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Week 5 [7.11-13.11] GMO : Life or Death?

     Human ingenuity is limitless. Our creativity allowed us to manipulate the environment around us in any way we want. Is it good or bad? There is no simple answer to these questions. Our minds can create new things or can bring the end to the whole world. The most common example of the dualistic nature of human creativity is the usage of nuclear fission. Also, we are building new nuclear power plants and new ballistic missiles that can wipe out entire nations.

Russian's ballistic missile called R-36M, in NATO terminology - SS-18 Satan (Sic!)

     Another, in my opinion, good example is GMO. GMO stands for “Genetically modified organism”. GMO can be defined as organism, whose genetic material has been altered in some artificial way. One example of GMO is the GloFish. “GlowFish” is a brand for genetically modified fluorescent fish. It is the first genetically modified animal that can be bought, although only in USA. It was created from zebrafish by inserting jellyfish gene, which encodes the green fluorescent protein, into its genome. In the result, a fluorescent fish was born.

GloFish in different colors

     Right now, the most controversial aspect of GMO is connected with food production, especially plants. There is a lot of controversy around genetically modified crops, in short: GMCs, even between scientists. Some of them believe that GMC can resolve famine problem around the world, others say that GMC can have a huge negative impact on the environment. Who is right? I would say, both of them.

     The most famous example of GMO that can save lives of millions is Golden rice. It is ordinary rice with a genetic modification that causes biosynthesis of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, in the edible part of plant. Golden rice is intended to cultivate in areas with a shortage of dietary vitamin A. In result, it could resolve hypovitaminosis A in those countries, saving roughly one million lives annually.

To the left: white rice, to the right: golden one

     On the other hand, GMOs are artificial. Mass production of those GMCs can seriously harm the environment in a way we can’t expect. For example, a genetically modified plant that is resistant to various pests, could have a hybrid with some other natural plant, causing the devastation of the local ecosystem.

     Other controversies concern patent law and big companies like Monsanto. Farmers have to buy modified grain from companies every year, and the price of modified grain is a few times higher than a normal one. Sometimes they have to pay for GMC on their fields, even when those crops are self-sown plants. It means, they are losing.

     In sum, it is obvious that GMO is the future. We should get used to this fact. Probably all of us have eaten GMO already. Should we ban GMO? Or should we allow GMO in our food? Maybe we should change the law? Express your opinion!



Unknown said…
Don't see a problem with GMO. I guess the first farmer who thought of forcing two pieces of grass to copulate in order to create wheat was shunned off as a maniac. It's simple evolution, we have been twisting and improving nature for years now. Why stop now? Because big companies have too much money? I'm pretty sure that non-GMO stuff will still hold huge value for years to come as the "pro-eco" choice for some.
Unknown said…
I don't understand those protests and actions against GMO. I believe that cause of such action is ignorance.
It has got disadvantages, as those mentioned in article, but at all it is rather good thing. This is an effect of advancement, there are good reasons to use it and used wise it may be very helpful.
Unknown said…
In my opinion there are pros and cons. On the one hand it is good that it is possible to make more products and they are fresh more time. Because of that hunger in the world is smaller. On the other hand there is to many chemicals in food. Some products don't look and don't taste like they should. I try not to eat products with GMO but in my opinion they are everywhere. It is difficult to avoid modified food.
Unknown said…
I really regret i don't have appropriate knowledge of GMO. That's controversial topic which concern all of us. We are encircled by inconsistent informations what doesn't help us make our own opinion. I believe that GMO can be something good, something what even can rescue human life but the condition is that the only right people use GMO and they dont try to make money poisoning unaware society. I believe world was created perfect and we dont need to change it but if human could discovered GMO it was for some reason too.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
When we are talking about GMO in food, the first I think of is - a great opportunity for children and all people in the Africa who are dying because of famine. On the other hand, normally I encourage people to lead a healthy life style: eat healthy vegetables and fruits, do some exercises and so on, and I am aware of fact, that GMO food isn't actually healthy. Then I think of hungry, dying people in other, poor counties and I realize that there is nothing worse what can happen to them. So in my opinion, we should allow GMO in our food, because it can save a huge amount of lives.
Adam Nowak said…
There is a difference between GMO and hybrid. Hybrid does not have new genes, thus it can't, at example, produce proteins that could melt your brain, if its parents don't have a gene that codes for toxin.
Adam Nowak said…
The key is to use it wisely, as you mentioned. Today, those GMO's are under patent law, and it could be dangerous to cultivate GMO's only, because it could give those big companies an unlimited power... Just imagine it.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Those protests against GMOs have no scientific ground, they remind me about anti-vaccine protests. Recently 107 Nobel laureates have signed a letter asking Greenpeace to end its opposition to GMOs, there're a lot of studies showing that GMOs are harmless. Sure, there may be ethical issues in modifying genes, but if it helps to end the world hunger then I'm all for it.
Unknown said…
When I think about GMO I think about disadvantages. The most dangerous from my point of view are:
1. Gene Spilling:
It is unclear what effects, if there are any, the genetic pollution resulting from inadequate sequestering of genetically modified crop populations would have on the wild varieties surrounding them. However, it is stressed that releasing pollen from genetically altered plants into the wild through the insects and the wind could have dramatic effects on the ecosystem, though there is yet long-term research to be done to gauge such impact,
2. Gene Transfer:
Relevant to the previous disadvantage, a constant risk of genetically modified foods is that an organism’s modified genes may escape into the wild. Experts warn that genes from commercial crops that are resistant to herbicides may cross into the wild weed population, thus creating super-weeds that have become impossible to kill. For genetically enhanced vegetation and animals, they may become super-organisms that can out-compete natural plants and animals, driving them into extinction,
3. New Diseases:
As previously mentioned, genetically modified foods can create new diseases. Considering that they are modified using viruses and bacteria, there is a fear that this will certainly happen. This threat to human health is a worrisome aspect that has received a great deal of debate.

