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Week 1 [03.10-09.10.2016] What would happen if the world suddenly went vegan?

Read the article What would happen if the world suddenly went vegan?  at and present your opinion on it/discuss it. 


kondrat said…
I can't imagine being a vegetarian. The emissions argument is not the best one. We can still eat some kinds of animals, which are more efficient to grow. Some time ago I saw a TV program about replacing our traditional food with properly prepared bugs. Growing them is efficient, easy, and cheap. They said, that it is also tasty, but i haven't tried it yet.
Being a vegetarian isn' t just not eating the meat because you want to reduce emissions. It is mostly the will not to eat and caring about other living being.
Becoming vegetarian is' t as hard as it seems and as I have told it is only the matter of thinking another way.

Lastly things stated in this article like for ex. reducing emissions are only a "side-effects" of being vegetarian not the main reason for being vegetarian.
Let's imagine the whole world went vegan. All animals are free and they live on their own. Nobody kills them so they keep reproducing. More animals equals more food. Please tell me how to stop them from overpopulating and how to prevent them from damaging and eating crops? No offence of course if you are vegan. I'm just curious. :)
Unknown said…
"[..]In the US, for example, an average family of four emits more greenhouse gases because of the meat they eat than from driving two cars – but it is cars, not steaks, that regularly come up in discussions about global warming." - it's probably because Americans drive Tesla :)

Being serious, in my opinion, the vast majority of people nowadays are vegetarians because it's popular. They don't care about environment. They do this because the want to keep up with the Joneses. I don't condemn them. I don't say that it is bad. But when i think about vegetarian diet aspects below are crossing my mind:
1) It takes time to read labels in shops,
2) Any dinner engagement requires briefly explanation of your eating preferences,
4) Meal choices can seem limited.

I think that there is not chance that whole world chose vagerarian diet. One of the reasons is that there are lots of people who work realy hard and overtime. It causes that after work they are lazy and convenient so they don't have time for reading labels in shops :-)
Unknown said…
You can sterilize them.
I eat a lot of meat, nearly every day and I can't imagine dinner without meat. I may be wrong but I will never be a vegetarian.
I eat a lot of meat, nearly every day and I can't imagine dinner without meat. I may be wrong but I will never be a vegetarian.
I can't imagine myself being vegetarian, like seriously - I love meat and while I respect vegetarians and their choices, I don't think it's applying. I mean, they're making such decision based on different things, some are even a reason to be proud of, but balancing such diet is much harder than usual, and luckily or not, humans do need some minerals that can be found only in meat, and being vegetarian is especially dangerous for young kids in age of 14 or lower, because their body requires even more amount of those.

Also, sadly most vegetarians I met were too "aggressive" about their life decisions, trying to force and convince people into their opinion. I don't like such people in general, but I didn't see anybody trying to convert vegetarian to start eating meat again, so... :).
Pawel, nature always try to be in a balance. Without human interaction there is no such thing as overpopulation.
It won' t happen because inter-population mechanism between residents.
When specific species start to reproduce and the number of individuals begins to grow, it has influence among all other species.
This mechanism is conducted by natural selection.

For further read, please check this sites: :)
People getting healthier is an obvious thing that comes right up. Reducing meat, other products linked with animals and fat that comes with it, would decrease the level of obesity, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. The other thing is that the demand for vegetables and fruits (and things that you need to grow them, like fertiliser etc.) would dramatically increase which leads to their prices getting lower.
The climate change thing is a little far-fetched in my opinion since both taking care of animals and plants are the source of pollution or greenhouse gases, so one side would recompense for the lack of the other one.
Unknown said…
Human body needs meat to function and when you're a vegetarian you must exchange meat with some pills because you never get animal fat from vegetables. Your diet can be healthy when you eat meat but you must control how much you eat and when.
Unknown said…
I always ate meat and I like the taste of it. But lately I read a lot of articles about how badly animal's meat affect our body. Of course it depends what kind of meat, but truth to tell, every one kind it simply bad for our health. There is a lot of hormones inside, there is unhealthy fat, it can lead to a lot of diseases...The worst is pork. When you read a little bit about how the pig lives, that it eats literally everything, it doesn't sweat so all of it's pollution stays inside. Inside the meat that later we eat! When you think about it it's really disgusting... I was thinking about... maybe not becoming a vegetarian, but just to reduce amount of meat in my diet. Just to live healthier.
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Thats not true, you don' t need animal meat to live properly.

I could agree with you that when you are starting being a vegetarian, you need to control what you eat and how.
Later when you get used to your new eating habits you do it in a transparent way, just like with normal diet.

