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Week 13 (19.01-25.01.15) Coolest Eco-Friendly Technologies at CES 2015

CES, more commonly known as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), is an internationally renowned electronics and technology trade show, attracting major companies and industry professionals worldwide. The annual show is held each January at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas. Here are some of the coolest green tech products being showcased at CES this year.


Automatic is a little device that you can plug into the diagnostic port of your vehicle. Once plugged in, Automatic connects the car's computer system to your smart phone, relaying data about all of your car's subsystems — from the gas tank to the engine.  With the data, the device can tell you when there's something wrong with your car, before it becomes a major issue. In addition to that, Automatic can also correct you driving skills. If you tend to accelerate too quickly, Automatic will inform you that this bad habit wastes gas.


Tzoa is a portable environmental sensor that tracks everything from air quality and ultraviolet radiation to humidity and temperature. It allows you to monitor the air in your living space, or even measure UV exposure during walk. According to Kevin Hart, Tzoa’s co-founder, the purpose of the device is to help people get in touch with their environment. Users are encouraged to get outside and map air pollution in their communities.

Helios smart

Helios smart is a new solar-powered phone-charging device made by solar tech company Solpro. It is a pocket size rectangle that after unfolding reveals three solar panels. According to the company, panels can absorb enough sunlight in 90 minutes to charge a standard smartphone.  Helios is ideal for those who are on the go and don’t feel like searching for a charging station, or those who are living off the grid.



