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Week 3 (19.10 - 25.10) Plastic surgeries for cosmetic reasons and good taste

Have you ever thought about changing something in your appearance? The number of people that decide to undergo plastic surgery increases every year. Actually people have been doing it for centuries now. The first recorded nose job was done in Ancient Egypt but since then the cosmetic techniques were developed to a point where we can pretty much "change" any part of our bodies.

Over the past two years the number of cosmetic plastic surgeries has increased by 2,5%. But beauty doesn't come without any dangers. There are a lot of possible complications and we have all heard those dreadful stories about people that went too far with changing their looks.

However, I wanted to mention another "face" of plastic surgery for a second because there also are many heart-warming stories of people that suffered from terrible injuries in accidents and doctors were able to amazingly reconstruct their faces. 

One of the world's largest plastic surgery centers is actually...South Korea. There are over 500 plastic surgery clinics in Gangnam and the social pressure to undergo surgery is huge. There is an interesting project that shows women that have recently had such a procedure performed. Photos are meant to show the pain that they go through before becoming "perfect" women. I recommend   you  to check out all the photos and the article below.

There actually was a case of a Chinese man that sued his wife (and won), who had a plastic surgery before they met, for giving birth to ugly children. The overwhelming majority of patients hide the fact of having  plastic surgery  even from their families. The number of men that go under the knife is rising as well.

Western "Hollywood" society is obsessed with the idea of being perfect or rather looking perfect. Here is the photo of a couple of real life Barbie dolls (the girl is actually from Ukraine).

What do you guys think about this matter? I know that I presented some extreme examples but is it really the majority of cases? I met someone that had plastic surgery done and you couldn't even tell. People in our society are mostly split into two groups – those who are for it and those who are against it, but is it so wrong/vain to get a different nose or fewer wrinkles? I feel like it's really frowned upon and I'm very interested in your opinions.


My opinion on most of the topics is that extremes are wrong at least 90% of the times. It applies to this case as well. If a plastic surgery is to improve your life significantly then who am I to tell you can't do it. Just be careful...

You also mentioned the case of a man who sued his wife for giving birth to ugly children and actually not long ago I read an article debunking that story. (for example this one

It says that the woman is a Taiwanese model, Heidi Yeh, and that picture was used by some cosmetic clinics supposedly the caption says “The only thing you’ll ever have to worry about is how to tell the kids.”

It wasn't that bad until some tabloid claimed that Yeh and the guy were actually married and made up that whole story. Yeh claims that it ruined her career, no wonder to be honest.
Anyway it's on the Internet so it must be true. It's for you to decide what to believe.

Back to the subject - I think it's a little extreme to undergo thousands of surgeries just to look like a doll or your favourite celebrities. If someone does something like that... man, they've got some issues...

But for examples the women who get acid poured on their faces, everyone has heard of at least one such case, don't tell me you don't think they deserve a surgery to look normal again.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. I didn't realize that the story was fake and didn't see any information about that so thank you for pointing that out. While working on my article I just remembered that I've heard about this case and thought it would be a good addition.

I don't particularly think there is something wrong with getting plastic surgery. I think it's great that people after accidents are able to get their faces back to normal and I also don't really mind people getting cosmetic surgery simply because they want to change something. I just know that number of plastic surgeries is rising and it even became and addiction for some people. Some of them look worse after the procedure than before.
Unknown said…
I think plastic surgery is fine when you had an accident and you had the scars from that or if you have a disease that caused a changes in your appearance but i don't support people who do it just with his own vanity. In my opinion it's harder to accept yourself with all defects and when you must work on yourself, e.g. go to gym or eat properly. There are no perfect people and therefore we should learn to love ourselves as we are, so i think plastic surgery are doing yourself mentally weak people.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Yes, I have heard about it and it is really terrible for me. This trend increases at an alarming rate. When people decide to plastic surgery for their better appearance it is totally stupid in my opinion. But when people decide to reconstruct their faces it is great and really good idea. In this situation we should thank for the development on this field.

It's really funny that children of women who had plastic surgery were born ugly:) " My sweetheart, surprise!". This man have had a funny face, when he saw his daughter.

Oh my God! couple of real life Barbie dolls look like real dolls. They are unbelievable plastic.

There she totally look like doll:
Unknown said…
Thanks you for your comment.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment and link. Unfortunately the story about a woman giving birth to ugly children is untrue as Aleksandra mentioned above but I can imagine a situation like that happening ;) Why do you think it's stupid to undergo plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
It is unbelievable what decisions people make. I am absolutely against plastic surgeries in terms of changing your body just because you think something is not good in your opinion. I only can accept surgeries caused by defects that are dangerous for life. The same with people who suffer from defects that they born with.