People always think that when you are a vegetarian you have nothing to eat. Thats not true, you have a lot things to eat and you are discovering a lot of new tastes that you have never even thought of.
Dajana Kubica said…
I think that it is impossible to realize. In some parts of the world only animal meat can provide the necessary ingredients for proper functioning, eg. Vitamin B12 and iron. It is a cruel truth, because the animals are treated cruelly only to satisfy human needs. I think the better solution is to combat cruelty in slaughterhouses. Animals should be treated with due respect, should not feel the pain of slaughter. It is sad, but unfortunately the world is not ready to completely abandon the animal meat. But I hope that one day we will hear the news that the world went vegan :). I did not eat meat in the past, but unfortunately I felt worse. My hair, skin and nails are in poor condition.
I'm not really sure if eco-system would handle such enormous amounts of animals.
Dajana Kubica said…
I think that it is impossible to realize. In some parts of the world only animal meat can provide the necessary ingredients for proper functioning, eg. Vitamin B12 and iron. It is a cruel truth, because the animals are treated cruelly only to satisfy human needs. I think the better solution is to combat cruelty in slaughterhouses. Animals should be treated with due respect, should not feel the pain of slaughter. It is sad, but unfortunately the world is not ready to completely abandon the animal meat. But I hope that one day we will hear the news that the world went vegan :). I did not eat meat in the past, but unfortunately I felt worse. My hair, skin and nails are in poor condition.
Balanced died is always better for our health than „only meat” or „only vegetarian” food and any dietician will tell you the same thing.
Too much of CO2 emissions? That is absurd for me. Some research has suggested tropical forest produce more CO2 than they can absorb but no one therefore suggest to cutting down all the trees.
First of all we should deal with problem of famine in overcrowded area and then we can thinking about animal suffering.
I have another problem with „vegetarian” people - they threat themselves as superhuman and create specific group of people. I heard joke once about it: how to know if person you met at a party is a vegetarian? Calmly, he will tell you about it.
Unknown said…
If previously vegan animals would start eating other animals, the populations would be kept in check.

If the population of cows would keep expanding, they would quickly eat all their previous food supply - which used to be grass (actually, germs, cows are eating germs that feast on grass in their stomachs, but that is another story). In the brink of starvation, nature would make them slowly evolve into predators, first eating other, weaker cows, and then other species.

So yes, the nature would probably find a new balance, but that balance could be grassless world full of carnivorous cows. Not a bright future at all.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
To begin with, I'm not a vegan, but I have a felling that a lot of people think in only one way - I eat meat, have always done it and it is impossible to be a vegan. Why? Because of belief? Environment in which the live?
In fact, it does not matter why.

