Everyone knows about Guiness World Record books. They are famous for storing, investigating and declaring the highest records in diversity of themes. From driving a motorised garbage bin at the speed of 69 km/hr, through the 190cm long hair in teenage category, to 33 hours of swinging without a break. Of course, these are only a tip of the iceberg. Some records are bizarre, some involve a lot of physical strength or agility and others are bloody and brutal. The last perfectly summerize the story of “Most fatalities in a crocodile attack.” world record. It was set in 1968 and is connected to the battle of Ramree Island off Burma in February 1945 during the II World War. It is said that during the battle Japanese forces had to cross 10 miles of mangrove swamp in order to retreat from overwhelming forces of British Army. During their crossing they were caught in Allied fire in the middle of a muddy river, but that was only the beginning of their problems. As they tried to run as fast as they could the saltwater crocodiles attacked them and presumably ate 900 of them. Only 20 or so survived the massacre.
Many years after that record was set, the National Geographic team tries to uncover if this was really what happened during the battle. They came to Ramree Island in search of evidence. Not many World War II veterans were still there, but all of them spoke the close to the same version of events. Few of them actually helped allies forces, mostly through teaching them survival in a jungle environment. Surprisingly the team couldn’t find a single crocodile in the river even though they travelled by boat. So, they changed their tactic and gained access to soldier battle reports of both sides. The documents uncovered many facts that even war correspondents missed. There were no more than 300 Japanese soldiers and presumably 50 of them survived the swamp crossing. However, it was a British report that made clear how history was born. The battle took place on 18 February of 1945, and the other day, British troops were woken up by the gruesome sound of breaking bones and hisses. The view frightened even the bravest of them. Dozens of crocodiles were eating the corpses of Japanese soldiers that were left in the swamp. That view after many gossips around the area one day grew to a myth that was written down in Guiness World Record book.
After the spectacular record was edited in the 2017 edition of Guiness World Record as the new evidence came to the light. And the world was saved once again from the one of the most exaggerated fake news.
National Geographic tv program
Some questions so I can learn what do you think about the topic:
1. Have you heard about that story before? Or you know about other debunked record?
2. Do you know some Guiness World Records that fascinated you?
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
I don't recall myself being very interested in this subject before, but from what I had seen, there are many impressive ones that have to do with fast reaction time or speed. I remember watching a TV show once. One of the guests was a lady who held a record for the fastest typing down and the other person held a record for fastest rapping. Long story short, she was typing what he was rapping and turns out she got quite lost at some point which was funny for her and the audience.
As for the third question, I can't see myself holding any Guiness record :)
As a child, I truly wanted to do something remarkable and to set a record. I didn’t really understand how it works. I imagined, that in the very moment, when someone sets a record (even not knowing it) an expert from Guiness World Record book appears from nowhere and congratulates “the winner”. I was pretty sure, that if I set a record, something unusual will happen. I waited for that moment as some other kids waited for the letter from Hogwarts :(
2. Once again, that's not really something that fascinates me so I don't know much about them. Even when I read that something is a record I'm not really surprised and take it neutral. Maybe that's because I don't really know the process of getting your record into the book.
3. I don't think it's something that I'm interested in or willing to spend time on. If that'll happen somehow on its own then obviously I wouldn't mind. But I don't see myself training and preparing to beat any record from the book.
I know one World Record which is quite impressive, at least for me. I'm not sure if it was added to the Guiness World Record. It was established in 1999 by Jerry Miculek in shooting sports - fastest shooter in the world. This man has some inhuman skills.
That's a funny question :) I have a hard time to pick one. What about you Karol?
I’m not interested in Guiness World Record and that’s why I don’t know any of them. But I heard gossips that sometimes these records are really weird for example: record for the longest kissing.
I’ve never had an ambition to set some record. But if I had to participate in some I would try to compete for gain a title of master of eating hot-dogs on time.
