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Week 5 [7.11-13.11] What happened to pandas?

The giant panda is naturally living in mountain forests of southwest China. They have got white and black fur. Adult pandas are about 150 cm from nose to rump, with a 10-15 cm tail and an adult panda can weigh up to 150 kg, with males 10% larger and 20% heavier than females.
Where you can find panda
In September 2016 panda was downgraded from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Vulnerable’ species on the global list of species at risk of extinction.
Why are pandas endangered?
One of the reasons why pandas are in danger of extinction is the destruction of their habitat. There are more and more people in China, so they need an area for themselves. A place to live for people is made by devastating forests and meadows, where animals live. Panda’s forests are also degraded because of gathering of wood and collecting herbs by local people.
Other factor destructing panda’s habitat are tourists, who want to see pandas in their natural environment – irony, isn’t it?
There is also a problem with poaching. For many years pandas were killed for their fur. Today this is declining and there are great penalties for it. There is also the disapproval of society for such action, but unfortunately, it still occurs. Pandas also suffer from poaching for other animals- in most cases pandas are killed because they found a trap prepared not for them.
But it isn’t only humans’ fault. Panda can eat meat, other vegetables, small rodents, eggs and – as everyone knows – bamboo. They have to eat 10-20 kg of bamboo each day, due to its low nutritional value. We don’t know why they seem to like bamboo the most, but we know one thing: they have got problems with digesting it, so they have to save energy for it. And that’s why they are lazy. And they don’t want to have sex.
Pandas are ready to reproduce when they are 3-4 years old and can get pregnant only for a few days each spring. They are pregnant for 90-160 days. And after birth, there is another problem –a panda-mother will take care only of one of her children, so even if there are more bears to raise, only one will have a chance to survive, because there is a lot of natural danger for a little bear – other animals and human actions.


Cheer up, it’s not that bad!
There are more pandas than before, so the situation is getting better. There are people who make the situation of pandas worse, but there are definitely more people who care about pandas and help them. For example, there are institutes where people help pandas to get pregnant and to take care of newborns. If there are more bears born, workers of the institute replace little bears so that their mother could take care of them both. When they are ready, they are released in wild, so they can live as they should have from the very beginning.

If you want to help them, visit this page to get more information!

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Sylwia Pechcin said…
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Sylwia Pechcin said…
There are a lot of charity options to adopt some endagered animals. I have heard about adopting dolphins for example. It works as an adoption of a child in Africa. Sometimes you don't even meet with this animal, but you can transfer money to feed it or money for people taking care of it. I think it's a great opportunity for someone who would like to have a pet, but don't have time to take care and spend with it. Of course the main disadvantage is that you rather can't hug your dolphin or panda when you are miserable, but you have a consciousness of a simple act of kindness
Unknown said…
Sometime ago/now there are advertisements, that you can adopt a wolf, lynx, seal (and I'm sure that you can find more animals to adopt at WWF website).
According how much you paid and if it was paid once or you are going to pay every week you can get certificate, certificate + letter about your adopted animal or certificate + letter about your adopted animal + photo of your animal.
It is sad that you can't take care of your animal, that you can't pet it. I know that it makes sense to not to touch a wild animal, but still - I agree that this is a disadvantage ;)
Unknown said…
Pandas existed for quite a while already, pretty sure they were mentioned in the oldest Chinese philosophies and such (not talking about Kung Fu Panda). And by the time, there weren't any PETAs and similar organisations to frantically protect animals. Pandas were most likely hunted for food, furs (which are quite lovely indeed) or taken as cuddly pets for kids.

