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Week 5 (3-11 November) : Professional sport – a way to being disabled 

Nowadays everyone speaks about excercising. Even my last presentation on was about sport routine. But recently I have had this whole new perspective on performing sport mainly because of my sister. She is a professional sportswoman, she does kitesurfing on a daily basis. When she is in Warsaw she trains at the gym, when she is abroad she trains kitesurfing. So she excersises almost every day.

Logically she was supposed to be disgustingly healthy. On one hand she was. Her condition was excellent, she was super strong and stretched. But at some point she started to have injures almost all the time. One time it was her hip. It fell out from the pelvis during some evolutions in the air. She had to had her leg operated and then she was supposed to go to a rehabilitation center. When she recovered she started to kitesurf again. After several months she hurt her arm and everything started all over again. This situation happened  a few times. 

I’m  writing  about my little sis because I know that case well but actually it is not just her. Many famous athletes have suffered from all sorts of injuries. 

Doing sports all the time operates the body. People want to exceed the limit of endurance no matter what. They do not exercise to be healthy and fit. There is this thing called „contrast - when you hurt something in your body but you cannot allow yourself to be in a bad shape  and you just inject contrast into your body and for a few hours you don’t feel anything. I’ve heard that it can be really dangerous. 

Do you think that sport is good for us? What can we do to protect ourselves during exercising? We want to stay fit so we exercise but we cannot exaggerate because professional and extreme sports can be rather dangerous for us. Do you agree?  Do you do sports? What kind? Tell us all;)

Here are some extreme situations:

Ballet dancers:

Snowboard crashes:

at you can watch it in better quality



Unknown said…
I think that sport is a must if you want to live a healthy and long life. I exercise everyday. I do yoga, weigh lifting, cardio, exercises for my balance and sometimes even martial arts. And I can do everything at home thanks to my great trainers for example: Tony Horton form p90x3 and Karina and Katrina from Tone it up. I highly recommend you to try them, because it is hard not to fall in love in their workouts :).
However, as you have written in your essay, professional and extreme sports can be dangerous for us. I have ridden horses since I was 6 years old. Till high school I used to ride every day, sometimes during winter breaks and holidays more than 2 horses. During high school and studies I rode rarely but after every time on the horse I had terrible back pain. My doctor told me that it was because of horse riding. Unfortunately, lots of riders have back, knee or even hip problems. So it is as you said, professional athletes suffer from all sorts of injuries. To sum it up, I think that sport is good for you if you exercise wisely. One should always remember about warm ups before workout and stretching afterwards.
Unknown said…
In my opinion sport is good for our health but we have to slow down from time to time. We shouldn't overwork our muscles during workouts. It may cause more or less serious sport injuries. Apparently professional sport is harmful for health and I agree with this saying. If there is a competition then people are not taking care of themselfs and their health. They sacrify everything including health to get more money.
Unknown said…
The girl in the ballet movie has said a very true thing. If you are using something (for example your hands or feet) your joints are getting used to it, they are getting bigger. This is true not only in sport but also for example in some jobs - great example are dentists that have awful problems with their backs.

According to the snowboard movie - first of all I LOVE Eero Ettala :D And this kind of "crashes" are commonly shown in the snowboard movies (as you probably know :) ) Once I have heard the snowboarder, who was talking about his injuries that have been caused while snowboarding, and he said that during his career he has broken only facial bones about 40 times!!! And it's quite obvious that face is not the first thing to be broken in this discipline...

That made me believe in one thing. Training sport is definitely a good thing, but only to do it for fun, for ourselves. To not to exceed our limits. When someone wants to step out it is almost impossible to stay healthy :) So any sport trained professionally cannot be healthy, as long as you are doing way more than your body is ready for. You are practising sport professionally, something that's over the average.

I am a snowboard instructor and it's been 15 seasons when I am snowboarding. I have never had problems with my body, but last season was a breakthrough - my body got tired and it started to show me that I have to take a break if I want to continue training in the future. Of course it is hard to take these break, but I think that's the most important thing to do - listen to your body, not to overuse it.
Unknown said…
not breakthrough but breakdown*, obviously :)
Unknown said…
Not only money, but also what they have gained during this time! I guess it must be so depressing to have all your life focused on doing something, and from day to day you lose everything what you have...
Imagine you have reached a really high level in something, you are almost the best, only one step is between you and your biggest dream, and suddenly it all doesn't matter, because it is not your life anymore, you must stop doing it and it useless what you have done so far...
Yesterday I did this training with Tone it up:
Check this out its really nice cardio.

I didn't know that you did some horse ridding. I did it too back in a day. But I wasn't so into it. Maybe because I was quite a big child and it was hard for me to get on a horse. Pretty embarassing:P

Did you compete in competitions?

I totally agree that we musn't give up sport and just remember about all the things you mentioned above. What is your warming and stretching rutine?

Asia (my sister) had similar situation. She was in a perfect shape ready for new seazon. Competing and everything. One one day the injury happend. She hasn't kitesurf since. It had such an influence on her life. Firstly it was hard for her to agree with this whole situation. But all in all I think it chenged her in a good way. She now realises that she is not unbreakable, that health is the most important thing and that sport can be FUN.