I didnt heard about this one. I knew that Guiness World Record has some weird achivements but to be honest i am a little shocked because i didnt expect there are this kind of records too.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Record that fascinated you?
As you mentioned there are a lot of weird records and probably in the all possible categories. I dont have my favourite but a few days ago i heard about the biggest ring made mostly from gold. Weight of the ring is close to 64 kilos and you can find it obviously in Dubai. It is used as a promotion for "gold market" and everyone can go to see that.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes than in what category?
I dont think so. This wasn't my goal and probably it will never be.
The world record for the number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting belongs to the American Joe, who ate 75 in 10 minutes. For me, this was quite an impressive figure, since I myself also do not mind eating a couple of three hot dogs, but such an amount shocked me.
If I set some kind of record that will fall into the Guinness Book of Records, I think that it will turn out completely by accident, or something so grandiose enchanting that it will most likely be the last thing I will do in my life.
I have never read much about Guiness World Records, so it is no surprise for me that I did not hear about this one. What is surprising for me is that it even counts as a record. I thought that a record is related to a human achieving something which no one ever achieved before but in that case the record would be for crocodiles, seems weird for me. What I also thought that you need to have some kind of inspector from Guiness organization watching beating a record for it to be valid. I do not know any debunked records.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Record that fascinated you?
As I said I am not interested in Guiness World Records because I think most of them are weird and I do not understand people who would want to be known for beating them e.g.: Most tattooed man: over 1,000 hours of body modification, fastest time to eat a bowl of pasta: 26.69 seconds (I googled those).
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes than in what category?
Maybe I would like to but beating any of those records (not stupid ones) requires so much work and dedication that I could not even think about it. If I would choose some category sport related that is pushing human body to the limits for example weightlifting.
I've heard about a lot of pretty strange Guinness records like the Fastest toilet bowl,
It was invented by the plumber Colin Furze, the maximum speed of this toilet is 88.5 km/h, you can drain water in it while driving.
Colin Furze was already in the Guinness records as the constructor of the biggest bonfire and the longest motorcycle.
I never wondered if I would like to set up a record to be in the Guinness Book of Records,
I think that nowadays people have really strange ideas and all the easy to come up with and break records have already been established.
Neither am I very interested in that
Like I said I’ve never took interest in those records, but I think I saw something including domino fallback a long time ago, it was quite pleasing to watch.
I don’t really have the ambition to set any record. I would like to be good, but I don’t need to be the best.
If I’d have to choose a record that somehow fascinated me, I’d say the World Record broke by Malala Yousafzai, the youngest person ever to be awarded with a Nobel Prize. She’s a women rights activist from Pakistan, who is just 2 months younger than me, and she fights for the rights of girls around the globe, especially for their right to receive proper education. She paid the price for that, as somebody tried to kill her – a masked man got onto a bus she was travelling in, and shot her in the head, and she miraculously survived that. She was just 15 when it happened.
I don’t think I’d like to set a record. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with breaking boundaries and going further, but I just don’t feel like a person who could do anything record-breaking, that wouldn’t be just unnecessary or stupid. ;)
While I am not overly excited about records from the book, I know there are people obsessed with them.
In fact I can recall hearing about records mostly related to food, like biggest hot-dog and such.
Regarding crocolisks, I am deeply shocked that events, like the one described in the article, get recorded in the book.
On the other hand, I am amazed how dedicated some people are to records.
Not necessarily setting them, but they investigate and search in order to curate the collection. This way contained records are genuine.
As far as setting records go, I am dreaming of achieving records in certain fields.
I am not sure whether I will ever come close, but I find that by just thinking about it, it helps me keep going.
I believe we need to manage our expectations. Let them drive us towards goals, as too much ambition can be disastrous.
Unfortunately I had never heard about this story before as well I had never known about other debunked record. Immediately I came to the conclusion that it's impossible that anywhere in the world there are so many crocodiles that can eat 900 soldiers. This is too improbable a story to be true.
Do you know some Guiness World Record that fascinated you?
