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Week 5 [18.04 - 24.04] - Healthy eating

Healthy eating is something that I pay a lot of attention to. I have taken care of what I eat for such a long time that it's not such a challenge that it was at the beginning, it's actually became a routine that I really like to follow. I want to share with you some of my tips, discoveries that I have made so far, and meal inspirations. I’d love to hear what your opinion is, how you keep your diet clean and healthy, if you do so! :)

So first of all when it comes to healthy eating an important thing is your attitude. Resigning from the food we are used to eating, but is not healthy, is extremely hard. The best thing is to change it with small steps – if you eat  …… (could be fast food, sweets, chips etc) 4x a week try to reduce it to 3x per week, like you’d do when fighting any other bad habit.
If you want to quit sweets, it’s also great to find an alternative option to minimalize craving for sugar. For me “healthy” sweets did a job – of course they contain sugar, but it’s something totally different from regular sugary things you can find in shops. Once I have a nice sweet healthy snack (sweetened with dates, honey, or anything else but white sugar) I don’t even think about buying a chocolate bar in a shop. It's also great to reduce sugar cravings by eating more fruits :) And once I mentioned fruits I have to do so with vegetables – eating vegs is a key to healthy eating and the best is to have at least 70g of them with every meal.


It leads to the second point – preparing meals. I really recommend spending additional 1-2 hours preparing meals when you know that you won’t have time to eat right during a day. Sometimes it is hard to find time for it and you end up eating at McDonald or other fast-food restaurants.
My personal favourite meals are green smoothies that combine delicious fruits, vegetables (spinach, kale, broccoli, carrot, parsley or anything you actually want), healthy fats (I love adding flax-seed, coconut oil, avocado or chia seeds), some so called superfood (could be whatever you like: wheat grass, goji berries, spirulina) and water (could be also coconut water or plant milk) mixed together. It is a fast and great way to make a satiating and healthy meal that helps control your craving for sweets!
One of my favourite recipes you can find below:


My recent great inspiration that I would love to recommend is Paleo diet. I don’t really agree with all aspects of it – the main postulate is to eat like a caveman. The paleo diet says that we need to quit all artificial ingredients, hydrogenated oil, junk food, processed food, sugar (and I totally agree with these) but also we should avoid grains and pseudograins (starting with bread and ending up with rice and so), dairy, legumes (beans and stuff) what makes me rather confused because I can’t see anything bad in it.
But even though they don’t use this products, they offer very tasty and original meal ideas – especially when it comes to sweets :) Each single paleo recipe I have tried hasn’t disappointed me and I think it’s a great source of inspiration.

Sneak peak – to make healthy, vegan, gluten free, paleo Nutella you’ll need:

• 1 cup cacao powder
• 1/3 cup maple syrup
• ¼ tbsp salt
• ½ cup coconut oil
• 2/3 cup hazelnuts.

Just mix it together and it’s done!

How about you? Do you have some tips and tricks to eat healthier? What are your favourite healthy recipes? Have you ever tried the Paleo diet? Can you recommend any recipe?


Unknown said…
I've never really followed any specific type of diet or paid much attention to what I eat. I was a really, really fussy child and to this day there are a lot things I don't like to eat. So I think it could become problematic if I would restrict the things I eat. When I moved out I started to eat way less meat, but for the most part I predominantly eat what I want in moderation. I've always been pretty thin so I've never really felt the need to change my diet. My mother and sister have always been vegetarians and my family always allowed everybody to eat only the things they wanted (obviously with some common sense). I tried to eat "healthier" a couple of times but I love going to various restaurants and I didn't really like restricting specific types of foods. I somehow naturally stay under the daily calorie limit and intuitively eat only when I'm hungry and simply stop when I'm full. Thereby I think moderation is the key. Furthermore I didn't really eat at fast food restaurants as a child. I started to eat more fast food in high school and I only have a couple of things which I really crave, like pasta or nachos ;) I've never liked cheeseburgers (especially from McDonalds) and even though I like chocolate I...don't like Nutella at all ;)

I wonder about this paleo diet. If the idea is to eat like a caveman, shouldn't it include raw meat? But I can't imagine it does because some types of raw meat can contain various bacteria and diseases. I think the whole idea to stop eating processed foods with loads of sugar is fine, but I personally couldn't stop eating bread or pasta ;)

