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Week 6 [24.04-30.04.2017] We are all liars!

We are all liars!

Everybody lies. Some people  do it more often than others, but we all do. As Pamela Meyer, from the TED presentation below, says, “Lying is a part of our everyday life, it’s a part of our culture.”
Many people  think they are honest people and they don’t lie, or at least they don’t lie very often. Obviously, that’s not true. I’m not trying to say that everybody who lies is a bad person and I’m not saying that lying is always bad. There is no need to divide everything into good and bad. There are times when it is better to tell some small lie, which won’t really change anything but will please those who hear it. On the other hand, we can face lies which hurt us directly, which make our day, mood or even our life worse. Unfortunately, even people who we trust can lie to us and it  hurts even more afterwards when we discover the truth.
I think it’s a useful skill to know how to spot a liar. Of course, I’m not talking about taking the course of physiognomy to recognize every face movement of your companion, but the knowledge of some basic signs, which can help a lot in everyday communication.  
I’m  inviting you to watch Pamela Meyer’s TED Talk presenting her point of view on lying and liars.

  1. Can you recognize when people are lying to you? Do you know some special signs or face movements?
  2. Do you agree with the statement that “Lying is a cooperative act”? Why?
  3. Do you often lie? Do you think you are a good liar?
  4. Will you use Pamela’s suggestions to spot a liar?


Anonymous said…
I've read some articles about how to recognize a liar, but to be honest I'm not using those tips often. In my opinion if anyone would like to tell me the truth he would do it.
I'm not a good liar and I don't lie at all. I know that my lies will appear sooner or later so I rather tell the truth.
As I said before I don't pay a great attention to spotting liars and I probably won't use suggestions mentioned in the video.
Unknown said…
I think that people can recognize when others are lying but only people who they know very well. I heard about people who learn about personalilty of other people because they want to know if they are lying. Sometimes a little lie is better than the worst truth. Personally I fell bad when I have to lie to close friend. I think that very often we don't realise that we lie everyday.
Michał Pycek said…
I think some people lie more often than others because of their nature. I think that usually it is easy to spot when a person is lying or telling a made up story, however sometimes it is difficult to recognize it when somebody does it well enough. In my opinion it is a terrible thing to lie and I do not do it generally speaking. I agree that small lies are better than telling the unkind truth, f ex when you totally don't feel like meeting with somebody so you say you are tired or something similar. ;-)
I honestly do not like to do it and do not do it too often, since I prefer telling how I feel, but when I know I can hurt somebody's feelings, well, I have to do it.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I don't look for the signs of lying on purpose, sometimes you can just feel it and sometimes the person is good at it so you won't recognize lying, it's nearly impossible. I wouldn't use these guides for spotting a liar, usually you can tell for sure if it's a lie due to the circumstances, not to the way how the person talks, behaves etc. And sometimes it just doesn't matter, there may be a lie for a good purpose, for example for protecting a person. Or for any other non-evil purpose, like a worldwide conspiracy about Santa:)
Unknown said…
I actually lie a whole lot less than I should. Although lying is considered a bad thing, I find In my personal experience, that constantly telling the truth, gets me in a whole lot more trouble than lying! I'm deemed “tactless” and inconsiderate. I can always say “"I didn't lie to you and always told you the cold hard truth.” That fact alone gives me strength to change the world and my friends and family know, that if they engage me in conversation, and they ask me my opinion, they will get the un “sugar-coated” pure truth from my perspective. This can be a dangerous thing for some people who require interpersonal connections with friends and family. I, personally, don't feel that I need friends and family that don't accept me for who I am.
I think it’s pretty hard to recognize when somebody is lying if you don’t know this person at all. Sometimes it’s really obvious, but most of the time it’s not that simple. At the same time I find it really easy to spot a lie of somebody I know very well. In this case it’s not about (or maybe it is, but you read them subconsciously) special signs or face movements, you just feel that something is wrong.
In general, I try to lie as little as possible and I expect the same from other people. The only lies I tell are those with a good intention, not to mislead somebody. That means I’m not even trying to be a good liar.
I don’t think I will use any of those suggestions to spot a liar as it requires too much effort. I guess you have to invest a lot of your time to become an expert liar spotter. Anyway, the examples presented in the video were really interesting.
Unknown said…
I agree with Krzysiek that it's hard to recognize when somebody is lying. Of course, it depends on a person we are talking with, but it's not as simple as it might seem to be.

In my opinion the difficulty of recognizing liars is that we never know if we guess. We cannot check it. Sometimes it comes out, but not as often as we would like. Therefore we cannot 'train'.

What's more, people try different tricks. There are so many possibilities we cannot learn it. There will always be somebody who finds a new one.