But on the other hand, when I have read your article, you noticed such GMO food like golden rice. It cause that I've started to think about advantages. What I can see are:
1. Less starvation in the world due to the fact that it cuts food prices,
2. The precise evaluation and testing of GMOs crops and other products. In fact, according to research, it is safer as compared to traditional crops,
3. Less Deforestation,
4. Insect Resistance.

When you start to google about issues connected with GMO, you find as many advantages as disadvantages. It is very hard to judge if it should be ban or not. To be honest I do not have a strong opinion about this issue, but I have a feeling that we should try new things as a human race to prolong our species so we should give a chance for GMO. The only thing is that we have to be aware what can it cause.
Unknown said…
This is a very difficult and controversial topic. I always thought about GMO as something bad, because as Aleksandra said, the world was already created perfectly so why should we change anything ? There is a lot of pros and cons about it, but it's interfering in the natural structure of things - vegetables or even animals. I think that we shouldn't do that. Why to make better something that is already good ? And most of the time, we can not predict the final effect of that actions. I would probably ban GMO...but I still don't have enough knowledge of this topic.
Unknown said…
I'm not sure what to think about GMOs. Often this isn't the end of tested and the effects of eating or planting of such plants are never completely safe for us and the environment. On the one hand, if it is to reduce hunger in the world is great, but but on the other hand, we see that there are companies that only want to make money as Monsanto. We never know what we eat. What if GMO seeds from Monsanto causes an illness that, in turn, pharmaceutical companies could make money. Ok, maybe I invent a lot of conspiracy theories but I do not trust GMO food and as for the hunger in the world I think we should more take care of it by not throwing away food. Do you know that in Poland is wasted as many as 9 million tons of food per year?!
Piotr Basiński said…
In my opinion gmo is a good thing. Many plants grown on fields which could not be grown without gmo. There many worse things than gmo, we should credit of trust.
Dajana Kubica said…
In my opinion GMOs should be used, but only where necessary. As above mentioned golden rice, if it can save the people from lack of vitamin A that I'm approving. However, if the modification of the gene in the plant can cause loss such as the destruction of the ecosystem or a new disease, production should be pause, until we figure something safer. I think that before the gene is modified, it should be tested several years, to assess whether the pros outweigh the cons.
I'm always a little bit sceptic when it comes to changing consumption habits so much. I know that if we won't give it a try, we will never know the results, but for me GMO shouldn't be offered to a broad public. No one can predict long-term consequences of a diet full of GMO products and for that reason we can not assume it's safe. I think one way of solving this problem is to test GMO for a few years on a group of volunteers and then examine long term impact.
GMO issue seems to be slightly similiar to using preservaties in food. Nowadays they can be found in almost every food product and what is the way people react? We can observe a strong trend towards eating healthy, preservative-free products. I'm afraid fascination with GMO may end not very different.
Unknown said…
I agree with statement that GMO is future. People population is getting higher from year to year, so we need to produce much more food. SO with GMO we can solve this problem easyly. Without it, problem of global famine will touch much more countires from the third world.
I think GMO has a lot of cons and pros. It's a great way for making crops that are suitable for exact climate. It gives farmers an opportunity for growing plants in very difficult environment e.g deserts. Sometimes it's the only way to grow.
Unknown said…
I have exactly the same worries, firstly, whether there don't appear some super-organism which will become uncontroled and which will be harmful to other existing species or even humans, and secondly if the develope of the GMO food wouldn't also meen new incurable diseases on our planet.
Unknown said…
Besides that I'd give GMO a try, after all, the world and we - the humans beings are still changing, so are the medicines for example: the old ones could not work any more, the same the quantities and doses in which we take them, that is why in the future we may need totally different food than we eat today.
I will make a comparison to show my point of view - most of us work in IT Departments as Programmers / IT Technicians / IT-Testers. We know one thing through the years - when complexity level in a application/IT system gets too high - sooner or later there will be some kind of an error - just no one can predict what wrong and when will happen. Correlation and complexity level between components is something we have to deal on the daily basis. I think that people that create such GMO modified crops may not predict all the things, that may go bad when they change something. We all know what happens when there is a big error in an application - we have to fix it ASAP to make minimize the damages. When it comes to GMO, this kind of scenario gets worse - it may be very hard to minimize the damage made to our life and health.
Adam Nowak said…
Today, we produce enough food for everyone in the world. Why is there a starvation then? It is more about a lack of education than poor enviroment. GMO's are not a cure; those poor counties could resolve famine without the help of Monsanto and their GMO's. In fact, you could say, that famine is a good business for pesticide and GMO corporations. Maybe that's a reason why western world doesn't really help those countries by aiding them in improving their education system?
Unknown said…
I think, that all in all, GMO has got more pros than cons. It gives an opportunity to grow plants in environment not "design" for it, for example in deserts, mountainous terrain. We have to remember, that our population is growing faster and faster and we need more and more food. However, we should be really careful with GMO, inspect its impact on ecosystem because, as we all know, our climate is changing and we must do everything we could to protect it.
Unknown said…
I don't know what to think about it. Once there was no GMO and everything was ok but now all food has the chemistry. Now gmo is needed but you must use it with the head lest it maybe cause damage
Unknown said…

