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Week 11 [09.01-15.01] Making your own board game

Have you ever played a board game? Of course you have, be it checkers or chess, board games are one of the oldest pastimes of humanity and even if you’re not really into more complicated games you must have played some. Games have evolved a great deal, especially in the last decade. Surprisingly, the new golden age of board games can be attributed to the popularization of the internet, which allows us to find easily more people who want to play, and more games.


Modern tabletop games range from simple, abstract games of association like for example Dixit to long, 8 hour fantasy adventures like the Might & Magic board game. Actually, it might be hard to find a big intellectual property that doesn’t have a tabletop counterpart - Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Witcher, there’s even a board game based on Doom and This War of Mine in the works. But designing and making board games is not reserved for big companies with already established properties, if you ever had an idea for your own board game, there’s never been a better time to make your dreams come true. 


With the new technologies, like 3d printing making any design a reality is possible, and with many online communities built around design and production of board games it’s way easier than it used to be just a few years ago. Obviously, most of the work must be done on paper, to reach a state when your game can be playable, and even then you don’t really need an actual board and pawns to test it out with your friends. You can present it to other people and actually sell it. For example is an online store that sells not only board games made by small teams of people, or even by a single person, they offer a variety of services, like printing tokens, boards, cards that you can use to assemble your very own game. Not to mention how successful tabletop games can become on crowdfunding sites like kickstarter. The most funded card game got backed for almost 9 million dollars!


But is it that easy to create a good board game? Actually, there are many, many questions you need to ask yourself when designing a game. For example, how many players do you want your game to be for? How long should the play session take? How will the interaction between your players look like? How do you win? And so on and on and on. What it boils down to is, can you give people a game that they would actually enjoy playing?
So how about you? Have you ever thought about making your own board game? And if not, share with us what your favourite games are and what makes them so enjoyable? Finding and naming what we enjoy in games might be the first step to bringing that feeling to others by making our own games.


Michał Pycek said…
To be honest I have not created my own board game, but I do enjoy playing board games with friends and family. In my opinion they can bring a lot of joy and great deal of fun because:
a) they are truly well prepared, thought through and they involve the players a lot, so they feel that the game is engaging and interesting;
b) they are educational, so the players can actually learn something from this game or from the topics which are included;
c) they bring people together, so regardless of the plot and the point of it, the players can socialize, laugh and talk during the game or even explore each other's views and opinions.
I play board games mostly because of the third reason, because usually I am not the one who initiate this kind of games, but when we get to sit together and play a board game, I also prefer the ones which require quite a bit of new knowledge and focus, so I feel I occupy myself with something interesting and extraordinary.
Piotr Basiński said…
Making your own board game
But is it that easy to create a good board game? Actually, there are many, many questions you need to ask yourself when designing a game. For example, how many players do you want your game to be for? How long should the play session take? How will the interaction between your players look like? How do you win? And so on and on and on. What it boils down to is, can you give people a game that they would actually enjoy playing?

This is a difficult question. In my opinion, a good board game is not easy to come up with. Everything depends on the story board game. From the principles of what the game contains.

So how about you? Have you ever thought about making your own board game? And if not, share with us what your favourite games are and what makes them so enjoyable? Finding and naming what we enjoy in games might be the first step to bringing that feeling to others by making our own games.

I have never thought of making your own game. My favorite game is MONOPOLY. This is a very cool game board. I like to play this game with friends. You can spend a nice time. You can learn a lot such as: communication, negotiation, strategy, logical thinking.
Unknown said…
There is no need to make my own game becaouse there are very many games. Making a game is a lot of time. Personally I'm a big fan of board games. Last time I was at "board game festival" Falkon in Lublin. For me the best board game is Talisman: Magic and sword. I played the old version when I was a child and so when there was new version I bought it with all extra elements. The longest I played it was about 10 hours. New basic version came out quite long time ago but extra elements not so long ago. I know that people tested it for very long time before it came out. So I wrote that I don't have time to make my own game. I recommend it for everyone.
Unknown said…
Yes, I know balancing and testing a game takes a lot of time, but I guess it's necesary for it to be good. I too really like Might and Magic Talisman, I own only the base game and one expansion but it's still a lot of fun (but I'd love to own all of them)
Unknown said…
I remember playing Monopoly with my parents when I was a kid and have very fond memories of it. It's cool there are so many themed versions of the game, I think I might even buy one of them for old times sake.

If you'd like to try some other games to play with friends and family you could try Dixit, it's a really fun one.
Unknown said…
I agree, board games have many good aspects. There are so many different ones that anyone can find something for themselves.

