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Week 1(05.10 - 11.10) Muslims in Europe

Currently Europe is facing many problems and one of the most important of them concerns ethnic Muslim minorities in Europe. As you may know, Muslims usually don't want to assimilate with the local society, they prefer to create separated from the society communities. The problem is not so big if there is only a few of them, but it is becoming bigger and bigger when those separated communities are growing.

Here you can check how many Muslim people were in Europe in 2010 according to BBC News. This article also includes the historical background of migration.

Here you can see figures of the Muslim population in Europe in 1990, 2010 and prediction in 2030 according to Time.

As you may figure out from the presented number of Muslims in certain countries the problem is growing at really fast pace and if we don't do something about it in future we will be living in the Arabic Union. The problem is much bigger, because in those countries where the Muslim population is big the crime rate has increased, below you can see crime rate figures from Denmark.

As you can see most crimes are committed by people from Muslim countries like Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, Somalia, Iran and Iraq. Below you can see diagrams about terrorist arrests in Europe.

At the diagram above you can also see that in countries where the Muslim population is around 4% there are terrorist attacks with dead and injured casualties. Below you can watch Mariusz Max Kolonko comment on terrorist attacks in London that happened two years ago.

Here is another movie about caliphate and terrorism.

Here is the movie from caliphate execution of an American journalist (don't watch if you have weak nerves).

By writing my article I don't want to offence anyone I just want to show figures and let you decide by yourself what to think about the whole situation.


Unknown said…
In my opinion, our country is not prepared to accept so many ethnic Muslim minorities because it is difficult and even almost impossible to distinguish between terrorists and Muslims who are looking for a new peaceful life without war.
Unknown said…
I don’t think there is much more to say. I tried to split my answer in two but it was easier to write one long one in the first article.

I would like to once again recommend checking out my links if someone haven’t seen them yet. A short animation about refugee problem:

And a polish article that pretty much shows what I think about the topic:

As I’ve said I red and watched a lot of stuff about this topic (shown from both sides) and somehow I’m still not afraid of the “Muslim phantom”. I don’t mind if people don’t assimilate as long as they obey the law of the country that they are in. I agree that there might be some dangers and that we are not the richest country but I think we are able to help. Once again check out my links ;)
Generally I'm against discrimination because of one's race or religion. But in my opinion Europe has to draw the line. We, as Europeans, need to say no to being islamized by force, because that's what all the special treatment of Muslims leads to (equal rights - yes, special treatment - no).

I don't understand why these people come to Europe and try to bring the same order that mistreated them. Why create those ghettos instead of assimilating? I'm all for respecting other's beliefs but I demand the same in return. And here's the rub... Apparently the Quran says “To you be your religion, to me be mine.” and yet most of Muslims do the exact opposite with their Jihad and so on. Say what you will about stereotypes and prejudice, but they have earned my distrust.

Of course Christians used to do pretty much the same with Holy Crusades, after all they didn't ask nicely to please convert to our religion, the crusades were quite bloody. But... it was centuries ago and we shouldn't let something like that repeat. Christians have learnt to live in a kind of peace with different religions while Muslims still act like savages. Probably some exceptions could be found, but I doubt it's a common thing to find a non-muslim thinking "Hey! If I bomb this place, I'll grant myself a cool place in heaven, yay!". Of course that goes for the radicals, but let's face it - they turn their children radical, who will turn their children radical and so on and on and on.

