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Week 5 (3-9 November) : YOUTUBERS

I guess you’ve hear about them. They make all sorts of videos, which are available at  Why are they getting more and more popular among the crowds? Sometimes it’s really surprising how popular. I am not making that up, just check out how many subscribes and views they have. Hundreds, thousands, sometimes even millions.

First there were bloggers, then bloggers started to use YouTube. They used to talk about random things in front of their cameras. From travelling, talking about beauty, fashion, books, live music to recording their private life
 putting it out there for everyone to see. Such youtubers are called vloggers. If they have many subscribes and views YouTube starts to pay them.

I have to admit that I watch some of them. For me it’s like a better version of TV. And I don’t even have to pay for it because I am already paying for the access to the Internet anyway. It’s convenient. My favorite things to watch on youtube are connected with fashion, beauty, travelling and fitness. Before I buy any cosmetics I tend to watch some of the videos in order to check the opinions of other girls. Some of them are amateurs just sharing their opinion but you can also find professionals among youtubers. When I am supposed to visit other country I also like to check out videos about the city so I can write down some useful tips and the list of what is worth seeing. 

Sometimes I watch them when I iron or do some cleaning around the house, sometimes I watch them like a movie. Honestly it depends on how much time I have…

Online videos have become so popular that there is organized a special event. It’s called Vidcon and it is described as „a multi-genre online video convention.” It takes place in California. Viewers have the chance to see their favourite youtubers. 

Most of the best youtubers speak English so watching them can be a fun bonus of learning english:D

But there are also some disadvantages. Youtube is free and everyone with the Internet can use it. So when searching some useful and entertaining videos you will see a lot of 

worthless stuff. Some vlogers are idiots to be honest. Watching them is boring, confusing and in that case can be a really waste of time.

Here are some of my favourite videos and channels:


(rather for girls:p)

(rather for girls:p)



Professional make up artist:

Some more:

Sorry guys, videos are rather for girls. I hope you will share some good stuff form youtube for boys:P

What do you think about youtubers and vloggers?Do you watch any videos? What are your favourites? Share wuth us:)Do you prefer to watch stuff via youtube or on the telly?

Do you think that it is good that it is possible to earn money on being a youtuber?


Unknown said…
My favorite videos on YouTube are Tone It Up, because I train with them. I also listen to the music on YouTube or watch music videos or movie trailers. Sometimes, when I am really bored I watch videos with cute animals :). However, in my opinion my boyfriend is addicted to YouTube and he could watch videos all the time. His favorites are those with game players, pranksters or people who fail in something. I personally do not understand why he wastes his time on watching some other guys playing on computer, but I know he is not the only one who enjoys it and channels with players are one of the most popular on YouTube.
I think if you have a creative idea for your channel, you spend lots of time working on your videos it is good that you can earn on it. I am happy that our world changes and more and more people can turn they passion into a job.
Unknown said…
I think that we can find some interesting and useful information at YouTube. I watched many videos about how to do special hairstyle for important events or how to do beautiful evening makeup. It is commonly known that videos like mentioned are useful for girls who want to learn. We have relevant information from experienced people about many products.
Unknown said…
Hmm I don't really "belong" to blogger/vlogger world :D But I prefer reading blogs than watching vlogs. When I am reading posts I like having possibility of skipping some parts, that are not interesting to me. But when I'm watching a vlog, I don't know whats coming next, how much can I rewind... And I guess it is connected with my "movie-preference", that is "I don't like movies" :D

I neither like watching youtube videos nor TV :( I would chose series (but only when I am ill or anything else that explains me wasting time :) ), which is closer to TV ;)

According to the subject of earning money it has two sides. I think it is a really cool way of advertising, it seems very frank, because bloggers can chose before taking an ad or refusing taking it, based on their real opinion on the product. But if they are neutral, or only slightly like it, but they want to make money they will do it :) And the main thing that people like about bloggers is that you can trust them. They are telling YOU what they found and what they are happy to use! So how can an advert fulfil our expectations we have to bloggers? I think it won't have the same meaning to us when ads will be commonly used in this kind of communication.
I think everyone can find something for themselves on YT, that's really convenient. You can watch whatever you want, whenever you want to watch it. You don't understand his fascination with watching some other guy playing computer games, neither do I. But I can assume that he doesn't inderstad me watching some girl talking about beauty stuff:P

