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Week 3 (23-29.03) Fiber-optics. Revolution?

Internet. We all use it, we all need it. But do we see difference, or maybe I should ask do we need to know the difference in the way it’s provided? Recently one of the network and TV providers damaged one of the main roads leading to my place. I asked the workers what they were doing and they answered me that they were putting fiber-optic cables for Network and TV. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I can have really fast internet, but on the other hand the road is still a mess (though it's been 2 weeks since they “finished” their job). But that’s not what I wanted to talk about. Below I present some information about fiber-optic communication.


Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information.

Optical Communication using (incoherent) visible light waves ( 380-780 nm) has been known for a long time. In the 60s there was conducted research that allowed to modulate laser light by using a digital signal. It was the first step to transfer information through a transparent medium. In 1980 at Bell Labs there were designed and tested first fiber optics (their length was around 1000 km). Soon after the company started to develop a corporate telecommunications system based on fiber-optics.


Modern fiber-optic communication systems base on:
· Information source
· Coder
· Optical transmitter
· Cable
· Decoder
· Optical receiver
· Sink


The most commonly-used optical transmitters are semiconductor devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes.

The emitted light is incoherent , it has relatively wide spectral width - 30-60 nm. LEDs are used mainly for local-area-network applications with bit rates of 10-100 Mbit/s and transmission distance of a few kilometers.

Laser diodes are often directly modulated. It means that the light output is controlled by current directly applied to the device. For very high data rates or very long distance links, a laser source may be operated with a continuous wave, and the light can be modulated by an external device. External modulation increases the achievable link distance by eliminating laser chirp, which broadens the linewidth of directly-modulated lasers, increasing the chromatic dispersion in the fiber.

Fiber Optic Cable

A fiber optic cable is made of one or more glass fibers conducting impulses of light (in telecommunications usually it is infrared light). Such cables, formed of glass fibers, are resistant to electromagnetic interference and have large bandwidth. It is possible to achieve transfer rates up to 100 Gb / s (about 12.5 GB / s) when using them. The fastest fiber-optic systems can transfer data even with a speed of several Tb / s.

Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is the practice of multiplying the available capacity of an optical fiber by adding new channels, each channel on a new wavelength of light. Using WDM technology now commercially available, the bandwidth of a fiber can be divided into as many as 160 channels to support a combined bit rate into the range of terabits per second.

A fiber transmission system is characterized by the so called bandwidth-distance product. It is expressed in units of MHz×km and it is a trade-off between the bandwidth of the signal and the distance it can be carried on. A commonly use multi-mode fiber has a bandwidth-distance product of 500 MHz×km and it can carry a 500 MHz signal for 1 km or a 1000 MHz signal for 0.5 km.



The receiver has to fulfill two requirements: It must sense or detect the light coupled out of the fiber-optic cable and convert the light into an electrical signal, and it must demodulate this light to determine the identity of the binary data it represents.

Optical receiver is based on a photodetector, which converts light into electricity using the photoelectric effect. Typically it is a semiconductor-based photodiode.

The main advantages of fiber optics over traditional wire cables:
· Less Expensive - many miles of optical cable are easier and less expensive to install than the same number of copper wire cables.
· Thinner - Fiber optics are thinner than copper wire cables. It is important for the underground cable systems.
· Higher Carrying Capacity - More information can be sent over fiber optic systems
· Less signal degradation - A characteristic feature of optical links is low level of noise (lower than the one in traditional telecommunication systems). The basic difference is that photons moving in a fiber do not interact with each other. Therefore they do not generate any noise. However, the optical transmission system has few extra noise sources ( so called multiplicative) .It is associated with fluctuations in attenuation transmitting and receiving stations. Multiplicative noise is different from the additive thermal noise in conventional receivers. It disappears when the broadcast signal is turned off.
· Use Light Signals - fiber optics use light signals instead of electricity, the signals don’t interfere with each other and are resistant to electromagnetic interference. This makes the signals clearer and easier to understand.
· Low Power - Optical fiber systems are based on low-power transmitters because the signal degrades less (instead of high-power electric transmitters used for copper wires).
· Flexible - fiber optics are more flexible, they can go around corners and into smaller places than traditional cable. This characteristics is extremely important when it comes to computer device and very big office networks.

· Are You familiar with the topic?
· Do You think that fiber-optics are the future of network/communication?
· Do You know any other fields/ usage of fiber-optics?
· Will the X company fix my road?:(



MartaSB said…
I have some knowledge on the topic and after reading your article I know even more :) In my opinion fiber-optics are at least the nearest future of communication, until they find something even more efficient... which is now hard to imagine. Using light to transfer data is quite smart.

