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Week 6 (20.04-26.04) Stereotypes

"To gain an understanding of the world we need to make use of stereotypes"

The term "stereotype" is for sure commonly known, but just to make it clear - the dictionary stands that it's a thought construction which contains of a generalization and simplified convicion about different phenomenon, including nations, social groups etc.

We say that the new generation has already got rid of creating stereotypes which can be really harmful or at least unpleasant. But is it really true? Lets start with the origins of stereotypes. They might be preconceived by the individual as a ruling truth. People accept them even without realizing that their minds are ruled by the truth imposed by the society. Second way is to gain them with experience. People make their own image of the whole, based on the adverse experience with the particular individual. Stereotypes are usually created because of the lack of knowledge about some particular issue. It can (and usually does) increase the hostility towards the stereotyped nation. How many times have you heard about the agression towards someone caused by the fake convicion about some characteristics impacted in advance?

On the other hand can you imagine the world deprived of the stereotypes? People too often associate stereotype only with its negative/pejorative tone, so let's look at this issue from another perspective. How can we create our own imagine of the world without bearing in mind all generalizations that we hear? I don't consider it as an exaggeration when we say that it's our natural spontaneous ability which has a strictly cognitive function. The pace with our generation has to live is so high that generalizations and stereotypes just simplifies it and thereby let us quickly judge the surrounding. The world is too complicated to present the differentiated attitude in regard to the same incentives. It simply means that people have limited ability to process the date therefore they use cognitive shortcuts - stereotypes.

"The concepts provide us with the useful hints, thanks to them we don't have to think about the next step while walking." (souce: Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 1997, s.132)

One of the effect of the categorization, which is the foundation of the stereotypes, was subjected to the experiment:

Randomly chosen people were divided into the small gropus, due to the some prosaic reasons like their art taste or simply by coin toss. It was proven that they were perceiving the members of their own group as much smarter, more kind and generally better than the ones outside their group, although they didn't even have chance to get into any interactions with each other. That's the example of how people treat what's "THEIRS" and how they respond to the "OUTSIDERS".


Unknown said…
I think that some stereotypes are still standing strong but with time people will get pass them. I'm glad that nowadays society is becoming more and more accepting and tolerant but people all over the world still "cultivate" some stereotypes. One of the sadder examples is police brutality in United States that occurs more often in regard to black people (than to white people) and they are still portrayed by many people as a second class citizens with no education and "prison background". People are still questioning Barack Obama's birth certificate and if he truly was born in United States and in this year's election one the candidates if from Canada (Ted Cruz) and that's not a problem just because he's white. So the racism is still strong and because of that so are the stereotypes.
Unknown said…
I've recently read 'To kill the Mockingbird' and I have to admit that in comparison with the racial discrimination that is showed in the novel (the action is set in the 30s), the USA has definitely moved into direction of the equality! But yes, I totally agree that there's still a lot to do in this field.
Unknown said…
I think stereotypes will exist forever, every single can became less strong in course of time but it still will exist.
As I am a foreigner here in Poland I can still feel it myself. I know that here in Warsaw are many people from Ukraine and Russia, especially this year them became much more and not every person has special powers of intellect, I ashamed them . Unfortunately I noticed that Poles cannot get difference between Russian and Ukrainian as well. So when Poles see some crazy people talking Russian or Ukrainian and behaving themselves not very good, they can easily think that every Ukrainian or Russian is the same. Some days ago my friend has a sad experience, that one woman in metro started talking some bad thing about all those foreigners from Ukraine.
It is also a kind of stereotype, isn't it?
IzabelaSzumen said…
When i was small child like 5 years old, me and my family were by the sea. It was the first time I learned about stereotypes and prejudices (not to nationality, but social groups). We were passing a group of punks, playing guitars and so on :)and my dad said - "do not come to them, they are suffer from AIDS for sure"... And it was first moment in my life when knew that my dad just do not know what he is talking about. Then there was many similar situations " gypsies are thieves", "radical football fans beat and rape people as the Cossacks" :) any way, when i was really small girl I was frightened about my parents fear of so many types of people, so I decided that i have to meet and make friends with all of them to form my own opinion. So after all, if there is much more people like me I hope that someday it might be better in this field.
IzabelaSzumen said…
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Unknown said…
I wish to know on how many stereotypes do I believe in.

The problem is that nowadays we possess a lot of information that, we, in general, have no confirmation regarding it's reliability. Internet access and mass media reach many of us, who, for example, just seek entertainment. We watch videos and read articles not even knowing that information presented may represent some stereotypes. This happens every day, without our knowledge.
I find stereotypes useful sometimes i.e. when I want to learn something new it's always easier to assimilate stereotypes at first, because usually those are easy to associate with the things we learn about, no matter if it is about other culture, another subject etc., however, I have to be careful there, because even though stereotypes are easy to learn it is also easy to get used to them and rely on them rather than develop myself and expand my knowledge.
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Neutral stereotypes, the ones being a cognitive function and not a judgmental one, are a part of our being; however, the "bad" ones are totally frustrating and I really hate them.

