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Week 5 (3-9 November) Interesting ways to be „green”.

Interesting ways to be „green”.

Being “Green” is sometimes complicated, inconvenient and just an extra hassle?
I would like to present some chosen products of the “green” technology that themselves may actually be proofs of the contrary.

Let's start with a solar powered keyboard. Have you ever thought "well, it'd be cool having a cordless keyboard because I dislike cords, but more so I dislike all of these weaknesses of cordless devices, like having to replace batteries or plug multiple usb receivers so it's not worth it for me after all".
Here comes this and it saves the day in a very nice fashion:

A 7mm thin, solar powered wireless keyboard with a battery that lasts for 3 months in total darkness - though your monitor's light is enough to start charging it so technically the batteries never die unless you live in a cave with no light and no monitor.
It also comes with an unifying usb receiver that connects all of your logitech wireless devices like mice, webcams etc to one usb slot. If you have more of these receivers you can plug them into your PS3 or Xbox360 and use your keyboard with multiple devices at the same time.

Awesome isn't it? To add to the niceness of this device, it's probably the coolest-looking keyboard (by far the slimmest, it's only 33% as thick as the Apple keyboard to put it in a better perspective) and very comfortable to type on.

Some reviews:

Another nice idea  turned real thanks to Kickstarter is the Ginkgo Solar Tree (and many other similar solar trees and stand-alone current-gen solar chargers).
It is a product resembling a tree, but instead of leaves, it contains solar panels. It also contains a built in 4000mAh battery and a USB port with which you can charge any mobile device like your phone, mp3 player, secondary battery etc.
You can see it on this video:

Similar, nice products from the same company include the solar sunflower:

And a solar tree:

Want to go camping or hiking just with your backpack and scared you might run out of battery in your phone, knowing you will be far from civilization?
The solar-charged backpack can help you.
“The six-watt solar panel powers a 2,400mAh battery, and one hour of sunlight is able to generate roughly a 25 percent charge for smartphones, connected via a range of USB connectors."

Currently there are so many “green”, “solar powered” gadgets that might get you discouraged, however, that it is understandable it might be hard to find a gem like those above. One of the great examples of such poor ideas is the range of tiny solar panels attached to low quality batteries often known as the mobile smartphone charger. Usually it takes a very long time to charge using the very small and old-generation solar power, and the included battery is not well protected from the heat which kills the battery quickly. Such devices currently are not recommended, since they can only make solar energy look less than appealing, but in reality it’s only bad implementation of it. Let it not bother you though, since searching and review reading will get you to really amazing devices that are green, actually make your life simpler and easier and make you feel nice and warm inside about using them.

I also encourage you to Google for solar or otherwise green energy gadgets. You might find something that you will actually like a lot, and find out that green energy can be very helpful and cool, even now, knowing it is not perfected yet.

More links:

Also, as a bonus about the “cost” issue of solar energy, there is an interesting article about it here:
While you can view some interesting graphs, you have to be registered to see further contents of the article, but the point it makes is that the cost of energy from solar power near the Equator has reached grid parity. Also, there's no "cost" per se for solar energy as you don't pay for energy, because it's actually free and at the same time 'environment' savings are uncountable. You pay only for the utility to collect that energy.

I think solar energy is cool and I was always a little concerned that people don't really feel like investing in it. It would make the green technology prices lower and the world a much better place where solar panels would be a viable option, and we would have more of such gadgets, they would be more affordable and better. The market is growing - because it's one of the fastest growing markets these days but.. people are still unconvinced or don't care or don't even consider that as an option, and legal issues with self-generating energy in Poland don’t seem to help.
Anyway, the problem for solar energy that this article also pointed out is energy surplus during peak sunlight which would make energy prices.. negative which is a problem for companies providing solar power plants. Personally I think the fossil fuel companies might be the part of the issue, but the reason why people don't use solar energy is initial investment costs and lack of government approval, not to even mention support.


Unknown said…
I think that solar energy has many advantages. The most important plus is that it has unlimited resources, it is also clean source of energy, free of charge and accessible. However, in everyday life most people do not use it (or maybe even do not know about this possibility). I think that there are not enough devices, which can use this type of energy. These devices which we can buy are in my opinion too expensive, for example USB Solar Tree costs about 60$. I do not know if there are many people who are willing to invest such a sum of money in a charger although it is ecological. Unfortunately I am not one of them. But if you want to invest in solar energy, here you can buy this charger:
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Your post and the Gingko Solar Tree spot gave me the idea and actually made me notice a problem with energy consumption these days! In fact if everyone in the world has this kind of "charger" that creates energy from the sun - it would have massive impact on lowering energy consumption from other, common sources like power stations. I only wonder, if this gadgets that help create energy like those plants, is not so too expensive, because this is a main disadvantage of alternative energy sources.