Oh yes, I know some pretty awesome-looking device that uses fiber-optics. I have it at home :)

Don't worry about the road! Anger marrs beauty :D
I've read about fiber optics in Richard Dawkins' book, 'Unreaving the rainbow'; I think it's not only technology that's fascinating, but also the process of making cables and the science (optics, mostly) behind it. It certainly will play a role in modern technology :)

As MartaSB already stated, those shiny little fiber optic light lamps were really cool, especially in childhood! :)
rf. said…
I don't think I'm even close to being familiar with the topic. Fiber optics is pretty sophisticated and your presentation is pretty technical I'd say. I believe that it's hard to make predictions about the future, that's what's really fun about it. But for now I believe that the fiber-optics revolution is long behind us, the problem is with the providers that try to make profit at all cost and don't invest in new technologies until they are cornered into this by competition.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I've got a similar lamp at home too:) From Ikea. True, probably in the next few years we will be using more and more technologies like fiber-optics. Not only in IT/ Communication.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Money. that's the answer for all problems and questions. And power.
I'm not really familiar with the topic of fiber optics, however, I find it helpful because modern technology helps saving money and does not like money? :D What's more is the fact of faster data transmission and today's world is going faster and faster so it seems quite fair and appropriate in the event of 21st century rat race, need for faster communication, faster life, speeding up movies (I'm not kidding! I hope your road issue will be adequately speeded up :D
Unknown said…
I've heared about fiber optics and I knew how they work but I have never been familiar with this field in such detail. Are you an expert? :-)

This topic is quite complex, and it looks to me, like there are many parts, that take place in the process, transmitting the information have never been so widely developed.

This is very interesting, so I started wondering how do coders and decoders work together so that they can send and receive the data with so percisely.

Thanks for introducing me to this topic as you planted a seed of curiosity in me and I may be figuring it out even in more detail further on.

Unknown said…
I've heard little about fiber optics, but your presentation definitely broaden my knowledge. I think fiber optics will definitely play a big role in future development of natwork and communication. As you already wrote, they have many advantages over traditional wire cables, making it (at least in my opinion) cheapier and more reliable solution. Unfortunately, I don't know any other fields that use fiber optics.
I think that fiber optics technology is one of the most important branch of the communication, because thanks to it is possible to greatly increase data transfer and reduce average waiting time to response. Currently almost in every bigger town data are transferred by using fiber optics wires thanks to that in short period of time it was possible to greatly increase data transfer from 512 kb/s to around 100 Mb/s . Here you can see map of fiber wires in Poland and here you can see how fiber wires are used to create intercontinental communication.

Will the X company fix my road?:(
Of course they will fix your road and after that some other company will start to renovate canalization under your road, typical situation in our country xD.
· Are You familiar with the topic?
Little bit, I am not interested in hardware.
· Do You think that fiber-optics are the future of network/communication?
They are present and it will probably not change for long time.
· Do You know any other fields/ usage of fiber-optics?
No, I don't.
· Will the X company fix my road?:(
No, it will not!
Mateusz Frycie said…
Piotr I'm not an expert:) I would say that I'm an enthusiast of modern technolgies. Actually I'm glad that You like the topic. The issue with coders and decoders is more complex that most of people think. Try to google it.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I don't like it:( My biggest dream is to stop for a short moment, get out from the "race" and have a bit more time to think about things and enjoy them.
Mateusz Frycie said…
A friend of mine is working for a pretty big museum in Warsaw. She told me that before they started using fiber-optics for internet communication "there was nothing". Recently most of big companies, government and public institutions use this type of connection due to it's advantages.
Unknown said…
I've heard about fiber-optics. I used to work for a Polish company that specializes in introducing this technology, but I was a graphic designer there so I have no in-depth knowledge about this subject. :)

As far as I've learned fiber-optics are both more practical and cost-effective. This definitely makes it a next step in development of network technology, so yes, I do believe this is the future of communication. Actually, I think it's not the future, it's here already.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
· Are You familiar with the topic?
I find myself quite familiar with fibre optics technology, but Your article refreshed me some technical information about this technology.

· Do You think that fiber-optics are the future of network/communication?
Future today comes to our homes, now many people can afford to use Fibre To The Home (FTTH) technology offered for example by Orange. This gives you internet connection from 300 Mb/s, this speed allows you to download 5GB file in less than 5 min - for comparison with connection speed eq 512Mb/s (Typical Neostrada few year ago) 5GB file downloads about 10h.

· Do You know any other fields/ usage of fiber-optics?
yes, I do. For example in hi-fi audio sets.

