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Week 5: Do you want to paint your body?

Body piercing, tattooing and hair panting into rainbow colors are getting more and more popular, among young people. Honestly, the more I see the more I am convinced I would never do any of these things to my own body. Probably  I would never decide on any of these.

Let’s focus on tattoos. At first blush, getting one doesn’t seem such a bad idea. This “ornament” lets people stand out and feel unique in a crowd. Sometimes a tattoo is supposed to pay homage to someone special in our life or to remind you about some special moment. Unfortunately, most people just want to have “something pretty” or “something to show” on their arm or another part of body. The problems appear later on. When people turn into their 50’s they suddenly realize that their skin is not as smooth as it used to be. A colorful butterfly on the back is no longer as charming as it used to be and a naked blond girl with big breasts on a man’s arm suddenly turns out to be just a ridiculous idea. Getting bored with our “decoration” is also possible. If a tattoo is hopeless, because the  painter didn’t understand our idea or just he couldn’t make it so precisely, people decide to remove it.

There are two ways out. First – to change your tattoo shape and turn a blond mermaid into your wife’s picture. Just find a good tattoo artist who will take up this challenge. If that method doesn’t satisfy you, you can try to have your tattoo removed. Just there is a risk that the ink will vanish but a scar will remain till the end of your life. And it is an expensive and painfull operation.

Businesses often discriminate people with tattoos. Tattoos have become the negative stereotype of prison inmates or gang members.  That doesn’t mean anybody with a tattoo is a criminal, but if you are a business owner, are you going to hire anybody that looks like one? People sometimes criticize what they cannot understand. Just like one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, one shouldn’t judge a person with a tattoo.

Here is short movie about removing tattoo:

What is your opinion about tattooing? Have you got your own tattoo?
What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?

Sources images:
Source of video:


Unknown said…
I cannot get convinced to tattoos... I know that I am not going to make myself any :)
But I like seeing tattoos on other people - but only those one, very simple and small. The friend of mine has infinity sign ∞ on her neck, and it really looks cool! :)
I also like this one
and I think someone I know has similar one, it also looks nice :)

I also think that it is good when a tattoo has a special meaning for an owner.
What is your opinion about tattooing?

I have nothing against tattoos, but if you have a tattoo on your forehead you shouldn't be surprised that nobody wants to hire you as a manager. Business is about making money not equal treatment in employment.

Have you got your own tattoo?

No, I don't. I couldn't decide which one would I want for eternity.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?

I really don't have one.
Unknown said…
I like this one :)
Unknown said…
I like the idea of tattoos being a meaningful symbol for a person. I enjoy looking at the big tattoos covering whole arms, noticing all the tiny details and trying to guess the story behind these images, but I wouldn't do one of these on myself.
I have one tattoo and am planning to get another one;)
Speaking of old tattoos fading or losing its shape or meaning - I just love this guy, he is a real artist (not just in cover-ups, but generally): I visited him once with my mom, she wanted to redo an old tribal tattoo she had gotten a long time ago. He took a marker, drew the entire new pattern on her old one and asked "so, shall we get this started?" And he did a really great job.
And here is an interesting article about Stanislava Pinchuk, who is a tattoo artist and has been tattooing her friends in exchange for favours:
Unknown said…
Infinity signs, little hearts, anchors and birds are really fashionable recently! But why wouldn't they be, they are nice designs. I wouldn't like to have a "popular" motive tattooed. Tattoos are not this kind of thing you do and then meet with your friends and say "omg, you have it too? So cool!", like iPhones or something. I think it's good if they are unique:)
Unknown said…
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Yeah. The best "popular" ones are Chinese characters that mean nothing or are incorrect :D

Why people don't develop some common sense and get a tattoo with their blood type. It actually can save their life someday.
Unknown said…
At the beginning of your article you mentioned piercing and dying hair with unnatural colors and I don't see how they're the same as tattoos. Especially hair that will always grow back whatever you'll do with them and you can always dye them back (I've done that personally when the color came out wrong even on the same day). And excluding extreme piercings that are covering the whole face or body, you can always remove an earring and the hole with close up or at least become invisible.

I like tattoos but only if the idea is pretty and if the engraving is well done. I never understood why people would let someone inexperienced make their tattoo for a few bucks instead of gathering enough money and going to a professional.