To be honest, everybody says 'well.. I lie if it's possible.. and only in a good faith'. But, come on.. I don't believe that. I don't want to say that somebody lies saying 'I don't lie', but I don't believe that people don't lie despite they can lose. Unfortunately, I think it's human nature
I think sometimes it's really hard to know when someone is lying to me, especially when I don't know that person very well. But with people that I know really well I mostly recognize when they are lying. Lying is normal thing in our lives. Many times we think different thing and we are saying different thing but if we were honest we would have hurt people many times. Lying is essential to our well being in society. I probably lie a lot more than I want to, but I don't like to be mean to people.
I very often recognize when people lie to me, but I don’t really care about it. So I don’t really need Pamela’s suggestions, because I can do it and just don’t care.
I think that they must have some reason not to tell the truth.
Everybody lies and as long it’s not motivated to harm someone, I think that it’s just normal human behavior. I also lie and I don’t know if I’m a good liar but VERY often people think I’m lying when I’m actually telling the truth, and it’s slightly annoying.
Unknown said…
It is hard to recognize whether someone is lying when you don't know that person. I don't know any special signs of lying. People often think that when someone is smiling for sure he's lying and that's not true.
Sometimes I'm trying to lie, but I'm not good at it and people always know that I'm not telling the truth.
When I'm talking with someone, I'd rather focus on what we're talking about not on how we do it so I'd rather not use Pamela suggestions.
Unknown said…
I hate lying, but sometimes I do. Everybody does. I remember the episode of one of my favorite films "Interstate 60", when a guy with lung cancer was trying to make people tell the truth by carrying the explosives and threatening to use it. “Say what you mean, mean what you say. You know that if everybody follow that rule, there’d be a lot less trouble.” maybe he is right, but it is impossible in the real life.
To recognize the lies I only use my intuition, it could be very strong sometimes. And I do believe, that there are situations when you'd better not searching for the truth. Sometimes people have a reason to lie and you will sleep well without that knowledge.
I try to not lie, as it often goes to nowhere and can only hurt in long-run - I prefer to avoid given topic, change subject or simply not talk about something if I feel like it'll result in a bad outcome, rather than lying and saying that everything is alright.

I knew some of those tips, in fact, I even user them one or two times, but usually I don't care that much - if somebody is lying to me in important matter, (s)he is not a person I should care about, if being honest towards me for somebody is not possible.
Vyvyan said…
1) Recognizing if someone is lying to me depends very much on degree of familiarity that i have with that person. Mostly people that i know well will have a very hard time lying to me, while those that i don't know well will lie to me with ease. Of course there are some exceptions.
2) Lying is not a cooperative act. Why? Because you don't need another person to lie. You can always lie to yourself...
3) With the exception of throwing out trash i am trying not to lie so i'd say that i'm a moderate liar.
4) No i will not as these suggestions are nothing but stereotypes, and in truth each person acts differently while lying.
Magdalena Popek said…
Few years ago I've been interested in body language. It helped me a lot to change my behaviour, for example when talking in public. However person's reactions may be so complex it's hard to describe them. Everyone is different and reactions labeled as "face while lying" may not be applicable to anyone. My mother always thought I was lying (when I was a child, like 7-12 years old) when I was smiling or laughing while answering her questions. It was so funny for me (all those 'where have you been?', 'why weren't you here on time?') that I was just smiling (it was mainly her reaction that was funny for me) and she thought I'm lying to her. That was quite annoying because I have never ever smiled while lying (I knew she will think I'm lying if I smiled) but was smiling almost all the time while telling the truth due to her reactions (I didn't care, I was telling the truth anyway).
Now I don't have to tell my parents when I came back home so I'm not lying almost at all. And if I do it's rather small lies (I'd rather not tell someone I don't feel like meeting with them today, I'd prefer to say I have much to do. Which most of the time is true).
Adam Paśniczek said…
From my point of view lie is not something good. Exceptions are moments when we do it for good purpose. But that it still an exception. If it could improve someone’s mood that’s ok. Otherwise I think we should avoid lies. In my opinion it is better to say the truth even if it is hard to do
Unknown said…
It's very hard for me to tell if a person is lying. Maybe if they uncontrollably sweat, blink and stutter all at once I'd know. I try not to lie. I prefer truth, even if painful and sour.
Then comes the 'good lies' when we lie for a good reason, not to hurt someone and such. Oh well, it depends but decision whether or not use a small/good lie must be a well thought one.
Unknown said…
I think I'm usually able to recognize when someone close to me is lying, but when it comes to strangers I usually don't care enough to even try spotting it unless it's something I care about.
It's a bit hard for me to understand the statement about cooperation in lying, what's the difference and why does it matter? Personally, I'm a horrible liar, my parents always were able to tell when I was not telling the truth and now I always feel like everyone around me is able to do it, so I have a hard time even trying.

As for Pamela's advice, I don't think I'm going to try and spot the signs of deception during normal day to day conversations.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I would lie to you if I wrote "I'm not lying" :). Everyone is lying regardless if we are nice people, etc. It's natural and we can be unaware that we are lying so much times in a common day. I'm not saying that is right behaviour but it's natural. I usually know when someone is lying to me but I don't have a pattern, just like that. I've seen article about behaviour and I remember that liar is looking in one of corners or something like that - I don't care about it. Usually it's not hard to recognize :). I have one rule about lying - it's better to say the worst truth rather than lie, but... in right time (little joke).
Unknown said…
Few years ago I've watched a short movie of an ex FBI agent and he shows few signs how to recognize if someone is lying.
Do you agree with the statement that “Lying is a cooperative act”? Why? Yes, it's cooperative cause in many cases when someone is lying to other people, this person wants a confirmation and you have to predict whom he/she is going to ask and talked to those person before to establish a common version of events :)
No, I think I'm terrible liar and I'm trying not to lie.

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