I agree with Paulina that the general trend is improving; however, there is still so much hate and injustice in our reality, caused by prejudice and stereotypes. It may seem that racial discrimination has decreased, but the recent Ferguson case proves otherwise. Some people still believe in some totally dumb stereotypes about women (I've read some comments on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign going like "a woman president? what if she has PMS and causes a global war by her emotional instability?"). And I think in Poland there are loads of negative stereotypes and prejudices about LGBT people - I have some friends that are homosexual and have to stand countless comments about themselves. Moreover, there are recent cases of transgender teenagers that commited suicide because of their surrounding's reactions or even their parents'.

I think stereotypes are really frustrating, really dumb and sometimes totally illogical, and should be fought, because their consequences can be tragic.
Anonymous said…
Judging by appearance and prejudice are a natural, healthy cognitive procecesses which are designed to protect us. Sometimes stereotypes can be harsh towards other people but if we loose ability to judge people and their intentions instantly it could get us in lots of trouble.
Anonymous said…
As far as I know even if Obama was born in Kenya it wouldn't be a problem as he still would be natural born citizen as USA constitution demands. USA would use a strong republican(not Cruz) as next president instead of another socialist.
Unknown said…
I think that for many years we will fight against stereotypes. And most likely they never we fight. Stereotypes are everywhere in proverbs, phrases which we often use. I think that it is clear from education. In each country, the culture of raising children differently, other values them forward. And I think that this is a problem. People have problems with accepting other behaviors, often strange and incomprehensible. Created divisions in the cities, countries and on the world. And as long as each country has its own culture, by which they take care - divisions will not go away.
Unknown said…
I think that stereotypes are too strong to disappear, as you mention. It is how we see the world, we need simplifications to make it more coherent. Stereotypes are simplifications - we feel like we know things or people without precise knowledge and we don't feel lost anymore.
Unknown said…
My teacher told that stereotypes are for narrow-minded people, in my opinion the majority of people are conformists and they do the same what other people do but on the other hand there are a lot of individuals. Every person is different and doesn't behave like others.
Unknown said…
Nowadays we are more tolerant then 20 years ago. I don’t think that Polish nation is intolerant. We can’t avoid judging others because we will always do it, sometimes more sometimes less. I think that stereotypes are useful like Magdalena Gawęcka said. We can learn something from different of culture. Maybe one day we will be someone who creates new trends and people will follow us.
Unknown said…