I love animals videos! Have you seen one - Loca the Pug?
Pleas do, you will die:P
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I knew you would mention your "movie preferences" or rather the lack of them:P
But still I can bet you can also find something for yourself on YT. Maybe some snowboard videos? Do I hear "yes"?Hm?HM? Hihihi:P

Thta's why I like watich those bloggers/youtubers. They tell their true opinions...
Which channel you can recommend?
Unknown said…
Yeah of course sometimes I watch stuff on youtube, but these are not blogs :) I watch snowboard movies, or funny videos haha I even listen to the music sometimes, watching some videoclips :D There is variety of options :) I guess it would be hard to find a person that uses internet and has never watched a video on youtube :D:D
I don't have opinion about youtubers in general some of them are annoying and dishonest, some are not.

I regularly watch two channels Jay Leno's Garage and DudeLikeHella. Jay makes videos about cars and motorcycles, very often shows prototypes or pre-production vehicles before anyone else does. Additionally he talks about things that are too boring for TV show. DudeLikeHella on the other hand is vlogger who currently is making videos about moving to Alaska.

I don't like television, there is nothing that TV can offer to me that internet doesn't.

I think that involvment of money is inevitable since beginning of any successful project. It is good as long you are the one who makes money on the youtube.
Unknown said…
OMG of course I know Loca!!! First time, I have watched this video I almost cried! She is the cutest and the greatest inspiration :)
I literally stopped watching television about 2 years ago. Right now I use my TV set as a screen. Most of the time I watch films, VOD or Youtube. However, I never watch vlogs about lifestyle, fashion or other staff that is not measurable. Usually I pick videos about science, history, technical review of new devices or techniques of exercises. In addition, I don't watch these videos on computer or tablet. I bought special Android Box device which is plugged to a TV set via HDMI port. It is similar to Apple TV or Nexus Player. If you do not know what is Apple TV or Nexus Player then here are the links :D - Apple TV - Nexus Player

As for youtubers and vlogers in general, I think that most of them produce useless material. Once I accidentally found a video titled "How to blow dry your hair". It was not any special type of drying a hair. It was a girl blow drying a hair with a hair dryer for couple of minutes.

Of course it is possible to earn money on being a youtuber. However, the money comes from rather other sources than views. Basically, the most common scenario is product placement in the videos for instance organizing the competition where the prize is the product of some company that paid for that advertisement.
Unknown said…
I watch a lot of stuff on youtube (really a lot) and I guess I'll be able to share some stuff for guys too because I'm not really into make-up stuff/videos at all ;) I think that being a vlogger is a new and a cool job and I have nothing against people making money this way. If someone is providing good content and you like it, why not give them a dollar every month? I understand that if you want to be a vlogger and do it properly that it's an investment because you should have a good camera and a microphone. I watch people who are successful and are able to live only because of making videos. If television would work even partially the same way maybe there would be some more valuable programs (I know that even if it was possible, people would only like to watch "Dancing with stars" or something like that ;) ). On the other hand I know about a youtuber Anita Sarkeesian that gathered 150,000$ on kickstarter for her videos (instead of 6,000$ that she wanted) and he didn't really provide the content (or it will just take her few years to do so), but I think she's an exception.

I do not watch television at all, and at my new apartment I won't even have a tv receiver. But this doesn't mean that I don't watch tv shows and programs. I just feel that anything I would like to watch I'm able to download from the web at any time I like, even If I'm in the mood to watch something stupid to relax myself I would rather choose something specific then mindlessly serf television channels.

A couple of youtube channels I watch, (in this order)some on gaming, some on atheism&science and some funny channels. It would take too long to talk about everyone but maybe when you'll get bored you can pick something at random ;)
- AngryJoeShow, Hot Pepper Gaming, Husky Starcraft, Husky Plays, Worth A Buy
- Thunderf00t, TheBibleReloaded, Drunken Peasants, JaclynGlenn, SciShow, Vsauce, The Amazing Atheist
- BuzzFeedYellow, Rhett&Link, BrotherhoodWorkshop, Good Mythical Morning, CollegeHumor, GirlfriendsTV, Glove and Boots, How It Should Have Ended, Screen Junkies, Tobuscus, UnsolicitedProject, Arielle Scarcella

An except that I highly recommend and, some really great movie reviews.
MartaSB said…
I don't really watch blogs on youtube, only some particular videos.

