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Week 8 (30.11 - 06.12) BLACK FRIDAY

BLACK FRIDAY – a shopping marathon

Have you ever heard about a day when people at midnight, all over the United States, gather in lines waiting for shopping malls to open and start bargain hunting? No? Maybe one more hint: in this special period of time (actually it lasts nearly 4 days!) almost all retailers come out with the so-called ‘door buster sales’ offering discounts reaching even 90%. Still nothing? So let me introduce you to BLACK FRIDAY, the day when Christmas shopping season starts. This year it’s going to be November 27th.

There are several different theories where the name comes from but most of them refer to the highest profits gained by the stores during these few days. The Black Friday starts the day after the Thanksgiving and in some of the states is observed as a holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday, the weekend that follows it, and Black Friday are a four-day shopping raid. It is estimated that an average customer spends nearly 400$, which results in roughly 50$ billion across the nation.

The biggest enthusiasts, hoping for the best occasions, camp outside shops for days to secure a better place in the line to get desired items. When shops are finally opened the race begins. A common store policy is to give best discounts during the first half an hour or only for a certain number of customers. Crowds on limited space rushing to get fancy presents often are the cause of accidents and conflicts. According to a peculiar web page, there have already been reported 7 deaths and 98 injuries throughout the United States since 2006, among them: a man was trampled to death and  a supermarket employee was  stabbed.

Although the Polish shopping tradition isn’t so “developed” and does not assign any particular day for mass buying, there are certain signs showing that we are actually following the American path. No doubts you have heard about Lidl’s occasional discounts, if by any chance you haven’t, check out this link:

I wish it was an exception but it’s not. Such things happen more and more often and I fear it finally may lead to a nationwide event such as Black Friday.

Personally I hate crowds and lines but paradoxically almost every year I take part in the Christmas shopping rush because of my laziness. It’s always too late for online shopping…

What do you think about the Black Friday shopping tradition? Have you ever fought for cheaper products or stood in a line longer than an hour just to get something cheaper? If there was an opportunity to get your dreamed item almost for free, would you take part in something like the Black Friday run?



Black Friday is quite new in Polish tradition. When I was kid I saw in tv news those crazy videos about people in USA. There was presented interview with people who spend 2 or 3 days in front of the shop waiting for black friday. It was shocking for me, how people can be so stupid to sleep in front of shop for few days just to save few hundreds dollars. The same ridiculous for me are sales in Lidl. How people wake up early and wait for opening hours in front of the shop just to buy something few zł less.

Of course it depends how much money do you have. If people are very poor they are ‘couponing’ or track all promotions in shop just to buy something 1 zł cheaper. But they do not take into account how much time thay waste on planning, travelling, how it the cost of travel to other shop etc. I hope I will never be so poor to do that.
Unknown said…
Poverty argument sounds reasonable but as you mentioned in further part,
to keep track of all this great offers you must devote lots of energy and time,and as we all know time is money, so I guess eventually we break even. Let alone the fact that Black Friday is mainly about buying fancy things whichthe poorest shouldn't chase anyway.
I also hate crowds, therefore I wouldn't take part in Black Friday shopping spree even it was popular in Poland. I prefer end-of-the-season sales in clothing shops, for example - they last longer, about a week or two, so there's enough time to buy something if you want it - but you don't have to queue a few days to get it.

However, I really like the discounts that are offered online on Black Friday (for example, on Steam platform) - great prices and no queues :)
Unknown said…
I also hate crowds and I don't get how people could behave in such "primal" ways.

A few years back I was on a premiere of Diablo III with a few friends and it got really crazy when they started selling the game. The crowd literally picked me up and people kept pushing for no apparent reason. Two meters back there was a lot of space and they just kept pushing as it could somehow speed up things. Standing in line is apparently sooo hard. I would never again attend such event and my friends ended up buying the game on the next day because we obviously left the crowd.

Anyway most people could afford a new TV or anything if they would just save a bit for a period of time. People tend to spend more than they would normally just because there is a discount and I don't get the mentality "it's cheaper so I have to buy it even though it's useless and I don't need it". In my opinion your time is more valuable and I can't imagine standing in line for days just to get something. It would have to be something truly extraordinary and one of a kind, I can't really imagine wanting something so bad.

