Put your name on the list of blog moderators (choose a week when you would like to do it). Remember, blog moderation is an obligatory part of the course.
What do you do as a moderator? Choose some theme for your week. Put on the blog links to interesting articles, films, presentations, etc. Comment on them and encourage your group to discuss them with you and other course participants.
What do you do as a moderator? Choose some theme for your week. Put on the blog links to interesting articles, films, presentations, etc. Comment on them and encourage your group to discuss them with you and other course participants.
1. 09-15.10.2017
2. 16-22.102017
3. 23-29.10.2017 Wojtek K.,
Sylwia P., Tomasz M., Andrzej G.,
4. 06-12.11.2017 Jakub A.,
Mieczysław Sz., Michał W.,Maciej W. Olaf R. Wojtek P. Michalina M.
Jakub M., Andrzej N., Marcel S.,
5. 13-19.11.2017 Marcin M.,
Łukasz D., Mykola G., Maciej G., Yevhen S,
Jacek W.,Krzysztof K.,
6. 20-26.11.2017 Yevhen
Sh., Tomasz T., Daniel C., Jakub L., Denys D., Emil W., Pylyp R.
7. 27.11-03.12.2017 Michał A.,
Olena D., Michał P., Maciej G., Marcin M., Jakub D.,
8. 04-10.12.2017 Anastasiia P.,
Martyna B., Paulina G.,Zygmunt Z. Marek S., Bartosz Ł., Łukasz O., Yekateryna P,
Krzysztof M.,
9. 11-17.12.2017 Cezary Sz.,
Alicja G., Aleksandrov K.,Wiktor T. Andrusyshyn
V. Magda P., Marcin Górski
10. 08-14.01.2018 Marek T., Mariusz K.,
Fabian P., Filip S., Piotr P., Dominik D., Łukasz M., Kamil G., Damian G., влад Бординович
11. 15-21.01.2018 Jakub F., Aleksander B.,
Kacper B., Marcin D., Adrian Zawadka, Jakub Gostkowski,
Łukasz Barszcz, Patryk Pohnke, Rafał Staroń
12. 22-26.01.2018 Vladlen K., Andrii
Z., Małgorzata Sz. Dominika Ż., Oleksandr O., Marta Kowalczyk, Tomasz Barcikowski, Mateusz Kraśniewski
How will we know if our choice is accepted or not?
Jakub s11549