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Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] – The Benefits and Dangers of Nootropics

Nootropics can be defined as substances that safely enhance the cognitive function of the brain and help in dealing with stress. This term was introduced by a Romanian psychologist and chemist Corneliu Giurgea in 1972, it’s based on two Greek words: “mind” (νους) and “turn” (τρέπειν). Nootropics are not meant to be used for treating mental illnesses, but they may be used by healthy people for boosting concentration, memory, motivation and learning ability in general.

Many people already use nootropics every day without being aware of it. For example, by drinking coffee or energy drinks for battling fatigue and improving concentration, or by taking vitamin complex pills for improving memory. Below is an overview of a few the most popular natural and synthetic nootropics.


Natural Nootropics

Natural nootropics are cognitive health supplements that exist in nature, made from plants and animal products. Some of them, for example, caffeine, are known for centuries and were used in many cultures around the world.


I guess everyone tried this natural nootropic, at least once, in the form of a tasty coffee. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases alertness. It also stimulates dopamine production, a substance which enhances focus and concentration.


This is the most popular component of the energy drinks, so if you drank Red Bull or something similar you probably experienced the taurine effect. It’s claimed to be an effective remedy for anxiety, stress, and insomnia as well as help with concentration.

Synthetic Nootropics

Although the most of the synthetic nootropics were created in the 20th century, there was a huge rise in popularity of these substances only a few years ago and they are becoming  more popular from day to day. Only in three years starting from 2012 cognitive health supplements market has grown by 48.1% and reached $2.7 billion in size. Leading investment companies like Andreessen Horowitz invested in nootropic startups appearing in the US and all over the world. Currently, authorities like Food and Drug Administration of the US classifies the most of the synthetic nootropics as GRAS (generally regarded as safe) dietary supplements.


Phenibut was synthesized in the Soviet Union back in the 1960s. It was used for calming down astronauts during the flight without affecting the concentration and memory abilities. Nowadays it’s classified as a nootropic and used for moderating social anxiety, normalizing sleep schedule and lowering the stress level.


Piracetam was created in 1972 by the author of the term “nootropic” Corneliu Giurgea, and it’s the most studied nootropic on the market to this date. It’s claimed to improve cognition, boost memory and increase learning abilities. It laid the foundation to a whole family of nootropics, called racetams, which have similar effects.


Although taking nootropics for improving cognitive function of the brain may seem like a simple solution, long-term effects of many nootropics are not studied well yet. Even natural nootropics can be harmful, for example, caffeine can cause a headache and nausea. Since the human body is a self-balancing system it may be better to use natural mechanisms of the brain for this purpose. Eating food rich in vitamins, doing sports and “training” the brain by resolving logic puzzles can improve the cognitive function and lower the stress level.


  1. Have you heard about nootropics?
  2. Have you tried taking nootropics, either natural or synthetic?
  3. Do you think it’s acceptable to use third-party supplements for improving the brain cognitive function or it should be done only naturally?
  4. What are your suggestions for dealing with issues like stress, fatigue and lack of concentration in a natural way?



