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Week 4 (30.03-12.04) - PlayStation 4 – new generation of gaming

In November 2013 there was a premiere of PlayStation 4, a new console from Sony. Only in the first 48 hours 250,000 consoles were sold.  Over 20.2 million consoles have been sold since its premiere, which shows how popular consoles are. The main difference between the old generation and the new one is the speed of the processor: now GPU(Graphics processing unit) can perform 1.843 teraflops. This allows us to run games in the high definition resolution. The controller was also updated, and a  touchpad and a speaker were added to it as well. Microsoft had launched its their console a little bit earlier, but Xbox One hadn’t had so powerful GPU as PS4 so it couldn’t handle high resolution in as many games as PS4. So sales of Xbox have been smaller and its resolution isn't the only reason of it, a wide choice of exclusive games on PS4 also causes it.

To PlayStation 4 we can also connect a PlayStation Camera, which is an optional motion sensing accessory allowing us to use our body to control games. For example, we can play tennis by means of our hand, which is a great fun but it is also much healthier than playing by means of a standard controller, as it's a kind of sports activity. The Camera has got a four-channel microphone array which may be used to receive our voice commands. In March 2014 Sony unveiled a virtual reality device, a head-mounted display with 1080p resolution and a 90 degree field of view. But it's not the final product and they are still working on it.

PlayStation Network(PSN) is a service allowing us to buy games, music or videos by means of credit cards without going out of home. The content from the PSN is also cheaper than a normal physical version. There are also a lot of sales, for example now there is an Easter sale with up to 70% discounts. PlayStation Plus is a subscription plan which gives us a pack of games for PS4/PS4 and PS Vita every month. It costs 196 zlotys but in 2014 Sony gave their subscribers games worth over 5 thousand zlotys.

PlayStation Now is a service which allows us to play games from the previous generation of PS. Games stream from cloud to our consoles. You pay for the service but you have access to a big number of good classical games. For now, it has only been launched in the United States, but Sony is planning to expand it over the world.

Games on PS4 are just awesome, the graphics is great. The game developers have now better environment to create games with bigger worlds and better physics. One of the most longed-for games for PS4 is the Polish Witcher 3. The developers have moved the release day twice but it  is justified, because they show new features every month. In my opinion all these features weren't available on old generation consoles.

1. Do you prefer to play on console or on PC?
2. What console do you have?


MartaSB said…
It depends on the game I would say. Playing fighting games like SoulCalibur on a console is self-explanatory. Diablo has for me the best flavor on PC and games like Heroes 3, well... I definitely need to have good PC and a console to be fully satisfied :)

I have PS3 at home, but after reading your article I will definitely consider buying PS4 in the future. For now I'm good :)
Unknown said…
I usually play on PC. A couple of years ago I had PlayStation 2 and I was playing it a lot. Before PS2 I have also had Nintendo64 and I was playing games such as Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros. On PS2 I was playing games like Need For Speed: Underground, Pro Evolution Soccer 2, GTA: Vice City..

There are pros and cons when choosing between a computer or a console. Using console is better in terms of performance. The machine and the game are optimised for the best experience and you don't have to worry about the quality of the game - you are sure that it will be the best. PC's have some limits in terms of the performance and you don't always get the best results. Also games for PC's crash more often as there are more hardware and software variances of the PC setups aswell.

The biggest difference between gaming on PC and a console is the way of interacting with it. For PC typically we use mouse and keybord. For console there were pads (controllers) designed. For games that require a lot of precision, and usually games that you can profesionally compete in are made for PC. Controlling the pointer on the computer screen is more percise by sliding it on a flat surface and this type of precision is not achievable by consoles, where you control the pointer using tension.
I have a PS3 Move. I really like playing games using "Move", when you have to... well... move, to play. I think it's good for people who want to keep fit, but don't like real-life sports. I know it may sound silly, but in some games you really need stamina to imitate pedaling or rowing for a long time to beat your opponents, especially when competition is a big factor.