· Will the X company fix my road?:(
Nope :)
Mateusz Frycie said…
I Think I know the company;) fiber-optics can be a hudge step in communication. More and more companies use it even for office-office connection
Mateusz Frycie said…
Thats really fast. In my płace max available speed is round 160Mb/s. Still that's far way faster that TP or so.
I only had a general knowledge about fiber-optics. I think that fiber-optics already revolutionized network and communication. We can download movies in several minutes. I read recently that the Internet is slowing down now. Maybe not Poland, but in developed countries. I don’t know how much truth in this, because I’m happy of my Internet speed. I my opinion the near future belongs to the mobile internet and communication, at least for normal people and in more marketing approach.
rf. said…
Have you been watching a House of Cards recently? :)
Unknown said…
I’m sure that fibre-optics are the future of communication. When the 5G Internet arrives there will be must to connect Base Stations with optical fibre to ensure Gb/s access.
Apart from communication fibre optics are used in torch lights which allows us to light up places that are hard to reach.
Michal Kulesza said…
· Are You familiar with the topic?
Not as much as you do, but I read something about coders and decoders (converters?) before - these are really complicated hardware parts, however I prefer to work a few levels above it - on application layer of OSI stack ;)

· Do You think that fiber-optics are the future of network/communication?
Definitely it is! When I will be looking for place to build my house (like the real man!) I will look for place with optical fibre in surrounding.

· Do You know any other fields/ usage of fiber-optics?
I've heard about some eye implants using this technology.

· Will the X company fix my road?:(
"Sprzedam Opla". DIY
Unknown said…
I have small knowledge about this topic, but after reading I'm a little more oriented in communication subject. By the way, I heard that fiber-optics are also used in medicine. And, what I like the most, fibers are great for creating shining decorations. Designers have really interesting ideas how to use fiber-optics. Here are my favorites:
Mateusz Frycie said…
Design is pretty new field for me. Not only when we are talking about fiber-optics but also about many other new technologies.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Eye implants? Do You remember where You saw that? I'm really interested in it.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Kamil I think it is like with cars/motorcycles. You can't say that's "fast enough":)
Fiber-optics are the future, I fully agree.

Unfortunately the process of implementing them in existing infrastructure might be a significant problem.
For example "re-wiring" all of the decent sized towns in Poland would result in major roadworks (just like your street that you've mentioned).

I'd love to have an Internet access via fiber-optics as it is nowadays the fastest means of data transportation.
Unfortunately, as I don't live in Warsaw currently (I live in Legionowo which is about 20 km away from Warsaw) it might take years before I'll have that option in my hometown.
Fiber wire was known for quite some time yet still only few regions/towns have access to it on a bigger scale.
And I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

When it comes to other usages of fiber-optics I imagine that they will replace the traditional wires gradually.
After all, like all wires they are built to transport information, they just do it in the fastest way possible.
At least for now!
Unknown said…
I am not familiar with the topic of fiber-optics too much. I know they exist and all of us use them in some way but I am not an expert in tech behind them.

I don't think they will be future of network and communication. From what I know they are the present. This technology is used to connect main nodes in Internet infrastructure and it is common to find computers connected via fiber-optics in data centers us.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about other FO usage nor about company who could fix your road.
Unknown said…

I’ve heard about fiber optics but I’ve never been interested in them so much. I know that people love to use them and they are really important in the internet world. You can also use it to decorate a house. I saw that some people use fiber optics to make stars on a wall or make a pretty looking table.

When I was When I was young I have fiber optics lamp in my room and I was amazed how pretty it looks at night.
Unknown said…
Honestly I am not familiar with the topic. I heard about fiber optics but nothing concrete before I have read your article.
Generally I like technical innovations. I more prefer follow the trends in the design of objects. I am interested in new smartphones, computers etc. Of course I appreciate the work of people who want tthat heir inventions simplify others people life.
Unknown said…
I have to say that I don't really am into this thing. For me there is no difference between this revolutionary stuff and another cable :P I see that it is fastest and better, but still, not that much exciting ;P I think it is more "men stuff" :D

And according to your last question (because I don't really have opinion about other ones), I think you will have your road done in next to weeks 😎 #fortuneteller
Mateusz Frycie said…
True. But I think that in the next few years FO will be used instead of "classic cables" . For example our PCs will be connected to the internet with FO instead fo Ethernet cable.
Mateusz Frycie said…

Thanks for Your support on the Road ISSUE. They fixed it yesterday. It's even better than it used to be:)
Unknown said…
I have never been interested in optic fiber. But I use one in my hi-fi, it's great because it can transfer signals for 7 different channels and has great sound quality. Of course they are more popular in networks, but like other have said it will take some time to popularize them. Whoa, I have never heard that it can be useful in art.
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