This is a delicate subject, morally somewhere in the shades of grey so let's make one thing clear - I'm not telling anyone to stop worshiping their god, I just want them not to tell me how to live my life and not take anyone's life in the name of religion. Just like that holy book says.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I have already seen before the first video you mention and I really liked it, it was very 'neutral' - was showing very impartial opinion, was highly informative. And animation was good as well! :D
Unknown said…
I really don't like this political topics. To be honest I don't have any particular opinion and I am rather tired of hearing about this all the time...
I have the same opinion, we are definitely not prepared to accept so many Muslim. In this amazingly huge amount of them, there is around 80-90% of young man, and only the rest are woman and children. I can’t believe that anyone believe that such young people are running away as the most miserable, weak and poor people. That definitely should stay and fight for their county.
Unknown said…
Of course it's your opinion but I think it's unwise. Political issues apply to every citizen of the country and the muslim topics is one of the most discussed topics in Europe and beyond. Muslims have their own culture, which unfortunately can not exist alongside other (what was written in the article). Being neutral and circumvent the problem could cause that will soon be too late to do anything, and in fact we belong to a union of Arab.
I know that we can help, but we are not obligated to it, we do not have any agreements. We have enough internal problems within europe. Why countries outside europe are not offering help. Why we are helping them avoid solving the problem? We should help them by giving the chance to defend their country, and not to surrender and escape without fight. If other countries will see how we the EU help, this will not end up and not stop at Syria. There will be more and more attacked countries.
I strongly agree with your opinion. I am not discriminating anyone, but I don’t want to be islamised. Those who come here are dangerous and are potential self-proclaimed (or even perhaps not) suiciders in the name of their god.

What happens now - I mean creating ghettos only deteriorates situations. People will begin to rebel, and as we see the police can not cope even with the maintenance of the border, how we can believe that they are able to take care of riots.
As I know from my family that lives in USA, any minorities are doing everything to not do anything. I know how it looks at the example of gypsies. They have a lot of children, because they took amazingly high amount of money for that. Woman is sent by the father of children to help centres, where they have to declare that they are abandoned. In this case the help centre gives them a lot of materials, food and money.

The social care offered by Germany and how they welcomed everyone with open arms, only increased their self-confidence. This is the proof for them that they can gain a lot from that hospitality. We can’t cope with our own problems, we don’t have money for us, but knowing the politics, everything will be taken from us and given to them.
Their culture and their religion is strong argument for keeping them away from us. Even during short visit in any arabic country you feel like you don’t belong there. Because you don’t actually belong there, and you will never feel good with this. Previously we were horrified vision of multiculturalism in the case of black skinned people.

Every year there will be more and more arriving immigrants. Recently we are seeing also this on our university, where there is a lot of Ukrainians. A lot of people is also not too happy about that. However poles also migrate to other countries and other nations treat them with more respect than own fellow citizens.
Unknown said…
I understand you perfectly also I don't like political topics, but it's true that's important case, beacuse it often has a direct impact on our lives.
Unknown said…
The first video is really terrible :/ It's strange that the media justifies murderers. Maybe they doesn't want to show the scale of the problem. I know that not every Muslim should be a terrorist, but I think their culture it's too from ours and in my opinion promotes and allows for aggression.
Btw. I think that Mariusz Max Kolonko is a great journalist! It is a big shame that the news on TV aren't run in this way. Apparently here is too little censorship ;)
I'm not sure the infographic you posted supports your point of view.

The second (red/orange) diagram shows that vast majority of terrorist attacks were not religiously motivated (light red).

The map below shows that people believe Muslims make up a big part of their country's society, meanwhile it never exceeds 8%.

I agree that Islam is a violent religion, but, to be honest, sometimes Christians are not better. Recently I was really terrified by this video - not only did a priest rape a young girl, but the crowd of Christians protected him, saying she was guilty!

I agree that acts of terrorism concern Islam much, much more frequently than other religions; however, not EVERY Muslim is a violent terrorist. Just like in every field, extremists are always the most 'visible' ones.
Unknown said…
You know what, I must have some opinion, but I don't want to share. I'm just fed up with all that stuff and I would rather forget about it than starting another uncomfortable discussion...
I am glad you like Mariusz Max Kolonko, because he is one of my favourite journalists. In my opinion he gives more information than personal opinions. Obviously in public television we will not see any news like this.

We should not take for granted that they are terrorists. but we should definitely consider such possibility, and it seems like no one does so.
Of course Christianity is not perfect religion, but as we know it is not doctrine of religion to do things like rape, but the problem is in particular person. I feel like Muslims are obligated to spread their religion using force, and kill those who don’t want to be muslims or say anything bad about their god.

