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Week 13 (19.01-25.01.15) Online education

Online education


I am a big fan of online education such as online-courses, conferences etc. I think that it is a really interesting and useful source to learn something new and even get a certificate that proves your skills so you can always add it to your CV. I don't think that online education is worse than traditional university education because it has its own advantages. You can improve your knowledge/skills e.g. in programming which changes every day. As for me, online courses are much more interesting than just reading a book, even if this course is 100% identical to the book. If you study  programming and want to start your business or just want to learn how to start it or you want to learn something about management and you are searching for good materials then I definitely will recommend one of the online-educational platforms where are all these video-lectures from different universities.
I don’t want to talk a lot about the advantages of online-education, I just want you to watch this short animation video:


Here are the best online education resources:

There are some of them that I like to use:
  • Coursera partners with the top universities in the world to offer online courses for anyone to take for free. It provides courses in a range of topics, spanning the Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Business, Computer Science, and many others.
  • Udemy is the world’s largest destination for online courses. Discover an online course on and start learning a new skill today.
  • TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is where the world’s leading thinkers and doers gather to share ideas worth spreading for free in videos.
  • Codecademy is a free easy way to start coding. It’s interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
  • Treehouse provides an extensive library of step-by-step video courses and training exercises will give you a wide range of competitive, in-demand technology skills including CSS, HTML, Ruby, JavaScript, iOS, and more.

More about all these education resources you can find here:

So, what do you think about online education?


Unknown said…
That's a very interesting topic. I found elearning extreamly important and in the same time most efective way of learning for me. Sometimes I have feeling that the most useful skills Ive learned, are through online courses. And by that I mean skills like software usage. There are also drawbacks of that kind of learning. The major one is that you need to know what you want to learn and where to find it, because obviously it's easy to find some materials that are not professional. Another dark side of elearning is that you need to stay self motivated because there are no teacher above you.
PrzemekM said…
online education is cool because it's often is very different than typical school, what is great i think. e-education in my opinion, gives people completely new way of thinking about learning. Often teachers are not typical teachers but enthusiasts this is great value to learn for this people.

I personally used udemy and I was very happy abouts results, it's great place to learn new thinks.

Now for me, TED jest the most interesting place to learn in internet, cause i can find there inspiring people, that they gave me much more than just knowledge
Unknown said…
Yeah, I agree that you need to stay self motivated and It's really hard. All these homeworks and tests at universities give you more motivation.
Unknown said…
TED is really cool if we are talking about inspiring speeches and so on.
Unknown said…
I am a big fan of online education and e-learning. I know almost all of the websites you mention, and I agree that they are really good!
I like e-learning the most because you can add it to your day, and spend as much time as you want to, whether you have it or not. It is of course depending on a course - like coursera, what I find quite tiring – you have exact beginning and ending of a course and you have to find time exactly in this period, which is not really flexible, but maybe motivating? Biggest problem is that all courses I'd like to take are not available for the next year :d
But in my the biggest advantage of e-learning is the possibility of finding stuff that are interested to you, and unavailable in your country/city/university to learn. Like there are no more barriers for you to start something you want to learn. That's really cool. The only problem is that most of the good stuff is not free but I guess it is understandable :)

According to TED i think it is something different, not really learning but more like listening people that has greater experiences than we do and we can simply listen and get inspired, not really being though something precise :)
Unknown said…
Yeah, courses are one thing, but what about online, free tutorials? THey're showing one precise thing, really narrow skill, and you can practice and learn something. It doesn't have to be a teacher, it can be everyone, skill sharing! Really cool :)
MartaSB said…
E-learning is for me mostly doing various foreign language courses. There is a lot of material available and (at least for grammar and vocabulary) it's the most efficient way of learning. I can choose when and how I will learn, as there are many different approaches introduced.
rf. said…
Short YouTube diy or how2 videos are really handy :)
rf. said…
The video you embeded says '... a great tool for those who are ready for a chance.' and that is exactly my opinion on education. Unless you are willing to learn, no way of presenting the knowledge will suffice. For some people the traditional way will prove to be better, some prefer online courses from the very start of their education (nowadays mostly due to the technical awareness). Online courses are a great opportunity for people who can not afford traditional school due to lack of time or funds. My opinion on online educations is very good - as it provides us with additional possibilities.
Unknown said…
Online education is great! I think the greatest thing about w e-learning is diversity of materials. You can learn about interesting topics from many different sources and many different tutors. Thanks to online courses you can gain knowledge, that gaining in any other way would be way much more expensive and time consuming.
Unknown said…
If you really want to learn something it's probably as good as traditional education.
Dominika Suszek said…
I also love TED!!! I am always so inspired after watching few speeches. I highly recommend you to see this one:
It is one of my favorites :)
Dominika Suszek said…
To be honest, I have never tried online courses. I watch a lot of tutorials when I have to do something, but I have never taken part in a University online course. I think it would be hard for me to study regularly. However, maybe one day I will try.
przemekM said…
I have many but this is so extrovert:
why we don't have such a lessons? :)

