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Week 1 [09.10-15.10.17] Facebook

Read the article at and discuss it. Present your personal experiences.


Unknown said…
I wish they implemented this idea about virtual reality asap. It would be great to watch lectures at home with Oculus Rift instead of going to the Academy.
But even if people could hang out in virtual space, they'd never abandoned real life.
What worries me the most is (As article points out) the Facebook having no real competition in its space and being integrated so much in our daily life can mean that less and less of our private life is actually private, companies already know more about us than ever they know what size of footwear you need , they know what cereals u eat , that situation suggests a question "Are we fine with companies knowing so much about us?"

As for Virtual Technology plans , even in its early stages it looked promising but problem with it is price of hardware not only Oculus Rift is expensive as it is but it requires pretty expensive computer system to run. Availability and price take huge part in technology being popular and those 2 are not strong with Oculus Rift as of now.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Meeting our friends in Virtual sound really well. Although I'm sure it would keep us at our homes even more than Facebook does now. Nowadays people don't even call each other, because they can use Messanger. This idea sounds really futuristic and it would for sure have a bad influence for users.
Actually I'm old-fashioned person and I'd like to meet my friends in real life from time to time.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I must say that AR smart glasses is the thing I am wating the most to be fully functional. Having VR meetings like in Star Wars is a very interesting option, but not all-time life changing. Imagine having your smart glasses on while being on cocktail party; You would know who to talk with and whom to dodge:). However the biggest gain for us,ordinary people, would be a live time product price comparison. You walk into a shop and you know if a product you want to buy is overpriced; you can buy it cheaper in the other shop. That would be amazing, forcing companies to be a little more honest with us.
Unknown said…
Qouting "Archer", one of my favorite tv shows, I want to ask: "Do you want to create a monopoly? Because that's how you create a monopoly." After a while, with this tendency and without decent competitors Facebook will become a huge money-sucking machine, because there will be no other good web-services to use instead. It is not like I have something against Facebook, except, maybe, the fact that as social network it is ugly and full of surpluses, but this is only my opinion, of course. I just hate the fact of invasion in people's lifes. Personally, I don't like, when they try to show me some products that I should like, or show me advertisement, because they believe, it might be interesting for me. Maybe other peolpe enjoy it or simply don't care. But not me. Not me, definitely.

I really don't like the fact that they are working with virtual reality. VR's potential is enormous, it can be used as effective tool in all kind of industries, e. g. medicine, military; science or just be a nice entertainment device. Yes, it can be also used like a close-to-reality messenger, as it was described, but in my thoughts, if it is Facebook, who will be the first company owning such technology, the whole concept will be doomed. They are going to buy all possible competitors, like they are doing nowadays.

To finish my statement, I want to say that Facebook should be slowed down. The lack of competiton allways kills the motivation to move on and create something new, and you can already see the signs of that in some parts of the monstrous web creature called Facebook.
Jakub Lisicki said…
So far, Facebook has proven that it doesn't really have a real competition. Anyone who still remembers Google+ and its' competitive nature towards Facebook may still wonder why didn't it work out as expected. The answer is easy: they were too late with introducing their new social network idea.

Why do people still use LinkedIn then? The target for this company is strictly businesses and professional networks. If we think about nature and all the different tentacles of Facebook, this business strategy seems to be a jackpot. FB integrates many business features in it as well, but many people still think that it's still what it was meant to be at first - fun social network used to communicate betweek friends, which doesn't sound that professional.

To summarize, I think Facebook really is a behemoth which is constantly evelving, but even with its' extensive reach, it is still leaving some areas for others to starts some great businesses in.
Jakub Lisicki said…
Now let's think about Asian VR weddings. It's probably not the best path that technology improvements could have gone into, but it's happening already. I think the point is that we need to understand that different people may have different needs as well as the fact that we don't need every single thing that everyone else does. In my opinion, Facebook forces this mindset on us, which keeps us even more hooked.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…

Personally I will remove my account on Facebook. Unfortunately all my friends have Facebook. I use Facebook for communication and I think that without it I will know much less. Lately Facebook blocked my profile because I use unreal name and td me if i wanted to unblock I must send my identity card. Is it a joke? I sent different argumentation but I lost my account.