I think that world without stereotypes will never exist. In my opinion every person believes in some kind of stereotypes. It is sad but it is really hard to not think about them. However, the good thing is, as many of you have said before, that our society becomes more and more tolerant and open-minded.
I have recently read very interesting article about a transsexual man that will probably occur on the Men’s Health cover, first time ever! Men’s Health is the most popular lifestyle magazine for men. They regularly present their readers on their covers who tell their stories about their healthy and fit lifestyle. If you live this kind of lifestyle you can send your application on their website. Then Internet users vote for people whom they like best and want to see on the cover. Aydian Dowling, this transsexual man, leads with over 43 thousand votes! The second competitor has them less than 10 thousand votes… I think that this excellent example which shows that our community is developing and changing in a good, positive way.
Unknown said…
Stereotypes don’t appear out of nowhere and have serious and reasonable origins in most cases. Some of them are not very prominent e.g. claiming that person who looks like Mexican must be a big fan of burrito. Other stereotypes play an important role. The picture you posted on the top says “Muslims are not all terrorists”. Right, but when we look at statistics of terrorist attacks we can clearly see that most of them are conducted by Muslims. And that is enough to be suspicious against all of them.
Unknown said…
Actually, I'm not pro thinking is stereotype way in treat them in perojative way, but... when I'm travelling around the Europe and I'm meeting a lot of people I think that some stereotype thinking about people from particular part of world is like I'm expecting. Last month I was in Macedonia and we were making dumpligs with one German guy, one Jewish guy whose grandparents was born in Poland and three Polish girls :) German guy was trying very hard, Jewish guy was trying to avoid each responsibility and doing nothing. The stereotype of Jewish people is that they do not like working. I am trying to not access people but sometimes stereotypes make that when I see specific behaviour of person and it cover with stereotype I have a vision of this person suggested by stereotype. Finally, because of out hardworking dumplings was deliciouse :)
Unknown said…
I think stereotypes are part of human nature and we can't get rid of them. From early ages, when people were telling myths or legends, there were using specific representation of heroes, like archetypes. We just should stay open-minded and remember that every person is different and we shouldn't judge book by it's cover.
In my opinion we shouldn't judge people by primate of stereotypes, because every person is different and by judge them by stereotypes we can make huge mistake. There is sentence which is referring to it "don't judge book by its cover" and I agree in 100% with this, because we should try to learn something more about person/topic before we make any judgment. Personally I'm always trying to think from perspective of person with whom I talk or meet thanks to that I'm able to better understand this person and I'm not using stereotypes.
Unknown said…
I think that I'm quite tolerant person, at least I'm trying to be. Of course it's not possible to avoid using stereotypes on a daily basis, but always when I realize that my actions are led by some generalizations or stereotypes, I'm trying to make myself thinking clearly and logically. On the other hand years ago, a women asked me for some money in front of the supermarket. That was the first (and last) time I helped such person. She stole my wallet. Since that situation I think that when we see some 'representant' of the nation that is considered to be all thieves or generally dangerous there's nothing wrong in keeping our things more closely to us or just simply to be careful. I'm not saying that this representant is really as it looks like but we don't know it before we get to know this person.
Unknown said…
Great video. I have never seen it before. You’re totally true. We say that we are without stereotypes but unfortunately it isn’t. We are steeped of stereotypes. It is very deeply rooted in our subconscious. It is really sad. We hurt people and after it our eyes are opened.
You’re also right when you talk about associating stereotype. I, like most of the people, associated stereotypes rather only with its pejorative tone.
This experiment great show how the man function. Unfortunately this show all about us.
Hard to make it up but I’m afraid that stereotypes and their pejorative face will be exist till the world ends.
World would be too beautifull if all people would live in love and peace. So for the balance will be like now.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I agree with you. I think everyone hears such common stereotypes from parents and it's really good when you decide to form your own opinion, not parents' one.
I know a few stereotypes, some of them are the true, but to be honest, in every think there are exception.
Nice example are bullys. In most cases when I see such a people, stereotype confirms.
That guys have skin head, dressed in sportswear, misbehave and dangerous.
Sometimes it doesn’t work, one of my friends looks exactly like bully, but if try to speak with him you will be surprised as far as he is nice man.
Unknown said…
stereotypes do not come from nowhere, ofc there are many exceptions, but entirety they are very close to truth. We can disagree with them, but unfortunatelly, there is nothing we can do about them
Michal Kulesza said…
Actually many of the stereotypes are true. Human's mind is not good enough to perceive everything 'as it is' so we tend to generalize things - that's how stereotypes are created. As Magdalena wrote they are really useful when we need to learn new things - they allow us to learn it faster.

Definitely some stereotypes can be harmful so we should be careful about them.
Unknown said…
Stereotypes and generalizations often leads to many misunderstandings and unpleasant situations. Even though it is obvious it is hard to get rid of the stereotypical thinking. This is due to human nature.

Personally I think that judging people without knowing them well is wrong. I always try not to use stereotypes.
MartaSB said…
I believe most stereotypes will stay alive because it's easy for people to categorize everything. For sure it's more difficult to get to know people and then form opinion about them than to just copy what someone else have said. Going with stereotypes can lead to really unfair judgements.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I also agree with what most of You said. Stereotypes can lead to unfair judgements, misunderstandings, unpleasant situations. But one another hand we all know how hard is NOT to categorize people and think about them according to those stereotypes we know, we are comfortable with.
Unknown said…
I agree with other comments, that stereotypes are too strong to disappear. I don't like them, and I live with an idea "don't judge a book by its cover". In my opinion, these days people are more tolerant and they don't judge people as in the past. I don't understand racism because in my opinion everybody is the same.
I really don't like stereotypes. Unfortunately I think that we can't get rid of them. I also hate it how they even influence the law in some ways. People looking with disapproval at someone who is different race, sex or nationality is one thing, but it is extremely wrong when someone wins or looses a case in the court because of a stereotype.
Julia Osiak said…
Stereotypes are a form of our inner mechanism for coping with the unknown. I'm not saying that I like them or that they are good, but I can somehow understand why and how they can be formed. Some of the most common stereotypes are hurtful and derogatory, but there also are some that give positive opinions. The word stereotype itself has a pretty negative vibe to it...
Unknown said…
Stereotypes can be harmful but often are not based on nothing. I try not to think about others using any kind of stereotypes but sometimes you just can't stop it. And I believe you shouldn't. But always you should know when you do that and controll it.
Unfortunately stereotypes are here to stay, it's just human nature in my opinion.
We tend to generalize as a species and our first impressions often dictate later thoughts and opinions about someone/something.
Having said that not all stereotypes are bad, sometimes they can help us to at least know what to expect from a person of a diffeerent culture for example.
Of course I'm not talking about extremely offensive stereotypes that were born from plain hatred to other people/races.
rf. said…
Is it just me or is the formatting of this article kind of annoying? :<

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