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Week 3 (23-29.03) What is the difference between healthy food and diet food?

The main difference is that eating healthy is fun and diet food is something that we hate. The other is that healthy food makes a person – well – healthy, and diet food may ruin our bodies and do exactly the opposite of what we want.

Diet food contains no fat or no sugar. It cannot exclude both because, as one of the Friends character once said, “It's no fat, no sugar, no dairy... It's no good, throw it out.”. It means that sugar and fat are comforting and taste giving, so if you exclude both from the product that should contain it, nobody will want to eat it. If you read the labels, you’ll see that 0% yoghurt is packed with sugar. The other thing is that excluding anything from the diet is really unhealthy. It works of course, but it’s only effective on a short term basis and the yoyo effect is guaranteed. There are diets based on proteins only, fat only, sugar excluding etc. but the best way is to know how to combine them to satisfy your organism and what PRODUCTS to exclude. The human body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fat (a balanced diet includes them all) and if it lacks any of these (which is an effect of a restrictive diet), it wants to regain it in the fastest/easiest possible way. If you need sugar, you eat chocolate or cake, if you are in a need for fat, you reach out for a pack of crisps or a fat dripping cheeseburger. The other thing is that this kind of food gives us psychological comfort because in our heads it is connected with a feeling of pleasure. But this is a guilty pleasure and the regrets come shortly afterwards. If we are feeling down, it’s better to talk to a friend and eat a salad.

Look at a sample menu for somebody that desperately tries to lose weight:
  • Breakfast: black coffee
  • Dinner: Two slices of steamed chicken breast, two leaves of salad, cola zero
  • Supper: 0% cottage cheese
How on earth a person can lead a normal, healthy life eating practically nothing?! I confess to eating nothing but a can of tuna and two apples a day (Christian Bale’s diet when he was preparing or the movie “The Machinist”) for more than three weeks. I lost a lot of weight, but I couldn’t think, I was feeling like I was stuck in a syrup and basically it was one of the worst ideas I’ve ever had in my life.
When we want to lose weight, we put on restrictions. Restrictions are ok for example if you eliminate fast food from your diet, but are not fine when you deprive your organism of its basic needs. But look at healthy food and lifestyle: it means possibilities. Eating healthy means eating a variety of foods. There are hundreds of fruits and vegetables and thousands of possible ways of combining them. Who said that losing weight has to be boring and tiring? All you have to do is to explore your options, experiment a lot and discover many new tastes.

The basics of a healthy plan are:
  1. eat 5 times a day, every two hours or so,
  2. eat no more than a handful of food,
  3. try to avoid combining fat and carbohydrates in the same meal,
  4. drink plenty of water,
  5. eat more colorful vegetables.

Why is that? Eating often informs your organism that it doesn’t have to store fat for the future. It speeds up our metabolism. Eating just a handful is enough because after all you eat 5 times a day. And your body needs 20 minutes before it knows that you ate, so it’s better to limit your food in the first place. Combining fat and carbs is not good, because carbs increase your insulin level and insulin helps to store fat. Drinking a lot of water hydrates your body and also makes you feel full. Some say that many times when you feel hunger, you really feel thirsty. Vegetables contain a lot of necessary substances and also experimenting with different ingredients gives us the joy and keeps our motivation up. And who doesn’t like pretty food? You can also work with your habits and needs: if you need something crunchy – eat a cucumber or an apple instead of chips; if you need something sweet – try to eat a couple of dates instead of chocolate.

  1.  What is the worst diet you’ve ever heard of?
  2.  Have you ever limited your food below minimum to lose weight?
  3. What is your healthy eating plan?