When I see in media people who make tens or even hundreds of surgeries in purpose of looking like other person it makes me crazy. I am not only talking about shocking amounts of money - millions of dollars but also about risking life. I can not imagine that those people have such insecurities or they are looking for happiness in trying to be someone else’s copy.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. Here is a link to a couple of stories about people that wanted to look like their favorite celebrities.
Unknown said…
I really like your post! I had no idea that in Korea there is so much social pressure to go under cosmetic surgery. Photos are so confusing... It seems to be so awful when it's getting so common, so when you don't follow the pattern you are or you feel ugly :( I wonder whether people say that when a woman didn't have a surgery she is "untidy" (how to put 'zaniedbana' in english?)

In my opinion plastic surgery is something that shouldn't be overuse. There are some cases when it helps people to live normally. But very often plastic surgeries are made by people who don't need it at all. Maybe it helps them to accept their changed bodies and overall start a new life with self acceptance? What do you think, is this reason a good enough to make a plastic surgery?
I think my opinion is not going to be popular. :P

So far people comment they are against cosmetic surgeries. In my opinion, if you're unhappy with the certain thing in your appearance, there's nothing wrong in changing it - and it's none of other people's business. You don't change your appearance to please others, but to feel good about yourself and accept your body. There's nothing more important in life than feeling good about yourself. If you can achieve it without surgery - good for you! But if you're unable to - there's nothing wrong in changing your appearance if you have the possibility.

That being said, I think people should be careful with cosmetic surgeries. After all, they are surgeries - they interfere with your body and can be potentially dangerous if you choose some questionable clinic. I've heard stories about people who wanted to pay as little as possible for their surgeries and ended up looking worse than in the beginning.
I don't think vanity is the only reason people do this. I also don't think it's good to call them 'mentally weak'. Of course, it's great to accept yourself as you are, but it's just wrong to assume other people are inferior to you just because they make different decisions. They also shouldn't be looked down on. If they have problems accepting themselves, it certainly doesn't help if you mock them for having weak will.
Unknown said…
Thanks :) I also didn't realize that Korea was so obsessed with plastic surgery before writing the article.

I don't really have strong opinions about plastic surgery so thats why I wanted to hear opinions of others. I presented some extreme examples and as I thought plastic surgery is mostly frowned upon but I pretty much think that if people want to do it and can afford it I don't really care that much if that makes them happy. But it's questionable if that makes them beautiful. Maybe some people should be psychologically evaluated before surgery or there should be some more restrictions.
Unknown said…
I think you are the first one here to not be against ;) and as usual I agree with your opinion. I pretty much think that if people want to do it and can afford it I don't really care that much if that's what makes them happy. But maybe people should be psychologically evaluated before surgery because addiction to surgery isn't a good or safe thing.
In fact, from what I know, they are psychologically tested. :) I've seen few episodes of 'Sekrety chirurgii' and some of the patients are refused an operation if they suffer severe mental illnesses that influence their body image or if they are not sure whether an operation is what they really want. I think it's a good approach and should be practiced everywhere.
Unknown said…
Good to know ;)
Its shocking to see so many contemporary cases of plastic surgery today. The majority of them are made ,because of vanity. Today are huge market exists for plastic surgery customers. Many of them are not aware or do not take into consideration the after effects and repercussion.
Unknown said…
I can't really think of plastic surgery as something bad in general. The idea isn't wrong by itself, it's what people do with it... but yeah, we usually hear about the most disastrous examples.

Personally I'm not against the whole concept of plastic surgery. It can save lives of people who survived terrible accidents or who suffer from horrible diseases. Cosmetic surgery? I don't have a strong opinion about it. It should not be overused for sure, but it's not wrong either. When a person feels bad in their own body and has an urge (and resources) to change it then it's their choice. Other people shouldn't interfere as long as it's not harmful for that person.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately there are a lot of possible side effects after surgery and there are even cases of death after plastic surgeries.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I agree with everything you wrote ;)
The story of a lawsuit for ugly children was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title of your article;) The other thing was this lady who looks like a cat now.
Of course I have been thinking about changing some things in my appearance - we live in a society that creates beauty standards in Photoshop. We all know that but also we are constantly being compared to these posters full of long legs, silky smooth skin, perfect noses and teeth. I think it is harmful to the self-esteem of a lot of people and there should be some rules restricting the interference in a photo.
There are more and more procedures that are treated differently than just 'for beauty reasons' - braces (periodontitis, teeth abrasion), orthognatic surgery (same reasons), boob job (spinal problems) - they may all be performed due to health reasons. I also agree that the use of plastic surgery for face reconstructions is a pretty fantastic part of this. I think that people should learn not to shame the ones that have decided to undergo a beauty surgery. But also we have to pay more attention to the natural beauty and compliment it so that no one will think they NEED to get a nose/boob job to finally be accepted by others.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, everything is for the people.

