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Week 6 (20.04-26.04) Innovative training methods

Warm up. Lift. Do cardio. Stretch. Does it sound familiar? It surely does if you are a gym freak. That's a simple summary of an average workout routine. But what when it gets too routine? Nowadays there are so many opportunities that whatever comes to your mind - it already probably exists. The list presented  below can refresh your workout and you'll finally be able to get rid of the monotonous training plan.

Spikes of electricity - a perfect way to get quickly in shape

In 2014 BodyLab Fitness studio was opened in Warsaw and it enabled Poles to finally try innovative training which boomed in Western countries years ago. But let's go to the heart of the popularity of this program. Bodylab is a high-tech and modern program which relies on phenomenon consists spikes of electricity. Single training lasts only 20 minutes and what's the most shocking - it substitutes long hours spent in  the gym. As the creators of this idea claim, this kind of training is much more efficient and less time has to be devoted to keep in shape in comparison with the common exercises. Doesn't it sound convincing yet? You don't have to be a professional sportsman to take advantage of it. Total beginners train in exactly the same way as the ones that have done it for years and, what's the most important, there are no muscle sores even after the heaviest training. 

Bikram Yoga

Nowadays we live in intimidating pace, stress is an inseparable part of our lives. Surely some of us are looking for relief in exercises - it's known as the best way to fight the stress and rest after a busy day. Yoga, well-known for its relaxing properties, has been just taken on to the next level. Bikram Yoga is a set of 26 postures and lasts 90 minutes. In this time the participants are able to burn from 500 to even 1300 kcal! The unusual thing that lets us distinguish between Yoga and Bikram Yoga is the temperature of the room - in that kind of yoga it reaches about 41*C! Additional advantages: increased detoxification of  organism due to high temperature, increased range of flexibility, better blood circulation.



Unknown said…

I'm not really into exercising at all and it always bored me. For the last month I have been doing some sit-ups (just to move a bit more) and after two weeks it became unbearably boring (even though I watch something in the meantime). I didn't stop, but that's why I hated PE at school, we only played volleyball or basketball (I don't like team sports either) or did sit-ups, pull-ups etc. I'm a quite thin and active person so I never really cared that much about it and nowadays I ride my bike, I go swimming or occasionally exercise at home or I would gladly take up a dance class (I have been looking for a way to move more, because I sit a quite a lot but as I've said I'm not into typical exercises) but I can't imagine myself at the gym. However I must say the exercises with the spikes of electricity sound pretty interesting because they are so efficient. I wonder if that's much more expensive than a normal gym?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Unfortunately as it's a pretty new thing in our country and still rather rare, the prices are significantly higher than when it comes to the usual gym. Here you can check it out:
Unknown said…
I am a follower of traditional methods of training, such as cardio training and weight training. But I am not against yoga and stretching, they are necessary as well.
All these trainings are the base and that's it, your body doesn't need anything else.
IzabelaSzumen said…
I think that this is all completely unnecessary, I am an enthusiast of having a dog to run with in the park, cycling, climbing trees, walking around the city on your feet :), dancing. Try it, normal life is a fitness too.
IzabelaSzumen said…
IzabelaSzumen said…
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Unknown said…
I believe the BodyLab program can help you achieving great effects regarding your muscles, but there are other important aspects of excercising.

You won't be able to use your muscles in everyday activities properly without using them in different activities before. You also won't be aware of your strength which may cause some problems when trying to swap from electric to normal training.

I don't know about metabolism but it looks to me that your metabolism might also not be as well maintained as in regards to the traditional training.

During traditional cardio (e.g. running) you also sweat, and learn how to breathe, extending the capacity of your lungs. Does this also apply to the "electrical" training?
I'm kind of oldschool person. We shouldn't go crazy about living faster and faster, some things should be done with proper respect and not in a hurry. I take pleasure from exercising and enjoy that moment. I treat those days during which I do exercises as a relief from reality and as a reflection moment. I found an interesting site with 28 most innovative gyms in America which is quite recommendable :)
To be honest, I do excercise, but I really hate it. People keep on talking how excercises release endorphins etc etc, but I feel very unhappy every time I go to the gym, and cardio is my worst nightmare xD

However, I don't believe in miracles and even though I'm curious about BodyLab method and its results, I wouldn't pay that much just to try it. If it would cost the equivalent of 'normal' gym card, I would probably try it.