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Unknown said…
I totally agree with you! I think that diets are horrible, really. And eating healthy is very reasonable.But we need to remember, that people cannot live without food, we must eat :) The only thing we can do is to choose with what are we going to feed our organisms :) And of course, it is better to eat heathy, but paying attention whether something is "healthy" or not is quite crazy. I think there should be also a place for some unhealthy stuff ;) Like really, when you pay general attention to the stuff you're eating, I think it is not a crime when you from time to time eat some chocolate, or even fast food :) Especially when you are doing exercises regularly. I think that we shouldn't be prisoners of our body – we need to remember, that food is also a big source of our happiness :) We should have as much pleasure as possible and we shouldn't stop ourselves on every single step of our life, eating a chocolate for some people could bring tones of pangs of conscience :D The most important is modesty :) So this is why I think diets are not quite good, and even healthy eating shouldn't be our obsession.
Unknown said…
I think the worst diet I have ever heard of is Atkins diet because I just can’t imagine eating so much meat. But I think any diet that has a very limited number of products (like a banana diet) would get boring very fast. I personally jut couldn't be on a diet because I could never give up pasta (my favorite food), cheese or white bread. I just love to eat those things and as a very picky eater I was taught at home to eat things that I liked and nobody forced me to eat things and I now wouldn't force myself.

Anyway I think if when someone really wants to lose weight, they should exercise and just eat less of everything because as you said when you are on a restrict diet and finish it, you’ll just gain your old weight back. If someone has a tendency to gain weight they unfortunately have to keep an eye on what they eat and how much they eat every day, not only for a few weeks. If you eat smaller portions long enough your stomach will get smaller.

I have never limited my food below minimum but I’m pretty thin and I sometimes don’t eat that much, because I just don’t feel like it. I just always try to eat only when I’m hungry and I just never developed a custom to eat after I’m full. Of course there are times when I eat purely out of gluttony but it doesn't happen every day. Actually I hate it when people try to make me eat everything on my plate (in some houses this is a custom) when I’m already full. I don’t like to throw out food but I would much rather leave some on my plate then force it into myself (and eat the rest next day).

I don’t have a healthy eating plan, when I “sometimes” try to be more healthy I just stop eating sweets and try to exercise. I eat a bit less of everything and if I would eat something really fatty or unhealthy I would think about as a meal and eat a smaller supper or whatever. Anyways as a naturally thin person I have a much bigger need to work on my condition and exercise more and I’m actually trying to do so right now ;)
MartaSB said…
First thing I want ot point out is that it's not healthy to drink _plenty_ of water! Be careful!
It depends on the amount of physical excercises you do, on your age, gender, season and many more and as far as drinking water is a good decision, you should have in mind that you absorb it in other food products as well. When you drink water it can have low, medium or high level of minerals, it also differs in proportion of specific ions.
Drinking one type of water (from one source, one spring) can cause the situation when you wash out some of the minerals, having some other on too high level. Our kidneys also have limits when it comes to fluid filtering.
The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly about 13 cups (3 liters) of total beverages a day, for women it is about 9 cups (2.2 liters). All fluids count! Tea, coffee, beer... watermelons too as they contain 92% of water.

Please, be reasonable with water, because too much of it mess with the right balance of electrolytes in our body and in extreme situations (hyponatremia - having a blood sodium concentration below 135 millimoles per liter) it may cause death.

Good diet is very important for our physical and menal health. It's easy to eat smart when you have a lot of free time. It gets more difficult when you have to combine work, school and other activities which leaves you no free time to rest, not to mention prepare balanced meals.
That's why I have consulted a dietitian. I don't have any problem with weight, but I wanted to get some good tips on how to eat healthy during a busy day or when I'm travelling. We should eat every 3-4 hours, 5 balanced meals a day. No carbohydrates in the evening.

Switch white bread, rice and pasta to wholemeal and you will feel a lot better right away.

When I'm eating like that I don't know what hunger is and frankly speaking it was quite strange feeling at first. When sometimes we get hungry, our body 'fights', we notice it. When we are never hungry... we are like a well fed lion lying next to a lamb :D our body is calm and happy.
Temporary diets cannot replace healthy eating on a daily basis.