I’ve never heard before about the glofish. They look very cute and I wouldn’t mind having a few in my room. Especially when it’s dark.
Talking about GMO, as far as I know it can cause cancer. Almost all ketchup with affordable price contains cancerogenic ingredients. I don’t like this kind of future we would have by eating GMO products.

I think we as humans should have a wider choice of healthy products with affordable prices on a market. We should limit GMO’s to safe environments only. Like for example in a science laboratory.
One professor from the University of Singularity said that with help of studying GMO we would be able to modify our bodies in a safe way. I wouldn’t mind having 4 hands instead of 2. But only if it’s 100%
Kacper Zaremba said…
In your article you say, that „On the other hand, GMOs are artificial” and suggest it’s something wrong. In fact, that rhetorical tactic is called „appeal to nature” and is usually an invalid argument. Suggesting something is good only because it’s natural, or saying something is bad, because it’s unnatural is simply wrong. You see - cancer or Alzheimer are also natural. Are they good for us?

In my opinion GMO is a perfect opportunity to boost efficiency of growing crops and fight the problem of hunger.

To read more about ‚appeal to nature’ see -
Unknown said…
Similar to Damian, first of all I think about disadvantages, but I know it's caused by two facts:

1. my lack of knowledge
2. scientists exlopre this topic, but I'm afraid it will take years to fully analyze it

Nowadays, it is believed that microwaves don't have any or have positive impact on food. But if you talk with specialists, it is not so clear.
It is good to defrost food - it keeps its nutritional values. But heating is not always healthy. And that's a problem. It is hard to define when food is thawed and starts to heat.
What's more, we mostly use microwaves for reheating which can be unhealthy.

Of course, there are different opinions and for now, in the scientific community, it's not identified unambiguously (and there are no clear prove for negative influence). That's why it's believed microwaves don't have any or have positive impact.

The same is with GMO. I'm afraid we won't know if it's good for long time. That's the reason I'd prefer not to comment unambiguously if I'm for or against.
I think that GMO is brilliant invention, it can really make the difference in way we live. The world population constantly grows, and the hunger crisis in 3rd world countries will only get worse. Cheap, nutrient dense GMO crops which are immune to pests are perfect solution to this problem. I think that even though some people are against it now, in couple of years most of food we eat will be GMO.
Moode said…
GMO is not a new issue as we have been receiving food with it for latest 25 years. Farmers are going to use genetic modified crops more than the natural ones, because they are protected from diseases, increase their sizes and live longer which means: less work, less risky income and posting the productions.