As to bikram yoga, I've tried 'normal' yoga and it didn't really convince me - most of the time the poses were just plainly uncomfortable. I didn't feel that "stretching" ache in my muscles, but rather something similar to waking up after sleeping in uncomfortable position. And excercising in such heat sounds like a nightmare xD

Have you tried any of these methods?
Anonymous said…
First thought: TV Market. These "wonderful" devices were sold since mid 90's by all sorts of tv shops. I am not convinced that thay can do any good,
Unknown said…
Personally I do not like to exercise. For me, they are boring and repetitive I never see the point in them. Once I tried to go to the gym and fitness, but soon gave up.

Personally I prefer a more concrete forms of training. I danced jazz long and it was perfect for me. I saw the effects on my body as well as the movements that I did. And of course I saw the sense in what I am doing.
Unknown said…
To be honest I find it really weird... I love ny workouts and I would never change it into this.
I guess exercising in 40 degrees is nothing nice and electricity making all the work for you? Definitely not an option for me...
Unknown said…
I am totally gym freak. I love going to my gym. I use for my workout traditional machines but I am open to new form training method. I appreciate every way to lose weight and build body. Being fit is really cool. We want to see effects in short time, maybe these methods give us change to get fit body faster than old training.
Unknown said…
I prefer doing the exercise rather then use some super trendy electronic products. I don’t trust them. I attend to the gym and I really enjoy it. I feel better and I have a lot energy for the rest of day. Doing exercises makes my mood better and I feel great. I don’t believe that yoga works because I have never seen anybody who does it good. One of the super effective methods to make your body stronger is attending to pole dance lessons. You can build your muscles and lose a lot of weight. It is not only about erotic dance that most people think when they hear about it but it is a great way to make your body strong and beautifule.
Unknown said…
I love to exercise and I cannot imagine my life without it. I would love to add trainings in BodyLab to my daily workout routine but unfortunately it is very expensive. I checked on their website that the cheapest option costs 750zl and it is just 8 workouts ( Also, in my opinion exercising not only shapes your body but also your mind. When you are able to overcome your physical obstacles at the gym it is easier to solve problems at work because you feel more confident and stronger. And as Kasia Przybysz said, you just feel happier after a good challenging workout. I do not think that thanks to spikes of electricity you will feel that way.
Unknown said…
I’m not convinced when it comes to training with electric spikes. I’m sure that it stimulates muscles very well but what about skeleton? Bones gets weaker when we don’t supply enough amount of congestions.
Unknown said…
I like sport and I can not imagine my life without excercising. I am trying to go minimum twice to gym but sometimes I do not so much time and I can not do this. But always I am trying to choose moving on the fresh air e.g. I prefer to go to work 2 or 3 distance of bustops on foot than going bus. Despite this I love dance and everything connected with it. Connecting to your article for example Bikram Yoga will be nice adventure for me but I think that for a long distance I do not feel good in such temperature.
I never had a opportunity to try innovative training methods mentioned in this article. In my opinion if those methods can help people it's great, but personally I rather prefer traditional way of doing exercises. I really like doing traditional exercises it's help me to improve my body. I really enjoy doing exercises like for example pushups, pull-ups, running and riding bicycle.
Unknown said…
I like physical activity so spikes of electricity are totally weird idea. I’m not a fan of yoga as well. Doing exercises in 40 degrees is equally bad in my opinion. I have no idea who use method from your article. I think that are many kinds of physical activity: Gym, fitness, zumba, rumba and bachata, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Your methods are very weird between them. To be fit you can dance, you can have a great fun and it mustn't be torture so I don’t understand for what we must use spikes of electricity. Ok, result is great in short time but I have a question. What effect is it for our health? Is it healthy? I don't think. But maybe I'm mistaken?
On the other hand I’m a fan of the physical activity outside. Ok, body shape = gym, but our health need a lot of fresh air. We should remember it.
Unknown said…
I'm a total gym freak! Unfortunately now when I'm
older I can't spend so much time on the gym but when I was in high school I used to be there about 5 times a week. I've always been very active, currently I simply go running every time I has a break between work and school. It lets me save a lot of time as I don't have to go anywhere, just put some trainers and go. I think that when someone is bored with usual trainings and can afford things like these mentioned in the presentation, that's totally okay, any training is better than no training, I'd also like to try it but now, the usual trainings are enough for me.
New style of trainings is only a new style of earning money. Only because of people laziness we are creating a new ways to make ourselves to do exercises.
I’ll tell 2 thinks:
- Watch film “Rocky” and think about that philosophy.
- If you really want to looks nice and be healthy – go to the gym and make it like made Arny!
No pain - no gain. Only old school, only hardcore!
Unknown said…
1. For me its just another great marketing ploy - an easy way to earn money on people who are to lazy to go on proper training. If you are too lazy to work hard on gym - you dont deserve to be fit (and good looking).
2. Every training should be personalized - we all are different. "Universal training plan" does not exsist - if we want to achieve sth we need to observe our body and see what's best for it.
Michal Kulesza said…
First idea reminds me 'ab gymnic' from TV Ads. It is tool that according to the advertisment it could replace whole gym and training - you just had to purchase it and use 30 days every day. It was ment to stimulate your muscles using electrical impulses.