Some time ago I decided to eat more healthy food. However, I didn't want to renounce my favourite meals totally, because then I wouldn't feel any joy about eating. For example, I hate eating raw vegetables, and when I think about replacing any snacks with them, I shiver with disgust.

I decided to take it slowly, step by step and replace only the products I don't mind replacing. I switched black tea to green tea, stopped adding sugar to it, and started to sweeten my coffee with honey instead of refined sugar. Instead of buying cereal, I make my own granola. I also bake oat cookies without sugar and muesli bars, which I eat instead of chocolate bars. I stopped drinking sweetened juices and started drinking water instead. Sometimes I replace white bread and pasta to wholemeal, but I can't help absolutely loving everything made from "normal" wheat flour - that's my guilty pleasure :)

I think it gets much easier when you don't radically change everything at once, replacing everything with salad and water. Eat rationally and try to change your bad habits with small steps - in my opinion, that's the key :)
rf. said…
The worst diet I've heard of? Norwegian? Grapefruits and eggs...

Below minimum? Nah, I like eating too much to give it up below the minimum ^^

Healthy eating? Well, it depends mostly on my physical activity levels. If I'm not stuck with sitting work I can safely eat any amount of food and my metabolism is really good provided I tire myself during the day. If I don't have time to work out, then it gets a lil' bit difficult since i have some bad eating habits and my metabolism slows down. Oh well.
Unknown said…
I was on Dukan's diet for 2 months and it was very succesfull. I was eating proteins and vegetables only.

Now instead of being on ultra-low calories diet I go to the gym and exercise. I don't eat sugar, but I do eat everything else.

The very important part of staying healthy is not just eating healthy food but also having enough exercise to keep your physical strength at good level and to maintain your physical health.
I never used to limit my daily portion of calories to lose my weight. I rather prefer to do more exercise than limit my daily portion of calories. In my life I had made a few changes in my diet for example I had limited sugar from products and I had replaced some products for others more healthily. Currently I eat everyday around 4-5 balanced meals(around 75g carbs, 12g proteins and 20g fats per meal). At almost every breakfast I eat 3 eggs(in different form soft-boiled, boiled or scrambled) with addition of a few slices of rye bread, for other meals I eat hazelnuts, cashew nuts or other type of nuts and plain yogurt with addition of 3-4 slices of rye bread. Sometimes at weekend when I have more time to prepare meals I prepare meals from chicken breast, brown rice and vegetables for whole week, but usually I don't have time to do it. My diet is rather monotonous, but is also cheap and I think that it is good for me.
Oh this topic perfectly suits me. Recently I started taking more care of what I'm actually eating and it seriously helps! When you take a carrot instead of a chocolate, or choose salad instead of McRoyal it conforms your taste and after a while you wouldn't even touch fast food because it simply will not taste as good as before. The most difficult thing is to break through your own limitations in your own mind such as stereotypical looking on food. What might help is visualizing fast food as junk food, literally. I do so and right now I can't even think of not eating healthy. We got only one life, why waste it for "one second pleasure"? Especially if we know the longer consequences of not eating consciously!
Unknown said…
I have not ever heard of the worst diet, because… I didn’t be on a real diet! I strive eat healthy, 5 times a day and in most handmade food with colorful vegetables. My trainer told me that on a city we can’t healthy food, but I disagree with this affirmation. It’s possible, but unfortunately we must pay more money for not junk food e.g. in good restaurants like warsaw Banja Luka (I recommend!). Btw! I love sweets, therefore sometimes I’m kidding that for me the best is chocolate diet… so maybe does it exist? 
5 or more years ago I tried to lose my weight and I have limited my food to minimum, but not below minimum. It’s not healthy to organism, because it must to become accustomed to less meal. If we instantly eat less, our organism will collect fat from our meals and in fact we don’t burn it.
I don’t have ideal eating plan. I’m trying to eat green and healthy, systematically and first of all – variously in accordance with rule – eat what you want, but eat with mind.
Unknown said…
I was never really interested in diets, so unfortunately I can't write anything about the worst diet I've heard of. I try to limit amount of junk food I eat, but I've never put on myself any restrictions, like counting callories. I think the best way of staying healthy is having moderation and daily exercises.
What is the worst diet you’ve ever heard of?
Drinking only water for several days.

