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Week 6 (20.04-26.04) Coffee


Loved by a lot of people and probably hated by as many, coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Everyone must have heard about it at least once and probably tasted it too. It's a bitter drink containing caffeine, sometimes consumed with milk, sometimes with sugar (or both) and a variety spices like cinammon or cardamon.

A coffee plant is an evergreen bush or tree that can grow up to 3 meters. It requires specific conditions and prefers high altitudes, but it doesn't tolerate freezing temperatures, so it's quite difficult to cultivate. The biggest producers of coffee are Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia and Ethiopia. All of them are located in the so-called Bean Belt which is an area between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer where coffee plants thrive.

Coffee berries/ cherries

A bit of history

There is a very well known legend about the discovery of coffee. It tells a story of an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi who noticed one day that his goats became very lively and jumped all the time after eating berries from a certain bush. Curious about it, Kaldi ate the berries himself and this way he discovered their energizing quality.
It is unknown when and where exactly coffee was started to be grown, but the first documented signs of this activity come from the 15th century Yemen. Coffee cultivation and beans distribution was monopolized by the Yemenis of that time until a man named Baba Budan stole the bushes and fled with them to India.

Coffee arrived to Europe in the 17th century thanks to widely-spread trading connections Venice had with the Muslim world. At first Europeans had mixed feelings about the drink, some even called it the bitter invention of Satan, but this did not stop the opening of the first coffee house in Europe, in Rome in 1645, and spreading coffee to the rest of the continent.

Coffee Species & Roasts

Arabica (Coffea Arabica)
Grown in Latin America, India, Africa and Indonesia. It's very difficult to cultivate and harvest because it needs high altitudes, takes long to ripen and must be hand-picked at the right moment. Yet it's the most popular (70% of the coffee bean market) and most prized from the species used in coffee production. The famous and most expensive coffee in the world, the Kopi luwak is made mostly from Arabica beans eaten by civets.

Robusta (Coffea Robusta)
Grown mainly in Africa, but also in India and South East Asia. It can be grown at lower altitudes and is less susceptible to disease, so it can be planted in areas where it's impossible to cultivate Arabica. It contributes to 25% of coffee bean production in the world and considered lower in quality by most. Usually used in instant coffee which you can find in almost every shop.

Liberica (Coffea liberica)
I must say I've never heard about this species before, but it's not that surprising because Liberica contributes to only 2% of world's coffee production. Similarly to Robusta, it's more resistant to vermin and diseases and can be grown on lower altitudes. It's native in central and western Africa.

There are three main roasts based on the color of beans. The Light roasts, as you probably guessed, are light brown in color. The beans have no oil on their surface because the roasting process wasn't long enough to squeeze it out. It's used in milder coffee types. Medium roasts are slightly darker in color and stronger in taste, with no oil on its surface. They're most common in United States, and because of that often called the American roast. Dark roasts are black and shiny from oil that breaks out to the surface in the process. The colors range from dark brown to charred. It's most popular in Europe.
Green, unroasted beans on the left, dark roast on the right

Popular types of coffee

There are many ways to make and serve coffee. One of the most popular is the Brewed Coffee. It's made using drip coffeemakers that pour hot water through ground coffee beans, filter the grounds and collect the essence in a pot or other container.Espresso is a strong black coffee made using steam that is forced through finely ground dark-roasted coffee. It has a richer taste and more caffeine than coffee made using other methods. It's a base for many popular drinks like caffe latte, macchiato, mocha and Americano.Turkish Coffee is made by boiling roasted and ground coffee beans in a pot and then served in a cup with the grounds still in the beverage. Of course, there's also Instant coffee which you only need to dissolve in hot water.

There are some unusual things you can add to your beverage. For example butter which is said to make the coffee even more energizing. Adding salt can reduce the bitterness and boosts the taste of iced coffee.You can also try to make Norwegian Egg Coffee – add an egg and water to ground coffee, mix it into a paste, then boil this mixture in water for two or three minutes, add some cold water at the end and strain. The result? Extra-clear coffee with perfect color

Coffee and health

Coffee is often blamed for many health problems, including cancer and heart diseases. There are certain risks of drinking coffee, especially when consumed in high amounts. It can hamper the absorption of certain minerals ( like magnesium and iron), raise blood pressure and change sleeping patterns. But studies show that coffee and caffeine it contains can also contribute to our well-being. Apart from the obvious improvement of our cognitive functions and energizing quality it can decrease depression. It also protects against certain diseases like Parkinson's, diabetes and liver cancer.



