was in a still car and a cyclist drove into it (a dog was running after him and he didn't look up) and he got severely cut by the glass and the car was just standing still.

As I mentioned I also don't own a helmet and I also use bike lanes (I hate riding on streets) but I still feel it is safer to wear one and I know people that had injuries that could be prevented by helmets.
Unknown said…
Yea, I think peoples do this all the time. They calling to friends when they driving, listen to music or other staff. This not good. This can cause accidents and most of peoples are not aware of this problem. They thing that they will see/hear if something happend. they will respond and will escape from taking hurt but this is not true. Sometimes peoples have secound or two to make decision that will save they live.
a great option is to look on shot movies of crashes, this will open eyes to many of peoples. Many of them is not scary. I like channel in youtube "ku przestrodze" there are compilations of accidents. This is realy worth looking.
Unknown said…
I think safety should be first at every pleace. at work, at free time and at home. you will never know what will happend and just few secound is needed to have breaked leg, arm or even smashed head. There are plenty of occasions to make hurt yourself and I think We should make less occasion to unintentionally hurt somebody.
Unknown said…
Safety is important but I dont think prohibiting or prescribing is good thing. Event if it is about safety. People have free will and if someone like ride without helmet is his choice. We should tell him he will be unsafe or he can hurt himself but make from this law is not good. lot of people do not know the law and dont follow it. additionally the law is full of holes and this can be used by overeager police.
Unknown said…
Sometimes helmets are realy ugly :) but there are planty of colours, styles, patterns or sizes. I think if you need one, you will find very nice looking. It will be propably expensive but it will be nice.
for example:
Unknown said…
Thanks for the links ;) Funny helmets :P
Cyclists should wear helmets while riding in the city areas, because of it's much safer for them. Accident's caused by other cyclist or other vechicules, are very common. As mentioned in the article above 30 hm/h speed is potently fatal. In conclusion helmets should become mandatory.
I have seen a lot of articles and infographics listing many benefits of bicycles. I agree. However I have never used a bicycle to travel because I live too far from Warsaw and it would take me too much time and energy to get anywhere. The other reason is that I am a bit afraid to do so - drivers are strongly against cyclists and often behave in a very hostile way. The pedestrians are not helpful either. I have been in Holland and there are more cycle lanes than sidewalks and it gives a whole new experience of riding a bike - peacefully and without being cursed or horned at. In my opinion bike helmets would make people feel safer. Maybe wearing a helmet should be mandatory and all the fines from not wearing it should be used to create a budget for building more bike lanes?
The same thing about ugly helmets considers skiers. People look weird in helmets, but this is just something that we have to live with because it increases our chances to survive;) I hate myself in a full skier costume, I look like a snowman. But more and more people use helmets when skiing so it's a good sign for the bikers as well.
Unknown said…
I don't wear a helmet when I'm riding a bike and I wouldn't want to wear it to be honest. But on the other hand I use bike lanes and pavements around the city only, never streets. I feel very uncomfortable when too close to cars so I try to stay as far as possible from them. What's more, car drivers don't like cyclists and, like Paulina mentioned, they often act in a hostile way instead of taking caution. I hope there will be more bike lanes in Warsaw in the future. :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. Do you wear a helmet while cycling?
Unknown said…
When I lived outside the city I also cycled less because it was always too far away to ride on a bike anywhere but now when I do it more often I feel the hostile behavior of pedestrians and car drivers :/

In one of the comments I mentioned the same idea that fines could be used to finance more bike lanes.
Unknown said…
Not only car drivers but also pedestrians don't like cyclist. When they wonder into a bike lane and you ring your bell they sometimes get extremely angry.
Michal Kulesza said…
I'm for helmets but often I forget to take mine. However recently I've backed Lumos project on Kickstarter: the next generation bicycle helmet, that has some lights built in and is able to communicate that you are braking or changing lane.
For sure I'm going to wear this helmet when I will receive it.

To be honest these statistics aren't really meaningful to me.
United States have 318.9 million inhabitants and in 2012 722 cyclists were killed.
Report states that there are 51 million people riding a bicycle in States.
That makes 722 deaths out of 51 million cyclists.

> Nationally the total of bicycle accident deaths hovers around 200.
So Netherlands have 16 million inhabitants and in 2012 200 cyclists were killed.
200 deaths out of 16 million people in Netherlands versus 722 deaths out of 51 million million people.
To normalize:
1:80000 is death ratio for Netherlands
1:73000 is death ratio for United States

So... it shows that death ratio is almost the same for these two countries if you count people, not kilometers.
Unknown said…
I think that cyclists should be more careful and take into account the fact that they aren't allowed to do anything on the road (passing cars on the right side etc.). I know that bikes are trendy nowadays, but I don't support the idea of new restrictions for cars (the idea of Warsaw’s „30 km / h areas” for cars). Of course, we should try to build more and more bike lanes but not at the cost of cars.

I think, it should be compulsory to wear reflective vests. Bikers riding without any lights aren't visible on the road - that can cause serious problems.

The helmet does not protect the cyclist in one hundred percent, however it can surely help. Maybe not while someone hits the car, but during smaller accidents It can protect you from hitting the ground with your head. I think it should be also compulsory to wear a helmet, at least till the age of 18.
Unknown said…
I'm fully against the situation when the government interfers on a great level with the lifes of its mature citizans. I can understand introduction of such restrictions on children, but it makes no sense to force adults to wear helmets. I think that headphones have much greater impact on the safety on the roads than lack of helmets.