Sylwia Pechcin said…
I've heard about nootropics. There are a lots of supplements aiming to improve our concentration. We are attacked with such ads especially when exams period is coming.
I've also tried a few of them. As far as I know all of them were synthetic ones.
I think that people shouldn't take any synthetic supplements especially when it comes to brain working. It could be dangerous for health.
In my opinion the best solutions to concentrate problems would be a moment of relax. When someone is stressed and can't concentrate it means that for sure needs a moment of break to take a deep breath and then come back.
When I started reading your article and saw “... that safely enhance the cognitive function of the brain” it evoked the questions “What does it mean safe?” and the following text gives the answer “ long-term effects of many nootropics are not studied well yet”. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem of such supplements.
Of course, I've heard about nootropics but I confess I have very little knowledge of this substances. I have never tried taking nootropics, at least not regularly. I mean I drink coffee from time to time, but only because of its taste and/or for company, not to improve my brain function. I always try to naturally supplement essential vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. But, on the other hand, I have nothing against the nootropics, since I’ve never heard (from my friends and family) of a single case of damage to health caused by these substances. For this reason I would like to see others’ opinions on the subject.
When it comes to dealing with issues like stress etc., my answer is to get some extra sleep or do sports, depending on your needs.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I agree, but sometimes it's hard to find a balance, for example, relaxing too much like sleeping for 14 hours or sleeping for more than an hour during the daytime would cause fatigue, and if you have a project deadline or an exam there's not much to do but to drink a coffee or some energy drink, or combined:)
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Good point, there're a lot of substances with an unknown effect in the long term. In this context "safely" means something like "probably nothing bad will happen because there were no cases":) You can check the nootropic community on Reddit, there are negative reports and opinions too so nootropics are pretty controversial.
Unknown said…
Of course I have heard about it. Personally I take a lot of dietary supplements for example vitamins (C, B17) and much more and Omega3 , Creatine , amino acids and protein. They are in our food but not as much as our body needs. You have to take it carefully. You can't take them non-stop. Of course the number is important too.
I recommend that you read a lot about it and talk with people who know a lot about it and make conclusions. TV advertisements of tablets to lose weight make me nervous. I don't know why they are legal. These people should be in prison becasue these tablets are just chemicals.
The best method to fight stress and problem with concentration is have contact with nature and exercise.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for sharing. Please let me know how do you know the correct dosage and that you need exactly these supplements, is there some trusted resource you can recommend reading?
Unknown said…
I've heard of it. And sometimes I use them - not constantly, but only when needed.
I'm not taking supplements, because I easily forget about it, so I've got packages with vitamins and other recommended supplements - they lay somewhere in the drawer.
I think that it is ok to use third-party supplements for improving the brain cognitive function - with natural and synthetic supplements. It was made to help and improve quality of life and health, but also look, so why not? As everything it have to be used wisely - not too much, not too often.
I don't know if you know, but is a lot of supplements for animals. Of course, you can give them "human" supplements (with the consent of vet, because you may not know everything), for example vit C for guinea pigs (it is even recommended!). But there are supplements advertised and "targeted to" pets - for example pills with Omega3
I think that one the best natural way to deal with stress, fatigue and lack of concentration is just a rest. Not only physical, when you lay down, but rather mental one. You should give yourself a time without factor that makes you stressed or they remind you of it. Good sleep - it means quality and length is also very important - there were many researches about it and it is confirmed (and probably most of us will agree) that when you sleep well and long enough you fell much better. Your whole organism may rest, regenerate and it is prepared for challenges of the very next day.
No I have not heard about them earlier. No not when it took something like that , but I was told by friends that sometimes take a while when a lot of work and there is a critical lack of time during exams , deadlines at work , don't know was it synthetic or natural.I don't think it's worth using is likely only in the case if you prescribed by a doctor, in all other cases, I think it's something similar to doping , which ends up as the drug will cause addiction. I think what concentration it is possible to train , and if you give her a pretty large amount of time it will be much better, so I would recommend the work to do a little 10-15 minute breaks.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
I think everyone have used nootropics at some point in his life. In my case it is caffeine, mostly from Yerba Mate. It clears my head, wakes me up and, contrary to caffeine, id does not make my head feel like it is about to explode. I don't mind companies creating their own nootrpoic. I think that the best way to fight stress is to sleep well, and just then face your problems.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
There's a discussion about coffee being a nootropic, it's basically a stimulant but it slightly improves concentration and cognitive functions in general anyway. I agree that it's important to keep in mind the side effects and possible harm from the substance you decide to take.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Actually a lot of these substances, even practically harmless forbidden and classified as a doping in the sports industry because it's viewed as an advantage when you think faster or you are able to keep calm during the competition because of taking nootropics.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I agree that sleeping is important, it takes some efforts too - sleeping for too long, for example for 12 hours may practically ruin the next day. Also it may be hard to keep the sleep schedule and it's nearly impossible to control the sleep quality, it depends on the stress level.
Unknown said…
I've heard of this before but I didn't know that these supplements are called nootropics. I only use caffeine in the form of coffee and in the winter I take vitamin D, nothing more. I'm not a fan of synthetic supplements. In my opinion, a better way to maintain a good brain condition is to exercise the brain and maintain good physical condition. It's also important to have a well-balanced diet in which we supply all vitamins and macronutrients in appropriate proportions.
Unknown said…
I have heard of nootropics before, I've never tried it though. Those pills ones at least, cause I drunk coffee, I took some vitamins before but nothing to stimulate my brain. I think it is better to exercise and sleep, that what makes our brain work more effectively. But I get it, during the exams session it is always no time to sleep, not to mention the trainings or exercises at all. So maybe it helps, but I wouldn't believe in that in long term. I think it could be even dangerous for our brain or health in general. It is better to keep our brain in good condition in some traditional ways.
Michał Pycek said…
I have heard of it and personally the only ones I have tried are the natural ones. What I have on mind is basically coffe, which I drink occiasionally, when I feel I bcome sleepy and need a boost of energy, or when I take some vitamins when I feel my organism gets a bik weak and sick. I agree that they tend to help me feel better and keep me stay productive, however I do not think I would trust the supplementary ones which are not naturally produced.
Unknown said…
I know what it is. I was taking piracetam and it helped me a lot. It is used not only to stimulate your brain, but also to solve the health problems, that's why I would not compare it to coffee or red bull:)
I can't live without coffee, also I like red bull summer edition. That's why i have it in my life. When I am stressed and tired I just try to sleep well, to go out of the city to face the nature, healthy food of course, sport and vitamins.
I am not a doctor to judge those who take different medicines to stimulate their body, maybe some of them just can't live without it. But now I prefer more natural ways to bring myself back to life:)
Everything is acceptable but in small quantities. Going too far will result in you being resistant to your nootropics in notime, resulting in requiring more over time for the same effect, which will result in worse overall concentration than before.