Using googls VR on Skype is very good idea. Personally I think that VR is the future and develops very fast.
Yevhen Shymko said…
I tend to agree with majority of comments above. Im personal don't like to be a "product" but this is how I feel using sites like Fasebook or Google where their business is to know you better for sake of selling your data. Of course there is some alternatives available like DuckDuckGo search engine or SMS like messenger but it comes in price of convenience. The only alternative left is not to use internet at all. Unfortunately we all can agree upon thought that it is impossible in the modern world...
Foodocado said…
It is quite worrying that one company has got so information about ourselves. Recently I found interesting fact, that every person generates about 500 mb of data each day. Because of that, the big companies such as Facebook, Google or even Apple treat us like a product. But to be honest, nowadays it's hard to live without services which are offered by those giants.
Unknown said…
I believe that virtual reality glasses are the best invention to date. This technology provides great opportunities in the areas of:
- ...
Especially for the disabled people!
But Zuckerberg is more concerned with profit, not development or assistance people.
Zuckerberg sees that nowadays most popular are mobile devices, and all users(clients) prefer using smartphones rather than computers. But he does not have any mobile application, so he begins to buy any companies which have applications for mobile devices. Zuckerberg understands, that if his company has mobile application, it has more potential in marketing.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Personally, I almost do not use social networks such as facebook. On the one hand, I'm interested in technology development, because it opens up a wide range of possibilities, although on the other hand this range of opportunities affects both positive and negative sides equally.

About people being used as a resource in social networks, I can say the following: today the artificial intelligence is one of the most popular technology in our world and massive data collection is the basis for the development of this direction, so the using a human as a resource for collecting and analysing data is quite logical from my point of view.
Unknown said…
I read this article and I have mixed feeling about it. I am a programmer and I really support every new inventions in technology and companies like Facebook or Google makes our lives easier. They develop an artificial inteligence and we should be aware of fact that such algorithms and innovations have and will have a great affect on our lives. These days we have a 'inteligent' navigation, 'inteligent' advertisment and so on. What is wrong with fact that we see advertisements which are interesting for us?

On the other side, it is very dangerous that in these days exists such big corporations. They store a lot of information about us and we never know when they use this against us. Facebook tries to involve in multinational politics and they uses their power to fight agains worldview which conflicts with their own. We can realized that you can't say something like: "I don't want economical imigrants in my country.", "I think that abortion is a crime" but when you want to have a group on facebook which slander values which are important for a lot of people then it is not a problem for facebook's censors.