Unknown said…
That's a pretty interesting article. I like to drink coffee and I used to drink quiet a lot of it but now I only do it occasionally because I have troubles with magnesium deficiency and if I drink a lot of coffee I feel the effect (Mostly my nails break ;) ).

My sister visited a coffee plantation in Vietnam and showed me really cool photos. Anyway I would like to try Kopi Luwak one day, even though it's made the way it is ;) I just wonder if it tastes that good considering the price (110 grams for 45$)
Unknown said…
I really love coffee, especially how it smells...when you walk near cafes and you feel this adorable smell of coffee with a little shade of cinnamon..mmmm...:)

I don't think I drink coffee very often, I used to drink it every day, but now I do it occasionally. It doesn't seem to be a habit, it is more about getting pleasure while you drink it and feel this smell and taste.

By the way, I'm drinking coffee now :)
Unknown said…
Here also some interesting videos about coffe facts:
Unknown said…
I love coffee but I try not to drink it very often. It’s so tasty that I’m able to drink couple of mugs in a row. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal but my favourite mug, in which I make most of beverages, is 750ml =D Apart from the taste I love coffee because it gives me an instant dose of holy molecules(caffeine). And another advantage is that a mug of coffee goes together with a short nap perfectly.
Unfortunately to protect myself from an addiction I drink Yerba Mate and Tea more often.
Michal Kulesza said…
Why didn't you elaborate more on Kopi luwak :>?
I've tried it and it's not anything extraodrinary but I have to admit - it tastes great!

And thanks for sharing a little bit of history - I didn't know that legend.

And what do you think about coffee not made of coffe berries? Like grain coffee or chicory coffee? Are they good enough to be called coffee or it's coffee taste beverage?
IzabelaSzumen said…
I also want to thank you for a bit of history, especially i like the part about a man named Baba Budan who stoled the bushes and fled with them to India :) - what a real conspiracy!!!
For few years I was a regular visitor of Cafe Bajka on Nowy Świat str., there was an old man named Janusz who invented the perfect way to spend there entire retirement and don't spend all of his money at the same time being drunk.
He was there whole day, every day, drinking turkish style coffee named "Black imp", adding to it his private vodka.
Lord rest his soul <3
I really love the taste of coffee. My boyfriend's mother is a manager at Nespresso and therefore I became a lucky owner of a coffee express without paying anything ^^

Sadly, I seem to be completely immune to stimulating effects of caffeine; I can drink two coffees just before I go to bed, and my sleep will not be affected in any way. Not only does it take away the only aid in staying awake during morning lectures, but also transforms me into a real coffee-addict (because I drink it just for its taste). I try to control my urge to drink coffee non-stop, and replace it with Inka or decaffeinated coffee - recently Nespresso started producing decaffeinated versions of regular coffee blends, meaning you can still choose your favourite one, just a bit healthier :)

I would also like to try the famous Kopi luwak, although coffee with egg you mentioned in the article sounds rather disgusting :D By the way, if someone wants to taste an interesting coffee blend, I recommend a place called Ministerstwo Kawy on Marszałkowska street - recently I've tried coffee infused with apricots there :)
How can it be both 'not anything extraordinary' but still 'taste great'? :D Would you recommend it?

As to your question - personally, I really like Inka, but its taste is completely different from 'normal' coffee, I'd say :)
Unknown said…
coffee fun facts:

recommended documentary video about coffee (must watch):

I like coffee. But I don't drink it too often. For me it is easy to get used to it, and I don't want to. I drink it from time to time, when I feel I can handle it. My favourite is caffè latte. I always drink coffee with sugar. Natural coffee, no powders.

