Genetic engineering is a relatively new field of science that can change our lives forever. It experiences a rapid growth since the discovery of DNA, a molecule that stores genetic information of living creatures. Nowadays it’s used mainly for modifying plants in almost a random way, but recently there was a discovery that may allow for DNA programming.
While it can resolve fundamental issues like ending genetic diseases, slowing down aging, it still faces many ethical challenges. For example, it can be used for evil or controversial purposes, like creating genetically modified soldiers or “designing” babies, choosing the desired eye and hair color, facial features for a child. Nevertheless, a revolution in genetic engineering is happening right now and I suggest viewing this short animated video explaining the topic:
- Do you think it’s acceptable to use genetic engineering for curing plant diseases, expanding their expiration time and improving taste?
- Do you think it’s acceptable to use genetic engineering for humans, namely for resolving issues like curing genetic diseases and slowing down aging?
- What do you think about controversial uses of genetic engineering shown in this video, for example boosting or adding capabilities to humans?
We shoudn't modify too much because it has consequences. For example plants which we modify to make them better. Try tomato from shop and try tomato from garden. Of course tomato from shop you can keep longer but I think it is the only disadvantage.
While I still prefer to eat healthy fruits and vegetables grown as naturally as possible, I’m not in favor of prohibition of GMO. I realise that it might offer significant advantages as well as could potentially end world hunger. I addition, I think this is everyone’s personal choice, I would just like the GMO food to be clearly labelled.
Things get complicated when it comes to use genetic engineering for humans. One may wonder if it is ethical, morally correct etc., but it could bring up more significant problems for us in the future. I mean, DNA programming is likely to be incredibly useful tool in efforts to stamp out various diseases, but there is very fine line between benefits and harms. Without a doubt, sooner or later, somebody would exploit it to reprehensible purposes, even much worse than “designing” children (sounds just terrible).
Additionally growing GM food for people in EU is forbidden by law and such plants is used only as a food for animals killed for meat.
However, I don't see physical genetic changes on babies as a bad thing. It's not hurting anyone, on the contrary, it could make somebody's life better. Why not make people healthier and happier? I only have objections about modifing their mental features.
Very controversial for me is intelligence enhancing. I'd say that only when a child is going to be much below intelligence average, should he/she be permitted to have its DNA modified.
I'm aware of danger which could appear after modifing physicial genes, that's why I'm not for enhancing changes generally on every condition, but only for neccesary changes to able everybody live easiely, without body problems.
What about Korea, having genetic changes available or banned won't make difference. They would always find a way to threaten the world.
Still, thanks to science we are where we are today, and I'm pretty sure that everybody can see how much we achieved in just 600-700 years when we were back in medieval ages. The life length increased dramatically, and that alone is a good thing.
Genetic engineering can help save the lives of thousands of starving children around the world. Genetic engineering could allow us to eradicate hunger, or even disease. Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I believe that mankind can harness the powers of genetic engineering to create a better world for all of us.
I hope that genetical engineering will solve the problem of deceases, but now unfortunately we see only the negative examples like genetically modified food.
2) Definitelly. Genetic diseases are a plauge in our society. We should have means to fight them, so that our children may grow healthy and strong.
3) I don't care really. Let people do to themselves what they wish is what i say.
Genetic engineering is a really hard subject for philosophers to decide whether its ethical to use it on humans or not.
I think that in some cases it really is unethical not to use it when we can save lives of unborn children, and we decide not to just because we are confused.