I think that you can earn money on blogging just like on anything else - you just have to sell your product. It doesn't even have to be smart, sometimes 'funny' or 'silly' is enough.
Unknown said…
Loca is the best pug in the whole world!:D
Unknown said…
YouTube is a medal with two sides which should be expected from such directions of people' thought expressions.

One side is positive one. YouTube is in some way independent source of information. In the other it is also the instructional video library for people engaged in different activities - sports, music, movies - all that could be found there. If you want to learn something fast and effectively you can find professionals there who are explaining everything in details.

Second one is negative. Everyone has an acces to YouTube, that means that besides people sharing theirs ideas and knowledge there are always a lot of unnecessary, harmful or offensive content that sometimes could not be avoided due to still unperfect system of video-advice.

Earning money on YouTube is pretty logical process, if person engaged in creating valuable and unique content he/she should be revorded not only with recognition but also with money, that could help him/her to devote more time to creating better quality content.
Unknown said…
Angryvideonerd actually started whole let's play/vloging thing, also what he did was a joke.
PrzemekM said…
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PrzemekM said…
First at once caught my eye is bikini booty routine, amazing vlog!
When I have some free time I like to watch this vlog:
interesting perspective on Japan

telly for me is useless... on YT can watch where and when I want.

Ofcourse people earn milions from vloging, maby not in poland but is USA, we have free video and the vlogger is sponsored by ads, what is fair I think.

I also like this dude is so funny.
I agree, threre is nothing interesting on television. Whenever I will sit down on a couch and want to watch something there is nothing there. And I want to point out that we have about 100 channels. So annoying. Do you know this feeling?:P
I haven't heard nor about Apple Tv neither Nexus Player. Thanks for sharing I will definately check those links out.

According to product placement. You are right that there is such a thing going on. But I like that youtubers (usually) tell the viewer straigh ahead that this or that product is product placement. Whereas on Tv there is only a shot info being given at the end of a show, or sometinh like that. Do you agree?
Wow Paulina nice comment. I totally agree with you. Sometimes I wonder how it is possible that most programmes on telly are so poor quality, whereas those on youtueb can be so good even without that whole background...
You mean like harmful and offensive content as videos or as comments that are under the video?

I totally agree. If they are good they should be able to make money out of it;)
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Oh those men. Always about the...booty:P
Haha you must definaely check it out asap;)

Do you think that we will have similar situation with vloggers in a few years as there is in the USA/ UK now?
Seisyll said…
What do you think about youtubers and vloggers?
I like their work. They are not wasting their free time and do something creative.

Do you watch any videos? What are your favourites? Share wuth us:)
From time to time. MysteryGuitarMan, Lindsey Stirling, and well anything that catches my eye. Video Game High School is worth seeing ;p

Do you prefer to watch stuff via youtube or on the telly?
Well I didn't know about "telly" so I'll just go with youtube.

Do you think that it is good that it is possible to earn money on being a youtuber?
Hell, why not? When people like it then why shouldn't he get something from creating more?
I agree but I think that on TV is a bit more difficult to tell audience in a different away about product placement. I mean that it would be weird if such information appeared during program on TV. Vlogs on YT is still a bit different.
Unknown said…
Izabela, Sonias’s travel it’s great! I really like sounds of violins and other strings soI liked your proposition „Following Heart”. Btw learn by skype it’s a good idea I think. It is more popular also in Poland.

From time to time I watch stuff on youtube. Hardly to talk about substantial blog or vlog because I watch what I need at that time. I haven’t got favourite vlog and blog.

I haven’t watched TV since I went to the boarding-school (about 6 years :) ). I really happy of it because I think that TV is more worse from year to year.
Everything what I watch I watch in the Internet.

I think that it’s good posibility to earn money on being youtuber but only for people who likes it, who likes being watched and who likes to be the enter of attention.
Great article, I'm a big fan of YouTube. Of course, I have my favorite youtubers and channels like you. Especially, I like channels with prank films such as Wardega or RomanAtwood. Moreover, I often use the youtube's guide, to make good, fast and health food or something tips from "" channel. Yeah I heard that YouTube can be a good place to earn money, but it's hard to find a concrete validate numbers.
Unknown said…
What do you think about youtubers and vloggers?