I can’t imagine that pope or priest or anyone else who is Christian would ever say that we should kill someone who said anything bad about Jesus. The same with spreading religion, we are not encouraged to force anyone to become christian.
Unknown said…
It is a very difficult topic, but I think it's good to talk about it. Every religion is different and should be respect. Many traditions in religion for us are very dangerous. That is why we cannot be indifferent to what happens in that countries. Freedom of religion or belief is a universal human right that must be protected everywhere.
Unknown said…
The problem with Muslims are artificial in numerous directions. I already heard numerous debates concerning the Muslims in Europe, one of my friends even tried to prove it with some lame video called 'Europe 2029'. Let's be honest problem is not that big as mass media depicts it, statistically Muslims are minority in the European states, all those arguments concerning terrorist attacks and other stuff.., well, just remember Spanish nationalists problems or Northern Ireland - definitely not Muslims, but still love to make some big boom sometimes. Terrorism is a different brunch and in vast majority it has nothing to do with religion (a lot of non-Muslims committed terrorist acts just because of their personal reasons, but no one was shouting about threat to the whole EU). People are bringing some statistical information about muslims in state, but they don't think about the fact that people are not the same and a lot of Muslims does not support actions of their more radical and imbecilic mates. Next, lets for a second step away from muslims and think about how many crazy people around us, how many criminals and murderers around. Just single rate of some crazy violence without any motivation is too damn high. Oh, and for the sake of God, lets stop thinking in terms of one-sided game, every action causes counteraction and this situation will be the same.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your post, my feelings are very similar to yours. I don't want to discriminate anyone, but I've heard and seen enough bad things about Muslims to be wary.
Unknown said…
I think that problem not in race or religions. Problem is assimilation. Their culture is different and they cant assimilate self to our style of life, to our morale and our culture. Because of this they feel self disgusting and try change something. From our perspective it looks like brutal force atack on our morale values. Question is why do we need change something in our home? Its contradiction of views, contradiction of law and morale, contradiction of human rights and freedoms on the one side and culture unique on other. Its about emigrants and their rights. Also it looks very strange when someone come to your home and start changing things or rules, isnt it? But i dont think that terrosim is growing because of this. If we analyze more precisely all acts of terrorism, will we see footprint of our goverment? Who knows
Unknown said…
Several years ago I would say that there is no problem with muslims because islam is a religion of peace. My opinion was entirely driven by TV news that I used to watch. But when I started reading non mainstream news, watching videos from sharia zones in Europe and finally reading koran I realized that media serve us a bunch portion of propaganda. Islam is really a religion of war and discrimination. What is more there is no room for interpretation as it is in a Bible. I’m totally against keeping muslims in Europe. They don’t assimilate with our culture, don’t accept our law and try to force sharia law and their barbarian practices. If politicians and media keep their politically correct behaviour we’ll have civil war on our land sooner than we would expect.
Unknown said…
Yep that's right I'm not interested in politics either... We spoke a lot about muslims and generally whole middle easy "problem" through 2 sem before with Mr. Klaudiusz on our english classes and i'm a little bit tired about that topic... :P
Unknown said…
Yes that exactly the point! They are like guests here, you are not coming to someone's house and for example move someone's things because you don't like the set up :P So there is a problem they don't accept any other law or lifestyle. The only right approach is their own and they are forcing it to people around even when they are not on their own territory. Definitely government should do something with that problem... :/
Unknown said…
Yes thats true so they should accept them! Why government can't see that??,wlasciciel-amrit-kebab-widze-te-twarze-i-wstyd-mi-narobia-balaganu

Here is an interview with founder of Amrit kebab about imigrants coming to Europe. He is a Syrian and he says that he can distinguish who really is coming here to get help and who isn't. He knows accents and he knows who is from which country. Many people from Maroco are coming here because they want to "live at Angela Merkel's cost" not because they had to live their house because of the war... And problem is that customs officer at the border, like you said, can't distinguish who those people really are.
Unknown said…
You say that "as we know, Muslims usually don't want to assimilate with the local society". Where this comes from? Do you actually know any Muslims? I bet that last time when you ate kebab you were served by Muslim who spoken Polish, maybe he wasn't perfect at it but you communicated without a problem. In addition to that he was a local entrepreneur. He runs this kebab place and hires other migrants and local community. You will say that kebab places are run by Turkish people but in fact most of them are run by Syrian immigrants. I think they assimilated quite well.