I think that Birkam Yoga is not for me - I don't like high temperatures and to work out I definitely need air conditioning :)

Have you tried any of these?
Unknown said…
I'm a fan of traditional training methods. I love going to my gym and spend there free time. Training in the gym makes me forget about everyday problems and gives me a lot of energy.

I never had the opportunity to try innovative training methods. Maybe because I don't fully trust these solutions.
MartaSB said…
I'm quite comfortable with conventional ways of training. To be in shape I prefer swimming, doing team sports, riding a bike. I do ashtanga yoga, but I believe it's rather to warm up/chill out than to build muscles, burn calories etc. I like to have fresh air in the room when I'm training, so I think it can be a bit uncomfortable to train in high temperature.
Unknown said…
I prefer classical training, especially HIIT and endurance workouts. I rode a bike a lot about 4 years ago. I love it, I took part in a lot of races, sometimes I won them. Now I want to ride a bike more, because for the past 4 years I have rarely done it. I don't trust in all these electronic devices which you describe in article.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Im not into all those new and "fancy" training methods and programms. I belive in pure and hard work with Your own body weight - Calisthenics.

Nowadays most of training programms focus on making money. Nothing more.
Birkam Yoga isn't my thing too. I've never been to flexible:p
I think that experimenting with new ways to improve training (or almost anything else for that metter) is good. However, it also leads to some really wierd and dangerous practises. I'm not sure about this electricity business and its possible long term side effects - I would be carefull and read some articles before signing up for it. There is also one more new and fancy method of training I am not sure about - crossfit. As far as I know it entails training really hard even until you vomit - I'm not an expert but it doesn't sound too safe for me.
Julia Osiak said…
Oh that was interesting! I heard about bikram yoga before, but since I've never tried any form of yoga I didn't give it much thought. The electricity training sounds just... weird and scary... If I had a chance I would give it a try but only out of pure curiosity, I don't really believe in its effectiveness. For me the best form of exercise is working with your own body and overcoming your weaknesses.
rf. said…
I'm not sure if I'd trust such innovative techniques. When it comes to such a delicate matters as health I prefer to stick to known methods (train hard lol) rather than try something that I'm not sure is 100% safe.
Unknown said…
Hmm... I believe I just stick with more traditional methods. Some running in the forest I live in [sic!], some push ups and some rower training. It composes my week. I don't feel the need for yoga and for sure I don't feel the need for attacking my body with micro paralyzers 'like they do in the west'.
I'm not convinced by any technological tweaks to training/working out.
In my opinion working out, because of its nature (exhausting, takes time to see the effects), not only helps you to stay fit but also builds your character.
I think that training the old fashioned way can help you in many areas of your day to day life (both physical and psychological), it doesn't help you only to lose weight.
On the other hand, for professional athletes it may prove useful and provide them with an advantage over other competitors that use the old fashioned ways.
Unknown said…
I like traditional traning. The perfect example is Navy Seals Special Forces training. It is focused on building strenght and general body condition. This type of training you have presented is completly not my style. I prefer using only my own body weight. Spikes of electricity I don't get it. But the yoga style looks interesting. It seems to be helpful for buisness lifestyle. As you've wrote for better blood circulation and stress condition. I believe it would be good to release our bodies from toxins and get it more flexible. It would also make us feel better.

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