As for socializing, the face to face aspect of board games is very important and can bring people together.
Unknown said…
I have tons of ideas for games. As I lack talent for most manual craftsmanships and traditional arts I prefer to focus on making video games rather than physical.
Unknown said…
Of course, there is no need to make own game. There are a lot of games which have different histories, strategies or look. Apart from it, as people above said, it takes a lot of time to plan, make and test it. Sure. But for me, it's not a reason why we shouldn't make a new games. The same like with e.g. software, the same is with board games. We have much more possibilities, new ideas, trends and so on. Apart from it, making own board game could be really big fun. That's why I fully understand people who want to make their own one.

I like play board games very much. It's nice opportunity to meet with friends, spend some time just playing, but making games is not for me. It's just not interesting for me. Despite that, from time to time I buy new board games, so makers are needed :D

Sometime ago I have an opportunity to take part in process of making game. In fact, it wasn't board game. It was application, which was made in shape of board game. Really hard process, but interesting.
Dajana Kubica said…
I noticed now that most companies introduces a game that could be replaced with a piece of paper and a pencil. An example of such a game is an electronic version of the game "Państwa-Miasta"'s Epee. Therefore, I once thought that to create a super board game, you must have a unique idea, but now I find that people are able to buy all thanks to proper marketing. Before buying a board game I look through the reviews and watching videos on youtube of gameplay, because I want to avoid something, which can be replaced with a piece of paper. In my collection I have a "Kolejka", "5 Seconds", "Rummicub," "Monopoly," "Puns Deluxe". All of these games have great playability!
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
This is really strange because Monopoly is famous as a game that causes fights in 100% of cases:) I used to bring it to the table when I had friends visiting and in the end everyone were arguing about debts/rentals/etc. It was fun in it's own way, but now I prefer games where everyone's just having fun and don't have to count money.
Unknown said…
I was always a board game kind of person, rather than computer game player. I had really few computer games; to my mind, they have never were so interesting and absorbing as a board game with friends.
I've never created my own board game, however, recently I've received Harry Potter Monopoly as a gift, but not the autoritised one; it's a game overally made by an artist and it looks far more pretty than classical one.
Just for now, every time I have the occasion I play this game. Few years ago I was all the time playing Ludo, I loved the more complicated version with blockages. I really like the Catan too, despite I always lose with my brother. I play Hotel very often. I used to spend much time with classic games like jackstraws, battleship, dice, scattergories and jigsaw puzzles. My favourite card games are 1000 and Kierki, however I can't play these with my friends (most of them play so badly) and only two person from my family are a real challenge to play with.
Unknown said…
I have never think about creating my own game. To be honest I hadn't have no idea that it is possible.
My favourite game board is Monopoly. I think that almost everybody know what are the rules of this game. I like it very much, because many people can play it at one time and we can spend a great time together.
Unknown said…
To be honest I'm not a big fan of board games. I've played few of them for example Monopoly, Settlers etc., but for me it hasn't been anything special. I believe that creating your own board game is quite difficult. First of all the topic should be interesting for potential users and game rules shouldn't be difficult for gamers. Personally I’m not sure if I would be able to design good board game.
I've always enjoyed board game. In fact, I still play some today, although in non-traditional way, through video games. Monopoly is probably a typical classic everybody knows about, but it gets boring pretty fast - if you're into board games but not necessarily physical ones, I can recommend Talisman: Digital Edition, which was quite popular even 20 years ago, but in it's digital edition it's even better.

And if you're fan of Anime/Japan, 100% Orange Juice (available e.g. on Steam) is also a marvelous way to ruin every form of friendship... :).
I really like board games. I have a group of friends that I often play with. Board games that require some strategic thought are the most interesting for me.
But I never tried to make one. It's incredibly hard to make interesting and engaging game. Plus it has to be balanced and visually appealing.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Thank you for this artice. I've never tried to create my own board game but I really like to play those games. I've played few board games like 5 seconds, Monopoly, Settler of Catan and many, many more. I've never heard about store that produces board games made by anybone and I'm sure I'll try to make my own game in nearby future because it could be great fun! :)
Unknown said…
My favorite board game is Alias. We had a great time playing it. But now I don't have free time to play it. And of course no time to create one. So I would better buy the existed game. Or play the traditional chess or poker.
But it was interesting to find out that people can create their own games. This is a great idea, I think.
Unknown said…
I'd love to see that Harry Potter Monopoly, I'm a big fan of Harry Potter. Modifying an exitsing game can also be a good way of artistic expression, I saw people making 3d printed figures for games like Talisman and such.

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