Unknown said…
My God, I love such gadgets. These here are not THAT special, but they are cool products on the way to develop into something awesome. Such solar panels are common, but I am looking forward to those being made by relevant companies and of good quality.
Unknown said…
Let's imagine that tzoa is build into every smartphone, and that It's allowed to collect data based on gps or whatever. I wonder what insight into enviroment would it reveal.
Im not ant kind of gadget freak so I dont imagine my self with solar bateries sticked to my phone, but Im preaty sure thay such inventions will sooner or later be as usuall as computers
Unknown said…
I really like tech news and I love to read about gadgets. I think the ones presented are pretty cool but I honestly don't see myself using any of the three. I think I would find the first one the most useful but I don't really need that much information about my car on a daily bases. And can you put it into any car or only newer ones? I feel like every device has wi-fi nowadays and can connect to your phone. I even saw a scale lately with that function (and a special app that comes with it) that tracks weather and sends you your weight and some weird information. The second device..., I wonder why would I like to know the UV exposure during a walk? Helios smart may be cool but I don't think it would work well in Poland. I think I would faster stumble upon a socket in the wall then 90 minutes of sun in the winter ;)
Unknown said…
Well, they are definitely not super necessary gadgets, but I am sure at least some of them can make our life easier.
As for the Automatic : "This little device plugs into the diagnostic port of your vehicle, which is typically tucked between the dashboard and the brake pedal.", so I think older cars are compatible too.
I think you take advantage of Helios capabilities also in Poland, for example while camping. I agree, that standing outside during winter and waiting 90 minutes to recharge your phone is not the best idea, but its solar power - totally free!
Unknown said…
I agree, they are just prototypes with great potential. I also look forward to get good quality solar recharger.
Unknown said…
To be honest I am not really crazy about gadgets like that, I think it is quite not my thing :)
Unknown said…
I really love all these new gadgets such these ones. And I want all of them :D
I'm also very interested in solar-powered phone-charging device and backpacks, I found it very interesting.
MartaSB said…
I like these gadgets, but I don't have any more space in my apartment to keep them :D
It's an interesting branch of technology and I believe that it can sometimes provide us with very useful products.
rf. said…
Except for the solar panel I wouldn't call the gadgets eco-friendly. And even taking the solar panel into consideration, the production is way eco-unfriendly, to the point that even if you used the panel to charge your phone for next 3 years using the panel only, eco-damage done while constructing the gadget would still outweigh the eco-friendliness provided by the solar-charger itself. Now consider wearing away, new cellphone...
Unknown said…
I think they are called "eco-friendly" because they somehow stay in touch with environment (Tzoa gives us informations and Automatic help us stay eco-friendly). I don''t have any informations about Helios production costs, so I can't argue with that. However, it seems highly possible, that inventors try to fit into whole "eco-friendly" trend, while giving us something that is actually harmfull for environment.
Unknown said…
Hmm... from this three devices I can only see Automatic not being completly usless, but eco driving assistants are built-in in many new cars.
Tzoa? Bunch of sensors.
Helios smart? "eco-friendly"
przemekM said…
measuring temperature and humidity could not function correctly, or bring other surprising conclusions: D
I completely agree with you. Moreover, I think that Tzoa should also indicate the radiation level. Nevertheless, I find these devices more gimmick than useful.
Przemek you can always measure the temperature and humidity inside the phone :D
Unknown said…
Well, okay. I guess not everyone can like it!
Unknown said…
How many energy is used to develop such devices? I dont think it is very productive and eco friendly :)
Unknown said…
Like i wrote earlier, it is highly possible that some of them are just advertised as "eco-friendly" to boost their sales.
Unknown said…
Lately, green technologies are conquering the world. There appear more and more new devices to help us maintain our environment in good condition. People should start using such devices more often and maybe this would help our planet.
przemekM said…
interesting data for environment, won't you think? :)
przemekM said…
I agree that this is just marketing slogan not a really eco solutions. measurement costs in scale. Quality of data is poor in my opinion.
przemekM said…
i think they just verified products eco possibilities, and they dont found it :)
Paweł good point. I also agree with you przemek, "eco freindly" sometimes is nothing more that empty words. It has becmore really popular, like eating gluten free food:P
But I have to emphasise that I am convinced that it is good when the real eco friendly, profitable technology is being discovered....
Do you think that it is possible to "save" the earth. Even though it is already so used by humans?
przemekM said…
recently I read that the biggest energy consumption is industry, about 85% I think this is the key, find solution for big companies.
Unknown said…
If it is, it probably requires more effort than just using any of these three gadgets,
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I love gadgets, I love new technology, but I don't see myself using most of them. For me question is how using this all eco devices could help our planet ? All of them seems to be very helpful for us, but on other side any of you asked yourself where are they manufactured, how environment looks like next to this factories ? I'm not "eco freak" but last time I have this thoughts.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Finally, technology started to be eco-friendly. I think that this is very important, as if we don't change our attitude towards our planet, we soon will be living on one big rubbish damp. We have to take responsibility for our world, because it was not created only for us but also for next generations of human beings.
Julia Osiak said…
It's interesting to see what new gadgets are being introduced to the market, and I'm glad that an increasing number of them is eco-friendly. I'm not much of a gadget person, I guess I like to keep things simple and I get attached to the things that I already have, so none of those got my heartbeat running faster. The only one that I could maybe see myself using is the solar panel charger. It sounds pretty convenient when camping and you won't have a guaranteed access to electricity at all times.
Unknown said…
Helios smart charger would be most interesting thing for me.
I really like to travel. Usually with backpack so this thing is perfect for me.
On this kind of trips you often have problems with phone batteries.
Anonymous said…
What is eco friendly about Automatic? This is just an OBD diagnostic system without a screen.
So many times I've seen amazing tech news just to find out after a year or two that for some reason the idea was abandoned. I am a fan of new technology, especially the ones that are Eco friendly but, I also know that anything that is eco friendly has a hard life in the business environment, many Big companies don't like new eco friends in the neighborhood so they buy out rights and throw the ideas to trash or some deep black hole :)
Unknown said…
Hi guys, i'm curious about your opinion of drivin assistant in Automatic deivce.
My friend who is a mechanic says that this eco driving system is not good for engine.
In his opinion car could not reach a good power when we drive on low engine speed. Is Anyone keen on cars?
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