This must have made more resilient as a species, since in the present time the more they are protected the more they are endangered. Humans have to dress up as pandas to somehow keep them alive. Perhaps it's the odd interference of men (odd - meaning non-aggressive) into their lives that actually makes them so difficult to keep out of extinction. With constant protection and supervision, they might have lost their natural sense of survival, got lazy, stopped having sex and started eating bamboo.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
But you forgot, that many years ago their environment wasn't that devastated. And actually mostly people made pandas situation worse, and it is fair that now people take care of them.
Pandas who are ready to live on their own are set free to bamboo forests, so they will take care of their species. And panda-clothes are wear, so pandas won't get used to people, but to other pandas (I believe that they are using some panda smell also)
Unknown said…
To my mind it's good that pandas population is growing. It is good that people help them and they can survive longer. On Earth there were more species of animals there are new created. This is natural. I read that pandas are problem for themselves. They are lazy. I think that adopting bear is fantastic idea but only if they are not agressive.
Unknown said…
Do you know there are websites that show pandas online? :D

It sounds stupid, but there are some moments in my life when I sit in front of the computer and watch :) it's addictive! You can observe they really eat a lot! To be honest, I didn't know it's between 10-20kg/day. I know a little bit about horses. They can eat about 10kg/day. But they weigh about 500kg (not 100-150!).

It's nice to see the WWF link. Some time ago I cooperated with WWF. Then I realize that small things such giving a link also help. :) Thanks to you somebody may forward or even donate. People don't realize how important is every penny.
Unknown said…
I believe that in the future there will be possible "adoption" of pandas same as adoption of wolfs, that you pay for the animal, to actually help the whole species, and you get some certificate that you adopted an animal. You don't own the animal, but you take care of it by funding help for it :)
Unknown said…
I only new website where you can watch bison :D
Yes, they eat a lot, but their food isn't really valuable, so they have to compensate it somehow.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
That's great that governments and organizations like WWF take care about pandas and other endangered species. Personally I can't quite understand how they survive in the wild based on YouTube videos, they don't seem to be aggressive at all, you can see them constantly eating something or climbing trees and falling flat without trying to avoid it:)
Unknown said…
If you are interested, you can adopt your own panda hear

What surprised me it that China owns all the pandas. If you've got some pandas at your local zoo, they're probably on loan. Moving animals around for breeding is common, but for-profit rental at this scale may be unique to the bamboo-munching bears. I read that in Edinburgh pandas are rented from the Chinese government for 10 years and zoo pays £600,000 a year for the pair!! Horrible money...
Unknown said…
It's very bad that pandas are endangered of extinction...but comforting is the fact, that there is a lot of people, who take care of them. But it's also expensive - just think about all this bamboo and other food they need - so probably any additional help would be great.
Unknown said…
It is a pity that the pandas are an endangered species. I know that there are foundations that help pandas survive and not only. It's nice that people want to help
Unknown said…
Actually, taking care of any endangered species is expensive - but fortunately there is a lot of people and organizations, who want to help and donate money, so other people and organizations can help :)
Unknown said…
Humans has gave themselves a title and role of kings of the world, so they should take responsibility of their kingdom, even if it was taken by force.
Unknown said…
Maybe falling doen't hurt them, because they are so fluffy? And falling on the ground is like falling on the pillow? :)
Unknown said…
Pandas are the cutties animals in the world. So it makes me happy, that people are helping them and I hope that theirs population will increase. Also I appreciate foundations, which creates possibility, that people from all over the world can donate some money and help this beautifull and lovely animals.
While watching nature films, we can get the impression that Pandas are endangered not because of people, but because of themselves - big, clumsy bears that fall from every brunch and stumble over... literally everything. That is why, they need special care. I never heard about other animal, that need hugger or hedger (because somebody need to grab falling Panda from climbing frames). Many people dream of this job - because Pandas are so cute :) I also heard about the brown and white Pandas. They are a rare subspecies.
Unknown said…
What a great news to hear that pandas are no longer endangered! It looks like foundations make a good job helping them. Maybe a total ban on pouching for every animal in the area of the endangered species will help. Moreover, there could be done reservations and closely restricted areas on pandas territories.

