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Week 5 [18.04 - 24.04] - Sneak, distract, take down - stealth games dismantled

As a die-hard gamer over the years, I have formed a certain taste in video games. That’s why I’d like to discuss the subject of stealth games.

A quick definition for those less familiar with gaming. Stealth games are all about avoiding being seen by enemies, avoiding combat. That’s quite contrary to modern AAA productions which are action-heavy, loud and proud. Some might wonder why even bother, where’s the fun in sneaking around, why not go in guns blazing? Of course, it’s a 100% subjective choice of mine. But there is a certain charm in the stealthy approach, sneaking just behind enemy forces leaves a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of satisfaction.

There are a few solutions in gameplay when it comes to "stealth" in video games:
  • stay unnoticed or you’ll fail
  • if you alert enemies - hide
  • engage in combat

Personally I appreciate variety, so I think it’s best when the game let you decide because having to restart the mission every time you alert your enemies might be frustrating. Although staying incognito throughout the whole game is a challenge, many try to undertake it. In games that don’t require perfect stealth this approach is known as “ghosting” and some productions give additional rewards for doing so, for example, even an achievement added to a profile some consider worth fighting for or in this case sneaking for. 

Another interesting thing about stealth games is non-lethal approach. Usually you don’t have to kill in order to complete the mission. Even if you’re ordered to take down an enemy, there are other ways of doing so than stabbing or shooting them. Opportunities are countless - stunning, tranquilizing or even more finesse solutions. 

Now, let me introduce to you 5 representatives of the genre.

1. Assassin’s Creed

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed is one of the most distinguishable series on my list. The first game dates back to 2008 and up to this day there have been 9 main games published. The story takes us back in history - starting with crusades period in the first one and to the victorian London in the most recent one. The player takes a role of an Assassin - a member of an ancient order sworn to protect the freedom. Although it is considered a stealth production, it offers many action-adventure themes, some might say that even too many - you can just “brute force” the game, getting into every brawl possible.

Another production with quite a long history - the first game was published in 2000. As the title implies, you play as a hitman, Agent 47 to be precise. This game presents a little different type of stealth than Assassin’s Creed because there’s less actual sneaking and more disguising. The game also rewards “sophisticated assassinations”, like, for example, poisoning or faking an accident.

Inspired by Tom Clancy’s books, Splinter Cell is a series of award-winning video games, the first of which was released in 2002. The protagonist, Sam Fisher, is an agent of a fictional black-ops division of the NSA, “Third Echelon”. Obviously since you take part in black-ops, there’s a lot of hiding in the shadows, silent eliminations and such. Additionally a wide arsenal of weapons and gadgets is prepared for your entertainment.

This one is the youngest production on my list with its release date in 2012. Dishonored was developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda (people responsible for the famous The Elder Scrolls series). You take on the role of a personal bodyguard, Corvo Attano, who was falsely accused of murdering the empress, the person he was supposed to protect. Your goal is to abolish current government, the people who framed you, and prove your innocence. Depending on whether you do so stealthily or not the ending can be different. Apart from normal weapons, like a sword and sleeping darts, you are also given a kind of supernatural powers, by a god-like entity...

About this series I could write a whole essay since with its long history it can easily be considered one of the precursors of the genre. The first game, Metal Gear, was released in 1987 for MSX2 and the last one, Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain, in 2015 for PC, Playstation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One. The story is complex and hard to understand without playing the game, covering a timeline from 1964 to 2014 (or 2018 in kind of a spin off), but to keep it short in every game you play as a legendary soldier, code-named Snake. Obviously it’s possible to go in guns blazing and with every part of the game the arsenal gets more and more impressive, but stealth definitely pays off.

To sum up, stealth games are still productions full of action-adventure themes, but in a different way that traditional shooters, they might even be harder than shooters and require more tactical thinking. But the most important thing in gaming is enjoying what you do :)

Have you ever tried stealth games or are you a fan of more action-loaded productions? Any faves? If you don’t play videogames at all, what do you think of the genre? Does it appeal to you in any way?