To sum up, I think that we should be conscious that Facebooks tries to affect on us not using messanger or features like VR because such solutions are a normal technical progress and it is clear for everyone. However, they want to be a monopolist and subordinate us to their services - they try to affect on business and human worldview. What do you need more to rule the world?
At the beggining Facebook was a convenient tool while it comes to be in touch with every friend. You want to ask about something that new guy in your school and you don't have his phone number? No problem, just find him on Facebook and write to him. Easy.
It's still convenient but also... scary.
On the one hand you want to show your friends pictures from your trip to Bhutan but doing that you are giving another information to Facebook- what do you like to do in your free time, with who, where and etc. The question is: what is Facebook going to do with that kind of data in the future?
About VR: Well... meeting friends through facebook? Really? Im not really into talking to funny, colorful and virtual humanoids. It can be fun for a while but it is so flat and meaningless.
Wojtek Kania said…
Facebook is a great tool for communication. I'm afraid of power of Facebook, because Facebook has so much sensitive data. Facebook has monopoly on communication and I think Facebook meet the fate of Standard Oil (company founded by Rockefeller). Nowadays governments are starting understood that infromations are a very valueable things. In my opinion in future Facebook will take over by US goverment or UN.
Unknown said…
To start with, I would like to have a look at some aspects of this topic. To my way of thinking, it's very important to point out two main items of this article, especially the artificial intelligence and our privacy in the web. Fistly, I consider that advanced communications gave us a possibility to feel that things,which couldn't be even imagined several decades ago.Virtual reality seems to be very close to us, so, to my mind, it's our irreversible future. Modern technologies will be developed untill it brings huge money and helps to take over the control under the main part of population. It's just a thing of time and money. Why is it so important? No doubt, most of us know that at least it favours the comsumption of goods and servises.
Secondly, the artificial intelligence is getting to know us better and better by gathering different information about our interests,preferences etc. To my mind, it's a some kind of interference in our private life, because it happens without our acceptance. Every day I get a lot of ad just because I clicked once a page.
Unknown said…
I think idea with VR is great and can't wait to use it. Just immagine how cool it would be. But also I'm concerned a little. Nowadays facebook knows almost everything about people who use it, but when VR will be ready it will gather even more information then it was before, and in one day facebook could use all of this information against you.
I'm even more concerned about such connection to facebook, because as programmer I know that everything in the internet could be hacked. So what if in one day someone will hack facebook. There will be chaos in the world. But maybe it's only my opinion.
Actually I'm not using facebook on daily basis. I have empty account for connecting apps I've created to facebook API, but that almost all. Sometimes I'm using messenger to have conversation with my friends, but I know, If one day I won't use facebook anymore I will deal with it without any regrets.
Filip Sawicki said…
For me the really staggering thing with Facebook is their broad scope of R&D. It is worrying that such a global corporation is trying to include controversial technologies in their main product to become even more monopolistic creature of 21th century. With no real competition and aggressive development of new features Facebook may arise as a kind of cyber-drug for every user of social networks. As we know we are living in times where information is becoming the new crude oil for our global economic engine. With such vast amounts of data Facebook has acquired over the years it may create analytical algorithms (based on artificial intelligence) that are going to reveal controversial conclusions about ourselves and societies we live in. That information could lead Facebook to start involving in the world outside of the internet. Additionally, there are some rumours that indicate Mark’s Zuckerberg preparation for the next US presidency campaign. The question is whether we can hold back Facebook from opening this Pandora box.
Maciej Główka said…
In my opinion it isn't good for us, customers, that facebook has no real opponent. As mentioned in the article, facebook size and variety of apps it includes doesn't make it easy to create real challenger. I think only world scale hacker attack or enormous failure might destroy its leader position.

Personally, I don't like the way facebook is changing. Messenger really annoys me with its complexity. It tries to be an app like snapchat, which might be good for a teenager, not for me. I don't like Facebook's main site look, previous versions were better in my opinion. Unfortunately, all my friends are on facebook, so to keep in touch with them I can't really delete my account there.
Unknown said…
When I created my account on Facebook I thought that Facebook was meant to help people to build and maintain relationships with their friends. Nowadays it focuses on relationships between brands and customers. People still can communicate with each other but tons of advertisements interfere with normal use and commenting photos of your friends isn’t as enjoyable as it was before. This trend won’t change because Facebook doesn’t have big competitor on the market and this company really likes money. I hope someday there will be an alternative to Facebook that will go back to the origins.
Yes, I agree that it is bad to have a monopoly and no strong competitor in any kind of business, but it's not like we're forced to use it. I have facebook account, I use it for communication with friends, posting announcements or being up-to-date with particular thing I'm interested in. But that's it, I don't have an urge to upload photos, comment everywhere, or spend multiple hours per day browsing everything that happened while I was gone.

Facebook is strong because of the people that are building the website. Personally I don't care that much since I'm simply not interested in anything they're doing. It's only sad to see how they're buying out every single competitor that can even remotely hit their primary target, which further enhances its monopoly and lack of any good alternative. Fortunately this doesn't consider me.
It's fascinating how Mark Zuckerberg's brand has grown over the few years. Facebook showed us his power by buying many other brands like WhatsUp or Instagram. I'm pretty worried about this because as we all know, no competition is nothing good for us - customers. However, I still think there are some real opponents for Facebook like Twitter or Snapchat. So i think that Facebook are huge companies but not Monopolies, but Facebook is on a great way to achieve this and own the market of social media which i hope will never happen.
Unknown said…
I remember many social portal in Poland that were very popular, but for a few years. Facebook holds strong for quite long. It is replacement in Poland for many people for their social sites and communicators. The strong side od Facebook is that it follows trends. When people started to have cameras in their phones the site instantly used it, nowadays when 360 started to showing up, Facebook implemented 360 videos on its site.
Tomasz Morawski said…
Facebook service was built on very solid foundation - a need of people to communicate with each other. Unfortunately in recent years they started to change their main idea and focused on delivering as many ads as possible to their users. Instead of making Facebook community oriented, they made it business-focused platform.
Also, it seems like they know very well that the main reason why people keep using Facebook is chat option. That's probably why they give it so much attention by extracting it to different platform and improving it quite rapidly but still concentrate on ads in main platform.
I stopped using facebook almost 7 years ago and I'm really glad I did! Back then I read about a conversation between the founder and his friend, which revealed what kind of person Zuckerberg is. Here it goes:


Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks.


This exchange clearly shows that he didn't care about others' privacy back then, did it change, are we safe now? Well... if we overlook that probably a bulk of facebook earnings come from selling personal data of its users to various legal and/or shady customers and believe Mark that we should have hope instead of fear, while he, himself is one of the biggest control freaks that have ever lived, buying 4 properties, worth $30M, neighboring his newly bought house just to demolish them, then and only then I think we are just fine. At least for a while, until the world changes and a new bidder comes a long to get a hold of our lives.

Some sources:

Unknown said…
Facebook always have been revoking mixed feelings in me: their web site design is not intuitive at all, and it wasn't updated since 2009(8 years ago!). Most of my friends think that Facebook has uncomfortable navigation and obsolete design, but the problem is that everyone use Facebook as a social network, so you can't just pick another.
About researches related with recognizing people's gestures and expressions - it's not normal if somebody scans your behavior in a conversation, but, from the other side, if you just want to understand in what mood your friend is, it's ok to use it. Perhaps this technology could be used in negotiations to gain some emotional advantage over your opponent, but I guess we'll newer know because without lenses with augmented reality this technology is useless(except some online conversations like Skype)
Unknown said…
In my opinion facebook has already taken over the world. Children and older people know what facebook is. Most people in the world have accounts on facebook. So as soon as I read the title I immediately thought of it
Zygmunt Z said…
On one hand, Facebook can be a number one example how to create a huge business and constantly evolve it which , at the beginning, was a simple one-man idea. We've been looking how it changes over the years and how it influences our lives. Unfortunately right now, in my opinion, it is becoming a business-oriented hegemon rather than user-oriented communication platform. My usage of Facebook is limited to communication with friends on Messenger. I am really annoyed with the content that pops up on my screen, the number of ads is overwhelming and it is becoming really hard to find anything that can interest me. I don't like the idea of meeting friends via VR because in the end it can have very bad consequences. People will end up leaving their houses because they will not have the need to do it. Everything will be at the reach of their hand. What I also don’t like is their work in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It is no secret that they worked on AI engine which ended up creating its own language which no one could understand. I once read on Quora that before the tests started, Zuckerberg had discussed about it with Elon Musk who warned him about the potential consequences. In the end Zuckerberg and his team shut down the engine which shows both the awesome and horrifying potential of AI. To sum up, I think that if the endpoint users will use Facebook in a very sober-minded way, we don’t have to fear the consequences of products that Facebook keeps developing. But if they won’t, people might end up as even more stupefied “products” than we are at the moment.
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Personally, I don’t use Facebook for several reasons (too PC, overloaded interface…). I prefer another Facebook product - Instagram , but this is another topic. As we all know , Facebook is the biggest social network, and it’s sad to know that in the recent years it has been involved in many «scandals» such as: fake news, controversy with 2016 USA election, censorship of conservative news, data mining, being too politically correct and etc. I hope that everyone understands that the power of Facebook will only grow and monopoly of its services(Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) will be tougher. Also there are rumors , that Mark Zuckerberg could be running for President in 2020, honestly , I don’t know how to react to this news - I have doubts about it and the most important US citizens do as well.
Alicja said…
Asian VR weddings? You mean the technological improvement by which grace Asian men now marry anime characters? :)
It is almost like a scene from "Archer" TV series (Kyrylo mentioned the show below) in which Dr. Krieger's anime hologram girlfriend was so real that NY allowed him to marry her.