Probably most people know that book but I really like recipes from Jadłonomia

Sorry for the long post but I would also like to share something with people who are picky eaters. Last year I learned about the fact that people have different amounts of taste buds and thereby flavors seem stronger or weaker to them. Most children have a lot of taste buds and therefore a lot of things seem bitter to them, as we grow older the number of taste buds decreases and we enjoy more things. However some people still have a higher than average number of taste buds and are "supertasters". Supertasters tend to be thin and non-tasters tend to be heavier. Possibly because of the intensity of flavours, supertasters tend to eat less food and tend to find highly fatty and sugary foods less palatable. Non-tasters, on the other hand, may eat more while searching for a fuller flavour. There are a lot of articles about that but here is the short version . And it's really simple to check if you are a supertaster with a piece of paper and food coloring or ink.
Unknown said…
I'm crazy to the point of healthy foodI'm crazy to the point of healthy food. Now I'm vegetarian but I really like vegan restaurants and food. In Warsaw we have a lot great restaurants. You might have heard about the happy cow app and website:
You can find here a vegetarian and vegan restaurants and health food stores that are in the city where you are. The database is constantly increased. I think the best vegan restaurants in Warsaw are Vege Miasto and Lokal Vegan Bistro. I recommend you try even if you are not vege. I used to not pay much attention to what I eat but now I know that it really has a huge impact on health for example on thyroid. Now many women have thyroid problems
unfortunately I count to this group. In this case, a good diet is really important to the health. I think it's better to take care of yourself before you will be ill :) I don't believe in any fancy diet, only healthy and balanced diet is good way.
Marcin Konarski said…
The last video about the sugar really opened my eyes and since I watched it I am really watching out what I am eating. Is 1/3 cup of maple syrup so healthy? I have some doubts. I heard about Paleo diet but as I understand the basic rule is to eat what was eaten by people years ago, but were they so healthy to be the greatest example for us to follow? I really recommend to try Phenotypic diet. This is done by making blood test at dietitian office where based on your blood cells and some examples of food they will tell you what is good for you. I am not only talking about weight loss but what is the most important for me - well-being, no migraines, lack of fatigue, a lot of energy for whole day.
Unknown said…
Yeah, that's true that maple sugar isn't just all good. I would say it's a “less bad” version of sugar (like honey). The only thing is that if you are going to eat sweet things no matter what, it is better to eat maple sugar than white sugar. Why? Because it contains more vitamins and minerals than sugar does, and it contains 1/3 less sucrose than sugar has, so you cut the total sugar content by a third :D

It also has a little lower glycemic index, so insulin burst is not that dramatic :D
I would say it is better alternative for sugar that can help cutting off sugar in a future for good :)
More information about it you can find here:

I think that 1/3 cup is not that much, imagine you have a whole jar of healthy-nutella, you won't eat it one at once, you will spread a little on your bread/pancakes/whatever else, so in fact you can eat the whole jar in a month ;)
I have heard about Phenotypic diet, but have never tried it. Have you? What's your experience?
Unknown said…
I am not vegan nor vegetarian (but I used to be long time ago!), but some vege restaurants are just awesome :D For example I prefer to eat a vege-burger than normal one :D It's just more tasty to me :) I have never visited Vege Miasto but I will definitely try :) Which meal do you recommend?
I also don't believe in any diets, I just treat it as inspiration and I rather care about what's healthy :) BTW. is meat bad for thyroid? Is it connected to animal's fodder?
Unknown said…
I think that caveman grilled meat on the bonfires :D Not quite sure if they ate any raw :> I have similar problem to you, cutting bread or pasta (and diary ;3 ) is just too hard for me, too painful :D
I really like Jadłonomia when it comes to vegan recipes, great source of inspiration :)