Unknown said…
I always liked to play games with a stealthy character whenever it was possible, and because of that I truly believe that this list should have the Deus Ex: Human Revolution as it matches the characteristic you provided like in 100%. That was my favorite when it comes to stealth games, but still I also consider Dishonored as excellent game. As well as Hitman, especially Hitman: Blood Money. I would say the same about Assassin's Creed but I only enjoyed the first game, I felt like every next one is the same but some insignificant tweaks. As for Splinter Cell and the newest Metal Gear Solid I am not going to give my opinion as I have not played them. And as I would like to try MGS soon, I do not fell like giving Splinter Cell a try anytime soon. For the summary - very good article. I even felt some nostalgia for few of this tittles. As I have pretty free week, I am very likely going to end playing Dishonored: The Knife Of Dunwall and The Brigmore Withes.
Unknown said…
To be honest I also wanted to include Deus Ex and some other titles but the list would go on forever ;) also I highly recommend the newest MGS. Maybe it's not the best Metal Gear game in the franchise but surely it's a superb game in general.
Fave fun with Dishonored ;) these are some good DLCs - developers should learn from Arkane how to make some worthy additional content.
Unknown said…
As the topic is still fresh it would be nice to mention Alien: Isolation as very nice combination of both sneak game and survival horror. And also being the first installment where alien is actually scary. Mixed with it's distinctive retro-fictional theme it's a great game.
Unknown said…
I play a lot of different videogames and I know all the titles you mentioned but personally I mostly enjoy watching others (mostly my friends) play stealth games ;) I don't really know why but somehow I never got to them myself.
Unknown said…
I take your word for it because even though I REALLY like playing games in general I could never play a horror game of any kind :D But I love watching them :)
Unknown said…
Watching people play can be fun as well :) Although you don't get the same rush of adrenaline but whatever suits you ;)
Marcin Konarski said…
I am not a huge fan of games in general, there was time when I tried games like Quake, the Witcher, GTA and the similar. In general what matters in games is plot and there might be new main characters, graphics and so on, but the main idea is always the same as you wrote - stay unnoticed or you’ll fail. if you alert enemies - hide and engage in combat. What annoys me the most is waiting to load all graphics and that there are bugs, when at the selling stage everything should be really checked and done. I don’t have knowledge about genres and how games are divided so I can not comment about that.
Unknown said…
Well, when it comes to games the most important is to have fun, whether you consider that a pretty game, a hard game, a interesting game - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But like you said - bugs are absolutely annoying (although some can be quite funny), but it's only the consumers' fault that they are willing to buy unfinished products. As long as this goes on big companies will continue to force buggy stuff.
Unknown said…
I've heard about these titles, because it's one of the most famous games, but I played only in Assassin’s Creed and I like it. Now I don't have so much time to play games but I think it's really great genre, because you must thinking how play to complete the mission. In my opinion it's harder than mindless shooting ;)
Michał Pycek said…
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Michał Pycek said…
I have played Hitman and Splinter Cell and they both have been fun to me at the time. I remember playing it with friends and spending hours on watching each other's game. Now I prefer different types of games, such as The Witcher, Fear or Gears of War. To be honest, I don't remember when was the last time I had actually a moment to play, since there's so much going on lately. But I really enjoy playing games, so when I have the time in the weekend or in the evening, I chill out and play :)
I've only tried Assasin's Creed, my boyfriend is huge fan of this game, so I don't had a choice and have to try :P And I can say that was very satyisfying play. I'm really curious about Dishonored, can you tell something more about this production? :) Maybe it will be the next game over which I spend many hours.
I've never been great fan of stealth games. I like to play, but I treat games as resource of good story (some RPG's are like books, or even better) or stress free fun, then I play games where I can create mayhem, so I am not good target user for peekaboo games.
Unknown said…
I agree it can be harder, since usually you have to think through what you're going to do, but also more rewarding :)
Unknown said…
Gaming is always about having fun so whatever suits you ;) The Witcher series is also somewhere in my top 10 games, also REDs won best developer award for the latest game which is quite an achievement :) Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed some of the titles I mentioned :)
Unknown said…
it's a good time to try Dishonored because the second game is on the way so there are some good deals available. It's a great game story-wise and has some really cool mechanics. Long story short you play as a royal bodyguard falsely accused of murdering the empress. To make things even worse the heir to the throne - the empress' daughter get kidnapped, which is also blamed on you. As you're waiting to get executed an opportunity of escape appears so obviously you take it. Then you're off on your way to clear your name and save the child. The game also has some very climatic graphics - somewhat steampunk-ish. I highly recommend it, it's what got me back into gaming after a long break :)
Unknown said…
I get your point and it's okay, RPGs are absolutely awesome (mayhem can also be fun, but shhh...) I just wanted to say that most of these games also have really cool stories cause sneaking around without some good background wouldn't be fun ;)
I played the game a long time ago. Do not pull me to play but I'm a good spectator when someone else play. Then I was really involved and stressed in hiding, stealth like. This type of games can really engage and raise adrenaline. I know it as a spectator. The player feels it's probably harder. I do not know that. As I said already I do not play and I don't know more about this topic but I can understand the addiction of "stealth game";)
Unknown said…
I've tried stealth games, dishonored was my favorite. Having said that I'am more of a action packed games fan. Call of Duty 1 and 2, CS:GO, Borderlands series are my favorites games of all time. Stealth type of gameplay is fun but its just not for me i guess. this is a really cool movie of dishonored very hard highlights
Unknown said…
I am not a video games fan, i've never play regularly...soo I don't really know what I can say on this topic
Unknown said…
I like stealth games. Thief 3 was the first one of this kind that I played (I'm surprised you haven't included the series in your presentation :) ). I loved that game even though there were moments where I was too creeped out to play (like The Cradle mission for example), I still haven't played the other instalments of this series - they are waiting for me, I just need some extra free time. I also played some Assassin's Creeds, but they never got me interested, I found them kind of boring actually.