I agree with you, that by lowering prices of these kind of gadgets we could change the way we produce energy nowadays. But I guess to many money and too big corporations are involved in this process, so it is rather impossible to let the green energy get them over.
Unknown said…
Dominika, thank you for your link. That solar tree actually has pretty neat specs.

I think the price is not low, but that is because it's a niche market, and big part of the asking price covers development costs. If everyone purchased one, the price would get extremely affordable, speed up the development of efficient solar cells and save a lot of resources.

Also, it is not only a charger, but also a neatly looking object ;-)

Solar systems are not efficient enough. Those things you've showed are theoretically great, the trees especially(great design).

I would like to point out the other side of the coin. There is enormous amount of green propaganda around us. For instance very old example of Toyota Prius which wasteful production process overweights its greenness.
Next example, the triplets: Mitsubishi i-MiEV, Peugeot iOn, Citroën C-ZERO; BMW i3. You can now buy them for 1/3 of their original price because replacement battery costs 90 grand and you'll have to replace it again after next 3 years. Old batteries must be disposed properly.
Another example, EU forces lower CO2 limits on car manufacturers. They produce smaller engines with more horsepower which are breaking much faster. Manufacturers install many filters like DPF which are expensive and have to be disposed after its short life. It goes on and on.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I have solar panels installed on my house roof, they're connected to water heating system and preheat it before the gas will. This may not save much money, energy or gas, but I think that if this system was implemented in all the houses, it would be a significant saving and make a change in general.
Also, there are huge areas of empty space in the deserts and in my opinion they should be used as a place for some giant solar panels.
Unknown said…
Good point and I agree with those issues. With the solar tree, the only breakable part is the battery, which I agree is an issue. Don't you think though that if more people purchased such devices they would get more advanced? The problem is in current state of technology, but people vote for what they want more advanced with.. their wallets.
Unknown said…
I agree. Mostly with micro-changes - if each person had a solar panel on their rooftop, it would mean major energy saving. But in many cases it is also more convenient (you will have warm water even if you have no external electricity).
Unknown said…
I agree with Paulina that if solar energy system was applied in every house the change could be really significant. I feel that people are becoming more and more eco friendly every day and try to take care of the planet to make sure that future generations will still be able to live here. We are spending a lot of Earths recourses and we should really look into other ways of fueling our houses, cars and devices because oil deposits won't last forever (It's probably in excess of 50 years before oil production drops below half what is currently). Furthermore we are already faced with global warming, melting of glaciers and ozone depletion.

I've heard about an interesting project to put solar panels into space and on the moon. Solar power is the largest potential energy source available now and this way we would be able to get a lot more energy then what we are getting through our atmosphere right now. Part of the moon would always be able to gather energy and it would be nearly enough for all the electrical needs of our whole planet.

Articles about this project and a video about how the energy could be transmitted back to Earth:
"Don't you think though that if more people purchased such devices they would get more advanced?"

I agree with you, but there are many people that are not insterested in solution which will be obsolete in near future.

There are also customers like me who will never buy electric car unless forced to. I just like petrol and real cars too much.
Unknown said…
I am a lucky owner of Logitech keyboard presented in this post. I think wireless technology really excels when it is combined with solar power. Changing batteries or charging them without possibility of using device is really annoying. However, after a year of using it, I must say that advertised 3 months of working in total darkness is a great exaggeration. You also need a lot more light than only monitor - my keyboard charge only when it is next to window or really close to desk lamp.
Unknown said…
Green type of energy is a future of technology. We have to see the possibility that being green now sometimes could meen also being economical. Solar energy now becomes not luxerious thing but just another commodity that should be supported by the government.