-49-year-old You Jianxia has set the record for having the longest eyelash, measuring 12.4 cm on the left upper eyelid. Her lashes were measured in the Chinese city of Changzhou Jiangsu in 2016. Jianxia noticed that her lashes began to grow unnaturally in 2013.
-Longest kiss lasting over 58 hours established in Thailand
Would you like to set the record? If yes than in what category?
I have never thought about this before but now I'll try to think of something. Maybe highest number of stairs climbed during the day but I know I had big competition in this category.
i havent heard about either story and the record. But the history seemed to me a little stretched from the beginning. I dont think i know any debunked record in world guiness book. I have no interests in it.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Record that fascinated you?
Probably there are some that would impress me like longest plank or something with climbing. But i dont know any by heart.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes than in what category?
If i would be able to i would like to set record in something conected with sport and climbing in general but im not that type of a person to do something to set the record. The record should appear naturally.
I’ve never heard about this story, but I find it really interesting. I would like to know if there is any other example of this kind of mistake. I think, nowadays, people don’t really care about Guiness records and only most spectacular ones are mentioned on mass media.
I once saw a video where Helena Vlahos, a greek belly dancer, was performing her „Nine Quarters” belly dance act. Thanks to this performance, she can be found in Guiness Book of Records for Unique Abdominal Dexterity. I was really impressed by this act and I was thinking about sign up for some belly dance classes but finally I didn’t do that.
I don’t really think that I will ever set any record and find my name in Guiness Book of Records but, who knows, maybe something will change in few years.
3. I am not the type of person who would like to be famous. I am also not a competitive person, which is probably the mental requirement to make a record. But who knows, maybe someday in the future, I would decide to be the best at something...
To be honest I have never heard about it. I've always thought that Guiness World Records are the mix of funny and really seriousness things but this sounds really weird.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Record that fascinated you?
I am not much into Guiness World Record so I am not sure that it is fact but I've heard about crushing the watermelons with thighs competition
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes than in what category?
Not really. I have very diffrent priorities than that
I have never heard of that story in the presentation before. I'm not interested in this topic.
Do you know some Guinness World Records that fascinated you?
I even had the pleasure to speak with one of the Guinness World Recordists on the phone. He called the company I currently work with and was looking for sponsors. His name was Janusz Chomontek and he set one of the Guinness Record in bouncing the ball. He managed to do it over 35 000 times!
Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
Not really, I'm not a competitive person and it does not seem to me like a fun thing to do. Rather very tough and stressful.
2. The artist made me look through the list of records and I was fascinated by the record of the highest person in human history. The record holder on June 27, 1940, at the age of 22, he measured 2.72 meters. His life must have been completely different from that of any of us, his height certainly opened up new opportunities for him, but probably also caused problems.
3. Of course I would like to become a guinness record holder and write on the pages of history. Being a record holder is one way we can leave a mark on the earth that will remain forever after our death. I would like to be a record holder in some acquired skill, that I would only owe the record to myself and not to what I was born.
2.One of the interesting records I have heard is the largest amount of drinking straws put in the mouth. Apparently, the record holder managed to put as many as 400 straws in his mouth without using his hands.
3.I never thought about it. I don't think I need such an achievement in my life :)
No, I haven't heard about that story, I think it's quite niche so I nobody has told me it. Also don't really know about any debunked guiness record but I know that a popular myth stating that goldfishes have a very short memory is not true, and they can recall events from few months back.
I think that records overall are a facinating topic, however the guiness ones are mostly ment for mocking and are not in things that are useful.
Not really. If I had to pick something then maybe in typing the most words per minute on a keyboard.
2. Once upon a time I watched a program on TV showing different Guinness records. I remember a record where a man entered a bathtub with ice and was lying in it for about an hour and a half. I wouldn't last a second.
3. Honestly, I have no idea for my record. I'm not doing anything extreme that makes me want to be remembered for it.
One of the most impressive records I've seen is "HighestShalllow Dive" - you can watch it on youtube. I've also seen mayonnaise speed eating and ketchup speed drinking. There are weird but also quite funny to watch.