Finally, I'm a huge fan of Dishonored. I absolutely love the setting, story, atmosphere and the art style in general. ♥ I can't wait to play the sequel.
Unknown said…
As a both spectator and player I'd say that feeling is way more intense when you play :) But watching someone else play can also be appealing, I remember doing that a lot when I was a kid, watching my dad play Wolfenstein - good times ;)
Unknown said…
I've always thought Dishonored is such an under appreciated game and yet there are some people interested in the title, it makes me really happy :) Personally I haven ever played CoD or CS but I quite enjoyed Borderlands.
Also I've seen this guy's videos - they're insane :D in a good way of course! Amazing skills...
Unknown said…
Just like with Deus Ex that someone mentioned before I had to decide on a fewer titles because my list would be endless :) To be honest I never really got to the older Thief games, only the latest which I surprisingly liked (reviews weren't that good), but the series had a huge impact on the genre. I also understand that you didn't find Assassin's Creed interesting, I really liked the story of the second protagonist, but the game does get quite repetitive, no doubt about that.

Oh and the Dishonored sequel... The trailers made so thirsty for the game and now it's all silent... You probably know that we're supposed to be able to play both as Corvo and Emily - I am so curious how it turns out :D
Unknown said…
You could for example say if you like the idea or not ;)
I enjoy stealth games from time to time. Recently (well, fairly...) I loved Deus Ex: Human Revolution. That game gives you freedom in the way you want to progress through it and doesn't punish you for not being sneaky, but rewards you for it.

In my opinion one game this list really lacks is Thief: the dark project. It was the first game to use shadows as a mechanic and it was great. Although inclusion of zombies and holy powers was a bit unnecessary.

PS Is Assassin's Creed really considered a stealth game though? It has got some stealth elements, but these are not main mechanics.
Unknown said…
Yes, both games were mentioned before and I did want to include them but just had to choose less games cause I would bore non-gamers to death :)

Actually yes, Assasin's Creed is mentioned as a stealth game a lot, but I do agree that there's not much stealth left in the production. Nevertheless it's a recognizable title and as they say in the game "We work in the dark to serve the light" ;) You can play it stealthily if you wish, but as I said it's no problem to "brute force" it.
Unknown said…
It doesn't apppeal to me in no ways, as none other genre of game. I'm completely not fun video games. It is not mine topic. Sorry. I'm glad that many of you like this topis. I'm completely "green" in that.
I remember, when I played the Harry Potter game, I hide for avoid some of characters many years ago.
It is the same type of games? Oh sorry, It was a invisibility cloak :P
Moode said…
I love playing game that have ability or characters with stealth power. I was playing World Of Warcraft as Rouge for a some time, it was really cool. And my favorite unit in Star craft Dark Templar as Protoss :) as he always say "You could no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow"
and Ghost as Terran.

