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Week 11 [09.01-15.01] Drug sounds: e-drugs

Everything in the electronic version
Nowadays we can buy books or newspapers in electronic versions. It can be sound – audio books or a file with text – e-books. We take notes, do shopping lists or drawings using our phones and computers. What else can be transformed into the e-version?

What are e-drugs and how they work?
A few months ago there was an article in the Polish Newsweek presenting new drugs: e-drugs. Basically it’s a sound that may cause effects similar to traditional drugs like heroin or cocaine. After using e-drugs you may feel relaxed and comfortable or you can be anxious, nervous and irritated. It all depends on the sound type, and of course on a single person.

I have read a lot of opinions about using e-drugs. The descriptions were various. Some students use e-drugs to relax before exams, to improve their memory or just to feel better. Other people use it to feel stronger, more energized, and stimulated.
There was also an experiment with a sound engineering student, who has analyzed how it works and how the sound is built. In conclusion, he was disgusted. He claims that it is about two different lengths of sound waves so that each ear gets a different wave. He summed up that listening to this kind of sound is as stupid as looking straight at the Sun – it’s all about testing human’s toughness.
Now there are many shops offering this kind of sounds. Prices estimate from 3 to 200 dollars. Of course you can find a lot of e-drugs on YouTube, because it’s not illegal yet.

More brain stimulating sounds/music
As I said you can search for e-drugs on YouTube. You can find there many different sounds, which are not drugs, but are supposed to help you relax or improve your focus abilities.
Scrolling YouTube I have come across many different goals which you can achieve listening to some kind of sounds. Ideas which looked interesting for me were for example “Super Learning and Memory”, “Advanced Concentration, Focus and Creativity”, :Create Feeling of Euphoria”, “Human Growth Hormone Release”, “Testosterone Booster”, “Sexual Energy”, “Erection – Isochronic Tones”, or “Youthing – Anti-Aging”.

Summing up…
Whatever you’d like to achieve: focus, memory, youthing, euphoria, energy – all you have to do is turn on adequate sound on YouTube in fact. Really? Personally I don’t believe in such stories. In my opinion it’s just another way of earning money, likes, views and viewers. On the other hand – these sounds are really strange and they may cause some weird effects after hours of listening.
I’d like you to share your opinion with us.
Have you ever tried this kind of ‘drugs’? Do you have some story to tell?
Do you think these sounds may cause something else than just a headache?
Should this kind of drugs be illegal soon? Why?

Feel free to give your opinions. 


Michał Pycek said…
I haven't heard of such ''drugs'' and I haven't tried them before. I have googled it and tried the first one on youtube, but to me it is not something I would use and feel comfortable afterwards. I prefer classical music :-) this stimulates me well and helps me focus for example while I am working. In my opinion it should not be illegal, since it is not a real drug, which physically influences our organism, mostly in a negative way. If people find it helpful and enjoy it then why not? I am just not one of them.
Piotr Basiński said…
Have you ever tried this kind of ‘drugs’? Do you have some story to tell?
I have tried this tried this kind music. One, by accident when I was looking for someting I come across this type of music. I turned on this music and starded listening. I turned on this music and started listening music. When the music was over, I felt relaxed.
Do you think these sounds may cause something else than just a headache?
Sometimes, as you listen to long times can cause something.
Should this kind of drugs be illegal soon? Why?
I think this kind od drugs should illegal because they cause the same effect as real drugs. But in reality in may be hard to do because you can not find listining to music.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Of course every person reacts in a different way, so I'm not very surprised that you didn't feel anything different.
When it comes to legality - many people can think that of course, our organisms aren't poisoned by this kind of 'drugs', but it can cause some disastrous behavior like jumping from 10th floor thinking that you are able to fly.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
As you said - it may be very hard to make them illegal. Let's be honest, downloading music and movies from the Internet is also illegal, but everyone does it.
Unknown said…
It does not sound like something for me. Almost anything can become drug-like. I prefer to keep to my short list of abused thing, namely beer and video games.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I remember the hype about audio drugs in 2000s:) I think that this is just a virus effect kind of thing like "letters of hapiness" or something similar. Drugs work on the chemical level and even if there was a working audio drug it would be already famous and possibly prohibited.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
It a first time I hear about sound e-drugs, I checked first one on youtube and it's definately not for me. I don't listen to music when studing or doing sth important, because I simply can't focus on a task.

Have you heard about new polish teddy bear brand "Szumisie"? Recently, it has become popular even abroad. I'd tell it's some kind of sound drug also. These teddy bears emitate some sound resembling noise in mother's belly and they're created to help children fall asleep. However, I don't have a clue if it hasn't got a damaging impact on children's hearing.
Here's the link:
Unknown said…
I didn't heard about it but I'm not convinced about it. I don't believe that only sound can act on us like a drug. Of course, that music can improve or worsen our mood. I like to listen to the radio or quiet music when I'm doing something manual but when I study or read something that I prefer silence otherwise I can't concentrate.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
I totally agree. If there was something working like drugs, but without being a drug - sooner or later it would become deemed as a drug and illegal
Sylwia Pechcin said…
I have never heard about 'Szumisie'. It also may be a kind of drug sounds but if I would have a baby I think that I wouldn't decide to buy this kind of toy. But I'm wondering if it would work for adults. Sometimes I can't sleep at night and 'Szumiś' would help me a lot ;)
Sylwia Pechcin said…
To be honest, I also can't concentrate if during studying for example tv or radio is turned on. But this kind of music can be useful to lay down and relax.
Unknown said…
Personally I didn’t hear about e-drugs but I believe that the music can affect our mind and body. To be honest I like to listen music during my work – programming with instrumental movie music in background sounds great, doesn't it?! This kind of music stimulates my brain and helps me focus.
Placebo to me. If somebody believes strong enough that listening to X will make him enter Y state, most likely it will if he believes hard enough. I know that some sound waves actually can stimulate human's brain, but it's nowhere close to even a small part of actual drug use, so I'd say it's plain bulls*it, but that's only my opinion.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I haven't heard about e-drugs yet but it sounds so funny. I imagined few people at a party and thay are listening to e-drugs music :D. Maybe it's true that some sounds stimulate our brain in many aspects but personally I don't believe in it. I'll try to listen e-drug music and look what influence it's has on my body or mind.
I don’t really believe in the idea of e-drugs. For me it’s another mumbo jumbo based on pseudoscience.
I believe that it might work on some people but it’s probably only placebo effect.
This whole thing sounds to me like another way to get money from gullible people; “Human Growth Hormone Release” – please, how it’s different from “Nigerian king just passed away, give me some money and you will become a millionaire”.
So I googled a couple of videos with different sounds and listened to them for some time. It wasn't really pleasing. I think people should stick to music if they want to relax or concentrate on something, rather than listen to some random sound waves. On the side note here's a cool little video on how music (and other stuff) makes us feel good:
Wojtek Kania said…
I think it is for a weak and very unhappy people. One of the most amazing drug on the world are endorphins. When you work out, or working on something project and you have got a success that makes you a mostly experience which you EXCEPT, but not get when you use any kind of drugs. For me there is not something wrong to drink a couple of beers with friends. But listening 'weird' music for what...I don't understand.
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