I don't think that I'll be able to set any new record. Also, GWR and high competition is simply not my thing.
I'm a video game enthusiast, so naturally I know some stories related to industry records. In my opinion, one of the most interesting is the highest score in Tetris on the NES console. It is not interesting because of its current high score (1.357.428), but because it is beaten almost every year. The Nintendo Entertainment System was released in 1986. Tetris competitions have been going on continuously since that year and surprisingly, it is a bigger and bigger event each time.
I really appreciate the records in which the player has to train his skill. Years of training allow him to prove that he does something better than everyone else. Unfortunately, there are also guinness records that focus on a strange human trait. For example, the longest legs, the largest nose, the narrowest waist. I wouldn't refuse to accept an award for something similar, but it wouldn't be anything amazing for me.
The one record that engraved in my memory is the record of Felix Baumgartner from 2012. He was the first person to break the sound barrier in freefall. I remember it very clearly how i watched his video from breaking the record for the first time. Baumgartner completed his jump from a height of over 38 kilometers, finishing his fall in three hours. It was an outstanding accomplishment.
It must feel amazing to set the record in Guiness Record Book, but i can't imagine doing it myself.
No, I haven't heard about it before, but yeah, there are a lot of strange things in this book. And of course, when we talk about such stories which happened "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" we can't be sure that they aren't fake. Especially, because some really crazy stories can be true - this is the life, you know.
2. Do you know some Guinness World Records that fascinated you?
I can't remember, but I like all those food records about creating as large *write here any dish, often a kind of fast food* as possible. Firstly, I love food. Secondly, they need this dish to be eaten to achieve the record, so I definitely would like to participate in such an event.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes, what category would it be?
As I have mentioned before, I'd like to eat someone's else record. If to talk about personally me, I don't think I want to set any record that is typical for Guinness' book. Not to cook, not to be eaten by crocodiles. I'm even not dreaming about Olympic records. Maybe, the only suitable ones for me are the amount of money and lifespan.
I've never heard about the crocodile massacre before nor any other debunked guiness record. It never seemed like an interestinc topic to me. I find some of the records just pointless and I think that some people have the urge to come up with sometimes ridiculous ideas, just to be mentioned in Guiness Book of Records, like most clothes pegs clipped to the face in one minute or Most dice stacked on a cat's paw, I mean, really?
2. Do you know some Guiness World Records that fascinated you?
Nothing particular comes to my mind right now, but the sport related ones are definitely impressive, like "the fastest", "the oldest who" or "the strongest". In general the ones that actually require some skillset or talent, not only willingness to get mentioned in The Book.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
If only I had ability to set any, then sure, why not. But anyway, this kind of "competition" is not for me.
Unfortunately, I haven't heard about that story before, and I also don't know about other debunked records.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Records that fascinated you?
I have one, highest number of goals scored through the whole career in football. That record belongs to Edson Arantes do Nascimento, popular Pele. He scored 1279 goals, which is really huge number. There are always discussions about Pele's record because he played a lot of friendly matches against weak teams.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
I think everyone wants to set some kind of a record or to achieve success in life, so the answer is yes, of course. Several or dozen years ago I would answer that in sport's category because I played football for a long time, but nowadays I am not sure if it is a certain category that I would see myself in. Maybe in the future, I will be able to specify my goals more clearly.
2. As I mentioned, these things don't interest me. I don't know any records, so obviously I'm not fascinated in any of them.
3. No, i would not. I'm not a record holder, and I don't see the logic of breaking records. For some people it is a hobby but for me it is completely unnecessary.
As of holding the record, everyone is great in something, trouble is to find that something inside of us.
If it would be so easy, the experts from Guiness would need to develop psyhic powers or have the machine from X-men to look for such people.
Thank for your comment, not everyone has to be intrested in that kind of topic I agree.