However, when it comes to "normal" games, I really hate consoles. I can't switch from using my keyboard and mouse to using the pad. It's just not intuitive for me. I've tried playing Bioshock Infinite on my PS and I couldn't even walk straight, not to mention shooting, jumping, etc. I'm much more a PC gamer.
Unknown said…
I prefer to play on PC because lately I use keyboard more often and there are a lot of great platform games that I can play on my laptop without going out of my bed. I was ill and sick and that’s why I played more on the laptop. I like console games but I have to focus more while playing them. On my laptop I can play a simple one and don’t have to remember all of pad combinations like in some fighting games. I have had a lot of consoles like PSP , PlayStation 2 and 3 but right now I share them with my brother. I have had an Xbox but it doesn’t seem fun for me so I sold it. Someday I would like to buy a PlayStation 4 because there are some awesome titles that came out this year and they are only available on this console.
Unknown said…
According to PSN it's actually awesome, once I have bought a game for 15 zł? Or something like that? Pretty cool!

I am very sentimental when it comes to playstation, it reminds me my childhood :D I absolutely love final fantasy series, I miss pretty much crash bandicoot, CTR, SSX snowboard series <3 and other cool stuff, that's why I would really enjoy Playstation Now – would I have access to all of these?

By now I don't have time to play too much on my PS, only sometimes at the parties there is singstar or buzz, that's awesome party stuff :D

Answering your question: PC or PS (I have never tried XBOX so I cannot say much bout it) I would say that it depends. Sorry to say that but diablo 3 totally doesn't work for me on PS but I love it on PC :)) On the other hand I can't imagine getting griped into SSX or Final Fantasy on PC, because it is just made to be played on Playstation :D So there is no answer I guess ;) But anyway – I don't have time for games anymore :(
Unknown said…
Yeah I agree! Tekken is unbeatable on PS :D I have same filling about diablo - PC wins totally!
Unknown said…
Oh BTW once I have hear from 10y old student from my snowboard class that he has a game (for xbox or PS, not sure) where he has one marvel character, but he can buy real figures in a shop, and then scan them into a game to unlock new characters :o The marketing genius has came up with it, that's absolutely brilliant!
I have a PS 4 and I like it very much. Unfortunately I don't have much time to play. I also like to play PC games. I think that PS 4, Xbox and PC games are more or less equal and people shouldn't waste time arguing about that.
Anonymous said…
1. Do you prefer to play on console or on PC?
I prefer PC. I like to play FPS or any other genre using mouse and keyboard instead of pad. Also I don't like graphics on console games.
Apart from that I could use console.

2. What console do you have?
I don't have any. I had PS2 for summer 8 years ago but I didn't like it.
Anonymous said…
I have problem with rembering the pad combinations too. They are very unintuitive to me.
Unknown said…
First of all I would like to say - I prefer to play on the PC. So I don't have console. But I have controllers for playing Fifa :P. I know the consoles can be enjoyed. You can play with friends in your living room using the TV. They are user friendly - the games just work fine.
I prefer shooter games so I need the mouse to aim. I don't understand how peaople can play that kind of games using the controller. In my opinion it just doesn't fit, the whole thing is to aim. I also like when the game looks nice. PC offers higher resolution and higher praphical details.
There are kind of games which are better to play on TV and controller. I respect console fans as I said in the begining but there is a community that freaks me out. They just can't uderstand why people can play on PCs, they hate PC gaming just for hating :P.
Pc vs consoles-this is endless war.
#pcmasterrace :)
Unknown said…
I do not like games and I do not play in them. For me it is an absolute waste of time, but I understand that for many people it can be relaxing.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I don't have any console at all and I don't play any new game. I'm not a gaming person. There are only two old games that I like to play sometimes - CS(1.6 and GO) or Quake 3. In the past I played PS or Xbox few times
and I enjoyed it, so may be in the future I will consider buying one. I don't see any bigger differences between PC and console.
Unknown said…
Both consoles and computers have their ups and downs. I prefer to go with the former as the games for consoles are always adapted to work perfectly with the given platform. PC on the other hand can complicate life as it has to be upgraded over time in order to be compatible with newer games and then there are the cases where certain games are not compatible with some graphic cards. Consoles do not have these problems and are perfect for pure enjoyment with no worries and no additional investment in hardware.