The only person that can be hurt because of me not wearing a helmet while riding a bike, is still me. It won't save life of others. So it is my own decision wear, or not to wear it.
Unknown said…
Thanks for recommending the channel
Unknown said…
Helmet? should i put it or not? Well. I don't do it, but i should. So why i should? Couz it's for my own safety. I love bikes and i think it's a very good transport type. But it's also a bit dangerous. When a group of crazy mechanic bulls i passing right next to you, you need to be very careful. What if one will hit you? You fall and hit your dumb head the street. But if you put helmet on you have some chances. In the end i want to say.:"Put your good d... helmets on when i drive my car, and don't hit me when i am on bicycle couz i have no helmet on"
Unknown said…
The helmet from kickstarter looks cool. How much did you have to pay (if I can ask) ?

I'm not really "into" statistics, It's interesting but I don't know how accurate they are. Thanks for counting the death ratio in both countries.
Unknown said…
I haven't heard about 30km/h areas in Warsaw, are there any or is there a plan to make some?

I wonder why do you think that a reflective vest should be mandatory for everybody but a helmet only for people under 18 years old ;)?
Unknown said…
I think it's similar to a law that requires you to wear a seatbelt in a car or not to drink and drive. If you can't talk on a phone while driving a car, maybe you shouldn't be able to wear headphones on a bike. If a bike hits a pedestrian that can cause injuries for both a cyclist and a pedestrian. If your bike hits a car then the car driver can also be injured which is of course less likely to happen but it's still possible. I think in most accidents there are more people than just one.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment
Unknown said…
I don’t agree with you that being opposed to wearing helmets is similar to against regulations in smoking in public. When you some among other people you harm yourself and other people and if you ride without a helmet you can harm only yourself. Forcing people to ride with a helmet is the freedom violation as fastening seat belts. It should be my own choice. I fasten seat belts when I’m in a car(regardless of the regulations) but never wear helmet while riding a bike. I usually use bike lanes an pavements so I don’t feel a need to wear helmet. As a pedestrian, car driver and cyclist I know how frustrating and dangerous seeing a cyclist on the road can be.
Unknown said…
Well, I think helmets are necessary for those cyclists who love to ride on the roads not on the bicycle lines. On the road you are the same as a car driver or a bike driver, so please wear your helmet as a bike driver does.
Anyway it is up to you, it is your own life and at this moment you decide to wear helmet or not.
I don't have my own bike and if i have i'd ride it only on bicycle lines. So, I think it will be better for government to build more bicycle lines and make cyclists's life safer.
Unknown said…
I love to ride a bicycle. Of course, wearing a helmet significantly improves safety while cycling. But personally I don'o't have a helmet. In my opinion, wearing a helmet is a personal decision.

The government shouldn't dictate to wear helmets when riding a bicycle. A much better solution for improving the safety of cyclists is the construction of new safe cycle paths.
Michal Kulesza said…
I paid $114 :) But I'm gadgets maniac so it's not that much for high tech gadget :P
Julia Osiak said…
I think that helmets should be mandatory if you're riding in the city or in areas with larger traffic. I know that if there's a collision with a cat the cyclist will still have significant injuries, but it still could protect the head. I don't really like riding a bike, and I usually do it only around my neighborhood but I don't think that I'd like it any more if I had to wear a helmet to ride through the fields...
Michal Kulesza said…
Cyclists collision with a cat? I had to google it, but I've found only this picture when rather cat is in poor condition:
Aleksander M said…
I ride a motorbike and while I always wear a helmet and full body suit, I don't understand why wearing a helmet is forced by law. It should be a personal decision and a form of natural selection - it's up to you if you care about your own, personal safety or not - it definitely shouldn't be mandatory and punishable.

Bicycle helmets for city usage are a huge exaggeration in my opinion, I do not ride bicycles but if I did I would never use a helmet - unless I were doing mountain trials or something similar.
Michal Kulesza said…
Safe cycle paths? To be safe they should be soft to prevent injuries when you fall off your bike. It's not only the case when some car hits you - there are many more situations that helmet may save your life.

I'm also usually not wearing helmet (because I usually forget to take it with me) but if it would be necessary to cycle on roads and optional on paths - I would go for it.
Unknown said…
Helmets seem to be usefull only in a very particular situations. As mentioned, they don't provide protection from car accidents. Personally, it's hard for me to immagine a situation where a cyclist falls on top of his head. However it might be a good idea to fine cyclists for riding without reflective markings on their clothes and lights attached to bikes.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I didn't find the article in English:,1879549,artgal,t,id,tm.html

Because cyclists without reflective vests are dangerous. Adults can decide for themselves whether they want to wear a helmet
Unknown said…
Generally im against a law mandating how you should live. We live in a free country, if someone is willing to risk riding a bike without helmet - it's his own decision and the goverment cannot punish him for making such decision.
Instead of punich the goverment should aware society what results of riding without helmet might be, but please leave the decision to the people.

But answering the question: is wearing a helmet safier? Of course it is and every cyclist should wear them :-)
Mark Troy said…
I read your blog about bike helmet, it is very good. After reading this article I understand the importance of helmet when we ride bike. It protect our head when we are strike somewhere during ride.
Mark Troy

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