Here are two "funny" polish videos. The first one shows people crowding and running up the moving stairs just to get... a free cheeseburger - which costs about 3 zlotys.
Burger Rush

The second one shows people in front of H&M. I don't really know what was going on there but there is a girl saying that she is pregnant (a great idea to come to such an "event" then) or someone who nearly faints because they were standing there for so long. There is no sound in parts of the video.

H&M video
Unknown said…
I found another one from this year's Black Friday. Here is a lady that steals a box (of whatever) from a little boy (why would people take their children to such an event is also baffling). After the fact she shouts "why are you being so aggressive, you are scaring me!" after she has just ripped the box out of the hands of a child.

Unknown said…
I heard about Diablo premiere, few of my friends went there and had very similar feelings to yours. I believe that in general people in big crowd very fast lose their minds, it's sick that we are capable of turning into nearly animals in such situations.
Unknown said…
I'm a very impatient person, I can not stand for hours in the queue. sometimes I can't find things on sales. everything is disordered, there are crowds. I don't like this.
Black Friday is undoubtedly a great chance to buy an expensive product sometimes for half price. It is cool.
Kit said…
God how horrifying.
Thankfully you can buy new games on the Internet. Or get some discounts on RTV there. Internet is the best source of everything, furniture, electronics, hobby-stuff ... friends and loved ones.
There is no need for a physical shops and queues anymore. Well ok, its best to buy food in normal shops. Buying food online is the boundary one shall never cross.
Bless the Internet.
Unknown said…
I never took part in the Black Friday, despite the fact that in Poland actually is popular same as in the USA. I hate stand in the crowds in the stores and situation where people rub against me, so I try to avoid it.

Lately, ratings records on youtube and was shown also in the media the short movie which present situation at the opening shopping center in Łódź where two elderly granparents ran for a free burger on escalators in the opposite direction (here is link:

On the one hand it's funny but also a little sad because in Poland there are many such situations. Why? It's worth over them stop and think about - where is their source? According to me a lot of this kind of situations is caused because of economic situation in Poland where people are poor and they can't afford the products in normal prices because price-earnings ratio is too big.
Unknown said…
It's great when you could buy something cheaper but in this case this is madness. Such crowds and jostling while shopping isn't for me. It's sick when you can become hurt while shopping. In Poland, it looks a little better than in the USA, but still I don't understand how people can stand in gueue for several hours, a bit like the PRL. While Black Friday is also a lot of markdowns in online stores and if I'm in that it I will definitely attend this form of shopping.
Tomasz Wojda said…
Black Friday is quite new in Polish tradition - Cezary Góralski said. Is it just like halloween? You mean tradition for the last 15 years? ^^ Escalated quickly! But i like the idea of free shipping in internets stores during black friday in poland. For internet markets its just enought to preeced for a buy some things! I'am not so sure if it worth going on that kind of sells risking your life and health for a cheaper TV
Unknown said…
Black Friday events seem to unleash some atavistic instincts in humans. The video you posted that shows fight over Crocs is madness, people are acting like animals fighting over food. And the opening of Sukcesja? I was surprised to see two elderly people climbing escalators going the opposite direction just to get a free burger. They're falling near the end and people in the background are laughing. Pretty sad.

I like discounts, who doesn't? But I couldn't stay a few hours in a queue just to get something cheaper. It feels like a waste of time which I could spend on, let's say, earning the money I need to buy something. And I hate crowds, I feel very uncomfortable when there's too many people around me, rushing, pushing me and shouting. So in short, no, I wouldn't take part in Black Friday, at least not the real life one, in actual shop (I had a chance to enjoy Steam's discounts which Patrycja mentioned).
Unknown said…
I hate crowds as well and I can't imagine me taking part in such events like Black Friday "marathon"..or, I don't know, me ripping out last crocs from granny :D
Therefore, I would never take part in Black Friday run even if there was an opportunity to get my dreamed item almost for free. I think my health and my nerves are much more important for me than such dreamed item.
Unknown said…
I never took part in the Black Friday shopping. I hate waiting in queues and also sales in poland are not as interesing as they are in us.
In my opinion this is just another idea of shops how to increase sales and maximize profits.
I think that in a few years in Poland it will look like in other countries. We're heading to the place where people are crazy about promotons and are not considering if they need those products or not - they will buy them only because of great discount.
Unknown said…
Black Friday and following Cyber Monday... are just crazy manifestation of consumerism so well established in modern, highly developed countries. What TV do you have? Only 65 inches? You definitively should buy a new one, the bigger the better. Buy it on our sale. Forget about Thanksgiving traditions but remember about Black Friday and buy. Buy it now!