What's your favourite coffee? Espresso? Latte?
Where do you like to get your coffee from? Starbucks? Costa? Or from grocery shop? If so, then real, natural one or coffee powder? 3in1?
Recently I learned about turkish way of preparing a coffee and I was surprised when my Turkish friend told me that they have special heaters that has sand on it's surface to slow down the process of boiling a coffee to make foam and taste better! This article raised my curiosity about different kinds of coffee and encouraged me to discover new flavors and ways of preparing this awesome beverage. I didn't know that such a type like "Liberica" exists! I'm going to try out this paste made of coffee and an egg for sure, hope I will not regret it! :D
Anonymous said…
My favourite are all sorts of frappe(lot of milk and ice) and carmel/whiskey flavoured, unfortunately my stomach hates coffee so I drink it very rarely.
Unknown said…
The smell of ground coffee works for me like a drug. Often opens box of coffee to sniff the smell. But this ends my love for coffee. Sometimes he drinks a cup of coffee (usually there are more milk than coffee). Somehow I do not feel properties of caffeine. For me it is a variation of the drink to drink.

Personally, I very slowly drink cup of coffy. This allows me to sit for long time in a cafe with friends and spend good of time. My favourite coffee is a latte - usually just ordering it in cafes.
Unknown said…
It is really interesting article for me. I have begun drinking coffee this year -only black coffee- so I have small knowledge about it. Coffee has a lot of different way to served. I have never heard about coffee with egg. It was very surprising for me:) "My coffee" lavazza dolce gusto consists of 70%Arabica and 70%robusta. It has really delicate flavor. I can drink it twice a day that is very much for me.
Generally i heard only about disadventages of drinking coffee but you explained me that it has also a good impact on our health. Maybe everything in restraint is good for people.
Unknown said…
Wow, I have never thought how coffee was discovered, nice story! :D
And I really like your propositions, like adding salt, butter or egg haha but I don't think I am brave enough :D

According to amount of coffee that is safe to drink, I have heard that the daily limit is 400mg of caffeine. One coffee is about 80mg. So in fact we can drink 4 cups of coffee which in my opinion is quite a lot.
I have also heard that drinking one or 2 cups of coffee is actually quite good for our health!

Personally I cannot imagine a day without a cup of coffee :D I think it might be my small addiction :P First of all, it is some kind of ritual, every morning I just love to drink it :) It is perfect beginning of a day - I like to drink something warm in the morning, and I am not a big fan of tea (which also contain caffeine, quite similar amount!).
And I also really like the taste of coffee with milk. I also like to drink with a drop of irish cream syrup <3 Have you ever try this combination? :D
Unknown said…
I love coffee but not the dark one. I don’t like when my drink is too strong because my heart starts beating too fast. I can’t drink some types of coffees because I get easily nervous and sometimes feel really depressed. I love to add a lot of milk to my coffee so you can say it is a milkshake which tastes like a coffee :D I don’t like those coffees prepared by Coffee Heaven or Starbucks. I think that those places are too expensive and that the price does not equal to taste.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your presentation. Great topic. I really love coffee. But I have never heard from where it come. I have never heard this legend. It’s interesting. I have known coffee’s properties but I haven't know history.
I was drinking green coffee and I like it too, but in my opinion espresso is the best, without sugar, without milk - clean espresso. But unfortunately I’ m afraid that I drink it too often :/
I really like idea of Norwegian Egg Coffee, maybe I will try? :D
Unknown said…
Hahaha my "coffee" is also usually coffee milkshake :D
Unknown said…
I find you presentation very interesting and I like the pictures ☺ I am not a big coffee fan but I drink it occasionally. My favorite coffees are café latte and frappe, because normal coffee is too strong for me. If you are a big fan of coffee, my friend owns a coffee roaster- the PRO-ROAST Coffee Roastery. Their coffee is very good. He even participates in barista competitions in Europe. You can check their website here:
Unknown said…
I used to drink a lot of coffee too. Today I drink much less, because I felt it was affecting my health negatively. But I can't give it up completely, I love the taste. :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for the links! Interesting :)
Unknown said…
No specific reason really :D I think you could write a separate article just about Kopi Luwak and other extraordinary coffee types.

I liked chicory coffee (Inca which Patrycja mentioned) when I was a kid, but I still drink it sometimes for the taste reasons, and maybe a bit of nostalgia. It definitely tastes different!
Unknown said…
Haha, many times I had such situations - I drank a cup of coffee and I was still dozing off. But I'm not surprised because a lot of coffee drinks you buy at cafes consist mostly of milk.