I see nothing wrong in the fact that someone feels bad with some part of his body and wants to change it. As a result, he feels more confident and happy. If something gives happiness why not to do it?

If we are talking about plastic surgeries, they are surely very important for people who have had an accident. Those kind of treatments changes people’s lives, they get become more confident and open to new friendships. This is incredibly important part of, fast growing, medicine nowadays.

Of course, everything we do must be done in moderation. We must remember that it's easy to overdo and worsen your appearance. I do not support a complete change appearance or copying appearance of famous people.
Unknown said…
Whatever the case is, I'm never against until the golden mean is crossed. Same, when it comes to the plastic surgerie. One little change can be a huge difference for the patient's attitude to life and it can really make this person happy. I mean the situation when the person isn't satisfied with particular part of the body and nothing stands on the way to change it.
Let's be honest - everyone likes to be beautiful. When the nature didn't give us this pretty face and perfect body that we're dreaming about, why can't we change it when we've got the opportunity!? Some people claim that the naturalness is the most atractive factor but seriously, until you're natural beauty, it doesn't work out. Also, I consider as a stictly harmful the theorem that beauty excludes intellect. Seriously, bigger lips doesn't decrease the IQ.
Of course, there are numerous cases when people overuse the plastic surgery (it is easy to notice by for example going to night clubs in big cities like Warsaw or visiting gossip websites) but still, are we allowed to criticize their looks if they are satisfied with their appeariance?
Unknown said…
For me this topic is very narrow. You should use plastic surgery when your body has been damaged or when you were born with some "body defect". But why do people change their appearance? Because of people who don't accept them as they are. We just should find other friends who will accept us rather then "buying" new boobs or mouth. Every single person is different in some way so why we are trying to become identical through plastic surgery? Do we really have to push our body soo hard to join Pamela Anderson hall of plastic surgery fame?
Unknown said…
Check out the comment of Aleksandra Grigorian. Unfortunately the story about the lawsuit appears to be fake. Nevertheless I think it could be possible for a a case like that to happen when plastic surgery is so common in Asia.

The article says that the woman is a Taiwanese model, Heidi Yeh, and that picture was used by some cosmetic clinics:
The caption is supposed to say “The only thing you’ll ever have to worry about is how to tell the kids.”

What rules should there be to restrict Photoshop use in your opinion?
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment :) I agree
Unknown said…
I don't think we should criticize their choices but we don't have to like/find appealing their new look. Everybody has a different taste ;)

I'm not into going to clubs, do you really see a lot of "unnatural" people in Warsaw clubs?
Unknown said…
From what I've read it's mostly about self acceptance and not the acceptance of others. Most people hide the fact of having had plastic surgery even from their families and they just want to feel better just for themselves.

Check out this article:
Unknown said…
I agree with Patrycja. From what I've read it's mostly about self acceptance and not the acceptance of others. Most people hide the fact of having had plastic surgery even from their families and do it for themselves.

Check out this article:
Unknown said…
I think that plastic surgery is a great tool especially for people who have their bodies deformed by an accident. I can also understand people who suffer mentally because of their protruding ears, gibbous nose etc. But I don’t understand why people overuse plastic surgeries to look young as long as it’s possible. When it comes to me, I’ve never thought about doing plastic surgery.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment :)
Oh no, this story was so funny:<
Well, I think that the first thing to do is to make "PHOTOSHOPPED" caption mandatory. It may be as annoying as the cookies information but now we know that every website collects them, right?;)
The other is to make more videos like this: It is a Dove campaign showing the evolution of a photo from a raw shot to a poster.
Unknown said…
I agree that plastic surgery is very helpful in case when you have some body defects or when you body has damaged by the accident. It can help you to be a "normal" person and not to have an inferiority complex. But I'm definitely against to overuse the plastic surgery, I think when a person overuse it it becomes like a kind of dependence. It will be very good if the one of the mandatory terms to do a plastic surgery will be an approval of the psychologist.
Julia Osiak said…
I also agree with Patrycja's opinion - if someone wants to undergo a plastic surgery procedure, it is their body and their choice. For many it is a way if coming to terms with one's appearance and accepting oneself. I see nothing wrong with getting a nose job if it would make the person happy. Not to mention the reconstructive plastic surgery, that allows many patients to live a normal life. It's amazing what we can achieve in this field.
I do however think that the scale of popularity that is visible in Korea is alarming. Nobody should feel the social pressure to go under the knife, it should be a well thought out decision.
Michal Kulesza said…
I also partially agree - everything is for the people and can be used - but wisely. I've read some research that stated that 70% of 'plastic surgeries' are performed because of mental problems, not because of health issues.