I have Playstation 2 which I consider to be one of the best consoles ever made. The games such as Soul Calibur III or Devil May Cry 3 are pure classics which never get old and can always be enjoyed as much as on the day of their launch.
Unknown said…
I can't remember pad combination only when I play fighting games. The rest of games like fsp or platform games are easy.
Unknown said…
Some people say that diablo is so much better on consoles!
Unknown said…
My favourite game on PS2 was Gran turismo 4, it was one of the best racing game. I waiting for version for PS4, which should come out in 2016.
Unknown said…
You should give another chance for consoles, after few hours you should be able to play normally.
Unknown said…
As i mentioned before, people say that diablo 3 is better on consoles than on PCs.
Unknown said…
Oh, I saw this game on youtube, it was absolutely brilliant as you said.
Unknown said…
I play Driveclub, it has beautiful graphic and detailed environment. I totally agree with you people are wasting to much time on arguing which platform is better.
Unknown said…
Thats why I bought PS4, I had a lot of situations when I bought game and I have problems with it or my PC was to slow to handle it...
Unknown said…
You should try some new games, some of them are quite good for example The Last of Us on PS3 or PS4.
Unknown said…
I totally understand you, now I don't play games as often as in the past.
Unknown said…
But PC is much more expensive than console. But for more demanding gamers PC can be better.
Unknown said…
Yeah I have heard so, I checked myself and in my opinion it rocks on PC :D
Unknown said…
I prefer playing on PC, rather than on consoles. In my opinion, most PC games have better quality graphic.For me, keyboard and mouse is also more comfortable than pad.
I prefer consoles in pocket size, so I have some gameboys from my childhood and PSVita I bought few years ago.
Unknown said…
I just searched for this. What an amazing idea!
Unknown said…

In general, I agree with Marcin Kornacki. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages, but unlike him I prefer PC.

I had a chance to try out a console a lot of times (my brother had an Xbox and PS3, a few of my friends have Playstations too) but it never was as enjoyable as playing on a computer. That's probably because I grew up with a PC and I got used to its controls long before I touched a gamepad. Everytime I want to play on a console I have to learn how to use a gamepad which usually means I start mashing buttons randomly in hope to press the right one. :D And of course there are types of games that I can't imagine playing on a console, like real-time strategies for example.