It's another thing with professionals they forget to take pleasure from discipline they train because they can be so focused on winning...At least I think so...Do you agree girls?:)
Unknown said…
Yeah, I think there is some kind of pressure on them. People are expecting from them the best performance. So there is no place for failure. It makes competitions even more competitive, and it is not just for fun anymore...
Unknown said…
I have started the new Tone It Up challenge; it’s called „Holidays Hunnies”. Here you can find the schedule of workouts: . It’s really easy and awesome :)!
I took part in a few show jumping and dressage competitions. Unfortunately, my horse had injury and after it he couldn’t compete any more.
I don’t have my warming up and stretching routine. It depends on which part of my body I workout.
Sport is good for us as long as we put safety first, good warm-up is the key. One shoudln't forger about right clothing, for instance if we go cycling or running we should kepp our knees warm at all time.

Yes, I agree. Exaggeration is bad by definition.

I mostly ride a mountain bike, sometimes in the mountains(at least once a year), it is much more dynamic than running and the technology used in the bicycle industry is astonishing.
Unknown said…
I think that it's good that more and more people are exercising and are concerned about their health and dexterity. But obviously I agree with everybody that wrote comments before me that people should be careful and if they're not sport can become a cause of a serious injury.

I'm sure that professional athletes are very careful and have teams of specialists and doctors that are always there to help them but I think that these sportsmen and women are aware of their own situation. Too much exercise can be really bad for them and their careers will probably only last till their 30's or 40's(If they're lucky). These people are aware of this and I think (or at least I hope) that's a conscious decision to choose this hard way of life. If it's bringing them joy and their goal in life is to get an Olympic medal (or something like that) who should stop them? The important thing is to finish this career at the right time so you don't become an invalid.
Unknown said…
Sport for regular person and professional one are two totally different things. As for person not engaged in to extreme overload of his/her body on mental and physical levels understandig of real purpose of physical activity is a question of cruscial importance. As it was mentioned by author of the article, sport could be as a measure of being in perfect shape, but at the same time it is the way to face real health problem issues. Taking in to consideration the physical and mental differences between professional sportsmen who are used to extreme conditions, in which their muscles and biochemical processes are working, and the regular person who is very often has lack of professional run-up, there should be done two totally different approaches towards physical activity and injuries that person could achieve by being engaged in that activity.

Talking about professional sportsmen we should understand that behind such person is a well build team of professionals in different fields. Plus we must also face the fact, that sportsmen are using special suplementary diet and steroids with heavy training graphic which is always under the observation of numerous doctors and coaches. Professional sport also is not about having fun and enjoy from the activity, professional sportsmen are usualy could be found under constant physical and moral presure which also increases the possibility not only of physical injury but also mental trauma (depression, fear and etc.).

On the opposite regular person should understand above-mentioned things and be more responsible in the terms of physical activity: diet and constant medical check-outs are necessery if person is about long, happy and healthy physical activity. The edge between health and trauma sometimes could be too narrow.
PrzemekM said…
Sport cause that we feel better and this is great.
But if we talk about pro sportsmen, in my opinion this is not the healthiest way of life.
I agree that people exceed the the limits, this is sad but this is the only way to be the champion.
I understand them because I trained crossfit regularly 5 days a week. For me being healthy and feeling like athlete sometimes is more than all that life can offer me.

Now I am finishing work write MA, and the only thing I have time is running at night.
MartaSB said…
In my opinion, professional and extreme sports are not aimed at being healthy, but the main focus is on psychological aspects.

In general, sports are good for us and when we are reasonable, injuries happen rarely. We can protect ourselves by training under supervision of a professional trainer and not exceeding our natural limitations.

As for me, I like dancing, cycling and swimming. From fitness stuff I attend some body conditioning and stretching trainings. I also do yoga.
I think that the key to be healthy is to keep the balance in everything. Sport is great until you overdo it. The same rule applies to eating, studying, sleeping and anything you do on a daily basis. It is like in the saying " The dose makes the poison" by Paracelsus.
I think that everything is for the people, but you have to know some limits. Sportsmen frequently retire, when "normal" people develop their careers. It's shows something, right ? Sports has advantages and disadvantages like a lot of things around us. You always have to use common sense.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Sport is good for us in right quantity. In my opinion if we don’t too strain when we train, should be good. Of course I agree with you, extreme sports are exist. It’s more dangerous for us. During train extreme sports may be take place everything and we should be prepared for it. In fact everywere everything may be take place :P Of course proffesional athlete is more threatened than ordinary people.
Izabela I’m felling sorry for your sister.
Hmm, If we want to take care about us during exercise, we can use different sorts fenders. It should be helped.
Recently I’ ve climbed. Fortunatelly I’m still intact and I hope that wil be good to the end.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Do you think that sport is good for us?
For sure it's better that doing nothing. But there is a big difference between being/staying in good shape, being fit and doing sports professionally. As You mentioned in the article your sister is a pro sportsman. She's probably training every single day or even twice a day. After so much of work, she can be tired/ exhausted. Let's add bad weather, headache, flue, or lack of proper rest and the probability of getting a injury rases. So I would say that doing sports as your profession is always connected with the posibility of getting a injury. Especially if we're talking about extreme sports.
What can we do to protect ourselves during exercising?
Eat good, sleep good, and train without overtraining.
We want to stay fit so we exercise but we cannot exaggerate because professional and extreme sports can be rather dangerous for us. Do you agree?
When You train hard, do it semi professional/professional you always need to remember that ur body isn't a machine.
Do you do sports? What kind?
I dance and train calisthenics. I started dancing round 2007-2008. First was popping and a bit of Hip Hop dance, then salsa and a bit of afrocuban stuff. Now im trying to find my own style/way:)
About calisthenics... My first training was sth like 1,5 year ago.
Unknown said…
The problem about sports is that now, it's trendy to be fit, and the more sports you do the better. Moreover extreme sports are at the top of the list of desired activities, mainly because we have gopros and social media. Isn't it right ? I wonder if there would be so many base jumpers, parachuters, downhill bikers if they couldn't post a video on Facebook.