Here are some older people with tattoos and I personally feel that they look cool and it just fits them:

I don't have any tattoos and I think it's mostly because I've never found/thought of one that would be perfect for me. It's possible that in the future I'll get one. I've always liked something simple, like here:

I guess it's great if a tattoo is meaningful and if it's a symbol of something important for a person but I don't think that tattoos necessarily should mean something, they can be as well a way of just decorating your body. I never liked an idea of people tattooing sometimes name on themselves and in my opinion something neutral is sometimes much better. Today tattoos can be a form of art. I've know people that removed their tattoos and yes it hurts (but getting a tattoo also hurts) but it's possible so if you really want to a tattoo isn't for the whole life.

I feel that the stereotype that connects prison with tattoos is long gone. Tattoos became a form of art and really a lot of people have them. Of course they'll always be some stupid guys who will tattoo a penis on their forehead but I think (or at least I hope) that they're an exception. I'm kind of conflicted on the whole discrimination issue because I think that on one hand people should be able to hire anyone they want but on the other hand in my opinion people shouldn't discriminate against somebody on any grounds (gender, sexual orientation, religion) and looks is one of them. I can kind of understand that if someone's face is covered with tattoos someone would be prejudiced to hire them. But I feel that the same can be said about an extremely ugly or fat person who would come in looking for a job and someone wouldn't hire them because they could be appalling to clients. They could always say that we would hire you if you just removed your tattoos/lost weight and most people would consider the second one as something unacceptable . I know that at least I wouldn't mind working with/under, being served in a bank, shop or in any way by someone with tattoos.
MartaSB said…
Nice looking tattoos are not bad. I don't have any, but I like them on other people and in right circumstances I would give myself a tattoo.

I don't have a favourite example yet to show it, but I want to add something to the topic of discrimination and negative stereotypes. I know that in Poland there is a trend to 'stigmatize' people with tattoos and piercing in 'unusual' places, but... 'fun fact' - after spending some time in Spain I observed that in places with warm climate, where people wear less clothes and show their bodies more, tattoos are just like another form of jewellery. Young or mature, surfer, hairdresser or policeman - everyone had a tattoo and it looked really good :)
Unknown said…
I don't understand why people get tattoos without checking the spelling first, whatever language it's in. At least most people in Europe don't know Chinese so there is a smaller chance that they will know the meaning of your wrong tattoo but I actually saw people in Poland (in buses etc.) that had really simple mistakes in their tattoos in English, Polish or Latin.

- - hehe
- - ;)

I like the idea of tattoo with a blood type.
Unknown said…
Haha watching tattoos with language mistakes is one of my favourite entertainment :D

Beside the fact, that it is an awesome ad of the product, how do you feel about this guy?

and I agree - tattoo with blood type sounds really nice :)
Unknown said…
@Natalia Smoczynska
haha, cool exemple :D
and yeah the ad is amazing, I've seen it many times before, cause I was interested in this model.

@Paulina Zabokrzycka
I absolutely agree with you, it must be unique.
Unknown said…
omg, thanks for the link minimalist tattoos are awesome. It looks so gently
Unknown said…
I don't have my own tattoo yet, but I think I will!
I love beautiful tattoos, that have their own idea and are meaningful.
Also I don't mind about the age or that my skin will not be as smooth as it used to be.
But I really don't understand people, who don't care about artist experience,hygiene and materials their artist uses.
I think if you want to have a tattoo, you should analyse everything that concerns it.
And of course I prefer a conscious choice.
Here are some tattos:

Well, it's really cute one(I mean grown old together couple):
Unknown said…
"Businesses often discriminate people with tattoos. Tattoos have become the negative stereotype of prison inmates or gang members." In Japan, people with tattoos usually belong to Yakuza. It is so strict to the point where someone with tattoos cannot enter public bath.