What surprises me the most is how could they eat 10-20 kg a day and weigh only up to 150kg?! How is this possible?
Unknown said…
Maybe they consider it some kind of a funny, very enjoyable game...? ;)
Unknown said…
It's really interesting issue how people take care of pandas, I had no idea that they wear pandas-clothes not to get pandas used to the humans.
Piotr Basiński said…
It's important to help pandas. Pandas are vary friendly-looking animals. They deserve to help them.
Dajana Kubica said…
Applause for the Chinese :) I hope that the marking vulnerable go to the next level and pandas will be able to enjoy freedom without human assistance. But on the other hand, I think that the presence of people does not bother them. People give them food and drink, and even play with them. After reading this article, I wonder if pandas live in other parts of the world outside China?
Maciej Główka said…
It is very good that panda's population is growing. It shows, that we aren't only capable of destroying other species, we can also do something good. I hope, that the growth of panda's population is just the beginning, and we will see more often news in TV about species, which are no longer "Endangered"
Giant pandas are no longer an endangered species. Its good news for the animals. Now they are categorized as "vulnerable" to extiction what is great to hear. The biggest threats for those animals are illegal hunting and habtitat loss. Prediction says that in 80 years, climate change would destroy huge part of bamboo forests, favourite food of pandas. That would definitely make them more vulnerable for dangers.
Unknown said…
Pandas are great. I love watching videos of pandas before going to sleep. Watching pandas makes your mind calmer. Probably you already tried this.
I haven’t heard before that panda has problems with digestion their favorite product - bamboo. It’s so mysterious for me, why evolution made those cute animals so unadapted to life.

The fact that the number of pandas increased made me smile. It’s such a pleasure to realize that there are kind people on this planet, who care about other species.

After finishing university I’d like to visit China as a volunteer to help wild animals survive. I think it’s a great way to make the world an even better place to live.
Unknown said…
Yes, role of organanizations is very important, but without help of all the people who donate money or are
volunteers they wouldn't be able to help as much as they can now.
Unknown said…
I have never herad of white pandas, are they albinos, or just white?
I heard that it isn't a coincidence that brown pandas are rare, because they are rejected by mothers, so in the nature they have got no chance to survive.
Unknown said…
Their main food, bamboo, isn't valuable, so they have to compensate it somehow.
Unknown said…
Propably as every animal. Situation of pandas is better, but still there is much more animals who need help.
Unknown said…
Naturally - no. But you can find them in some zoos, because zoo can "borrow" panda for some time. It isn't cheap, but I'm sure that this is an investment, which will pay off.
Unknown said…
I'm looking forward for it :)
Unknown said…
But maybe people will plant bamboo forests? Just like cotton or lavender?
Illegal hunting is cause of problems of many spieces.
Unknown said…
It is great idea :) I admire a lot people, who want to make something good for our world.
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"Brown and white" - that is how they are called.
I think that will it be the best if you see it with your own eyes :)
Moode said…
In the last few years a lot of international organisations started taking actions for saving Pandas from extinction and as you maintained that there are more Pandas than before it means that they have succeeded. Everyone loves Pandas they are black, white and Asian I hope that this day will come that we can bring them back to wildlife in the way that the are no longer endangered.