According to your eating habits it shows how much it comes from a childhood! I guess it is just super hard to raise a child with a wisdom of eating healthy, especially when we are surrounded with colourfully packaged sweets, and fast foods with nice toys for free that comes in a bundle...
Thank you for sharing and don't apologise for long comment! :D I didn't know that thing about taste buds :D sounds very reasonable, wish I were a supertaster 😂 will check it, thanks!
Michał Pycek said…
Personally I prefer to eat all kind of food as long as it is not junk food. What I mean is that I don't really follow any restrictions regarding any specific diet, however I eat different kinds of meat, vegetables and fruits in order to variate my daily menu. On the other hand my healthy tip would be to move and excercise. There is nothing better than taking care of your body by working out :>
Unknown said…
Diet is one of my favorite topics besides sport and design. I heared about pleo diet. A lot od people who training crossfit use this diet. I like that this diet is based on eating the least processed food. Moreover I love healthy food. I try to avoid unhealthy fats and sugar. My diet bases on vegetables, lean meat, fish, seafood, fruits, and protein products that contain complex carbohydrates. I try not to fry products and avoid the extra fat. I really like the website: www.foodpornveganstyle.blogspot. There are very cool, mostly healthy recipes.
Few months ago I started to take care of my diet. I have to admit that before I used to be junk food eater, and I could not imagine meal without meat. After about a year of trying to "get clean" I would recommend 3 tips for people wanting to eat clean:
1. Buy a blender (smoothies rules!)
2. Go vege for a month or so - nothing makes you as creative in kitchen and diversifies your diet like not having time and forbiding yourself from meat and fast food, if you are busy person blender is a must have!
3. Exercise - it boosts your mood and rewards your clean diet with visible results.
I have heard about paleo diet, but never tried it. You got me with paleo nutella, I will surely try to make it. :)
I've never tried any diet, but I'm trying to eat healthy and one thing I can say - it's really hard, so big respect for you for sticking to it :P For me the biggest problem is to make a quick meal when I have no time for lunch or dinner. The easiest way is to go to the fastfood or order a pizza, but of course it is the worst way :P I often don't have any idea of what can I cook for myself. Maybe you could give me some recipies for healthy and delicious meal? :)
I just try to motivate to eat healthy. I think people do not feed well because they do not have time to cook. Just like me. There was a time when I been using a diabetic diet. It took a few months but really I have good memories. This forced me to take the time and do in my home kitchen revolution;) Diabetic Diet is rigorous. You can not eat for example all the fruits. Now I have to find my own way of eating (new lifestyle). Thank you for motivation. This text is another incentive to find a time for cooking in my life.
Unknown said…
I try to eat healthy but my intense and busy lifestyle (work, univeristy) often doesen't allow me for it beacause of lack of time. Often much easier is eating in restaurants like fast food. I'm also a big fan of sweets therefore it's another temptation in my nutrition. Of course I try to limit the suger and change it into fruit but sometimes it's hard :) We sohuld remember that fruit should be consumed only to noon or early afternoon because then our metabolism slows down and doesen't digest sugars. I'm going to purchase a juicer and I would like to make a delicious coctails to my work. Healthy eating is very right but consumes a lot of time. However I believe that it's worthwihile for our well-being and health. To your article I'll add classics instruction such things as 'less but more often' is better and eating protein - especially for people who are very active. We also should remember that carbohydrates are necessary to increase our energy during the day.
Unknown said…
How about you? Do you have some tips and tricks to eat healthier? What are your favourite healthy recipes? Have you ever tried the Paleo diet? Can you recommend any recipe?

I used to be on a Montignac diet ( and i've lost a lot of weight (around 10kg in few months and was able to keep it up without that whole jojo effect) and felt good, but that was a while ago :P I've heard about paleo a lot, and i think i will try it soon. Reddit is a great source on recipies ( I didnt go on a paleo diet yet so I dont have any good recipes to recommend.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I've never been on a strict diet nor I plan to. I also don't really follow recipies to say sth smart about it. I don't eat particularly unhealthy and I try to work out, so my only tip to eat healthier is to limit the quantity of junk food and eat more fruits.

Though I have to say paleo diet seems interesting. "The main postulate is to eat like a caveman" - I'm off to club a bear and chew on it :D
Unknown said…
I am vegetarian most of the time, i pay attention what i eat. It's really important to eat and live healthy, not only good diet but also sports and physical activity.
Online you can find a lot of blogs and recipes for vegetarian or vegan tasty food, you can prepare someting by yourself at home and you have control of the products that you use...
Unknown said…
In my opinion it's essential to combine both :) Eating healthy and workout are equally important to stay healthy. And for both you have to find some additional time in life 😂 Because it's kinda time-consuming either to exercise or prepare healthy meals :)
Unknown said…
Yeah, it's true that crossfitters love paleo 😂 I remember you told me about this website, it's great! So inspiring :) Thanks for sharing <3
Unknown said…
Thanks for great tips! :D I agree with most of them - I LOVE blender, I use it so often, it's just irreplaceable :) And exercises are a must :)
I am not quite sure if vege diet is that much healthy. I agree that meat is full of antibiotics and other bad stuff that is not healthy at all, but it's also a great source of protein. Same with eggs :> What is your opinion about it?