As for Facebook's CEO dream, it paints a fairly grim future. Orwell's vision of the future is in comparison a Disney fairy tale. I can just hope that the lack of serious theoretical developments in AI for the past 30 years will slow down Facebook's progress. AI and NLP are not magic boxes and are in fact much more limited and challenging than what media presents.

They say "imagine Skype in 3D", but we are still waiting for Skype 2D to work properly :)
Unknown said…
I use facebook mainly as another communication tool. Still i believe that facebook is going in a wrong way. World domination? It's alredy dominating. Why? Because everyone knows what it is (with an exception of some african natives i think). And it's dangerous. Mark my words: There are going to be consequences.

As for Virtual Technology, well... I currently have an opportunity to work with it. It's fun and all but it still has much to achieve. There are two main problems.
First it needs VERY powerful hardware to work properly.
Second moving in VR is problematic because you can literally puke if donewrong. Of course there are special platformsthat allow movement in place but thay are not cheam. Check out for example Virtuix Omni ( Looks fun yeah? But it's quite big... Still not discouraged? Check the price. Not so fun anymore huh?
Future will show if it's gonna be a good decision or not. For now VR is way to pricey.But future is limitless...
Unknown said…
Facebook is as powerful as people allow it to be, driving it's power with their presence on the platform, interacting with the system and other people within. That's why it became so big, everyone knows it, everyone uses it. It has many good in terms of connecting people around the world but will it take over the world? I hope not!
To use facebook's services one has to keep a critical mindset. This quote from the article pretty sums it up:

"And the Facebook experience is sanitised, shielding users from the big bad internet with strict rules about what content it deems appropriate."

So a monopoly on the internet content sounds scary. Lets keep a healthy balance in visiting facebook and the rest of the internet.
Unknown said…
Knowing, that Facebook sells user's data to other companies, I try to limit my interaction with this blue monster to using Messenger, reading posts on meme pages and making mess in comment sections under various posts. I am disgusted with Facebook's political correctness agenda and hypocrisy. As an example, any form of mocking president Trump is welcome but if anybody makes fun of Angela Merkel or another leftist leader, he should prepare for a meeting with Mark Zuckerberg's "banhammer". It is a violation of freedom of speech. Facebook's communist-styled censorship makes it clear on what is its ideology. That's why I will never trust this site.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Few years ago when i created an account on facebook I would never guess it will have such a big influence on my life. Nowadays i spend a lot of time on scrolling facebook on my phone.

This is great tool to connect people from all over the world. However we have to be careful because we give Facebook a lot of our data, which they can easily sell to another companies.

I think the strongest side of this company is resource management. Their employees make right decisions.
They have a great strategy and experience in what they do. They know what we need. That's why facebook is the biggest social network.

The way how they treat their competitor, shows their power.
If they see any threat on the market they try to buy this brand
or clone technologies.

In my opinion, Facebook will continue to dominate the market.

The question is, will somebody stop them?
Unknown said…
Many words were said on this blog about social media, technologies and privacy. I just think that like "guns don't kill people" - it works with everything around us. Nobody takes your privacy and data - you give it yourself. Now we are quite educated people, we know how it works. And if you don't, it's your fault. We have chosen FB, we know that they know to much about us, but we keep on giving. And the problem is not Facebook, the problem is people. And we are not safe and protected in our everyday life. Life isn't safe itself. So I don't know, let's just try to keep it simple, and to enjoy the benefits of having social media, using it for business or fun, find interesting articles and various events, share moments, connect with childhood friends and so on. Facebook helps me and makes my life a little bit better. For now it's enough, if I will face some problem, connected with social media, I will think how to solve it.
Facebook is so popular only because we made it so popular. I think its very useful – the messenger, the groups, the pages. For example I don’t think I would go to the guardian website and read the articles but because I like them on Facebook the articles are right there when I open it. It’s very convenient to have access to so much information in one place. That doesn’t mean I share every little detail about my life on Facebook. Other people can gain so many personal details about us from our profiles that it scares me, but it’s a choice you are making how much you share with others and I think it can be easily controlled.
Nataliya Tkach said…
There is a bright side of these technologies -- it helps people. Today one can sell things on it, meet a friend, spent some time on an event which was discovered during casual facebook surfing. You can build your personal news feed, and apply filters to it -- in other words, you can maintain your own information and data source. Of course, there are big flaws, but Facebook is already here and it is not going to disappear so we as people, have to adopt or even build a anew and suitable way of using it.
Pylyp Radionov said…
Awww, Facebook. The most hot topic for our students. The only thing I want to add -- it is already spread everywhere, integrated in peoples lives, there is no chance to remove Facebook, it has already happened. That is why, I believe, we need to accept it, use it, live with it, but still we can fight. One can stay private on FB if you spent enough time reading even simple how to.
Vyvyan said…
I'm using Facebook as another communication tool. It's a great tool for connecting people. Why? Because everyone knows what Facebook is.