Personally, just like you, i don't want to have any tattoos. And it doesn't come from idea that in 30 years, my skin would be old and flappy. It's just i tend to change things i like over the short amount of a time and i don't wish to undergo painful process because i don't like for example cats anymore and want to remove them.
That is why i think tattoos should be from something special, is it death of someone you hold dear and you want to remember, is it family member or some important day.
Unknown said…
Also wanted to say that i don't really saw any tattoo i'd liked that much, however i tend to enjoy people following "if life give you lemons, you make lemonade" situation in example like this:
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment, you used good arguments in here.
"I think if you want to have a tattoo, you should analyse everything that concerns it."
For example... I met person who has contours of owl tattoo (one of many) on her ankle. I said wow great and she said that in China culture it means peace of your soul. Hmmm my reaction was little surprised that she has something common with China culture. Anyway, her choose and her way of thinking:) I don't care.
Maybe someone confirm that meaning?
Unknown said…
Thanks for your answers;) short and concrete.
Unknown said…
Yesss I didn't write about it in my article, thanks for that you mention about it.
I noticed the same fact that in foreign countries (especially on West Europe - Germany, UK or as you said Spain) tattoos or others unusual body decorations are definitely more popular and social acceptable. Regardless of way of living, age or social status.
Unknown said…
@Phuong Vo Viet aka Funt: that's it:D and someone should be really interested in China culture and know its characters if he paint that on his body... ;)
Unknown said…
@Natalia Smoczynska: I know this infinity ∞ sign as tattoo, sometimes I see that on neck or wrist. But I read about this and it has got really deep meaning (deriving from Buddhism culture) connecting with lifestyle without limits or infinity love. Maybe important sign for someone maybe not. Or maybe it is just trendy:)
Unknown said…
I mean that tattooing is unusual way of decorating body like body piercing
or dying hair with unnatural colors. That is why I placed it on the beginning of my article;) and I wrote then, I gonna focus on tattooing in here.

Thanks for extensive comment with your perceptions:)
I don't want to offensive people who have tattoos, I just want to know why are they doing that and every comment with opinions is valuable. I just think that tattoo (visible sign on own body for the rest of life) should mean something special, when that person look at it and remain important moment, experience. Or should motivate to keep doing something, for example improve lifestyle.
Personally I don't get tattoos just for decoration. Maybe sometime in the future...
PrzemekM said…
Tattooing are cool, but minimalist tattoos are awesome. They can be our showcase or just hallmark.

For me hitman barcode tattoo is impressing

I'll be drunk as it once makings yourself this:

apart from whether or not falls, I don't like tattoos in older people. I think it looks bad ...
Unknown said…
PrzemekM: what do you think about Apple Fan tattoo? :D

Or make tattoo sentence in binary code... :D

so nerdy haha
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seisyll said…
What is your opinion about tattooing?
It's an another kind of art. Tattoos can be really amazing when done well, but I don't like when someone has covered their whole bodies in them. Well, everything is worth a try, you just have to know the limits.

Have you got your own tattoo?
No and I don't really think I need one.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
Can't really remember now, it's not something I am that interested. Although, I think that most impressing tatto was one of those that look like they are showing what is under the skin. Like that in second picture.
rf. said…
Neither a tatooed bloodtype, hand band nor a dog tag can save lives. None of them can actually be used in Poland as a basis for blood transfer. In case of a dire need (like life-threathen) doctors will decide to use 0Rh(-).
Oh, and if you want to have your bloodtype on a formal document - you can have it on your goverment-issued ID (dowód osobisty).
Mateusz Frycie said…
What is your opinion about tattooing?
Maybe it's not the best comparison but tatoos are like graffiti. Some people understand it, treat it as a form of art (for me both graffiti and tatoos are a great example of evolution of art and form). But on another hand I'm not that into covering entire body in tatoos... Maybe I'm still to narrow-minded for it:) Same with random patterns, graphics, " smart sentences about life" tattooed in random places without any "story"/history/reason.
Have you got your own tattoo?
Nope, although I'm thinking about one. As someone mentioned before a tattoo "stays with you for the rest of your life". So I want to be sure that it's what I wanna see every morning looking in the mirror.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
Yakuza tattoos...
Unknown said…
for me tattoo is something characteristic for people, who have it. People might be indetified by their tattoos. It should be well-considered decision. We make it for lifelong. In some company menagers don’t accept employees who have tattoos. Number of people fight against employers who discrimiate them on their way to get job. But generally we should think about this problem before making tattoo. In my opinion Gulestus Tattoo studio makes really beautiful, artistic and original projects f. I saw their proposals of sketches. They can make amaizing works of art on our body.
Unknown said…
What is your opinion about tattooing?
I think tatoos should be considered as another form of art. Some of them are really impressive and eye-catching. On the other hand, tatoos are a part of jail culture, which strikes me. When I see people on the street who has tatoos the association with violence and prison is inevitable.