Ok, maybe that was pessimistic opinion. In fact I believe that any kind of sport activity, especially in an era of sedentary work is good, but as always, we have to keep in bounds
Michal Kulesza said…
Professional and extreme sports is way of life. I like to watch it but I wouldn't be brave enough to do it.
I believe that such injury-sprees as described in the article are results of overtraining or lack of warmup before or cooldown after the workout or training.
I used to train tennis but due to injury I had to stop it. I know that lack of warmup and streching was responsible for it so now, when I do some sports, rather as entertainment than in professional way, I always remember about warmup - just to signal my body: hey, we will be doing sports now. Be careful!

What I did observe and it surprises me in positive manner are elderly people exercising on outdoor gyms in Warsaw. They did motivate me to join gym and workout :) If they can - what's my excuse now?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
My one of the most favourite sentence:

Sport is healthy.
Recreational almost always.
Professional almost never.

Making sport is important to have well-build body or feeling better. I like to go to the gym or some various kinds of fitness exercises, after that I know I did something good for myself, better than watch youtube clips. But it is important to know limits, as in every parts of living.
When I was younger I was training Parkour (jumping between buildings, from balconies and some more stupid thing like that;)), skateboarding, little extreme skiing. I liked adrenaline, but now... Im a little afraid of that thing, propably now I couldn't repeat that:)
Fortunately it is everything ok with my body now, because there were risky.
Unknown said…
I think doing sports in our lives are great things. They helps us provide an balance and drive more healthy life's. I can't agree with Tomasz that people do sports because of social medias and just for seeking validation from someone. When dopamine kicks in it is a great feeling and people could really release their worries. Some of us just want to push yourself further and sport is one of many areas in our lifes where we can do that.
rf. said…
Physical activity needs to be dosed properly. Too much exercise is as bad as not enough of it :)
I love team sports - they give additional meaning to running around with balls and stuff and scoring points. For some sport achievements are a way of living and that's good :) And as for injuries - pushing limits hard is always dangerous, in any activity.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Of Course sport is a good thing for us also it is quite interesting way of spending free time. First thing before exercise is short warm-up and safety, after that are other things as clothing. Exaggeration is bad by the definition. When you are overworked you destroy your body and the results are different than expectations. Yes, I'm quite sporty, i practise very different sports, but the best are squash, paintball and swimming.
Julia Osiak said…
Moderation is the key to almost everything in my opinion. If you don;t pay attention to your body's signals and you keep on pushing yourself even the fittest will end up being hurt and injured. It's important to stretch before, to set time for resting and allowing your body to regenerate and get its full strength back. Also when you're just a beginner it's good to ask for some tips, and learn the correct moves or postures and not make any bad habits that could only do more damage than good. I like to run and play tennis, and from personal experience, I can say that listening to your body is very important to keep on practicing instead of seeing the doctors.
Unknown said…
Some sports just come with bigger risk than others. So if you are going proffesional you must be prapared for it. I myself had an injury during kitesurfing this year, and I was only doing it for a week but I also was training swimming for half of my life, and never had an injury.
Unknown said…
First of all we can’t mix casual, everyday sport activities with professional ones. Professional athletes are used to more intense workouts but they are pushing too hard nowadays because they don’t want to stay behind and then they are disabled for weeks, months, whole life. This is not about healthy life anymore, money is a key here.
Physical activities are great for us but only done in proper way.
How to protect ourselves during exercising? Good equipment for sure, warmup before workout and after too. This is very simple. I am running for 10 years now and I must say that good shoes and warmup are crucial here.
As with everything, also in sports exaggeration can have disastrous effects. Obviously physical exercises is something healthy that every person needs to stay in shape, however “overloading” the body is a very dangerous thing and in case of professional sportsmen it's the trainers duty to stop a person from exploiting their body too much. One can even permanently damage their body and then they won't be able to do what they like anymore.

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