But the truth is that Facebook is dangerous. People, me included, are sharing their private infomations, photos, important events. If we don't set our private settings then everyone can see it and, maybe, use it (Even if we do that, Facebook have access to that data so they can share them with other companies without our permission or knowledge).

Idea of VR environment sounds fun. I have experience in this technology. Although price of hardware is a disaster.
Unknown said…
I can say that i've heard about it but when i read it all things in one article it seems a bit terryfying. I like technical development which is related to social development. It makes live easier in that ways where we don't need huge and extensive knowledge to do something. This gives us more time to do things that are more useful to us. But from the other side... it's sad when we all are running all the time to our future. Maybe we should stop sometimes and be content with what we have and where we are. It's what i think about technical news from Facebook.

Other case are all that tricks that are used to increase the merchant capacity. I think that a few decades ago that things that are happening now it could be a scandal... but nowadays it's normal and quite moral. So maybe now it make us shocked but maybe one day it will be normal... Who knows..
I actually don't know what to think about it. I'm using social media so little that i don't care about it at all. On the other hand it is so scarry that one company own so much information about you. They are able to invigilate so much in your private life and most of users don't even realise that. Besides that, i don't realy care about FB politics. They want to make money the same way that every other company would but it depends on us if we let them do that. Second is this VR thing, but i think its crap. I don't think people would use it often.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Nowadays, we do not have a facebook account. This often makes it easier to login to the site without having to create an account. Unfortunately, we do not have any knowledge about how we use all the news about us, the accounts that we log on and what we are looking for. Daily millions of photos and posts are driven by a website that is constantly growing and expanding its database of users and their relationships. Facebook extends its business through advertising, direct sales, and the purchase of a database of information. Know the dangers of using social networking sites and sharing photos and new posts.
I created my account to be up-to-date with univerity things. Now I use it as a communicator. It's hard to immagine for me that VR will replace meetings with friends in reality. It is worrying how mutch information Facebook is gathering about us. But nowadays it is almost impossible to live in this world without social media.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Facebook becames a big machine that "know" where we are, ho we are, what we are thinking about, what type of people we like to talk and many, many more. I've already heard about messanger bot that was based on neural network technology and it's learning from archives of our conversations. Messanger bot has been tested in talking itself and on the end of test it has appeard that "he" don't like himself :)
Magdalena Popek said…
Facebook is now a must-have. Even if you don't want it, you must have it. Most of the communication is now through Messenger, most of the information (e.g. about events in our Academy) is on Facebook. You will never have a phone number to every person you know, but you can have them as a Facebook contact. I was thinking about deleting my Facebook account but what stopped me was "how will I know about any deleted classes or lectures if all uni communication is happening on Facebook?".
Actually it's terrifying how Facebook is dictating the innovation strategies. "When Facebook announces new features, publishers scramble to rearrange their own priorities for fear of being relegated by Facebook’s algorithms". In my opinion this trend will be almost impossible to stop as Facebook has grown so big and strong in its category no other company (platform?) can be considered competition.
I would like to remove my account on Facebook as soon as possible - unfortunately it is not possible as long as everything is integrated into Facebook these days. Integrated logon features made Facebook accounts easy to use without a need to create accounts on every page you are browsing and using. I think this is the main power of Facebook - it is trendy, usable and makes our life easier. It is not safe because one company has all information about us and tracks our every move but currently there is no way to live without using it. I am currently using Facebook just for communication with my friends - it is easier to send 10 photos from party to 10 friends using Messenger than by email or shared drive. Sorry - life changed, we just have to adjust to it. I am trying not to comment at all posts on Facebook to minimize traces of activity left behind. I am currently using unreal credentials in Facebook just to be not so easy to found on Facebook by every user - and that is most I can currently do without making my life harder.