and I think Thief is great game too, You have to be hidden all the time so nobody will notice You, I never played but i watched on steam.
Unknown said…
The genre seems to be interesting, but it can be boring when producers don’t make a point of a variety. From the games you mentioned above, I’ve only played Assessin’s Creed. Playing it was entertaining until I had to do different quests. But after a while all missions relied on assassinations and pickpocketing which were really boring.
Pat said…
Typically, I pick a stealth character in most RPGs - even if the game is not really a stealth game. Whenever I can play a thief, an assassin, a rouge - I'll pick that :)

However, I haven't really played stealth games much - from those which you've mentioned, only Assassin's Creed. I may want to change that in the future - to be honest, it never crossed my mind to do that, thanks for inspiration! ;)
I am not into gaming so it is hard for me to comment on this article. But thanks for sharing some information on these games. Stealth games seem like an interesting thing to play, better than simple shooters. I watched my boyfriend play The Witcher and I really, really liked this game. No wonder he suffers from a mild depression after having finished playing it :D I like games that have a developped story line and playing it is like immersing in a tv series or a good book.
Unknown said…
Like I said in some other comment, I'm rather better at board games than video games. They're very stressful :D I've played Assasin's Creed and stealth games seem like a better solution for me; they don't require so many decisions to be taken in split seconds.

As always it depends on othe gamer's tastes and needs at that moment. Some people need to relieve some stress by fighting and killing in-game, some prefer to use logic skills to hide; it's a challenge. It's really awesome that crators offer us such a great variety these days. Everyone can find something that they'll like.
Unknown said…
It doesn't have to suit everyone ;) and Harry Potter games sure bring back childhood memories :)
Unknown said…
So many people mention Thief games, I knew I should have included them in my list ;)
I haven't played WoW or Starcraft but I guess rogue-like classes have something in common with stealth
Unknown said…
Every game needs variety to keep the player interested. And I surely agree that Assassin's Creed games get very repetitive.
Unknown said…
And here I am doing things the other way round - choosing some kind of warrior/berserker in RPGs :) That's the beauty of RPGs :)
Anyway I'm glad I gave you some ideas, these are some games really worth checking out
Unknown said…
Truth be told I’m hardly a gamer and when I do game I prefer RPGs like Dragon Age or platformers like Kirby but I recently had a chance to play a strictly stealth game, and this will tie us in nicely to one of the previous topics - VR. I played a demo of Budget Cuts, a HTC Vive stealth game where you teleport around the place and throw knives at killer robots. And while that doses’t seem to be any different from your standard stealthy sneaky game the fact that it’s actually you, with your own hands who’s throwing the knives, opening safes, searching drawers or even creeping in the crawlspace under the ceiling makes it so much fun.
Unknown said…
I know the feeling... When you finish a good game, book or series and you just feel dead inside :P And The Witcher games are the epitome of awesomeness
Unknown said…
I find board games equally stressful to be honest :) But just like you said, stealth games demand some careful planning and not just doing things quickly.
Unknown said…
RPGs are my second favurite genre with Dragon Age on the top of my list ;) But that VR game looks really cool, so thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
I need to tell u something my friends, but sadly playing video games is my favourite way to spend my free time. I think u asked your self why this guy wrote "sadly" in his comment. That's because I used to spend like 4-5 hours a day to play games. Going back to the topic, when I saw "stealth games", first of all i thought about "Splinter Cell". In 2002 when the game was available to buy, I asked my older brother to buy me some fun video game. He came to the house with funny smile on his face and said "I bought you really fun game called "Splinter Cell", but Hubert u know what? U won't be able to play it". I was really mad at him becasue he bought a game that my computer couldn't handle. So my lovely Splinter Cell had to wait for me. It took 1 year for Nvidia to develop new drivers for my graphics card, I installed it and tried to run the game. This was one of the best days of my life. Splinter Cell was finally working on my device. I loved that game, starting on SC from 2002, ending with SC:Conviction, so I really like that u wrote about it in your article. Nowadays I'm not a single player gamer, but I'm fascinated by E-sport, so right now I'm playing only competetive games like Counter-Strike or League of Legends. Regards students ! :)
Unknown said…
The only game I play is FIFA. Game associated much more with boys anyway I find it as intresting game for girls. There is no voilence, blood or aggression. Fifa is based on sports competition and fair-play rules. Playing Fifa we can develop our different skill as e.g. reflexes. Of course as all games can make us addicted easily so imprortant thing is to keep distance and maybe sometimes just play real football than virtual one.

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