I have an old handheld console - Gameboy Advance - which I used to play a lot (Pokemon!) when I was a kid. I loved playing on it, both by myself or together with friends. Actually, I still consider buying a 3DS because a lot of my friends play it and I feel quite attached to Nintendo's consoles.
I don't play too much because of lack of time, but if I do I play they sims on my PC, cause I find it amusing and I can forget about life's troubles and stresses. I bought PS3 once but I'm not really using it, so it happens to be next piece of furniture to dust out :)
rf. said…
I usually play on PC, but it's not like I 'prefer' it. Platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, consoles for example are unbeatable when it comes to party multiplayer games for me. And you can't really have a good RTS game with pad.
Unknown said…
Haha it's funny - next piece of furniture to dust out :) I have the same situation - i don't play too much because of no time, but if I play I will do it on PC and usually it's typical women games. Whan I was a litte girl I played often and more man games like my favourite GTA, Need to Speed or Quake.
I think that video games are great entertainment and thanks to playing them everyone can improve some skills. For example in my case thanks to playing games like heroes of might and magic, command and conquer and other strategic games I have improved my managing, economics, analyzing skills. Thanks to I prefer to use pc rather than consol, because I think that keyboard and mouse are better and more comfortable than gamepad, that is why I never bought xbox or playstation or any other console. Currently I use msi gaming laptop to work and play computer games.
Unknown said…
I don’t like games so I don’t play games. When I was a child I played on computer and Pegazus :D Pegazus was a fun not PC and console :D Now I don’t play, I prefer other form of a spend my free time. I don’t have a console
Unknown said…
That's the third topic about games in this week and for me as I'm not a games freak it's really hard to say anything about that. I consider playing games as a total waste of time, I prefer doing something useful. Especially now when it's finally warm outside and I can spend some free time away from home.
Unknown said…
The only kind of games that I like are the board ones. I'm not interested in any other. Nevertheless I've played PS3 once and that's enough for me. For example I'd rather go and play football in real than with joystick.
I’ve not played on the console for 10 maybe 12 years. I think that technology changed very strongly. I have a far plan to buy Xbox to my home, but I don’t know if I can find time to play. I’m afraid of losing my social life, after buying console and I’ll turn into a nerd.
Unknown said…
Im not big fan of consoles, i never had one so i wont be impartial.. Imo PC's are much better than consoler because they can be upgraded anytime, you can have OS you preferred, you can connect anything you want to (almost every external device is supported).. The only advantage of consoles is that they are more user-friendly and - most important - they are best for playing with other players on one device (playing game like FIFA or PES with your colleagues on consoles is much, much better than on PC). So i don think i'll buy console in the future :-)
Julia Osiak said…
As with most articles regarding the subject of gaming, I have to admit that I don't have much to say here. I don't own a console and I never wanted one. Gaming is not my cup of tea so I really really don't know anything about this. To me it's terribly time-consuming and boring.
Mateusz Frycie said…
The last time I played console was round 7 years ago. I used to have PSP and I've spent plenty of hours playing God Of WAR. FOr me the best game and probably the best part of my short "gamers" life:)
Unknown said…
Recently I played console at high school times. I wasted many hours playing FIFA with my brother. Farther back I had Gamecube... I have sentimental attachment to this console. My favorite games were around skateboarding. I played Tony Hawk Proskater and Aggressive Inline. It was a beautiful time :))
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I am not a gamer, every friend of mine knows that. My abilities to play any game on a PC or a console are so pathetic that I am sure there is no hope for me. I try not to get nearby any controllers to avoid embarassement;) Maybe it is because we have never had any consoles at home and I've never develloped any skills in this matter.

I know a lot of people who play games and I have to say that I quite enjoy watching them play. Of course it gets boring for me after some time, but I can still appreciate the visual quality of most modern games. My brother owns a PS3 and a computer, he prefers playing on the first one.

Oh, I've had some Nintendo consoles (GB color, advance and DS), but used it only to play Pokemon and Harry Potter 3. These are the games I love!

There are some bars designated for gamers (Padbar, Level Up) - have you ever been there? What do you think of them?
Unknown said…
If you prefer graphic quality pc are better as you said, but consoles are also good!
Unknown said…
I'm not a big fan of video games. Currently I don't have much time to play games on the console or computer. In the past, I spent a lot of time playing FIFA with my brother and friends. This is my favorite video game.

I've never had a console so I can not answer the question of which platform I prefer to play games.
Unknown said…
I totally understand you.
Unknown said…
I have never been there, i prefer playing at home.
Unknown said…
mainly I prefer to play good games. maybe if I had to choose I would choose consoles. I will have large monitor, so I can more feel the game. I can cut myself off real word- problems etc. I don’t have any console. I have only PC and I play the sims 4 when I have so much free time, that will not happen.
Unknown said…
mainly I prefer to play good games. maybe if I had to choose I would choose consoles. I will have large monitor, so I can more feel the game. I can cut myself off real word- problems etc. I don’t have any console. I have only PC and I play the sims 4 when I have so much free time, that will not happen.
Unknown said…
I am not a big fan of gaming at all, but if I want to play something, it will be a PC game :)

But 2 years ago, I found a Sega megaDrive 2 somewhere in my apartment and it was so funny to play something like mario, sonic, contra, mortall combat and so on.
Sometimes it is just cool to have time for nostalgia.

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