Nice I have to read about that shooting guy, I know also a history about the guy which pour in himeself 1l of beer in less then 2 seconds. Pretty impressive.
Only hotdogs or other food aswell? I'm not sure myself, the swinging record looks kind of boring actually but maybe in walking like Forrest Gump, that could be nice.
64 kilos? It is horrific! I bet not even ice giants from nordic mythis can put it on their fingers.
That diamond Toilet sounds good, mayber there is imitation of it in ebay. I would like to see it.
Nice 26,69 for the bowl. I heard about a guy that puor in himself 1l of beer in less than 2 seconds! Sounds almost impossible.
No, I haven't but it's one of the most interesting and weird facts I got to know in a while. I'm not particularly interested in Guinness-like records so unfortunately, I don't know any debunked ones.
2. Do you know some Guinness World Records that fascinated you?
One interesting Guinness WR I know of is "the highest mileage of a vehicle", which currently stands at more than 3 million miles! Of course, one could argue about whether a car stops being the same car after numerous replacements and fixes needed to make it run that long, but I still think it's an interesting and impressive feat.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
Honestly, not really, at least right now. Current records are very hard to beat and would probably require months of preparation and dedication, assuming I'm physically and mentally capable of beating them in the first place. A more likely option would probably be creating a new Guinness WR category along with setting, but it's also a mundane task, due to numerous requirements and regulations, thus until I become extremely fascinated with some area and want to set a record in it, I think it's not for me.
Biggest bonfire? I have to check it up thanks for the insight.
I saw many domino fallback but I have to admit a point to you, I never looked for the record one. Another thing on the list I guess, thanks for your comment.
Wow, what a story, I like such topics, maybe they should make a movie about her? It could be a good story driven drama with proper female hero on the first plan.
What can I add, watching this team debunk such record got me really excited, even more because I didn't watch it from the begining and that Guiness was a great surprise at the end. I hope I learn more about such investigations.
Wooow 58 hours for the kiss? Damn I would be dehydrated in half of this time, sounds impossible. I have to seen it on some video, thanks for the insight.
Longest plank sounds good. I almost made it up to 5 minutes myself one day, but sickness destroyed everything. I wonder if there is a guy that could hold it an hour for record at least.
Yes I seen her or someone similiar. It is almost gross what people can do with there belly as not every dance in this category can be cold hot.
Yes beer records are some of the better. I know about a guy that drink a 1l in 1.5 second. He also made record in other beer related categories, for 1.5l, 0.5l and other but only this counted.
Watermelon and thighs, sound fun. I write it down for later to see it.
Ball bouncing sounds not that hard, but on the other way repeating it a 35 thousand of time sounds much more impressive. Also tidious but still was fun for him I guess.
I don't even think how he hurts in public transport or even driving a car! It must be painful as hell.
400 straws sound hard enough, but not using his hand? I don't buy this I need to google this later.
Maybe not all of them are only mockery, I can not think of many now, but there have to be useful ones there.
Snow bear not a human if you ask me. Maybe a seal also could achieve such feat without alcohol in blood.
You bought me with this mayonnaise speed eating. I don't need sleep I need answers!
To be honest I have never heard about this story before. I am not a big fan of the Guinness World Record book, because most of the records I've heard about sounded just ridiculous. It is quite interesting how rumors can differ from reality. I believe that every record should be carefully checked (there should be some evidence) before being published in the Guinness World Record book. I don't know about any other debunked records.
2. Do you know some Guinness World Records that fascinated you?
I know some Guinness World Records, but I wouldn't say they fascinate me. I heard about the biggest ball of rubber bands. When I was little it seemed very interesting for me and I loved watching the process of creating the biggest ball. I also read about longest expansion of pi - each person holds a cardboard with the next part of pi. However it didn’t make much sense to me. The last record that I remember is the person who breathes fire.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
I am not interested in Guinness World Record book and I would not like to set any record. I am a shy person, so I would feel uncomfortable if I knew that milions of people could watch me in the book.