Yeah, it sounds rather disgusting, but I'm tempted to try it. :)
Unknown said…
Mmm, Irish cream syrup yes <3 I love coffee with vanilla syrup, but it's a guilty pleasure, I can't drink it too often.

I didn't know about that maximum amount of coffee a day. Thanks! I've heard that 2 cups it's a lot already.
Unknown said…
My favorite is cappucciono :) I usually drink brewed coffee (with milk and no sugar) made at home and, on occassion, I go to Costa Coffee.

Thanks for the links!
I've heard that milk helps your body to absorb caffeine - so, in theory, a cappucino should be more stimulating than an espresso (and, by the way, they both contain the same amount of coffee, at least in theory). I think the problem is that some so-called coffee is not a 'real' coffee, rather something tasting like coffee but having as little coffee in it as possible to lower the costs :)
Unknown said…
Good and very interesting topic of presentation :) Since I start working in company where I am working at this moment I am addicted to coffee. I am starting my day with the cup of coffee and during a day usually I drink 2-3 cups. My favourite coffee is medium arabica (the most popular and available) with high amount of milk. I love latte and in the summer season - frappe latte :) It is good in this time of the year because we can freeze it and drink with ice cream. Despite of this I need to add that I love the smell of coffee and it is my weakness :)
Unknown said…
I can't imagine my day without morning coffee. I usually prefer americano, sometimes (when it is really hard day) i drink red eye - it gives a really great kick of energy! I try not to drink more than one coffe a day.
I also enjoy the historic part of you presentation. It is really great to know that we owe this delicious beverage to pack of goats!
Unknown said…
I plan to make Norwegian Egg Coffee, I'm curious how it tastes. Tell me about your findings! :D
Unknown said…
Oh wow, how cool, thanks for the information. Maybe I'll try it somday :)
I can't say much about coffee, because I'm not drinking it since around 10 years ago when my friend's mother prepared me coffee to drink after I drank it I didn't feel very well and my heart was beating so loud that my friend who were standing around 0,5m next to me could heard it clearly. Since that event I never tried again to drink coffee.
Unknown said…
Well, it's only a legend and there is probably little truth in it but it's quite memorable.
Unknown said…
Oh my, that sounds terrible. I probably wouldn't drink coffee after such an event either.
Unknown said…
Yeah :)) i love vanilla syrup as well :) and i found great option to make this pleasure not guilty anymore :D there are instant coffees from britain called beanies, and they have many diffferent flavors - i absolutely love vanilla and irish cream they offer :) (and I am saying it as a syrup- lover!) i add 1 spoon of normal coffee and half of this beanies one, and i have sugar free very tasl option (there is only smell of vanilla or any other, no sugar added)
Highly recommend <3
Unknown said…
Interesting article :) I never heard about coffies history before
I dont like to drink coffee (prefer tea), so i cant say much about it. About coffee vs health - if we do not overuse coffeee it cant be as bad as doctors saying it is.. But its really hard to say for me, because me and my family are not coffee-lovers
I’m a coffee lover. I start every day with coffee. I usually drink freshly ground coffee from coffee machine. Sometimes I like from coffee percolator. I’m not an expert of grains, I buy always Espresso or Café Crema 100% Arabica. During the summer, when outside is 30 degrees, the best is iced coffee, which you can easy make with shaker and ice :)
Michal Kulesza said…
@Patrycja: I was expecting something more, some fireworks during drinking or something like this - it's really good but I don't think that it's worth its price.
Unknown said…
mmmm ... I wish I could drink something like that with a cherry on the top :D
Julia Osiak said…
Coffee is my fuel, I cannot go through one day in the office without having at least one. Yet, I don't drink it only for the energy boost, I like the coffee flavor in general. Even though I'm not the pickiest coffee drinker, I'm really happy that I had a chance to complete a first degree barista course and that I can consciously pick out my next drink.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the insight in coffee history and the picture of its berries - I didn't know that it looked like that!
In health benefits part you didn't include its positive influence on metabolism - people often drink a cup of black coffee before excercising, because it helps to burn fat.
I don't drink coffee because I just don't like it. Many treat it as a drink of creativity and I agree with it - even the smell of coffee boosts my creative abilities and puts me in a good mood for work. That's why I have some coffee candles and this is the closest I can get to this mighty drink;)