Also I'd like to say that the first image you put in this article, image of man with rifle digging out of Europe is just offending. It may be fun for you to share something like that with friends but you should never post such things in places which by definition should be apolitical and tolerant to other people, culture and religion. Classroom is exactly such a place.

Rest of your article is so stereotypical and full of things taken out of context just to shock others I will not comment it. We just don't have any common ground to start a productive discussion.
Unknown said…
I don't want to discuss about this topic. Generally I don't have good attitudes to Muslims in Europe
Unknown said…
I completely agree that muslim immigration is currently one of the biggest problems in Europe and it probably will not change over the next decade until european leaders do something about that. Nowadays we hear a lot about immigrants running away from war in Syria but is it the real reason of the migration? It's a good place to stop and look at the Islam statistic in Europe. Most of Muslims chooses rich European countries with friendly social policies like Germany and Sweden. Probably most of them are not running away from war but looking for a better level of life and social benefits in Europe. Maybe in order to stop muslim migration, European countries should change they social policies rather then building barbed wire fence at borders.
Unknown said…
Sory for posting that late in Sunday but your article moved me soo much that i had no other option. I really like in your article that you gave me a lot of extra materials, especially Mariusz Max Kolonko one. He is for me a political guru. And as we all know not only political. He knows a bit of history and a lot of present days. If his predictions are right, we have to start making children or it will be over for Europe. You also write about terrorism. I think that suiciders aren't trying to change world or become a "nation push". For me they are just like normal gangs in USA or Mafia in Poland but they use more frightening methods. Now we have to focus on Muslims who are migrating from Syria to Middle and East Europe.
Julia Osiak said…
I'm a yet another person who is tired of this subject. I think that UE should take some action to ensure the safety of its citizens, but also we should show support and help those immigrants who really are escaping the war and saving their loved ones.
I don't like political topics, because I don't have much to say about them. Also, I am very confused by all the opinions brought to us by media - some say Muslims assimilate well and live their lives not bothering us and that we have more problems coming from Europeans, some say that they tend to be agressive, want to take control over the world and for example the majority of crimes in Denmark is commited by Muslims. I don't like compartmentalising people, so it is against my moral compass to say that Christians are OK and Muslims are terrorists and bad people. However I think that (as much as I value cultural diversity) Europeans should try and help Muslim immigrants to assimilate and in return they should respect our culture.
Unknown said…
Statistic are frightening. I’m scared. Statistics show that Muslim is nothing good. We- people other faith, than Muslim make smaller bad thing than Muslim people. I have one question from where is their effectiveness? We can talk about Muslim scourge, there are more and more. How is it possible when they are on the whole bad people, who are murder and terrorize others. Terrorists attack and we? Film with Mariusz Max Kolonko show one more time how media manipulate us. I haven't got more to talk in this topic.
Unknown said…
I think that the topic of Muslims is quite difficult, because each person is different and we should not treat anyone vaguely. One thing is certain - coming to a foreign country, we must respect its diversity, and this is probably the biggest problem for Muslims. It is not difficult to see that Europe is becoming more and more tolerant, so it is also a place for Muslims who accept our habits, and they will not want to change them.
Łukasz said…
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Łukasz Korol said…
This is a difficult topic, because each media present different information about immigration of Muslims. I can't create own independent opinion. The above article presents only bad effect of immigration. Currently it's created fear among the society. We as poles musn't worry about Muslims because we have poor benefit. Despite the financial support from European Union we aren't so attractive country as Western countries. In my subjective opinion we should safely sleep, because we will not have a problem with immigrants.
Łukasz Korol said…
This is a difficult topic, because each media present different information about immigration of Muslims. I can't create own independent opinion. The above article presents only bad effect of immigration. Currently it's created fear among the society. We as poles musn't worry about Muslims because we have poor benefit. Despite the financial support from European Union we aren't so attractive country as Western countries. In my subjective opinion we should safely sleep, because we will not have a problem with immigrants.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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