Have you ever limited your food below minimum to lose weight?
No, I didn't, but I often eat very little because I don't have time to eat when I work.

What is your healthy eating plan?
I don't have any unfortunately. My perfect eating plan would be lot of fruits: mango, lychee, apples, grapes, melons; whipped cream, shrimps, sweet potatoes, lobsters, squids etc.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Food and dieting is a really important topic, as it's someting that everyone has to deal with. I'm pretty concerned with lack of the knowledge of the society on this field, which leeds to the stupid ideas that people make out in order to lose weight. Unfortunately I've heard a lot about diets like Copenhagen, Dukan or South Beach. I know that the idea of fast and great weight-loss is really tempting (expecially in the current year season - the fever of the oncoming summer slowly begins) but it's really ridiculous to treat one's own body with such stupid diets. Eliminating any of the nutrient is not a solution as well (I mean it when it comes about dieting on one's own, under the watchful eye of the trainer or dietician it can work and cause no damage to the organism).

I have to admit that I wasn't always that smart when we're talking about healthy lifestyle and I used to cut out carbohydrates to the level below the minimum. Now when I'm really into dieting and training I've got a special nutrition plan which consists of 5 differentiated meals, I'm never hungry and I've never had before that low level of the body fat.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
The worst diet I've heard about was "1000 kcal" - you can eat only 1k kcal through all day. In my opinion it's sick. I have never limited my food below minimum or I have never been on any lose weight diet. On the contrary I should put on weight few kilograms. In my case I should not eat as much as more but wiser, I should discontinued chips and eat more porridge. I call my eating plan "close to vegetarianism" - I try to minimize eating meat for one or two days a week, which is quite difficult considering that I eat a lot of "on the town". I have to agree, exercises are very important part of any diet. Running, swimming, cycling, nordic walking - any physical activity affects our health.
I’ve never interested in diet. I know standard diet like protein diet or 1000 kcal diet. I think that the worst diet is diet like coffee and cigarettes. Sometimes I only limit my standard food, when my weight is too high. Generally it will be after the Christmas. I think that the healthy food is when I remove from my food flour, bread, bread rolls, fat breading meat and of course sugary drink and sweets – the best of everything :)
I’ve never interested in diet. I know standard diet like protein diet or 1000 kcal diet. I think that the worst diet is diet like coffee and cigarettes. Sometimes I only limit my standard food, when my weight is too high. Generally it will be after the Christmas. I think that the healthy food is when I remove from my food flour, bread, bread rolls, fat breading meat and of course sugary drink and sweets – the best of everything :)
Unknown said…
In the past my diet was really bad. I used to eat a lot of sweets, salt and fried chicken. In spite of that I’ve never had problems with overweight. I’m skinny no matter what I eat. I also had a lack of fruits and vegetables(fibre in general) in my diet. Now I eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and wholemeal products with small amount of salt. I found it hard to change my eating habits. But our habits are not rigid. When you eat something, you didn’t like before, couple times in a row it starts to be acceptable. Now I’m a big fan of oatmeal.