Same applies to all other stimulants such as coffee - it can have very positive effects when in small quantities and improve your brain functions for a short period, while drinking too much will in fact make your health worse, not better.

So yes to nootropics, no to making them routine.
Unknown said…
Absolutely. Nootropics are a great way to truly understand your minds full capability. Nootropics are a science and you should research specific Nootropics related to what you are actually trying to achieve.

Bacopa and Rhodiola are two nootropics that come directly from plants and can have a profound effect on both long and short term memory. You can choose to take them individually or as part of a nootropic stack.
KamilG said…
I know some of these substances which you enlisted, but I didn't expect that they have some common name. I used both natural and synthetic nootropics, especially when i had a lot of things to do in short time. Someday I discussed with the man who noticed me buying some energetic drink. He wanted me resign from this dangerous substance, I answered him that I'm conscious about this danger, but anyways I'll buy it because I need.
People are lazy and want to have an effect as fast as possible. Giving itself some minutes of rest, taking a short nap, walking in the park, doing the work in a reasonable period of time requires time and patience, we can cut corners and just take nootropics. Anyways I think nootropics are good when we use them reasonably.
Maciej Główka said…
I've heard about those substances, but I didn't know that they are called Nootropics. I think everyone at least once in their life tried coffee or redbull. I think it is acceptable to use third-party supplements, however I think they shouldn't be used on daily basis. How do I deal with stress? I like running very much. It makes me feel very good, even if it was a stressful day.
Wojtek Kania said…
I have never heard about nootropics. I have never tried taking nootropics, either natural or synthetic. I think it’s acceptable to use third-party supplements for improving the brain cognitive function only if these supplements have no side effects. I'm dealing with stress spending a lot of time on spa - sauna, pool. I also recommend diving.
I have heard about it. I take it as dietary supplements in course 4-8 weeks. For example, I take vitamins, Omega3 and Omega9. In today's world it is very difficult to give the body all necessary vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements without nootropics.   Of course, most of the necessary elements can be found in food, but honestly, only in natural food grown in your own garden. But before use them, firstly (in an ideal world:)) you should consult with your doctor, because you can hurt yourself by taking them thoughtlessly. Nootropics should be taken very carefully!
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Vitamins are not exactly nootropics, because they don't change the cognitive functions directly, but I guess they can be considered so because they improve it in the long term by improving overall health.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for sharing your experience, I haven't heard about these natural nootropics before.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I totally agree, actually consuming anything "as a routine" sounds like an addiction.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Running indeed helps, I read that endorphins are released as a result of running or other exercises so it basically prevents stress and depression.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Wow, thanks for sharing your experience - I haven't taken piracetam but I read about it, it's claimed to improve long-term memory and other brain functions.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Some nootropics, especially stimulants like caffeine or taurine indeed can be used in the extreme situations, for example when you have to finish a master's thesis by tomorrow:) I agree that it's better to do this in the natural ways when possible.
Unknown said…
I've never heard the term 'nootropic'. It sounds like great topic, I would be pretty interested in phenibut effects.
I found this polish website where you can buy it:

However, it's very worrying that you can buy it without any prescription/medical consultation. I'm not a fan of supplements and other helpers. We had many cases where people died after drinking a few coffees and energy drinks. Maybe everything is ok in small quantities. Personally, I'd rather talk to a doctor first before I start taking any nootropics.
I don't like coffee and I never drink it, sometimes (twice a year maybe) I buy energy drinks if I have to work late into the night.
I think that the huge rise in popularity of these substances is caused by our intense lifestyle (a lot of responsibilities, stress etc). We should strive for inner harmony, have time to rest, do sports, spend time with friends. And we should look for the source of our problems.
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I have heard about them. I have tried Noopept and Adrafinil and I use them from time to time, because I am happy with their effects. In my opinion, it's acceptable to use third-party suplements as long as they don't affect one's health. to deal with things like stress, fatigue or bad concentration you should do sports or other physical activities to increase your stamina. You can also try to change your diet for more healthy one. Try drinking tea as there are plenty of different kinds thats support your mental health.
Unknown said…
I am a coffee lover, so yes, of course, I know what are nootropics and how they affect the brain. Also, I'm a strong believer that people should train their brain and their concentration without any third part elements. For me nootropics could be accepted only as the diet supplement or just vitamins. Very difficult receive all the vitamins our body needs, so there is no harm in taking vitamins carefully. But there is no reason to take nootropics for increasing brain activity. You never know what the hangover will look like after this, or it can dramatically damage the body if taking them thoughtlessly.
Magdalena Popek said…
I've heard of substances boosting our cognitive functions but I haven't heard about the name "nootropics". I've never tried taking nootropics (except coffee), I'm always trying to get enough nutrients from my everyday diet.
If someone is overtired nootropics can diminish the effects of it, make it easier to learn.
Everything can be obtained by having proper, balanced diet and getting enough sleep and rest - I believe this is the best way of dealing with stress, lack of concentration and fatigue.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Well, actually you know - there're huge communities with tons of reports and clinical research. Although it's really important to be careful about these things - currently a lot of USA office workers consume modafinil and other stimulants for increasing performance and realiability at work and it's really harmful.
Unknown said…
Never heard of it but would gladly like to try it. Any dealer anyone can recommend?
There is a limit human body can endure and those kind of substances allow to stretch that limit, move if forward. Not without a price I assume, you can't cheat your body over the limits for long period of time. It will defy eventually.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I totally agree - it's always up to the person's responsibility, whether it's coffee, alcohol or anything else.

As far as I know phenibut is not well studied yet, you can check out this post in the Reddit nootropics community Talking to a doctor is always a good idea.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
That's really interesting, does Noopept really work? I've read about it and I'm curious if it really helps to improve memory and other cognitive functions.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I hope that you meant a store, not a dealer:) I guess the only place where you can buy them, at least in Poland, is a dietary supplement store, where sportsmen buy proteins, creatinine etc. There're hundreds of supplements for sports.
Vyvyan said…
1) Yes i have heard of them.
2) Except from coffe and energy drinks i have not tried any nootropics.
3) I believe that it's acceptable only when it's absolutely necessary.
4) Depends. For stress just go and work out. For fatigue and lack of concentration just go to sleep.
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This is the first time I've heard about nootropic. I drink coffe so I use it but I have not realized that earlier. I think when it is natural you can use it from time to time. There is nothing wrong with it. Of course it can be dangerous. Some people could start to be addicted to it and addiction is never a good thing. I think there is many natural things to cope with stress. You can take a walk or just go to the gym. I don't think you need nootropics in your life. Of course it is helpful and in small doses even good for you but we don't know how it works in long time period.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with Andrzej. I've never taken any nootropic except coffee or vitamins and I'm generally against any synthetic drugs.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about it before this article. I think i use some Nootropics or equivalent thing to help me to pass some exam. I think it help me in some part of my learn time but i cant swallow it a lot of time because it could doesnt help us but make mischief in our organism. To resolve our stresful problem we should go for a walk or drink some fresh mixed friuts. I think is the best natural way to deal with stress situations.
I think each and everyone of us are on caffeine and taurine from time to time :) For me there is one more added by my friend few years ago - it helps a lot when the stress level gets the maximum level of craziness... (especially at work at the end of very important project - software distribution time etc.). It has medical name of Withania somnifera and usually sold as ashwagandha. It really can calm you down and give you a clear had in a very stressful period.
Wow, I must say that it’s probably the best presentation that I’ve ever seen on this course.I really love it.
I have heard about nootropics before, and I was really interested in this topic. I even considered trying it, but at the end I decided that it’s not really for me. I was kind of scared about the possible negative outcome of taking it.

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