What will be useful for consumers, is to label all the products if it’s GMO free or no, therefore we can decide for our own what we eat.
kondrat said…
Without GMO we would not exist. No one thinks about the needed resources to feed the whole planet. If there wasn't GMO the food would be more expensive and less people would be able to have children. Using GMO helps us to seed more efficient plants, which are resistant to diseases.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
As always nothing is black and white - in overall view I think that advantages are much stronger than disadvantages, and it can really help humanity in long-run, but only as long as there will be serious funding being spent on further analysis and making sure through various experiments that it's safe for humans.
Adam Nowak said…
There is no statement about "are GMO's wrong or good" depending on its origin in the whole article. I think that you've got the wrong impression. This paragraph states that cultivating GMOs, which are artifical for surroundings that GMO's grow, can harm enviroment. In history there are cases of invasive species, like rabbits in Australia, that caused huge damage for local enviroment. I beleive that GMO's could have similar impact.
Adam Nowak said…
Destroyed enviroment means no possibility for cultivation, therefore it means a starvation. Maybe we could develop GMOs that can grow in the desert? For me, making separate GMO farms in Sahara doesn't look as a hard thing to do...
I'm ok with GMO products as long as they are not harmful to our health. Also I think when people talk about GMO they forgot that it includes animals not only plants. When we talk about food the geneticaly modified animals are made so that they grow faster or simply have more meat on them. I have really mixed feelings about that. I'm pretty sure it collides with animal rights but I could be wrong. On the other hand like other people said when we face starvation we have to put our life above the environment.
Michał Pycek said…
I have read the opinions of my colleagues and I agree it is not a new topic. I think it is both positive and negative.
On one hand, as an example of animals, I think we should not intervene within living organisms like animals. On the other hand, a plant that is adjusted to the environment so it can actually be used afterwards as supply of food, is not a bad idea.
I think that it is important for the people as well as from the perspective of a consumer, to be informed whether for example a product is a GMO product or not.
As long as we know what we have interaction with, it is fair enough.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you. If it is possible we shouldn't interfere with the natural processes of growing animals or plants, but sometimes we are forced to do this (as you have mentioned above the problem of starvation). Nonetheless, it is worth pointing out that GMO products can be the reason for many serious diseases like cancer.
Unknown said…
I am full supporter of GMO. That's the future. We would be stupid not to use something as powerfull. It can solve so much problems and make our lives easier and better. Ofcourse it could be dangerous like many other kinds of technology but it's still worth it to try and control it.
Unknown said…
Patents expire.
For me GMO could be great thing but unfortunately we don't fully know how GMC is influencing our health and organism.
I think we need to investigate it further and if everything will be okay with it then we could introduce it to market.I know it looks idealistic and would never be applied as it is steered by huge companies that sponsors the GMO things.
How could we be so stupid to use it even not knowing how it really works?
If you can use something it doesn't mean that you should do it.
Yeah, I would like to have a couple of GloFishes too. GMCs seem to be a good alternative to me; at least in the environments where you can hardly grow any plant. I think that we should look at this as the alternative and not the replacement for organic food.
However, when it comes to genetically modified humans, I am a bit sceptical here. If we could enhance our body in such a way that they could kill cancer cells then that would be great. But what if GMO will introduce some other, presumably much worse diseases?
KamilG said…
In my opinion GMO is dangerous for us. Why? Even we would like to eat non-GMO food, we don't have confidence that it wasn't from
field neighboured with GMO one. Another alarming thing is that the GMO seed is offered in USA by one company - Monsanto. it's a threat that food will be more expensive, because farmers will be pressured to buy
seed at a high price.
Unknown said…
Fighting with GMO is like a fight with vaccines. It does not have any sense. This type of opposition begins With gossip distributed and repeated by irresponsible people. GMO is not chemistry, it's not spoiling food of important nutritional value in it. It is a genetic modification that improves food and helps fight with danger that is awaiting from the environment and human activity.
As you rightly pointed out in a post GMO probably is the future and we need to get used to it. But further research on this matter is absolutely vital and needs to be done. It has to be completely transparent what kind of foods are modified in what ways, so there's no doubt about its advantages and disadvantages.
Unknown said…
We encounter GMO every single day, but it's a good thing to know that GMO is sometimes really helpful in our everyday life.
Golden rice, mentioned in the article was supposed to help with vitamin A deficiency in Southeast Asia, where it's a big problem, however it wasn't introduced yet because it's unlikely to make any profit.
We can buy fresh, hot bread and buns, but before they hit the shelves they lay frozen. To freeze them, yeast had to be genetically modified so they don't get cold and our buns can grown nicely in the oven.
Our cheese is also genetically modified - specifically rennet. It used to be taken from calf stomach - now it's production is cheaper and faster thanks to GMO, also, there's no need to further hurt animals in the process.
GMO are used in treating osteoporosis, diabetes, renal cancer, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.

You can't simply say that GMO is bad, it's true that we can't really predict long term consequences of modifying plants and other organisms, but we have to admit - it would be pretty hard for us to live without GMO.

Here's an interesting article I can recommend:
Unknown said…
I think GMO is good way to make our food better and more healty. To be honest i dont understand people who scream about GMO is unhealty and unhuman. Our daily food is probably created from bad ingredients and we cant do much to stop it. Secondly about future. Now technology is very good way to make our life easier and more simply but it also can easier destroy our life and world what we know

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