Using VR on Skype is a very good idea. There was a boom 20 years ago with PowerVR but current technology has way more potential to grow.
Unknown said…
Access to the social networks opened a possibility to the people to communicate easily, always remember about the birthdays of your friends and be a part of every their important moment of their lives, even if they are far away. But, as my mom always told me, everything good in your life has it's own price. The price we pay for the comfort of using our Facebook accounts is the privacy of our lives. If you use it, you pay for it. But nowadays, when the Internet, mass media and Social networking became the "fourth power" dew to their powerful impact on the public opinion, you pretty much have no choice, because if you are not using Facebook, you may be registered in one of the biggest social worlds networks. I don't know even one person who is completely out of social networking. So, this is jut the price we pay for the communication today.
Blogger said…
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Blogger said…
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Unknown said…
I agree. On one hand this is impressive, how it became a part of our lifes, but on the other hand this is terryfying; how come, that so many people need one website? how come, taht this website gain so many users and became important?
Unknown said…
Definitely I enjoyed reading this article, not because it was so interesting but also useful for me. It is so annoying when people think, that there is no need in using any kind of new technologies like VR. In my opinion, a little bit later facebook and messengers will be on their way to "old features" and we will enjoy another century of technologies called Virtual reality at home, with friends, even testing some staff like space.
Unknown said…
I'm a person, who is really into social media things. I'm using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc.
I remember, when my friends told me to create my Fb profile and I was like "Nah, I don't need that thing." but now I'm
using it in many, many ways. For example to comunicate with people, to be up-to-date with profiles which I'm following or
to advertise my own business. Is Facebook big? Of course it is! Even my grandparents know what Facebook is about.
On the other hand, Facebook is like data mine. They know nearly everything about us and they are selling our personal data.
Did you know that Facebook will use our facial expressions to show us adequate adverts? If you look sad, they will show you something to make you happier. I heard about it on Youtube's channel called Techweek. I think it's a little bit too much...
Unknown said…
I would really like to contribute to the VR discussions going on, but it is a much too broad topic to get in to at this time. What I would like to refer to is the actual topic about how they will be able to take over the world. At this moment, Facebook has its Messenger, owns Instagram and WhatsApp. They are buying up their competitors and going for monopoly when it comes to social media and online messaging. Besides their possibility of boosting their profits by implementing ads in the apps where they haven't yet (for example the Messenger app which millions of people use each second), there is another risk. Being a monopolist in this sector means one thing: if you need/want to, you can turn it all off with one click, whether it's your own discretion, or the government forcing you to do so. What pressing this button would mean, we can all imagine.
Facebook is also an opinion-making tool beyond its original purpose, what is a little bit disturbing considering the fact that nowadays Facebook has no competition in social media market and how many hours people spent on view posts on the Wall.

However it is good that Facebook develops and invests in new technologies such as VR. The question is whether humanity is able to use such technologies wisely and VR will not become another tool for manipulation?
Unknown said…

I don’t mind Facebook becoming enormous reseller almost monopolist of online shopping. There will always be place in market for other canals of distribution. Facebook is ideal place for selling goods by companies that have little presence on market. Behemoths like Coca-Cola, Jonson&Jonson, Nestle will never make use of this feature on this platform. Small manufactures and artist is where this model of selling thrives. With very little efford they can reach to millions of people that are interested in their products.

The problem I have with Facebook is the way it's gathering data. I don’t like being spied on. As example problem that had when I was buying present for my girlfriend. After purchase, there were ads of this product across my whole Facebook feed. Needless to say, it wasn’t a surprise to her what I bought for her. I would like to be informed that I’m being spied on and if I don’t want to be I would like to have ability to turn it off. Ads need to be transparent in way they appear in my FB feed.

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