Yeah... nope.
Unknown said…
I have never participated in Black Friday. For me it is foolish occupying a place before entering to the store as soon as possible to be able to get overpriced item. Every thing after some time will be in the promotion so it's worth to little wait and search in the onnline shop for some offers. If you consecrate a little time to look for a product then it will always be a corresponding offer for you.
Unknown said…
What is Black Friday ? just kidding. This is kind of stupid for me. You can go to shop and buy anything you want any time you want, and then someone say : "Let's sell all staff that left just to have more space for new items". And that's how Black Friday was born. Good luck for all who want to fight with an old lady for a T-Shirt and old Nike with 38-years old man. I will go and buy some new other day in shop or just go online to find same offer as Black Friday in market and only pay extra for delivery
I hate crowded places and all the stories about Black Friday are the exact image of my idea of hell. All these people running like they have been drugged and scared, all the queues and all the victims being trampled to death… This is absolutely not my cup of tea and I’d rather buy something for a bit more money than expose myself to such trauma. The worst thing is that many of these people are wealthy enough to buy everything at the regular price and don’t have to be the part of it. I know of a rich lawyer that went to Lidl with a big Ikea bag to grab as many Crocs as possible to find the right size for all the people that asked him to get these elegant shoes.
Unknown said…
Occasionally we have our own "black friday" in Poland, for example when new shop is oppening :-) People act very simliar to those in US (a prove:
What do i think about the idea: driven economy, completely unnecessary for "normal" people.
Black friday phenomenal is taking root in all consumption driven society. For example in Poland “Lidl” is cheap low price company. This appeal for older generation who remember for long queues in the communism times. This mentality is still present but it’s becoming extremely provincial. Christmas in USA is a big consumption time period where special campaigns attract people to spend money and buy gifts and presents.
Unknown said…
I heard that in America people wait in great anticipation for sales and other events like Black Friday - sometimes they sit in front of the store a few days before sale starts. Unfortunately, we can see that Poland is slowly going in the same direction. I personally don't like sales, because I'm not a fan of crowds. Of course, I had a situation where I would go to the shop on a certain day, because I wanted to buy something with a discount. But it has to be something specific that I wanted to get earlier. Most people enjoy when they have the opportunity to buy something iscounted. It is dangerous that people during the sale buy things which they don't need or never planned to buy. They only do it because something is incredibly cheap on that day. I would be afraid if I had to push through the crowd of people to buy something even if it would be something that I wanted to have, but which I normaly couldn't afford. I don't want to behave in this way. I think it is terrible that people lose their dignity and manners just to get new gadgets.
Aleksander M said…

I usually make use of some of Black Friday deals, but only online on the Internet - I honestly cannot imagine participating in something that looks similar to those videos.

This is just dumb, I'd suppose most of those people are able to earn more cash in the time they waste fighting there than the amount they actually save due to those discounts.
In Poland Black Friday is not(yet) tradition like in USA. People just start to find out what is all about. Personally I have never gone to a shop for Black Friday's sales but I did some shopping in the Internet with those discounts. I think that is great opportunity to buy things in better price. Why should we pay more when we can spend less? So it is the great deal. But really it is just a trick to convice people to spend money. Probabluy you would have never bought something if it was not cheaper than usally. I honsetly think that somethimes Black Friday's shopping can get out of control and it is crazy how people can be agressive just to get what they want. And I do not think that I would ever take part in Black Friday's run just to "save" some money. It would be to much for me. When I need something I just buy it and I do not wait for sales like this.

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