The most disgusting diet I’ve ever heard of is dr Kwaśniewski’s diet. It is based on fat products such as egg yolks, butter, cream, fat meats etc.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I'be never been on a diet. I Think that eating normal good, quality food in regular time gaps is enough for me to stay in good condition.
Unknown said…
Have you ever heard about orthorexia? It is an eating disorder where you have to eat healthily by any means and you're obsessed with so called 'superfoods'. It is in the same category as bulimia and anorexia.
About crimes - I hate it when people are dieting and everytime they eat something 'improper', they consider it a sin and have a deep feeling of regret. I think that even if you try to keep some things out of your diet but you eat them anyway, you just need to get over it and continue the diet. We're just people anyway and a little chocolate will not make you a lot fatter;) 'Food is also a big source of our happiness' - I try to live by these words!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Is Atkins similar to Dukan? I've heard that Dukan has been banned from practicing medicine because his diet had been found very unhealthy and dangerous.
Eat less is a favourite diet of my grandpa: everytime someone complains about their weight he responds that the best diet is MŻ (Mniej Żreć) method. Not very subtle;)
I think that one of the reasons why Polish people have problems with keeping their weight is because we have an old habit of eating everything from our plates and not wasting any food. What do you think about it?
Good luck with your exercises!
Unknown said…
Thanks for this warning, I forgot about it and this is very important. Also, I'd like to point out that it is REALLY unhealthy to drink demineralised water. I've been doing it for some time (I have a tap with filtered water in my house) and it caused serious mineral deficiency in my body.
I agree with you that eating smart is easy with a lot of free time. But when we have less time, we can eat more raw wegetables and fruits, it takes literally no time to prepare them:)
Eating five times a day might seem weird. When I first started doing that I felt like I was eating way too much, but still I was loosing weight and it was kind of amazing!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing this method, I find it very wise to take it slowly and gradually replace bad habits with good ones. Do you have any resources for healthy food recipes? I often cook from and, these are my favorite cooking blogs:)
Unknown said…
I was on Dukan's diet for some time too, it was like 5 or 6 years ago. Only recently have I come back to eating cottage cheese:) I still shiver when I think about boiled chicken breast, eww. I agree that exercising is a very important part of staying healthy. Good luck with your diet and gym:)
Unknown said…
Eating wealthy is a bit controversial subject - so many views as there are specialists in this field. And diets are the most controversial aspect of being, or I would rather say, trying to be healthy. The biggest difference, in my opinion is about your aim and your consciousness. When you want to lose some weight and you don't know much about healthy nutrition, and what is more - when you don't realise what impact has it on your organism and your life (or when you WANT TO be blind and ignore that fact on purpose) - then you choose diet. But when you want to be healthy in the true meaning of this term, you should remember about this things:
- drink at least 1,5 l of water
- eat 4 to 5 meals, no more than a handful of food - just like author said
- do exercise at least 30 min per day
- don't combine PROTEIN and carbos
- take care of your inner life (stress, state of soul, optimism)
- supply your organism with vitamines
- don't drink sweet drinks, energy drinks
- don't eat anything that is PROCESSED - buy raw products instead and make meals on your own, only then you can be sure of what you are putting into your organism