I’ve heard about a woman who grew her nail on both of her hands to 8.65m (in total). Just take a look… : https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/Images/longest-fingernails-ever-lee-redmond-melvin-boothe_tcm25-597699.jpg
If I were to take part in setting a record, it would be something connected to music – maybe Guinness Guitar World Record, which is playing ‘Hey, Joe’ on guitars simultaneously in a large group.
I watched speedruners of various games myself. I really like the Skyrim one. The amount of bugs makes for a good comedy.
Yes I remember this record I watched as well. High Five. It was great challenge back then.
Yes, food eating is good but I believe you need a perfect metabolism to participate in such contest.
The oldest one actually is more luck and healthcare then talent in my opinion, but I like them nevertheless.
Wow, never heard about Pele record. I wonder if there is football player that can overcome is record. Messi didn't make it I believe?
What can I say thanks for your comment at least.
Yes, it is really questionable. Of course various liquids need to be changed but changing of whole engine, should disqualifie such car. It is basicaly other vehicle in this point.
Yeah the letter PI and other group related records are also a lots of fun to watch. LIke the biggest group of dancers or singers of specific theme.
Such nails sounds impractical I bet she can not cook a meal by herself at all.
Sometimes I hear about some stupid Guinness records, but I'm not interested in it and I don't remember anything special.
I do not want to set a record, it is a waste of time for me.
I really like watching the best of the best at any particular skill. I am not interested in football at all, but I will gladly watch the world final. I am not interested in snooker, but watching all-start finals excites me. As for the GWR, I tend to stick to the "simpler" ones, so to say. For example, recently, a Japanese chef, Hiroyuki Terada, who runs a famous YouTube channel (previously named Nove Kitchen and Bar), broke the record of the fastest salmon filleting and of chopping a carrot to the greatest number of parts in specific time. I found myself loving those kitchen-related world records.
I am not sure whether I would like to set a record. It would surely be awesome to "hold a record", but I cannot really think about any particular skill of mine which would be a good candidate to setting a spectacular record. If I could magically choose any record, maybe it would be for the most read book that I'd be the autor of...
I have never heard about that story that is why I'm very surprised. I'm not really into records so the article was pretty interesting. Sadly I don't know any other debunked records
2. Do you know some Guiness World Records that fascinated you?
I've seen some silly Guiness World Records like full body ice contact endurance, fastest time to burst three balloons with the back, most watermelons chopped on the stomach in one minute or of course karate breaking bricks. I can't really tell that they fascinate me, i simply happend to see them on tv while iw as visiting my grandma
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
I think i'd rather be remembered not by setting any record. Or is have to be some cool category like... No.. Sorry I think I'd rather not.
Hah, that is the very first time I hear about it. Interesting one, thank you for sharing! I was a bit interested in speedrunning world records, i.e. beating video games on time. There is one famous guy who claimed dozen of world records but just recently it was discovered most of his claims are wrong and were fabricated by corrupt juries or using illegal modifications to game source code.
2. Do you know some Guiness World Records that fascinated you?
Just as mentioned above, as video games are close to my heart, these are the one that actually fascinates me inside out.
3. Would you like to set the record? If yes what category would it be?
Ah, I'm not near the expert level in any field, so having a world record would feel a bit guilty for me. I think Guiness records lost its credibility recently. Categories are bizarre and you can order "hand-crafted" category just for you, so you can have your own guiness record. Doesn't sound interesting anymore! But business is business, I can understand their perspective. They still are the one for verifying the "real" guiness records, like the tallest man or highest jump. I'm glad they found their way to still stay in business and serving "the greater purpose"
1. Unfortunately no, I haven't heard of this story.
2. I was most fascinated by the record of the widest mouth - Francisco Domingo Joaquim "Chiquinho" (Angola). It was measured on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on 18 March 2010.
3. I don't know if I would like to set a record and in what category. I have no idea.