Have you got your own tattoo?
No, and I do not consider having one in the future. Mostly because they are rather permanent (erasing one is very painfull process and often effects are not satfisfying). I can't really tell what my aesthetic preferences will be in the next 20 years but If I chose to make a tatoo today I would be sentenced to having it then.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
Honestly, I am not keen on tatoos, but I like watching bad or ugly tatoos. It makes me laugh to think that people choose tatooing a proverbs or aphorism in foreign language an it turns on that the words tatooed means completely different thing. Imagine, you would like to tatoo some impressive words in chinese and instead you get a recipe for a chicken in 5 tastes. Funny, isn't it? Also imagine, that the recipe stays with you till the end of your time. Undoubtedly, the person would be the master of that dish ;)
I reccomend the page:
I'm a big fan of one I found:
I like Bill Murray as an actor, but I guess I would never present my leg with such love manifest, no matter how good actor he is :)
I like beautiful tattoos,but only look at it. Look good on someone's body, not on my body :) I don't have brave to paint something on my clear skin. Futhermore, I really don't know what can I tattoo . I don't have any idea. Fine, good made and rich tattoo,not remind me of a prison or pathology. This tattoos are closer to art than to prison.
Sylwia said…
I do not have any tattoos and I don’t want to have. Maybe one day I will change my mind and I will do a meaningful tattoo, but I do not see any reason right now. I prefer when there is a history behind tattoo, so for sure I won’t do any just because it looks nice.
Michal Kulesza said…
What is your opinion about tattooing?
I simply don't like tatoos and I tend to ignore them even when people try to force me to focus on their newly done 'piece of art'.

Have you got your own tattoo?
No, and i'm not going to make one. As stated above: I just don't like them, there is no other deep meaning of it for me. I could do a tatoo only under one condition: It would be necessary to do it to help some person.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
I can't remember any. When I see tatoos I just think 'oh, another one'.
Unknown said…
I don’t want to paint my body. Probably never. I don’t like tatoo. In my opinion is not beautifull. I don’t but many people like tatoo, probably they feel unique if they have their own tatoo.
I dont interested in tatoo so I haven’t got my favourite one.
Unknown said…
I used to be against tattooing. Now, I don't have my own, but I can imagine that it can be something meaningful, something connected with life attitude, or lifestyle of the owner. Generally I'm ok with tattoos, but, people who have covered their whole bodies with tattoos, scares me a little bit.. To me, it looks like showing off, too much.

If I had to choose a tattoo, I would probably take this:
Unknown said…
Personally I don't want to paint my body. It already looks good so why should I change something? Getting older my skin will be floppy and tattoos doesn't look good then. Beside that I'm too much into developing my business skills and connections to taking such actions in my life.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Personally I have nothing against tattoos. In may case they're really nice and interesting. I just don't like 'prison tattoos'. Even simple black square can be a nice one.
No, I don't have any, yet. Maybe one day I'll find 'this one'.
I've seen lot of very impressive tattoos, but I don't have a favourite one.
Unknown said…
I wouldn't risk getting a tattoo, because I don't trust myself that much. Many times when I stumble upon something(e.g. clothes or other products) that I liked few years ago I'm just wondering "How I could have been attracted to it then...".
And it's probably not my fault, because design and fashion is changing, and tattoo is like element of fashion for me.
Another thing is that it is inevitable that after some time I would be just tired of the way my tattoo looks and wanted to make some change, like I'm not having the same wallpaper on my computer all the time. Even if I still like it, I can change it just because. And tattoo is permanent, so it's not for me.
Julia Osiak said…
What is your opinion about tattooing?
To me tattoos are a personal matter. It is one's decision to get a tattoo and other people shouldn't judge it. Of course there are better and worse designs, but even if someone got a cliche tattoo of a butterfly it is none of my business. There are some designs that can be offensive, but leaving those out of the discussion, to me tattoos can really be an art form.
Have you got your own tattoo?
Yes, I got mine 2 years ago, and I'm still very happy with it. It's small, it's somewhere that can be hidden if I don't want to show it around and it has meaning for me.
What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
I'm not able to select one. I know a couple of great tattoo artists, like Kat Von D or Amanda Wachob and their work is amazing
Unknown said…
Thanks a lot for all your comments this week. I see tattoo topic is really popular and if more people then more opinions. Unfortunately I could not write back as answer now, maybe I'll do it in Monday. Greetings
Unknown said…
What is your opinion about tattooing? Have you got your own tattoo?
I don’t have my own tattoo and I think I never will simply because I am not brave enough to make such a bold move and get something for whole life (I know there are methods to remove tattoos and few of them are very accurate but still tattoo is way to express yourself and I don’t need such expression :) Too much risk and concerns I think.

What is the most beautiful or impressing tattoo have you ever seen?
I have never seen “good” tattoo always bad or really bad maybe I am not interested enough to deal with really great ones.
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