However I sometimes have to help myself not to fall asleep when I have lots of work to do (or need to stay alive when changing time zones) and in such situations I take energising pills. They contain caffeine and taurine and work as well as a cup of coffee or a can of Redbull and my stomach doesn't hurt afterwards. I recommend it:)
I drink a lot of tea and have many different types in my kitchen - I would say that at least 25. They are also energetic, but only if you know how to brew them.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I drink 2-3 coffees a day. No difference if it's with milk, sugar, hot cold... It needs to be GOOOD!!! I love the tast of it, how it smells...Sometimes i can't imagine my life without it. It gives me energy to get on the right track each morning, it helps me not to fall asleep when I need to work and focus on sth.
Unknown said…
I like coffee but I don't drink it a lot, because I don't need it. I have enough energy without it! About a month ago a very interesting video on Youtube was published, here is a link: . It's about coffee in Warsaw, it describes all interesting facts about coffee and cafés. After that video I made a long list of places where I want to go. I prefer fair trade coffee or Chi-Cafe which it's a healthier option that coffee.
rf. said…
I've drunk coffee a few times in my life. I believe one of the very first times was at a chess competition where I mistakenly poured it instead of tea and then decided it would be a waste to throw it away... I did pretty well in that competition ;)
I don't really like the taste of coffee and I don't think it healthy, so I avoid drinking it. I don't need it for energy either.
Unknown said…
As I often have very low blood pressure, my doctor recommended me drinking coffee. It was about 10 years ago and now I can't imagine even one day without cappuccino in the morning, latte on lunch break and espresso before workout :) I'm totally addicted and as long as I don't see any negative effects of so huge amounts of caffeine, I'm not going to fight it off. As I'm completely in love with the flavour of the coffee, I can't stand adding sugar to it. It tastes awful and kill the whole magical taste of the coffee.
Unknown said…
There is nothing better then espresso in the morning. Especially if it's made from freshly grounded beens of good quality coffee. Another very importat ingredient is a coffemaker. There could be a huge difference in taste when you compare cup of coffee prepared in a cheap one to a cup brewed using a high end model.
MartaSB said…
I personally don't drink coffee, but I find this article really interesting. I can relate, because I'm a chocolate fan and I have been to a chocolate museum in which I got to know the whole process of making it. I tasted the raw beans and then I tasted them on every step of preparation. It is really interesting to learn about such things in regard to your favourite drink/food :)
Unknown said…
As Cezary I can not say much about the coffee because I do not drink it. Only a few coffee I drank in my life so I'm not an expert in this field. The only thing I can say is that I really like the smell of coffee.
I like coffee but I don't drink it too often. I think that with coffee it's like with everything else - you need to drink it in reasonable amounts. It can be a very good drink which will help your concentration when you need it but it can also become your addiction which will destroy your health if you drink too much and too often.
I actually really do not like coffee. Every now and then I try one out just to see if perhaps my taste would change and I would actually start to like drinking coffee but so far it didn't happen.
I also don't think that coffee is good for you in the long run, sure it may have some good effect on you as you mentioned in the article but how much of caffeine actually helps you before it becomes harmful?
Also, I think that coffee is highly addictive, of course, anything that is enjoyable may be potentially addictive, but from what I have observed among friends and family coffee seems to grasp you really quick!
Unknown said…
Coffee - as you wrote, it is very popular drink. Personally I like it. But I am trying to not drink to much just to not run into a habit. The black one is the best for me. I just like the taste. No sugar of course. It is good to smoke (but I don't :) ) during a cup of coffee. It is good mix of flavours - it may sound weird but I like it.
Good to know few thing about history of coffee - kind of a curio. What really got my attention are tricks and Norwegian Egg Coffee. I used to work as barista in coffee bar so I toungh nothing can surprise me. But I was wrong. Norwegian Egg Coffee - wow, I have to try it.
haseeb ali said…
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