By the way, did any of you know that there is also the red panda? You can see it in Warsaw zoo.
kondrat said…
The interesting thing I've seen some time ago is the way people try to prevent Panda extinction. Basically.. we are playing them Panda Porn!
More info at:
It's pretty surreal that we witness extinction of different species in this day and age. You could say that we have all these organizations that try to prevent that but still there are over 190 bird species that went extinct since 1500s and the rate of extinctions seems to be increasing. However many of them died out due to natural selection. The question is should we intervene in order to stop this process?
It's great to hear that situation improved, although I'm not that big fan of pandas myself :). It's important to keep nature in balance and ensure that such bad situations don't progress, or we'll kill our planet sooner than later. Thanks for spreading the love!
I’m happy that Pandas population is growing. I think that we should take care of other endangered species in the same way Chinese people do, anyone hunting pandas face death penalty. Capital punishment may be only think that will keep poachers from hunting animals.
Michał Pycek said…
I am also very glad to read about a positive change in relation with endangered species, such as pandas. Unfortunately, even though nowadays there is many foundations which support animals by volunteers working with them and by raising money for them, many species become more and more endangered because of the natural habitat becoming destroyed by humans. I am not ony talking about killing the animals, but mainly destroying their home. There are many places, such as f. eg. rain forests, which are key places used by people for production. The bigger level of interference in the natural environment of wild animals, the bigger level of desctruction and pollution. Not only the woods become destroyed and burnt down but also the rivers and lakes become polluted, so all kinds of animals deal with the slow extinction.
Unknown said…
I also think that Pandas are very weakly adapted for survival and would probably go extinct even without humans destroying their enviroment. It would take hundreds of times longer though. We should still try to keep them alive to protect biodiversity.
Unknown said…
They are more similar to cats than to pandas :) And at first,they were classified as members of racoon family.
Have you heard their noises? :D
Unknown said…
I believe that if people are responsible for danger of some animals they should help them. It would be inhumane to make their situation worse and then leave.
Unknown said…
I keep my fingers crossed for Pandas! I believe that there is still a change to renew their population at a satisfactory level. It depends only on us and our desire. We must take into consideration the interests not only of Pandas but all endangered species.
Unknown said…
I hate idea of poaching. I don't understand, how somebody can kill an animal, just for fun, and feel satisfaction or joy. I just don't get it. I know that sometimes it is indicated or necessary, but in this cases it won't make any species endangered.
Unknown said…
There are many problems with environment, but now there is more people aware of this situation, who want to change it, in positive way. Not only organizations, but plain people, who try to do something for our planet, for example by using alternative sources of energy.
Unknown said…
I agree. There still are animals who need help and even though situation of some is better, we can't stop.
I hope one day world will open eyes on poaching and end this nonsense forever. It's actually wiping entire species off the face of the earth. How crazy is that. Have you heard about the reasons why white rhinos are hunted? How is it still possible in XXI century.
Unknown said…
Pandas are the best in the world and everyone knows it. Soon they will take control over the world and everyone will have to serve them. All land will be covered with bamboo fields. Luxurious SPAs will be built to accommodate our panda overlords and specially selected will become Panda Huggers.
There already are people doing that professionally in China. The Conservation And Research Center For The Giant Panda offers $32,000 yearly for hugging baby pandas all day long.

How do I know all that? Simple - all you need to do is carefully watch the panda TV:
OlaScislewska said…
We should do everything we can to save the giant panda because we are the ones that have driven it to the edge of extinction. And because we can.
We think that we are the main species and if we let ourselfs to feel as the best we also should feel responsibility for the weaker. Innocent animals who were wronged by people need from us some kind of compensation and i hope we will not ignore it.
It's a nonsense that with present medicine and technology we can't preserve some species. We're talking about pandas! Everyone loves them. Here is a funny video with pandas:

also I found a cool polish word puzzle:
Well, I guess that one of the reasons why pandas are in danger of extinction is a poor evolutionary adaptation to the changing environment. You mentioned that they have a problem with digesting bamboo which is also their main nourishment. Obviously, it doesn't mean that we should watch them dying and it's great to see people helping pandas. Without a doubt, pandas are one of the funniest animals to watch on YouTube. I just don't understand how can they be so lazy that they need help when it comes to sex XD
That is very sad that such lovely animal could go extinct in few years. It is even more sorrowful when I think that we somehow helped pandas to reduce their number. :(
I agree they are the most funny animals from whole Internet XD
Unknown said…
Its really unhuman to kill this undangerous animal. If we dont do anything population of this animal will be really small without any chance to survive.

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