Magdalena Żołądek
Unknown said…
Haha, I've been always telling myself that despite of my love for food I'd rather starve to being thin than exercise and look at me now - I am a proud owner (and user) of a threadmill:) Wow, your diet looks all planned up! You don't find junk food or sweets tempting?
Michal Kulesza said…
Isn't dr Kwasniewski diet based mainly on cabbage?
Unknown said…
Magda, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really like your attitude and I'll try this junk food method next time I'm tempted with a KFC neon in the middle of the night:)
Unknown said…
Chocolate diet is good if you have magnesium deficiency:)
Michal Kulesza said…
1. Every unbalanced diet is bad and probably worst is drinking only water.
2. Yes! I've tried and succeeded as many times as I failed. After some time of eating healthly I'm getting back to my old habits - I'm an expert when it comes to yo-yo effect. Interesting thing I observed is that the older I am - the harder it is to change some habits.
3. Currently I don't have any healthy eating plan due to lack of time but it may change soon as we are having spring :)
Unknown said…
I think that hunger cure sometimes works well. Once I've been to a trip where we ate everything and we knew no limits. The food wasn't the healthiest and I felt horrible when I came back. I decided to go on liquid diet for three days and I've been drinking only water and tomato juice. It helped me a lot - I felt detoxicated and my stomach shrinked a lot.
Hey, your perfect eating plan is quite healthy! Of course not including whipped cream, but still;)
Unknown said…
No, dr Kwasniewski diet is based on eating three 'optimal' meals a day, consisting mainly of fat and excluding salt and carbohydrates. Cabbage diet is a different thing and it is based on consuming cabbabe soup everyday and adding some other products, for example on Monday you may eat fresh fruits, on Tuesday - chicken breast, on Wednesday - milk etc.
Julia Osiak said…
The worst diet that I've heard of is probably any form of diet that restricts your daily intake to a crazy low amount of calories. I once made a mistake and tried following such restrictive diet but it only ended in my general fatigue and no weight loss. Right now I'm not following any specific meal plans. I try to eat healthy and clean foods in reasonable amounts.
Unknown said…
The worst diet I have ever heard is 1000 kcal diet. This diet destroys our organism, in particular immune system. Diet causes malaise. we are without strength, we can’t go to gym. This is huge disadvantage because I think that people, who are on diet want to change their body and look fit, healthy, not tired. They want to feel good in their „new shape”. I think that they should shape their body. even if we want to be skinny. Proper diet should be rich in nutritional value. People don’t want to have yo-yo effect so they should completely change their lifestyle. They need to eat healthy food, sleep well, minimize stress and workout.
Yes I have limited my food below minimum to lose weight. It gives the effect for a short time. Generally it has no sense.
Now I’m eating a lot of vegetables, fruits and lean meat. I limit sugar and carbohydrates in the diet
I've never limited my food below minimum to loose weight, this way of loosing weight is extremely dangerous in my opinion.

The most important thing is balance, your body has many different needs that you have to take care of.
Eating healthy and diverse meals in moderate amounts is key to satisfying them.

Another thing (and often overlooked) is that everyone has different metabolism and biological needs, and a diet to be successful has to be tailored towards that person's body needs.

Of course diet is not the only thing to keep in mind when taking care of your body - exercising is vital in my opinion.
Not only does it help you to stay in shape, but it also boosts your mood and general effectiveness of your organism.

Keeping healthy diet though might be hard these days, people are always in a hurry - going to work, coming back home, dealing with some other responsibilities.
Often we just don't have time or energy to prepare a healthy meal ourselves.
Even though you may feel compelled by a fast and cheap meal after a hard days work I'd strongly advise against eating in fast food restaurants :)
Unknown said…
As I'm not really in the topic I don't know if any of the diets I've ever heard was controversial or not. But I regularly limit my food to lose weight... or maybe not to gain it. But to be honest I believe that physical exercise gives you much more then diet alone.
Unknown said…
The worst diet I have ever heard of was hunger strike. I don’t understand why people try it. I try to eat healthy and only 3 times a day. I always eat breakfast, dinner and supper. I don’t eat anything after 8 p.m. and I try to avoid fat products , bread and sweets. I don’t need to say that I don’t go to fast food restaurants because meals don’t taste very well for me.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, each in their own way on any diet.Usually we eat everyday food of similar quality and similar quantities. It all depends on whether it is healthy or not.
Yes i have limited food a few years ago. Currently I weigh about 17 kg less. Of course, I did it with the help of a nutritionist and specifically selected products. But I feel the actual weight of a lot better.
In my opinion, diet and carefully selected products are very important for us and for our health.I'm talking here not about dieting only taking care of your own body.
Unknown said…
I'm on some kind of a diet, I'm vegan, but I’d rather cal lit alifestyle. Instead to Oskar Gargas’ opinion, I think that diet is much important then exercises. It allows us not only to lose weight but to clean our body from toxins and helps us to feel better. When I came to veganism, I started to feel better, had more energy, stopped drinking coffee because I simply didn't need it! I recommend vegan diet because it halts and even reverses conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. So if you need some tips, how to eat healthily or maybe how to go vegan just send me a message.

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