There are a lot of opinions that we cannot live without meat (which, of course, is not true). It shows that there is huge lack of knowledge.
First of all, people should learn something about it, know pros and cons, and what's more important - effects. Then, they could comment consciously and would be able to decide what is better - to be a vegan or not.
Unknown said…
I'm a vegetarian for over a year. It does't the result of any ideology. I have eaten meat from over 22 years and when I stopped doing it I feel better. Maybe It's strange but I have got more energy than before. When I read that being vegetarian helps to reducing greenhouse gas emissions I'm confirmed in this belief. In my opinion vegan kitchen it's great, when you don't eat meat you could discover a lot of new flavors. When you are vegetarian then vegetables aren't only side dish so you start to pay more attention to their taste. Of course that what we eat is a choice each of us so I don't condemn meat-eaters. I recommend only to try eat no meat at least a week and see that it isn't so difficult :)
Piotr Basiński said…
I am going to become vegeterian one day. I used to eat meat everyday, but now I have days without it. I believe that this decision will have a positive impact on my health.
Unknown said…
Meat, as everything, should be eaten in moderation. But I don't think that being vegetarian or vegan is for everyone. We have to remember that people are made to eat everything: meat (fangs) and vegetable products (molar teeth). And I belive that everyone should try different types of diet and decide which one is the best for them. But everything has to made wisely. You have to remember that the most important is health and you have to make sure that changes in your lifestyle won't hurt you.
Unknown said…
"Thats not true, you have a lot things to eat and you are discovering a lot of new tastes that you have never even thought of." - I recommend you that. You can try to go to some vegan/vegetarian restaurant, as some kind of fun, for example with friends. You can also try to cook something vegetarian on your own - you don't have to start being a vegetarian, but it is nice to discover something new. As a meat eater I agree that there is a lot of things to eat without meat and some of them are really great.
Kacper Zaremba said…
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Kacper Zaremba said…
Vegetarianism is a topic which generates a great deal of heated debate. The article gives many cons of going vege, however I personally think that there is one major and undeniable advantage. Meat production process is associated with many environmental effects, however one considered to be the most important is water consumption. Since water is classified as a limited resource, the process should be discussed and analysed from both economical and social angle to ensure most efficient water distribution. Moreover, meat production and its constantly growing consumption contributes to enlarging discrepancy between poorer and richer countries in terms of exploiting natural resources.
Vegan world - you mean a world without Beef Wellington, delicious Beef Burgers, and Braised Lamb Shanks? To me, it sounds like a nightmare. Despite the pro-vegan arguments given in the article, the best diet is the balanced diet. In my opinion, healthy eating has nothing to do with vegetarianism. I also don't believe in environmental benefits stated in the article, I think they are largely overestimated.
The truth is that we evolved to eat meat and we certainly need all the nutrients that come with it. It is also important to remember that healthy diet is not the only thing that makes up for your healthy lifestyle. Apart from food, we need a regular physical activity. That's why I recommend everyone to finish reading those articles, go to the gym, give yourself a good workout and then have yourself a nice steak with fresh salad ;)
Piotr Basiński said…
There are also movies with a theme of insects in food context. Movie "Snowpiercer" is one of them, and has quite high rank on filmweb.
Unknown said…
In the last few years, I've noticed a trend, that among my friends more and more become vegetarians/vegans or start to think about it.
This article shows that we, as a population, are starting to think “what if the whole world will not eat the red meat?”. For me becoming a vegetarian is a step in the direction to changing habits, which we had from the previous generations and our childhood. Our habits lead to bad consequences: poor treatment of animals, greenhouse gas emissions, natural habitat destruction. But we can't stop and probably will not save a planet for the future generations.
I like this article because it shows pro's and cons of the vegetarian planet. I was shocked that vegetarianism would stave off about 7 million deaths per year. From the other side, realising that meat is in our history, traditions and culture was also important. It's not only about changing our diets but also changing our mindsets.
I like this example: "Simply conforming to the World Health Organization’s dietary recommendations would bring the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions down by 17%". Of course, 7 billion carnivores and 7 billion vegetarians are being between Scylla and Charybdis. To my mind, the best solution for this problem is a balance in everything. It's good to know that even small changes could help.
Unknown said…
First of all it is unhealthy becouse meats are rich in nutritional values and vitamins that are in a pork or in a chicken, not to mention about fish. But on the other hand, this is the future of our civilization. Maybe not suddenly but I think people will go kind of vegan in 50 years maybe. Then we would eat mainly vegatables and special vitamin(meat vitamins like B) meals. That would supplement vitamin deficiency. So sudden and extreme change in our eating habbits would be really dangerous.
I think that changing only our eating habits can't make world a better place. There are a lot of things that we should change for better to make a difference. So in my opinion, becoming a vegan don't matter in whole world's scale. Of course, I agree that we should eat healthy, but for me, that don't equals to exclude meet from our diet.
I agree with you, its all about changing long time habits that we got from previous generations. Changes are not so easy but it's only matter of time and good will to change.
Vegetarianism is not just a matter of some whim. People go vegetarian because they realise the way we treat animals is not right and they don't want to be involved in it anymore.
Unknown said…
I do believe that vegetarianism is better than being carnivore, however not in the "oh my gosh lets not kill poor animals, tie myself to a cow with a chain" way. I am constantly trying to switch myself to vegetarianism, despite the fact that i like meat very much. It is hard, and I did not managed to do it for good, however when I have longer periods without meat I feel much better, mostly because I have to be creative in kitchen, and diversify my food. Lets not lie to ourselves, world will not just "switch", but week without a meat once per month could be a great change for us all.
Unknown said…
I do believe that vegetarianism is better than being carnivore, however not in the "oh my gosh lets not kill poor animals, tie myself to a cow with a chain" way. I am constantly trying to switch myself to vegetarianism, despite the fact that i like meat very much. It is hard, and I did not managed to do it for good, however when I have longer periods without meat I feel much better, mostly because I have to be creative in kitchen, and diversify my food. Lets not lie to ourselves, world will not just "switch", but week without a meat once per month could be a great change for us all.
I'm not a vegetarian and I don't think I could be one of them. Meat tastes good to me, but there are also often days when I don't eat meat at all.
The idea of an entire population becoming vegetarians or vegans by 2050 sounds ridiculous to me. I don't think it could be possible at any time in the future, because most people just don't want such a radical change. Another problem is that we really don't know how the environment would look then. All the forecasts presented in the article are nothing more than hypotheses.
People always eat meat, and we can not predict what would happen if this state of affairs has changed. It could be either a great success or a great failure.
We don't have to become a vegetarian/vegan to change our eating habits, all we need is to have a healthy, balanced diet. With little effort we can take care of themselves and the environment.
Unknown said…
I think overpopulation is the biggest problem that humanity currently faces. Reducing world population should be main focus of politics, education and science. With much lower population we could keep eating our daily steak and driving big engine cars without much impact for enviroment.
In my opinion excluding meat from your diet is a great decision one can make. If you are looking to try something new in your life, this could be very interesting choice. I've been vegetarian for years now. Never had problems with balancing my diet, or health because of it. If you're worried about (a bit stale to be honest) arguments about nutritios values in meat I recommend you to check out these resources about vegan diet in health care :
Moode said…
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Wojtek Kania said…
Nowadays, veganism is popular and admired. For this reason, a large part of vegans and vegetarians drop out after a few weeks or months.
Being vegan isn’t only not eating meat. Sometimes you must change your whole life. Different pillows, shoes, coats, cosmetics. A lot of people don’t know about it. Before taking a decision you need to learn about diet and rest.
Meat is probably the most basic human food and to be honest I can't imagine to live without it. Probably I could resign from every food but not meat.