You can still have 'plastic surgery' for medical reasons, like deviated septum (in your nose) but I agree that nowadays this kind of surgeries is too popular.

One sentence that I really liked in this topic is:
There are no ugly people, there are only too poor.

Also I remember when I was younger my grandma watched The Bold & The Beatuiful (Moda na sukces) - It's now available on - if you remember the cast you should watch it for a minute - they haven't changed. they are not eaging - and I can't believe it's pure natural :)
Michal Kulesza said…
Cheapest plastical surgeries are performed in Venezuela and Brazil as far as I know and most popular surgeries there are brests & butt implants.
Everyone knows what 'Brazil Butt' means and after we realize that it's fake - well, I've lost one postiive side of visiting Brazil.
Unknown said…
Plastic surgery is a great opportunity for all those who suffered in the accident or from birth have some defects. Only in such situations I support the conduct of plastic surgery. I don't understand people who do plastic surgery just because they want to be 'more beautiful'. Moreover, total folly for me is to do surgery to resemble to someone.
Aleksander M said…
Nothing wrong with it if you ask me. If such surgery makes somebody feel better about themselves and their bodies, why would I be concerned about it?

Also - plastic surgeries are the fad of the '00s, and I do believe that in 20-30 years from now (if not even faster) cybernetics are going to be an equivalent of that. That should make things even more interesting :)
Unknown said…
For me plastic surgeries are just another form of progress in medicine. If a person feels uncomfortable with something in their looks, I don't see why they shouldn't change it. Obviously, I don't think it's fine to cross a certain line - extremeties like barbie - people or the cat lady are examples of plastic surgery gone too far. What I think would be a good idea is to make everyone attempting to get a serious plastic surgery done consult a psychologist before they do so, and if they still decide to do it - their body is just as much theirs as the money they want to spend on surgeries.
Another problem related to this toppic are unrealistic beauty standards created by media. Those standards certainly don't help the problem of overly extensive body modifications and plastic surgeries.
Unknown said…
Every man is the architect of his own fate, and do what believes is best for him/her. So if anyone wants to make a plastic surgeon - why not? For some people it might help with feeling OK with their own body - what is really good and for others it's a way of expressing yourself. Plus it helps recover people after fatal body/face damage.
Unknown said…
Nowadays plastic surgery are becoming more and more available even for average people and so more people decide to change something in their bodies.
I think, that some people need plastic surgery if they really feel bad with their defects. Some people have a reason to have complexes. in this case, I believe that plastic surgery can help and I don’t see nothing wrong in it. I fthink that the plastic surgery are bad when they are vain and blind pursuit of perfection that show us media.
Unknown said…
Nowadays plastic surgery are becoming more and more available even for average people and so more people decide to change something in their bodies.
I think, that some people need plastic surgery if they really feel bad with their defects. Some people have a reason to have complexes. in this case, I believe that plastic surgery can help and I don’t see nothing wrong in it. I fthink that the plastic surgery are bad when they are vain and blind pursuit of perfection that show us media.
I think that it really depends on you and what would you like to change in yourself. Of course there are some extreme cases like this in the article but most of the cases you cannot even tell if somebody had this plastic surgery or not. In most cases it helps people to overcome their fears and just to feel better. And when it is a small change I would say why not? Of course in most cases it just do not ends on one plastic surgery. When somebody does it probably he/she would like to do it again to look even better. And that is all right until it becomes an obsession and then we see really bad looking faces. I always wonder if those people have mirrors in houses? Because I can nt imagine going out looking like this because in most cases it is just disgusting. I do not understand this willingness to stay young and beautiful forever. I think you should get older with dignity and being proud of how you look becasue time it is something you just cannot stop. So the easy way it is just not to fight it.
Stef said…
And yet now that you know you still won't remove it from your article. Proof that you are extremely unreliable, unprofessional and dishonest.
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