this is the most popular on ted site. Answer yourself why:
Anonymous said…

To me the best IT educational service is Pluralsight. They publish top class tutorials on modern IT technologies. Thanks to the Pluralsight I have learnt ASP.NET-MVC,
I would never had a chance to learn it at PJWSTK. They are so good that even Microsoft pays them to make some materials available for free. I like the idea of e-

learning especially that it is hard to find a teacher qualified enough to teach correct patterns and popular technologies.
I think that online courses and e-learning are a good introduction to the any topic. However, I have always found it easier to learn from traditional courses. Basically, I always prefer a direct contact with lecturer. It is easier to ask complex and difficult questions.
Unknown said…
Online education is very helpful. Thanks to such courses I was able to pass several subjects related to mathematics. Usually, in online courses everything is displayed very clearly, including apprehensible examples. Thanks to this we can learn a chosen topic faster and easier than from books. Online courses are very helpful, also in case when we want to learn something new. For me it is the best form of education.
Anonymous said…
In my opinion e-learning is far much better because it gives you wider perspective, also you can learn stuff that is unpopular in schools.
Online education is a great solution in many cases. Often people don't have the time or means to go to a school to learn, or the other way around – someone could be an awesome teacher, but can't physically come to the class. I do believe that „normal” lesson are more effective, but online education is still a good method in some cases.
Unknown said…
E-learning in general is great way to get knowledge about some subject without going out of home and for sure it very convinient but if it is effective? I cant decide. It depends on attitude mostly.
Mateusz Frycie said…
E-learning is a great way to learn effectively on one's own. We can find courses that match our interests, develop our skills and are dedicated to one particular issue. One of the drawbacks of this method of learning is that it requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation.
Unknown said…
I forgot to mention about language courses, I also think that there are a lot of them on the Intenet nowdays and they are very useful!
Unknown said…
Well, online tutorials are also a part of online education I think :)
Unknown said…
I've never heard about Pluralsight, but thanks you I'll register there, cause I'm learning now, so it'll be very useful for me.
Unknown said…
I agree with you about questions to the lecturer, but many online courses provide an opportunity to communicate with the teacher online. But of course they are not free :(
Unknown said…
Yeah, it depends on. But I think it's quite effective when you are learning e.g. programming and at the same time practicing it.
Unknown said…
I agree with you that it requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation, but for me a better future job and a higher salary are the best motivations :D
Unknown said…
It’s really interesting. I like e-learning. Thanks for your examples. Certainly I will visit this website and maybe will do some course. E-learning is the better than traditional system of education because you can organized your time, your work time. You can do it whenever you want, whenever you have a time. It’s really good alternative for traditional education.
Unknown said…
I'm glad that e-learing helped you to pass such subjects and I agree with you about clear information and interesting examples that are used in some online courses.
Julia Osiak said…
I love the opportunities that e-learning provides. Not only do you have access to courses from a great number of sources but you can learn pretty much anything that comes to your mind. Taking online sources is the way that I am currently learning cake decorating.
From the links that you posted, I often visit TED. The speeches that one can find there are truly inspiring and insightful. I had the pleasure of helping organizing the first TEDxWarsaw. It was a great experience and I hope that this organization continues to grow and provide online participants with more online knowledge.
Unknown said…
I'm glad this article is helpful for you!
Unknown said…
Elearning is a very interesting subject. You can improve your knowledge while sitting at home in your PJs. It’s an effective method because you can get online whenever you want, just when you feel like it. You are relaxed and don’t feel pressure and that’s why learning becomes more fun than a constraint.
Besides, internet is a place where you can find practically everything. If you know where to look for it, you can get inspired and learn really interesting things.
I love Elearning and the websites like or resent Khan academy, Its a best way to learn about the world for people that like to study by them self or just widen the area of their profession, is amazing for its 15 min videos that can inspire or amaze you with any subject and website like khan academy give u opportunity to study almost any subject like match, marketing, finances, or html just by watching video or listening to interviews of really amazing people.
Unknown said…
I think that a huge advantage of online courses is a possibility to come back to interesting subject. We can often fill a test once again an correct our mistakes.
A course participant could inprove his own language sklills by read again some articles.
Of course, traditional courses gives a similar opportunities,
but i think using e-learning is easier nowadays. We have all stuff in one place in a great order, we don't need do collect any sheets of paper. Now laptops, tablets and smartfons are extremly popular, so the akcess to materials is pretty easy in every place.

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