I can believe that excluding meat from diet might be healthy for some people for a while but in my opinion we cannot predict the impact on humanity in the long run. People eat meat as long as they exist and basing opinion on others speculations might be dangerous.
Especially that nutrition facts are not sure and may change every day. For example just like facts about milk.

On the other hand there is a matter that every carnivore should care about, that is humanitarianism for animals. I've seen videos from abattoirs and conditions are inhuman and terrifying.
Meat is probably the most basic human food and to be honest I can't imagine to live without it. Probably I could resign from every food but not meat.

I can believe that excluding meat from diet might be healthy for some people for a while but in my opinion we cannot predict the impact on humanity in the long run. People eat meat as long as they exist and basing opinion on others speculations might be dangerous.
Especially that nutrition facts are not sure and may change every day. For example just like facts about milk.

On the other hand there is a matter that every carnivore should care about, that is humanitarianism for animals. I've seen videos from abattoirs and conditions are inhuman and terrifying.
Michał Pycek said…
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Michał Pycek said…
I have heard of quite a lot examples of people who got to live even healthier since they have switched to vegetarian or vegan diet. Not only they take care of their organisms and therefore have more diverse diet based on greens, but most importantly, they eliminate the consumption of animals and consider saving their lives. I think that people do not need to eat meat often or even at all, because the properties of meat can be replaced in human diet by specified ingredients. However, I eat meat nearly everyday, so it would be a little unusual for me to suddenly stop eating it. On the other hand, as mentioned, such diet can vary and influence people to look for more different ingredients and products than they usually use while eating meat. I wouldn't mind trying a vegetarian diet, but since I don't cook often, I could do it, if it wasn't for me to decide what kind of super-healthy and tasty fruits and vegetables I must eat everyday for every meal.
Of course, if I did it, it would be primarly to stop consuming animals and basically save at least some of them.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Moode said…
i just asked myself, why do I eat Potato? or why do I eat meat?
the answers for both questions in my opinion are the same. i don't know
it's just something that grow up with me, at that time there was not much talks about being vegan.

now a days with the power of social media it's possible by 2050 every one will be vegan :)
Unknown said…
"Vegetarianism is not just a matter of some whim" - I would agree with you at this point, Dominik
Adam Nowak said…
It is impossible for humanity to go vegan. It is natural for us to eat meat. Especially for adolescents, meat is necessary for grow up healthy .
Unknown said…
I'm kind of disappointed by the article. On one hand it uses serious scientific arguments to explains how vegan or vegetarian diet has only positive effects for human health, how it would benefit our planet, how we all would live longer, it discusses serious negative aspects of such a situation and how it would impact employment... and on the other hand it talks about how nomadic Mongols would have to abandon their culture? Seriously?

Of course there would be incredible impact on our whole society and some aspects of such a change would be negative but talking about it in perspective of less than 40 years is absurd. The article tries to be present positive aspects of the whole world changing to vegetarian diet basically overnight, and at the same time ridicules the whole idea by mentioning problems such as finding alternative job opportunities for people who work in the meat production industry right next to wedding gifts consisting of meat.

Apart from that, I think the problem lays in people who could eat less meat (not even none entirely) but won't think about making even the slightest change in their lifestyle. Most people don't want to see the bigger picture.

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