Green energy still developing and it is good opportunity to consider to ourselfs do we personally need it or is it just another unnecessary thing, however, taking in to consideration rising prices on oil, it is just a question of time when alternative power resources (and we are speaking not only about small green devicess, but more about things that could influence the whole society future) would become vital necessity.
PrzemekM said…
When i hear green ....
I know that someone want to make money
the is no green energy every new technology need energy to create invent it. Often is much less useful.
If we would buy some smart something that is eco improve. It will be charging for free. Real? this need battery and other stuff to collect energy. Production process of this good need energy, a batteries are very harmful for the environment. I think the is not the real eco way of thinking, it's just business.
Seisyll said…
Well I agree that green energy is worth mentioning and further researching, but right now it's not that efficient. Surely it's enough when talking about gadgets seen on the pictures above, but there are still problems with green energy. As simple example as there can be, solar energy. How are you supposed to charge anything using solar energy when there is no sun? Green energy is fun and all, but our civilization needs constant supply of energy.
MartaSB said…
I like the idea of these "green" gadgets, but they should also be as convenient as "normal" ones to constitute a reasonable alternative. As for intems powered by solar power, I don't think that Poland is the best possible place to use them, but in Tunisia, why not.
rf. said…
Yeah, the article is all about keywords. What I see is:
Aaand, that's a great buisness for someone. What is really 'green' now is waste reduction, or slowing down the 'market growth'. World is all about higher PKB now while in the end it boils down to using more resources than we can afford to use (or Earth is able to reporoduce).
But yeah, having cool green gadgets is cool. And that's about it.
I completely agree with you Przemek. Words "eco" and "green" are misused in energy world. It is something similar to word "smart" or "intelligent" in electronics. When these adjectives are used to describe any product then people tend to assume that it is automatically better than previous one.
Moreover, I would not call devices presented in the article "eco". They are more handy than "eco" because they use sun energy as the source.
Mateusz Frycie said…,zalozyl-wlasna-elektrownie-sloneczna-podlaczyl-sie-do-systemu-i-energetycy-zaczeli-krasc-prad,41513,1,1.html

I love all the ideas with "green" energy but im not sure if it's possible to win with lobby. At least now. Maybe in the future...
I think that all of people are depends of energy, of course in the civilized world. Unfortunately, I don't think that it's dependence of "green energy", maybe in future. Your example of solar gadgets are great, practical and good desing. I have some green sources of energy in my home. First is a solar generator 1 meters x 1meters, you can charge devices directyly by USB port or charge the power bank (my second solar source). Full power bank can charge 4 smartphone batteries - great gadget.
Unknown said…
I agree with posters who stated that "green" and "eco" are keywords often used by people who wants to make money on "saving planet" ideas, but on the other hand, some of these ideas (just as ideas) are correct.
Some of mentioned gadgets beeing "green" are also very practical.
Michal Kulesza said…
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Michal Kulesza said…
These devices are so eco! More pollution was caused by producing plastics used to build them than the savings because of energy they've generated. And all the battery recycle cost. Then it appears that 'eco' is only keyword as @rf mentioned.
Another buzz-word created by marketers not by market just to grow sales.
Rafał Banach said…
I 100% agree with Krzysiek. Being eco nowadays became very popular and it is an business as usual. For example in normal shop we can buy the same products as in so called "eco-shops" but more more cheaper and people still believe in premium quality of these goods.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Eco things are very interesting. But there is one problem. Very often the whole manufacturing eco product process is more unfriendly for environment then the typical one. The other thing is as Mateusz said - strong lobby. If you want to be eco just switch off the light, you don't really need sauna in you room and public transport or commute can be funny.
Unknown said…
I don't think it's "green" to buy gadgets like these.
-It cannot be very efficient because it's just a gadget.
-It cost energy and materials to produce and ship it.
-It would probably be used only few times and then become electronic junk, that also cost energy to recycle(if it is possible in the first place).
-It is surely more "eco" to have specialized solar or wind farms to deliver electricity to everyone, not to mention nuclear power plants.
Julia Osiak said…
I agree that these gadgets look and sounds really cool and eco, but when you take a closer look into their production they won't be as wonderful. From the ones presented here, I really liked the solar flower, simply because it could be practical, but even if many people used items like that (assuming eco-friendly production), would it really make a big impact on the environment?
Unknown said…
Thank you for the links, I think the project is extremely interesting but first of all its kind of hard to send energy back to earth at the moment and second of all I think we have plenty of space on earth.. At least on deserts and rooftops.. Which is enough :)
Unknown said…
Yes I agree with that, I have the same keyboard. But to be fair I bought it almost 2 years ago and so far it never died on me and charge level is hovering between 90 and 100%. It's enough to have a nice location for it.
Unknown said…
while I agree at this moment, I also believe that those devices are a step to something great, just like smart watches are not yet smart, but are a step to something smart.
Unknown said…
Although the country with highest usage of solar power (with some success) is.. Germany ;)
Unknown said…
Yes, showing practical use of "green" ideas was the purpose here.
I believe that this makes the greens technologies better and more reasonable for casual people, since the more people buy solar panels, the more money goes on researching them and making them even better and more affordable.

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