And let me know how was paleo nutella! :)
Unknown said…
Yeah that's a problem to do something healthy when you don't have much time. I recommend these green smoothies, but it's better for first half of a day :) For lunch and dinner I like to have some earlier prepared stuff - like grilled chicken that I add to a salad, or I eat some cottage cheese with yoghurt and vegetables for a dinner. When it comes to lunch - yeah it's time consuming. But I have few easy-to-prepare recipes that are my last resort :)
Unknown said…
I totally agree that it might be one from the most common reasons for eating badly - lack of time. My tip is to make a more food that you need for one lunch - like for 2 days + one additional portion I put in freezer, so once I don't have time for cooking I just take stuff from freezer :D
It's also good to find a recipe that doesn't take much time to prepare - like soups :D You just put stuff to a pan and you forget about it for an hour :D And after it you have a lot of food for next few days :)
It is also good to plan meals (but it's really hard to do :( ) and know what more or less you're gonna eat during a week.
I have never try diabetic diet but I guess it is connected to glycemic index. I think it really is good to eat meals that have low glycemic index, most of diets base on this :) But it can be really hard actually to stick to it 😅
I really hope you will find motivation and it would help you change your eating habits :)
Unknown said…
Blender is enough to make a juiceto work :) And it's even somehow better because you don't throw out fibre that gives a feeling of fullness :)
And yes, less but more often! But I stick to it for such a long time that sometimes I even want to eat too often so I have opposite problem 😂 But I totally agree :) Once per 3-4 hours :) Not more often than this haha :D
Unknown said…
Oh, I didn't know that you can find recipes on reddit, thanks for sharing :)
Unknown said…
Could you tell me how do you deal with proteins? Is it hard for you to eat enough of them? What are your main sources of proteins? Can you share the favourite vege recipe of yours? :D
Unknown said…
I've never really done any diet or counted calories, because I've always thought it'd be a pity to live our lives eating things that we don't like, when it's such a vital part of our existence. However, I did cut out any junk food and soda from my diet a long time ago, because I discovered much tastier food.
There are so many websites and blogs that post about good food that the notion of 'healthy food = tasteless/rabbit food' is no longer valid. You can find tons of easy recipes. Also, Poland and the rest of the world finally started paying more attention to healthy eating and many great restaurants and cafes have appeared in the recent years, which is a fantastic alternative to the ubiquitous fast food chains.

Like Marcin, I was pretty impressed by the documentary about sugar we had to watch and started paying more attention to the processed food I eat. Unfortunately, it'll be very hard for me to reduce meat in my meals cause I feel unwell if I don't eat it regularly, but I suppose you can find a way around that too. I think it's high time to take a good look at all the smoothies everyone posts pictures of ;)
Unknown said…
I think it is not necessary to reduce amount of meat! I think there isn't anything bad in it, especially when you eat some eco or free-range meat. I love smoothies :) You should try it! :) And yes, healthy food can be also very tasty :)
Moode said…
Healthy food form me it's just a dream :),I can't keep it up for longer than 3 days.

I think this happen because lack of time or (laziness), that i have to prepare every thing by myself and i need to eat right a way, so the easiest way to get some fast food, there is no healthy fast food as every one know already.
Green smoothie cocktails looks great, maybe if I will have sometime I try to make it my Self :D
Pat said…
I see it's a popular topic on that blog ^_^

As I've probably written last semester or so, I'm a fan of balanced diet. By 'balanced' I mean a balance between what's healthy and what's tasty. Unfortunately, I love unhealthy food - fried food, Italian cuisine, lots of white bread etc. - and I wouldn't like to completely give up on it, because it would take all the pleasure from eating away. However, I don't want to become an obese, unhealthy person.