I think it's just another way to express thoughts on the internet. As with the "traditional" blogs, some of them I find interesting, some not.

Do you watch any videos? What are your favourites? Share wuth us:)

I really like a Dean Goranites book reviews youtube channel ( He covers a lot of modern fiction, mostly american novels. If you find this kind of literature interesting, you should check this channel.

Do you prefer to watch stuff via youtube or on the telly?
This is the first time I read about telly ;) I'm going to try it soon.

Do you think that it is good that it is possible to earn money on being a youtuber?
I see nothing wrong about it - personally, I would prefer much more "stable" source of income, but probably it's a part-time job for most youtubers earning money.
Mateusz Frycie said…
What do you think about youtubers and vloggers?
I'm not a big fan of them. Maybe because I've never found any worth watching more than one episode.

Do you watch any videos? What are your favourites? Share wuth us:)
From time to time, so I don't have any favourite one. Usually I watch music videos, videos from dance battles/competitions, sports/car stuff...

Do you prefer to watch stuff via youtube or on the telly?
Both. It's hard to fine good stuff in TV right now. But if U find it, You know it;'s good:)

Do you think that it is good that it is possible to earn money on being a youtuber?
As You wrote in the article not all videos are worth wasting Your time. In my opinion same is with money. It's good that they can earn money this way, but not all of them are worth any money...
Michal Kulesza said…
I don't like any vloggers the same as I don't like video tutorials and other things like this. In my opinion those are killing your imagination. If something is only written, even step by step, you have to add something from you to make it work (this applies to tutorials). When you see everything you can just follow instructions on the screen and be like monkey - don' think, just do it.

In some other situations video tutorials are useful: for example my younger brother learned to start engine of car and learned to drive it. When he went to his first driving lesson instructor asked him how long he's been driving without licence.

I watch loads of movies, series and programs. On TV and on Youtube, and on other video platforms like - Hulu, Netfix and HBO GO. My recent favourite series is "Wataha" made by HBO.
Unknown said…
Making money on youtube isn't bad idea in my opinion, but you have to do something special I think. And you must be really good in it. Importand is to get as much as possible subscribers.

I like to watch Tomasz Kopyra, who is talking about beer. And his personality and knowledge about it
is making fun.
Or if we are talking about funny youtubers, I have to mention about Remi Gaillard,
he is making short clips with jokes and pranks. But sometimes really impolite for strange people;)

I read article about that how much money earned Wardęga after upload his clip with dog-spider. I am pretty sure you have seen that. But this is example really rare and very difficult to realize.

This is this movie:
Over 100.000.000 watches gave him around 200.000pln. Impressive:)
Unknown said…

Personally I don't watch TV, but youtube for me is great place to be. I can choose youtubers who record videos in areas of my interest an spent there a lot of hours watching their speeches.

For example Elliot Hulse is providing for me a lot of motivation to my daily rutines.
rf. said…
Youtube is a fun and easy way for sharing. I guess you can really enjoy it after you've submitted a movie and shared it with friends.I mostly watch things that you can't find elewhere. One of my favourites is husky (huskystarcraft). And when i watch it makes no difference what source I use.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Personally I don't have any opinion about youtubers and vloggers. I do not follow any of them. Sometime I watch one or two films. Quite interesting formula has '20 m2 Łukasz' and this is only one youtubers that I've seen more then once.
Generally I watch TV very, very seldom. Tv and youtube are a bit different.
Making money on youtube ? Sure! Why not ? If you like it and you find yourself in this - awesome.
Julia Osiak said…
I have some youtube channels that I watch quite regularly, for example Jenna Marbles. For me it's just another form of self expression (for the vloggers) and entertainment (for the audience). Very often when I need to learn how to do something new, for cooking to makeup and even school related topics, I go on youtube and look for interesting videos or tutorials. I wouldn't compare tv to youtube because they provide a different type of content and I see the advantages of both.
Youtube has become one of the main broadcasting channels at this point. I see nothing bad about youtubers or vloggers, on the contrary I think it's a great think that people are exploiting as much as they can the possibility to express their ideas and opinions to the people around the globe. Furthermore, I think that's it's great they can make some money from it, because some of the youtubers really work hard on their posts.

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