Therefore, I'm trying to reduce the amount of the unhealthy food to the extend that doesn't bother me. For example, I used to sweeten my tea with 2 teaspoons of sugar - I gradually reduced that amount and now I don't sweeten it at all. I try to eat fruit and nuts instead of chocolate bars. I've switched from cereals like Cheerios or Chocapic to muesli. Small changes, but for the better :)
OlaScislewska said…
Not so long time ago i knew nothing about the healthy food, but now i can tell You quite a lot and even recommend something special. The special one in my opinion is Moringa. Moringa, sometimes described as the "miracle tree," has small, rounded leaves that are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium. You buy it usually as powder to mix it with water or any other shake and feel healthy like never before.
Thanks for your article, it is very interesting and inspiring! I totally agree that it is so much better and healthier to spend some time and prepare your meals to go than eat some junk food just because you didn't pack anything. And it can be really simple - fresh and unprocessed fruits and vegetables are the healthiest, so why not make a quick salad, smoothie or just take an apple or a banana?
I have tried something similar to paleo diet. My boyfriend got a special diet from his gym trainer and, as I am responsible for cooking, I didn't want to make separate meals for each of us, so I reduced the portions for my needs and ate paleo with him for two months. The results are: I lost 0,5 kg, temporarily lost my passion for cooking and I cannot eat meat anymore.
In my opinion a healthy diet is a well balanced one. I have recently read an article about a new food pyramid which contains daily physical excercise as its base. I agree with it and I try to include some excercises maybe not everyday, but as often as possible.
I have a medical condition that requires excluding white flour and simple sugars. I try to eat food with the lowest glycemic index - you can find a list here. I think this is the best type of diet.
Speaking of healthy sweets - I recommend a facebook group Bezbolesne usuwanie cukru z diety, people add recipes for cakes, desserts etc. nade without sugar or flour, using fruit, sugar substitutes and groats. You wouldn't believe how many tasty things you can make out of millet groats! I recently found a blog Rawberry Fields which has a lot of cool recipies for raw sweets. And the photos are pretty too!
For everyday cooking I try to include a lot of vegan meals and I use Jadlonomia, Weganon, Erwegan, Wegannerd and Kwestia Smaku.
I also recommend an article that appeared on Kukbuk website today or yesterday - it is an interview with some of food bloggers about how to remain slim and fit and how not to give delicious food a miss.
Unknown said…
Well, I somehow can't relate to this topic as I when started living on my own I found out that buying raw products, often from daily markets, is easy way to save money. At this point I basically don't buy processed food, with few exceptions. It turns out that I killed two birds with one stone. As much I do not really care if my food is healthy or not, when it's just vegetables and raw meat homemade into delicious meals it's good for me.
You can find EVERYTHING on reddit!
Unknown said…
I'm not an expert when it comes to healthy eating and usually I don't instruct anyone in this topic. Some time ago I began to pay more attention to what I eat. It started when I decided to give up eating meat (it was two years ago, more or less). But still sometimes I eat fish and seafood. Perhaps, in the future, I will give up on this too, but I’m not in a hurry with changes. I try to do everything at my own pace. Giving up on eating meat wasn't hard for me, because I never liked the taste of meat. When I was a child I tried to be a vegetarian but my parents didn't understand it. When I started looking for replacements for meals like 'chicken breast, potatoes and salad' I began to try diffrent recipes and gradually gained knowledge about cooking. My biggest problem is the lack of time and organization so I still don't know how to well plan my meals. Sometimes I have a busy week when I eat a lot of low quality products like sweet rolls, sandwiches, pancakes, dumplings or candy bars. Of course I'm proud of myself when I prepared healthy dinner with a lot of vegetables. I also try to drink green smoothies, but I don’t always find them tasty. I don't like the taste of kale and parsley, so I mostly make smoothies with spinach. Recently I got a juicer at home. I prepare fresh juices from carrots and other various ingredients. But parsley and beet juices are still ahead of me. I was always very slim so I never had to worry about eating greasy food. I still love pizza and pasta (even now I'm waiting for my pizza pie to grow and make myself a homemade pizza for the night). But if I eat a bag of chips or a lot of sweets I feel really bad. I want to do more cookig, eat more vegetables and be more systematic and organized. And I want to know how to quickly prepare healthy food.
Unknown said…
I don't quite agree, because for me healthy = tasty :D Of course there are also unhealthy meals that are tasty as well, but it isn't that much change ;D
According to you swapping from cheerios to muesli - I don't really think there is any better in muesli :D Do you feel full for longer? Actually the amount of sugar in both is quite the same an in my opinion cheerios are just more tasty, so if I were you I would stick to cheerios xD
Unknown said…
I have never heard before about this particular superfood! I must check it out :) Is it tasty? :>
Unknown said…
Oh my, your experience with paleo sounds like a pain.. That's why I treat it more like an inspiration :D I don't know if I could follow this diet for such a long time... And I agree - healthy diet is balanced diet.
Thanks a lot for many interesting links :) I think I felt in love with rawberry fields ;3 Thanks for sharing! :))
Unknown said…
Wow, sounds like a great solution :D
Unknown said…
I think that eating healthy is not only for getting slim or only lose weight. For me the main reason why I do it is to stay healthy, and maybe on the 2nd place - not to GAIN weight :D And sometimes I also feel really bad when I eat some "forbidden food" but on the other hand I totally feel like cheating meals or days are something we need to make in our resolve even longer :) That's why it isn't anything bad, unless you make it everyday :D
My beloved tip is to make more food for longer time :) So when you count a time for every meal it is lower :D
Unknown said…
yeah its #1 rule of reddit :D
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